What to pair with orange. What color goes with orange in clothes for women. Photo, who suits, what it looks like, what to wear

To a certain extent, orange can be called unique, because regardless of the brightness and combination with other shades, it invariably remains “warm”. It would be strange if such a characteristic was not used by designers in their work - therefore, under certain conditions and tasks, the orange color is quite actively used in interior design. In particular, "orange" is often used to decorate rooms located in cold climates. However, what is called “out of place” will have this color in more sunny regions.

There are some of the most popular combinations of orange.

1. White color (in combination with white color, “orange” is most pronounced).
2. Green color (in combination with green color "orange" is associated with an orange tree, which in itself has a beneficial effect on a person's psychological state).
3. Brown color (combination with brown somewhat dampens the brightness of "orange").
4. Black color (This combination in the modern world is most of all associated with the Halloween holiday, therefore it is not suitable for everyone).
5. Bed tones (the task of bed shades is peace and tranquility, so "orange" can be used exclusively as color accents).

Color palette - combination of colors

Recently, due to a significant expansion of the range of specialized stores - almost all homeowners have begun to pay special attention to the combination of colors in the interior. The color palette is chosen on the basis of a combination of colors, and not on the principle of "what you managed to buy", so the question of choice is relevant. True, as practice shows, the correct selection of colors is often difficult.

Palette of color combinations in the interior

To avoid such problems, we will talk about possible combinations and the effect that color palettes have on a person. The latter characteristic is of paramount importance, since even matching colors can cause discomfort or discouragement for the owner of the living space. However, let's start with positive warm shades.

Color combination of colors

Before proceeding directly to the combination of colors, let's allow ourselves to tire the reader a little with background information, because without it it will be quite difficult to understand the rules for dividing into groups. The palette has its own hierarchy, the main (that is, not formed by combination) colors are “white”, “black”, “yellow”, “red”, “blue” and “green”.

Such a small list may seem strange - but, for example, the orange color is considered both “reddish” and “yellowish”, which means that it cannot claim the title of “main”. Often the group of "primary colors" is confused with the palette of the rainbow - however, in this case, the alignment is different. People of the older generation understand well the rhyme about the hunter who wants to know exactly where the pheasant is sitting. For young people who are faced with the modern education system, let's explain - the rainbow includes "red", "orange", "yellow", "green", "blue", "blue" and "purple".

Orange - color combination

Orange color, despite the positivity and popularity is not the "basic". Nevertheless, this color is quite actively used as a "base" color when creating an interior.

The combination of lilac in the interior

Lilac color is combined with "chestnut", "gray" and "light purple". It is strictly not recommended to use lilac with "orange", "yellow", "red", "brown" and "black".

Lilac color combination

Most people feel an atmosphere of mystery and mystery surrounded by lilac.

Color combination - turquoise

Turquoise is a combination of "green" and "blue". It considers it a "cold" color - due to which it is often used to create bathroom interiors. Almost all tile manufacturers use "turquoise" for their products.

The combination of turquoise color in the interior

"Turquoise" is combined with the colors of its group (in particular, with shades of green).

The combination of blue in the interior

Blue color is combined with "orange", "red", "blue" and "light purple". Contraindicated for combination with "yellow" and "burgundy".

blue color combination

It creates a persistent feeling of cold and emptiness, however, in the presence of bright accents, the blue color is quite applicable as a “base”.

Red color combination

Bright "red" is traditionally considered a passionate and emotional color, as a result of which it is not very suitable for phlegmatic people. "Red" is combined with green, blue, gray, yellow and black colors.

Color combination - red

It is not recommended to combine red with "chestnut", "brown" and "purple". It has a stimulating effect, aggressive - very rarely used for bedrooms, with the exception of those specialized establishments where rest on the bed involves active action.

yellow color combination

Yellow "sunny" color is combined with "green", "purple", "gray", "brown" and "black". Blue, pink, burgundy and lilac colors are called as contraindications for the combination. Yellow color creates a feeling of "sunshine" - it carries a positive feeling, is actively used for the interior of children's rooms.

Burgundy color - combination

The burgundy color is distinguished by a sense of heaviness - therefore it is most harmoniously combined with the so-called "live" shades. In particular, the most successful combinations of "burgundy" are blue, green and pink.

The combination of blue in the interior

Blue color goes well with "red", "golden", "burgundy" and "gray". The blue color is not combined with "lilac", "green" and "brown". The blue color belongs to the "cold" group - when used as a "base" color, it can create a feeling of discomfort, since it does not cause a feeling of comfort.

Ivory color - combination

The color ivory (ivory) or "ivory" like "white" is combined with all shades. True, depending on the concept of the interior - the choice can vary from "light green" or "pink" to "burgundy". In a classic style, ivory color is combined with "gilding".

Mint color - combination

Mint color is derived from the mixing of "emerald" and "pale blue" hues. It is noteworthy that the mint color has nothing to do with the plant of the same name. Creates a feeling of coolness and freshness.

The combination of mint color with others

Mint color goes well with "blue", "pink", "beige", "yellow", "brown", "lilac". It is quite acceptable to combine with purple and turquoise colors, as well as with a number of rarer shades (for example, "coral" and "blueberry").

Coral - color combination

Coral color - is a combination of "orange" and "pink". It belongs to the “warm” group, but is not often used as a “base” in the interior. Associated with the color of corals - therefore it is optimally combined with all shades of sea water. For example, turquoise or blue.

The combination of peach color in the interior

Peach color is one of the shades of "orange" - associated with the color of the fruit of the same name. It is noteworthy that peach color does not exist in nature. In the interior, “peach” is used quite often, since, according to psychologists, it helps to restore peace of mind and strength. Often, peach color is used in oriental design styles - for example, in combination with "gold", "brown", "terracotta", "walnut" and "black".

Wenge color in the interior - a combination

The color of wenge is designed to imitate the shade of the tropical tree of the same name. The color of wenge is distinguished by dark tones, as a result of which it goes well with “white” and its derivatives. For example, a combination of "wenge" and "ivory" would be a good option.

Color combination circle

In the process of creating an interior, the issue of color combination is of great importance - therefore, the options “by eye” and “intuitively” are not taken into account. Especially for the selection of a harmonious combination of different shades, the “color wheel” is intended.

Color wheel - combination of colors

There are many printed versions of the color wheel, but in today's world - there is no need to manually select shades. Especially to facilitate the work of the designer on the Internet, you can easily find special services of the same name.

The combination of brown in the interior

Brown is associated with bark (cinnamon). The formation of "brown" is achieved by mixing red and green colors, in the final version it can have a number of shades. It is rarely used as a “base”, since prolonged exposure to brown environment causes a feeling of discomfort (depression) in most people.

Combination of brown with other colors

It combines "brown" with yellow (gilding), pink, beige and gray colors. It is not recommended to combine brown with "burgundy", "chestnut", "lilac".

Color combination - beige

The beige color (beige) is characterized as "light brown" with shades of "gray" or "cream". In a certain sense, "beige" is universal, because, entering the group of light shades, it is easily combined with almost all colors.

