Vaccination at 3 years old in front of the kindergarten. Preventive vaccinations - meaning, list, plan and technique. Vaccinations against major infections

An older child needs not only the love and care of relatives, but also communication with peers. A small person seeks to explore the world, taste everything and touch everything. The kindergarten is organized to ensure the full development of the baby in society before moving to the next educational institution.

Every parent is concerned about the process of preparing a child. You have to learn how to do without parents, independently perform some actions. New children's contacts in the kindergarten bring acquaintances with viruses that the body has not yet encountered. It is possible to reduce the negative effect on immunity if all the necessary vaccinations are done.

Why should a child be vaccinated before entering kindergarten

In early childhood, the immune system is just beginning to strengthen. Adults need to understand that they are responsible for developing mental and physical well-being. A germ attack in the garden can break children's defenses and have a lot of negative consequences.

Only by vaccination are they protected from diseases that can lead to disability.

Many parents are afraid that the introduction of a foreign substance will create a great burden on the fragile body. Modern vaccinations are not dangerous and lead to almost no complications. The drugs contain killed viruses that cannot cause disease.

It is important to evaluate the benefits of vaccination before gardening. Even if the child was sick and missed the next calendar injection, it is permissible to administer the drug during the period of complete recovery in a hospital or kindergarten. Correctly organized preventive measures will eliminate the occurrence of complications.

Vaccination helps to effectively develop immunity in childhood. In kindergarten, there is always a risk of catching an infection that other children have brought. Babies sometimes forget about hygiene when they talk to each other. Viruses are easily transmitted through toys, household items, by contact and aerosol. It is part of children's habits to taste everything.

Vaccination protects against many diseases. The parent has the right to write a refusal, but this risks the health of the whole family. Before sending a child to kindergarten for the first time, it is necessary to conduct an examination and get all the vaccinations necessary in childhood.

What the vaccine laws say

Parents of all children are advised to know the laws in order to protect their rights in case of any misunderstanding. If the child does not go to the kindergarten or other childcare institution without vaccination, you can use the knowledge gained to your advantage. Adults are obliged to make informed decisions about microinjections with the vaccine, because the benefits of the injected drug are priceless. The kindergarten was created to make life easier for parents.

The main laws about to be consulted are:

  • In the Constitution of the Russian Federation, article 43 tells about the rights and guarantees of education. Education is available to all people, without exception, in preschool and other institutions.
  • The Federal Law "On Education in the Russian Federation" in article 5 sets out in detail that all residents have the right to receive preschool, secondary, and special education. Nationality, gender, place of residence, beliefs do not matter. So if the parents are convinced that the child does not need the vaccine, they can safely refer to the legality of the decision.

Federal Russian laws describe any issues that need to be resolved in the current situation. Article 5 of the legal document "On immunization of infectious diseases" talks about the rights that all people have before and after vaccination. Doctors should talk about why medical injections are given and what can happen after a refusal. is free. During the period of an outbreak of the disease, they may temporarily refuse to accept a child without vaccinations in an educational or health care institution until the situation normalizes.

The Convention on Rights considers the rules of medical intervention, when and how to refuse vaccinations, what are the indications and contraindications for the administration of drugs.

Everyone should know the rights and responsibilities of their children. You need to decide carefully and deliberately, the development and health of a small child individually. Before getting to know the kindergarten, he must be physically ready.

What are the compulsory vaccinations given to children?

Childhood susceptibility to disease is at risk of complications. It is necessary to prepare correctly for the initial academic year in advance. Some calendar vaccinations are given immediately from birth, others are injected after a year. It is important to follow the rules of vaccination. The main task is a stable immunity to the influence of viruses.

A newborn is optionally put on hepatitis B type. Injections are easily tolerated even by children's immunity. Health care providers ask the mother's consent for the vaccine and record the first entry in the child's mandatory vaccination history.

