Senior group of kindergarten event for autumn. An interesting script for the autumn holiday in kindergarten in the senior group

"Extracurricular activities and additional education during childhood in a preschool educational institution"

My teaching initiative is that children can easily, skillfully and with pleasure switch to different types of activities while playing, with the help of an exciting journey, which is closely intertwined with the desire to be real hardworking helpers and at the same time remain connoisseurs of beauty and all life on earth.

Form of holding: matinee for children of senior preschool age.

A fascinating journey to the autumn forest and the village to the garden captures children's attention and imagination, and children are happy to plunge into the wonderful world of autumn colors.


  • Raise a love for nature through a children's matinee dedicated to the time of the year;
  • to consolidate and expand children's ideas about autumn natural phenomena through the expressive performance of songs, dances, poems, games;
  • to develop the musical and creative abilities of children, to maintain an emotionally positive attitude;
  • to promote the disclosure of the creative abilities of children, the development of a sense of collectivism, the ability to work in a team.


  • To teach children to expressively sing songs, recite poems, dance on stage;
  • to form communication skills, a sense of mutual assistance, develop creative abilities, cultivate a caring attitude towards nature.


  1. Host, Autumn - adults
  2. Potatoes, Peas, Onions, Cabbage - children.

The progress of the matinee

The sound recording of “Autumn Song” from “The Seasons” by P.I. Tchaikovsky. Children enter the hall and stand in a semicircle.


Autumn again, birds again
In a hurry to fly to a warm land,
And again the autumn holiday
Comes to kindergarten!

For the autumn holiday, the guys prepared poems, please tell us.

1st child:

A raindrop fell on the bunches of mountain ash,
Maple leaf circles above the ground
Ah, autumn, again you took us by surprise
And again put on a golden outfit.

2nd child:

A flock of birds flies away, clouds rush about, sobbing.
Aspen trembles like a thin blade of grass in the wind.
I tell her: “Calm down, don’t be afraid of the white winter!”

3rd child:

Beautiful asters and rowan brushes,
Chrysanthemum bushes and viburnum clusters.
And from the maples to us leaves, like letters fly,
Covering our beloved garden!

4th child:

In our hall we will arrange
Real leaf fall.
Let the leaves turn
And fly, fly, fly.

Song "LEAVES FALL" Muz. M.Kraseva.

5th child:

Autumn walks along the path
Wet her feet in puddles.
It's raining and there's no light.
Lost somewhere summer.

6th child:

The birdhouse was empty, the birds flew away,
The leaves on the trees also do not sit.
All day today everyone is flying, flying ...
Apparently, they also want to fly to Africa.

Dance "Autumn Leaves"The children bow and sit down.

Leading: Guys, in the morning the postman Pechkin came to our kindergarten and brought 2 incredibly colorfully painted letters, let's open them and read them!

“Hello, little residents of the Kalinka kindergarten! Grandma Agafya is writing to you from the village of Podelkino. It’s already autumn in the yard, and my garden is full of unharvested vegetables. My dears, help your grandmother to harvest!”

Guys, can we help grandma Agafya? Then let's not hesitate and hit the road!

All children get up like a train and "ride" in a circle to the "Song of Friends" by M. Starokadomsky from the movie "Merry Travelers". Children come out - Vegetables, hats of vegetables are held behind their backs. The host draws the attention of all children to the 4 “vegetables” that have come out.

Leading: Hello. Who you are?

Vegetables: We are vegetables from the garden of grandmother Agafya.

Leading: Then take us to the garden.

Vegetables: With pleasure! Just guess riddles about us.

Potato: And green and dense in the garden grew a bush, dig a little: under a bush ...

Children: Potato! (the child puts on a hat of potatoes).

Peas: Dried up in the hot sun, and tearing their pods...

Children: Peas! (the child puts on a hat of peas).

Onion: I'll make everyone around cry, x Well, I'm not a fighter, but ...

Children: Bow! (child puts on a hat).

Cabbage: I was born to glory, my head is white, curly. Who loves cabbage soup - look for me in them!

Children: Cabbage! (the child puts on a hat of cabbage).

Leading: All you vegetables are important! And we all really need it!

Guys, I propose to invite all the vegetables to our friendly round dance!

SONG-DANCE "HARVEST HAVE" Music. And Filippenko. Dchildren sit down, "vegetables" caps are removed.

Leading: How fun and friendly you sing, and now let's work.

Children are divided into 2 teams of 5 people. In the center of the hall, the “first” children lay out hoops-beds to the music, the “seconds” plant vegetables, the “thirds” water the vegetables, the “fourths” pick vegetables, the “fifths” clean the hoops-beds. The team that does it faster wins. The game is repeated 2 times.

Leading: So we helped grandmother Agafya, gathered all the vegetables and cleaned the garden. But we have another letter, let's read it.

"Dear Guys! I invite you to my magical forest! Here I painted all the leaves in different colors, red, yellow, orange, brown, I water the earth with rain so that many mushrooms and berries grow. The forest is incredibly beautiful! Come, let's enjoy together! (Children) Guys, this is an invitation from the Queen of Autumn herself! Do we accept this invitation? Then let's not delay! Let's hurry!

They go in a circle with a “train” to the “Song of Friends” by M. Starokadomsky from the movie Merry Travelers. To the sounds of the forest, Autumn enters, dancing, and distributes two branches to the children. .


My bow to you, my friends!(bows)
I have been dreaming of meeting you for a long time.
Do you love when I come?(children answer)
I bring beauty everywhere.
Look, already in the golden, crimson forest
A ray of golden sun glided from heaven,
And on the ground lies a golden carpet,
Only in the autumn you will see this.