Combination of pink with other colors

Pink color is formed as a result of a combination of "red" and "white". It goes well with "brown", "burgundy" and "gray". The combination of pink with "orange", "yellow" and "black" is not recommended. The main associative characteristic of pink is romance.

The combination of green with other colors

Among the most compatible with "green" are yellow, red, orange, burgundy and black. It is not recommended to combine green with "purple", "gray" and "blue". In the context of influence on a person, it is characterized as a calming color.

Color combination in the kitchen

The combination of colors in the kitchen is hardly worth trying to consider in a different context - than in any other part of the living space. Of course, there are certain traditions - for example, to use light shades as a "base" for the interior of the kitchen, but this is not a dogma. Certain interior styles involve a combination of dark shades, while the kitchen - as a result of such decisions does not look gloomy at all.

The combination of colors of the roof and facade

The combination of colors of the roof and facade is subject to the same rules as for the interior decoration of the house. True, there is a nuance - the color of the roof in most cases is selected based on functional characteristics. Light shades reflect light. Dark colors absorb light. Depending on the region and its climatic conditions, the color of the roof may be gray or brown. The finishing material itself also matters - for example, the color of natural tiles from many Russian manufacturers is limited to a certain range.

The combination of colors in the room

Depending on the style of the interior, there can be quite a few options for combining colors in a room. The main thing in the selection process is not to forget to check with the "color wheel" so as not to inadvertently use incompatible shades in the same room.

Painting the house outside - color combination

The list of popular options is not as extensive as in the case of the interior, since the exterior of the house is painted in most cases based on functional characteristics. In particular, the absorption and reflection of light is taken into account.

Perhaps the most daring choice. Only a few dare to include it in the wardrobe on an ongoing basis. When orange is in fashion, everyone who is not indifferent to it puts on it. But as soon as the trend stops being hot, all orange things are put away in a distant box until better times.

Orange is in fashion

The name itself comes from the Sanskrit "naranga", which translates as "orange tree". So this color was associated in people with the popular citrus fruit from the very beginning. Interestingly, the peaks of the popularity of orange in clothes historically fell on the era of rebellious moods in society.

In the turbulent 60s, when people sought to break with obsolete conventions and create new ones, orange caused universal adoration. Influential in those years, Christian Lacroix, “a master with a magic brush,” as his contemporaries called him for his talent to combine seemingly incongruous shades, brought into fashion wearing juicy orange with poisonous pink. the decision became a sign of its time and a signature combination of Lacroix. And today it is used in street bows by the most daring and daring.

In the early 70s, designer Guy Laroche released models in shoes, tights and with hands on the catwalk. in orange, he simply drove magazines and fashionistas crazy: everyone dressed in it!

The popularity of orange is cyclical, like fashion itself. But he invariably comes to a standing ovation and leaves a number of fashion trends for them. This is due to the fact that it brings us an emotional lift, positive and warmth, which are so lacking in gray everyday life.

Psychological associations with orange

Light range of orange tones adds to the image of charming eroticism. These are very soft and feminine shades. They have found wide application not only in clothing, but are also popular in underwear and cosmetics. The stronger the admixture of white, the more insinuating and gentle the palette becomes. Use it in romantic, feminine, bows. For work, light orange tones are not the best choice, due to the subtle hint of flirting that this range has.

Bright orange shades carry a charge of energy and optimism. They attract attention, are associated with impulsiveness and sensuality. The most daring, hot and sexy color has always been and remains red-orange, keep this in mind when choosing an image for a romantic dinner. Juicy is most often used in accessories, but this color is more variable. Look at the next photo, how he transforms a strict classic suit, making it an extravagant and stylish solution for an informal set.

Dark shades of orange reminiscent of spice colors. They bring the mood of exoticism, luxury and are naturally used in images, as well as in sets, country music and other topics where an atmosphere of warmth and comfort is important. As it darkens, orange transitions into and becomes earthy, conservative and neutral. He loses impulsiveness and sensuality, but creates a mood of simplicity, dignity and balance.

Who chooses orange?

As the color of energy and positivity, orange is much more often used in youth looks. With age, it is introduced into the bows more and more dosed and carefully. If you want to give your wardrobe an inoculation of cheerfulness, then orange is the best choice. Even in accessories, he retains all his qualities.

Along with, orange allows you to be in the spotlight without having outstanding communication skills. You can't take your eyes off this color! True, unlike

Orange is a very bright, orange color that is uplifting and always associated with the holiday. It can be used to bring confidence and positivity into your wardrobe. However, it is not enough just to put on a bright thing of this shade. It is important to combine it correctly with other colors so that they are combined with each other. In this article, you will find the answer to the question of what colors orange is combined with in clothes and room design.

Orange in clothes

Based on the generally accepted rule that bright things should always be combined with such objects of the same bright shade, there are several colors that are combined with orange. So, by combining orange and purple colors, you will create a cheerful look and a festive mood. Muted shades of purple can be combined with paler shades of orange, such as peach.

Orange is also combined with dark green and khaki. Such sets emphasize the brightness of the image and create a feeling of positive and self-confidence. Do not forget about such a delicate combination as pale pink and peach tones. These shades are perfectly combined and create a cozy feminine look.

An excellent choice would be a combination of orange with basic colors - white and black. The most successful combination is easier to choose in the case of the last shade. A black blazer and pumps paired with an orange dress, or a black top and orange skirt will surely make your look even more stylish. For an orange cocktail dress, you can pick up accessories in a black palette - a belt, shoes or a handbag. Such an image will look harmonious and restrained, but, at the same time, festive. White also looks good with orange, and brings some presentability and formality to the overall look. This is a great choice for a classic style set.

Subdued tones of orange pair well with subdued shades of greens, navy blues, greys, pale yellows and chocolates. Bright shades of orange are best combined with rich yellow, blue, mustard, beige, indigo and ultramarine. Such noticeable combinations create an image of brightness, freshness and emphasize youth and confidence.

Remember that when compiling a set in orange tones, it is recommended to take into account the type of appearance. So, bright shades are more suitable for girls with an autumn type. It is advisable for girls with a spring color type to choose a combination of orange with warm tones - brown, amber beige, etc. Girls with pale skin and redheads should not wear orange. In the latter case, a bright orange outfit will give the skin an unhealthy shade, not to mention that it will simply merge with the hair color.

Orange in the interior

Orange brings a sense of celebration to the interior of the room, cheers up and activates internal energy. If you decide to make a new renovation in the room using orange, you should decide in advance on its shade and find out what additional colors are in harmony with it. It is best to use slightly muted orange tones for apartment design, as caustic acid shades will only irritate the eye and quickly get bored.

Looks good orange with gray. So, you can paint the walls in an orange shade and put the furniture in gray tones. A bright color will freshen up dull furniture and add joy to the overall look of the room. Orange goes well with chocolate. With the right selection, all three colors can be combined within the same room. The combination of white with orange hues is a great option for a kitchen interior. This combination creates a fresh look. In this case, you can also add a little chocolate tone.

When designing in orange colors, remember that this bright, noticeable color visually crowds out other shades. Therefore, try to use it in smaller quantities, and dilute it more with other tones.

