Eyelash growth products are a feminine weapon of attractiveness. What is the best oil for eyelash growth? The list of hormonal agents for eyelash enlargement

How many men are driven crazy by women's glances from under their eyelashes. Fascinating, mysterious and exciting, they intrigue, give hope. How much effort beauties make to achieve an expressive look. In their arsenal, extensions, the use of mascara to lengthen, increase volume. Unfortunately, all this has negative consequences: eyelashes thin out, fall out. Someone turns to a cosmetologist who prescribes treatment. But there are eyelash growth products that are used at home. Their regular use gives excellent results.

How to speed up eyelash growth at home

Eyelash care at home is very simple. There are a large number of drugs, the use of which helps to accelerate their growth, make them fluffy. There are expensive means that can perform a miracle, but there are no less effective - cheap ones. All of them serve to make eyelashes thick and long. Some drugs are used as a base for make-up in the morning, others - at night. Among them are folk and cosmetic products:

  • oil for eyelash growth;
  • serum;
  • growth stimulants;
  • creams;
  • air conditioners;
  • pharmaceutical products.


Using oils is a safe and budget option. Natural, inexpensive - they contain vitamins, minerals that favorably affect eyelashes. Essential oils are used in different ways:

  • Castor. Serves for strengthening, growth.
  • Burdock. Makes thick and long.
  • Almond. Awakens the bulb for growth, gives a healthy appearance.
  • Jojoba. Improves structure.
  • Camphor. Makes it fluffy.
  • Sea buckthorn. Gives elasticity, strengthens the bulb.
  • Elma. Helps growth.

The use of oil as a means for eyelash growth is popular. Distribute it with a clean mascara brush, comb gently, massaging lightly. It is recommended to apply oil with a stick on the eyelid along the border of hair growth. Use it separately or as a mixture, combining burdock, castor oil, a drop of vitamin A. Apply for four weeks, two hours before bedtime, remove the excess with a napkin.

Folk remedies

Among folk remedies for eyelash growth, there are very simple recipes. Aloe plant juice accelerates growth, strengthens the bulb, eliminates brittleness, and adds shine. Smear it along the border of eyelash growth in the evenings with a cotton swab or eyeliner brushes. Good results are obtained by the use of compresses. The simplest is from warm tea bags. Keep them in front of your eyes for 15-20 minutes.

The use of medicinal herbs in compresses relaxes muscles, relieves fatigue and swelling. A popular remedy based on a decoction of cornflowers, calendula flowers, chamomile, coltsfoot. According to the recipe, take a teaspoon of each of the herbs, add 100 milliliters of boiling water. Infuse the decoction for twenty minutes. It is allowed to make it from any one herb, but alternate compresses. Apply cotton pads with warm decoction for 30 minutes, once a week.

Excellent results are obtained by the use of natural remedies in compresses. It is necessary to grind fresh cabbage, squeeze the juice out of it. Take it 10 milliliters, add the same amount of aloe juice and olive oil. Mix everything, put the liquid on a napkin. Keep the compress for 20 minutes. It helps to increase the density of eyelashes, prevents their loss, strengthens the bulbs.

Pharmacy funds

There are many eyelash growth products that you can buy in pharmacies. This is, first of all, vitamin A, which restores damage, prevents loss. E protects against ultraviolet radiation, restores a healthy look, shine. The drug "Aevit" helps to restore damaged bulbs, instead of one, several hairs begin to grow from them. In its composition, in addition to A and E, there are vitamins of group B.

The use of a natural product - fish oil accelerates growth, increases the volume of eyelashes. All these drugs are available in the form of capsules. To use, they are gently pierced, droplets are applied to a cotton swab. It is necessary to rub the composition into the roots, gently massaging. Using this method for one month, you will see fluffy, long eyelashes as a result.


At home, regular use of masks gives good results for the growth of eyelashes and eyebrows. Thanks to natural products, they are useful and effective. Use them 2 times a week, a few hours before bedtime. Lemon Oil Mask Recipe:

  • Mix 50 milliliters of almond oil plus 20 grams of lemon zest.
  • Leave for a week in the dark.
  • Squeeze, add 6 drops of vitamin A.
  • Apply to a cotton pad, keep for 15 minutes.

In the mask, which consists of 1 tablespoon of castor oil and the same amount of aloe juice, add 5 drops of vitamin A. Mix everything and gently apply on eyebrows and eyelashes. Let stand 20 minutes, wipe off excess with a napkin. Useful mask of parsley juice and aloe. The components are crushed in equal amounts with a blender, and the juice is squeezed out. It is applied two days later on the eyelids until completely absorbed. To avoid swelling in the morning, the procedure is done a few hours before bedtime.


Pharmaceutical firms produce a huge amount of powerful, effective drugs. Tiande Professional Serum restores eyelashes if they were exposed to salt water and the sun while you were on vacation. Their growth increases, after 4 weeks they will be the same as overhead ones - thick, long. It is recommended to use the serum in the morning and in the evening.

