Congratulations on your military rank. Congratulations on important events with the award of the title

There are many military ranks,
But for you the most important day
When is the rank of an officer,
Like the first premiere.

You were appropriated by your superiors.
And there is no bragging.
You honestly deserve it
And he put a lot of effort into it.

Now you are a junior lieutenant
And a debutant in officers.
Please accept congratulations from us
And this little rhyme.


Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts
Lieutenant we know that
Will never let you down!

He is now an example for many,
Not afraid of anything!
And in business he is very strict,
Everyone respects him.

Let the road go ahead
There will be many tests.
You have enough strength for this,
After all, you are - the face of Russia!

The stars on the shoulder straps shine
And let them shine in the sky.
Congratulations on your title
This is up a serious road!

Lieutenant colonel

Let's congratulate today
Who gets the title,
Who became a lieutenant colonel, and therefore
Today the sun is shining.
Now young, that young major
Became a position higher, larger,
And our congratulations call this post
Go higher as soon as possible.


And daring, vigor and enthusiasm -
All this cannot be taken away from you.
Now you are in the rank of Major,
Let me hug you for that!

Shoot fireworks faster
Let's celebrate the holiday cheerfully.
Salutes so as not to fade,
And we all played tricks.

And tomorrow you are again in the ranks
And no fighter is bolder.
And they will sing songs to you,
They will not regret poetry.

Throw shoulder straps into the glass
And let's drink according to our laws!

Lieutenant colonel

Big two stars are not shoulder straps,
Now you are our lieutenant colonel.
We are pleased to serve under your leadership.
You are in the ranks - and our troubles have never happened!

We wish you to be so fair
What you have always been in this life.
We believe that with such helmsmen
Military affairs will not freeze!

And be healthy and cheerful,
You are our vanguard, we are always with you.


We meet the military rank
The Motherland is proud of its sons.
We are honoring the colonel now,
Congratulations on this event.

Don't let gray hair scare you
She only talks about
That your heart knows a lot
It hurts for everyone.

Therefore, we wish
A lot of health and patience.
You are worthy - we know it!
You are a generation of honor!


Let me congratulate you on a new one,
A solid title. Now
The colonel proudly sat in front of us,
And one star at once
He dipped in a glass of champagne
To make it work easy.
Let our congratulations be sweet
Like a festive wine.


Let's celebrate an important holiday
Today is the day of victories
The brave major is sitting,
But the captain is not.
Our congratulations are ready
We put it on your table
You are even a major, but a new one -
So that you enter the position.


You were just a boy yesterday
And he ran quickly in a jacket.
Then he was drafted into the army,
So that the Motherland is reliably defended.

Then you took the oath,
And you immediately became an ordinary
You were handed a weapon
And everyone was instructed to learn the charter.

We congratulate you, private,
So that the service flies by and home
To relatives and friends, and to the bride,
To be with them everywhere together.

You read our cheerful congratulations
Let there be a positive spurt in the service.


You ceased to be the youngest today -
With a new star, you are a lieutenant.
Congratulations on this holiday, so important,
It doesn't matter who you are - a policeman or a soldier.

They prepared congratulations for a long time,
To surprise you, buddy.
Be happy in your new rank, summer,
Listening to sincere congratulations.

Today is an important holiday, no doubt
There is no place or reason for sadness.
I hasten to congratulate you on your promotion,
It is worthy of such a great feast!

Another star plus for shoulder straps.
In honor of feats and wisdom, of course.
I wish that today and in the future
Everything in life was only perfect!

I also wish you health, patience,
Good luck, happiness and forward movement,
So that the mood does not leave the house.
Let luck accompany everything!

A new star tonight
Added shoulder straps to yours
And we wish that always
Such updates were pouring in.

Our congratulations are the sweetest of all,
He gives happiness and good luck.
It gives joy and success,
And maybe the general's dacha!

The title is given only to the best.
You are one of the lucky ones already.
Congratulations on this! Improve your life
Had a chance. We are happy for you in our hearts!

With the rise comes seriousness
And responsibility for their actions.
May a colleague not miss happiness
In a team, let him work in love.

We hasten to congratulate you on the assignment of the title,
Only the strongest, worthy and courageous,
You can reward like this - and with great success
May you now be lucky in any business,
Fate guards and helps in everything
Will reward you with an unexpected gift,
May luck bring joy sooner
And will make your fate bright!