Leading: We are very glad to visit you, dear Autumn! Our guys have prepared poems for you, please listen.

7th child:

The leaves flew away after the flock of birds.
I miss the red autumn day after day.
The sky is sad, the sun is sad...
It is a pity that autumn is not warm for a long time.

8th child:

Yellow coins fall from a branch,
There's a treasure under your feet!
This golden autumn gives leaves, not counting
Golden gives leaves to you and us, and everyone in a row.

10th child:

And winter will come to us
We don't get discouraged
Let's start a round dance -
We remember autumn.

Leading: Dear Autumn, we want to give you a song called "Autumn Round Dance".

SONG "Autumn round dance" Music. E. Kuryachiy.Children sing, and to lose they perform various movements with twigs.At the end of the song, the children sit on the chairs and put the branches each under their chair.

Autumn: Thanks guys for the song. And I have prepared riddles for you. Do you love riddles? Listen carefully!

In autumn it is often needed -
Ate the rain beats on the puddles,
If the sky is in black clouds,
He is the best helper for us.
Open it above yourself
And arrange a canopy for yourself!

Children: Leaf fall.


September and October
There are so many in the yard!
The rain has passed - left them,
Medium, small, large.

Children: Puddles.


The cold scares them so much
Fly to warm countries
They can't sing, they can't have fun.
Who gathered in flocks? ...

Children: Birds.


Who stands on a strong foot
In the brown leaves by the path?
Got a hat made of grass
There is no head under the cap.

Children: Mushroom.

Autumn: Well done, you solved all my riddles! Do you want to play in my forest?

Children: We want.


Two drivers are blindfolded. Children - "mushrooms" (4 children) run around the hall to cheerful music. If you come across a "fly agaric" (4 children), the children-spectators shout: "Don't take it!". The winner is the one who "collects" more mushrooms in a certain time. We play 2 times with different drivers and "mushrooms".

Autumn: How you played together and fun!

Leading: Dear Autumn, it's time for us to return to kindergarten, let's go with us to say goodbye, let's dance together our favorite dance "Invitation".

Autumn: With pleasure.


You are fun to play with
Songs to sing and dance.
Thank you for everything
And I give you gifts.

(Autumn gives a basket of apples, gives it to the teachers).

Leading: Guys, let's thank our dear Autumn for sweet and fragrant gifts.

Children: Thank you, Autumn.


Time flew by quickly
It's time for us to part.
I still have worries
Goodbye, kids!

(Autumn waves his hand and leaves to the sounds of the forest, making a circle).

Leading: Well, we guys will hurry back to the kindergarten in order to be in time for dinner!

(“They go” to the music one circle).

Leading: Did you enjoy our trip?

Leading: So we visited the autumn forest at the very Queen of Autumn, helped grandmother Agafya to collect vegetables. Our holiday is over.

(Children become a “train” behind the leader and “leave” to cheerful music.)


1. Magazine "Musical Director"

2. Magazine "Musical palette"

3. Kaplunova I., Novoskoltseva I. "A holiday every day" (senior group). St. Petersburg, 2012.

year 2014

Under the "Autumn song" music. Azamatova children enter the music room,

line up in the center.

Presenter: Hello guys! Hello dear guests! We are very glad that you came to us for the Autumn Festival. We hope you enjoy spending this summer with us. We called our holiday “Colorful Autumn”, because Autumn is so different.

What is in our room?

We didn't get that!

This autumn has come to us,

Brought a lot of colors!

The leaves are yellow, carved,

Like painted pictures!

Leaves fly in the wind

Circling, falling, rustling!

1 child: Again the holiday comes to us in kindergarten,

To please both adults and children!

2 children: Again the cheerful music is ringing,

In a joyful dance, he laughs and circles.

3 children: We waited so much, we worried,

Gathered, dressed up...

4 children: Let's call autumn

Let's sing a song together!

Song "Yellow Leaf" music. Vikhareva

After the song, the sound of rain is heard (phonogram),

Children screech and run, sit on chairs. Four children remain - they read a poem.

On the screen is a beautiful autumn screensaver.

1 child: again in the morning

The wind is blowing from the yard.

Autumn rain pours tears

It won't let us walk.

2 children: Very cold and damp.

What a great summer it was!

We swam, sunbathed,

They played in the yard all day.

3 children: And now ... autumn has come,

And it became very sad.

Dirty, the rain

Let's not go for a walk.

4 children: We do not need this Autumn -

We'll ask her to leave!

Let's say together...

All: Leave! We're tired of the rain!

The children run to their seats to the music.

Autumn appears on the screen - she addresses the children.

Autumn: Autumn was at the door

And she sighed softly.

And then she left

And took all the colors.

Red, yellow, blue -

They are no longer found in nature.

Sad music sounds

the color screensaver on the screen is replaced by black and white.

Three children come out and look around.

In their hands they have gray colorless leaves.

1 child: What have we done?

Leaves are golden

Suddenly became colorless

Vegetables are rotten.

2 children: Everything around is sad

There are no colors in the world.

Autumn we drove away

Regret about the summer.

3 children: We'll fix everything ourselves - it's time to grow up!

Autumn will help us return

Color Game!

Dance "Colorful game" music. B. Savelyeva

The girls are dancing a dance with multi-colored pieces of glass.

After the dance, a child comes out with a yellow piece of glass.

Child: Here I'll take the yellow autumn glass,

And paint it bright gold

Autumn sun, little chickens,

And golden leaves will fly to the ground.

