With the end of the educational institution

Congratulations on the end of the Institute in verse

For five years, not in vain was taught:
I became a dean as a house,
And today you were handed
State diploma!
Yes, I had to try,
But all behind -
With the end of you, brothers!
... What did it go to the chest?

Here is the session last handed over,
And the diploma has already been handed you.
Remember you, that we have one life,
Remember what you were taught.
Improve, be happy
About problems immediately forget
You will be able to overcome everything,
To succeed in this life.

Academic learned
Sometimes classes were not easy
They sought knowledge for many years in a row
You are not students more, you graduates!
Let God keep you everywhere on the way!
We go to life big let you go now
Alma Mater awaits you always on your threshold
It's time to straighten your wings. Good hour!

Put the latest estimates,
In the duties, in the last pages.
We are saying goodbye to you today
You fly away like big birds.
We loved you like our children,
How they were chewing, they tried to teach.
And all, at the evening graduates
We want you to meet more often!

I wish to be and take place
And every year in fate in love,
Forces and energies do not regret
To achieve in your business!
Not discharge and not fall,
All the time height take off
Do not forget students' friends,
And those who have taught flying!

Get wallets with knowledge
Recalculate the trifle and rubles.
Today with the university you have to partition
And the choice of new, but the main way.
Let the wisdom of stocks do not run into
Which will always help you.
Students - the unique race,
What remains in the heart forever!

Schoolboy, graduate, applicant
And last 5 years - student
Here is such a long way.
And today again you step
New will have a life and you are ready.
Confirm your work again
What was not in vain, you studied for 5 years,
the best that specialists in the world are not.
Congratulations ours you accept
Let all you want!

In the hands of the diploma, the proportion of abstract,
Tell your work: "Hello!"
Gave the institute Green Light,
And I could give red.
Beautiful gesture door cover,
Became the institute yesterday
And only the memory warms again
Remember frequent.

In this solemn day, I congratulate you on an important event - the end of the university! I wish that accumulated knowledge, come in handy in the future multifaceted and incredibly saturated life. So that all sorts of perspectives led to success, victories and sleep!

Today you can congratulate our graduates with the end of the university! Many things passed together, and everyone will now go to their own way. But these years will remain in the heart for life, as the brightest, filled with impressions and events, friendship and unity. We wish you great achievements and satisfaction, happiness and prosperity!

Congratulations on the end of the university and I want to wish that the education benefit is certainly useful to you in life so that the right knowledge helps find our place and achieve incredible heights of success, so that every day you managed to implement your plans and get everything you're learned from your life, activities and their hobbies.

Congratulations on the end of the university and from the pure heart I want to wish that the knowledge gained, skills and experience makes it possible to find a good job, which will not only be a source of good income in life, but will allow you to realize all your ideas and ideas into reality. I wish you creative success in activities, confident plans for the future and successful days.

Congratulations on the completion of studies in the university and the receipt of higher education, we wish a successful career, easy to achieve goals, let further activities be fruitful and bringing pleasing results.

That passed final exams, thesis, night cravings and eternal experiences for the assessment! University life stayed behind, and ahead awaits a happy, rich life! I wish you success in the chosen profession, the speedy career growth, travel, new fruitful dating and the incarnation of all ideas in life!

Behind the exams, thesis, in the hands of a document confirming your qualifications! We wish to realize in the selected profession, get a good high-paying position. Develop, not stand in place, in life a lot of interesting things. Well, today, tongue to the full, "robust" diploma so that all the enemies are disgraced.

Congratulations on the end of the university! We wish to realize everything that was obtained in the walls of the educational institution. Let all decisions adopted by you be productive and promising. And all actions will be more aimed at keeping the items achieved.

University! Farewell, native -
Do not forget "two" none,
Only better live again
We are only "four" or "five"!
OUR, Farewell, Professor! OUR Associate Professor!
We leave - will increase the percentage:
Will be the performance of everyone
End in smokers mat and laughter!
There are already in his hands a diploma - tit
And the crane - forward the route ...
We study will only dream,
Waiting for us a grave engineering work!

You tried and studied for five years
Universal to you as a native house,
And now, today you were handed
You are honored, state diploma.
Let life open the door of happiness,
And knowledge that you purchased
I wish you come in handy in life,
And in life to achievements led.

And session last today behind
And the university accompanies you,
Let you, wait for the road happiness ahead,
And every day you inspires you to victory.
I wish you good luck a lot,
And joy, love and much light,
And may the Lord keep you in life,
And let the questions always be answers.

In the recent pages,
Rated estimates, it means
That the university is already over
And you are waiting for new roads and tasks.
Let you find your vocation
And gain happiness and good luck,
And much joy, love you and recognition,
Let not touch you problems, failures.