We will celebrate today
This is a very important matter.
You have become higher in rank
Here you can’t get rid of it.

We wish you amicably
Keep it up, buddy.
Let it come to your fate
What you have been looking for for a long time.

Our military is support, protection!
And your ranks are formidable for the enemy.
To you - to the unyielding parts of the monolith
We will always trust Russia and life!

Congratulations to the one who, having passed the test,
He showed himself as an excellent soldier.
Congratulations to him on the title award!
He is the best example for the green guys.

Let us arrange a merry holiday.
Be "At ease!" the command is rather audible.
And so we will wash the insignia,
That our native country will not forget us.


There are four stars in the shape
They lay down on a strong shoulder.
The rows are slimmer and the stride is wider.
We warmly congratulate you!

Your knowledge, a matter of honor
You carry it to the ranks every day.
When the country is together with such,
No shadow will fall on Russia!

An enemy with such protection is not terrible,
And if he suddenly wants something,
Run away like a beaten dog
Russia is threatened by who.

Wear this title proudly,
Serve, do your duty.
In fulfillment of desires
We give you this congratulation!


Comrade captain - today it is already possible
Calling you not a lieutenant, friend.
And soon - and this is all possible,
Nearby a major and a lieutenant colonel suddenly.
No wonder they say - "patience and work ..."
And you are a special example of this
Our congratulatory path will be to a place here,
So that you, Comrade Captain, work hard, don't get sick.


Once upon a time you, like any soldier,
He dreamed, of course, to become a general.
But these were just dreams
And you partially believed that they would come true.
You always shone with your skills,
You grew very rapidly.
And now you've become a general
And he realized everything that he dreamed of.
Accept, comrade general, you congratulations,
We wish you to overcome any difficulties.

Major general

Of course, you are a good military man,
And your experience is invaluable enough.
When you entered the Academy of the General Staff
I blew up the commission with my knowledge.
It's all over now
And the future is just ahead.
Today we congratulate you on your new title,
And, of course, we wish you very much
To be a good major general
Still to serve up to the marshal.
Catch our desired congratulation
Let him be a parting vow.

You were given a different title today,
And this is a big event.
It is impossible not to mark it in any way,
Let's get everyone's friends together as soon as possible.

We will all sit at our own table,
We'll all pour you a glass of wine.
Let's raise a toast to your career breakthrough
Never been there.

Congratulations on your title! You shouldn't get it, with such a glorious service! I believe you still have a lot of promotions ahead of you, today you are only at the very beginning of your glorious path! And I can only wish you happiness and good luck, prosperity and love!

How not to raise, say a toast
Without further ado
When "maybe" there were stars
The officer is on the chase?

Those stars fell exactly
And you today, our glorious friend,
Not just a senior lieutenant,
And the lieutenant, in fact, is the main one!

Of course, in the service, above all, honor, loyalty and execution of orders are more important, and you can be a private all your life, honestly carrying out the service, however, getting the title is still nice and today I gladly congratulate you on the award of the title, and also wish you happy, long life!

More importantly, there is no conversation today
And one toast is meant:
For the newly minted Major!
And for his "tremendous star"!

A star looks like this in space
So that everyone can see from afar.
With such a star, you are a knight in the nobility,
And even more - a micro-general!

For a long time you are an honorable man,
You don't need any custody at all.
With your knowledge you achieve everything
And then you enjoy the result.

And he brought a lot of benefits to those around him,
And I say, barely restraining myself from big tears.
Today I propose a toast to you,
And I invite everyone to drink to you.

After all, there is already a great reason for this,
I will voice my own congratulations, and I will do you the honor.
You have finally been awarded the title of honor.
And I was honored to voice the best news.

Always striving for more is the key to success, and you are on the right track! Congratulations on your title award, soldier! You are our pride, our dear person and close friend! We all want to wish you long, cloudless happiness, love and fulfillment of desires!

Everyone knows that a soldier must want to become a general, and today I congratulate you on the first step on the way to this great, noble goal - the title! May your life be as brilliant as your service, and your best friends will be ready to go even to the ends of the world under your leadership!

