Signs and superstitions Folk signs for the wedding. Significance of signs and superstitions Festive beliefs and omens Wedding signs Wedding traditions. Signs for the wedding - what is possible and what is not

Since ancient times, wedding signs and rituals have been symbolic for the couple. After the Baptism of Russia, not only religion changed, but also wedding festivities. For example, in Old Slavic families, a tradition was established for the kidnapping of the bride by the groom at the games. The tradition that has come down to us, “Redemption of the Bride,” can be correlated with the ritual process of handing over the bride to the groom. The rite was called “Sale of the sister’s braid” and consisted in the fact that the groom had to buy out a place that had previously been occupied by another family member (male - a younger brother or teenager) from the bride.

Times have changed, but many wedding signs and traditions have remained with us to this day, having undergone minor transformations.

Every girl wants her wedding to be perfect. Here are some tips that you should follow so that nothing and no one spoil your mood and impressions.

Signs for the wedding regarding the attire of the bride:

  1. According to ancient traditions, a girl wore a modest dress (sometimes even black) for a wedding, and a colorful dress for a celebration. The happiest color, as wedding signs say, is red (a symbol of passion and joy). Green is considered a bad shade for a wedding dress;
  2. To avoid the harmful influence and the evil eye, you need to attach a pin to the hem of the dress or make a few stitches with blue threads (this also applies to men's clothing);
  3. The bride must find in advance something new, something taken from someone else's shoulder (from clothes: except for stockings, veils and gloves) and something old. If the spouses want the first male child in the future, they must also wear something blue or light blue;
  4. For a strong marriage, you need to buy a new dress in order to live your life and not take over the fate of the girl who wore it earlier;
  5. It is considered a bad sign if the bride saw herself in the mirror before the wedding in full dress. If you want to check your image, do not wear a veil, avoid trouble;
  6. Closed-toe shoes ensure that the couple's home is a full bowl;
  7. The bride must wear the purchased wedding shoes the day before (new shoes are a bad life);
  8. A dress bought for a wedding according to a sign is not recommended to be sold - by doing this you deprive your clan and the new established family of protection. It is believed that by selling a dress, you personally provoke fate into cheating on your husband.

To shine like the sun

Wedding jewelry is a separate story, originating in the legends of the ancient Slavs. According to the popular belief, the bride should wear a necklace and other jewelry made of turquoise for a wedding: the most worthy and happy stone. If there is no turquoise jewelry, it is better to wear jewelry than, for example, a pearl necklace or earrings.

Why are pearls bad? By itself, pearls are a noble stone, however, they are often associated with tears. Folk signs say that it is not recommended to wear pearls and jewelry imitating this mineral at a wedding. Of course, if you want to rejoice, and not cry in family life. But the tears of the bride on the wedding day, fortunately.

However, pearl color can be added to your image. A delicate shade of pearls used in a wedding dress or veil will give a stormy happy life in the future.

happily ringed

Many existing signs for a wedding relate to wedding rings. Rings will save spouses from adversity, life's troubles, envy. They must be all-metal, without decorations, without engraving. By following these tips, the newlyweds will grant themselves a smooth, peaceful life, in which everything will be easy for them.

Also, do not succumb to the persuasion of parents who advise you to melt their rings for yourself: remember, someone else's ring is someone else's life.

Before the wedding, the rings should be stored in one place.
After the exchange of rings, you should throw the box into the river, and this should be done by an unmarried girlfriend or a single friend. In no case should the newlyweds touch her in order to avoid divorce.

Unforeseen events need to be prepared in advance. Ask the witnesses to cut the thread and bring it to the solemn part. She will become a neutralizer of a bad omen, if suddenly wedding rings fall on the floor. You need to thread the thread through the rings and roll them a couple of times from one end to the other.

Who is the head in this house?