The art of color matching is not given to everyone, and many women periodically have difficulty trying to combine different colors or shades in their outfit. A stylish image is 99% made up of the right combination of colors in clothes, makeup, and accessories. If the colors are combined incorrectly, there is a feeling that something is “wrong” in the appearance. This is due not so much to a conscious understanding of the fashion and style of things, but to the physical laws of color perception.

Billiard color or wormwood color

This shade in itself is not striking, but if you are noticed, then it will be difficult to take your eyes off. Billiard - the color of calmness, respectability, wisdom and good luck. And what woman does not suit the color of fortune? In addition, with this shade you can make bright, grandiose combinations.

Consider sagebrush and soft pink, Victorian pink, rose, rich red, alizarin, orange, coppery red, pale yellow, apricot, blackbird egg, light green, grey-blue, light blue, lilac, orange- beige, tan and chocolate.

Rare, bright and calm at the same time. He inherited the versatility of turquoise shades and the calmness of dark turquoise. Color will take root in any wardrobe. Combinations with this color can be restrained, modestly intelligent. This color can be present both in a business style and in a relaxed one, for relaxation.

Jewelry made of gold, silver, emeralds will look good next to this color. It is better to choose transparent stones: pink, blue, orange, cold green shades. Wood ornaments are suitable for it.

What goes with turquoise green? Combinations are not intrusive, but with character you can get with pale pink, coral lilac-pink, pale sand, pink coral, ocher, regatta, emerald, pale blue, dark pink, gray-brown, lilac, blue-lilac, beige-pinkish, silver, gold, bronze, brown.

Turquoise blue color

This color is traditionally considered turquoise. It is bright but not blinding. Energetic, sociable, this color suits everyone. The color is changeable in combination, it will give you a special personality.

This color is good both at the beach and in the office, and at a party and at home it will be comfortable. Do not pass by this color: universal, color with character, it will be ideal in any wardrobe.

Jewelry will combine gold, silver, pearls, topazes, amber, coral, turquoise. Any blue shades in stones and jewelry are welcome.

Consider color combinations turquoise with hot pink, red rose, yellow ocher, pink coral, orange, blue-green, cold light green, aquamarine, purple, blue, white-blue, white, straw-beige, silver, gold, bronze, brown .

Pale turquoise color

This color is similar to aquamarine. Delicate, gentle, flowing color of transparent sea water. It cannot be called pale or bright. It will suit any color type.

This color in its calm bliss is better to wear on vacation, summer celebrations. The relaxation that this color contributes to will be superfluous in everyday bustle. Jewelry that goes well with a dress or blouse in this shade of turquoise: pink-orange coral, shells, pearls, gold and silver. Pale carnation-colored jewelry, yellow and orange shades of stones or jewelry will suit it. It is advisable to use non-transparent stones.

Pale turquoise color combination: with peach pink, carmine, golden yellow, pink coral, orange coral, aqua, cool shade of green, sky blue, burgundy, lavender, aquamarine, beige, silver, gold, bronze, brown.

Fresh, delicate violet color, it creates a truly spring, sunny mood. This shade will refresh the skin of the face, soften the features, emphasize the color of the hair.

Pale lilac will look good on both spring and summer outerwear and underwear. Dresses, suits, sweaters of this shade should be worn on vacation and holidays. In the office, pale lilac will distract from a serious attitude towards specific activities.

Pale lilac is combined with colors such as pink, magenta red, purple, yellow-beige, green-yellow, apricot, carrot, mint, green peas, sky blue, violet blue, amethyst shades, golden beige, yellow - brown shades.

Grape-Gothic or Dark Grape

This is a mysterious, evening, purple shade. What is hiding behind the dark cover? Passion, secret desires, the dark side of "I" ... Unlike black, gothic grape is a more emotional color. It has more personality and character than other shades.

Combine dark grape with pink, magenta, fuchsia, red-orange, dark red, apricot, yellow-green, pale yellow, light green, bright emerald, gray blue, sky blue, lilac, neutral beige, yellow -beige, light brown, brown colors.

Glycine color or gray-lilac shade

If the lilac is a bright, saturated shade, then the glycine flickers with restraint. He has not lost the tenderness and romance of lilac, but has acquired the calmness, stability and wisdom of gray. This shade will speak of the constancy of the owner, sensuality and maturity of character. Not recommended for representatives of the "winter" color type.

Combine gray-lilac with pale pink, baby pink, strawberry red, dark red, saffron, pale yellow, light yellow, gold, blackbird egg, swamp green, dark gray blue, denim, light blue, beige , gray-brown, dark brown shades.

lavender color

Intense purple hue. Striking and calm at the same time. Only a contrasting appearance can withstand his onslaught. The boldness of the lavender shade emphasizes self-confidence, although it is still not suitable for the office. Bright and "detached from reality", it does not contribute to the working mood. But if you decide to conquer with your mystery, then this color is the best suited for this.

Lavender color prefers contrasting combinations. Such as pearl pink, fuchsia, yellow ocher, pale yellow, light orange, poisonous green, light green, menthol, blue-violet, sky blue, grape, dark purple, beige, brown and dark brown .

Blue-lilac color

Calm, balanced shade of lilac. You can call it everyday. Unlike all other shades of lilac, it will not cause a strong resonance in everyday, office duties. But its main element is holidays, travel, rest.

Like lavender, blue-lilac will inspire self-confidence, but not due to brightness, but due to the stability of the predominant blue hue.

With blue-lilac colors such as pale pink, strawberry, yellow, apricot, light orange, wormwood, malachite, menthol, indigo, pale blue, amethyst, gray-violet, yellow-beige, yellow-brown, Brown

Lilac amethyst or lilac pink color

Sexy, seductive, sophisticated. This is a more delicate and lighter relative of the red-violet hue. It has more enthusiasm than languor. The amethyst color is more dynamic compared to other shades of lilac, so you can see sportswear in such shades, more muted tones of amethyst will fit into a casual style.

Like all shades of lilac, amethyst lilac is poorly suited for office work, but it fits more than others into everyday life.

Consider such combinations of lilac amethyst as honeysuckle, red magenta, greenish yellow, golden, light orange, menthol, mint, light green, cobalt, electric blue, dark lilac, lilac, peach beige, light brown, yellow-brown.

Purple colour

Classic lilac, medium saturation shade. Bright individuality, romance, femininity. It is ideal for representatives of the spring and winter color types.

This shade strikes the imagination with its integrity, sophistication, and, oddly enough, rarity. In addition to femininity, this shade lurks something otherworldly: a mystery associated with another world. Therefore, the lilac color can attract natures inclined to metaphysics, and repel practical people.

Lilac color is combined with pink, bright red, pale yellow, ocher, pale carrot, menthol, emerald, pale green, aquamarine, denim, red-violet, violet-purple, beige-apricot, light yellow- brown, red-brown

Dark turquoise color

This color is similar to the color of the sea wave. This is the most not bright turquoise, it will also suit everyone, but it is especially worth taking a closer look at the representatives of the “summer” color type. Unobtrusive, discreet, soft color serves you inconspicuously. Without focusing on itself, the color, first of all, presents you, favorably shading the skin, giving the eyes a blue-green sheen or creating a contrast with brown eyes.