Super results are obtained by using Almea Xlash serum. This is a new remedy based on ancient oriental recipes. According to the instructions, the tube is enough for 3 months. During this time, the eyelashes become thicker, longer. The presence of natural herbs in the composition, which have been used for centuries in the East, gives not only shine, but also a rich color. Look at the before and after photos of Xlash Eyelash Treatment.

Serum Genive - Thai production, made on the basis of herbs that accelerate growth processes. It is convenient to use, because the gel bottle has a dispenser in the form of a ball. The new cosmetic product Dreamlash enhances the activity of the bulbs. The real effect is the use of serums Evelyn, Feg. They contribute to the rapid restoration of brittle eyelashes, accelerate growth.

It is convenient to use Oriflame mascara, Magic Glance intensive for eyelash treatment. They contain provitamins B5, natural essential oils, mineral complexes. You use mascara like cosmetics, but at the same time your eyelashes are strengthened, they become flexible, silky. Thanks to natural components, protection from sunlight occurs, nutrition improves.

Air conditioner

Careprost Indian conditioner for eyelash growth is a very effective enhancer. It uses bimatopros, which stimulates active cell growth. Based on it, they made a cure for an eye disease - glaucoma, then they began to produce cosmetic preparations. However, it has many fakes that are inexpensively sold on aliexpress. You can actually buy a real drug from dealers in an online store. The improved formula of Careprost - Queen Lash is made in the USA, has no fakes. It is recommended to apply only on the upper eyelids.

Gel-conditioner "Oriflame", thanks to vitamins and trace elements, restores brittle eyelashes, improving their growth. One of the most expensive, however, very effective tools that are used to improve growth, increase volume is "Advanced" (Advanced lash). Professional conditioner "MD Lash Factor" is a revolutionary preparation for those who have rare and thin eyelashes.

Growth stimulator

Faberlic and Eyelash activators have a good effect on eyelash growth. For weak and brittle, after exposure to salt water, a preparation based on vegetable raw materials Platinum (Platinus) is recommended. Growth stimulants "Karelash" (Carelash), Ardell give good results on eyelashes weakened by environmental influences. The drug "Latisse" (Latisse) in the US and Europe is sold only by prescription, in Russia it can only be bought in online stores.


Excellent results are obtained by the use of creams "Talika" (Talika), "Maxi Lash". They, thanks to a vegetable base, natural oils, vitamins, significantly increase the growth of eyelashes. These creams do not cause allergies, they are applied as a base for mascara. After their application, the volume increases by 3 times. Apply cream in the morning and evening. Fast and amazing results are waiting for you.

Video: how to strengthen eyelashes and accelerate their growth

If you want your eyelashes to become thicker and more voluminous, you should use therapeutic formulations correctly. Watch the video and you will be able to make a convenient oil bottle yourself, learn how to properly apply the mixture on the eyelashes, how often to do it. Having received the right instructions, you will achieve the result - the eyelashes will become long and thick.

Every representative of the weaker sex wants to be irresistible. Long eyelashes and thick eyebrows are a sign not only of grooming, but also of good health. It is also worth noting that they make the look more expressive. Cosmetics for eyelashes and eyebrows are products that are intended for care. They prevent the process of falling out, restore the structure and accelerate the renewal. Thanks to our article, you will be able to choose a good and restoration of eyebrows, which you will definitely like.

Why does the condition of eyelashes worsen?

Many girls are unhappy with the condition of their eyelashes. For some, they lose color, while for others they completely fall out. With what it can be connected?

The very first reason why the appearance of eyelashes can noticeably worsen is the neglect of removing makeup from the face before going to bed. It is essential to remove the remnants of decorative cosmetics. Many girls wear makeup regularly. It is for this reason that night is the only time of day when the face can take a break from decorative cosmetics.

Often, the condition of the eyelashes can noticeably worsen due to non-compliance with the rules of hygiene. We strongly recommend that you apply cosmetics to your face only with clean hands. It is also worth noting that brushes, sponges and makeup brushes need to be changed regularly. This is no coincidence, because it is in them that a large number of microorganisms remain, the vital activity of which can harm not only the eyelashes, but the entire face.

Quite often, the representatives of the weaker sex do not check the freshness of the carcass when buying. Applying such a product is dangerous to health. Few people know, but mascara should not be used for more than two months after purchase. This is no coincidence, because, using it, we bring a large number of bacteria and dust particles into the tube along with the brush. Using mascara for more than three months after the purchase, girls after a while are forced to select a good eyelash growth product.
Often, the latter begin to fall out and become brittle after mechanical impact. It includes daily inaccurate washing and excessive friction. If you think that your eyelashes do not differ in strength and strength, then we strongly recommend that you touch them as little as possible.

Lovers of eyelash extensions often complain about the poor condition of eyelashes. Resorting to this procedure regularly, girls notice that they fade and become more brittle. Such eyelashes are restored for an unusually long time.

One of the main reasons for the deterioration of the condition of the eyelashes is malnutrition and poor health. It is for this reason that we strongly recommend that you regularly take a vitamin complex and include only healthy foods in your diet. Thanks to this, you will always be satisfied with the condition of your not only eyelashes, but also eyebrows, nails and hair.