In the hands - a diploma, and you are so happy
Studying remained behind
Let them live in life as a reward -
Happy and bright paths.
And every day, let the victory inspires,
And gives a lot of achievements and love,
And let the Lord send you all health,
And only good luck is waiting for you.

Years fly like birds,
Do not turn them back
Most recently entered the university you
And the chords of the graduation sound there.
With the end of the university, I congratulate you,
I wish you a good distribution to get
So, as always, you have managed everywhere,
And in general, I wish to live and do not rush.

Today you get your diploma,
Over the years, learning, of course, miss,
The life of the university remained behind
Work choice as a lottery ticket, ahead.
With the end of the university, I congratulate you,
Successes and good luck with the soul, I wish
Let you always have everything lucky
And let life be careless.

Congratulations on the end:

Farewell to school is a very touching and sad moment, because behind the backs of the incredible discoveries and the sea of \u200b\u200bknowledge gained, funny tricks and children's immediacy remain. However, this day is not happy and solemnly celebrated. After this unforgettable event, along with the responsibility of adulthood, freedom of thought and self-expression comes. Graduation evening is the last day in the school walls, the last opportunity to look back to rush to the charming future with confidence. Therefore, it is important to find the right words that are beautiful and sincerely tell about it. Poems located on this page will greatly cope with such a difficult task and help you make this evening even more festive.

Congratulations on graduation (on graduation from school)

Passed the year, so imperceptibly it seems now,
And we climbed on them when a starry hour comes?
And I came to the throat of a lump,
We stand silently, no one could say words without excitement!

Of course, everyone has its own but sadness,
Although you won't call us a shkolota ....
Now the door is open for us everywhere,
And we are the last hour of the disciples already! © ©

How easy it is not enough came to us graduation
We are issued from school you yes, yes, yes, we are with you,
We passed the year when we are torn in the floor,
They came to knowledge, wisdom to gain forever.

Now we are on the threshold of a new life - graduation,
We say goodbye to the school - we are with you.
Let the bright moments of school years,
Live in the hearts and help to avoid us troubles! © ©

Here is the last minutes, the certificates are presented,
Like a train on the platform, all calls were numbered,
We jump into the footboard to continue your way
So that in life certainly, in everywhere in order to do!

Remembering what was already, remembering those year,
That our school presented that he was forever,
And now only congratulations, yes formality,
But come here we exactly, I know I believe it all! © ©

Funny congratulations on graduation in school

We walter the graduation, it is generally fast so
And there will be no much, everything will remain in the brain,
The one who was engaged in school, he will go satisfied with the fact
Well, if I did not try, only sad meme on my face.

Yes, and in life, it will be important that you got at school,
Because the exams are all after, no one canceled us,
So it is possible to celebrate if I managed to school,
In the graduation we have fun, that you become a graduate!

Congratulations guys, here with this glorious day,
And success for everyone in life, and luck
So that there was an understanding in order to understand you
What to do in order to, in my life you succeeded! © ©

Today you are a graduate!
Beautiful MiG youth,
Soul elevation-air
And you believe in tomorrow forever.
Now your choice is your choice
And all the desire is fulfilled.
You do not like peace
And so the soul is still ravage!
From the school hour came to say goodbye
And the feelings are different!
Will be held a year, and many years,
Fate will put all the place.
Alone, probably, will reclaim
Other, obstinate obstacles!
And it is very difficult to give advice
And you will not be able to answer.
But you, with the fate of your playing,
Poring the bumps stuffing
Do not hurry to retreat
It is only possible to defeat strong!
Let your life be full,
Warm friends surrounded
And the personal happiness of Sogret
And unusual as a comet!

When you just seventeen,
Put with a student bench,
Sometimes it is difficult to figure out:
Where to go, what is expensive?
And let her first be difficult
So as not to minimize the side paths.
Let there be a conscience for you everywhere
Advisor and compass yours.
But at least we part with the school,
There is no place for sadness and longing.
Anyway, we remain the heart
Near the school desk and boards!

With the end of the 9th grades of the gymnasium

In his gymnasium came
You eight years ago
You walked, grown -
The result is noticeable!

How time rushes up
Already ninth grade
And you could pass it
Holding all of us!

For the year exams passed -
Five in diaries
And everyone you could prove,
What is all in your hands!

Proud and we are happy for everyone
We want to wish you
What is your success today
I was able to become a norm of life!

Hurry to know you get
Find, open yourself
To "excellent" life live
You managed you, friends!

And we want to promise
What will be how now
For you to hurt and help
After all, we love you so much!

With the end of primary school (4 classes)

Grade 4, then trifle,
But he was still like ...
After all, nothing was cleaned,
Count, write, and that!

