Simple but effective ways to increase vital energy. How to increase energy? Restoration and increase in energy Men or Women

Physical energy is energy that maintains the viability of the physical body. Physical energy is necessary to maintain a high tone of free (human energy).

To maintain a high level of physical energy, only 2 conditions are necessary:

  1. Good and full nutrition;
  2. Good and full rest.

The physical energy alone is not enough to maintain a high life tone. More free energy is needed. But before we take for an increase in your free energy, you must have a high level of physical energy. When do you sick, what do you want most? Sleep and relax. You can sleep 17-18 hours a day. And there is no no desire to work at all, and especially do something. Watch out for your physical body. If it is in sufficiency, you can engage in the development of free energy, if not, do it. Rest, sleep a lot, feel good. In general, dedicate a certain time only to rest. Take your vacation, go to the sea, in the mountains, to the cottage, in general, where you can relax perfectly.

So, let's say you have a sufficient volume of physical energy, and now the most interesting point comes: how to increase vital energy. The first thing you have to do is determine your current level of free energy. If you are too lazy to get up, reluctant to go to work or study, if you are taking a dream after lunch, and you are clone to sleep, if you do not have other desires in the evening, except to get around the TV, then the level of your free energy is negligible. It may only have enough to keep the current state.

So whatever your energy level at the moment, it can always be enhanced.

There are 2 approaches to raising free energy levels:

  1. Reduce costs free energy;
  2. Increase arrival free energy.

First, let's talk about what is spent free energy:

  1. Any kind of negative emotions. All that causes bad emotions, pumps out creative energy from you! In particular, the feeling of guilt, experience, fear;
  2. Stress. Any stress is caused by a sense of importance;
  3. Sense of importance;
  4. Artificial methods of increasing energy:
    a. Energy drinks;
    b. Alcohol;
    Artificial methods of increasing energy are very similar to the loan of money for interest (in other words, credit). You take energy now, but tomorrow or later give up much more. Therefore, try to use them and especially alcohol as little as possible;
  5. Cigarettes;
  6. Tract for trifles.

Tell me, in your life, priorities are clearly placed? If not, do it right now. It will save you from in vain waste of energy for trifles. Why spend your energy to work, which is not even listed in your list of priorities? For example, do you like football? Is it really important for you, what team will win? Surviving, you spend energy because you are important.

Are you experiencing what happens in the country in the country's economy? If so, then again you spend energy. But notice that you can not change anything with your thoughts. As long as you do not earn a condition, you can not affect the economy. And is it worth giveing \u200b\u200byour energy to it?

But think, probably one of the highest priorities is your family, children. For their lives you are able to influence significantly. Maybe you should spend your energy to improve their life?

After you clearly put the priorities, you will understand that everything that is not on the list is not worth it that you spend energy on it!

Wash 80% of your energy to the first 3 points of your priorities: 50% - for the first, 20% - on the second, 10% - on the third, and the remaining 20% \u200b\u200b- on all the others! Watting energy into little things, you give it irretrievably. Watting energy on really important things, you invest it, for which you get even more energy.

Well, now the time has come to talk about how to increase your energy level:

1. Dreams, goals

The presence of dreams and goals to whom you are afraid of day, gives you a huge amount of free energy. But this happens only when dreams and goals are yours, and not imposed to you by other people. When the soul and mind are one in their aspirations, you acquire a huge amount of energy in your use. No better feeling than the feeling that your dream moves to you. If you go to your own way, the universe will accompany you in everything and supply the necessary amount of energy always!

2. Vera

It does not matter what you believe in: in God, to the highest mind, in the universe, in superconscious or anything else, your faith in this higher essence should give you free energy in sufficient volume. If you do not feel it, then maybe. You should develop your faith. Very good affirmation: "My world cares about me." Repeating this affirmation, a few days later you will begin to feel absolute calm and a huge influx of energy, because you no need to be afraid. Your world takes care of everything. The phrase of my world can be replaced with what you believe, for example, "God cares about me."

3. Love

Love is a very powerful positive feeling. When your heart is filled with love, you are experiencing a huge enthusiasm and such a feeling that you can do everything! This feeling is a powerful source of free energy.

4. Energy gymnastics

Energy gymnastics are exercises aimed at expanding energy channels. About this point Let's talk in the next mailing list. I will give one very powerful exercise in the next mailing.

5. Gratitude

How do you feel when you thank someone else for some kind of service? Try to be grateful for all the good things that you have. This will provide you with an additionally large amount of free energy.

6. Art

What kind of art do you like most? Arts excitement revives the soul. During information, art is moving into the background. It replaces the Internet. But do not forget to give time to art. It is important for the soul. In general, at the time of the information, more and more means and lessons for the mind appear, and all that for the soul is moving into the background. But do not forget that the mind only with the support of the soul can realize anything in this world!

