Mixed preferential seniority for pensions for health workers. List of positions of medical workers for a preferential pension. How to calculate preferential seniority for retirement for doctors

The latest news suggests that the draft law on a gradual increase in the retirement age has already been adopted and we propose to find out whether the preferential pension for health workers will continue in 2019 and what the promised change in legislation will bring to this category.

We hasten to please - the right to early entry to a well-deserved rest "by seniority" for employees of medical institutions will be preserved, but with some adjustments.

Current legislature

Beneficial pensions are understood as old-age insurance pensions for certain groups of workers who have the necessary length of service. Such payments are appointed before citizens reach the general retirement age. A similar rule is enshrined in the Federal Law of December 28, 2013 No. 400-FZ (as amended on June 27, 2018) “On Insurance Pensions”.

  • mine workers, hazardous or hot industries;
  • researchers and developers of useful deposits;
  • tractor drivers, drivers of road, construction and loading and unloading vehicles;
  • public transport drivers;
  • workers in textile factories where heavy and intensive production is carried out;
  • persons serving the subway or railway transport;
  • scouts, search engines, hydrologists, geophysicists, etc.;
  • masters of logging and timber floating;
  • seafarers working on sea, river and fishing vessels;
  • pilots and persons controlling aircraft flights;
  • employees of institutions executing criminal penalties;
  • rescuers, firefighters;
  • machine operators carrying out loading and unloading in ports and docks;
  • teachers and educators;
  • participants in theatrical and entertainment events and theater artists;
  • health workersproviding assistance to the population in villages, urban settlements and cities (clause 20, part 1, article 30 of the Federal Law No. 400-FZ).

Today, a health worker needs to work for over 25 years if he works only in villages and urban-type settlements, and over 30 years if he works (or has ever worked) also in the city.

For this item, the gender or age of the employee is not important - the seniority is the primary factor for assigning an early pension to him. Preferential payments often become a serious financial help for medical workers, because, depending on individual pension coefficients (IPC) and points, their amounts can reach 10,000-11,000 rubles a month.

It is important! According to the latest news, starting from January 1, 2019, the period of working capacity of health workers will gradually increase, and the age of granting them a pension, on the contrary, will be pushed back.


The rules for assigning preferential pensions will change not only in relation to medical workers, but also in relation to teaching staff and theater artists. The government plans to keep the length of service indicators set for them, but add another 5 years on top of them - this period will be considered the period of “pension payments”.

The innovation will enter the lives of workers in these categories not immediately, but gradually – the process will drag on from 2019 to 2028. You can find out how payments will be assigned during the transitional 5-year period from the table below:

For example, if in 2019 a health worker who has worked exactly 25 years in a rural area or 30 years in an urban setting submits paperwork for assigning him a preferential pension, then he will begin to receive actual deductions only from 2020.

In other words, starting from 2023, the real period from the start of employment to the moment of receiving a pension from medical workers will be 30-35 years, not 25-30 years, respectively. The authorities plan to introduce such a change in order to smooth out the difference between the retirement age of doctors , teachers and theater artists and ordinary workers who go on a well-deserved rest according to generally established requirements.

If desired, health workers will be able to issue pension payments like everyone else, i.e. immediately after reaching the age of 65 (men) or 60 years (women).

Who will not be affected

The Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Population of the Russian Federation separately noted the "public significance" of the activities that health workers, teachers and artists perform day after day. However, the planned measures seem to the authorities both fair and rational.

At the same time, in 2019, the government decided to leave unchanged the provisions on early pensions, which are assigned to employees listed in the Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of the USSR dated 01/26/1991 No. and indicators giving the right to preferential pension provision”. The regulatory legal act consists of 2 parts, each of which indicates the most dangerous and difficult professions - these are apparatchiks, crushers, cement pourers, pressers and many others.

The federal legislation of the Russian Federation provides for social preferential pensions for employees of medical institutions. This pension is not some kind of additional payment, but implies a reduction in the total length of service. If the usual output is accrued year by year, then the chronology of service adds from 3 to 9 months to medical workers, depending on the circumstances and positions held. A preferential pension gives the right to receive payments for the length of service to citizens who have accumulated this length of service.