At 3 months, the body is ready to enter DPT, other tetanus, poliomyelitis. At the same time, a second injection of a substance from hepatitis is made, then an injection is injected at 6 months to produce antibodies. With an interval of 1.5 months, DPT is done twice more.

In the year, the drug is injected for the first time from,. It is forbidden to give an injection if you feel unwell, you must first take tests. Proper preparation will reduce the risk of negative reactions.

As children grow, revaccination is required to create resistance to new manifestations. At 18 months, DTP is administered, and at 20 months - a drug for poliomyelitis.

From birth to two years of age, the child receives protection against every most dangerous infection. Most of the protective measures have already been taken before sending the baby to the garden. The next stage is preparation for school.

At 6 years of age, revaccination and DPT are needed. At the age of 13, they are injected, as well as for hepatitis. At the age of 14-16, all previous vaccinations are injected.

It is impossible to foresee the infection of a child from all viruses. Childhood soreness in the garden is due to close contacts of babies. Shared toys are often vehicles for disease transmission. Children often come to kindergarten who are carriers of rather unpleasant viruses.

You can protect against seasonal diseases with preventive vaccinations. When the seasons change in the garden, coughs and runny nose often occur among babies. Viruses cause irritation in the bronchi, lungs, mucous membranes, which will create a complication.

Additionally, it is better to use drugs against certain complications:

  • dangerous with a destructive effect on the brain, leading to disability and death;
  • meningococcal infection causes damage to the child's brain, leading to serious consequences;
  • multiplies rapidly, causes pneumonia, meningitis, inflammation in the ear, is not treated with antibiotics;
  • destroys the liver, transmitted by children through objects.

Immunization increases the body's resistance and guarantees parental peace of mind for the healthy state of the child. They cannot be removed from visiting the garden during seasonal outbreaks of ailments. For the mother, such a decision of the medical representative in the organization will come as a surprise. It turns out that the little man will have no one to leave at home.

It is not forbidden to sign a refusal to use drugs, but this will undermine the health of a son or daughter. Before making any decision, you should carefully consider and read the medical and legal literature. Immunity is under enormous stress, it is necessary to take care and strengthen the immune system with injections to reduce the incidence of diseases in children.

All parents need to know what kind of vaccinations are needed for kindergarten. For the normal and effective development of the child, he should maintain communication with other children, so visiting kindergarten will not be superfluous. In order for a child to be taken to a preschool educational institution, it becomes necessary to obtain a certificate, and not everyone knows what vaccinations are needed for a kindergarten.

If the parents did not want to vaccinate their child, then some problems may arise with the enrollment or it will be necessary to find a private kindergarten, where other requirements apply. All vaccinations are given in advance so that the child develops immunity. To do this, you must follow the scheme and timing of the procedures. Vaccination will help protect the child's body from serious ailments, strengthen the immune system, which plays a major role in the fight against the invasion of microbes.

Necessary vaccinations in kindergarten

These are compulsory vaccinations that must be given to children under two years of age:

  1. Polio.
  2. Tetanus.
  3. Diphtheria.
  4. Whooping cough.
  5. Rubella.
  6. Measles.
  7. Mumps.
  8. Hepatitis B.
  9. Tuberculosis.

Almost all parents know that, for example, vaccination against whooping cough is unpleasant and not easy. Do not forget that this ailment is unsafe for the child's life. Whooping cough is the most common and there is no point in taking risks, but it will be more effective to protect yourself with a vaccine. Some parents do not want to vaccinate their children against rubella and measles, believing that the child should independently recover from these diseases and acquire strong immunity to them. But the consequences can be unpredictable - there is a danger of inflammation affecting the brain, which leads to disability.

If you do not get vaccinated against mumps, then with the disease, reproductive disorders are possible, especially in boys.