Improving the condition of eyelashes and eyebrows at home

When the appearance of eyelashes and eyebrows worsens in girls, they first of all use home-made products. This procedure is low cost and easy to use. The best home remedy for growing eyelashes and restoring the density of eyebrows will improve their appearance without leaving home.

Burdock oil is considered the best remedy for restoring eyelashes. It activates the growth of new bulbs. With regular use of burdock oil, eyelashes will be incredibly strong and healthy shine. The main advantages of such a tool include low cost and availability.
Using burdock oil is quite simple. A couple of tablespoons of the product must be heated in a water bath. Using a cotton swab, the oil must be applied to the eyelashes all night. This tool can also be used to restore eyebrows and hair.

Girls note that another good remedy for eyelash growth is castor oil. It can be used both separately and in combination with other components. You can easily add sea buckthorn oil to it. Such a mixture will be extremely useful for weakened eyelashes.

For ease of application of home remedies, experts recommend using a special brush. Thanks to this, the product will be distributed evenly. This must be done carefully. In case of oil contact with the mucous membrane, the eye will need to be immediately rinsed with plenty of water.
The best homemade eyelash and eyebrow growth product contains the following components:

  • Burr oil.
  • Cognac.
  • Petrolatum.

All ingredients are mixed in proportion 1 The effect of such care will not keep you waiting. Eyelashes and eyebrows will acquire a rich color, as well as become more voluminous and thick. Avoid getting this product on the mucous membrane of the eye.

Gel for care and restoration "Double eyelashes"

Gel "Double eyelashes" from the company Mavala - a good tool for eyelash growth. This tool nourishes and accelerates the recovery process. Regular use guarantees an increase in volume and density.

The structure of "Double eyelashes" includes which activates the metabolism in the bulbs. It is recommended to use the gel regularly for a month. Packing volume - 10 milliliters. "Double eyelashes" is a good remedy for eyelash growth after extension.

Buyers note that 3 weeks after applying the product, the eyelashes noticeably darken, become thick and quickly resume. The cost of such a gel ranges from 1000 rubles. It can also be used to restore eyebrows.

Serum for eyelashes "Adonia Lashaliv"

The best remedy for eyelash growth in a pharmacy is Adonia Lashaliv serum. This product is made in the USA. Surprisingly, this serum contains more than 15 different oils. The tool has a positive effect on the restoration of eyelashes. One bottle is enough for almost a year of use. The cost of such a tool ranges from 4 thousand rubles. The price justifies the quality. "Adonia Lashaliv" is a good remedy for eyelash growth without hormones. It also does not contain preservatives and other harmful substances. All components are natural and safe.

Gel Magic Glance

Every girl dreams of having a charming and expressive look. The best tool for eyelash growth is the French-made Magic Glance gel. It contains a large number of useful trace elements, vitamins and nutrients. The drug accelerates the growth of eyelashes and prevents their fragility. The course of treatment with this remedy ranges from several weeks to a month. Apply this gel regularly. Often it is used to restore eyebrows. After its application, they become thicker and can be easily adjusted.

The best remedy for strengthening and growing eyelashes and eyebrows contains orchid oil, pink pearl extract, keratin and ginseng extract. The cost of Magic Glance gel fluctuates around 4 thousand rubles. It does not cause allergic reactions, does not contain hormones and antibiotics. Such a tool can be used not only by pregnant and lactating mothers, but also by children.

Eyelash Gel Reviews Magic Glance

Magic Glance is the best buyers allow you to get an objective picture of the gel. You can find them in our article.
The first thing that stops girls from buying Magic Glance gel is its high cost. Having ventured into such an investment, many representatives of the weaker sex claim that thanks to such a preparation, eyelashes not only grow quickly, but also break much less. Such a tool will also appeal to those girls who for a long time could not return their eyelashes to their previous appearance, after regular extensions. Customers also claim that after Magic Glance, their eyelashes have become more voluminous, richer and thicker. Thanks to him, you can also easily accelerate the growth of eyebrows that were once incorrectly adjusted.

Despite the fact that Magic Glance gel is the best tool for growing eyelashes and eyebrows, there are those girls who did not like it. Some representatives of the weaker sex note that after its regular use, they did not see any result. Many buyers also claim that the price of the product is significantly overstated, and the effect of it does not correspond to what is stated by the manufacturer in advertising and on the packaging. Some girls think Magic Glance is a waste of money. It is cheaper and more efficient to use burdock oil, the effect of which has been tested for years.

Eyelash Conditioner by Oriflame

Oriflame care products have long won the attention of girls. The company produces budget, but fairly high-quality cosmetics. Conditioner from Oriflame is a good tool for the growth of eyelashes and eyebrows. It not only protects them, but also makes them healthier. It contains a variety of trace elements, vitamins and other useful substances. The conditioner is applied to the eyelashes in a thin layer, thereby preventing their fragility. Thanks to this, they have a healthy shine and even texture.

It is recommended to apply the conditioner in the morning and in the evening on eyelashes cleansed of decorative cosmetics. Funds are enough for at least a month. Applying mascara on top, you can be sure that the eyelashes look more voluminous and well-groomed. The cost of such a tool does not exceed 500 rubles. The bottle contains 12 milliliters of conditioner. It is colorless and does not have a strong odor. For this reason, it is ideal for any time of the year.

