Congratulations to a professional of your business. Universal congratulations in prose. Congratulations to Son in Prose

Professional holiday is a very important date for each person, because at work we spend an average of 8 hours a day. LOVE
Your friend, friend, girlfriend, relatives, colleagues or boss will certainly be nice to get congratulations in verses with a professional holiday.

Congratulations on the holiday of Spring!

And our site will help
You with the choice of congratulations and poems about the profession. This section contains large quantities of congratulations to almost any professional holiday.

And to
You were more convenient to look for them - all congratulations, all professional holidays, sorted by date of celebration. There will be congratulations on every taste: cool congratulations on a professional holiday, good congratulations for colleagues and serious congratulations for chiefs, congratulations in verses and congratulations in prose.

Calendar of professional holidays

About things in such dates need to forget.
For you champagne glass.
Yes, so that I did not sleep the success of your heat.
Right let you have great ideas,
And cherished dreams come true.
Good luck, creative career,
Special, illuminated stars, fate.
Let all threads lead to you!
Deparagus Your side will be offered!
Successes on the way and prospects are waiting.
Passes time in a rapid run,
Well, today we are colleagues!

Family comfort and heat

Attention, dignity, good!
We all want, without excluding
All sorts of hard to wish you:

Congratulations corporate

Corporate holidays congratulations on the professional holiday in prose
Dear Colleagues! Today, in our professional holiday I want to thank
You for everyday painstaking work. I am sure thanks to your efforts, our enterprise with his colossal potential, will be able to deserve himself in the very near future!
Happy holiday you, dear colleagues!
The best wishes you, your family and loved ones!
I wish you happiness, health and common success in the development of our favorite enterprise! Corporate congratulations to colleagues
Stand still does not give
Strive only to achieve
Let every day luck awaits
Accompanying you! Corporate holidays congratulations on
Day teacher
Profession we have a prestigious
She needs as air and water!
After all, without a favorite teacher,
Nobody will move forward forward!
And let our low salary, "not in the money" say, "say
But now the circulation is upgraded,
Teachers are working at school,
And many, and not one dozen years! And teach, mostly, because women
Which are not charming! Corporate Holidays, Congratulations
Dear colleagues with the best greetings on this holiday. I wish you creative success, high quality of your products, successful prosperity in the business world. Let, luck always accompanies you in all your affairs, and in your personal life, let there be many good events. Corporate holidays congratulations to communication
Dear Colleagues!
Connectors - real professionals devoted to their work forever!
We give people the joy of communication, connecting settlements and cities, different countries located on thousands and hundreds of thousands of kilometers!
Let his favorite work be successful!
Let always in your life will be faithful friends, kindness and good mood.
I sincerely wish you, your families, native and closest health, happiness and well-being
Successes and prosperity of our noble profession!
Happy holiday you, dear colleagues! Corporate holidays Congratulations with
Happy Militia
Dear Colleagues!
Today with great pleasure I congratulate you with our professional holiday - the police day. Everyone knows the words from the song "Our service and is dangerous and difficult." And indeed it is. Our profession is one of the most difficult, difficult and noble professions. I am confident that at any time each of us is ready to fulfill your professional and civil debt and come to help the neighbor in any situation. From the bottom of my heart I congratulate our veterans who are the custodians of our best traditions and are happy to share their wisdom and their experience!
Take the sincere wishes of well-being, prosperity and implement all your plans!
Good health and peaceful sky over your head! Corporate holidays greetings on a professional holiday
The time passes in a rapid run, well, today we are colleagues!
We celebrate professions, we celebrate
Let's meet him adequately,
And rest from storms, worries, anxiety!
Love wish you warmth and inspiration
Family comfort and heat
In problems only wise decide,
Attention, dignity, good! Congratulations to
New Year Corporate
Every my colleague, I want to wish romance in work, because it will help achieve success; efficiency in performing the tasks, because it will help to work faster; Responsibility, because it will improve the quality!
And, no matter how cool, anyway will not give salary before!
So is it worth worrying for work!? It's time to relax, because today - the new year!
Let's drink for friendship in our team! Corporate congratulations
Dear friends, today our team meets his little anniversary with honor. Let luck will always be a faithful companion in our team and that we can adequately resist all crises that sometimes meet in business and life Corporate congratulations on the holiday
Ladies and gentlemen. You gathered here all business people, with an inexhaustible energy, efficiency, creative vest, courage, the ability to risk and overcome all the difficulties on the way. I want to wish for all your undertakings to accompany good luck! Corporate holidays Congratulations on February 23
Dear Colleagues!
This holiday is of particular importance. He reminds each of us about civil debt and high male destination. Our holy duty is to preserve peace and consent in society and on Earth. It is important that our team worked stably and confidently, because it is a guarantee of not only our future, but also the future of our children!
I wish all
Good health, tremendous happiness, creative work and good luck in all endeavors! Corporate holidays Congratulations with
Happy energy
Dear power!
Today in our professional holiday I want to say that it is from us to heat and comfort in every home, stable work, enterprises, social security of children's institutions and much more!
The level of energy is constantly developing, and therefore we have a huge future!
Dear Colleagues!
Let you always accompany you only luck!
Good health, well-being and success in labor!
Well-being and happiness to you and your families! Corporate congratulations
Dear colleague. Congratulations and wish the cozy atmosphere not only in the house, but also at work. Let me express
You are our admiration for the cheerfulness and cheerful temper, which gives us all optimism in work. Corporate Holidays Congratulations on Professional Holidays
Let the success in matters will be all year round,
And the career is only upwards
And go only
You go ahead
Where is a huge luck waiting!
Let be
You have a chance more life gives
Every day will give
You have a surge! Corporate Congratulations S.
New Year
We go together in
New Year,
How together were in this.
We are already accurately happiness awaits
Once not in winter, then in summer.
Let's give love to give
And in the future we will live
Much more fun. Corporate holidays Congratulations with
New Year
Literally a few minutes
Raising wine glasses
New year are all waiting
Not thinking about the past!