It is given once with three vaccines, and if taken separately, it will be more difficult for a child's body to transfer them. Enrolling in kindergarten without vaccinations entails problems. In a medical institution, having studied the little patient's card, they make an extract with the vaccination. Only in this case, children are taken to the garden. In case of refusal of vaccinations due to their contraindications, the heads of the child care institution are obliged to enroll such children. The same rules for admission to school without vaccinations. Health professionals advise getting vaccinated against hepatitis A, which is common in places like the garden and can have a detrimental effect on the liver. A slight body temperature, which may rise later, or mild malaise are exceptions to the rule.

Meningitis is an extremely dangerous disease because it causes inflammation in the meninges. Therefore, meningitis needs vaccination for children from six months of age. In summer, there are many ticks that carry encephalitis. He has serious complications, up to the acquisition of disability. But there are vaccinations that will serve as a protective barrier against such an ailment.

Very young children have not yet developed their immunity to the influenza virus, so in the autumn it will not be superfluous to get vaccinated.

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Why are kindergarten vaccinations required?

At some point, all parents are faced with the fact that the time has come to send their children to kindergarten or school. It is important to understand that a child needs to learn to communicate in society with other children in order to be able to get along with people and interact with them. Enrollment in the kindergarten is, of course, the first independent exit of a child into the world of his own kind, as well as the problem of encountering bacteria and viruses.

The immune system learns to resist them steadily, but this does not happen overnight, in the process of "learning" children often have to get sick.

Vaccinations should not be taken for granted, needed only by the kindergarten leadership - they can serve to strengthen the child's immunity. There is a basic list of vaccinations that are included in a special calendar for the countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States, which provides protection against deadly viruses. There are also additional vaccinations that can be done at the request of the parents.

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Diseases and vaccinations against them

Haemophilus influenzae is dangerous for children under the age of five. The most dangerous thing is that almost forty percent of children who go to kindergartens are considered carriers of the infection. This microbe tends to be transmitted through contact (through common objects), and not only through the air. This raises concerns. In the process of vaccinations carried out in preschool and school childcare facilities, as a rule, the rate of acute respiratory diseases decreases, because Haemophilus influenzae is the main reason for acute respiratory infections. And with the help of vaccination, the child is fully protected for the entire period of vaccination, that is, for five years.

The vaccination is tolerated without side effects, in exceptional cases there is local redness and induration, a rise in temperature is not observed or is extremely rare. Vaccination is indicated for children from infancy, the plan is up to four injections. This gives the maximum protection effect at six to twelve months of age. Children over one year old are given one injection of Haemophilus influenzae. Vaccination against this infection can be supplemented with other vaccinations, except for some that do not match.

Vaccination can be done using a variety of techniques.

Intramuscular injection is the most popular method, it is more effective and therefore more acceptable. With the help of it, vaccinations dissolve, respectively, the desired effect is achieved faster, and allergic reactions do not occur, because the vaccine instantly spreads through the bloodstream.

By swallowing - from enteroviral diseases. Take the right amount of solution, drip it into your mouth or onto cookies, in order to camouflage an unpleasant taste. This simple method still reveals some disadvantages - error in dosage, incomplete intestinal absorption.

Intradermal administration - vaccine against tuberculosis, smallpox and several others. Traditionally, the injection is made in the shoulder or forearm with a thinner needle than usual. If the vaccine is injected correctly, the skin at the injection site will have a whitish color.

Subcutaneous - this method is used for the largest number of vaccinations. It is quite simple, but has some disadvantages due to its low speed and therefore is indicated for people with low blood clotting. In this way, it is contraindicated to vaccinate against hepatitis and rabies. Inserted into the scapula, thigh or shoulder area. An area of ​​skin is taken with two fingers and an injection is made into the resulting fold. It is so easy to determine the exact dose, which is more effective.

Nasally - with the help of an aerosol, solutions are administered through the nose. Vaccination in this way does not contribute to the development of systemic immunity, creating protection for bacteria only on the mucous membrane for a short time. These vaccinations are designed to protect against airborne diseases (influenza, measles, rubella). They are introduced into the nasal cavity by means of a pipette, in the case of an ointment base or in the form of a cream - by means of a cotton swab. The disadvantage of this method is that part of the vaccine can enter the stomach, therefore, it is difficult to regulate the dose.