Organizations, departments and positions that are entitled to preferential pensions

The Government of the Russian Federation of October 29, 2002 decided on a specific list specified in Article No. 781.


  • nursing staff;
  • obstetric composition;
  • laboratory assistants (including x-ray machines).

Medical specialties:

  • doctors of different specialties;
  • forensic experts;
  • hygienists, etc.

Medical institutions:

  • drug dispensaries;
  • rehabilitation centers;
  • hospitals;
  • orphanages;
  • sanitary-resort institutions;
  • ambulance stations, etc.


  • surgical;
  • pathological;
  • intensive care;
  • resuscitation, etc.

The reduced length of preferential pension for medical workers is 25 years for doctors and nurses in rural areas and 30 years for workers in urban medical institutions. One year worked is included in the length of service as 1 calendar year, but there are some exceptions in this decision:

  1. For a health worker who has worked both in rural areas and in the city, the length of service in the village is counted as a year for 15 months (1 year 3 months).
  2. 12 months for 1.5 years are considered to be the length of service for employees of the following specialties: surgeon, resuscitator, anesthesiologist, pathologist, forensic expert.
  3. In the event that employees in the specialties listed in the second paragraph worked in rural areas, then the length of service is accrued 12 months for 1 year and 9 months.

For example, the following situation can be cited: an operating surgeon worked for 15 years in a rural department of surgery, after which he was appointed to the position of deputy chief physician in a city hospital, where he worked for 6 years.

What periods are included in the length of service for receiving a preferential pension

The following periods are included in the experience:

  • medical worker disability (temporary);
  • annual paid vacation;
  • maternity leave;
  • business trips paid by the employer;
  • time spent on advanced training courses paid by the employer.

The following periods are not included in the experience:

  • Holiday to care for the child;
  • training in clinical residency;
  • unpaid leave.

How to apply for a preferential pension

Registration of such a pension practically does not differ from the procedure for registration of ordinary pension payments, which are assigned for old age. In order to apply for a preferential seniority pension, the applicant for its receipt must apply to the Pension Fund branch at the place of registration (residence).

The list of documents established by the Federal Law for registration of preferential pension payments:

  1. Application for the accrual of preferential pension payments.
  2. Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation.
  3. Employment book, which indicates the total length of service (another document confirming the length of service).

In certain cases, the following documents may be required:

  • certificate of average earnings for 60 days of continuous activity before January 1, 2002;
  • a document confirming a change of place of residence or a stay outside the Russian Federation;
  • a document confirming the change of surname (full name, if the data has changed);
  • a certificate certifying the group of disability and the degree of incapacity for work.

Remember, state fees are not charged when calculating a pension, and they do not take any paid services in the Pension Fund. Such actions of employees of this state body are regarded as illegal. The submitted application of an applicant for a preferential pension must be considered within 10 days from the date of its preparation. The accrual of the pension itself is appointed from the first day, as soon as the recipient of this right applied to the Pension Fund, but not before receiving the right to the benefit.

Preferential pension for health workers is only with a reduction in length of service. The procedure for issuing it, stipulated by the legislation in Russia, is the same as when applying for a regular pension. When calculating the total length of service, it is necessary to be extremely careful about how excluded and included periods are taken into account. If there are controversial points when calculating the length of service, you should not be afraid to defend your rights through the courts.

Will preferential pensions for health workers change in 2019?

In the current 2019, there are no changes in the norms for paying preferential pensions and calculating the length of service, but they will happen soon. The Ministry of Labor presented its proposal at a meeting with D. Medvedev, which took place on February 18, 2015. They discussed the already adopted strategy for the development of the pension system.

The Ministry of Labor explains that such a strategy is necessary to save the Pension Fund, and the changes in the calculation of pensions for medical education workers are as follows: most likely, the length of service will increase, which gives the right to receive early pension payments. From next year to 2019 inclusive, the required length of service for retirement will increase by three months every year. And already from 2020 to 2022. - for six months annually.

