Development and care of newborn premature babies. How to control baby's body temperature. Restriction of visits of guests

When a couple has a child, mom and dad spend all their time on him, because without proper care, the baby simply cannot develop normally, and maybe even survive. What if the baby was born prematurely? Care for premature babies should be special, because sometimes such crumbs cannot even breathe and eat without outside help.

More recently, doctors did not undertake to resuscitate and save the life of a baby whose birth weight was less than a kilogram. Now everything has changed, and experts can give a chance to a baby who was born the size of a palm and weighs half a kilogram. We will talk about caring for premature babies in intensive care, after discharge and in other conditions in this article.

Premature babies: features

Full-term babies are those born between the 37th and 42nd weeks of pregnancy. If the baby was born earlier than expected, then it is considered premature. The main problem of such babies is the underdevelopment of internal organs, and the earlier the birth occurred, the more thorough care the child will need. Nursing care for premature babies begins from the first minutes of his life, the mother will be able to independently begin to take care of her child only after the permission of the pediatrician, but more on that later. So far, we are interested in the features of the physiology of an infant who was born prematurely. How fast can a mother hug her baby? It all depends on the degree of his prematurity. There are three degrees in total:

  1. Extreme prematurity - weight less than a kilogram.
  2. Deep prematurity - weight from a kilogram to one and a half.
  3. Prematurity - weight from one and a half kilograms to two and a half.

The main features of a premature baby are:

  • little weight;
  • small stature (up to 46 cm);
  • disproportionately folded body (large head, shortened legs, neck, navel displaced to the inguinal side);
  • the shape of the skull is rounded, with a clearly visible fontanel and sutures;
  • the auricles are pressed tightly against the head, very soft;
  • the skin is very thin and wrinkled, all the veins can shine through;
  • the surface of the body is covered with a small fluff;
  • the fat layer is completely absent;
  • nails may be underdeveloped on the arms and legs, or even absent;
  • undescended testicles in boys and an open genital slit in girls.

It is worth noting that all the above features must be combined. Only in this case can we talk about the features of caring for premature babies. If one thing manifested itself, this indicates a pathology, and not prematurity.

Behavior of a premature baby

Newborns born at the wrong time also differ in behavior. They are inactive, there is a reduced muscle tone. Toddlers are drowsy (this is noticeable even against the background of the fact that full-term babies sleep almost constantly), they shudder for no reason and begin to move randomly. Particularly complicating the care of premature babies is the lack of a sucking reflex. The little one is hungry but doesn't know how to eat.

Briefly about the care of premature babies

We suggest considering the intricacies of caring for a baby, and then we will go through each item in more detail.

Nursing care for premature babies, as we have already written, begins from the first seconds of his life. First of all, it is taken in a warm diaper and, if necessary, ventilation is done. This is the most important procedure. The baby's breathing can be disturbed or stop altogether, as an early-born baby does not produce enough surfactant, the substance responsible for proper breathing. Therefore, the lung tissue cannot fully expand.

The second problem is that premature babies are completely unprepared for a physiological existence in this world, they have an insufficient layer of subcutaneous fat, so thermoregulation is imperfect. Babies quickly overcool and overheat, as the ambient temperature varies greatly from that which was in the mother's womb.

In the old days, this problem was solved by wrapping the baby in cotton wool or placing it on a warm stove. Now the problem of regulating the body temperature of a newborn is solved differently: a premature baby is placed in an incubator, or, in simple terms, an incubator. A sufficient amount of oxygen enters there, it is isolated from extraneous noise and light. The temperature and humidity in the incubator are regulated, creating conditions similar to those in utero.

There are no feeding problems either. Features of nursing care for premature babies are swaddling, monitoring the general condition and, of course, feeding. Medical personnel take the expressed milk from the mother, add the necessary vitamins, proteins and minerals to it. If a woman does not have milk, then infant formulas are used, designed specifically for babies born prematurely. Feeding the baby, if he has a poorly developed sucking reflex, is carried out with a syringe.

A baby with a well-developed reflex is given a bottle. If the weight of the child is so small that he cannot even swallow, a nasogastric tube is used or nutrients are administered intravenously. The probe is inserted through the nose of the crumbs, and milk in small doses enters his stomach. In any case, feeding a premature baby is fractional and in small portions, even if its weight is more than two kilograms. Organs are not yet developed enough to work fully. Nursing care for premature babies is essential. After all, the mother can overfeed.

Inpatient care for premature babies may not be possible at first if there are health complications. In this case, the baby is transferred to the intensive care unit.

resuscitation care

Care for the first stages is taken over by the medical staff of the maternity hospital. Most often, immediately after birth, the baby ends up in the children's intensive care unit, and it's good if there is one in the maternity hospital. But it happens that the hospital does not have such a department.