Brother, congratulations on you. I wish you confident courage and brave
courage, good deeds and useful cases, high intact and
indisputable victories, great good luck and undoubted luck, loyal love
And true happiness.

Good, brave and magnificent boss congratulations from all
Soul. I wish respect and honors at work, success in activities and
good luck, brilliant prospects and major luck, undoubted development and
Prosperity of the case, loyal love and good happiness.

From the soul, congratulations to a wonderful person and a brave man. I wish
even and good road to great goals and big victories, I wish
strong forces and excellent health, I wish the bright luck on the way and
restless love hearts.

Congratulations to an excellent guy. I wish you light hopes and big
Success, sincere happiness and strong love, high intact and
loyal friends, optimal solutions and excellent ideas, fun
Movement and constant good luck, stable well-being and luck in

Mamuly, I congratulate you. My dear, be always the same
beautiful and the most wonderful, kind, sincere, magnificent and
irresistible. I wish you a lot of success in any beginnation, good
Good luck on the way to goals and restless family happiness.

I sincerely hurried to congratulate a cute and unique woman. I wish
employment in favorite business and interesting hobbies of life, well-being and
of true happiness, magnificence throughout and excellent mood,
Cheerfulness of the Spirit, joyful emotions, great love and good luck.

Congratulations, cute daughter. Let all your cases are wary
success, let it be on the way your luck and luck, let it be
Wonderful mood and cheerful soul, let the respect you surround
Light happiness and good friends.