Minister of Labor and Social Protection M. Tropilin believes that the current law is outdated. The regulation was adopted back in the 20-30s, and everything was done to attract workers in this industry with a similar benefit. In addition, this was necessary in order to compensate for the low salaries of doctors. Therefore, in the future, rural doctors will work until they are entitled to a preferential pension not for 25 years, as today, but for 27.5 years by 2020. Such changes, in their first stage, will affect more than 20 thousand people.

The reaction of the Ministry of Health to these discussions

Considering that the government has not yet decided on measures to increase the length of service for receiving preferential pensions for doctors, the Ministry of Health says that they are aware of such intentions of the Ministry of Labor, but they will not comment on anything until the release of an official document that will confirm this. The government decided to first hold a public comment initiative to see what people's reaction would be to such changes, and only then make a final decision.

As Mr. Topilin himself emphasized, officials know that doctors are “a very sensitive matter” and a large category of employees, so they, apparently, will not rush. Most likely, now it is not worth worrying about the fact that these changes will be adopted by the government, because the public is unlikely to support such an initiative. In addition, such changes, according to Topilin, will also affect other budgetary professions, which means that not only doctors, but also teachers will receive support.

The trade union of health care workers, which unites more than three million people throughout the Russian Federation, has also come to the defense. They believe that if employees of medical institutions are deprived of the right to early retirement, this can lead to extremely undesirable social consequences. After all, it is the shortened length of service that is one of the important conditions in order to preserve the personnel potential of this industry.

According to him, in the future there may be problems with state orders for medical personnel, and there will be a catastrophic shortage of doctors and junior staff in hospitals. The chairman of the trade union, M. Kuzmenko, on behalf of the entire medical community, expressed an extremely negative assessment of the proposal of the Ministry of Labor at a meeting with the Prime Minister of the Russian Federation, D. Medvedev. So the question is still up in the air.

Medical activity implies a constant presence in situations in which stress and nervous tension are a common occurrence, as a result of which a preferential pension is provided to medical workers. The profession of a doctor is one of the most respected and in great demand in Russia.

A seniority pension allows you to take a well-deserved rest even before the worker crosses the generally accepted age limit. First of all, the amount of time devoted to the benefit of society is taken into account - the total length of service in the medical field. Pension, in this case, implies a reduction in the mandatory insurance amount. It allows you to receive a certain percentage of the salary until the citizen reaches the age of 60, or the 55-year milestone for the weaker sex.

The calculation of the amount of time required to work in the specialty, taking into account the total professional experience, is made according to the following scheme:

  • 30 years old if the health worker practices in an urban area;
  • 25 years old when the activity is carried out in a rural area.

List of privileged medical positions

In Russian legislation, a list of positions and institutions of the health department is clearly fixed, where you can gain the necessary years of experience. There is no difference in the jurisdiction under which the structure operates: state, municipality or in a private clinic. Beneficiaries can count on seniority if the provisions of the special Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 29, 2002 N 781 "On the lists of jobs, professions, positions, specialties and institutions, taking into account which an old-age labor pension is early assigned in accordance with Article 27 of the Federal of the Law "On Labor Pensions in the Russian Federation", and on the approval of the rules for calculating periods of work giving the right to early appointment of an old-age labor pension in accordance with Article 27 of the Federal Law "On Labor Pensions in the Russian Federation".

  • anesthesiologists;
  • resuscitators;
  • pathologists;
  • forensic medical examiners;
  • practicing surgeons.

To determine the amount of full working off, the time that specialists spent on maternity or annual ordinary leave, due to illness or other reasons for the loss of temporary ability to work, is taken into account. If you received training related to professional development and qualifications, then it must also be added to the total amount when calculating. When leave was granted to care for a young child, it will not be taken into account in the total experience.

Preferential list of medical specialties

The previously mentioned resolution defines other important criteria for other beneficiaries-medical workers, namely:

An extended list is contained in the aforementioned regulatory document. It is also worth considering the changes in the preferential pension for medical workers in 2017.