"Dance with Autumn Branches"

children dance to the song "Colorful Autumn" music and lyrics. T. Morozova

The girls of group No. 7 are dancing with autumn twigs.

A screensaver with autumn leaves appears on the screen.

Presenter: Look, guys, and our glasses are really magical - they painted the autumn leaves, but _____________ has a green glass. I wonder what color it will be?

(a child comes out with a green glass)

Child: And now we will add green color -

Without it, there is no mood even in autumn.

A boy jumped out - a green cucumber:

Look at me, what a fine fellow I am!

Cabbage grew, peas came running,

And they made such a commotion for us here!

The screensaver of vegetables appears on the screen.

Children dressed as vegetables come out to playful music

and take their seats.

The scene "Meeting" is played out

Cabbage: ( opening meeting)

Hush, hush, vegetables! A moment of attention!

Opening our garden collection.

We have one item on the agenda(is reading) :

"Condemn the decision of the children's council

Expel Autumn and replace with Summer.

Who wants to speak?

Cucumber: Can I say?

I find the situation without Autumn terrible:

Without it, all our indicators fell.

The vegetables are ripe, and here are these friends:

“We don’t need Autumn! Give us back summer!

Addressing children: Do you want to move to Africa to live?

Onion: Maybe it's summer somewhere

Lasts a whole year

And we have everything in order:

Every time has its turn.

Potato: What have you done?

Not ashamed? Ah ah ah!

When are you going

Harvest our harvest?

Cabbage: We declare to you: it's terrible without Autumn!

You offended her, well, in vain.

Promise to fix everything - there is no other way.

We take you on bail. We wish you good luck!

Peas: All the same, friends, do not be discouraged,

Play with us!

Relay game "Collect the peas"

Children line up in two columns. A hoop is placed in front of each column, into which green balls are poured. A bucket is placed at the end of each team. The task of the players is to transfer all the peas from the hoop to the bucket, passing them from hand to hand along the chain.

Presenter: Guys, but the vegetables are right, we offended Autumn. What to do?

Cheerful music sounds, children with blue "glasses" come out.

1 child: We promise to fix everything.

And we ask for forgiveness

What we offended in vain

Golden Autumn.

2 children: Until then, let's see together

Into this blue glass

Let it color our sky

It's in bright blue!

3 children: Have the clouds run?

Do not be discouraged!

Can be done in the rain

Fun to play!

4 children: And now with friends together

We will sing a song for you!

An autumn rain screensaver appears on the screen.

The song "Autumn, autumn has come"

After the song, the children sit on chairs.

Presenter: Well, good, good! Only let our rain be not too strong, otherwise we will all drown here!

3 kids come out

1 child: Is rain bad?

Just put on your boots

And they are not only on the roads,

And at least run through the puddles!

2 children: And how nice it is in the rain

Whisper with an umbrella together.

And you can even take an umbrella

And dance in the rain.

3 children: Let the storm rage

We will not be discouraged!

And at this time of year

You can dance dance.

"Dance of Droplets"

Eggplant (adult) enters the hall to the music.

Eggplant: Oh, tired and out of breath,

Until I got to you!

Hello, hello! I'll sit

Let me look at the kids.

Well, which of you, from the tomboys

Kicked Autumn out of the sents?

And then she left

Yes, I took the paint.

I thought - that's it, I won't be blue,

Ripe, juicy and beautiful,

And now I'm rotting in the garden.

There is no order without Autumn!

And the caviar from me is desired,

Overseas - eggplant!

Child: (approaches the eggplant, strokes his shoulder)

Eggplant, excuse me

Pardon our deed!

And stop being sad

Start dancing with us!

Dance "Friendly couples" music. Strauss

After the dance, Eggplant and the child remain in the center.

Eggplant: Nothing happens to anyone -

Friends fix bugs.

And where is my friend - Tomato?

He hasn't been here yet!

Child: (guilty)

Well, yes, the Pomodoro is not here -

Gone is the red autumn color.

Eggplant: Better fix your mistakes

And red friend you help out!

To the music, a child comes out with a red piece of glass.

Child: Here is the red magic glass -

Now it will help you.

Let's look at it: one, two, three!

And here is the Tomato, look!

And beautiful with it

Fruits and vegetables are red!

A screensaver of red vegetables and fruits appears on the screen.

To the music of the march, Tomato, Beetroot, Carrot, Apple come out.

They walk in a circle and line up in front of the audience.

Tomato: Hello my friends!

Eggplant, here I am!

Beet: How glad we are! Red color -

Hello from Autumn!

Carrot: She forgave all the children

And rather asked!

Apple: Get up in a friendly round dance,

To harvest!

Song "Harvest" music Filippenko, sl. Volgina

Children act out the song

Presenter: And now desired

Autumn is long awaited!

We welcome her together

And we invite you to the holiday!

An autumn screensaver appears on the screen.

To the music, Autumn enters the hall, welcomes children and guests.

Autumn: Hello my friends!
I came to you for the holiday!
I dressed everything around
The dark forest has turned gold!
It became as bright as day,
The leaves are on fire!
Leading. Come on, come on, Autumn! Be our guest, we are very glad to have you! Here, listen to what poems the guys have prepared for you!

1 child: Hello golden autumn

We ask for your forgiveness!

Forgive us all soon

The holiday will be more fun!

2 children: Autumn, autumn outside the window,

The rain is pouring down,

Leaves fall rustling.

How good are you Autumn!

    child: Leaves embroidered with gold

The paths are washed with gold.