Any professional success is, of course, a manifestation of ability. I am glad to be one of the first to welcome you to your new officer rank and with pleasure I congratulate you on this achievement. Let's raise our glasses to the new shoulder straps, to the successes in his future service, to his health!

We do not dream of ranks very much,
But a series of days passed,
And so, and here in your constellation "Ascended" one more star.

Now not three, but all four
Yours has been adorned with a shoulder.
So what then! For wearing a uniform
There were more stars!

How quickly time flies! You briskly, soon went the way from a green youth to the owner of a very good rank, and we believe that this is not your last achievement! Please accept our congratulations on the awarding of the title and wishes of happiness! May Fate, Luck and Love always be supportive to you!

But I always said, I always knew that your promotion was just around the corner! Please accept my warm, heartfelt congratulations on the conferring of the title, as well as wishes of good health and good luck! Let your dreams come true! May there be a lot of good ahead, and sometimes - and great, worthy of such a real man like you!

The service of a soldier is not an easy matter, it is given only to real men, but to special people who have a heart like a lion, who have both honor and a strong spirit, it bears worthy fruits! I congratulate you on your title and wish you to live happily ever after, knowing no defeat!

You know, you should be an officer! You now have a special stature and gloss ... Congratulating you on the award of the title, I will not wish you simple happiness ... no! Yours must certainly be hot as fire, strong as a rock and sweet as honey! May your dreams come true, and love will one day be the best reward for your ardent, brave heart!

You are still so young, and your title is so high! But it's all honest, you deserve it by your faithful service, and I am proud of you, congratulating you today on its assignment! Let the study smile at you in everything, let the heart always burn with the flame of honor and courage, and let the eyes look clearly and cheerfully into a happy future!

Congratulations on the title of captain

For all the hardships, labors,
Sleepless night hours, -
Four bright stars!
Relatives and relatives rejoice.
May each of these stars
Illuminates your path through life!
Go without hunching, full height,
As a proud officer strides.
Don't empty your pocket
And there was butter on the bread.
Cheer up, comrade captain,
After all, there are more stars - only in the sky!

Congratulations to the team captain in verse

The captain's word
True and strong!
His team is waiting
So that you are always lucky!
So that victory comes
To us for sure!
To be you first
Everywhere and always!
Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts
Captain you!
And we wish you
So that there was fate!
Only supportive
Laskova to you!
You live with dignity
Be on top!

Poem congratulations to the sea captain

Let the ship go easy
The sea is so deep!
But the captain knows the case,
It will pass easily through the fog!
Through storms, thunderstorms, terrible storm,
He will return to a distant home!
To accept congratulations,
We want to wish you:
More happiness and love
A beautiful, fabulous dawn!
Good luck! Live joyfully
The ships will be reliable!

Happy birthday to the sea captain from colleagues

Tired of sailing the ocean for years
Dreaming on land, home, on the sofa
But you know yourself - it's just a lie,
On land - not life for you, captain!
Longing without the sea is worse than pain and wounds.
The meaning of life is probably given to us from above.
We have many more countries ahead!
Seven feet under your keel, captain!

Captain, captain - smile
Congratulations from us
You are like a fairytale knight for us,
You are the attention of rapt eyes.
We see you as a hero,
You still have to conquer heights.
We believe that soon with the rank of major
We will be happy to congratulate you!

Congratulations in the military rank of captain

Good afternoon, captain!
Let your eyes shine with victory
You look in the mirror - general,
Though they don't see it yet!
We wish you success in everything:
At work, at war, in love.
Let the house be filled with laughter.
We know - luck lies ahead!

Congratulations to the police captain from colleagues cool happy birthday

All in the morning in our department with joyful faces,
The militia captain celebrates his birthday.
We have had one gift for him for a long time,
Two major stars and steam shoulder straps.
Congratulating, we shouted to him in chorus:
- "Quickly become, captain, major!"

To the sea captain welcome back from friends

Well hello friend! How glorious it is to be on solid ground again,
Having traveled half the world on the waves on a fast ship!
We all missed, looking into the distance, when the smoke flashed,
And the brave captain will set foot, with laziness, on the threshold!
It is clear to everyone that is seen on the map as a route,
That is hard and everyday work for you.
You are responsible for everything at sea, you know your duty yourself,
The brave captain carried everything on his shoulders!