Congratulations, dear daughter! I wish to stay always bright
star and warm sun, a cute girl and a good man,
Sincere girlfriend and creative personality. I wish you pleasant vitality
surprises, good luck, joy, bright hope, strong faith in yourself and

Mumula my native, I congratulate you. I want to wish from the soul
always stay on the tops of success and the peak of joy
gorgeous in everything and believe in your luck, I wish you an extraordinary
good health and good hope, unearthly happiness and sincere

On this wonderful day I want to wish you only one -
continue to bloom and decorate with its beauty, radiant and
Optimism the whole world! Stay always so feminine and elegant,
bring people warm and joy to their existence! Do not forget O.
that your smile is at least a moment, but makes people in this world

Congratulations on the day of civil aviation in prose in their own words

Beautiful and official congratulations on the Day of Civil Aviation
colleagues, team, employees in prose with professional
holiday, original and comic wishes to friends text

Now flights are no longer fiction, but the daily work of aviators. Which adequately perform their work.
Congratulations on the Day of Civil Aviation, those who make our flights comfortable and pleasant.
Continue in the same vein. And we will gladly fly on your aircraft.
Congratulations to colleagues in prose Take over to swell it is no longer a problem. But to do it smoothly and
Then gently land - this is the work of real professionals. Only
Such professionals are worthy to manage the passenger aircraft.
Congratulations on the Day of Civil Aviation. Let your flights and then be the same smooth and successful. Let you do not defend the sky of our Motherland from the attack of enemy
aircraft. But your work is no less important. Only you are able to raise
In the sky, such a number of unprepared people and make them flight
Safe and enjoyable.
Stay your professional professionals. Congratulations to all of you with the holiday, Happy Civil Aviation! Now take off for the clouds available to every person. For this not
You need to be a bird or professional pilot. Enough to go on
The board of the aircraft and trust the pilots of civil aviation. And they, in their
Queue, make your flight unforgettable and enjoyable.
On this day
civil aviation we congratulate all employees with
Professional holiday and tell you thank you for the fact that you
Doing dreams of flights available to every person on Earth.
Happy Civil Aviation Employees in their own words The sky is an unusual world, unfamiliar passengers of the aircraft.
It seems that the expanses allow flying endless and uncontrollably.
But it is not.
Only the work of the coordinated team of employees
Civil aviation is able to figure out the intricacies of these expands.
Just together, fulfilling your complex and difficult work, you
Provide a safe flight of anything suspected passengers.
On the Day of Civil Aviation, I want to congratulate all employees and wish you to remain professionals of your business. Today is a professional holiday of those who make the life of humanity
Easier and more convenient. Now loads are delivered in a short time. BUT
The road from the city to the city, which occupies a day, will now be held for
hour. And all this thanks to the work of civil aviation staff.
We want to express your gratitude from the face of all mankind for your
Indispensable work and congratulate you on an international holiday!
Congratulations on Professional Holiday Prose Not only the pilots of the aircraft provide passenger flight.
Dispatcher, technical workers, flight attendants and all those who do
Our flights are safe and comfortable today celebrate the celebration
His profession. We sincerely wanted to congratulate you on the day of the Civil
Aviation! We wish you to stay professionals in workplaces and
Happy people of everyday life.

Congratulations on the day of the accountant in prose

Congratulations on the day of accountant of Russia! Let your life balance
most cherished desires always completely converge with your size
material and physical capabilities, incomes are constantly exceeding
expenses, love every day only proves, and happiness with
Each minute is only added!

I want to congratulate the Russian accountant and wish a stable accountant
Success at work, impeccable reporting and proper documentation.
Let life be filled with pleasant surprises memorable
Moments, cheerful meetings and joyful emotions. Big Health
And sincere happiness!

Happy accountant in Russia. Let the profession pleases well-benefit
work brings satisfaction, colleagues appreciate the importance of labor, all
Merit will be taken into account, life bonuses are accrued. Be happy,
Loves are gifted by fate, rewarded with kindness.

Congratulations on a professional wonderful holiday - Happy
Accountant of Russia. I wish prosperity in life and activity,
excellent well-being and excellent mood, confident strength and
the light mind, the lack of errors in the work and the undoubted benefit in

Congratulations on the day of accountant of Russia and wish I want an error-free
work and unhindered activities undoubtedly good luck and high
success, wonderful mood and brave respect, personal
Welfare and true happiness.