The growth and strengthening of eyelashes can be stimulated in various ways from care products to pharmaceutical medicines. Let's thoroughly understand this "fluffy" question.

How fast eyelashes grow: phases

Each eyelash consists of 4 parts: bulb, core, cortex and cuticle. The bulb, which is a kind of root, is responsible for the growth of eyelashes. It supplies nutrients and stimulates the eyelash. The core produces and distributes protein along with keratin. The cuticle performs a protective function, and the cortical layer contains dead cells.

If any part of the eyelash is damaged, characteristic problems may appear: loss, growth retardation or fineness of the hairs.

How long do eyelashes grow?

Eyelash hair development cycle: 1. Anagen, 2. Catagen, 3. Telogen

The hair development cycle is divided into 3 main stages (phases):

  1. Anogenic (growth). Lasts about 1 month. A healthy eyelash can grow by 0.12-0.15 mm per day.
  2. Catagen. Transitional stage, the duration of which is 5-15 days. During this phase, the hair takes on a curve as the hair follicle actively contracts.
  3. Telogen. The final phase lasts about 2 months. After this period, the eyelash falls out.

All cilia are at different stages of development. For this reason, about 5-7 hairs that have passed the final telogen phase fall out in a person every day.

How long does eyelash treatment take?

A hair can fully grow in 1.5 months. Therefore, the growth agent must be applied daily for 30-40 days to achieve the desired effect.

The growth of eyelashes, as well as their number and structure, depend on heredity. For this reason, many people initially have sparse and thin eyelashes that are prone to falling out.

Why did your eyelashes fall out?

Why do eyelashes fall out prematurely?

Factors that negatively affect the health of cilia:

  • lack of vitamins;
  • the use of low-quality cosmetics;
  • incomplete cleansing of makeup;
  • hormonal disruptions;
  • diseases (for example, hypotrichosis).

It is worth noting that the age of a person plays an important role in this matter. In older people, eyelashes grow slowly, lose pigmentation and density. This is due to a lack of hormones, minerals and vitamins in the body.

Eyelashes can become dull, sparse and lifeless after extensions and coloring. Such cosmetic procedures significantly spoil the condition of the hairs. It is strongly recommended to replace chemical dyes with henna and to refuse extensions.

Overview of cosmetics

Weak lifeless cilia grow for a very long time, but this process can be accelerated with the help of various means - cosmetic and medication. It is best to resort to complex treatment and start taking vitamins for hair growth, eyelashes and eyebrows.

Cosmetic products give a full-fledged and relatively long-term effect only if they contain the following components:

  • minerals, vitamins and keratin;
  • taurine;
  • ricinoleic acid;
  • glucosamine;
  • bimatoprost or prostaglandin.

All these substances accelerate the growth of hairs, make them thicker and stronger.


Caperost - means for eyelash growth

Careprost is a well-publicized remedy that has received a lot of accolades from various well-known bloggers. The product is manufactured in India and comes in the form of a bottle with a dispenser. One package contains 3 ml. Drops can be used for cilia and eyebrows. The product contains a growth stimulator - bimatoprost. The solution is contraindicated for use by minors.

Promises from the manufacturer: acceleration of growth and thickening of hairs, return of bright pigment. The tool is really able to strengthen eyelashes and stop their loss. But this product does not help everyone: many buyers complain about the lack of a visible result. For some people, a significant effect appears only after a few months of use.

Toplash - eyelash and eyebrow growth activator

Toplash - eyelash and eyebrow growth activator

An Irish brow and eyelash product in a handy eyeliner-like package. Among the main components there are extracts of thuja orientalis and ginseng root, as well as myristoyl pentapeptide, while there are no hormonal substances in the composition.

The product is hypoallergenic and suitable for people with sensitive skin. Serum prolongs the hair growth phase, reduces the hair loss phase and acts as a prevention of breakage. The manufacturer promises ultra-fast results compared to other serums - in just 21 days.
In addition, the price of this serum is 30% lower than that of other high-quality analogues.

Another advantage: if you don't like how Toplash works or if there is some kind of reaction, you can return the bottle within three months, which is especially nice given the rather high cost of the product.

Now about the shortcomings: they include the already mentioned price (2290 rubles) and the still insufficient number of reviews with photos in dynamics on popular resources. You can buy serum on the Internet, it is more profitable from a distributor, as you can "get" to the action. Serum for eyelashes and eyebrows Toplash

Eyelash Growth Serum by Almea Xlash

Serum for eyelash growth Almea Xlash

This serum looks like mascara, comes in the form of a small bottle with a convenient applicator. The manufacturer guarantees an increase in the density of cilia by 20%, and length - by as much as 45%. On the official website, you can buy the product, as well as see the "before and after" photos. The safety of serum has been proven by clinical studies. It contains 4 plant extracts, the description of which is presented on the site.

Product cons:

  • many mistakenly believe that this remedy is a medicine, although in fact it is cosmetics;
  • the effect after using the product is visible and impressive, but far from the longest;
  • the price of the serum is quite biting (3000 rubles per 3 ml);
  • The product is prohibited for use by minors, as well as pregnant and lactating women.

The tool is able to stimulate the growth of hairs for several months, but then its effect fades. Roughly speaking, after a while, the person again remains without eyelashes.

Platinus Lashes

Oil-based gel Platinus Lashes

An oil-based gel that helps accelerate the growth of eyebrows and eyelashes. The main disadvantage of this tool: a lot of fake laudatory reviews on the network. Only this product is posted on the official website of the manufacturer. The company is constantly running a dubious promotion: "Hurry up to buy, only 15 packs left, the price is reduced by 50%." The product itself costs 2000 rubles (without discount). It comes in the form of a mascara, has a generous volume of 10 ml, but that's where the pluses end. The tool is definitely not recommended for purchase.


Russian remedy for eyelash growth Alerana

Alerana Hair Growth Activator has a dual formula and interesting packaging. One side is for daytime use, the other is for nighttime use. The tool helps to achieve a good density of hairs, stimulates their growth. The product consists of several active ingredients. The daily version contains taurine, panthenol, nettle extract and cyramides. The night formula consists of vitamins and vegetable oils.

The manufacturer guarantees not only the strengthening of the cilia, but also the restoration of pigmentation. The hairs are really restored and darken along the entire length. The cost of the activator: from 400 rubles, you can buy it on the Internet and in some cosmetic stores.


Latisse Eyelash Growth Solution

Initially, the manufacturer of the product released eye drops of the same name. Subsequently, another interesting property of the drug was revealed, which was its positive effect on the growth of eyelashes.

Latisse is a solution made on the basis of a fatty acid (bimatoprost). The drug provides renewal of cilia. Active substances penetrate into the bulbs, thus, they stimulate the growth of hairs. The product is available in the form of a 5 ml bottle. It must be carefully distributed along the cilia growth line, avoiding contact with the eyes.

The solution can cause the appearance of hairs in unwanted places (if used incorrectly).

The cost of the product varies in the range from 2000 to 4000 rubles. It is best to buy on the manufacturer's website.


Solution from India Carelash

The solution is produced in India and comes in the form of a 4 ml bottle. The kit comes with a special brush to help distribute the product. The solution contains a fatty acid (bimatoprost), sodium chloride, citric acid and water. The tool can cause allergic reactions, it is not recommended for use by people with hypersensitivity.

The composition of Karelash and Careprost is almost identical.

Carelash is cumulative. The drug helps to grow eyelashes in about 2-3 months of regular use. After that, the result should be maintained by using this solution 2-3 times a week.

The cost of the drug: 950 rubles. You can buy on the official website of the manufacturer.

M.D. Lash Factor

Eyelash Growth Tool MD Lash Factor

Conditioner containing glucosamine, biotin and panthenol. A good drug that helps to achieve a visible effect in 1-1.5 months of use. The product is available in the form of a carcass, one package contains 6 ml. The main disadvantage of the product: high cost (the price of an air conditioner varies from 5,000 to 6,000 rubles). At the same time, the product is enough for several months of use.

You can buy MD Lash Factor online or in premium cosmetics stores. Before making a virtual purchase, you should carefully study the site, since many people fake this air conditioner due to its high cost.

Perfect Eyelash

Eyelash Growth Complex Perfect Eyelash

Perfect Eyelash - a complex of two products to stimulate the growth of eyelashes. The kit consists of mascara 6 ml and lotion 5 ml. Such volumes allow the use of drugs for a long time (within 2-3 months). The products contain biopeptides, panthenol, hyaluronic acid, taurine. The Eyelash booster (eyelash growth serum) has exactly the same composition. The products do not cause an allergic reaction. The complex helps to significantly increase the growth of cilia and strengthen the hairs.

Set cost: 1500 rubles. You can buy it in online stores.

Emulsion Riciniol-B

Emulsion Riciniol Basic

This emulsion is medicinal, so it can be purchased at pharmacies. The drug is available in the form of a 15 ml bottle. The cost of funds: from 200 rubles. Active ingredient: ricinoleic acid. It also contains natural oils of grape seed and lavender. The medicine strengthens the hairs and stimulates the bulbs. The drug prevents the loss of eyelashes, increases their density.

Feg Eyelash Enhancer

Feg Eyelash Enhancer Serum

Feg Eyelash Enhancer is a serum that comes in the form of a bottle with a convenient brush inside. The packaging says it's 100% natural. The product consists of purified water, citric acid, carboxymethylcellulose, sodium dihydrogen phosphate. May cause an allergic reaction in case of individual intolerance to the components.

Serum stimulates the growth of eyelashes and thickens them. The only negative: new cilia can be white at the ends, so they will have to be trimmed or permanently tinted. The cost of funds: 650-800 rubles. You can buy it in cosmetic stores and on the Internet.

Home remedies for eyelashes

What to do if eyelashes fall out? Eyelash loss in a person can begin for various reasons. The use of cosmetic products is not enough, because most of them give only a temporary effect. In addition, some recipes can be implemented right at home.

Castor oil

Castor oil is known for its nourishing properties.

This product is known for its beneficial properties for eyelashes and eyebrows. Castor oil nourishes the hairs and strengthens them along the entire length. It also stimulates the bulbs. Oil can be purchased at any pharmacy, the average price for 50 ml is 100 rubles.

The tool is best used as a standalone product. To do this, it is enough to apply it in a thin layer with a cotton swab. Avoid getting the oil in your eyes. It is necessary to apply means 1 time a day (before going to bed) within 1-2 months.

Burdock oil, cognac and vaseline

Homemade mask for eyelashes from burdock oil, cognac and vaseline

On the basis of burdock oil, cognac and petroleum jelly, an effective homemade mask for eyelash growth is made. To enhance the effect, you can add 2 tablespoons of castor oil. The remaining ingredients must be mixed in the following ratio: 1 tablespoon of vaseline and cognac and 2 tablespoons of burdock oil. Apply the mixture according to the growth of eyelashes with a cotton swab.

Tinctures based on various herbs should not be used, as they are not effective enough. With the help of medicinal plants, you can remove swelling, get rid of traces of fatigue under the eyes, but they practically do not affect the eyelashes.

Rose and castor oil

rose oil

Another folk recipe that is easy to implement at home. You will need to take 1 tablespoon of castor and rose oil. The ingredients must be thoroughly mixed and left for about 30 minutes. The solution should be applied at bedtime. The mixture accelerates the growth of cilia in about a month of use.

Vitamins also help improve the condition of eyelashes. Vitamin E, D, A, B should be taken. For your own convenience, you can buy any vitamin complex (for example, Aevit).

The procedure that must be abandoned is eyelash extensions. It is recommended to refrain from heavy eye makeup and use only high-quality cosmetics.

Tips and tricks on what eyelash growth products are considered the most effective at home. These can be folk remedies made from oils, herbs and food. And you can buy various cosmetics from well-known branded manufacturers.

All women want their eyelashes to be long and because it makes the look mysterious, expressive and unique. However, due to abundance, harmful environmental factors and age, they grow slowly, begin to fall out and break. How to protect yourself from such misfortunes and not be complex about the length of your eyelashes?

In fact, there are many ways: these are grandmother's recipes, and advertised cosmetics from the world's best branded manufacturers. Much in this matter also depends on the daily and lifestyle. What eyelash growth products are considered the most effective and efficient? Our short review will help you make the right choice. You should start with homemade recipes that will keep your financial costs to a minimum.

Folk remedies for eyelash growth

Folk remedies for eyelash growth are those recipes that you can cook with your own hands from improvised material. It can be all kinds of cosmetic and vegetable oils, herbal decoctions, food. If you apply them regularly, use them correctly and follow the recipe exactly, the result will not be long in coming.

Fast and guaranteed growth of eyelashes at home is not a fairy tale, but quite an achievable goal, if you strive for it.

So, what are the best recipes to opt for?

Castor oil for eyelash growth

One of the best home remedies that are highly effective is considered to be available for mere pennies at any pharmacy. However, first check if you are allergic to this cosmetic product. Lubricate your wrist with castor oil and watch the reaction of the skin. If itching, redness is not detected within 2-3 hours, you can safely use this tool for the growth and lengthening of eyelashes. It can be used for this purpose in different ways. There are several recipes.

  • 1. Classic recipe

Castor oil for eyelash growth can be used in its pure form. To do this, dip the washed mascara brush into the product (it should be at room temperature at the same time) and apply to the eyelashes, starting from their middle. Try not to get the oil in your eyes: this can cause severe redness and irritation of the mucosa. You can remove the product after 10-15 minutes with a dry cotton pad. Use this natural, high quality, natural and so inexpensive eyelash growth stimulator daily for 3-4 weeks. After that, you can switch to another oil (for example) or let the cilia rest for 2-3 weeks.

  • 2. Mask for eyelash growth with castor oil

An excellent home remedy is an oil mask for eyelash growth, which is a very useful, almost healing mixture. To prepare it, mix olive, burdock and castor oils in equal amounts, heat them in a water bath so that they are warm. This remedy is applied in the same way as in the previous recipe. You can use this mask daily. The result is accelerated, rapid growth and in the shortest possible time at home.

Castor oil is perhaps the best home remedy for eyelash growth because it also strengthens them, preventing breakage and falling out. If you specifically want only lengthening, use another cosmetic oil - burdock.

Burdock oil for eyelash growth

Many people know that this cosmetic product is used to grow a long and thick braid. Therefore, it is worth trying to use it - it acts purposefully on the stimulation of the ciliary follicles. After 2-3 weeks of daily use, it will provide you with a chic wave of long and thick eyelashes. There are a lot of recipes for home remedies for eyelash growth using burdock oil.

  • 1. Pure

Apply warm burdock oil for 10-15 minutes on the eyelashes, without touching the eyelids and trying not to get into the eyes. Check first if you are allergic to this product. Pure burdock oil is a very effective folk remedy for eyelash growth, which can be easily used at home.

  • 2. As part of masks

Mix equal amounts of burdock and castor oils, add 1-2 drops of vitamins E and A (also in oil form). This composition does not need to be heated. Action time - no more than 15 minutes. The course - until the desired result is obtained (long and thick eyelashes).