Mushrooms in bright caps,

Everything to us, Autumn, you give!

Autumn: Well, quickly get up in a circle, start our round dance!

Round dance "What will autumn bring us?" music Levina, sl. Akima

Autumn. Well you sang the song.

It's obvious you've grown up!
I suggest you don't stand.

And play with colorful leaves.

Autumn scatters leaves around the hall in large numbers.

The game "One, two, three - take this sheet"

Children move around the hall to the music (circling, waving their arms).

To the signal "One, two, three - take the yellow sheet!" - pick up a yellow sheet from the floor. Music sounds, the game repeats.

The commands are different: “One, two, three - take a maple leaf”,

“One, two, three - take two sheets”, “One, two, three - take nothing.”

After the game, everyone sits on chairs. .

Game - attraction "Who will collect cones and acorns faster"

Presenter: We were waiting for you and, of course, missed you,

You, long-awaited, we drew.

Here is your portrait, here is the autumn landscape.

We invite you to our vernissage!

The kids are looking at their drawings.

1 child: I drew autumn

Golden, bright.

Here are the birch trees, the hedgehog in the leaves,

And a mushroom with gifts.

2 children: Autumn turned out to be warm -

Helped me gouache.

And keep me warm in winter

This golden landscape

3 children: And I, look, painted a still life!

Here is a vase with water… Somewhere there was another cake…

A! The cake remained on another still life.

Here are rowan branches! How scared I was...

4 children: Autumn, I give you a portrait -

You don't have that!

Leaves and flowers in the hat.

Do you recognize? After all, it's you!

Autumn passes and examines the drawings of children, praises and thanks them.

Autumn: You sang and danced.

All tasks were completed.

And now it's time

Treat you my friends.

Autumn distributes treats to children, the children leave the hall.


- create conditions for active preparation for the holiday, creative manifestations of teachers, parents and children;

- to clarify and consolidate knowledge about autumn changes in nature;

- to promote individual manifestations of children in various activities.

Equipment: costumes of holiday heroes, a basket, autumn leaves, leaflets with tasks, folk musical instruments, models of vegetables; 2 hoops, buckets, sultan for "rain"; sweets for treats.

The hall is decorated like an autumn forest.

Leading. Hello dear guests! Today we have gathered in our music hall to say goodbye to the beautiful Autumn. Even though there is already snow on the street, but October is an autumn month, and Autumn is not going to leave us so early. Soon I should look into our kindergarten.

Autumn! The grove is golden!

Gold, blue.

And a flock of cranes flies over the grove,

High under the clouds the geese respond,

With a distant lake, with fields

Forever goodbye.

A. Alien

Look, the cranes are flying by. They fly to a warm country and wave their white wings to us.

Girls perform the dance "Crane Wedge" (from the program of T. Suvorova "Dance Rhythm for Children").

So the cranes have flown away, but there is still no Autumn. Well, we will wait for Autumn and continue the holiday. Guys, read the verses that talk about the beauty of autumn leaves. The poem is called "Autumn", and the poet E. Golovin wrote it.

1st child

Autumn, frost in the morning,

In the groves yellow leaf fall.

Leaves near the birch

They lie like a golden carpet.

2nd child

In the puddles, the ice is transparent blue,

There is white frost on the leaves.

Leading. Let's sing a song about the leaves. We try to sing loud and long. Autumn will hear our song and come.

Children sing the song "Autumn" (music by A. Filippenko, lyrics by A. Shibitskaya).

Autumn enters with a basket containing three autumn leaves with tasks written on them.


Hello my friends!

I came to you for the holiday.

Leading. Autumn, come and be our guest. The guys have prepared autumn poems for you.

1st child

Autumn has come, our garden has turned yellow.

The leaves on the birch burn with gold.

Do not hear the cheerful songs of the nightingale.

Birds have flown to distant lands.

A. Erikeev

2nd child

Yellow coins fall from a branch.

Underfoot a whole treasure -

This golden autumn gives leaves, not counting.

Golden gives leaves to you, and to us, and to everyone.

I. Pivovarova

3rd child

Autumn looked into the garden - the birds flew away.

Outside the window, yellow blizzards rustle in the morning.

Underfoot the first ice crumbles and breaks.

A sparrow in the garden will sigh, but it is shy to sing.

V. Stepanov

4th child

Golden leaves fall, fly.

Golden leaves cover the garden.

There are many golden leaves on the paths.

We will make a good bouquet of them.

We'll put the bouquet in the middle of the table,

Golden autumn has come to visit us.

E. Blaginina

Autumn. A good harvest of vegetables was collected by people in the gardens. A lot of carrots, cabbage, onions, and, of course, the turnip grew strong.

Game "Turnip"

Children stand in a circle, in the center is a “turnip” child. A “mouse” runs around the circle and tries to catch a “turnip” at the end of the text:

turnip, turnip,

Grow strong.

Neither small nor great

To the mouse tail, yes!

Children help the “turnip” by closing the circle in front of the “mouse”, lowering their hands, and the “turnip” is inside the circle.

Leading. Not only people, but also animals are preparing for winter. Let's listen to how a bear, hedgehog, mouse, squirrel are preparing.

Children-heroes put caps on their heads and go to the center of the hall.


I'm digging a den for the winter,

I will sleep in it in the winter.

Loves bear clumsy

Sleep in the winter, suck on a bear paw.


I also sleep in winter

I can't stand the cold.

I collect leaves in autumn

Then I pile them up in a pile.