One of the wedding signs, showing who the wife or husband will lead in the house, is biting off a loaf of loaf. In accordance with this sign, which is still used at weddings, the one of the spouses who bites off more at a time will be the main one.

Another option, which is not very suitable for a day of celebration: whoever keeps silent longer after the exchange of rings, he will secretly lead the second half.

A pleasant prospect - equality, will open to those who cross the threshold of the future home at the same time (or in their husband's arms).

Who is next to the registry office?

There are also signs that portend future newlyweds from among the guests:

  • If you want to help your friend get married in the near future, ask her to lift or remove your veil;
  • At the end of the wedding ceremony, the bride must throw a bouquet, which of her friends will catch it and become the next bride. The groom for friends should, according to the same principle, throw a garter from his wife's leg.

Rain on the wedding day - happiness in the house

Do not be afraid if it rains in the morning on a solemn and fateful day for you. Rainy weather prevailing at the wedding is a good and even joyful omen. She gives the spouses a comfortable and long life together.

This sign also originates from ancient times. Rain was considered a harbinger and parent of a good harvest. It is not difficult to guess that people drew an analogy with a new family and grown crops: rainy weather gives life and well-being.

In addition, after the rain, the weather is usually sunny, the air is cleared and it becomes easier to breathe. Therefore, when you see menacing clouds on your wedding day, foreshadowing rain, you can cry, but only let them be tears of happiness, which, together with weather conditions, give family relationships longevity, happiness and prosperity.

A wedding is the happiest and most long-awaited day for lovers, when they become husband and wife to each other. Everyone hopes for a long and happy life together. Wishing to attract good luck and happiness, both guests, and all relatives, and the young themselves prefer to “insure themselves” before the celebration: they follow folk signs relating to absolutely every little thing associated with the wedding. What signs exist, what do they mean?

Most of all popular superstitions are connected with the bride. She should be especially attentive when preparing for the celebration, and during registration, and at the wedding banquet.

Many signs are connected with the clothes of the bride. Often in our time, girls tend to move away from stereotypes and appear at the main celebration of their lives in an unusual outfit: some choose midi or mini dresses, the most original brides, in an effort to keep up with fashion, buy elegant women's tuxedos in pastel colors. Instead of a veil, they wear hats or do not cover their heads at all. But the classic version is a long wedding dress complete with a veil. Why is this particular outfit traditional?

In Russia, it has always been believed that the longer the bride's dress, the longer the young people will live together.

A short dress is for a short marriage. It is also better not to wear a separate suit on this day - to a quick divorce.

The color of the dress plays a big role in the celebration. The classic color of the bride's wedding dress is white. It symbolizes the purity and purity of the girl, as well as God's grace that descended on a young couple. But if you do not like this color, give preference to pink (a symbol of long love) or gold (a symbol of abundant life) attire.

Remember that before the wedding, a dress can be measured only once - at the time of purchase. Showing off in front of a mirror in a wedding dress ahead of time - to an unhappy marriage and its imminent dissolution. On your wedding day, wear a dress only over your head! Do not look in the mirror when you are fully dressed - this is unfortunately and minor annoyances. You can look in the mirror while you are not wearing gloves, a veil or other accessories. If you do this, the whole ceremony and married life will be smooth. Attach a safety pin to the hem of the dress from the wrong side, or make a few small stitches with blue thread.

In order not to part with your spouse all your life, hide your wedding dress from him: until the cherished day, he should not see him.

A wedding dress is your family value! In no case do not sell it, do not rent it, do not allow friends and relatives to try it on. To lend someone your dress is to give away your family happiness.

A veil is not just an accessory. Previously, the mother of the bride specially covered her head with a veil made of light transparent material to protect her from the evil eye. Only after the wedding ceremony was over, the husband could throw back the veil and kiss the young wife.

It was believed that the longer the veil, the healthier the children would be. A short veil - to illness and misfortune.