Dark turquoise is just as versatile as turquoise blue. From jewelry, transparent stones of any blue, lilac, pink shades are suitable; pearls, amber, agate, garnet, turquoise. Feel free to combine gold and silver with this color.

What color goes with turquoise of this shade? Soft, discreet. You might like combinations of turquoise with coral lilac pink, raspberry coral, green yellow, light sand, orange sorbet, blue-violet, lilac, light lavender, burgundy, lavender, blackbird egg color, cream, light beige, silver, gold, bronze, brown.

Topaz blue color

It is also considered turquoise. This is a more sporty option, t-shirts are often in this color. But the dresses, look, they look great too. This bright shade is gentle in its own way and is more suitable for relaxation, holidays, sports than for the office.

Red coral, gold, silver, pearls, turquoise, topazes, diamonds and amethysts, lilac, yellow, orange and pink stones will look with it.

What goes with turquoise? Certain, intense colors such as soft pink, deep red, pale yellow, coral pink, orange, green-turquoise, violet-blue, blue, regatta, pale turquoise, dark lilac, lavender, gray, silver , golden, beige-brown, brown.

Color "Atlantis" or turquoise green

Self-confidence, independence, personal responsibility, creativity are the qualities that the color "Atlantis" expresses. In this color, you will feel free from the “impossible”, and partners will see unlimited potential in you.

The color "Atlantis" is universal and suitable for all color types.
Turquoise green is combined with red, red rose, saffron, yellow-orange, gold, gold, aquamarine, malachite, cobalt, royal blue, sky blue, glycine, lilac, light pink-beige, brown, dark brown

Baltic color or grey-blue color

This is devotion to the idea, perseverance in achieving it, intellectuality, the ability to discard everything superfluous. This shade is pleasant, it does not distract attention to itself, but it makes you relax and make more rational decisions.

The Baltic color will look good on representatives of the "spring", "summer" and "autumn" color types. This shade will be appropriate, both in the office and on vacation.

Gray-blue color is combined with white-pink, lilac, dark lilac, red rose, peach, sand, ocher, emerald green, azure green, blue, cobalt, electric blue, white-blue, glycine, beige-peach , gray-brown and dark brown.

spring green color

This is a light shade of blue-green - one of the few universal colors that is perfect for representatives of all color types. You are probably surprised by this name, because spring greens usually look light green in color. But this color fits perfectly into the spirit of spring mood. This is a very energetic color that can awaken from winter dullness and apathy.

Pronounced colors are suitable for this shade of blue-green. Such as: geranium, pink, iris, red, dark red, orange, orange sorbet, sand, light yellow, gold, viola, blueberry, light lilac, lilac, bright purple, brown, dark brown.

Viola color

Viola is blue. It suits all color types. The color is expressive, catchy, but the eyes do not get tired of it. In addition, it is very feminine and elegant.

After a long winter, viola is one of the first flowers to bloom in the sun, but what if it's not flowers that make spring so elegant? Blue is the color of the holiday and everyday life, with it weekdays are easier, and weekends are richer.

Voiced colors are suitable for this color. Such as: magenta, purple, dark pink, red, dark red, orange, orange sorbet, light yellow, gold, light sand, spring green, neon green, sky blue, blueberry, lilac, dark purple, brown , dark brown.

blueberry color

Dark blue color. Cold, saturated, it requires a bright make-up. It is rather an evening color, and in combination with flowing fabrics, it is designed to conquer in the obscure flickering of lights.

It is suitable for representatives of the color types "summer", "autumn" and "winter". But keep in mind, this bright color gives pallor to the skin. It slims your figure and enhances the contrast between your face and hair.

Dark blue color is combined with soft pink, amaranth, cherry, orange, yellow-orange, light sunny yellow, sand, blue-green, with spring greens, with aquamarine, viola, blue, with light pale lilac, dark lilac, brown, dark brown, black-brown colors.

Bright turquoise color

Like coral shades, turquoise has catchy tones. But for a vibrant life you need bright colors. The bright turquoise color is surprisingly rare and beautiful. He draws attention to himself, carries him along. Tropical diva, bird of paradise - this is the definition of the image that this color creates.

But not everyone can afford it. For this color, the appearance should have the highest contrast. Representatives of the “winter” and “spring” color types can afford it, subject to bright makeup.

Jewelry for clothes of bright turquoise color should be selected from transparent stones of any blue or green hue. Avoid pale jewelry. Gold and silver, pearls, coral and turquoise will suit you too.

What color goes well with turquoise? Just as bright and resonant. Take a closer look at such combinations as with pink, yellow, yellow-green, pink-coral, neon green, dark blue, electric blue, aquamarine, dark pink, purple, regatta, cream, gray, silver, gold, beige brown, old bronze.

Bright lilac color

Lilac like coral or turquoise can be very bright. In this case, all hue properties are enhanced.

The bright lilac color is an indicator in the definition of the “spring” color type, since the appearance of the “summer” color type will be pretty spoiled by it. If you are "spring" or "winter" and want to stand out significantly from the crowd, then a bright lilac shade will give you increased attention.

Combine bright lilac with pink, bright red, sunny yellow, apricot, bright orange, turquoise green, bright green, charteuse, viola blue, azure blue, bright purple, pale lilac, light beige , light brown, brown.

persimmon color

A shade of orange, such a brightness that will not spoil the representatives of the “summer” color type. Reducing the brightness brings to this color the tenderness of love romance, which will stand next to the courage of a teenager and the non-compulsion of a child. Persimmon color will make your image dynamic and sociable. Adventure will always be with you.

This shade of orange pairs with light pink, magenta, burgundy, red, red, yellow, ocher, emerald green, billiards, neon green, blue, electric blue, light cerulean, orange beige, mocha and chocolate. color.

Coral red terracotta

Intense spicy color. And soft and bright at the same time. The red-terracotta color gives off the east, its slowness, stormy colors, sunset. This color can bring peace and tranquility and ... a thirst for adventure. The color is suitable for an evening dress, swimsuit, leisure wear or business suit.

Decoration can be coral products, gold, silver, emerald, garnet, diamonds or alexandrite.

This coral shade is combined with pale yellow, magenta, crimson, scarlet, mustard, blackbird egg, azure, sky blue, blue green, Prussian blue, dark gray, silver, gold, white, light gray, brown, black-brown.

iris color

Pink-lilac shade. Cold, rich, moderately bright. It is suitable for representatives of the color type "summer" and "winter". You can choose bright accessories and shoes for this color. This color is piercing and exotic. During the day, he pleases with his strength, and in the evening twilight it becomes mysterious. Iris is the color “from the ship to the ball”, if you want to get to the club after work, bypassing the house, then this color is the best fit for you.

It is combined with colors such as soft pink, fuchsia, dark pink, red, rose color, orange, orange sorbet, pale yellow, gold, light sand, olive, light green, blue, blueberry, lilac, purple, brown and dark brown.

Bright coral pink-orange

Or a shade of scarlet, which is distinguished from the classic by coolness. In the northern regions of Russia, this color is not found in the natural environment. This is exotic, but it looks expensive, inspiring. Combining this color is very careful. Make this color the main one or use it in bright accessories like a belt, beads, etc. Do not use in a 1:1 ratio with other bright colors. Dilute it with soft and neutral shades.

Consider combinations with coral, bright pink-orange, yellow-green, lilac, yellow-lilac, tomato, sand, green, azure, sky blue, black sea, dark blue, silver, gold, white-beige, flesh - white, gray, brown, dark brown.

Coral red-orange

A warm red shade, not as bright as the classic, but no less intense. It will not hurt the eyes, suitable for all types of appearance. When expanding your wardrobe, feel free to add coral red, because Lady in red is the image of a beautiful lady, it is quite on the shoulder for him. You can wear it anywhere and anytime: color for both summer and cold weather; for rest, for a holiday and for work.

A good combination of coral red-orange with light yellow, pink-orange, hot pink, bright pink-orange, maroon, muted yellow-orange, spring green, Prussian blue, gray, lilac, gold, silver, white, sandy light beige, dark gray, brown, dark brown.

coral lilac pink

An intricate pink shade that is difficult to identify. Ideal for a cold, non-contrasting appearance. If the “summer” color type manages to get this color into its wardrobe, then it will be a pearl, among other not bright, wonderful colors. Silver, coral, pearls, moonstone, amethyst, topaz, diamonds or alexandrite are suitable for purple-pink.

Colors that go with coral lilac pink: champagne, soft pink, hot pink, crimson, burgundy, muted yellow-orange, aquamarine, Prussian blue, dark gray, lilac, gold, silver, white-beige, sand -beige, light gray, brown, dark brown.

coral raspberry

Coral raspberry differs from raspberry in less pinkness. This color is closer to red: intense, expressive, it is still colder than classic red. Coral-raspberry is perfect for both the office and the holiday. This color is also acceptable in autumn and winter, as it is combined mainly with dark colors. For cool looks that can't afford bright red, this color is a godsend. Know about it and enjoy it.

Combine coral raspberry with sand, lilac, gray-lilac, red, cherry, spring green, wormwood, Prussian blue, dark gray, rich lilac, silver, beige pink, beige yellow, straw, medium gray, sepia brown, dark dark grey.

Coral neon pink

Bright summer butterfly. Not everyone can afford this cold shade. The soft features of the appearance of neon pink will crush, everyone will see a bright spot, not you. But if you try to match the color more similar to you, then you will get rid of this annoying circumstance. Pearls, turquoise, silver, gold, coral, amber will suit this color.

Take note of the combination of coral neon pink with light yellow, with delicate warm pink, cold pink, red, saffron, menthol green, azure, denim, sky blue, dark blue, silver, gold, white-beige, gray, light beige, brown, dark brown.

Coral pink-orange

The border between pink and orange is crossed, but remains somewhere nearby. The color is bright enough for "winter" and discreet enough for "summer". Warm enough for "spring", "autumn" and neutral for "summer". This color can be called universal. It is soft and spicy, like the flavors of the east. Delicate sunset color of the sky on a warm day just before dusk. Accessories for this color can be turquoise, coral, amber, amethyst, gold, silver.

The combination with coral pink-orange can be built both in contrast and in likeness. Warm shades will give a feeling of summer heat, cold - the proximity of the sea, summer rain. Try to match it with amber, delicate warm pink, cold shade of pink, dark pink, golden copper, muted yellow-green, azure, denim, sky blue, royal blue, silver, gold, white-beige, gray-white, light beige, brown, dark brown.

Coral pink peach

Sophisticated, soft, caring color. He seems to be both warm and cold. Shiny things embroidered with sequins and beads are perfectly combined with it. The color is festive, but not intrusive. In this color, you don’t want to be nervous, because he himself personifies relaxation. If you want to be considered happy and peaceful (when you pretend, you start to believe, and faith works wonders), then this color is for you.

What color goes with coral pink peach? Just as soft and comfortable. Sand, carrot, coral pink-orange, soft sunny, muted crimson, olive, azure, denim, hyacinth, royal blue, gray, silver, gold, white-beige, beige, brown, dark brown.

Coral light pink

In this range, it is a cold shade. I would call it loud. It is quite bright, but restrained. In this color, the very line between orange and pink. The image that creates a light pink coral - sensuality and inaccessibility, due to its coolness and sophistication. Clothes in light pink coral can be casual and festive. Combine it with gold, silver, pearl, turquoise, topaz accessories.

Combine coral light pink with honey, red rose, sand, alizarin, grey-pink, olive, azure, denim, blue-gray, royal blue, silver, gold, white-beige, beige, sepia, brown-red, with milk chocolate color.

Coral hot pink

This color is so bright that it practically glows in the dark. Be careful with him, he can easily outshine you (except for "winter"). But in capable hands, any selection is arguable. If you look at the top left picture, you can see black sunglasses on a girl with a non-contrasting appearance. They compensate for the lack of brightness. You can also use bright headbands and bandages.

Combine this shade of coral with the same sonorous colors as it is. For example, with amber yellow, magenta, dark red, reddish orange, sky blue, aquamarine, blue-green, Prussian blue, dark gray, silver, gold, white, beige gray, beige yellow, light gray, sepia brown, black-brown.

hot lips color

Or the color of a red rose. It's no longer bright red, but not fuchsia either. Decisiveness and balanced decisions, speed of reaction and the ability to absorb a huge amount of information in a short time. It's all a shade of red rose.

But be careful with this shade when wearing it to a business meeting. If your partners are pretty exhausted, the shade will annoy them, and not inspire confidence.

The color "hot lips" is suitable for representatives of all color types.
Combine red rose color with pink beige, light magenta, coral, red-orange, pale yellow, American mugwort, emerald, white-green, cobalt, gray-blue, anthracite, red-violet, glycine, brown-beige , cream, taupe and brown.

geranium color

Or a shade of coral. This is also one of the favorite colors, but it is absolutely bold to wear it, unfortunately, only representatives of the “spring” color type can.

Consider in the picture how the color of the model's skin turns pale next to the geranium-colored dress. You can correct the situation with an intense tan or a combination of geraniums with flowers that suit you.

Coral color is combined with pink, red, dark red, orange sorbet, yellow-orange, with soft sunny yellow and sand color, as well as gold, swamp color, olive, blackbird egg color, azure, denim, lilac, dark lilac, brown, dark brown, gray-brown colors.

poppy color

Or orange-pink. His exoticism is in his pallor. This shade is close to the all-time favorite peach color, perhaps this explains its excessive popularity. In addition, he plays amazingly on tanned skin, but on pale skin it may seem inconspicuous.

Orange-pink is suitable for representatives of the spring, summer, autumn color types.
And it will be combined mainly with soft, complex colors. Such as: pale lilac, red, alizarin, peach, brick, gold, light sand, beige, polka dot, mugwort, blackbird egg, grey-green-blue, denim, lilac, dark lilac, brown, dark brown .

What shade of red suits you:

Gingerbread color or tan color

This is hard work, respectability, intelligence, intuition, sensitivity to changes in the mood in the team. Such leaders are worth their weight in gold. The color is perfect for business meetings and negotiations. It creates an aura of understanding and a willingness to make concessions, although most often the other side has to make concessions.
This shade is suitable for all color types.