Now you know which eyelash growth oil you can use at home. However, let your experiments not end with burdock and castor. In some cases, other oils are also excellent for this purpose - sea buckthorn, olive, almond, rose. Try different variations, both in pure form and as part of masks. And, of course, in this case, be sure to use vitamins.

Vitamins for eyelash growth

Get in pharmacies: you will need A (retinol) and E (tocopherol) in oil form. They are quite inexpensive, and there will be a lot of benefits from them. Retinol is distinguished by its ability to strengthen the follicles of the eyelashes, which is why they will not fall out. Vitamin E is no less useful for eyelash growth: they will become much longer and thicker under its regular influence. Vitamins are best used as part of various masks.

  • 1. Mask with vitamins and shea butter

Heat a teaspoon of shea butter in a water bath. See that it is not too hot. Then mix it with vitamins A and E (5 drops each). Add a teaspoon of grapeseed oil to the total mixture. This homemade mask for eyelash growth is good because it does not require rinsing, and the result is already noticeable for 4-5 days.

  • 2. Mask with vitamins and aloe

You can use another recipe for eyelash growth with vitamins and aloe, which is sure to be found in every home. Mix a teaspoon of burdock oil with the same amount of squeezed aloe juice, add 2-3 drops of vitamins A and E. Mix everything thoroughly. You don't need to warm up.

Vitamins are an excellent eyelash growth activator that does not require much investment or time from you. Do not forget also that vitamins taken orally along with fruits and vegetables will bring much more benefit in this matter. Therefore, try to eat right - and the rapid growth of eyelashes is guaranteed to you. Of the home remedies in our arsenal, there are still only herbs that will also help lengthen the cilia.

Herbs for eyelash growth

Some people are allergic to oils and even vitamins, and they do not know how to increase the growth of eyelashes by other means. The answer is simple: the pantry of nature suggests using compresses from herbal decoctions for this purpose. Their distinctive feature is a complex effect on the skin of the eyelids and eyelashes. The following herbs activate their growth:

  • knapweed;
  • calendula;
  • aloe;
  • chamomile;
  • black and green tea.

Dry raw materials in the amount of one tablespoon are poured with a glass of boiling water and infused for about an hour. Then a cotton pad is moistened in the resulting infusion and applied for 15–20 minutes to both eyes. You can use an herbal mixture for eyelash growth, that is, combine the indicated herbs in equal amounts and pour them with boiling water after that. Oils, vitamins, and herbs are great, highly effective eyelash growth products that are easy to apply at home. However, there is a more expensive solution to this problem - the use of store-bought cosmetics.

Cosmetics for eyelash growth

Modern cosmetology offers women a variety of eyelash growth products, each of which differs in composition, price and effectiveness. Before deciding to buy something from this variety, it is advisable to first read the reviews about a particular brand so that the money is not spent in vain. So, the best eyelash growth products: a small overview of modern effective products.

Serums for eyelash growth

They are medicinal products, so they can be bought both in a pharmacy and in stores. Pay attention to the following eyelash growth:

  1. regenerating serum from L'Oreal Paris, called "Renewal Lash Serum";
  2. treatment gel from the Swiss company Mavala called "Double eyelashes";
  3. remedy from Austrian manufacturers - "Evolash";
  4. strengthening nourishing serum (Russia) "Creom";
  5. a popular product called "RevitaLash" from the manufacturer Athena Cosmetics.

Cosmetic products usually include amino acids, oils, extracts from medicinal plants, biopeptides, polymers, vitamins, antioxidants, in their composition. These components allow you to restore the damaged structure of the eyelashes, slow down the aging process of cells, give shine and smoothness to the hairs, protect them from the negative effects of the environment, in particular, from the abundance of decorative cosmetics. There are other, equally effective means for eyelash growth.


Recently, Kareprost has become very popular for eyelash growth. This is a drug that is made on the basis of bimatoprost - a fatty acid. Under its influence, there is an active stimulation of the bulbs, more and more new hairs begin to grow intensively. Careprost, according to numerous reviews, makes eyelashes much longer and thicker, in addition, they acquire a rich tone. The rules for using the drug are simple and acceptable to absolutely everyone:

  1. remove makeup;
  2. remove contact lenses;
  3. if a cream or gel was applied to the eyelids shortly before, Careprost can be applied only 15 minutes after that;
  4. on the middle of the applicator (included) apply 1 drop of emulsion;
  5. gently brush along the lash line;
  6. frequency of application of "Careprost" - 1-2 times a week;
  7. course - 4 months;
  8. the first result becomes noticeable after 3 weeks of active use.

The only contraindication for the use of Careprost is individual intolerance to the components of this drug. In rare cases, when using it, side effects such as burning in the eyes and irritation of the mucous membrane are observed.


Another excellent tool for eyelash growth, which is effective and excellent results with a minimum of contraindications, is Alerana. It is an inexpensive domestic drug that not only accelerates the growth of eyelashes, but also improves their structure, and makes their color brighter and more saturated.