Be careful with your choice of footwear. The people considered it a good omen to marry in worn shoes. This custom also has a practical meaning: in order not to wear your feet to calluses at the wedding, start breaking in your shoes a couple of days before the celebration. Choose shoes with a low and stable heel. A broken heel is considered a bad omen - family life will "limp". Opt for closed shoes rather than sandals so that wealth does not "leak" from your family.

Pay attention to the signs regarding your jewelry. Of course, you want to look luxurious and elegant on your wedding day. Don't waste your money on expensive accessories. Replace them with costume jewelry, because good jewelry can look just as expensive. You can choose whatever you want, but in no case do not wear pearls. Wear pearls at a wedding - shed tears for a married woman.

There are a lot of signs that the groom should know. Even men, who are naturally less superstitious, prefer to follow the unspoken rules on their wedding day.

The groom must remember that he must spend the last night before the wedding separately from his bride.

This sign is dictated by the past: before the wedding, the bride and groom never lived together.

The best option for a suit for the groom is classic black. In this case, black symbolizes the seriousness of the man's intentions. A gray suit is also suitable: gray symbolizes longevity. The rest of the colors one way or another can adversely affect the future married life: a quick divorce, poverty, frequent illnesses.

If you want to live a long life, then wear shoes in dark shades and without laces to the wedding.

Give preference to an elegant tie instead of a bow tie: put on a bow tie - or you will cheat on your spouse, or she will cheat on you.

To make life rich in marriage, put a coin in your shoe under your right heel before going out.

Tips for choosing a wedding date

Choosing a wedding day is a big responsibility. This is the start of a new family. It was believed that if you take into account all the signs when choosing the day of the celebration, then the family will be strong.

It is not necessary to do a wedding in a leap year, tense in every way.

If the celebration falls on the thirteenth, then it is better to transfer it to another number.

It is believed that the month has an impact on the future fate of a young family. Signs say that the most favorable months for marriage are February (to live in harmony), June (the honeymoon will last until old age), August (the spouses will love each other all their lives), September (calm will reign in the house), November ( the family will live in abundance) and December (feelings will become stronger year by year). Marriage in January - to an early widowhood, in March - to a long-distance move, in April - to changeable happiness, in May - to betrayal by spouses, to big problems (toil all your life), in July - to changeability in relationships, and in October - to unforeseen difficulties.

The days favorable for marriage are the Intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos (October 14) and Krasnaya Gorka (a passing holiday of love, spring and weddings, known to the Slavs since pre-Christian times).

The most successful days of the week for marriage are Monday (promises wealth), Tuesday (family members will be healthy), Wednesday and Sunday (marriages made on these days are strong).

When choosing your registration time, try to get married in the afternoon.

Witness notes

Usually, the bride and groom choose witnesses from among their best friends and close relatives. But does it always bring happiness?

Never offer your relatives to be witnesses at the wedding! This will bring tragedy to the young family: one of the spouses will either become seriously ill or die ...

It is good if the witnesses at the wedding are unmarried people who have never married. It is believed that this will bring happiness to the bride and groom.

Do not invite spouses as witnesses - this will bring trouble to their marriage, it may even lead to divorce.

It is not necessary to call widowers and widows, as well as divorcees, as witnesses: part of their grief will be passed on to the young.

Signs about wedding bouquets

The groom orders the wedding bouquet for the bride. He should carefully consider the choice of flowers, because each flower symbolizes a certain feeling: white roses are innocence and purity, red ones are passionate love, pink ones are tenderness. But give up tea roses, because this is a symbol of parting. Lilies embody youth, tulips - hope for family happiness, chrysanthemums symbolize fidelity and sincerity of feelings.

The bride should not let the bouquet out of her hands! She can only give it to her mother and husband for a while. Wedding flowers should be kept for life.

The groom should order two identical bouquets: one for the young wife, the other for her to throw him to her unmarried girlfriends. The one who catches the bouquet will be the next to marry.