I sincerely congratulate you on getting your next military rank! I wish there were as many stars on the shoulder straps as there are in the night sky, and may there be more and more of them every year! Career and personal growth to you, successful service. Let all the peaks be conquered and conquered very easily!

One more height was taken, Another title in your pocket, or rather, on shoulder straps, Now, the most important thing is to try not only to maintain compliance, but also to go further, to new heights, I drink today for your dedication and responsibility, With the assignment of the title, buddy.

Today we sincerely wish you:

Major - responsibility is different,

And we know for sure, congratulating,
You are more worthy to bear

And this rank, and this position,
So with a promotion, Major!
We wish, even if any difficulty
Will receive a valiant rebuff!

With a new rank, Comrade Major!
The stars, of course, are not enough now
But on the other hand - there is space on the shoulder straps
And they have the right size!

Time, you know, will pass quickly
If only you had enough strength and health!
New titles, Major! New stars!
To reach the rank of general!

For your next rank
Let everything be fine
For your success, for your promotion,
For the mood!

Congratulations to the dear hero of the occasion on being awarded the title. We would like to wish you fruitful success in your service, new remarkable ups and downs and benevolent smiles of fortune. May well-deserved awards and corresponding achievements always delight.
With a new title!

Once you made a choice, going up the military career ladder. And today you have a new star on your shoulder, beautiful and stately, like yourself. Now you are a real knight and warrior. Looking at you, it becomes not at all scary to live. For a new title!

You are in the rank of major! Congratulations!
With a special shine on your shoulder straps
The big star is the first to shine!
Like a bright star in the sky!

Let your service be light!
And let the subordinates do not let you down!
And the day off - with the company of fun
Let it be boring, happily pass!

Let there were eight stars, but now there are two,
After all, it's not about quantity - it's about size,
We send our congratulations to you,
And we really believe in your career growth.

Congratulations - you are already a major,
Now you won't command you
You can't go against you
Life has changed with a new star.

You walked long and hard towards your goal. And today is a new start in your life. May your chosen goal and road never disappoint you. Let the service be even easier. Wish you new successes and victories!

For your labor, for your good,
Let everything be fine
I'll drink to the bottom of you
I shout my hurray to you!

Prosperity, do not stand still
Conquer all the peaks
And walk towards happiness
Never be discouraged!

We are the stars dipping into the glass
We will help to drain to the bottom.
So we start. headquarters ordered!
Otherwise, prison awaits him!

Congratulations on your new title
Do not hesitate to accept!
We are proud of your calling
You deserve it! So you should know!

We wish you prosperity
And success in the future!
And up to the most important title
We wish you to reach

May luck smile at you
As today! Be happy, our friend!
May dreams and desires come true!
Good friends and girlfriends!

Congratulations on your new title!
May wishes come true!
May your dreams come true!
All that you have been striving for!

I'll drink to a star to the bottom,
So that the last one is not,
To have a promotion
Never be sad!

You have become a great man!
Your service was a thorny path!
Let everyone be proud of you!
Be successful and happy!

Congratulations on receiving the title.
And from the bottom of our hearts we wish you happiness!
Let you be lucky, let it be summer in life,
As it is now, just believe in it!

You have come a long way to your goal,
But they managed to achieve their goal.
We wish you success again,
Much joy, cheerfulness, laughter!

Good luck will come to you with this title,
And prosperity with health in addition!
Let the rays of happiness melt all the ice,
So that you can reach a bigger star!

Today you have a big holiday -
Today you are with us at a new rank!
We came to congratulate you in a crowd
And express my appreciation to you!

We know you deserve it
And we know that all this is not easy.
We wish you to live long!
We wish you only growth in the future!

Let the star shine on your shoulders
Will give you happiness and good luck!
We wish you a lot of smiles on our lips,
Well, good health to boot!

With the assignment of a new title
We congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts!
After all, you passed all the tests
Have fun now and dance

We wish you success
New exploits in life without troubles!
Let nothing be a hindrance
On the way to the sea of ​​new victories!

Major left behind
Doubled asterisks set;
Today's celebrations are the culprit -
Meet the brave lieutenant colonel!
Let's go in a friendly atmosphere
Congratulations on your officer's promotion!
Let it shine like a dawn on the horizon
Service and personal success!