Before vaccinations, urine and blood tests are taken for research in order to identify existing contraindications.

The issue of vaccination is acute for parents of babies. Everyone decides for himself what is best for the child and takes responsibility. And if earlier the refusal of vaccinations was only for medical reasons, now more and more parents enjoy the right of citizens to refuse preventive vaccinations.

The lowest threshold for the number of vaccinated children under one year old (according to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development) was in Russia at the end of the 80s - beginning of the 90s. However, after 1990, it increased, and by 2000 reached the level of 96% -99%. Now the level of vaccination in the Russian Federation still remains at a high level, however, there are countries - Russia's neighbors, in which the vaccination threshold is extremely low. For example, in Ukraine in 2016 only 45% of babies were vaccinated against measles, and this is critically small. (

Read more about the measles outbreak in Ukraine and other territories.

According to research by Russian scientists, the vaccine protects a child from disease by 97%. This is not 100%, but the rates are high. I really want the parents to take this issue responsibly and make the right choice.

What are the contraindications for vaccination

If a child begins to attend kindergarten, then it is worth providing protection against various diseases. And many parents are concerned about the need for vaccinations for children who start going to kindergarten.

There are a number of temporary and permanent contraindications.

You should not be vaccinated or tested for mantoux if

  • The child does not feel well or is sick - these are the rules. In this case, the disease may be asymptomatic. Therefore, before vaccination, a pediatrician examination is required, and if necessary, tests are prescribed.
  • The kid is capricious, restless, behaves in an unusual way.
  • For a day or more, he had no stool.

After these contraindications are removed, and the pediatrician gives the go-ahead, you can continue to vaccinate the child according to the vaccination schedule.

Persistent contraindications include HIV, immunodeficiency, and malignant tumors.

Whether to get vaccinated in a kindergarten or in a clinic

In large kindergartens, after receiving written consent for the vaccination or test of mantu from the parents, vaccination is organized in the medical office. First, the children are examined by a pediatrician, and then a procedure nurse (they are most often invited from a children's clinic) vaccinates the kids.

It would seem that this is very convenient for parents. No need to stand in lines, ask for time off from work, take your child to the clinic. However, there are also downsides. Before the vaccination, parents do not see the baby, they cannot notice changes in behavior, which may be a sign of an incipient illness. There is no unambiguous solution, it is necessary to consider each case separately.

How to behave on the day of vaccination

If the parents nevertheless decide to get vaccinated at the clinic, it is important to follow a number of simple rules:

  • after taking a queue, do not sit in a crowded corridor, go out for a walk with your child on the street;
  • avoid overheating, dress your child for the season;
  • observe the drinking regime, the baby should receive sufficient liquid;
  • do not overfeed the toddler;
  • if possible, avoid large crowds of people, reschedule attending entertainment events to another day.

At the end of the article, I would like to wish parents and kids good health!

In accordance with the Federal legislation of Russia, there is a certain one. Parents need to know in advance what vaccinations should be given to children at a certain age. This list contains not only mandatory vaccinations, but also those that are able to protect the child's body from other, no less dangerous diseases.

To prevent seasonal outbreaks of viral and infectious diseases, and epidemics of dangerous diseases in Russia, the Ministry of Health conducts routine vaccinations of children, starting from the first days of their life. During artificial immunization, antigens of microorganisms are introduced into the child's body in a certain amount.

This specially prepared material is able to maximize the resistance of children to diseases of infectious and viral origin. Immediately after the introduction of antigens in the child's body, a process begins that stimulates the production of antibodies to specific pathogens.

Vaccination of children, in accordance with Russian legislation, is carried out both for the purpose of prophylaxis and for the treatment of diseases. Today, many parents are strongly opposed to vaccinations, as they believe that they can harm babies. When deciding to refuse routine vaccination, you need to be aware of all the consequences and problems that you may face.