From the soul I congratulate on the day of accountant of Russia and wish I want
activities with success and success, loyal reports and easy work,
I wish the world outside the window and happiness in the soul, I wish the joy of the heart and
good mood.

Congratulations on the Day of Accountant of Russia and I want to wish the excellent
accounting and faithful order in work, great achievements in activities and
Incredible success in life. I wish faithful health, well-being in
Family, great good luck and kindness of close people.

Accountant, with your professional holiday. I wish you career
Growth, good income, smaller reports are hassle and worries. More
peace of mind, family well-being, unforgettable
adventures, new travels, breathtaking events and let
You always accompany you happiness and luck.

Dear professionals of their business, congratulations on your day
Accountant of Russia! We wish everyone in your work activity
Passed without a zadyrinka. To all reports converge before a penny.
So that labor weekdays brought positive and good mood! Let be
Your nerves will always be durable like steel ropes! Health to you I.
Confidence in every step and new start!

The rulers of finance, the lords of the debits and loans, congratulations
You with your professional holiday. Let everything converge
let him always be lazy, let it be smaller than the reports and joy
Let it be work. We wish good income, in the soul of great weather.

Congratulations on the day of lawyer of Russia in prose

Congratulations to all lawyers in Russia, with a professional holiday!
I wish life always turns to you with your bright and
Safe side! Good health, patience and excerpts, forces and
Energy, inspiration and good luck. I wish a lot of won deeds, internal
Satisfaction with your work, wealth and well-being!

Congratulations to your business professionals with a holiday - Lawyer's Day
Russia! We wish to always have a trump card in sleeve, worthy of luggage knowledge and
Experience, prospects and amazing success! Be healthy, attentive,
Details, proud and multifaceted! Let your work brings
Designer income and great pleasure! Good to you and high goals!

Congratulations on the professional holiday, the day of a lawyer in Russia.
I wish: not to conflict with female; harsh law be on
guarding interests; Fortune accompany difficult affairs; Welfare
grow materially; energies do not dry out; for the benefit of the right to commit
Personal exploits. Justice, unshakfulness, bearer!

On the day of the lawyer in Russia from the soul, congratulations and wish seriousness and
importance in affairs, sincerity and honesty in relations, love and
kindness in the heart, happiness and joy in the shower, success and permanent
victories in activities, creativity and their raisins in ideas, well-being
And good luck on the life path.

On the day of the lawyer in Russia from the pure heart I want to wish to catch
your professionalism and exercise all your abilities in any case
use great honorable and respect, strive to restore
Justice and seek all goals. Let always be
Life is performed perfectly combine prestige, responsibility and success.

Dear lawyers and legal workers! Allow today
Congratulate you with your professional holiday - the day of a lawyer! AND
Although the holiday is quite young and celebrated this year in total
Once, his institution at the state level is a recognition
The high role of your profession in the life of society and the state. Be
lawyer - on the one hand very prestigious and respectable, but with
the other is extremely difficult, since your profession requires a huge
responsibility. We wish you not to forget about your destination!
Professional achievements, success, well-being and new achievements in
Your hardest, but very necessary people work!

Congratulations on the holiday of guardians of the law, climbers
jurisprudence. We wish that your professionalism served in good
People. Let the luck accompanies you, let him be ahead
Brilliant victories. Be always authoritative, independent, healthy and
Happy. Happy holiday!

Congratulations on the day of the lawyer in Russia and I wish you from the pure heart
lose skills and excellent grip in any case, with confidence and up
end to bring any job, every undertaking to complete the victory,
Have reliable support in life and great luck.

Dear lawyers! Congratulations on your professional holiday and
I wish you success in fulfilling your honorable and responsible mission,
Contributable in establishing justice. Let your quality
Works always meet the financial capabilities of your customers!