Yellow-brown combines colors such as grape, red, dark red, saffron, carrot, red, light yellow, pale gold, wormwood, bottle, light green, dark blue, gray-blue, gray-beige, yellow-beige, brown, dark brown.

Cherry coffee or deep burgundy

Bold, bold, proud. It gives your appearance a royal air of arrogance and makes you take you seriously. Burgundy is a universal shade. It suits all color types. In addition, this color is slimming.

The color of cherry coffee has inner strength. Although he looks restrained, his origin from the color red affects, which means that he has a tonic effect.

The burgundy color is combined with beige-pink, lilac, with the color of a rose or "hot lips", with red, white-yellow, gold, the color of American wormwood, with "Atlantis", the color of a frog in a swoon, Baltic, cobalt, red-violet, glycine, light beige, dark brown, black.

Fondant color or mocha color

Expensive brown. Although he himself is quite muted, you can create bright combinations with him.

Brown, like green, is the color of maturity and stability. Together with expensive material and accessories, your significance and attractiveness to others will increase.

This shade is suitable for everyone, except for representatives of the “winter” color type.
Mocha color is combined with pale pink, beige pink, strawberry, saffron, dark red, light yellow, ocher, billiard, polka dot, sky blue, navy blue, dark blue, glycine, light pink beige, brown beige, brown and dark brown.

American mugwort or sand color

The hue is very close to not bright gold, and this is restraint, respectability, intelligence, constancy.

The color of American wormwood will be very useful in a business suit: it does not distract attention to itself and gives the interlocutor the opportunity to fully concentrate on issues. A light, soft shade creates a positive opinion about you in the eyes of a partner.

This shade is suitable for representatives of the "spring" and "summer" color types.
Consider such combinations with sand color as pale pink, jelly, cherry, lingonberry, red, burgundy, gold, yellow-green, pale yellow, emerald green, pale green, Baltic, cobalt, glycine, light beige, yellow- brown, brown.

American mountain color or pink beige

It is close to the shade of a natural body. It excites the imagination. If you want to attract the attention of men, this shade will come in handy.

The color of the American mountain should be abandoned by representatives of the “autumn” color type, since in it their face will give off unhealthy redness. You should not choose things of this color and the “winter” color type. For them, this shade is too pale.
Pink-beige color looks more advantageous on tanned skin.

Pink beige is combined with such shades as pale pink, lilac, dark lilac, jelly, red, pale orange, ocher, swamp green, wormwood, gray blue, cobalt, gray blue, neutral beige , the color of coffee with milk, light beige, gray-brown and dark brown colors.

Color "early wheat" or winter yellow

A delicate yellow shade that is neither cold nor warm. Filled with femininity and charm. Due to its middle position and light tone, it is suitable for representatives of all color types. With it, you can create exotic combinations, both bright and soft. It will look great in the office and at a banquet. Its main gift will be joy and tenderness, which will imperceptibly creep into the hearts of contemplators, and, naturally, this areola will fall on its owner.

The color "early wheat", or winter yellow, is combined with Victorian pink, mother-of-pearl pink, fawn, strawberry, salmon, sand, bamboo, pale green of cold and warm shades, malachite, denim blue of dark and light shades, lilac, flesh , gray-brown and yellow-brown.

Coral pearly pink

Pale, delicate shade. It will look good on both white and tanned skin. It goes well with jewelry made of pearls, moonstone, mother-of-pearl shells, turquoise. Your image in this color will be mysterious and weightless. The color is good for both noon and summer nights.

Combine this coral color with the same not bright shades. Such as white-yellow, coral pink-peach, dark purple, aquamarine, azure, sky, denim, hyacinth, lilac, pale lilac, gray-blue, white, beige, gold, flesh, brown, dark brown.

Coral pale peach

This warm shade looks good on golden skin. And if you have a cool body tone, then you can discover this color with a good southern tan. And if neither the solarium nor the beach shines on you on harsh summer days, self-tanning can help (it will give a golden hue, which is difficult to achieve in the usual way). This color is good for both office and leisure. Enjoy this warm piece of summer.

You might like the combination of coral pale peach with yellow gold, carrot, alizarin, rusty, burgundy, olive, azure, blue-gray, denim, hyacinth, lilac, white, gray, gold, warm light beige, pink brown, dark brown

pale yellow color

Another versatile color. This sunny color is considered cold, probably because it resembles a winter dawn. But it is also the color of spring chickens. Pale yellow naive, innocent, joyful color. Unlike yellow, it does not oppress others. It is not catchy, but fresh, light, radiant. I want to look at him and look at him. Pale yellow is perfect for summer dresses and sundresses, swimsuits and pareos.

Pale yellow is combined mainly with restrained colors. Such as: poppy, geranium, honeysuckle, red, dark red, pale orange, orange sorbet, sand, gold, light green, pale green, neon green, turquoise, denim, lilac, gray-lilac, brown, dark Brown.

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Orange color in the interior - juicy like an orange, hot like the sun

The correct use of orange in the interior can fill any room with light, warmth, give you a genuine feeling of cheerfulness, optimism and happiness. In this article, I will tell you about what orange is combined with in the interior and how to harmoniously use this tone.

Color sets the mood

Orange is one of the most active shades, it combines the energy of good-natured yellow and the power of red. This color is part of the sunset, a symbol of pleasure, warmth and carelessness. He is able to create a sunny mood, inspire a festive atmosphere and fill any room with warmth, even one in which the rays of the heavenly body have never been.

Orange must be used very carefully in the interior, as it is very active and energetic. Orange tones have a special effect on a person: they are able to free him from feelings of depression and improve digestion. Such shades are also tonic.

Orange has a large number of shades, some of them are more energetic, others are calming and relaxing, so their purpose is completely different. For the children's room, tangerine is perfect, for the dining room and kitchen - pumpkin and amber. I consider carrot, bronze and coral to be universal, because they can be used almost everywhere.

Features of orange

I want to tell you about some of the features of the orange color in the interior:

  1. It can improve mood.
  2. It is always warm and does not have cold shades.
  3. Orange objects are endowed with the ability to attract the eye.
  4. Thanks to him, creative activity awakens, the work of the brain is stimulated.
  5. We do not combine with cold shades, but with warm ones it gets along just fine.
  6. Orange objects are visually more voluminous than other shades. For example, an orange vase will appear slightly larger than a blue one. This property does not apply to walls.
  7. It has the ability to increase appetite.
  8. Using orange for wall decoration in small spaces makes the room look even smaller.
  9. The neighbors of orange are yellow and red, but its complete opposite is blue.

Colors that harmonize perfectly with orange

Now I will tell you about what colors are most successfully combined with orange in the interior:

  1. White. This color goes well with orange, emphasizes it and complements it. Cold white next to an orange tone seems not so icy in appearance, and orange becomes even brighter against a white background. This color, combined with orange, is well suited for a minimalist living room and bathroom.

  1. Green. This color, next to orange, creates a natural combination that is associated with the New Year holidays, a flowering meadow or a fruit basket. It is desirable to combine orange color with warm green hues.