Vaccination of children in Russia can be carried out in several ways, depending on the type of vaccination. The most common method of administration is intramuscular , which allows you to achieve maximum effect.

The antigens introduced in this way quickly spread through the bloodstream, and children quickly begin to develop immunity to a specific disease.

Preoral introduction vaccine provides for the introduction of an infection of enteroviral origin (poliomyelitis). Subcutaneous method vaccinating a child is advisable only for live vaccines, fever (yellow), mumps, rubella, measles, etc. Cutaneous and intradermal method vaccination is carried out with the introduction of dry tularemia vaccine and the following antigens: BCG, bacillus Calmette-Guerin, smallpox.

There is another method of vaccination of children in Russia, which does not lead to the development of persistent immunity to diseases. Intranasal way grafting (through the nose) involves the use of inoculations made on the basis of ointments, creams, aerosols and aqueous solutions.

Such vaccination allows for a short period of time to create a barrier for harmful microorganisms that enter the body of children by airborne droplets (rubella, measles, flu).

Do children need to be vaccinated, can they refuse?

Parents who have decided not to give their children routine vaccinations should carefully study the legislation in force in Russia. In accordance with the regulations of Article 11 of the Law of September 17, 98g. №157 FZ, any vaccinations for children under the age of majority should be done only with the consent of their parents. Using the same normative legal act (Art. 5), routine vaccination can be canceled right in the maternity hospital.

In order not to legally participate in vaccinations in Russia, parents need to know what documents need to be filled out and where they should be submitted. First of all, you need to draw up a statement in duplicate, in which you need to indicate that parents refuse to vaccinate their children.

On the second form of the document, the representative of the institution where the application is submitted (maternity hospital, school, kindergarten, etc.) must stamp the receipt, indicate the date, the incoming registration number and signature. If parents decide to send their waiver by mail, they must enclose the form in a certified letter, draw up an inventory and notification.

List of mandatory (routine) vaccinations

The Ministry of Health of Russia has approved a list of vaccinations that medical workers should give to children, starting from a very young age. The same department approved a calendar for preventive vaccination (Order No. 51n dated January 31, 2011), according to which Russian children must be vaccinated against the following diseases:

Disease for which vaccination is carried outCharacteristics of the diseaseAt what age is the vaccine given
Group B hepatitisIt affects the liver, often becomes chronic. With untimely and poor-quality treatment, cirrhosis of the liver may developDuring the first 24 hours of life. Revaccination is carried out in 4 stages: 1 month of life; 2 months life; at 12 months
An infectious disease that is transmitted by airborne droplets. With tuberculosis, the lungs are affectedFrom the 3rd to the 7th day of life. Revaccination: at 7 years old; at the age of 14; at the age of 21; at 28 years old.
DiphtheriaAcute illness caused by bacteria that, when entering the body, affect the kidneys, heart, respiratory tract, and nervous system
PolioAn acute disease that develops as a result of the penetration of a viral infection into the body. The danger of poliomyelitis is that patients often have paralysis and irreversible paresisThe first vaccination at 3 months, the second from 4 to 5 months, the third at 6 months.

Revaccination is carried out at 18 months; 20 months; 14 years old

Whooping coughAfter the bacteria penetrate the organism, the disease develops rapidly. Patients have a paroxysmal cough that lasts a long time, until curedThe first vaccination at 3 months, the second from 4 to 5 months, the third at 6 months.

Revaccination is carried out at 18 months; 6-7 years old; 14 years old; 18 years

A viral disease, usually in an acute form. In patients, there is an increase in temperature, intoxication of the body, damage to the nasopharyngeal mucosa and a rash. Patients often face severe complicationsAt 12 months. Revaccination should be performed at 6 years of age
Almost immediately after infection with this disease, patients develop a rash, fever and enlargement of lymph nodesAt the age of 13
TetanusIt is accompanied by damage to the central nervous system, convulsions and asphyxiaThe first vaccination at 3 months, the second from 4 to 5 months, the third at 6 months.