Hedgehog warm in winter

Under golden foliage.


Autumn, autumn, listen to me

And eat delicious nuts.

I dried them all summer

And then she folded it in a hollow.

There are still mushrooms

All stocks and do not count.


And the mice did not yawn,

Grains were dragged into minks.

If there is food in winter,

We will not freeze as a family.


Well, I commend you all.

You worked hard, I see.

Guys, it's time for me to leave, because Autumn has a lot to do. I give you a basket in which there are leaflets with tasks. If you complete all the tasks, you will find a delicious treat at the bottom of the basket.

Autumn is leaving.

Leading. Well, let's get the first sheet and read what Autumn wrote there. You guys don't get bored, start the pair dance.

The dance is performed in pairs (at the choice of the teacher).

I take out another piece of paper, what is written, I look. Autumn wrote that she mixed up maple and oak leaves. He asks you guys to sort out the leaves. Indeed, there are a lot of them in the basket. To make it easier to disassemble, I will lay out the leaves from the basket on the floor. (Scatters leaves.)

The game "Who will sort the leaves faster"

Two boys are picking maple leaves. Two girls collect oak leaves. After the game, the host puts the basket under the Christmas tree.

Fox enters the hall with a similar basket.


How many people are in the hall,

And did you recognize me?

Leading. We always welcome guests.

Fox. I am not just a guest, I am Lisa - the most beautiful, the most dexterous, the most musical. I do not love anyone, I only praise myself.

Leading. Oh, how you love yourself, Lisonka! Our guys are also dexterous, and smart, and beautiful, and musical. Look how deftly and cheerfully they play musical instruments.

Kids are playing.

Fox. Yes, what interesting musical instruments. But what is this one called? And this one?

The fox shows a musical instrument, and the children talk about it.

And really smart children, but I did not know the names of these musical instruments. But I can run better and faster than anyone, look. (Running.)

Leading. See how the children will quickly harvest and run faster than you.

Game "Harvest"

Two teams of players stand at one end of the hall. The first player has a bucket in his hands. At the other end of the hall there is a hoop in which dummies of vegetables lie. The first player runs with the bucket to the hoop, puts one vegetable in the bucket and returns to the team, passing the bucket to the next player. The team that completes the task faster and collects all the vegetables wins.

Fox. Oh, how you upset me. I thought that I was the very best in the world, but here the children are so cute, dexterous and fast. I have to punish you and I'll come up with some trick now.

The fox looks around and sees Autumn's basket under the Christmas tree.

Ah, under the Christmas tree is a basket of Autumn, so I’ll submenu it. I'll leave you mine, and I'll take Autumn's basket for myself. What kind of leaf is here, I don't need it. (Throws the sheet out of the basket. Turns to the children.) But you are silent and do not say anything to anyone, otherwise I will bite you!

Oops, something is rattling. This is probably the Hedgehog again, who promised to prick me with his needles, spoil my fur coat. Gotta run away. (Runs away.)

Hedgehog. I am a forest prickly hedgehog, there is no head, no legs.

Oh, it looks like it's starting to rain.

Children perform the song "Colorful Rain" (music by I. Koshmina, lyrics by Yu Ilyina).

What is that leaf on the floor? It has something written on it.

Leading. Hedgehog, let me read what Autumn wrote to us. In the letter, she asks us to play with the rain and show our dexterity.

Game "Rain"

Children stand in a circle, in the center is a “rain” child. Movements of the "rain" in the text:

The rain was jumping along the path: like this, like this.

He soaked our feet: like this, like this.

The rain is pouring down on the fields, and the whole earth is wet.

The rain began to play with us, to water our children.

The children scatter, the "rain" runs after them and touches them with sultans.

Leading. Here we have completed all the tasks. Now at the bottom of the basket are tasty treats, so Autumn said.

Hedgehog. There is nothing there, an empty basket.

Leading. Let me see. Guys, the basket is not the same. I realized that it was the sly Fox who changed the basket. Here is a wretched fox, a deceiver.

Fox enters.

Fox. Who is scolding me? Yes, I got mad at you. I have always been the best, beautiful, fast and dexterous, and now the children have come just as good. Out of anger at you, I changed the basket, and I won’t give away what is delicious there, here!

Hedgehog. Again you are capricious, because you know that you are doing bad things. I'll teach you a lesson and pierce you with needles.

Fox. Try it, catch up.

The hedgehog runs after the Fox.

Okay, I won't do it again, forgive the fox and take your basket. Have you forgiven me?

Children. Yes.

Fox. Then hug me, and I will treat you.

Children hug Lisa and sit on chairs. She treats the guys with sweets from the basket.

Leading. So our autumn holiday is over. We wish you all good weather, beautiful nature, true friends and generous guests.

Children enter the hall to the music and sit on chairs.

The summer heat has been replaced by coolness.

Empty in the swift's house.

And the bundle knits nets, sad about the past summer.

Rowan berries are strewn with beads of berries.

Swirled autumn leaf

And fell at my feet

Who decided to pave the roads with gold?

Children sing the song "Autumn"

How beautiful in our hall,

We invited everyone to the holiday,

We will visit Autumn waiting

Sing, dance, play with her.

Guys, do you want autumn to come to us?

The children are calling autumn.

Fall Out...

Hello my friends!

Know that Autumn is me.

How many children do I see?

How many guests do I see?

I dressed everything around.

Dark forest gilded.

And all of you my friends

I invite you to visit me!

Guys, Autumn invited us to visit the forest.

Shall we accept the invitation?

Then quickly hold hands

Become cheerful in a circle.