Signs about wedding rings

Wedding rings are the most important attributes of a wedding. There are many signs associated with them. The main thing is not to try on the rings before the wedding! You need to buy them on the same day and in the same place. In order not to be mistaken, find out exactly the size of the fingers of the bride and groom.

Be careful when putting on a ring for the bride (groom): if the ring falls, this is an omen of the imminent breakdown of marriage.

After registering the marriage, the bride must give the ring box to a young unmarried girl from among the guests. Soon she will also get married.

Signs about the wedding banquet

An odd number of guests must be invited to the wedding feast. Warn them not to wear black to the wedding.

Seat the guests according to all the rules: those invited from the groom's side should sit to his right, and those invited from the bride's side should sit to her left. The parents of the newlyweds should be seated at the end of the festive table. Remember: the farther from the young - the older the guests.

On the table, the spouses must have two untouched bottles of champagne tied with one ribbon. Newlyweds should keep them at home. This is for the upcoming addition to the family.

The bride and groom should be inseparable all day long. No one can pass between them. They should only dance with each other (a couple of dances with their parents). For young people to live together, they should not sit on chairs, but on a bench.

Of course, one of the most important "characters" at the wedding is the cake. In order for the bride and groom to live long and friendly, and have many children, the cake must be large and tall, richly decorated with various fruits and nuts. Young people should cut the cake only together, and keep the first piece for yourself - for good luck.

A wedding is a noisy and crowded event that requires a large venue. When choosing a banquet hall, keep in mind that there should be a place for festive tables, and for holding competitions, and for dancing. Someone invites about fifty guests, and someone - two hundred. In any capacity: both for a modest wedding and.

Signs were created and accumulated by the people for many centuries. Often we follow them in order to calm ourselves. Everyone chooses for himself which signs to believe in, and which not. Remember the main thing: not everything depends on signs alone ...

The wedding ceremony, like other rituals, from time immemorial has traditionally not been without folk signs and superstitions. Our ancestors believed in otherworldly forces and many inexplicable phenomena; these beliefs gradually poured into established wedding signs. Any little thing during the wedding ceremonies mattered - the weather, gifts, the color of clothing details, cutlery.

Of course, it is not necessary to believe in wedding signs, because signs are not predictions, not horoscopes and not prophecies; Beliefs don't have to come true. This type of folk art is good because it gives wide scope for folk imagination, and sometimes even brings up positive qualities in people.

If you are superstitious enough, to calm your soul, you can choose a happy, according to signs, wedding date on our website. We also have collected wedding signs and superstitions about the bride's dress, wedding ceremony, flowers, banquets, gifts for newlyweds and many other signs. If you are not completely superstitious, but listen to people's advice, believe only in good wedding omens - there are many of them on our website!

In general, many interesting traditions are associated with the wedding, some of which date back to ancient times. For example, the custom of cutting a wedding cake came to us from the Roman Empire. The ancient Romans baked the main wedding delicacy in the form of a barley cake, which the groom had to break over the bride's head as a sign of his wife's subjugation. And the medieval English, instead of a wedding cake, baked small rolls, which the guests laid out in a high hill between the young. If the newlyweds managed to kiss over the hill without destroying it, their union promised to be long-lasting and happy.

Wedding signs associated with the bride's bouquet also came to us from ancient times. One of the funniest traditions existed in Ancient Greece. There, the bride herself was turned into a bouquet: she was decorated with orange tree flowers and ivy. And in ancient Rome, the bride was made a bouquet of ... garlic and wheat spikelets.

1. Wedding rings should not be given to anyone either before or after the wedding.

2. When preparing a bed for the newlyweds on their wedding night (a close married relative can do this), the pillows are laid so that the cuts of the pillowcases touch. To a friendly life.

3. So that the young people do not need money, the groom on the wedding day must put a coin in his right shoe, which is then kept as a family heirloom.

4. Mandatory rule: young people should enter the wedding table only in a clockwise direction or in the direction of the sun, and leave in the opposite direction.

5. Both the bride and groom need to fix a safety pin on their clothes with the head down - from the evil eye. To the bride on the hem of the dress, to the groom where the boutonniere is, but so that the pin is not visible.

6. The bride's wedding shoes don't have to be new. As a last resort, buy them in advance and put them on several times before the wedding. Then they will attract luck and good fortune to your newly created family.

7. The bride should make a couple of stitches from the evil eye on the hem of the dress or in another place invisible to the eyes. Shoes must be closed toe.

8. If the bride, standing under the crown, drops her handkerchief, then her husband will die and be her widow.

9. Before the wedding, the bride should cry a little - the marriage will be happy. It is best if these tears are from the parting words of the parents, and not because of some overlays or problems.

10. The bride's dress must be a dress, not a corset with a skirt, otherwise there will be a separate life.

11. When the bride goes to the church / registry office, the mother gives her daughter a family heirloom: a ring, a cross, a brooch, a bracelet, etc., so that this thing is with her at the wedding, protecting her.

12. Before the wedding / registration, the bride should not see herself in the mirror in full dress. For example, you can look at yourself without gloves or in a dress, but without a veil.

13. The bride should not let go of the groom's bouquet throughout the day. In an emergency, you can give the groom or mother to hold the bouquet. Only at a wedding banquet you can put it on the table in front of you, and in the evening you should take it to your bedroom.

14. You can't wear pearls to a wedding. This is for the tears of the bride.

15. When leaving the house for a wedding / registration, it is desirable that the bride wears a veil from the evil eye. When she enters the House of Celebrations or the church, if desired, the veil can be thrown back.

16. If the witnesses at the wedding are divorced, this is a divorce for the newlyweds.

17. After the groom has put on the bride a wedding ring, neither she nor he can take an empty box from under the rings or a plate on which she lay. It is better to take a box to an unmarried girlfriend or friend.

18. If the groom cuts his hair on the eve of the wedding or wedding - the children will be sick.

19. On the day of the wedding, parents should ensure that none of the strangers and guests straighten the clothes on the bride and groom.

20. The bride should not allow her friends to stand in front of her in front of the mirror so that they do not take her beloved away.

21. Newlyweds must keep together at all times so that no one passes or stands between them, so that the union is indestructible.

22. When the groom takes the bride from the parental home, in no case should he look back.

23. The bride and groom should blow out the wedding candles at the same time - this is for a long life together.

24. The bride should never enter the house either first or last. A young husband should bring her in her arms. (And he will wear it all his life, however, with a stop to worldly affairs).

25. After the wedding, the young should look in one mirror - to good luck, to a friendly and happy life.

26. It’s good if the bride is put on earrings by her beloved and happy married friend.

27. When leaving the church / registry office, you need to sprinkle the young with cereals: rice, millet or wheat grains - this is to live in abundance.

28. Wedding rings should be smooth, classic, without notches and stones, so that the life of the young would be smooth, without pitfalls.

29. Young people should not go to a banquet by a direct road. People say that it is necessary to mislead evil spirits, and therefore the route is chosen complex, ornate. By the way, on this occasion, in some countries, empty tin cans are tied to the rear bumper so that they strum along the road and scare away all evil spirits.

30. There should not be any jewelry on the hands. They will be decorated with a wedding ring.

31. When young people drive up to the wedding venue, the car should honk loudly. This also applies to scaring away evil spirits.

32. If during a solemn wedding photo shoot in the registry office the bride's left palm itches - be rich, and if the right one - then the guests will not be transferred to her new house

33. The newlyweds should dance at the wedding banquet only together and a little with their parents. Parents after dancing with their children must definitely reconnect them, bring them to each other.

34. Whoever stands first on the towel, spread by witnesses in front of the young in the registry office, will be the owner of the house.

35. The bride cuts the wedding cake, the groom holds the knife. The groom puts a piece of cake with the main pattern on the plate of his betrothed, the bride presents the next piece to the groom, and then to the guests. This is a sign of mutual agreement and help to each other.

36. Marriage will be successful if, on the eve of the wedding, the bride puts a mirror under her pillow and puts her nightgown inside out.

37. You can’t part with a veil and boutonniere. The veil and boutonniere are kept at home as a family heirloom, and when a child is born in the family, for example, they cover the baby with a veil when he is sick, or hang over his bed from the evil eye.

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A wedding is one of the most important events in the life of every person who has decided to take such a step. It is important both for the newlyweds themselves and for their relatives and parents.

Since every person wants this event to go as well as possible and bring only good things to further family life, whether he is a superstitious or a skeptic, the wedding process is still not complete without various traditions, superstitions and rituals. This is especially true for the bride herself.

To prepare for this great day, what a girl does and what she is not ready to believe in for the sake of her bright future. A special place in the pre-wedding fuss is occupied by signs about the bride's wedding dress. There are many beliefs about her and her outfit.

Superstitions and signs regarding the bride's attire

The most famous superstition about the dress is that the groom should never see him before the wedding. Any purchases and fittings that concern him should not involve the future husband here. Such a nuisance promises, according to popular belief, a quick quarrel and a break in marriage.

According to the sayings of old people, there is a sign that she needs her happy friend, who is already married, to wear earrings for her wedding.

When the bride does a pre-wedding fitting of her outfit, it is necessary that the image is not quite complete, let her not have one of the accessories, one earring, a glove, a stocking. So that she appears in full image only on the wedding day, then she will be fully happy in her married life.

It is not at all easy, because the preferred color of the bride's dress is white. It means that the bride is pure and innocent, that she is ready for a new life from a clean white slate, which forgives all insults and is ready to forget about the hardships that were in her life.

If there are gold-colored jewelry or accessories on the dress - this is for wealth and prosperity, pink - for tender and pure love.

The underwear of a girl at her own wedding must be white, which means that she is pure in intentions and her love.

A note about jewelry. From natural gold, the bride on her wedding day should only have her wedding ring, let the rest of the accessories be made of good quality jewelry.

There is also an opinion about the shoes of the bride, firstly, they should have a closed toe and heel, and secondly, they should not be completely new. Before the wedding, the bride needs to spread them a little so that there is no discomfort at the wedding, then the married life together will be happy and smooth.

Signs with the bride on the wedding day

Rumor has it that if the bride accidentally breaks her heel at a wedding, then she bewitched her fiance, or they were spoiled.

It is considered bad omens when on the wedding day the bride accidentally drops the mirror and it breaks if she loses her wedding glove, a pin from her head, in such cases her luck is gone.

Also on the wedding day, there is an unkind belief that if the bride stumbles, there is doubt about the correctness of her choice.

If her left hand itches that day, this is for wealth, when the right hand is for regular guests in the house.

When the bride drops her glass at the wedding table and champagne spills, this means that the husband will be addicted to alcohol.

It is considered useful if the girl will cry on the wedding day, and the more the better, because tears are fortunate.

If the bride's dress is torn at the wedding, an evil mother-in-law is waiting for her.

Dropping a ring during a wedding ceremony is also considered a rather bad sign, not a sign of a strong family.

Wedding signs amulets for the bride so that the marriage is happy

In order for the young couple to live happily ever after, according to popular beliefs, the bride's wedding bouquet should consist only of fresh flowers. According to legend, the girl who catches him may soon prepare for her own wedding.

A very good step for a happy and devoted life on the part of her husband without betrayal would be if the bride herself embroiders a nightgown.

So that no one jinxes the bride at the wedding, you need to attach a pin on the inside of the dress, with the head down.

Also, to protect against the evil thoughts of those around her, the stitches on the inside of the blue dress will protect her, she needs to make them herself.

There is a good sign when a shoe is stolen from a bride. According to superstition, this means that the one who stole her took “good luck” in his hands, since the bride got married and did not remain single.

The bride should not be allowed to try on her dress and veil to anyone, this promises a quick break in relations and portends that a third person may appear between the young.

You can not wear a wedding ring before the wedding, it also threatens a short-lived relationship.

The bride needs to protect her veil from outsiders and store it after the wedding. In the future, it will serve as a talisman for the family and for the unborn baby, it is even recommended to hang it over the baby's bed to save it from evil eye and spoilage.

Signs that the bride should know about

In no case should the newlyweds spend the pre-wedding night together in the same house. It is especially impossible for the bride to see her chosen one in the morning before the wedding, this can lead to failures and quarrels in family life.

The rings of the newlyweds, according to the old custom, should be even, without any patterns and pebbles. This will protect their marriage from all sorts of troubles and stumbling, and their life together will be even and smooth.

There is also a rather serious saying that you should never let anyone in under any circumstances into the room where the newlyweds will have their wedding night. This will protect them from outside evil interference.

Summing up, it is worth noting that the wedding is a great solemn event in the life of every girl. Almost everyone dreams of a white fluffy dress, a gorgeous unforgettable wedding and subsequent happy family life until the end of their days. And everyone has the right to choose whether to believe in signs and superstitions or not. But everything is worth listening to them, and suddenly there really is something in this.

From time immemorial, people have considered autumn to be the most successful time for marriage. Things are done and you can go for a walk! Now, few people take into account the old canons, but it is still interesting to get acquainted with wedding signs. In our hearts, we women still believe in omens. And although it is impossible to guarantee that, having played a wedding according to all conceivable rules, the young people will live like in a fairy tale, we try to make everything at our wedding “according to science”!

Weddings have never been played before...

  • During all four fasts: Great, Petrov, Assumption and Christmas, as well as during Christmas time, in the period from the Nativity of Christ to Theophany (from January 7 to January 20).
  • On Saturday, as well as on the eve of temple and great holidays, so that the pre-holiday evening does not pass in noisy fun and entertainment.
  • On Tuesday and Thursday, on the eve of the fast days of Wednesday and Friday throughout the year.
  • During Shrove Tuesday (week before Lent)
  • On the day of the beheading of John the Baptist (September 11); on the day of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross (September 27).
  • In May. On the day of the holy Apostle James on May 13 (April 30, old style), matchmaking was stopped. And if someone got married, they considered his proposal insulting and even shameful. It is a popular sign to marry in May, to suffer all your life. But there are exceptions.
  • On even numbers. Odd numbers are considered the best: 3, 5, 7, 9, or those numbers that, when added together, add up to the above, for example, 25 in the sum of 7. Marriages concluded in the afternoon are considered the most successful.
  • July 16 (July 3, old style) is the day of the martyr Iakinf, St. Philip, Metropolitan of Moscow.
  • On the day of the Martyr Theodosia of Tire and the Holy Blessed John June 11 (May 29, old style). They said: "The day of St. Theodosius is worth one of all Mondays."
  • February 29, the day of St. Cassian the Roman. In the old days, on this day, they were even afraid to leave the hut, so that misfortune would not happen. “Kasyan is cross-eyed, brothers from him, bury everything, he will jinx it vividly, so much so that later neither the priests will scold, nor the grandmother will whisper.”

There are other "forbidden" dates that can be found in the church. If this is important for you, contact a professional astrologer and a specialist will choose the best wedding day for you, taking into account church canons.

So, in addition to all the wedding preparations and troubles, you need to take care of other important details, taking into account folk signs ...

1. Don't give wedding rings to anyone before or after the wedding.

2. So that the young people do not need money, the groom on the wedding day must put a coin in his right shoe, which is then kept as a family heirloom!

3. Both the bride and groom need to fix a safety pin on their clothes with the head down from the evil eye. To the bride on the hem of the dress (from the inside), to the groom where the boutonniere is, but so that the pin is not visible.

4. The bride should put on something new on her wedding day, something from someone else's shoulder (except for a veil, gloves and, of course, underwear, stockings), something worn. She should make a couple of stitches on the hem of the dress or in another place invisible to the eyes, preferably with blue threads (from the evil eye). Shoes must be closed toe.

5. Before the wedding, the bride should cry a little, the marriage will be happy. It is best if these tears are from the parting words of the parents, and not because of some overlays or problems.

6. When the bride goes to the church / registry office, the mother gives her daughter a family heirloom: a ring, a cross, a brooch, a bracelet, etc., so that this thing is with her at the wedding, protecting her.

7. Until the moment of the wedding / registration, the bride should not see herself in the mirror in full dress. For example, you can look at yourself without gloves or in a dress, but without a veil.

8. The bride should not let go of the groom's bouquet all day long. In an emergency, you can give the groom or mother to hold the bouquet. Only at a wedding banquet you can put it on the table in front of you, and in the evening you should take it to your bedroom. It is believed: if you release a bouquet, happiness can fly away like a bird.

9. After the bride has left the house for the wedding/registration, you should at least symbolically wash the floors to make it easier for the bride to enter the husband's house. The best thing to do is to her mother. 2-3 minutes wedding cortege may well wait!

10. When leaving the house for a wedding / registration, it is desirable that the bride wears a veil from the evil eye. When she enters the House of Celebrations or the church, if desired, the veil can be thrown back.

11. After the groom has put the wedding ring on the bride, neither she nor he can take an empty ring box or a plate on which she lay. It is better to take a box to an unmarried girlfriend or friend.

12. On the day of the wedding, parents should ensure that none of the strangers and guests straighten the clothes on the bride and groom.

13. Newlyweds must stay together at all times so that no one passes or stands between them. May the union be indestructible!

14. The wedding candles of the bride and groom should be blown out at the same time for a long life together.

15. After the wedding, the young should look in one mirror for good luck, for a friendly and happy life.

16. When leaving the church / registry office, you need to sprinkle the young with cereals: rice, millet or wheat grains to live in abundance.

17. Young people should not go to the banquet by a direct road. People say that it is necessary to mislead evil spirits, and therefore the route is chosen complex, ornate. By the way, on this occasion, in some countries, empty tin cans are tied to the rear bumper so that they strum along the road and scare away all evil spirits.

18. When the young people drive up to the place of the wedding celebration, the car should honk loudly. This also applies to scaring away evil spirits, from the evil eye.

19. The newlyweds should dance at the wedding banquet only together and a little with their parents. Parents after dancing with their children must definitely reconnect them and bring them to each other.

20. The bride cuts the wedding cake, the groom holds the knife. The groom puts a piece of cake with the main pattern on the plate of his betrothed, the bride presents the next piece to the groom. Then to the guests. This is a sign of mutual agreement and help to each other.

21. Bridesmaids and other single ladies who want to catch the bride's bouquet, instead of the bouquet presented by the groom, need to throw an alternative, or "fake" bouquet ordered in advance, which looks a little like the bride's bouquet.

About the tradition of removing the veil. Usually a young couple is chosen from the guests and they become, as it were, a "groom" and a "bride". The girl, the alleged newlywed, is put on a veil taken from the real bride, and the groom's boutonniere is put on the imaginary groom.

So, you can’t part with a veil and boutonniere! In this case, they came up with an alternative bouquet. The veil and boutonniere are kept at home as a family heirloom, and when the first-born is born in the family, for example, they cover the baby with a veil when he is sick, or hang over his bed from the evil eye.

22. When preparing a bed for the newlyweds on their wedding night (a close married relative can do this), the pillows are laid so that the cuts of the pillowcases touch. To a friendly life.