  1. Cream (beige). By its nature, this shade is very calm. Thanks to this quality, it is able to balance the energy and fieryness of orange. So that you can understand me, I will give you an example: on a white background, tangerine begins to “burn”, but cream, unlike white, calms this flame a little.

  1. Grey. The duet of this shade with tangerine can be considered quite successful. A light gray shade, like cream, is able to muffle the brightness of orange. Since these colors do not contradict each other, they coexist quite harmoniously.

  1. Blue. The warm shades of this color have a beneficial effect on the emotional state of a person, they are a symbol of the sky and the sea, and in combination with an orange tone, they can create a wonderful duet. Using it in the interior, it is worth considering that prolonged exposure to blue in its pure form can provoke a depressive state.

  1. Blue. What associations do you have with this color in a duet with hot orange? Of course, this is reminiscent of the sky on a clear day, and I believe that such a combination is more than ideal, since it is conceived by nature itself. So why not use it in the interior?

  1. Brown. This color in the interior is suitable for people who need rest and peace. Its combination with orange is a good option, as the warm color will keep the room from becoming gloomy.

Bold Combinations

The orange tone itself is not simple and choosing the right color for it is not always easy. There are shades that, in combination with tangerine, are not suitable for everyone.

If you want extravagant combinations to create something special, use orange along with:

  1. black. This combination turns out to be brutal and aggressive, and it is precisely because of this that it is ideal for daring and self-confident people. Such a duet has a positive effect on active and creative individuals, as it is able to inspire and stimulate them. Orange on a black background begins to blind, burn, pulsate.

This duet is used in modern interiors, but I recommend not to use this combination in its pure form in a living room. It is best to dilute it with the presence of other shades, for example, beige, gray, white, pale pink.

  1. pink. In general, it is believed that this combination is not the most successful, since these two colors are approximately the same in lightness and together create, at first glance, some kind of intermediate shade. Such a duet does not carry expressiveness, but in the case of the correct selection of shades, it can be used to create a very unusual design.

You can achieve a non-standard effect by using several shades of pink: from the lightest to the brightest. For a more comfortable indoor environment, the pink-orange duet can be diluted with light brown, white, gold, green, blue and, in extreme cases, black.

  1. Chocolate. Despite the good combination of brown shades with orange, chocolate is too dark, especially if it is very close to glossy black. A duet with this color resembles a combination with black, so it is not suitable for everyone. If you are attracted to extravagant combinations, match dark chocolate with flashy orange.

This combination looks strict, but it is persistently used because of its solid appearance. It would be appropriate to add light shades to such an interior, for example, beige and grayish. You should not use black with an orange-chocolate scale, as this will cause compatibility problems.

  1. purple. Some believe that this union is not very successful, but thanks to bold natures, these two colors are slowly finding their place in children's and living rooms. Such a bold and bold combination of almost opposite shades can stand out very beautifully in the interior.

Wanting to transform your apartment with the help of an orange-purple duet, you need to know one important thing - the colors must be from the same palette, namely, they must have similar (preferably the same) characteristics:

  • dullness/brightness;
  • simplicity / complexity;
  • blur / saturation;
  • cleanliness / dustiness, etc.

If you want to use these colors as base colors, you will have to remember the following rules:

  • choose purple and orange from the same palette (that is, with the same characteristics);
  • the richer the colors, the more aggressive the interior of the room will be perceived, so do not forget to add some light color.

Remember the rule, if you decide to make these two colors the main ones for the interior: try to distribute them in such a way that orange is diluted with purple in the correct proportion. To do this, complement the orange walls with purple decor and vice versa.

Purple-orange union can be diluted with neutral colors:

  • cream;
  • grey;
  • White;
  • khaki;
  • sand.

And of course, light cold shades:

  • light purple;
  • turquoise;
  • blue;
  • lemon yellow;
  • cold green shades;
  • aquamarine.

I do not recommend using shades of red, as well as terracotta, coral, burgundy and peach. You should also abandon other shades in which there is a high proportion of red, pink and orange.

Decor - the completion of the orange interior

If your room lacks warm tangerine shades, and there is no money for repairs, this is not a reason to be upset. Nothing prevents you from adding orange accents to the interior of the room with the help of accessories.

Let's see how this can be done:

  1. Buy new curtains. Solid orange fabric or orange patterns on a neutral canvas will help transform your room. For the kitchen / bathroom, you can pick up juicy blinds.

  1. Choose the right interesting decor. Various figurines, paintings, vases and other small accessories can be suitable for this.

  1. Buy new textiles. It is not necessary to purchase a new sofa for this, you can replace the upholstery on the old one. The easiest way is to buy bright orange throws, throw them over an armchair/bed/sofa and choose the right pillows.

  1. Experiment with lighting. This does not require instructions. And now I'm not talking about spotlights, but about sconces or floor lamps, replacing which, you can see the room in a new light.

  1. Buy an artificial fireplace(of course, if funds allow). The fire in the fireplace will be a great source of orange.


Now you know everything about using orange in the interior of an apartment or a private house. Use this warm and energizing shade indoors, even if it's minimal, and you won't regret it.

Watch the video in this article if you want to see a lot of interesting things in the interior. If you have questions about the topic - leave your comment below.

June 3, 2016

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Orange is one of the most positive, bright, juicy and summer colors. It is associated with the sun, sweet citrus fruits and, of course, relaxation. It is believed that even small orange details in the image can cheer up a person and set him in a positive way. Psychologists, for example, recommend using orange clothes and accessories as an effective color therapy for prolonged depression.

And in order to properly use it in your everyday looks, you need to know what colors orange is combined with. There are quite a few successful combinations in this case.

So bright orange color goes well with white. At the same time, it can be both snow-white and luminous, and dirty white. You can combine these two colors in any proportions. For example, decorate white outfits with orange accessories or, conversely, dilute the orange color with white details. In summer, this combination will make every day even more sunny, and in winter it will cheer up even passers-by.

Orange with black looks very elegant and elegant. It is especially effective to choose such a combination for evening dresses. By the way, it is worth noting that it goes to almost everyone. The result is a luxurious and very festive image. At the same time, it may have more of either black or orange. In both cases, this combination will be successful.

In addition, it is very successful to combine orange with green. True, not every person will decide on such a bold combination. It is better if it is dark green, mint or olive. But light green in this case will be completely inappropriate. So, for example, an orange top, bag, belt or any other accessories of this bright sunny color are perfect for dark green trousers. You should not be afraid of brightness in your image. On the contrary, such bold decisions in clothing will help you stand out from the crowd and attract the attention of others.

What other colors go with orange? The list of successful combinations is very extensive.

You can, for example, wear orange clothes along with red, yellow, blue, gold, etc. The main thing is not to cross the line when too bright outfit already becomes like a clown. And finding it for yourself is very simple - you just need not be afraid to experiment with outfits and images and thus choose the most suitable ones for yourself.

Articles about the combination of orange in clothes

Orange color combinations

Combination of orange with white and black

Combination of orange and green

Most homeowners design their kitchens in neutral colors. This is a universal option. But if you want to highlight the kitchen, make its interior unique, then you should saturate it with bright colors. One of the popular colors used in the kitchen interior is orange. This invigorating color is not recommended for use in the bedroom, but it is perfect for the kitchen. But what color goes with orange in the interior of the kitchen?