7. Music

Music is the energy in its pure form. Turn on the music that you like. You can make a foothold so that the stream of energy was more, and take how much you can.

8. Hobby

Hobbies - nothing but a lesson for the soul. All you do for the soul. gives you energy.

9. Communication with people who have high energy

There are people who have a very high volume of energy. They grabs this energy with sufficiency and even shimmer through the edge. When communicating with such people, this energy involuntarily moves to the interlocutor. To such people, everyone feels great positive feelings. Sometimes they do not even know why. All successful people have a high level of energy, and therefore after communicating with such people you always go out in a high spirits. When they enter the room, it is simply poured by invisible light. There are also opposite people. The room is flooded with light when they leave it. Such people always take your energy from you.

10. Self-pressure

As you understood, with the help of self-sufficiency, you can achieve everything you wish. You can also increase energy levels. To do this, it is enough to use visualization and energy gymnastics. It is possible to use self-imposition in pure form to increase the level of energy.

11. Pets

I think there is no explanation here. When you looked at our favorites, they always cause pleasant feelings.

12. Exchange on physical energy

During sports, active recreation you are physically tired, but your vital tone always rises. Morning jogging, swimming, occupation in the gym always gives you an extra energy supply.

13. Exchange for money

This is nothing but donations. You give money without waiting for the return, and instead the universe gives you energy.

14. Sex

The most powerful source of free energy.


You can forget everything that is mentioned above, but if you remember at least one phrase, then you have acquired a lot, reading this article:
You get energy when you are experiencing positive feelings, and you spend energy when you feel negative feelings.

"Article about how to develop and strengthen energy. In order to, naturally, improve your life.

How to develop and strengthen energy? First you need to decide what we will develop. To develop what you need and do not strengthen any nonsense. Since there are a lot of exercises on the development of energy, we will not copy them (gymnastics, yoga, qigong, khi-kong wushu and so on). Let us dwell on very important points that should precede any exercises for the development of energy. Without these moments, you will spend your time (and then the money with health) is wasted.

Let's start with the definition. Energy is what creates movement. So, there are characteristics of physical - dexterity, speed, weight, strength. And there is energy. For example, no matter how strong a person is, but if he has little energy - he can't. Is that falling without strength and without. That is, energy is what allows you to move, what makes the movement.

Accordingly, the rule: the more man active, the more powerful its energy is strong.

The more he lies on the couch - it is weaker (even if this person helves that he has super developed his energy). Accordingly, a more active person makes more useful things - and it lives better. So develop and strengthen the energy truly, not in the imagination is a very very useful thing.

Having understood with definitions, we turn to key moments in the development of energy. And start with the body.

Since we are bodily creatures, the body plays a very big role in human energy. Simply put, a person can control the energy that his body stands. Accordingly, first-inevitably, before starting to develop the energy, it is necessary to immit:

  • a) body energy intensity (its ability to accommodate a certain amount of energy)
  • b) body energy (its ability to carry out energy without delays and obstacles).

Otherwise, whatever the techniques you have used, more benefit than the body allows you to take. But more harm - please. Too strong for this particular body, energy flows can lead to a variety of breakdowns in the body. It is like with the electrical circuit - too strong current causes melting wires, short circuit and so on.

On the other hand, the energy intensity and energy conductivity are growing when a person uses its energy regularly and increasing. That is, energy intensity and energy conductivity are trained. The main rule is:

The excess of the energy intensity and energy conductivity of the body should not be critical.

That is, a slight excess is good, it encourages the body to rebuild. But great excess is overload and the road to a variety of problems.

The second nuance, on which we will stop, also concerns the body. But not only. So, very many techniques for the development and strengthening of energy involve visualization when performing exercises. We previously concerned what visualization is and how it works. So we will not repeat. Let's just say that there are two types of exercise exercises with energy.

  1. The first type is visualization, let's say, the flow of energy, in the form of a mental picture.
  2. The second type is visualization of the same energy in the feelings in the body.

The first type is nothing more than spending time. Energy does not depend on how brightly you can imagine a picture. It does not depend on your imagination. It does not depend on the images in the mind.

Energy is connected with the body, energy passes through the body, the energy accumulates in the body. Therefore, any visualization when working with energy should pass in sensations in the body. And not in the picture in the mind.

That is, if in the exercise you need to feel the fiery point in the smoking, then

  • it is useless to draw a picture of the tailbone and the fiery point on it;
  • it is necessary to feel in sensations this very fiery point in the smoking.