To receive benefits, special documents are not required, but only the following set is enough:

  • a written application with a request to make accruals;
  • a document identifying the identity of the applicant for a pension;
  • work book, any other certificates confirming the deadlines.

Additional list of documents when calculating professional experience

Sometimes additional confirmations are required. The same applies to the presence of a significant amount of professional experience, when labor activity was carried out in the period before 2002. Work abroad, other special circumstances are serious arguments for additional evidence.

One or more of the following papers will need to be attached to the list:

  • if there was a change of surname, then you need to prove the current version;
  • an extract indicating the average salary for 5 years of continuous service;
  • documentary evidence of travel abroad for practice, internship;
  • a certificate of the applicant's dependents, especially those who are unable to work;
  • if you have a disability, you will need to confirm the degree assigned to the group.

After ten days, the accrual of a preferential pension may already be over, but in most cases, you will have to be patient for at least a month. With a positive outcome of the consideration of the necessary documents, payments will be made from the moment the application is submitted.

Documents for a preferential pension for medical workers in Moscow

In the capital, the required documents for a preferential pension for medical workers must be submitted to the local branch of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, where all the information provided will be verified. In the presence of a complete package, the circumstances of the performance of professional duties are taken into account.

Medical institutions in Moscow should be as follows:

  • boarding houses, resorts, sanatoriums;
  • hospitals and emergency departments;
  • rehabilitation centers, drug dispensaries.

Legal Solutions lawyers are ready to provide comprehensive assistance in order to correctly calculate not only the amount of professional experience, but also the optimal time for retirement.

3233 02/13/2019 5 min.

The legislation lists several occupational groups with special provisions for retirement. This is due to the nature of the work performed, the requirements for the level of education, responsibility, and health hazards. The medical staff is one of those workers.

How to calculate pension

Pension provision of medical workers is carried out similarly to other categories of workers. The difference lies in the ability to stop working earlier than the established age due to old age: at 60 for men and 55 for women.

Early insurance old-age pension is assigned to physicians who have worked in health care institutions for 30 years in cities and towns, 25 in rural areas, 30 years with mixed residence.

Such a pension is called according to the length of service (that is, before the age of old age).

Unlike military personnel, who have a special type of calculation, the pension of medical workers is calculated as usual, using individual points.

The individual pension point depends on 3 components:

  • number of years worked;
  • the amount of earnings until 2002;
  • % insurance premiums.

The future pensioner has the right to deduct 16% or divide them into 2 parts: 10 and 6%. The first part is insurance (SP), the second is funded (NP).

(Since 2016, 6% of the pension has not been paid or accrued by decision of the Government).

The savings must be spent from the period when the payer of pension contributions decides. The purpose of the NP is to increase the amount of maintenance in a certain period by a certain amount. The maximum statutory period during which this part of the deductions must be spent is 12 years.

Example. For 10 years, NP amounted to 60,000 rubles. The policyholder has determined that he will receive it over a 5-year period, after 7 years after retirement (from 67 to 72). The monthly increase to the main part will be 1000 rubles.

On the video - retirement pension:

  • determine the amount of annual wages (GZP) without mandatory deductions;
  • calculate contributions at a rate of 16% (CB);
  • divided by deductions from the base indicator (876 thousand rubles) of the maximum possible accruals (BP).

IPB-insurance = SV/BP*10.

Example. Monthly salary 50 thousand rubles.

GZP \u003d 50 * 12 \u003d 600 (thousand rubles);

CB=600*0.16=96(thousand rubles);

BP \u003d 876 * 16% \u003d 140.16 (thousand rubles).

UPS insurance=96/`140.16*10=6.85

The individual retirement score for 2017 is set at 11.4. Subsequently, for each year there is an increase of 2.4, so that by 2025, it will reach 30.

PB for retirement:

  • 2017 – 11,4;
  • 2018 – 13,8;
  • 2019 – 16,3
  • 2025 – 30.

If the personal score is lower than the established one, then it is impossible to issue a retirement.

You can increase the UPS with the help of a multiplying factor (PC): postpone going on vacation according to the length of service.