It is offered in two versions of use - day and night. The composition of the daily formula - ceramides, extracts of nettle, chestnut, eleutherococcus, panthenol. Night "Alerana" contains tocopherol (vitamin E) and several oils: castor, jojoba, burdock.

This eyelash growth balm is good because it does not contain any hormones or animal products. During the day, "Alerana" stimulates blood circulation, activates the metabolism in the skin, promotes the growth of eyelashes, at night - moisturizes and nourishes them, makes them elastic and strong. The course of treatment - from 1 to 3 months, is carried out 2 times a year.

Now you know how to accelerate the growth of eyelashes at home. There are many means for this, the main thing is to choose the best option that suits your body. In order for the drug to take effect, do not forget to take care of your cilia: a minimum of decorative cosmetics and good nutrition, coupled with the right lifestyle, will enhance the effect of any remedy - both folk and store.

Means for eyelash growth: choose the most effective

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Folk remedies for eyelashes exist and there are even a few of them, while they quite effectively affect the hair follicles of the hairs that frame the upper and lower eyelids. They are safe, respectively, they can be used without fear of harming the health of the eyes. Consider oils in detail.

No eyelash cosmetic product provides such gentle care as oil, while at home you can use any natural product, even sunflower oil. Due to its valuable composition, it has a positive effect on the growth process, it contains polyunsaturated fatty acids that perfectly nourish the skin of the eyelids, contains various trace elements, and also contains vitamins.

Most often, the following oils are used to stimulate the growth of eyelashes: peach, almond, and castor oil is suitable for strengthening them. In general, burdock oil is used for healing, and the application of olive oil helps to soften the skin of the eyelids, and also affects the growth of cilia.

General rules for applying eyelash growth products

Before going to bed, it is necessary to carry out a procedure for applying a means for their growth to the eyelashes. You can use a clean mascara brush for this. It is necessary to use warm oil, in such a situation it will be better absorbed into the skin, and also better penetrate directly into the structure of the cilia.

The folk remedy should not be left overnight, it is kept for about one hour, after which it is carefully removed with a clean paper towel. It is important to apply it only to clean eyelashes from which the mascara has been removed. It is necessary to carry out such a procedure daily, since the result will depend on the punctuality of the execution.

Usually, a fairly long course is carried out, which is at least thirty days - this is the minimum period for eyelash growth. Almost any folk remedy will be made on the basis of some base oil, while another useful substance can be added to it as secondary components, which will only improve the effectiveness of the cosmetic composition.

Folk remedies for eyelash growth

There are various effective means for healing eyelashes and for their growth, including, consider what formulations can be prepared at home. It is recommended to do the following masks twice a week. So, the following means are effective.

First recipe

You will need castor oil, sea buckthorn oil, rosehip oil are added to it, and carrot juice and vitamin A are poured in an oil solution. These components can be taken in the same proportion. This folk remedy for eyelashes in such a combination quite effectively stimulates their growth.

Second recipe

You can prepare a mixture of three oils: peach, castor, olive, they are taken in the same ratio and mixed. Such a folk remedy will provide eyelashes and eyelid skin with comprehensive care. If it is used regularly, the cilia will become lush, healthy, their growth will be significantly accelerated, the skin will become tender, and small wrinkles will also be eliminated, if this composition is also applied to the area of ​​the so-called "crow's feet", that is, to the lateral (outer) corners of the eyes .

Third recipe

Vitamins A and E can be purchased at the pharmacy, after which almond oil is taken and a few drops of the above vitamins are added to it. Such a composition is applied to the entire length of the cilia, evenly distributed over the hairs, and it is also worth distributing this composition over the skin of the eyelids. It is recommended to keep such a mask for thirty minutes, and before removing it, it is necessary to carry out a light massage with a cotton swab or fingertips, which will help the product to be better absorbed.

Fourth recipe

You will need vegetable or almond oil, as well as freshly squeezed parsley juice or aloe juice. The components are mixed, the composition is applied to the skin of the eyelids and eyelashes for about fifteen minutes, then the treated areas should be massaged, and then everything is removed with a clean paper towel or washed off with warm water.

Doctors recommend using folk remedies for eyelash growth, as well as listening to some advice. For example, use healing herbs, they eliminate the inflammatory process on the eyelids, which can negatively affect the growth of eyelashes. In addition, infusions prepared from sage, chamomile, cornflowers tone the skin, remove toxins, respectively, the cilia are quickly renewed and their growth accelerates.

Black tea has an excellent effect on skin tone, it should be brewed, let it brew, after which such an infusion is used as a compress. To do this, a cotton swab is dipped into the solution and applied to the eyelids for fifteen minutes, and then the eyelashes are smeared with almond oil.

It is important to take care of the eyelids, since only healthy skin can nourish eyelashes well, therefore, regularly take care of it using oils and other folk remedies. In addition, with edema, you can use raw cucumber or potato masks.

In addition, it is important to eat right, the diet should contain a sufficient amount of vitamins, and in winter it is advisable to use vitamin complexes. And, of course, do not forget to give your eyelashes a rest, do not apply mascara at least twice a week, and do not forget about the caring oil mask. By the way, you can use the described folk remedies for eyelash growth and eyebrows too.