Dear lawyers, congratulate you with your professional
Holiday. And at least this holiday was introduced not so long ago, it does not cancel
His significance. Let in your house will always be cozy and warm, and
Native and loved ones will always be there. We also wish individuality,
growth of professionalism, respect and success.

Congratulations on the Day of the FSB 2017 in prose

Congratulations on the day of the FSB. I wish unlimited health and
Unlimited good luck, brilliant success in activities, high status
and the honorable position, I wish wonderful well-being, strength and
courage, I wish the faithful comrades, support and love of relatives and
welcome world.

Congratulations on the professional holiday, the day of the employee of the authorities
State and national security! Let the service: will be in
chapter of guided principles; never goes against personal
interests; Always a reason for pride. Forces, health,
Resistance spirit, wisdom, courage, cheerfulness.

Your work obliges to be courageous, brave, persistent,
attentive. You carry your service honest and badly, defending
State and folk security. Thank you! Let difficulty
which are always found on your way, will be easily overcome, and
In personal life we \u200b\u200bwish not to know the problems. Health to you and soulful
calm. Happy holiday, expensive employees of the FSB!

Congratulations on the day of the FSB and from the pure heart I wish a high personal
security, responsibility and successful struggle for peace, large
achievements and uncomplicable success, respect and high honors, good luck and
Well-being, family happiness, love and loyal health.

Congratulations to all employees of state and national
Safety with the holiday! We wish to always show vigilance in
so hard and responsible work, to protect interests not only
Our country, but also its citizens. And, undoubtedly, be brave,
Full enthusiasm and loyalty to their profession. With honor I.
advantage to go out of a difficult situation without losing
Composition. Success not only in labor field, but also on personal

Congratulations on the day of the FSB. I want to wish always stand on the right
Guardy of security and peace of homeland, stay in any situation
strong and brave person, in any case to comprehend a huge success and
incredible good luck, strive for high goals and your desires, live
In sufficiency and well-being.

Congratulations on the day of the FSB. I wish this holiday to be always
confident in your actions and purposes, not to weaken for a minute
Control over the security and development of society. Let our people
culture, values \u200b\u200band interests will always be under reliable protection from
Effects and interventions, both external and internal factors.

Congratulations on the day of the employee of the state and
National security and wish, of course, I want due
protection of citizens and proper security of the country, clear goals and
Brave performing tasks, bold solutions and great plans, absence
conflicts in the life and presence of rainbow happiness.

On the day of the FSB, I wish to work diligently, bravo protect the country and
residents, not lose a single chance for good luck, always rushing
Forward, comprehending on the way success and victory. I wish you great health,
Heart courage and soul courage. Let them be safe
State, and in well-being every citizen.

Congratulations to all state and national authorities
Security with professional holiday! We wish the coherence I.
ordering in work. Transparent and on time this information
documentation. Good financing and high level
disclosures in affairs. Good health, hardened and
Confidence in the legal database!

Happy Miner! Happy holiday, our brave hotels, our real men! Thanks for the hard and so necessary work! You are real heroes, because the risk of your work is daily and inevitable! I wish the colossal power - spiritual and physical, good health, iron patience! Good and friendly relations in the team! And, of course, loving families in which you are waiting for and very, very love!

Congratulations on Shakhtar Day! Work in the mining industry is one of the most important and heavy. Thank you for your selfless and difficult work. I wish every working day brought joy. Let it be dangerous, the body will be healthy, and the soul jested with happiness. Forces you, patience, big victories, weighty results, wealth in the house and the world - in the family.

Dear miner! Your selfless work provides warmth in homes needed for life. Let the gratitude in the form of awards and literacy, respect for colleagues and the loyalty of the authorities, love loved ones and supporting friends do not make himself wait! With your holiday!