How long has a controversial lieutenant
You were on the parade ground,
Both the captain and the major?
And you have two stars to face:
They, like a reflection of an eye,
Shine with great joy!
Hurray, comrade lieutenant colonel!
We are always here with all our hearts!

You are now mister lieutenant colonel,
There are traces of gray hair on the temples.
But on the tunic they glow exactly
All four big stars!

Congratulations on your promotion!
And thank you for the service,
That one day you made a decision
Protect our fatherland smoke.

Continue to serve like this, lieutenant colonel,
Hurry to show wisdom and honor!
You are almost a probation colonel,
We congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts!

You were given a different title today,
And this is a big event.
It is impossible not to mark it in any way,
Let's get everyone's friends together as soon as possible.

We will all sit at our own table,
We'll all pour you a glass of wine.
Let's raise a toast to your career breakthrough
Never been there.

Congratulations on your title! You shouldn't get it, with such a glorious service! I believe you still have a lot of promotions ahead of you, today you are only at the very beginning of your glorious path! And I can only wish you happiness and good luck, prosperity and love!

How not to raise, say a toast
Without further ado
When "maybe" there were stars
The officer is on the chase?

Those stars fell exactly

Not just a senior lieutenant,

Of course, in the service, above all, honor, loyalty and execution of orders are more important, and you can be a private all your life, honestly carrying out the service, however, getting the title is still nice and today I gladly congratulate you on the award of the title, and also wish you happy, long life!

More importantly, there is no conversation today
And one toast is meant:
For the newly minted Major!
And for his "tremendous star"!

A star looks like this in space
So that everyone can see from afar.
With such a star, you are a knight in the nobility,
And even more - a micro-general!

For a long time you are an honorable man,
You don't need any custody at all.
With your knowledge you achieve everything
And then you enjoy the result.

And he brought a lot of benefits to those around him,
And I say, barely restraining myself from big tears.
Today I propose a toast to you,
And I invite everyone to drink to you.

After all, there is already a great reason for this,
I will voice my own congratulations, and I will do you the honor.
You have finally been awarded the title of honor.
And I was honored to voice the best news.

Always striving for more is the key to success, and you are on the right track! Congratulations on your title award, soldier! You are our pride, our dear person and close friend! We all want to wish you long, cloudless happiness, love and fulfillment of desires!

We do not dream of ranks very much,
But a series of days passed,
And so, and here in your constellation "Ascended" one more star.

Now not three, but all four
Yours has been adorned with a shoulder.
So what then! For wearing a uniform
There were more stars!

How quickly time flies! You briskly, soon went the way from a green youth to the owner of a very good rank, and we believe that this is not your last achievement! Please accept our congratulations on the awarding of the title and wishes of happiness! May Fate, Luck and Love always be supportive to you!

The service of a soldier is not an easy matter, it is given only to real men, but to special people who have a heart like a lion, who have both honor and a strong spirit, it bears worthy fruits! I congratulate you on your title and wish you to live happily ever after, knowing no defeat!

You are still so young, and your title is so high! But it's all honest, you deserve it by your faithful service, and I am proud of you, congratulating you today on its assignment! Let the study smile at you in everything, let the heart always burn with the flame of honor and courage, and let the eyes look clearly and cheerfully into a happy future!

Well, now you are a lieutenant,
With the face not of a boy, but of a husband.
Serve as God Given Talent
Wear shoulder straps and weapons.
You are an officer - be proud of yourself!
And we will be proud of you
After all, we know - behind your back
Nothing threatens people!

Now you are already a lieutenant,
You can now congratulate you,
Having chosen the army path,
You knew it would be very difficult.
Let's not waste extra words
You have decided in your career
And everyone can see that you are ready
Serve the Fatherland and Faith!

Full of strength, fire, talent;
Two stars are like two wings
Young lieutenant
Great things await!
He represents
Glorious example of valor!
Let everyone congratulate you,
A real officer!

Are arranged symmetrically
Two stars in their rays;
Their duet looks great
On the shoulders of the brave ones,
And I can already imagine
How your talent blooms;
So let me congratulate
To me you, comrade lieutenant!

Streets pushing their shoulders apart,
Strictly according to the charter, he's a dandy now,
Proudly walks through the city
Newly made lieutenant!
His career has just begun
But reach unprecedented heights
He will be able, the word of the officer!
May he always be lucky in everything!