Naturally, the choice is yours. But now you know the truth, so the responsibility for your results is on you 🙂

And the third moment we will stop. So, there are two large class exercises for the development of energy. Both classes suggest that around a person is full of one or another energy that can be accumulated, carried out, and so on.

  1. However, the first class of exercises implies a person to the consequence.
  2. And the second class of exercises is the cause.

First class exercises offer to feel how energy fills you as it strengthened, as it is poured by higher creatures. That is, the reason is from the outside. Man is a consequence. He says something like "Energy come, fill me, make me stronger ...".

The exercises of the second class assume that the person himself sends energy. He absorbs her, he emits her, he transforms it in one way or another in accordance with his tasks.

Guess which of the exercise classes are more effective 🙂

If what is a hint. How do you react to a person who wants to learn physics, will speak to a textbook on physics: "Oh, knowledge, penetrate me! Enter my mind and fill in my body!" Many such a person find out? Naturally, nothing. But if he began to read, think, make examples, solve problems - then he would study physics.

Similarly, with energy: either you ask her, or you manage it.

So how to develop and strengthen the energy? Very simple - with the help of the right exercises.

Well, after reading this article, you can easily determine the correct exercise or not.

How to increase your energy? First you need to figure out what it depends. Of course, sleep and nutrition, stress and physical exertion affect life energy. But that's not all.

We often designate places and people with the magical words of "good energy" or "bad energy" when we mean not only vital energy, but also the common vibrations of our house.

The house is our defense. We always take place in it after hard work, calm down, relax or just want to be alone. But if we completely exhausted the house will not be able to protect us.

In scientific terms, energy is described as high or low depending on your strength, speed, general well-being and even vibrations of your home. In this article we will try to figure out how to increase the vital energy at home .

The higher the energy of the person or the place in which he lives, the better we feel. And the higher the vibration of our house, the better we feel in it. The house becomes our shelter, the space for charging our life and raises our spirit.

Here are 30 ways to raise the vitality and vibration of your home for health and happiness:

1) Remove mess

Elimination of disorder, extra unnecessary things and elements in your home that does not apply, easily free the place, and will leave you a feeling of freedom and convenience.

Cut your wardrobe. Dump trucks "Just in case" you will never get used if you don't like it. Always choose quality over quantity.

Other ways to eliminate mess in the house include borrowing, not purchases, using reusable products and smart spending based on experience, and not just to buy a new "thing".

Perhaps some people calm down when they make purchases. But think well, is it necessary this particular thing? What to buy a bunch of baubles is better to accumulate money for the long-awaited trip and calm your nerves on vacation, and not in the store!

2) grass burning

Burning grass, the practice is very well-known and used thousands of years to clean the air from impurities, such as bacteria and viruses. Some nations use burning as a traditional mystical ritual, changes in spiritual state, cleaning the ambient air. But you must comply with some caution rules, because it is better not to joke with fire. And remember that not only the combustion process itself, but also smoke, which is formed, has healing properties to increase vitality.

Take the dried bug of herbs and burn, and then quickly put out the flame, allowing smoke to diverge in the house. And healing properties, and the aroma of herbs fall directly into the air. Sage today is the most popular herb, but also pine, rosemary, lavender is also good options.

This technique is good to use to increase the vital energy and clean the space:

  • When moving to a new home;
  • When moving to a new job or career;
  • Unwanted guest leaves your home;
  • Before meditation;
  • When you just quarreled or suffered from severe disease.

You can also use the herbal mixture by mixing ground herbs together and leave small pieces on the top of your chicken.

Sage, thyme, rosemary, lavender, mint, pine needles, incense or patchouli perfectly clean the air and your space.

3) diffuse essential oils

Essential oils help to relax, clean your home and give a feeling of light due to their unique and pleasant aroma of the house. Many of them also have powerful antimicrobial properties that eliminate viruses and bacteria in the air.

How to raise vital energy and vibration in life space using roses, basil oil, cypress, incense, juniper, lavender, Mirra, Salfa, mint, sandalwood, cinnamon, rosemary and eucalyptus?

Mix 1 tbsp. l. Vodka, 6 tbsp. l. filtered water and from 10 to 40 drops of any essential oil on your choice in a small sprayer. Bear well before each use.

Spray just into the air, on the pillow half an hour before sleep, near the workplace, but away from the technique. They give a feeling of peace and peace, light mind and energy.

4) Turn on the salt lamp (from the Himalayan salt)

This gently glowing salt lamp is a natural source of fresh clean air - just what you need to increase vibrations and clean the air in the house, providing a strong aura of calm.

Because they attract water, the lamps have an incredible force to remove dust, pollen, smoke and other impurities from the air. The Himalayan Salt lamp also emits negative ions that increase the energy level, the static electricity is removed, the electromagnetic radiation is neutralized, stimulate good sleep and improve the overall mood.