First of all, the baby is examined by a cardiologist, neuropathologist, orthopedist, ophthalmologist, neurosonography (ultrasound of the brain), if necessary, ultrasound of all internal organs. In addition, urine and blood samples are taken. After the procedures, the baby is placed in an incubator.

What happens if the maternity hospital does not have its own intensive care unit? Is there really no chance to "pull out" the child? Nothing like this. All are equipped with the necessary equipment for caring for premature babies, there is a lung ventilator, an incubator, and special preparations designed to keep the baby alive, and a neonatologist, a specialist trained to care for babies born at the wrong time.

But still there is a problem: neonatologists not only look after premature babies, but are also required to be present at each subsequent birth. And this means that there will be less monitoring of premature babies and the neonatologist may miss the moment if it suddenly becomes necessary to save the baby.

Nurses and neonatologists work in the intensive care unit, whose duties include only nursing the children already in their department. In this case, the newborn will be constantly under vigilant medical supervision.

If the baby needs resuscitation, but there is none in the maternity hospital, then after stabilization of the condition, he will be transferred to another hospital where there is a necessary department. Transportation is carried out in a specialized car, where there are devices for ventilation of the lungs, an incubator and other necessary devices to support life.

When the baby is in intensive care, the mother can come to him at the appointed time, but "communicate" only through the glass of the incubator (incubator). There are departments where it is possible to visit the baby at any time of the day.


Parents of babies born early need to know all the subtleties and features of caring for premature babies so as not to worry about the child. Many couples begin to worry too much about the life of the crumbs, they think that they will not be able to cope. Of course, it is very difficult to survive the period of such a difficult nursing, but progress does not stand still, and medical personnel are able to save even the smallest ones.

If the weight of the child reaches two kilograms and the sucking reflex is well developed, then there is the possibility of breastfeeding. Moms will often be able to hold the baby in their arms, feed and help the medical staff care for him. Only a nurse feeds from a bottle or syringe so that there are no problems with the esophagus. As already mentioned earlier, if the sucking reflex is absent or poorly developed, then the digestive organs cannot fully cope with their task and feeding should be fractional.

Premature babies need plenty of fluids. Ringer's solution, diluted 1/1 with 5% glucose, is usually used to maintain the body. In addition, vitamins are needed, in the first days riboflavin, vitamin K and E, ascorbic acid, thiamine are necessarily introduced. Focusing on the individual condition of the newborn, the doctor may prescribe other vitamins.

After a while, the nutrition of the baby will not be any different from the nutrition of peers. But at the first stages of nursing, special additives are needed so that the development and growth of the crumbs are accelerated.

As parents can see, there is no need to worry about nutrition. Soon your baby will take over and turn from a thin, weak baby into a cheerful, rosy-cheeked and active toddler.

Nursing in the maternity hospital

Care for premature babies in a hospital necessarily begins with the neonatal pathology department. Here the baby will be constantly under the supervision of nurses and doctors, the necessary procedures and examinations will be prescribed.

The transfer of an infant to a regular department can be made only when he gains a body weight of at least two kilograms, actively sucks milk, independently copes with the regulation of body temperature, and breathes well. The duration of stay in the incubator depends on the severity of the degree of prematurity, there are four of them:

  • first degree - childbirth occurred at a period of 37 to 35 weeks;
  • the second degree - from 34 to 32 weeks;
  • third degree - 31-29 weeks;
  • fourth degree - 28 or less.

If by the time the mother is discharged from the maternity hospital, the child has already reached the minimum parameters under which it is possible to care for a premature baby at home, then he is allowed to go home with his mother. If the need for resuscitation is no longer there, but there is any risk to health, the baby is transferred to the children's department. The mother herself decides how to proceed further: go to the hospital with the baby or come to the hospital for feeding.

In the hospital

A baby born prematurely is transferred to a specialized children's department according to the prescription of a pediatrician and neonatologist. Such a move is possible even if the baby is still fed through a tube and needs artificial respiration. All care for premature babies in this case is in the hands of the medical staff.

The child will be placed in a heated bed or incubator. A more complete examination is carried out in the hospital, it is aimed at detecting pathologies and genetic diseases. The baby is examined by narrow specialists, the necessary tests and procedures are prescribed.

Positive dynamics usually begins to grow from the day of the expected birth, that is, from the date when the child was supposed to be born on time. The length of stay in stationary conditions depends on how quickly the baby gains weight, learns to suck and swallow, and on the presence of identified pathologies. Treatment in the hospital can last from a week to several months.

At home

When the baby is finally ready to go home, the doctor provides detailed care for a premature baby after discharge is very difficult, especially for couples who have had their first child. The difficulties lie in the fact that only nursing staff nursed the baby and parents may not even have a clue about how and what to do.