Revaccination should be carried out at 18 months; 6-7 years old; 14 years old; 18 years

Hemophilic infectionA disease caused by Haemophilus influenzae and proceeding in an acute form. Affects the child's nervous system, causes respiratory failure and multiple purulent fociVaccination can be done according to three schemes:

1. The first vaccination at 3 months, the second from 3 to 5 months, the third at 6 months.

2. The first vaccination at 6 months, the second at 7.5 months.

3. Vaccination is done once from 1 year to 5 years.

Revaccination should be done at 18 months of age.

Before registering for a kindergarten, a child must undergo a medical examination, the results of which are reflected in the appropriate form. The form also indicates all the vaccinations given to the baby, both mandatory and optional.

If the child's medical record does not contain a record of the following vaccines, he may be denied admission to kindergarten:


  • polio;
  • BCG, DTP (calendar);
  • mumps;
  • rubella;
  • measles.


  • meningococcal and hemophilic infections (2 months before going to kindergarten);
  • pneumococcal infection (30 days before going to kindergarten).

Vaccination against meningococcal and hemophilic infections in Russia should be carried out no earlier than the child reaches 18 months of age. If an unfavorable epidemiological situation is observed in the region in which a family with small children lives, then vaccinations against these diseases begin at 6 months, followed by revaccination after 3 months.

Children should be vaccinated against influenza annually, between September and October. Vaccination against pneumococcal infection can be carried out once, after the child reaches the age of two.

How should children be vaccinated?

To avoid complications after vaccination, children must be carefully prepared:

  1. It is imperative to pass blood and urine tests.
  2. Get advice from a neurologist, allergist and therapist, who will give professional opinions on the possibility of vaccinating a child.
  3. On the day of vaccination, children need to have their temperature measured. At the slightest hesitation, the vaccination should be postponed to another, more favorable day.

Each parent should carefully monitor the quality of the vaccine that is given to the baby. If there is such an opportunity, then you need to find out in what conditions ampoules with antigens are stored. In the office of a specialist, you should find out what is the shelf life of the vaccine that he is going to give to the child.

In case of any doubts about the quality of the vaccine or the professionalism of medical personnel, parents need to refuse vaccination and choose a more reliable medical facility.

After vaccination, the following rules must be observed:

  • Immediately after vaccination, you do not need to leave the walls of the medical facility. It is advisable to be in the immediate vicinity of the therapist's office for 30-60 minutes, who can provide qualified assistance in case of any problems.
  • After vaccination, do not wet the injection site.
  • If the DPT vaccine was given in the summer, parents need to closely monitor the temperature of the child. If it rises slightly, then the baby should be given an antipyretic agent, which was recommended by the local therapist. It is important to remember that children under 5 years old should not be given Aspirin. If the temperature rises rapidly, then you need to seek help from the nearest medical institution or call an ambulance.
  • The usual diet of children can be changed only a day after vaccination.
  • If, after vaccination, the behavior of children causes anxiety among parents, they need to urgently seek professional advice.

Problems that can arise if children do not have routine vaccinations

Today, for many parents, the issue of childhood vaccination is acute. Many do not know whether or not to have mandatory vaccinations. This is due to the fact that every year the number of children who have developed complications after routine vaccinations is increasing.

As a result, more and more families decide not to vaccinate their children. Having deliberately taken such a risk, they may face problems when registering their children in a kindergarten or school, when traveling to sanatoriums or summer camps.

The legislation in force on the territory of the Russian Federation does not force children to be vaccinated. Only their parents have the right to decide this question. If the family decides not to vaccinate their child, they may have only temporary difficulties when registering him in a kindergarten or educational institution.

The Directorate has no legal basis to refuse to accept unvaccinated children. Parents can receive a temporary refusal only if at the time of registration of documents in the institution there is a massive illness of children (infectious or viral).

In practice, the management of schools and kindergartens usually tries in every possible way to prevent such children from getting into the collective, since they pose a "threat" of epidemics and outbreaks of serious diseases. The managers either do not accept medical records at all without marks on routine vaccinations, or they appeal their unwillingness to register a child who did not participate in vaccination by the lack of vacancies.

Many parents do not want to vaccinate their newborn, but because it is impossible to go to kindergarten without vaccinations, they take this risky step. The entire procedure for admission to a child care institution ends with a referral from the head to the head of the clinic. The supervisor, in turn, requires at least some of the vaccinations or the Mantoux reaction. In the legislation of Russia, there is an exact definition on this issue: a child without vaccinations has the legal right to attend kindergarten, and the only reason for refusal may be the baby's illness in its active phase.

The law on which this right is based is specified in the Federal Law of the Russian Federation On Immunization. According to the norms prescribed in Article 5, a parent can refuse to vaccinate.

Article 11 states that health workers are not allowed to vaccinate a child without the consent of his official parents or guardians.

Another law on which preventive vaccination is based is specified in article 32 of the OZ RF "On health protection".

It says that doctors have the right to treat a person only after his consent. Article 33 informs that every citizen has the right to refuse interference from a medical institution.

Attention! Preventive vaccination aimed at reducing the number of people suffering from tuberculosis, based on the law "On the prevention of the spread of tuberculosis in Russia" also provides for an agreement on the part of legal parents or guardians.

Liability before the law

In addition to the legal norms specified in these two laws, a parent can refer to the Declaration of Human Rights, or rather to its 26th article and the Constitution of the Russian Federation (43 article), when filling out a sample of refusal to vaccinate.

These two regulations state that everyone has the right to receive an education. Nationality, religion, state of health and many other circumstances are not a significant reason for refusing to accept a minor in an educational institution.

Important! According to paragraph 1, paragraph 11 of the European CX, a person has the right to use any methods of prevention or treatment that will help him improve the general condition of the whole body.

No liability before the law, infringement of rights, research due to refusal of vaccination, is not provided. This is the personal desire and choice of each person, and in the case of a child, the decision of the parents. It is they who take responsibility for the possible consequences of the absence of this medical procedure.


Divorce through court with children and without them

Employees of a medical facility are required not only to provide information about the vaccine itself and its purpose, but also about the possible consequences of both vaccination and refusal to vaccinate. Moreover, they must inform their parents that in accordance with Article 5 of the Federal Law "On Immunoprophylaxis", they have the right to refuse to carry out the procedure. This is possible due to the status of optional vaccination within the framework of the law of the Russian Federation.

Can a child attend kindergarten without vaccinations?

Previously, vaccinations were compulsory, and in their absence, the educational institution had the legal right to refuse to accept a child in a kindergarten or school.

However, according to the latest amendments to the legal framework, this clause is no longer an obligation and therefore cannot serve as a reason for refusal.

To become a pupil of a kindergarten, a certificate from a polyclinic is enough, which will indicate the results of examination of all specialists, including an epidemiologist. The document must be certified by the head physician of the children's medical institution.

If a child is not taken to kindergarten for no good reason, then this is a violation of the law, and in particular, human rights. Parents can challenge the decision of the manager in court by filing a claim for violation of the rights of a minor.

Important! Employees of an educational institution can remove a child from visiting a childcare facility for the period of vaccination of other children, in order to protect the baby from possible infection or illness.

Although a child without vaccinations has the right to go to kindergarten, vaccination against measles and polio is still compulsory. Without them, neither the clinic nor the educational institution will give consent for the baby to visit the garden.

In kindergarten without vaccinations: how to refuse?

To enter any educational institution, you need to prepare a whole package of documents. You will have to collect papers, starting with a statement asking you to take the child to the kindergarten and ending with certificates confirming the appropriate state of health of the child. Health workers and kindergarten managers pay special attention to the availability of a certificate of vaccination against severe infectious diseases.