Well, a rather impressive list!

5) Music

Music is more than easy entertainment or artistic form. It has a soothing effect on your entire body and changes vibrations in any space that it fills.

The correct type of music provides pain relief, benefits the heart, blood and immune system, strengthens training, fights fatigue and promotes a healthy dream.

Of course, its ability to improve our mood is no doubt. For greater activation of mood and positive oscillatory effects, choose classic, jazz, folk, orchestra, brass or opera music. If such genres do not help you, change the music on the one that will make you feel good.

6) Plants and Live Flowers

Reunion with nature and everything that can offer a sure way to enjoy positive vibrations, attentiveness and in the raised mood is love for leaving creatures. Ecotherapy even attracted the attention of the scientific community: many researchers believe that with its help you can overcome depression and improve mental health and well-being.

Why not bring a particle of nature to the room and attract positive energy into your home? One way to do this is to fill your living space by plants in pots and fresh colors: their bright colors and flavors will also contribute to your home corner.

According to experts, some plants are better than others to promote positive energy and improving well-being. This is a cactus, bamboo, jasmine, lavender, miniature roses, rosemary, mint, chrysanthemum, aloe vera and orchids. And others are fine.

7) Choose several crystals

The use of crystals for healing and positivity goes back to deep antiquity. Suchmers made magic potions from quartz, the Greeks wore amethyst as amulets, and the Chinese used jade in medicine.

Try to find the place of these popular crystals for your home, and they will give you numerous advantages:

  • Turquoise - Master Healer, is highly valued for its protective properties.
  • Heliotrope - Powerful antidepressant, increases enthusiasm and emotional state.
  • Smoky quartz - Helps let go of negative energy.
  • Pink Quartz - opens and treats the energy of the heart.
  • Cornelian - Attracts good luck and encourages creativity and motivation.
  • Quartz - balancing the body and clears the mind.
  • Kesetin - Removes stress and inspires happiness.
  • Citrine - helps you adapt and live in the present life.
  • Aventurine - attracts new opportunities.

Even if you do not have a special faith in the healing forces of crystals, they will add some chic to your home, will reassure your view, which is guaranteed to improve your mood!

8) Choose colors that have a positive effect on the mood.

The colors used in the house are a direct reflection of our personality and can affect the mood and our thoughts at the most unexpected moment!

Our reaction to color is unique in choosing what we really feel. Let's affect common colors:

  • Red - raises the energy level and increases adrenaline in the blood. But for some people it can be too stimulating and cause certain problems with the mood.
  • Brown Causes feelings of wrath and hostility.
  • Yellow - Raises the mood, he captures the joy of the sun and the signals of happiness. Too much yellow can cause a feeling of disappointment and anger.
  • Blue - soothing, relaxing and calm, but can also cause sorrow feelings.
  • Green - The most calm color for the eyes, it contributes to comfort, calm and career growth.
  • Purple - Dark tones are associated with luxury, creativity and sharpness. Bright versions also bring peace of mind as blue, but with greater warmth.
  • Orange - causes excitation, enthusiasm and energy.

9) ignite candles

Candles were used for thousands of years to ensure light, convey calm and allocate the celebration. Their dark yellow glow acts as sleeping pills, reflects and coordinates the center for meditation.

15) Create a vacation space

In the hometown you should feel the way in a place where you can relax and enjoy silence or comfort, cutting at least a small asylum in the room, a chamic or corner. Appreciate your space and enjoy the time you spend personally at least ten minutes every day.

You can use this time to read, meditating, yoga or something else that will revive you and increase your energy!

16) Train

To increase the vitality, you must get up from the sofa and go to your body. Training is the best way to increase the level of energy in a natural way.

Healthy adults with a seating lifestyle, which are engaged in sports at least 20 minutes three times a week, increase the energy level by 20% and reduce fatigue by 65%.

Get out of fresh air for easy running coward, fast walking or cycling.

17) Make a break for the liver

If your liver cannot function in the measure of its abilities, it will lead to a variety of problems, one of which is chronic fatigue. It occurs because the body works with a large load, trying to remove excess toxins.

18) Pour at night

This is one of the hard tasks. If you do not have enough energy, make sure that you are well hidden for the body to restore and rejuvenate yourself overnight.

Unfortunately, not everyone can fall asleep as the head touches the pillow! Millions of people in the world suffer from random or long-term problems with sleep.

19) take 15 minutes

If you feel too exhausted, quickly take off 15 or 20 minutes in the afternoon, so you reset your system and get a tide of vigor.

Studies show that 20 minutes of sleep well for general vigilance and learning skills; from 30 to 60 minutes of sleep will help the decision-making skills; And from 60 to 90 minutes of sleep, it is necessary to create new connections in the brain and solving creative tasks.