Suitable by the end of summer and on the last Sunday of August comes the time to congratulate our hardworking "underground" masters! Happy Miner Day you, fearless guys! Your work is invaluable for humanity, you need and always in demand! We wish to celebrate a personal holiday with a scope and fun. Good health, success in the rules and tasks and joy from the work done!

Congratulations on Shakhtar Day in prose official

Today we celebrate the day of the hard and incredibly necessary profession - the day of the miner! We are proud of you, and really appreciate your work! May calm and stability reign in your life! Let the luck never turn away from you! And the danger and working risks will never be hurt! Let the heart rejoice in ordinary things, and thoughts appear to new goals! You will certainly succeed! Happy holiday!

Happy Holidays, dear miners, heroic workers of the coal-mining industry! In your professional holiday, Shakhtar Day, take sincere thanks for high rates, for the risk you go every day. You are the pride of the whole country! I wish you good health worthy of payment for your hard work, family well-being and simple human happiness.

Shakhtar Day is the celebration of unusually selfless, truly bold, very strong and truly reliable people. This is your holiday! Let heavy work is rewarded with a high assessment of the authorities, restless optimism, all sorts of luck, strong health, support for loved ones, and today - also beautiful salute to your honor!

For more than half a century, a significant day is celebrated for all workers in mines. Miner - Proud title for a specialist is so heavy, but the extremely necessary profession! Currently congratulating coal miners and wish to continue the current tradition, namely an increase in productivity and upgrades of jobs. And personally, every hell wish excellent health for long decades!

Cool comic greetings to miners in prose

Happy Miner! Let the sun shine twice as long as the sun shines, and at the descents the time goes twice as fast! Let two times the patch will be more, and the duration of the shift is twice as shorter! Let the wives be twice as kindly, and children ... let them be just two times more! In general, for dreams and for their execution, our dear mines!

I congratulate you on the holiday, the temmer guys, the heroic workers Kirk and the perforator! I wish you, as before, to give the country of coal, please us with glorious results and remain pride and power of Power! Let your gold hands be covered with coal dust, and hot and brave hearts are fighting in the beat of the hillock strikes!

Happy miner! The depth of the mine may not frighten, but inspires to selfless work. And let the surface always expect endless respect for others, all sorts of honors, pleasant meetings, a full-fledged rest and life, full of clean love, nice adventures, good events!

Comrade, rather climb on the light! We will congratulate you! Yes, yes came your day - the day of the crot. That is, of course, the day of Shakhtar! We wish to take solar baths to get, finally, to the natural colors of the face and "surpass" the Stakhanovsky bold plan! And also: the speedy well-deserved rest, huge premium and free time on personal joy of life!

Congratulations to miners in short prose

Today is the day of the wonderful profession - the day of the miner! I can't wish you easy work, because it is impracticable. But I can wish a decent award for hard work, and most importantly, cozy home rear!

Congratulations on Shakhtar Day! Low bow for your courage and hard work. I always wish with pride to wear the rank of miner and love her work. Be happy, healthy and successful in your favorite business!

Let the day of Shakhtar turn into universal fun, in the center of which you will be! Accept congratulations on a duet with the wishes of the consistent health, all kinds of success and only pleasant news!

August, Sunday - Mining Day! Hardworking and bold workers! Congratulations on your personal holiday! Let the time flies, and you do not change, stay faithful to such a necessary, albeit hard work!

Each profession, which only exists in this light, is good in its own way. And therefore, no one person should condemn the work of another. Everyone who works, worthy of admiration. That is why everyone also needs to congratulate others with each holiday. And so, the holidays by profession are every time, then you will definitely find those that can be congratulated. So you just can come up with a good congratulation, and send it to the notmering. And if you come up with yourself a good text, you will not succeed at all, then you just can find a big warehouse on our website. Just choose the one you like best. And do not forget that all the same warm hugs and good words act best.

We wish you all happiness,
The abundance of wealthy customers,
The growth of the visual revenue
And enlargeing joyful moments.
Love mutual and non-coming
Health, hopping dream.
And admire us, colleagues, often
With its grace and beauty!

Congratulations, what else to say?
About things in such dates need to forget.
For you champagne glass.
Yes, so that I did not sleep the success of your heat.
Right let you have great ideas,
And cherished dreams come true.
Good luck, creative career,
Special, illuminated stars, fate.
Let all threads lead to you!
Deparagus Your side will be offered!
Successes on the way and prospects are waiting.

Passes time in a rapid run,
Well, today we are colleagues!
We celebrate professions, we celebrate
Friends and loved ones we invite!
Let's meet him adequately,
And rest from storms, worries, anxiety!
Love wish you warmth and inspiration
Family comfort and heat
In problems only wise decide,
Attention, dignity, good!

We all want, without excluding
All sorts of hard to wish you:
Good luck, happiness and lucky,
And never lose heart
To fall out a happy ticket,
So that your vacation was not your rainy,
Large success at work!
And the authorities have to be honored!

Let your world be bright and beautiful
And often visits inspiration!
We wish new thoughts, prospects,
Pleasant, fresh, vivid impressions!
Let gratitude be from the soul,
Gifts are chosen with love!
We are a friendship with you very much,
All heart wish we want health!

Let the sail of your wind be filled,
Success will crush the search!
Let all your plans fulfill
And all the wishes will come true!
Let the luck song will not end,
And the music of happiness will continue!
Let every day really want
And life will be wonderful!

Let life be more often generous
On joy, not a problem!
Let money be found always
And there will be free time!
Let holidays and picnics
Dispel fatigue and boredom!
Care let them be easy
Good luck floats straight in hand!

Dear Colleagues! Today, in our professional holiday I want to thank you for everyday painstaking work. I am sure thanks to your efforts, our enterprise with his colossal potential, will be able to deserve himself in the very near future!
Happy holiday you, dear colleagues! The best wishes to you, your family and loved ones! I wish you happiness, health and common success in the development of our favorite enterprise!

Dear and favorite colleagues! Today we congratulate you on the wonderful holiday! And we wish professional success and many victories on various fields. And the most important thing is that all this is appreciated!

Let the joy today be sincerely, like our wishes. We wish to increase the salary and the urgest awards, we wish to reduce work and increase profits. In general, let it be better, but nothing will be for it!

Congratulations to take today, let in all of you lucky and let it always and everything will be only in profit, let the employees respect you, and friends love! And let them go to work as a holiday, and with such a mood work all day! Congratulations!

We wish a lot of victories at work and in matters, and in the family, so that there was peace and warmth. Then the equilibrium will be happiness and will want to work, and from work home! Congratulations!

We wish you a lot of things so that all this is desirable and necessary for dinner to be longer, and the bosses caused less frequently. So that good luck notes, but failures I missed! And the mood rises with one word "work"!

We wish today an explosion of emotions, let him come true the most remarkable, and will always be victory,

Congratulations on your professional holiday - Social Worker Day. Good health, happiness, strength and excerpts, optimism and well-being, confidence in tomorrow, success in new endeavors!
Thank you for the experience of working together and hope for further cooperation!

Dear Colleagues! On behalf of the collective ... and on my own personally, allow you to congratulate you and your team with a professional holiday - the day of the chemist! I wish further development and prosperity ..., success in your creative work, the implementation of grand planners and projects of the company. Good health, happiness and good luck to all employees and their families!

Dear Colleagues! Today, in our professional holiday I want to thank you for everyday painstaking work. I am sure that precisely thanks to your efforts, our enterprise with his colossal potential, will be able to adequate himself in the very near future.

Happy holiday you, dear colleagues!
The best wishes you, your family and loved ones!
I wish you happiness, health and common success in the development of our favorite enterprise!

Dear colleagues with the best greetings on this holiday. I wish you creative success, high quality of your products, successful prosperity in the business world. Let, luck always accompanies you in all your affairs, and in your personal life, let there be many good events.