Let's go to the autumn forest, where many miracles await us.

Children with Autumn, the leader, stand in a circle and go to the forest to the music ...

Children sing the song "Garden-round dance"

Here we are in the forest, look what a beauty! I hung red, yellow leaves on the trees. And the leaves are not simple, with riddles.

1. He walks and we run
He will catch up anyway!
We hurry to hide in the house,
Will knock on our window,
And on the roof thump thump!
No, we won't let you in, dear friend!

2. Without a path and without a road
Walks the longest
Hiding in the clouds
In the mist
Only feet on the ground.

3. Clouds are catching up,

Howls, blows.

Roaring around the world,

Sings and whistles.

4. It flies, not a bird, Howls, not a beast.

5. There is no sun, there are clouds in the sky,
The wind is harmful and prickly,
It blows like that, there is no salvation!
What's happened? Give an answer!

(Late fall.)

6. Red Yegorka
Fell on the lake
Didn't drown myself
And he didn't stir up the water.

(Autumn leaf.)

7. Who hits the roof all night
Yes, it knocks
And mumbles, and sings, lulls?

8. Yellow leaves fly,
Falling, spinning
And under your feet just like that,
How the carpet lay down!
What is yellow snow?
It's simple...

(Leaf fall.)

9. The collective farm garden is empty,
Spider webs fly into the distance,
And to the south end of the earth
Cranes stretched out.
10. School doors opened.
What month has come to us?


11. All the darker face of nature:
Blackened vegetable gardens
The forests are bare
Silent bird voices
The bear went into hibernation.
What month has come to us?


Behind the window who is naughty?


Who is knocking on the glass?


Maybe it's the birds?

No no no.

Maybe it's kids?

No no no.

Maybe raindrops?

Girls dance with umbrellas.

We sang games

They didn't read poetry.

leaf fall

Leaves flutter in the air
All Moscow is in yellow leaves.
We are sitting at the window
And we look outside.
Leaves whisper:
- Let's fly away! -
And dive into the puddle.

Y. Korinets.

Why do trees fall
Dropping leaves?
Why are trees in winter
Stripping around?
- Trees also need
Undress before bed!

Crow cries in the sky:
- Karr!
There's a fire in the forest, there's a fire in the forest!
And it was just very:
Autumn settled in it.

E. Intulov.

Autumn looked into the garden -
The birds have flown away.
Rustling outside the window in the morning
Yellow blizzards.
Under the feet of the first ice
Crumbles, breaks.
The sparrow in the garden will sigh
And sing -
He is shy.

V. Stepanov.

"Autumn has come..."

Autumn has come,
Our garden turned yellow.
Leaves on a birch
They burn with gold.
Don't hear merry
Nightingale song.
The birds have flown away
To distant lands.

A. Erikeev.

"It's raining down the street..."

It's raining down the street
wet road,
Many drops on glass
And a little warmth.
Like autumn mushrooms
We carry umbrellas
Because in the yard
Autumn has come.

V. Semernin.

Autumn walks along the path
Wet her feet in puddles.
It's raining and there's no light.
Lost somewhere summer.

Autumn is coming, autumn is coming.
The wind blew the leaves off the maple tree.
New carpet underfoot
Yellow-pink - maple.

V. Avdienko.

Raindrops are flying

Flying, raindrops are flying
You won't leave the gate.
Along the wet path
Raw fog creeps.

By the fallen pines
And fiery rowans
Autumn comes and sows
Fragrant mushrooms!

I. Demyanov.

Golden Rain

The leaves were flooded with sunshine.
The leaves are soaked in the sun.
Poured, weighed down
And flew in the wind
Rustled through the bushes
Jumped on the knots
The wind turns gold
Sounds like golden rain!

M. Lesovaya.

Autumn leaves

Empty birdhouse,
The birds have flown
Leaves on the trees
It also doesn't fit.
All day today
Everything is flying, flying...
Apparently, also in Africa
They want to fly.

I. Tokmakova.

"In the aspen forest..."

In the aspen forest
Aspens tremble.
Breaks the wind
From aspens scarves.
He is on the path
Throw off scarves -
In the aspen forest
Autumn will come...

V. Stepanov.

leaf fall

circled over me
Rain of mischievous leaves.
How good is he!
Where else can you find such
Without end and without beginning?
I began to dance under him,
We danced like friends
Rain of leaves and me.

L. Razvodova.

Late fall

The shore is timid
Brittle ice falls.
Sad gray cloud
Floats along the bottom of the pond.
Harsh breathes in autumn
Clear water.
Trees shed their leaves
Facing the cold.

G. Ladonshchikov.

Children show the scene "Once in the garden"

Characters: Host, Vanya, beet, cabbage, cucumber, carrot, tomato, onion, potato, cockerel, mouse, bull, goat.

Today Vanya is very busy -

He has countless worries -

Protecting the garden!

Vanya comes out with a gun, goes around the "garden" of the children who ran out.

Let me say a word

Listen first:

Need beets for borscht

And for the vinaigrette.

Eat and treat yourself -

There is no better beetroot!

Cabbage (interrupting):

You beet, shut up!

Shchi is cooked from cabbage!

And how delicious

Cabbage pies!

Rogue Bunnies

They love stalks.

I will treat the guys

Sweet stalk.

You will be very pleased

Eating a pickled cucumber!

And a fresh cucumber

Everyone will love it, of course!

On the teeth crunches, crunches ...

I can feed you!

The story about me is not long.

Who doesn't know vitamins?

Always drink carrot juice and gnaw carrots -

Will you then, my friend, strong,

strong, smart!

Here the tomato puffed up and said sternly.

Don't talk, carrot, nonsense.

I'll pray a little!

The most delicious and pleasant

And, of course, tomato juice!

I am the spice in every dish

And always helpful to people.

Guessed? I am your friend.

I am a simple green onion.


I am a potato so modest

She didn't say a word.

But everyone needs potatoes:

Both big and small.

Oh, and hard work!

And why am I tired?

I'm going to sleep...

Here I am - Petukh Petrovich -

Crow! Looks back.

There are no hosts...

Okay, then in the garden

Dinner is ready for you!

Lucky for me - a gray mouse!

What a glorious garden!

Go ahead for the cucumber!

The bull comes out.

Here I am - Bogdan Bogdanich,

Mu-u (looks around) - there are no owners ...

It's good when in the garden

Dinner is ready for you!

Here I am - Koza Kozlovna,

Mee (looks around) - there are no owners ...

It's good when in the garden

Dinner is ready for you!

Where is the salad? And where is the cabbage?

Oh, trouble! - the beds are empty ...

Every caretaker should know!

If you undertook to protect,

You don't have to fall asleep!

And, now, I suggest you, children, collect mushrooms. Who will collect more?

Two children are invited, mushrooms are scattered.

Children begin to pick mushrooms to the music.

What good fellows you are! Now let's invite the parents to play.

Parents are blindfolded picking mushrooms.

Children sing the song "Chiki, chiki, chikalochki!"

Thank you, autumn, that you are with us now,

We, autumn, glorify you with songs and poems.

We admire the beauty of autumn fairy tales.

I had a very good time with you, but it's time to leave. So that you do not get sick, grow up strong and healthy, I want to give you treats!

See you soon!

Gives the teacher a basket of apples.
Parents and children are rewarded according to the results of the contest "The Best Feeder"
The kids go to the music.

Autumn holiday for children of the senior group of kindergarten. Scenario "Autumn meetings"

A fascinating journey to the autumn forest, to the garden and the garden will give children a lot of positive emotions, and immerse them in the world of autumn colors.
Target: To consolidate and expand children's ideas about autumn natural phenomena through the expressive performance of songs, dances, poems and skits.
- to develop in children the ability to expressively perform songs, dances, poems
- develop communication skills
- cultivate respect for nature

The course of the holiday

Music sounds, presenters come out, the curtain is closed.
1st Lead: Look around, foliage flies around.
The birds flew south like a wedge yesterday.
2nd Lead: Autumn will soon leave, everything will fall asleep until spring.
But you won't forget our autumn concert!
The hosts open the curtain, music sounds, the children run out in pairs and stand on their points.
Dance composition "LEAVES FLY".
1. Today I looked at a holiday in every house,
Because autumn wanders outside the window.
I looked at the autumn holiday in kindergarten,
To please both adults and children!
2. How the whole street burns with fire,
Leaves argue with the wind.
I even want to squint
So beautiful all around!
3. Birds fly away to warm lands,
Quietly I wave my hand after them.
The sky scatters beads of rain,
For me, there is no better time!
4. Autumn will say goodbye soon,
Giving a colored outfit
It's not for nothing that her beauty
They call it golden!
Children sit on chairs to the music.
Cranes cry.
1st Lead: Listen, there, in the distance, cranes fly by.
Let them wave their wings and call our autumn to us.
Music sounds, Autumn enters.
Autumn: Hello my guys!
You invited me to visit.
But something bad happened
I've been crying all day today.
2nd Lead: We, Autumn, will not let you be sad,
We can cheer you up with a cheerful song!
Autumn: So thank you guys.
For your song, preschoolers.
But it wasn't easy for me to come,
I brought you gifts.
I put them in a chest
Spoke magical words.
I wrote down those words on three maple leaves,
Yes, bad weather scattered all the leaves around the world.
Without magic words, I can't open the chest,
How can I get maple leaves?
1st Lead: We will go looking for maple leaves together.
Along the paths, along the paths, we will return the leaves of Autumn!
2nd Lead: Let's get on the fast train
He will take us with you!
The train whistle sounds, the children get up, imitating the movement of the train, moving in a circle.
A voice announces: “Attention! Station "Forest".
Music sounds, Mushroom-Borovik enters.
Mushroom-Borovik: I am Borovik mushroom!
And beautiful and great!
In a thick hat on one side,
The leg is thick as a stump.
Sit down, take a rest
Autumn: We are looking for magic leaves,
They scattered somewhere.
Maybe you saw them?
Tell us then!
Mushroom-Borovik: I'll look for the leaves
And then I'll give it to you.
Although the task is not easy...
And while you stay with me.
Take a walk in the autumn forest
You will learn a lot.
Music sounds, take out the Christmas trees.
1st Lead: In the morning on the forest edge,
For a stump on a bump.
Not the animals gathered
Gathered mushrooms.
Mushrooms come out to the music, stopping arbitrarily facing the audience.
Mushroom-Borovik: Did you recognize the boletus?
I'm hit with a strong foot.
Well, why should I brag?
I know everyone, of course.
Russula: Russula is known to everyone,
Of course, I'm a pretty mushroom.
Know all I'm in the pickle -
It's just a meal!
boletus: I am neither small nor tall

Boletus is a fungus.
Eat who finds me
I don't feel sorry for myself.
I will be for the mushroom picker
Delicious gift!
Chanterelles: 1. We, chanterelles, are respected,
Girls and boys.
2. If they only roast us,
You will lick your fingers!
fly agaric(steps forward):
What nonsense is this!
All the more beautiful - fly agaric!
You wanted to go to the pot
To be boiled and eaten?
I'm not afraid of mushroom pickers
And I'll laugh at you! (laughs)
Mushrooms turn to Amanita
Russula: Oh, you stupid braggart!
What's the use of standing like that?
The boy will kick you,
Doesn't want to take it!
boletus: And you will get snails
Holes will be drilled in the hat,
If you save yourself from them,
The worms will eat you!
Chanterelles: 1. Well, we won't be sad.
We bring joy to people.
2. Let them dry and salt us,
Pickle and eat!
2nd Lead: Until we get bored
We invite everyone to play!
Grib-Borovik was amused.
Here is your leaflet, friends,
Get it from me.
Autumn: Thank you, Borovik!
You are used to helping everyone!
Mushroom-Borovik: Well, now it's time for you
Goodbye, kids!
Music sounds, Borovik leaves. Rain sounds.
1st Lead: What is this? The sky darkened,
As if she wanted to cry.
Two children come out under an umbrella.
1. This cloud got angry
The cloud was loudly indignant:
"It's autumn, not summer,
There will be no more bright light!”
I took the gray paint
It rained from the sky.
2. We play hide-and-seek with rain-rain.
He is looking for me, and I am hiding under an umbrella!
2nd Lead: Umbrella does not save us from the rain,
Large puddles of rain pours.
Which one of you, brothers,
Does he want to run in galoshes?
1st Lead: We board the fast train
Let's get to the right station!
A whistle sounds, the sound of a train. A voice announces: “Attention! Station "Garden - berry-fruit".
Music sounds, Uncle Grapes comes out.
Grape: How many guests do I see
Adults, small children!
I am Uncle Grape
Come on, I'm very happy!
Sit down, take a rest
Why complain, tell me.
Autumn: We are looking for magic leaves,
They scattered somewhere.
Maybe you saw them?
Tell us then!
Grape: I'll look for the leaves
And then I'll give it to you.
Although the task is not easy...
And while you stay with me.
Let's go for a walk in the garden,
Invite everyone to dance.
Grape: The apples in my garden are green and red
Look at them, how beautiful they all are.
Help me guys
Take these apples apart.
Grape: Thanks for hosting me
Uncle Vinograd was amused.
Here is your leaflet, friends,
Get it from me.
Your train is ready to go on
Fast road! Good luck on the road!
Music sounds, Vinograd says goodbye and leaves.
Autumn: I already have two leaves
We are looking for the last one, go ahead, friends!
2nd Lead: We get on the train again
Let's get to the right station!
The whistle sounds, the noise of the train. A voice announces: “Attention! Station "Vegetable".
The music sounds, the Scarecrow comes out.
1st Lead: Who is this and where is it from?
What is another miracle Yudo?
Scarecrow: I am a Scarecrow, I live in the garden,
And even though I'm harmless,
Rags, I put on rags,
I scare everyone with a terrible look. (Reluctantly waves his hands)
2nd Lead: Garden Scarecrow?! Very nice!
Why are you sad, we do not understand?
Scarecrow: Harvest one,
He led the birds south.
Drops from the sky, winds blow,
And my nose smells winter.
1st Lead: Guys won't let you get bored
Get in the middle - let's play!
GAME "Scarecrow".
Scarecrow: So I would play all day
What happened to you, do you know?
Autumn: We are looking for magic leaves,
They scattered somewhere.
Maybe you saw them?
Tell us then!
Scarecrow: I'll look for the leaves
And then I'll give it to you.
Although the task is not easy...
And while you stay with me.
All spring and summer we worked in the garden,
Guess, friends, difficult riddles.
1. To dig the earth,
I need guys
New and strong
Iron ... (Shovel)
2. So as not to dry out under the sun,
All plants need
clean, transparent,
Cool ... (Water)
3. How to spud potatoes,
Grandfather and grandmother know.
Mom knows, dad knows
Useful ... (Chopper)
4. Cucumber and tomato, everyone knows
I'm used to the heat.
And of course they need
Warm film ... (Greenhouse)
Scarecrow: You guessed it, beauty!
Then there's another game for you.
Who is brave here? Don't be shy!
Find a vegetable in the bag as soon as possible!
Autumn: A lot of vitamins in the garden bed,
We have a rich harvest, look, guys!
Vegetables, honest people,
Start a round dance!
Scarecrow: Thanks for hosting me
Scarecrow garden amused.
Here is your leaflet, friends,
Get it from me.
And I'll be waiting for a new job
When the harvest will have to be protected!
The scarecrow says goodbye and leaves.
Autumn: What a beauty, all the leaves I have!
You guys don't yawn
Repeat the magic words after me!
“One-two-three, chest, give magic!”
The chest does not open, Autumn repeats the words several times, at the last he says:
Autumn: The children shouted in unison
Why were the parents silent?
Now all together “One-two-three, chest, give magic!”
Magical music sounds, Autumn opens the chest.
Autumn: Here is the chest opened
He doesn't need a castle!
And in it is a treat from me,
Sweet delight!
Autumn gives treats to the host.
2nd Lead: Thank you Autumn for the treat,
For the holiday and good mood!
Autumn: The autumn holiday is over
A leaf flew off the trees.
Snow fell on the fields
I don't have any more business here.
Well, next year
I will visit you again!
Music sounds, Autumn leaves.
1st Lead: We are ending our holiday
We invite everyone to join the group!
The children leave the room to the music.