20) Cut sugar from the diet

Short donuts or chocolate bar is exactly what most of us want after 3 pm.

The study on rats showed that those that were fed with fats, sugar and flour were more obese and less ready to work for remuneration (i.e. lazy) than rats received a balanced diet.

Avoid such sweet pleasures and go to healthy alternatives.

21) Moisturizing

Water does not contain calories, and, therefore, does not give energy, but it facilitates the course of all reactions in the body, and therefore dehydration may cause fatigue.

Do not forget that herbal teas and coconut water are also counted as fluid consumption

22) Exchange coffee on green tea

When we are exhausted, coffee can further lead to headache, nervousness, anxiety and a lot.

Try to change your latte on a cup of green tea. It also contains caffeine (albeit in smaller quantity than coffee), which will give you an instant impulse. Moreover, the regular use of powerful antioxidants, so-called catechins prevents fatigue.

23) Refuse alcohol

Alcohol with a high sugar content can cause stress, anxiety and depression, so it is not surprising to hear that the drink is one of the main leaks of energy.

Alcohol leads to a breakdown of sleep, which in turn causes drowsiness during the daytime and general lethargy.

24) Spit well

Food - fuel for the body, so increase the vital energy without food is simply not possible. But some products are definitely better than others relative to providing sustainable vigor.

Make sure you eat enough complex carbohydrates that infect you with energy. These include whole wheat bread, brown rice, winch, buckwheat, lentils and beans.

Do not neglect fats - this is the most concentrated source of energy for the body. Choose "good fats", such as avocado, walnut oil, olive oil and coconut oil.

When it comes to snacks, choose nuts and chia seeds, pumpkins, almonds and walnuts.

25) Do not drink power drinks

Energy can come in liquid form. Forget about those energy drinks with sugar, and focus on cool drinks made with healthier ingredients.

26) do not overeat

Overbinding can cause drowsiness, because your body should direct your energy to digest food. Therefore, always eat everything in moderation.

27) Cock the sun

The sun reduces the level of chemical melatonin in the body, which causes drowsiness.

This is only one of the reasons why we feel more energetic during the summer months.

We also get vitamin D from the Sun, the absence of which causes disturbed sleep, problems with the thyroid gland, frequent infections, anxiety and anemia, all this leads to fatigue or decrease in the level of vital energy.

28) deep breathe

Sometimes everything you need to activate your consciousness is a few deep breaths! Deep breathing improves the inflow of oxygen in the blood, which charges you with energy and keeps in combat readiness.

Try and see for yourself!

Inhale quickly and deep through the nose, counting to four, and then take a pause and quickly exhale through your mouth.

Do from eight to ten rapidly, deep breaths per minute for three minutes at a time (but stop if you feel dizziness).

29) yawning

Scientists believe that the yawning helps to cool the brain, stop it from overheating, which reduces the alertness.

When we are tired or we are bored by the main brain temperature grows, and the yawns are one of the ways to combat this effect!

30) Mark

How to increase vital energy with constant dull condition? We must understand that laughter is the best way to improve the mood.

When we laugh, the muscles of our face and body are pulled out, the pulse is studied, the blood pressure increases, breathing increases, sending more oxygen to the brain.

If you suffer from the energy crisis, the next cup of coffee will not save you. Rack on the head, orange glasses are just some albeit strange, but effective ways to quickly increase energy.

Massage ears

When you massive the ears, then stimulate the points of the acupressure, which give energy to the whole body and improve blood circulation. You do not need to use any specific methods. As soon as you feel the fatigue, massage the ushy's uche, and then the upper part of the ear.

Wear orange lenses

If you are used to watching TV before bedtime, then blue light that radiates the monitor may interfere with the production of melatonin, sleep hormone. To resist the blue light and protect your dream, try watching TV with orange lenses - so you will rest better and forget about fatigue.

Take a cold shower

Hot shower in the morning is a good idea, but the cold shower will give you a huge burst of energy. The flow of cold water will improve the speed of breathing, this is a kind of response to shock, the consumption of oxygen will increase, the heart rate will increase as your body will work to save the heat.

Eat two kiwi

This fruit is enriched with vitamins and minerals, such as vitamin C and potassium, which increase energy. The research results are shown: To remove fatigue and depressive symptoms and increase energy, it is enough to eat two kiwi per day.

Bee pollen

The bee of pollen is simply filled with the necessary nutrients, which, as proved, increase endurance and attention. Great product.

Make a rack on your head

Your colleagues may think that you are crazy if you do it in your office, but inversion therapy is a quick way to improve mental activity. Such an exercise improves brain health by gaining blood flow. If blood flow increases to the brain, then there will be more oxygen and glucose.