And for 4 years already,
We do it all completely!
In elementary school graduation
Exams pass with you!

All my classmates
And from me this verse
On graduation in elementary school
So that we still try more !!! © ©

Flying elementary school
Renice of sunny days
You are in the open sea today
Let go of our children.

Together with you they started
Think yourself, read and write,
You often replaced us,
After school, you played with them
And went for a walk.

And today we are sad little:
Parting came ...
Waiting for kids big road,
And without you will be not easy for us

Because for the three years
We all became a family,
And now in your school concerns
There will be someone else ...

We are very grateful to you
And, say goodbye, want to wish
Be loved teachers
And more often remembering us!

Congratulations on the end of the university, university (Institute, Academy). For graduation from the highest educational institution.

The study path is completed by your
Let a long one was, difficult,
But you are stubborn, without a doubt,
You have enough inspiration
And forces on the days of study!
Passed exams, standings,
And now work is waiting for you,
Realize your dreams!
We believe that you are able to
Go with luck and praise!
And let the diploma help your
You are on the road of detention,
Not consider today wishes
And the joy of languidly burns the heart,
You died to the end,
And you defended the "five",
What in life we \u200b\u200bstill wish?!

The study path is completed by your
At least he is long and protracted ...
Already in your hands your diploma,
We are proud of your daughter !!!
You wish you only good
To the souls of your spark,
Taking off once suddenly in vain,
Then I didn't fade forever!
After all, you are stubborn and strong
And let the road is not easy,
But if the joy is the road,
And if ours there are a sweatshop,
Then your dreams will come true,
And you will be happy!

Diploma in your hands, graduated from university,
I am very glad for you my native.
To you, my dearly proud of
You justified all my hopes.
Student wonderful time
Will you will never be bought!
Not very far to float the childhood has time
And the maturity wisely goes next door.
Take goodbye with games, meet a big life,
And in it, please see, do not get inspired.
In front of you are now open all the ways -
Everywhere luck awaits impatiently.
With you, I will be near, I will go
And I wish you to be happy.

Our hello to specialists

Hooligans and artists,

Do not have to know more

You pass exams!

And the cribs do not need!

Of course, we are all glad,

That the diploma you now

Opens a wider door!

Let you love at work,

In this joyful day

Our heart congratulations!

Your diploma and knowledge is power

Document you got

You are a specialist now

Open the door rather

To go on the road!

If necessary - on the mind

Your friends will resort

And, of course, the family!

Let the diploma help happiness

Whatever you

Be desirable, do not miss

Congratulations to get it!

Years passed and time quickly flew

Five years you sat on a bench

Handed over exams, standings,

But I want to tell you:

Do not forget the moments of joy,

Alarm, good luck and light weakness,

When we all learned together,

With each other we often shared

A minute of happiness and sadness,

How early in the morning we got up,

As sessions have always passed,

How often rested together

Did not know tears, anxiety, sadness.

With a diploma leaving the university

You got a ticket to life.

In fact, you need to apply

All that you have taught you.

Like a young specialist

Dare, Think, create.

Good luck to all of you and good,

For honor, conscience live.

Our holiday came - the end of the university,

Congratulations are sounded, and we are somehow sad.

How hard to believe - so quickly passed

Sleepless nights and sleepy days

When we were demolished at night,

And in the morning on the pairs were nasal.

But we are familiar to the guards of clubs,

Who are unlikely when we forget

And one of the teachers is the only time

Only on the exam was able to see us!

But we have done, we still could -

Copying and puffy, the diploma reached the diploma.

Let go of our children.

Together with you they started

You often replaced us,

After school, you played with them

And went for a walk.

And today we are sad little:

Parting came ...

Waiting for kids big road,

And without you will be not easy for us

We all became a family,

And now in your school concerns

There will be someone else ...

Time life to rethink!

Remember that people - the blacksmiths of happiness themselves!

Childhood today is an extreme time

The last call is buzzing.

Goodbye, carelessness and hum of school days,

Everything will be completely different now.

So they suffered in the way to get up early,

Tasks on time to fulfill everything

But so much good was always

That the little things are these now - nonsense.

We wish you hand in hand in the life of Stegali,

So that neither a storm, nor trouble you on the way scared,

So that love is young only with the past year.

Remember that people - the blacksmiths of happiness themselves!

Today you - 65!

And I want to desire goodness

What are the nice crusts -

Those for which we drink!

Congratulations with a pure heart

What a diploma you got!

Only, I wish one to ask

Have you ever cleaned him?)))

Finally came the final

All your milders.

So acceptance from me

These congratulations.

With student status you

To the status of unemployed

Transferred their days

Thoughts and care.

You have passed the baptism rite

In this institute.

End of the hostel, without a doubt

Earware with coffee.

More Never behind the wall

Screams of those not listen.

And potatoes from a plate

You will eat again.

"Session" - someone else's word

For you now.

But you do not want again

Creates with him, believe me!

Congratulations on the end of the Institute, university, university. Getting a diploma.

Finished student days

And now the diploma is awarded to you.

In practice, you know the apply

They are - we know - justify.

Accept sincere congratulations

From us from all with a diploma getting!

So arranged in life that good time always flies quickly. Also quickly and flew the time of your studies at the university. It would seem, even recently, you stepped on the threshold of an educational institution, not knowing what awaits you. And then there was a student life full of joyful impressions and small chagrins, and now - the release. So at the same time congratulations on the end of the university!

Congratulations on the end of the Institute, university, university. Getting a diploma.

Five long-year studies have passed,

Wins and defeats ...

Now you have ahead

Lights of other accomplishments!

Most recently you were

In science newcomers,

Now you are different -

About the future dreams ...

Let your way in life

Light and easier will be

What can you imagine

No one will condemn you!

Work pleased, family

Let them don't upset

And Institution Days

Read more often!

Friends what they got here

Over the years do not lose

After all, hard friendship is not found,

What is the friendship with students!

May be the best

For you come now,

But just remember always

His old institute!

Farewell, cute friends,

Yesterday's students ...

Let them be afraid in the life of you

Resentment and problems!

Let the sun shiny

In the sky without clouds and trace

And new let the day comes

Happy than yesterday!

Let him end soon

Let it be rapidly

But still, we wish:

You are with the benefit of His spend!

Congratulations on the end of the Institute, university, university. Getting a diploma.

Any of us convey to you ready

Thousand good and affectionate words!

From your yesterday, from the current,

From tomorrow your student!

Today we are on behalf of each heart,

On behalf of our happy youth.

On behalf of our birth childhood

Tell you - thanks!

You always stay with us,

Because we always need.

So you will not be in the future.

Never! Fume! Never!

Congratulations on the end of the Institute, university, university. Getting a diploma.

Congratulations! The event is nice:

After all, the diploma in life is the most important thing:

Your document on education

Confirms reducing and knowledge;

You always have been famous for knowledge:

You sought, tried - and coped;

And in life now we are confident

You will have happiness not merryo!

Already, like a cat - he, Pushkinsky, - Scientific

(Only lacks a gold chain!):

Since the certificate has already been handed you

Flowers donated from kids!

"Scientific - handed!" But did you become smarter?

And do not small pants "from Pythagora"?!

After all, the time of collecting stones

Comes, and you will not notice how soon!

So give up your attestation in scrap

And charge the brain on the diploma !!!

Congratulations on the end of the Institute, university, university. Getting a diploma.

Dreams each get

Prestigious work.

You can not be a student

But who are you without a diploma?

Five years of hard work,

Missed dates

Sometimes it seemed that the end

Will not suffice!

But only the one is rewarded

Who did not succumb to fear.

Mark your new diploma

With unprecedented scope!

Congratulations on the end of the Institute, university, university. Getting a diploma.

Specialist from now on

High flight.

Teachers - Flowers,

Which you handed over "Tails",

Exams, standings ...

Now, of course, a banquet

In the cafe of which abruptly.

Sorry, there are no more benefits for transport -

After all, a student card was commissioned.

But the diploma was obtained.

Work will select yourself -

Life will begin at first. "Aduja! "- Student bench," Goodba! "- student family,

And colleagues - "Chao! "

But in a month "Karaul! "

Soul rolls.

Leaving his office chair

You will hurry to listen to the hum

Native audiences.

Congratulations on the end of the Institute, university, university. Getting a diploma.

You are happy than mom in the maternity hospital

On the moon, visited tourist,

After all, it is written in a large diploma -

Adjust - I am a specialist!

Bring you formation

Achieving career heights

A Moekler Your and Stalar

Through thorns to the stars will pass!

Congratulations on the end of the Institute, university, university. Getting a diploma.

Behind this holiday table

You can not go anywhere.

Now we will drink a diploma

And you do not forget.

He wish everyone kindness

Whom wishes himself

Congratulations on the end of the verse, in prose, sms congratulations

Everything and always comes out. The academic year is no exception. And in this joyful and at the same time sad day congratulations on graduates with the end of school (or university) sound. After all, quite even recently they were small first-graders, with gigantic bouquets of flowers in advance, from under which they had almost no visible. And today they are already completely adults, ready for entry into an independent, adult life, graduates. On this day, teachers who have checked their homework still yesterday and explained their subject, do not hide tears, and the parents of former schoolchildren are proud of their chad. It was on this day that all graduates hear to their address from the director of the school, worship, and, of course, from parents.