Orange kitchen interior with black apron

Reasons for choosing orange for the kitchen

Orange is a cheerful color associated with the hot sun and juicy oranges. It is intermediate in the spectrum between red and yellow. Orange is the same dynamic and energetic color as red, but it is not as aggressive. Like yellow, citrus is associated with summer, warmth and sun.

Photo printing with the image of an orange on the facades of the kitchen

Reasons why orange is suitable for the kitchen:

  1. It is always a warm color;
  2. It invigorates, fills with energy, optimism, uplifting, helps to cope with depression;
  3. This color increases appetite, therefore it is not recommended for people who are on diets;
  4. It inspires creativity, so the hostess of the orange kitchen will have a desire to create culinary delights;
  5. This color is active, it stands out and draws attention to itself;
  6. A large number of shades: copper, honey, terracotta, apricot, pumpkin, peach, amber and others.

Attention! If there is too much orange in the interior, then it will become annoying.

A calmer shade of orange in the interior of the kitchen

Many do not know what color orange is combined with in the interior of the kitchen. It matches with almost all colors. The main thing is to choose the right shades to harmoniously combine them with each other.

Orange furniture in the interior of a bright kitchen

The combination of orange with cold tones

Cool colors include: purple, blue, blue and some shades of green. They create a fresh atmosphere in the room, but so that the interior does not turn out to be too cold, outwardly uninhabitable, they must be diluted with warm colors, one of which is orange.


Orange and blue are opposite colors. The warmth of orange compensates for the coldness of blue. Together they form a harmonious combination with natural overtones. These colors symbolize the blue sky or the sea and the hot sun. The blue-orange combination can be used in the design of one headset.

Light blue and blue combined with orange facades

A cool soft blue color combined with a hot "orange" create a balance of color temperature. As a result, the interior of the kitchen looks fresh, not cold or hot. In blue, you can decorate the walls of the kitchen, and in peach tone - pick up a kitchen set with glass doors of the upper modules.

More pastel shades of blue and orange in the interior of the kitchen

All shades of blue and blue are combined with orange: turquoise, mint, sapphire, cobalt, denim. These tones, along with orange and floral patterns, are actively used to create an interior in the Provence style.

Orange and blue in the interior of the Provence kitchen


The green color is associated with grass or tree leaves, which looks very harmonious with summer sunny orange. These colors are pleasing to the eye. Together they create a certain balance, as orange invigorates, and green calms. Against the background of citrus-colored walls, both green pieces of furniture and decorative elements, and especially natural greenery, look spectacular.

Green work wall combined with an orange kitchen set

Light shades of green, such as light green or apple, are suitable for orange. Such combinations are often used in modern or eco-style.

Orange and green MDF facades in the interior of a corner kitchen

Advice! In the interior of an orange kitchen, you should not use more than 3 different colors, so that it does not turn out to be colorful and tasteless.


Orange and purple is a very aggressive combination, typical for a futuristic style. But this option in the interior can be beaten correctly. To do this, both colors must have the same characteristics: to be equally bright and “violent” in the interior, or muted and as if dusty.

Using orange utensils as decor in a purple kitchen

Orange and other warm colors

Orange is included in the warm range of colors. It blends harmoniously with other colors of this color temperature, especially brown and yellow.


Brown is the color of natural wood, it is a symbol of stability, harmony and comfort. Its appetizing shades are associated with luxury and prosperity: coffee, chocolate, chestnut, caramel, cappuccino. The wood gives the interior sophistication, but it does not come to the fore and, in combination with orange, becomes the background. So the orange set will look beautiful against the background of parquet or light wood laminate. And peach wallpaper will be a wonderful backdrop for a set of bleached wood in the Provence style.

Orange and brown facades in the kitchen from MDF

The interior of the kitchen looks solid with pumpkin-colored furniture and a deep chocolate-colored wooden floor. Light glossy surfaces should be added to such an interior.

The floor in this orange-brown kitchen is made of wood-effect laminate.

The brown-orange combination creates an atmosphere of natural naturalness in the interior. These colors look so harmoniously together that they can not be diluted with others. Unless you add white as an accent.

The combination of a sunny orange hue with brown wood-like facades


Yellow is next to orange in the color scheme. Both colors are warm, sunny and cheerful. It is recommended to combine them not in saturated, but in calmer, muted tones: light lemon and peach, amber and honey. Peach, creamy yellow and coral shades are suitable for a classic-style kitchen. For modern styles, you can use more daring combinations. Egg-yolk-colored walls look beautiful and unobtrusive in the kitchen, modern furniture stands out effectively against their background: a glossy set of pure white with a carrot apron and the same bright chairs with chrome legs.

Art Nouveau kitchen combines orange and yellow cabinet surfaces


Red and orange have a special energy. So that the interior does not turn out to be too aggressive, disturbing the senses, you need to use these two colors together very carefully, unlike in combination with other colors. In the interior of the kitchen in red, as in the photo, orange can only be used in small decorative elements. And vice versa: if, for example, the walls in the kitchen are covered with orange wallpaper, you can highlight the seats of chairs or curtains in red. In this case, it is better to choose shades of raspberry and fuchsia.

Orange upper cabinets paired with red lower cabinets

Pairing orange with neutrals

Neutral colors usually serve as backgrounds for other colors. They can enhance or soothe the vibrant orange coloring. The main neutral colors include white, black and grey.


White color is like a blank sheet of paper on which you can draw anything. Against a white background, orange looks brighter, richer, more expressive. The combination of white walls and a bright tangerine suite with glossy facades can be used in many modern styles: minimalism, hi-tech, modern. White furniture looks no less impressive against the backdrop of salmon-colored wall decoration.

Bright linear kitchen with orange fronts and white countertops

The white-orange combination can be called a win-win. This versatile combination can be complemented with any color.

White and orange corner kitchen set against a brown wall


According to scientists, the combination of gray and orange has a beneficial effect on the psyche. Gray color has a calming effect, it pacifies the disturbing energy of "orange". For example, you can install a set with hot fiery facades and cold metal edging and fittings.

Kitchen in orange and gray tones

This combination looks like a hot flame enclosed in a hearth. With light peach-colored furniture, modern household electrical appliances look great. You can see a similar design in the interior in the style of hi-tech or techno.

Orange and gray in the kitchen in the "modern" style create a great ensemble


The combination of black and orange looks aggressive. These colors in large interior elements should be used only in large rooms. In kitchens with a small area, these colors will eat up the already limited space, make the room cramped, gloomy and uncomfortable. Orange and black together will look great in styles such as hi-tech, art deco and neo-gothic.

Black and orange shades fit perfectly into the interior of a modern kitchen.

So you can install a plain black set and highlight it with a bright tangerine apron and accessories. The walls and floor in such a room should be white. Black and orange design is chosen by creative individuals or just self-confident people.

Dark facades are favorably set off by an orange, bright apron and stylish handles.

By creating the right combinations of orange with other colors in the interior of the kitchen, you can create a bright, juicy, rich design that will be distinguished by individuality. By combining colorful shades together, you can give the kitchen its own mood, not paying attention to conventions and stereotypes.


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