On your broad shoulders
These first stars fell
May the evening remain in the memory
When you become a lieutenant.
We wish you a successful career,
Years of service with honor to pass,
Your officer rank,
We wish you proudly carry!

In life with the title of the first
Congratulations now from the bottom of our hearts,
Be an exemplary officer
Decent, honest, loved.

We began to worry:
In our frames, not always
Know that God loves trinity
Here is your third star!
Let's tell lieutenant senior
You will, of course, be right
The title of washing in our way
And kissing the star!

The stars are favorable to you
Your talent is recognized by everyone:
You were just a lieutenant
You became a senior lieutenant,
Directing to new ranks,
Difficult military path!
Friend! I congratulate you
With your third star!

How not to raise, say a toast
Without any unnecessary ceremony,
When there were more stars
The officer is on the chase?
Those stars fell exactly
And you today, our glorious friend,
Not just a senior lieutenant,
And the lieutenant, in fact, is the main one!

You are now a senior lieutenant
With the face not of a boy, but of a husband.
Serve as God Given Talent
Wear shoulder straps and weapons.
You are an officer - be proud of yourself!
And we will be proud of you
After all, we know - behind your back
Nothing threatens people!

Streets pushing their shoulders apart,
Strictly according to the charter, he's a dandy now,
Proudly walks through the city
Now the senior lieutenant!

You became a senior lieutenant,
I congratulate you with all my heart!
You got what you wanted
Today is a big day for us!
May you always succeed
After all, you deserve it in full!
Luck will smile again
And spring will bloom in my soul!

He rose to the rank of captain!
Go ahead, buddy, keep it up!
Today everyone is convinced
That you are in service - "for five"!
Let the stars be on your shoulder straps
Only promotions lead!
Let me congratulate you on a toast:
"For the captain!" And - fireworks!

Military bearing
At the military bone;
The shutter speed is excellent -
As many as four stars!
You are a proven man -
Not civil rubbish!
Let you through the thorns
Conduct confidently
Captain stars!

Captain! It sounded like a shot
New step, new meaning, new sound
It's just that we are hussar - champagne -
Congratulations, good friend!
Congratulations on your title,
With a new milestone in your "track record"
We know, we move through life by vocation
Defend the sky, homeland, home!

Your labor of arms is rewarded
We congratulate the captain.
And the stars lay down, shining,
To the bottom of a faceted glass.
Now washed. On shoulder straps
They are ready to sparkle boldly!
Worthy is the homeland of such
Defender and officer!

On your shoulder strap with a ceremonial landing
Four stars have landed!
You used to be a senior lieutenant -
And now you are the captain!
Congratulations on your promotion
And I wish that in your service
There was a lot of luck everywhere!
So that you become a major as soon as possible!

You have no equal among us,
As, however, in the whole world:
Two along and two through the gap,
And so, four!
Hurray, Comrade Captain!
Well done! And soon,
If you will also be in the service of ryan,
You will receive a major!

You are at the epicenter of our attention
The hurricane does not subside our emotions!
With the assignment of the next rank,
We congratulate you, captain!
Now 4 stars are already on
On your officer's uniform!
Come on, captain, rather vodka
We will pour everyone for your title!

We congratulate the captain,
Throw a star at the bottom of the glass
Wash your title
And congratulations.
Let the career go up
Success accompanies everything
Let the stars shine on your shoulders
And all desires are fulfilled.

Major - responsibility is different,
Major, not just a rank is an honor.
And we know for sure, congratulating,
You are more worthy to bear
And this rank, and this position,
So with a promotion, Major!
We wish, even if any difficulty
Will receive a valiant rebuff!

The star shines decorating
Shoulder strap clearance
Yes, better one big one,
Than many little rays!
I hope everyone will get used to it soon
That instead of stars - a star!
I congratulate you on the major!
Grow further - there is where!

The star has fallen! So make a wish, -
A happy omen for a long time!
We congratulate you on your title,
Now you are not the captain, but the major!
Today we sincerely wish you:
Let the service starfall not end!
And over and over again, without ceasing,
Stars are flying on your shoulders!

No, well, where did you see that?
What is this celebration -
After all, the officer was offended
And the stars deprived him:
There were four before that -
Became a big one;
Something to the military is still 1