In any case, if the baby was born prematurely, patronage must be conscientious. If for some reason the pediatrician did not arrive on the scheduled day, call the clinic and demand a visit. Now we will consider in detail all the subtleties of a premature baby, which all family members living in the same room must know.

  1. The first thing to watch for is the air temperature in the baby's room, it should be about +22 degrees. Do not forget that premature babies may have problems with thermoregulation.
  2. For the first time, bathing a baby at home is after the permission of the local doctor. The bathroom warms up to 24 degrees, and the water should be close to body temperature. After washing, the baby is thoroughly dried with a soft towel and dressed warmly, as children born out of time can quickly become supercooled.
  3. Walks are no different from those prescribed for full-term babies. In the warm summer time, you can go out for a breath of air immediately after discharge, and in the cold season - after a month. The first walks last no more than half an hour, time is gradually added.
  4. Breastfeeding premature babies after discharge is most often impossible, since he will already be “spoiled” by the bottle and he will be too lazy to suckle the breast. Still, try to breastfeed or express milk as often as possible and feed it to your child, because mother's milk is the most important nutrient in the first year of life. If you don't have enough milk, or if it's completely gone after the stress of worrying about your baby's life, then buy formulas designed for premature babies.
  5. Caring for premature babies at home necessarily includes constant monitoring! If the baby has become lethargic, weak, refuses to feed and spit up profusely, call the doctor immediately, these are very bad signs.

Caring for a premature baby in an outpatient setting

The plan for the examination of children born early is drawn up individually. Often premature babies suffer from diseases of the kidneys, eyes, neurological pathologies are observed. If there is any violation, then the baby is registered with the necessary doctor and he will need to be visited regularly, without missing the appointments.

If your little one is completely healthy, then only a monthly examination at the clinic and a round of narrow specialists, which are performed on the "Days of Healthy Children", will be required. Within a month, the district nurse will visit you to make sure that the child is well.

Development of premature babies

If a little man was born early, then in the first two months of his life he will sleep almost constantly, get tired quickly even with low activity. After the age of two months, the child will begin to develop faster, move more actively, which can lead to tension in the muscles of the limbs. It is easy to remove with special exercises.

We must not forget that the nervous system of premature babies is weak, so the baby can shudder for no reason, be frightened by sudden movements and sounds. Periods of restful sleep can change dramatically with bouts of arousal, again for no reason. Such children need peace and quiet, they do not tolerate meeting strangers and a change of scenery.

If the baby does not have pathologies, then it will develop and grow quite quickly. By the age of three months, he will catch up and even possibly surpass his peers in height, weight and development!

Premature babies need special attention and care. Care for a premature baby in the maternity hospital is carried out by specially trained staff, and after discharge, the baby is transferred to the hands of the parents. How is the nursing of children born earlier than the term set by nature?

Physiology of premature babies

According to the WHO, babies born before the 37th week of pregnancy are considered premature. Such babies are usually born with a weight of less than 2500 g. All organs and systems of premature babies are immature, and that is why special care is required for such newborns. All the achievements of modern neonatology are aimed at helping these children adapt to existence in a new world for them.

Physiological features of premature babies

  • Appearance: poorly developed adipose tissue, thin skin, thin fluff all over the body, open fontanelles, soft auricles, underdevelopment of the genital organs.
  • Nervous system: underdevelopment of reflexes, weak muscle tone.
  • Respiratory system: lack of surfactant and various respiratory disorders.
  • Cardiovascular system: high incidence of cardiac anomalies.
  • Digestive system: immaturity of enzymes, poor absorption of food.
  • Musculoskeletal system: high risk of developing hip dysplasia.
  • Thermoregulation: the inability to keep warm on its own.

Inpatient care

Nursing of premature babies is possible starting from 22 weeks of gestation. Children born after this period have a body weight of more than 500 g and are considered viable. If the baby is born between 22 and 32 weeks, he is transferred to a specialized department for the care of very premature babies. In an ordinary maternity hospital, there are no conditions for long-term nursing of such babies.

In a specialized department, the newborn is in an incubator, where the optimum temperature and humidity are maintained. Medical staff constantly monitors the condition of the baby. The newborn is fed through a tube. The health status of the baby is assessed by a neonatologist, oculist, neurologist and other specialists. Such an integrated approach allows you to achieve optimal results and prevent the development of complications after preterm birth.

Babies born between 32 and 37 weeks of age who can breathe on their own are in the intensive care unit. Here the baby is also in the incubator, but quite often his mother can be next to the baby. If the newborn takes the breast, breastfeeding is allowed.

In recent years, many hospitals have successfully applied the "kangaroo method". The baby, undressed, is laid out on the mother's stomach and wrapped in warm diapers. This approach improves lung function, evens out the breathing and heartbeat of the baby, and populates the baby's skin with maternal microflora. The "kangaroo method" is recognized in many countries as the best way to care for premature newborns.