Kosite the lawn

One idea that you need to mow a lawn can fill you with horror. But the results of research show that the smell of freshly acted grass can give a bad mood and contribute to the feeling of joy, calm and well-being.

Enter the magazine

If you record everything that you are grateful for, it can help you feel rested and happy, and will also improve your dream. This is an effective way.

Listen to loud music

If you have a long way to work, capture your headphones with you and download your favorite playlist on your phone. As it became known, loud music increases energy and improves your mental state. Also, cheerful music causes positive memories.

Do not forget breakfast

It does not matter, you consider you breakfast with an important meal or not, many scientists, so to speak, on his side. They proved that those who do not miss breakfast feel much better, people are less tense and more stable throughout the day than those who miss breakfast.

Wash away

Need a quick charge of energy? Instead of brewing a saucepan with coffee, try to wash your face with cold water, and you will cheer up much faster than if you drank a cup of coffee.

Pay loans in time

Financial issues are always stress, sometimes it is impossible to escape. Credit debt affects our mood and lowers the energy level. Try to pay all bills on time.

Eat eggs


Sitting work can exhaust energy and leave you in the oppressed state. However, not too long a walk can make you a little happier and energetic.

Eat yogurt

Yoghurt is enriched with complex carbohydrates, protein and fiber. And these components provide a steady burst of energy.

Snow sprigs Rosemary

As has been proven, this aromatic grass improves physical condition, relieves mental fatigue. It is believed that rosemary improves memory and soothes headaches.

Try to use as much magnesium as possible.

If you constantly feel fatigue, then the body lacks magnesium. When a person does not receive a sufficient amount of magnesium, the body begins to work harder to adjust the heart rate and translate glucose into energy. As a result, you feel exhausted. Nuts, whole grains and fish - all this is good magnesium sources.

Use chia seeds

Add two tablespoons of chia seeds into a cup of unsweetened almond milk, then cool. Sprinkle cinnamon on top - you are ready for a tasty snack.

Refuse alcohol

The wine glass before bedtime can spoil the rest and slow down the energy levels. Although alcohol may initially cause drowsiness, it also enhances the development of stress hormones, which will lead to insomnia.

Mint chewing gum

Such an elastic band will give not only fresh breathing, but also make you feel cheerful. It is known that mint increases the vigilance as efficiently as cold water.

Orange juice

It's not so stupid, as it seems. The research results show that people who drink orange juice for breakfast are less tired and usually feel more vigorous.

Use Indian dishes

In many Asian dishes there are spices that have therapeutic properties, improve blood circulation, mood. They also raise energy.

Stress can exhaust your energy, and it is capable of reflected in the mood. Some researchers consider laugh with the best medicine. So take the time to view all those funny videos about animals, in particular about cats that you will throw friends in social networks, and you will see how good laughter will help get rid of letters.

Tea with cinnamon

Instead of running over the next RED Bull bank, the next time you feel drowsiness, make yourself a cup of tea with cinnamon. Spice flavor improves memory and attention.

Take vitamins

Vitamin B is necessary for energy production, but about 40 percent of people do not receive a sufficient amount of energy. The deficiency B 12 may lead to fatigue, sharp mood and dementia drops.

Arrange a day of mental health

If you are constantly stressing at work, you can feel tired, capricious and exhausted. To restore energy, take a short break and take the output. Mental Health Day will allow you to leave work in the office and focus on your happiness that will restore energy. Be sure to plan your day so that you do not start doing home affairs. Instead, spend some time reading, walking or all that makes you feel vigorous and energetic.

Drink more water

A person by 60 percent consists of water, and even moderate dehydration can lead to an energy crisis. So that your body function normally, try drinking from eight to ten cups of water per day.


A sedentary lifestyle leads to health problems, including cancer, depression and diabetes. It can also cause a sense of lethargy. To raise energy and protect the heart, try to get up more often because of your desktop and make a warm-up. So you will increase the heart rate and the energy level, at the same time reduce the risk of serious health problems.

Batto jumps

As it became known, jumping on the trampoline improves the clarity of the mind and generate positive energy that lasts all day. You will definitely like it.

Eat blueberries

When the fatigue wave covers you, fight it with sweet, delicious blueberries. Berry, as is known, increases energy and promotes the functioning of the brain due to the rich concentration of phytonutrients and antioxidants, which improve the work of the brain and memory.


Sooner or later, the moment comes when we wake up in the morning, it is difficult for us to fulfill any work and home we come broken and tired.