For each year of the transfer, its own multiplier is charged (for full calendar months):

  • 12 – 1,036;
  • 24 – 1,07;
  • 36 – 1,12;
  • 48 – 1,16;
  • 60 – 1,21.

The IPI until 2015 is equal to: the amount of contributions as of December 31, 2014, divided by the value of the pension point (as of January 1, 2015), plus the coefficients of non-contributory years. Payments of these periods should not be taken into account in the amount of contributions. Otherwise, they will not be taken into account.

Non-insurance periods are the time of fulfilling obligations in relation to the state, children, the inability to work for objective reasons.

Coefficients of non-insurance periods (CNP):

  • for the care of the first child - 1.8;
  • behind the second - 3.6;
  • behind the third - 5.4;
  • all others - 1.8.

KNP corresponds to the calendar year and has a gradation: 1 month = 1/12; 1 day=1/360.

Example: maternity leave 8 months. 15 days (first child); KNP= 1.8/12*8+1.8/360*15=1.28

To calculate the amount of monthly maintenance, it is also necessary to know the cost of 1 point and the amount of a fixed supplement (FD, guaranteed social support, laid down when accruing old age). For 2017, 1 IPB is equal to 78.58 rubles, FD - 4805 rubles.

For each year, the Government approves new indicators for the cost of a point and the amount of additional payment to the insurance pension. In addition, they are subject to indexation in a general manner.

The amount of pension provision for 2017 is determined by:

ON=IPB-gen.*78.58*PC + 4805*PC, where

IPB-gen.= IPB-fear. + KNP;

PC - increasing factor;

In order to retire on a seniority basis, medical workers must meet 2 conditions: sufficient duration of work and a personal pension score not lower than that established for this year.

Determining seniority for retirement

Decree No. 781 contains a list of positions and institutions entitled to early retirement for old age. In the general case, the length of service is calculated, like for other categories of workers, according to the calendar year. The exception is the medical staff of surgical and equivalent departments, which have a multiplying coefficient for length of service: 1:1.5 (1 calendar year is equal to 18 insurance months).

A prerequisite for special experience is full-time work in stationary conditions.

The following are equivalent to surgical departments:

  • gynecological;
  • obstetric and birth;
  • cardiological;
  • urological;
  • traumatic;
  • ophthalmic;
  • oncological;
  • operating rooms;

Healthcare workers eligible for benefits:

  • surgeons (operating, all specializations);
  • heads of departments (operating);
  • operating sisters (including senior ones);
  • midwives;
  • nurses*.

Nurses* dressing departments:

  • purulent surgery;
  • burn;
  • orthopedic;
  • traumatological;
  • osteoarticular tuberculosis.

Operations must be confirmed by case histories. The number of surgical interventions performed does not matter.

In rural areas, for these specialists, 1 calendar year is equivalent to 21 months of work experience.

Since 2015, the insurance part of the pension includes non-insurance periods:

  • conscription service in the army;
  • maternity leave up to 1.5 years (no more than 6 years in total);
  • time of caring for a disabled person 1 gr., childhood, an elderly person over 80 years old;
  • the period of residence in the area without the opportunity to work in the specialty (for the wives of military personnel, the maximum duration taken into account is 5 years);
  • time spent abroad (for spouses of diplomatic workers, the period is not more than 5 years);
  • term of unlawful criminal prosecution.

When determining the period of labor activity, regional coefficients are applied for the northern regions and areas equated to them.

Example. What will be the experience under the following conditions: work as an operating nurse for 10 years, two maternity leave, living in Murmansk (Arctic).

The total experience will be 25 years: (10*1.5 + (1.5+1.5))*1.4=25.2, where

10 * 1.5 - preferential experience,

1.5 + 1.5 = time on maternity leave,

1.4 - regional coefficient.

Retirement requires 30 years.

A superannuation pension for medical workers is assigned with a sufficient amount of time worked in medical institutions, the required amount of an individual pension point. Some categories of doctors have a 50% benefit for seniority, which is explained by special working conditions.