With what weight is a small patient discharged home? Usually, discharge occurs when the weight reaches 2000-2500 g. At the same time, the baby is steadily gaining weight, is able to maintain body temperature and has no breathing problems. Such a baby can be at home under the supervision of a local pediatrician.

home care

And caring for him is a complex topic, which you can talk about almost endlessly. After the baby is discharged from the hospital, he falls into the hands of caring parents. What needs to be done in order to help the baby adapt to the new conditions of existence?


The room where the baby is located should be bright and spacious enough. The optimum air temperature is 25 °C. The room must be regularly well ventilated. In the summer, you can leave the windows open all day long, provided that there are no drafts.

Some children need extra warmth. To this end, you can wrapped in a cloth. The temperature of the water in the heating pads must not exceed 60 °C. Heating pads are placed at the legs as well as on the sides and are changed every 2 hours.

Do not remove all heating pads from the baby's bed at the same time, otherwise the baby may freeze.

The optimum humidity for the room is 50-70%. To create favorable conditions, you should regularly carry out wet cleaning of the room. It will be useful to purchase a special humidifier. Alternatively, you can arrange water bottles around the room or hang wet diapers.


Nursing premature babies is impossible without proper nutrition. The best food for a premature baby is breast milk. This product contains all the important nutrients, enzymes and antibodies required for normal development of an infant. Even if the baby is bottle-fed, you should not completely deprive him of breast milk. You can feed your baby with a spoon. With properly organized feeding, the baby should gain weight according to the standards.


Children weighing less than 2000 g are not recommended to bathe in the first month of life. Baby skin care is carried out using wet wipes. You can gently wipe the skin with a cotton swab dipped in warm water. After all procedures, it is worth using a hypoallergenic moisturizer.

Children who have reached a weight of 2 kg can be bathed in a baby bath. The optimum water temperature is 37-38 °C. Many experts recommend boiling water before bathing. If desired, you can add a decoction of chamomile or calendula to the water.


You can walk with the baby after 3-4 weeks of his stay at home. In summer, you should not be outside during the peak of solar activity (from 11 am to 3 pm). In autumn and winter, you can walk at a temperature of at least minus 10 ° C. Winter walks begin when the child reaches a weight of 3 kg and are allowed at an air temperature of at least 15 ° below zero.

Use quiet places for walking. Avoid crowded places in the first months of a baby's life.

The duration of walks should increase gradually. For the first time, 15 minutes of being in the fresh air is enough. With good health, you can gradually increase the duration of walks up to 2-3 hours every day.


Children who have reached a weight of 2.5 kg can be dressed in the same way as their full-term peers. You can not wrap the baby too tightly - this can lead to heat stroke as a result of the immaturity of the thermoregulation systems.

Children weighing less than 2.5 kg should be dressed slightly warmer. 1-2 extra layers of clothing are allowed compared to full-term babies. The head and legs of the baby should always be warm. Clothing should be made from natural fabrics and not cause any disturbance to the baby.

medical supervision

Caring for a premature baby provides for the constant supervision of a local pediatrician. In case of any deviations in the state of health, it is necessary to consult a doctor. Children born prematurely get sick more often than their full-term peers, so they need special monitoring from all specialists.

Up to 2 years of age, premature babies are registered with a cardiologist, ophthalmologist and neurologist. Assistance from other physicians may be required as indicated. Regular ECG and echocardiography is recommended to monitor the condition of the heart.

Preventive vaccinations for premature babies are given according to an individual schedule. Vaccination against tuberculosis is carried out only when the child reaches a weight of 2.5 kg. The issue of other vaccinations is decided with the local pediatrician. Vaccination is allowed only if the baby is in good health and there are no serious diseases.

With properly organized care, premature babies eventually catch up with their peers in development. Compliance with all the recommendations of the doctor will help to adapt the baby to existence in an unfamiliar world for him and will avoid the appearance of serious health problems.

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A premature baby will be born at a period of less than 37 weeks (before 260 days of pregnancy).

Premature births are on the rise all over the world. Approximately 5-10%, according to Wikipedia.

The reasons are different:

  • Social:
    External factors:
    - bad habits;
    - lack of education of parents;
    - constant stress; poor nutrition;
    - hard work etc.
  • Genetic:
    - Mental deviations of parents or early age of the father or mother.

A dangerous period for conception is considered to be under 18 and after 35.

– genetic diseases;
- termination of pregnancy, miscarriage;
- Relationship between parents.

  • Clinical:
    - Advanced forms of the disease or their incorrect and incomplete treatment, especially infectious and venereal.
    - Viral lesions of the body, which lead to degenerative processes in the formation of the baby.