This means that the level of internal energy of the body has decreased and, with age, it is felt more and stronger. How to increase the life tone of the body, add strength and energy to feel at the height, feel joy and happiness, have a good time and always be successful. After all, only one who has a lot of vitality becomes successful and happy, i.e. High level of internal energy. In this article you will all know. Also, I will tell you who most of all takes the energy from us, wherever she leaves us. I assure you that you will learn today, you have never heard, few people say about it. It's time to learn about it to all.

Why increase the level of internal energy

If the level of our internal energy is low, suffer from both the psyche and the whole organism as a whole. We are quickly tired, we feel the shortage of forces, and only negative thoughts and emotions are growing in the head, devouring the remnants of our energy.

It turns out a vicious circle, from which it would seem, there is no exit. If we do not take anything for a long time, we will earn and mental problems, such as depression, bouts of panic attacks and all sorts of bodily diseases.

Therefore, if you have been experiencing signs of low energy for a long time, it's time to take for yourself and increase it. After all, you want to be healthy and happy.

What advantage you will increase your energy level:

  • the vital tone will increase and efficiency will increase;
  • you will become more confident;
  • your desires will be executed;
  • you will stop afraid of life difficulties, stress resistance will increase;
  • many illnesses will retreat from you, health improves;
  • many psychological problems will go away;
  • you will experience more positive emotions, and will come a sense of satisfaction from life as a whole.

And such bonuses can be listed a lot.

I think you understand why increase your vital energy.

And to understand how to raise it, let's find out where it leaves, leaving us without strength.

Causes of reducing our energy

There are many reasons for reducing vitality.

It is the wrong food, the introduction of an unhealthy lifestyle, poor ecology, a long seat with a TV and, casual. About them already a lot is written and retold. And I will not repeat.

I will tell you about the factors that few people say, but they actually consume the lion's share of our energy, which means you need to get rid of them first. Freed from them, you will finally return yourself a majority of energy and will become truly healthy and. But becoming stronger, you will not be so scary either ecology or stress nor other adverse factors. They forget about them, because it is not profitable to many so that people everyone knew, about some simply not to say. The system needs obedient people. And a person with strong energy becomes smart, wise, and therefore a person free from the system. He rules his fate himself. How do you want to become a strong or weak, free or slave, solve only you.

Alcohol consumption

Many people think that alcohol is not so harmful as they write about him. Others believe that he, on the contrary, gives us strength, are third confident that moderate use does not destroy the body. All these opinions are erroneous.

Alcohol is a terrible poison that takes a lot of our forces, depletes the body, destroys the brain, deprives us of the will and freedom of action, makes us obedient puppets. And he does it gradually, imperceptibly for the firing itself, even if you drink just on weekends, shooting stress after work. Many are beneficial for people drink alcohol.

On this blog you will find many articles on alcohol. Read them and you will understand, to and.

If you want to be fully healthy, to gain happiness, you must regain the most part of the energy that alcohol takes. So stop it to consume even in small doses.

Unhealthy and incorrect sex

What does it mean? The sex itself is very useful for health, and therefore gives us strength and energy, but only under certain conditions that you must remember.

If you are very often sex, without considering your energy constitution, you will only lose energy, and not acquire it. As often, for each person in different ways, it all depends on the state of the energy of the body, age, the time of year and other factors. Someone can and wants to do every day, another is enough once a week or even 1 time per month. How to find out the right frequency of sex? Everything is very simple. If you pass sex if the body is full of sexual energy and wants it yourself, and not you, with your thoughts, inspired him a sexual desire, then do not hold back, let your body enjoy sex, and from pleasure you will only increase your life tone.

Just today, as a result of the successfulness of society, the availability of relationships for one night and overcrowding vulgarity on the Internet, on television, we have sex not when asks the body, but on the call of our perverted thoughts. Or they just make it make it, and we really do not want this. Such sex takes our strength.

Look at former prostitutes aged. They are terribly watching, they all look older than their years. These are all signs of low energy.

But what to do if the sex wants a partner, and we do not want it. Other rules come to the rescue.

There are certain sex techniques in which the energy is not consumed, but the opposite is purchased. It is easy to find information on tantric and Taoisk sex. If briefly, a man should not lose the seed during sex, both partners should direct energy up, as well as give a partner. In general, the woman sex basically gives energy, while a man when losing sperm, loses it.

In order to have sex, the energy is more accumulated than lost, it is also necessary to comply with the most important rule.

Sex must be accompanied love.

Love is all, it is she who gives an unlimited amount of energy than you would do. Sex without love depletes, sucks forces, even if you think that he brought pleasure. Why this happens, this is a separate long conversation. You can read a little about it in this article.

Also perverted sex, same-sex, onanism and other species of sex, which I do not want to speak, mainly take energy, and do not give it.