Early born babies require special care. From birth, their life depends entirely on the attentiveness of their parents and the competence of doctors. We will talk about this further.

Behavior of a premature baby

A hallmark of premature babies with full-term babies is a constant state of sleep. The child reacts only to the touch of the parents. They must provide all care:

  1. choose the right temperature;
  2. rational feeding.

Depending on the timing and stage, the doctor sets the rules for caring for the child.


There is a slowness of movements, large-amplitude manipulations of the limbs. Not uncommon - alternating alternation of movements of the upper limbs and spasm of the lower.

Parents need to do massage and exercises to develop articular joints and increase the mobility of the baby.


Very fast (depending on the degree of prematurity): the smaller the body weight, the more intense the breathing.

  • The upper airways are narrow, the diaphragm is high, and the chest is pliable.
  • Breathing is irregular and may cause apnea.

If the child has difficulty inhaling and exhaling air, he is transferred to artificial ventilation of the lungs until breathing stabilizes.

If this problem is not observed, it is necessary to provide the child with unhindered access to air.


Constant. As they grow older, the frequency and duration decreases, the child independently switches from one phase of sleep to the phase of activity.

In the first weeks after discharge, keep track of the hours your baby has slept. So that at the slightest violation, the pediatrician can analyze and compare the norms with the established ones.

Crying and screaming

From the first days after birth, premature babies show emotions. Cry with eyes closed or open. Parents need to be attentive to such manifestations in order to accurately identify the problem of discomfort (wet diapers, uncomfortable position in the crib, extra objects, loud sound, etc.).

It is important to prevent prolonged crying, as it negatively affects the not yet fully strengthened vascular network.

To calm the baby, shake it in your arms, speak affectionately, feed if necessary, check the diaper.

Development by months

First month The baby is not gaining weight well, which is associated with reduced sucking activity and a swallowing reflex.

Street walks should be limited.

Second The sucking reflex is not improving yet. There is a significant weight gain. The baby can already be transferred to the stomach.
Third The main thing is sleep and food. There are mimic reactions, a fixed look and the ability to raise the head. The grasping reflex, vision and hearing are actively developing. Body weight increases.
Fourth The child raises his head on his own, grabs toys. Perhaps a significant increase in muscle tone. Charging and massages are done.
Fifth A smile appears, the grasping reflex is fully developed. The kid accurately determines the sounds and their source.
Sixth Body weight is tripled. The child is able to distinguish faces, actively responds to tactile sensations. Can scream, roar, laugh, rest their feet on the surface.

During this period, children do not differ from full-term ones.

Seventh Active, can roll over on his stomach, begins to crawl. Often at this age teething begins.
Eighth The first attempts to sit and move independently. Stands on all fours independently. Actively responds to verbal manipulation. The kid is interested in everything around, attentive to communication, can show what he is asked.
Ninth He speaks the first syllables, sits confidently. All skills and reflexes are formed, occur at a conscious level. He tries to crawl and sits confidently, without outside help.
Tenth Confidently stands, but moves along the support. Actively responds to sounds. Responds to his name, he is interested in moving objects. Teeth appear.
Eleventh Actively crawls independently, can stand up and sit down by himself. Sometimes able to take several steps. He communicates well with relatives, loves moving toys.
Twelfth The baby is completely catching up in the development of full-term children. He is able to walk on his own, all reflexes are developed and rooted. Weight returns to normal and further development occurs as in all children at this age.

Nutrition Features

The digestive system is poorly developed, so overfeeding can harm a fragile body. To control what is eaten, parents are advised to weigh the baby after each feeding.

The number and amount of milk consumed is determined by the doctor, taking into account all the features of the development of the child.

Moms can calculate the required portion using the formula.

    Rommel formula

    V=n+10, where V is the amount of milk in ml for every 100 g of the child's body weight, and n is the number of days of life.


breast training algorithm

  1. Skin to skin contact. Try to give the opportunity to feel the mother's body and skin more often and longer.
  2. The mouth and nose are closer to the nipple when the baby sleeps on the mother's chest.
  3. Express a few drops of milk on the baby's lips, he reflexively grabs the nipple.
  4. The baby may suck on the nipple, but not take sips. Lean back a little and control the breast in the baby's mouth by holding it a little.
  5. The child can allow pauses in which he will actively look for the nipple. This is a sign that he is still hungry.
  6. Over time, the sucking reflex progresses significantly and there are no difficulties with feeding.
  7. Feeding on baby's demand. Mom keeps a record of nutritional needs and follows a set schedule.
  8. Feeding at the request of the baby and mother. By this period, the child is completely accustomed to feeding, he has a full-fledged sucking reflex, so the mother can control the frequency of feeding based on personal and child indicators.

bottle feeding

In medicine, there are many adapted mixtures that are suitable for "children born early." Make the choice under the guidance of a doctor, the mixture should contain a sufficient amount of calcium and protein.

You can teach a baby to a bottle in the same way as with breastfeeding, but instead of a nipple, put a nipple on the baby's lips.

The psychological state of the child

Signs of stress:

  • Moves the gaze from one point to another;
  • often cries and is naughty;
  • hiccups;
  • spit up

Be vigilant if vomiting occurs! Seek immediate medical attention.

  • arches back;
  • clenching his arms and legs.

In the presence of any sign, the mother can rock the child in her arms, talk affectionately with him, meet eyes.

If the baby squeezes the arms and legs (signs of fatigue), you need to stimulate him less. You can slowly rock the child, stop talking and do not look into his eyes for a while. This will give him the opportunity to relax and cope with a difficult situation for him.


Red or purple spots on the skin of a child are called hemangiomas. These are wide reddened raised spots that form from dilated blood vessels. As the child develops (somewhere by the age of 4), they disappear on their own. If any changes and thickening of the spots are observed, it is necessary to consult a doctor.

How often to see a doctor

After discharge from the hospital, children need constant medical supervision.

Examinations and anthropometry are carried out weekly in the first month.

In the first month of life, children should be examined:

  • a surgeon;
  • orthopedist;
  • neurologist;
  • cardiologist;
  • ophthalmologist.

From the age of 1, children need consultations with a speech therapist and a psychiatrist.

Regular consultations with a pediatrician will help prevent deviations that are invisible to parents.

You can visit a doctor as needed or as directed, but monitoring should be systematic.

Examinations of a premature baby

Observation is established up to 7 years. Constant consultations of the pediatrician and the neuropathologist are necessary.

  1. During the first 2 years, the baby is monitored by a cardiologist, systematically performing an electrocardiogram.
  2. After 2 years, rickets is prevented, vitamin D is introduced, massage and hardening.

When to get vaccinated

Russia has a system for vaccinating premature babies. Usually, such children begin to be vaccinated when their body weight reaches 2200 grams.

  1. Do not heat the child with heating pads or electrical appliances.
  2. If the baby is constantly crying for no reason, swaddle him.
  3. Any behavioral disturbances are a reason to call a doctor or consult.
  4. Check your breathing - watch your chest, count the number of breaths per minute.
  5. Save the baby from stress, do not escalate the situation and do not create annoying noises, dim the lights.
  6. Hold the baby to your chest more often, so he will feel safe and in contact with the parent.

What should be the temperature in the children's room

Early born babies have poor thermoregulation, so it is important to keep the room at an optimal temperature of 22-24 degrees.

You can periodically check the body temperature, it should be 36.6-37.4 degrees for premature babies. Avoid direct sunlight on the child's skin, avoid drafts and cold winds.

Tricks for Parents

  1. Try to sleep when your baby sleeps.
  2. Divide care between two parents in turn.
  3. Periodically rest and spend time without a child, small pauses are necessary.
  4. Communicate with parents of premature babies, share experiences.
  5. Worry less. Everything that is not related to the health of the baby should not cause you to panic or fear.

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Prematurity today is not a critical diagnosis for a baby. Modern equipment and qualified specialists are able to organize an effective process of caring for premature babies in the first days of life. In the future, the care of the child falls entirely on the shoulders of the parents, and his condition depends on compliance with the rules for caring for premature babies.

First of all, this is the creation of a favorable environment for the child, it is also necessary to protect him from external risk factors, such as infection and stress.

And now let's dwell on this in more detail.

The first days of a premature baby

Pregnancy is almost always a joy. And happy parents begin to calculate the timing of childbirth in order to have time to prepare. But it often happens that the baby, contrary to the expectations of parents and doctors, is born ahead of schedule. Babies born before 37 weeks are called preterm.

As a rule, in such children, body weight and height are much less than established standards. The modern equipment available in the arsenal of doctors today, used in the care of premature babies, gives them a better chance of survival. But even 15-20 years ago, such babies were practically not allowed to stay in this world.

The first days are the most critical and decisive. After all, his lungs have not yet fully expanded, and it is difficult to breathe on his own. At this time, the child needs specialized care, which should be provided by doctors in the maternity hospital. They put him in a special box - a couvez, where a special microclimate is organized for him.

The microclimate in the incubator is comparable to the climate in the mother's womb, in which the baby has been in the last months. The air mixture supplied there has a high percentage of oxygen content. Thus, the process of "growing" the child takes place. Due to the fact that the baby's organs are not fully formed, his food is also produced through the tubes.

Some hospitals use the so-called "kangaroo method". Its essence is that constant bodily contact is ensured between mother and child. The only requirement in this case is that the baby should not have serious health complications.

The baby will go as if back inside the mother's womb. He is rapidly gaining weight. A prerequisite is the pumping of breast milk by the mother.

It is noticed that premature babies who received mother's milk gain weight faster and get stronger.

But now the time has come for discharge, after which the child completely passes under the care of the parents. And if there are no particular problems with hospital provision of the necessary conditions, then parents need to be taught the rules for caring for premature babies, because at home it is rather difficult to protect him from various infections.

Features of caring for a premature baby at home

Caring for a premature baby at home requires care and patience from parents, as well as a number of knowledge and skills. The main problem is the underweight of the newborn. It is in the last weeks of pregnancy that the weight of the child increases and a protective fatty layer is formed, which provides sufficient skin nutrition. In this regard, parents have to pay great attention to the moments of newborn skin care, the fight against diaper rash and irritation.

  1. It is necessary to look through the thin skin of the child at each swaddle. Careful attention should be paid to the choice of diapers. Preference should be given to soft natural fabrics, as well as carefully choose detergents and powders for washing baby clothes.
    Elastic swaddling of a child is strictly contraindicated. This will avoid chafing on the skin. But the main reason lies in the fact that the bones of the child and the respiratory organs are still weak, it can simply be difficult for him to breathe, moreover, the blood circulation does not yet function properly.
  2. The next important point is to ensure an optimal and comfortable temperature regime in the house and the baby's room in particular. The absence of subcutaneous fat makes the baby vulnerable to the surrounding climate, which makes the risk of infectious diseases many times higher. For this reason, the temperature regime should be monitored with a thermometer.

Premature babies are "grown up" in a special box - an incubator.

Change your baby's clothes as soon as possible, using warm underwear and diapers. It should also be kept in closed spaces where it is easiest to provide the desired temperature: strollers, cradles. Overheating the baby is also dangerous, for this reason it is important to check the temperature around the baby regularly.

Feeding a premature baby: features and regimen at home

Caring for a premature baby at home has a number of rules during feeding. This applies not only to compliance with the frequency of feeding procedures, but also to the features of the process. First of all, it is important to consider that the process of sucking for a premature baby is a lot of hard work. The lungs are still weak, and the process of sucking milk requires holding the breath. Milk must first be obtained, and then it is important not to choke at the moment when it poured heavily.

In the process of feeding, you should take a position that is comfortable for the baby. If the child choked during feeding, then he begins to turn pale and turn blue right before his eyes. At this point, it is important to quickly turn him over on his tummy and keep him almost upside down. In this position, the baby will quickly return to normal.

As an alternative to breastfeeding, doctors often recommend expressing milk. Then feed them to the baby through the nipple. But the significance and importance of breastfeeding cannot be discounted either, and in a situation with a premature newborn, the significance of the process doubles.

If possible, the options for feeding the baby can be alternated, using both the nipple and applying it to the breast.

After feeding, immediately put the child in the cradle or crib should not be. The fact is that premature babies spit up more often and more abundantly than healthy children. Moreover, this happens abruptly and almost like a fountain, in order to avoid choking during regurgitation, you should hold the child in your arms in an almost vertical position or on your shoulder. The baby may burp two or three times. This is due to the fact that his stomach is not yet ready to take food.

Bathing procedures should be daily. If signs of infection are observed, they can be replaced by wiping with warm water and a mild soapy solution. The water temperature should be at least 37 degrees, closer to six months, and as the baby gets stronger, you can lower it to 35 degrees for the purpose of hardening.

You should be more careful with walking. In summer, they can be started already on the third day after discharge, and in winter - no earlier than 7 or even 10 days later. The duration of the walk is up to 15 minutes. The first exit can be limited to a 5-minute walk, and then gradually increase the time of walking with the baby on the street.

Let's draw a conclusion

In general, caring for premature babies, subject to all the rules, parental care and support, will allow the child to quickly recover and return to normal in all respects. By the way, premature babies with a constantly low body temperature are shown to be planted earlier. As for the mental development of the baby, prematurity rarely affects this moment of development.

Additional information that will help parents properly care for a premature baby and reduce their fears in this video:

Caring for a premature baby is the same as for a full-term baby. Only more careful, gentle, attentive. And there are good reasons for this: all the organs and systems of the baby are just beginning to mature, and therefore they are not yet working in the “regular mode”, but in a special one.

In a premature baby, the nervous system is still being formed, and for the first weeks the baby may not even understand whether he is full or hungry. And even with severe discomfort, he does not scream, but only cries quietly or silently opens his mouth.

Born premature. What to do?

Room - prepare!

Living conditions are very important for a premature baby. Of course, you need to select the brightest room, constantly ventilate it, maintaining the air temperature within 22-25 degrees, that is, two degrees higher than recommended for ordinary children. Humidity is another important indicator that needs to be monitored. It should be more than 50 and less than 70%. It is better to purchase a humidifier with a built-in hygrometer that turns on automatically when needed.

Crib choose stable with frequent rods of the sidewalls. In the first months, while the baby is not able to roll over, he is more comfortable in the cradle.

Remember: there is no place for soft toys next to the baby! As soon as the baby is placed in the crib, all foreign objects are removed from it.

Temperature - control!

A baby born prematurely cannot maintain body temperature, so you need to be extremely careful when dressing it. In the first days after discharge, it is recommended to measure body temperature three times a day in order to understand when the little one is comfortable and when not. The normal spread of indicators is in the range from 36.6 to 37.4 degrees. You can also focus on the appearance: if the baby has bluish or pale limbs, it freezes, if the face is red, it is hot.

In the event that your little miracle is constantly freezing, you can use the “dry heating pads” method. Pour water at a temperature of about 60 degrees into one and a half liter plastic bottles. Wrap them in several layers of diapers and put: one in the legs of the crumbs under the blanket, and two on the blanket, on the sides. In this case, the temperature under the blanket should be 32 degrees.

Please note: thermoregulation is imperfect and you can overheat the baby. Make sure that he is comfortable, and the bottles do not come into contact with the baby's skin, even through the fabric. They need to be changed in an hour and a half, in turn, so that the “nest” is always warm.

It is better not to use electric heating pads - they, according to statistics, often lead to overheating and burns.

It is best to buy clothes and diapers in a specialized store - strictly in size. Swaddling is not recommended - their body is too tender and the little ones suffer greatly from the slightest squeezing - blood circulation and thermoregulation are disturbed. Choose the softest clothes appropriate for the size of the crumbs.

Feed - by the hour

Feeding is the most important task of the mother of a premature baby. There is something to work on: the baby does not scream, and cannot suckle for a long time, and the breast takes badly ...

Therefore, we feed:

  • breast;
  • by the hour (every 1.5 - 2 hours);
  • in a shaded quiet room, where nothing distracts the baby from such an important activity;
  • periodically waking up if he dozed off at the chest.

If breastfeeding is not possible, the baby should be fed with a special mixture for premature babies. It is more concentrated, gives the baby more energy with the same “labor”. You need to put on the bottle the softest nipple with a hole of sufficient diameter so that the baby spends as little energy as possible on sucking and does not get tired.

On hand - wear!

It's amazing, but babies, which mothers often take in their arms, grow and develop faster. For those born prematurely, contact with the skin of the parents is necessary. The more and more often, the better. It is usually recommended that mom or dad bare their torso, put the undressed baby on their stomach or chest and cover with a blanket. If there is no time to lie down, a sling helps out.

Hygiene - observe!

There are problems with this item too. The skin of the crumbs should be clean, however, it is not advisable to bathe and wash it in the first days - water (even warm!) Can quickly overcool the baby, and if you make it a little hot, you will burn it. Therefore, actively use baby wipes, resort to water in exceptional cases, and after water procedures, be sure to warm the baby with your body heat.

You can bathe in the bath after the baby has begun to weigh 2.0 kg, using boiled water for the first 2-3 months without foams, shampoos and herbal decoctions.

The bathing room should be warm (25-28), and the water temperature should be 38 degrees. This must be monitored with thermometers.

The duration of bathing is no more than two minutes, rinsing is not necessary. After the procedure, wrap the wet baby in a super soft towel and warm.

Walking is right!

You need to walk with a premature baby in any weather, except for excessively frosty and windy. Choose a stroller for walking with high sides to prevent the penetration of cold air. In the summer, do not even let the direct rays of the sun hit the skin of the crumbs for a short time - it will instantly burn, and you will not even notice.

Diseases - warn!

Premature babies easily get sick with all kinds of infections, so in the first months after discharge - no guests! If the guests still came - let them be in the next room, they will look at the baby when he grows up.

By two months, almost all newborns develop iron deficiency anemia. But, since the mother and the doctor know about this in advance, they take action - they look for a special mixture with a high iron content or give iron supplements.

Small children are more prone to rickets. You need to remember about this and take vitamin D at the dose prescribed by the pediatrician.

As soon as vaccinations are allowed, the doctor will draw up an individual vaccination schedule, which must be strictly adhered to. Children's infections, even grown-up children born prematurely, endure extremely hard.

Pediatrician - listen!

The pediatrician will come to your home quite often, and even more often you will meet with your district nurse. Be sure to contact them and listen to their advice. In the first year of life, the baby needs frequent examinations by a neurologist, oculist, cardiologist and additional research methods: ECG, ultrasound of the heart, examination of the fundus - in order to suspect something was wrong in a timely manner, make the correct diagnosis and immediately take action.

As soon as the baby weighs 2.5 kg, care for him will be the same as for a normal newborn.

And your child was born with what weight and height?