Sex say a little when they affect the topic of increasing the life tone and energy set. But he is so important in the issues of energy of the body, which forgetting about him and misuse sex, we only undermine our health, instead of becoming more healthy and happy.

Non-shy and wrong day of day associated with sleep

The busy schedule of work in modern life conditions, leads to the fact that we often do not fall out, lately put in and sleep. And the overloaded brain continues to work at night, we sleep well, we will have the episodes of the past stress event. There is no speech about the normal rest.

Today, the employer often squeezes all the juices from the employee, he sacrifice for some job, does not fall out and leads the wrong day of the day.

Sooner or later, this will lead to overvoltage, to the diseases of the psyche or body.

Everything, probably, saw when heroes praise in any film for the fact that he was not sleeping at night, performing some professional debt. For example, the investigator in the afternoon and at night is investigating a chain of crimes, catching criminals. But it is beautiful only in the movie. In fact, the lack of sleep and constant non-compliance with the regime of the day sucks all the energy from the body and turns any super hero in a shallow and sick person.

Of course, sometimes, you have to sleep for some business. Do not perceive everything literally. But if such a mode happens often and constantly, it will definitely lead to sad consequences.

Employers today enjoy the fact that people inspired about the correctness of the heroic attitude to work and the donation of the employee to her.

The lack of sleep takes a lot of energy, the body and psyche need a full-fledged vacation. Natural laws actually do not care about the laws of modern society.

Therefore, if you want your vital tone to be at the height, sleep the number of hours. For a person, it is 7-8 hours.

But little just sleep well.

There is such a concept as natural human biorhythms. If you, let's say, lay at 2 o'clock in the morning and got up at 10 o'clock, you broke the natural biorhythm, even if they slept 8 hours, and therefore lost energy. If such a regime is present, you are infrequent, of course, there is nothing terrible. But if this happens constantly and often, you will lose a lot of energy, and therefore sooner or later they just get sick.

Lower 10-11 hours and get up in 6-7 and then your energy level will always be high, you will feel beautiful.

And it is not necessary to perceive it like something mystical and spiritual. Treat meditation as a conventional exercise on the control of your psyche. The main thing is to do it correctly and then the results will not make it wait. Your body will gradually fill with energy and is becoming increasingly healthy. Previously, energy passed to the ego, now she will finally get the body. And read in my articles.

Also to stop the ego applied and complete in Shavasan. In general, relaxation and there is a suspension of the psyche, the removal of tension when we calm down, cease to test bad emotions, and energy returns to us.

That's why it is always so important and everywhere to be calm, not nervous on trifles, philosophically treat life. And then we will not waste the strength on unnecessary experiences. To achieve this apply in everyday life. This is a state when emotions do not overlook us, and we can look at them from the side, thereby controlling them. Combated awareness, we begin to look at the world with a sober, unaware view and cease to make mistakes. So we return energy all the time. But the awareness is difficult to achieve simply, such a state is being studied in meditation and is gradually transferred to everyday life.

To increase the life tone is very important in meditation and during relaxation sessions it is good to relax the body. So we remove the inner clamps and blocks that were formed as a result of the misunderstanding of the psyche. It is they who do not give me to flow within us a vital energy, depriving us forces. Dissolve blocks by moving attention to them and watching them from the side. In more detail about how to do it, you can read in.

So, engage in meditation, and you will increase the amount of internal energy, the force will come to you.

After you digest meditation, you can even increase your energy, to become even stronger, healthier and happier.

To do this, you can enjoy the Hatha yoga or the practice of qigong. And do not necessarily give a lot of time. A short exercise complex, for example, such as described, but performed correctly, greatly increases internal energy. There are also safe, wonderful techniques that contribute to the increase in vitality, such as Moula Bandha, pillars standing ,.
We will talk about them in individual articles.

And now we will summarize the article.

To increase the vitality, it is necessary to increase the amount of internal energy to stop drinking alcohol, learn how to have sex to have sex, lead a healthy lifestyle and follow sleep mode. But the most important thing is to stop experiencing negative thoughts and emotions - to be nervous, worry, be afraid, envy, angry, sadness, etc., i.e. Stop to give most of the forces to our ego.

Remember, all, and rather most diseases, as they say, from nerves. But you will not be able to not experience them while you are identified with the psyche and do not know another regime of perception, do not know what silence is.

Only looking from a bird's eye view, where the soul lives, to his thoughts, feelings and emotions, you will be able to sort it up with your mind and stop feeding it with your energy.

And you can only make it in meditation.

Remember, if you look at your mind from the side, then you are not a mind, you are something more. You have a soul, this awareness.

And on this all.

Seeing soon meetings, friends.

Care and become healthy and happy.

And at the end of the music to raise the mood, and therefore raising energy: