Versatile clothing for women. How to put together a versatile capsule wardrobe? Tips for round-shaped petite women

It often happens that a purchased dress or a purchased business suit at some point turns out to be completely irrelevant.

Why this happens, how to deal with it and how to choose clothes, you will be advised by stylists' advice.

By the way, on the Internet you can find many tips from stylists, most of which are rather vague, but this is not because stylists do not want to reveal professional secrets and are in a conspiracy, but because it is very difficult to give universal advice that will be equally useful to everyone.
Some advice can be salvation for one and disastrous for another, which is why stylists are so careful in mass recommendations. The post contains the most universal, but at the same time useful tips that can give something new to those who are seriously keen on shaping their personal image.

How to buy clothes

1. If you are in doubt about buying a thing or not, then it is better to buy, but be sure to keep the receipt so that if you change your mind you can return it. It is better to buy and then hand over than to suffer from the fact that you did not buy the thing you liked at the right time, and then it was no longer there (this will make it seem even more necessary to you), and not buying this thing will seem even more annoying ... Keep in mind that if you pay with a card, then the money will be returned to your card within two weeks, so if you are unsure of the purchase, then it is better to pay in cash and check with the seller for possible details of the return.
However, this advice does not apply to the purchase of underwear, you will not be able to hand it over.

2. When buying, it will not be superfluous to ask about a discount, almost always in any store they can make a discount of at least 5%, you just need not hesitate to ask about it.

3. In order not to carry with you a huge number of discount cards (and they are now issued in every store) some of the cards can be photographed on the phone, in most cases it is enough just to name the card number.

4. At the beginning of shopping, do not rush to buy the first thing you like, it is better to ask to put it off for you for a couple of hours, perhaps in other stores you will find something more interesting, and if not, then with the confidence that you have chosen the best, you will purchase the previously postponed thing.

5. If you are not sure of your taste, then do not combine more than 3 colors in the kit and accessories (black, white and gray do not count).

6. "Do you have the same one only with mother-of-pearl buttons?" If the thing suits you, but the buttons are embarrassing, then besides the fact that you can simply sew on other, sometimes existing buttons, it is enough just to “cheer up” with colored nail polish. The main thing in the process of painting is not to forget to secure the fabric around the button to be painted with tape.
By the way, sometimes you can also improve jewelry in this way.

7. The formula for good style is creativity divided by adequacy. That is, your image should not be insipid - it is boring and uninteresting, at the same time, excessive creativity gives rise to fashion freaks. Good style is always adequate. Adequate to the person's appearance, fashion trends, relevance and does not contradict the goals.

8. Don't get hung up on lists, otherwise you risk getting a boring and banal set of things.
Each has its own base.

9. Invest in accessories. Expensive and high-quality accessories can increase the value of even the simplest and most inexpensive outfit.

10. Don't go shopping with your friends - they are bad counselors.

11. Consultants and stylists in stores are the same sellers whose main function is to provide additional service to sell the goods of a particular store. Therefore, be alert when listening to their advice.

12. When choosing a thing, think about what you will wear it with, if there is no set for this thing in your wardrobe, then think about whether you need it or see paragraph 1.

13. Do not buy trendy things at sales: they are sold out only because the fashion is already passing.

14. The expression "prepare the sled in the summer and the cart in the winter" is not suitable for fashionistas. Buying summer clothes at the beginning of autumn with a 70% discount, expecting that you will wear them next summer, in a year you risk forgetting about them, and if you remember, they may no longer be relevant or you just won't like it, so it's dubious saving.

15. Throwing old things out of the closet, you have an incentive to buy new ones, do not show excessive trepidation for old clothes, these are just things.
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How to choose the right clothes

It is rare to find a woman who is completely satisfied with her figure. More often than not, girls just sigh, looking at the glossy pages of fashion magazines or at the TV screens. However, anyone can look chic, you just need to choose clothes that hide flaws and emphasize the advantages that are in each figure.

One of the first rules of good manners in clothes - selection of clothes into a "whole", that is, the whole set should be designed in the same style and look complete. In order to independently deal with this issue, you can use clothing catalogs and fashion magazines, they will tell you what to wear with.
When choosing a wardrobe in a store, try to look at the entire collection and choose the combination that suits you best.

Another highlight when choosing clothes is clothing size... It is unacceptable to wear clothes of a smaller or larger size, in both cases it looks comical.
And psychologists say that this can tell about your attitude: people who want to look or be better than they actually wear clothes that are smaller than they need to wear, and larger clothes are usually worn by those who have low self-esteem.
It turns out that you need to choose the right size of clothing in order to hide your complexes.

Don't forget and about the color scheme, color can “kill” or, conversely, transform a person.

  • Pastel and beige tones are more suitable for dark-skinned people with bright features.
  • Blondes and fair-haired women go with bright colors.

The easiest way to determine which color suits you is a mirror and several plain fabrics of different colors. Try to remember which shade is yours and in stores it will be much easier to choose things of one color or another.

When choosing clothes you should pay attention per type of fabric:

  • firstly, the fabrics in the kit must be matched,
  • secondly, the fabrics must match the figure.

For those with curvy shapes, outfits made from dense and well-structured fabrics are most suitable. And for a thin type of figure, soft-tight knitwear and fabrics with padding are more likely to be suitable.

Well, and perhaps most importantly, clothes should be chosen according to the characteristics of your particular figure. Here are some general guidelines

1) Short legs visually lengthen beige shoes and a short skirt
2) The fullness of the hips will be hidden by trousers or straight-cut jeans
3) If you have a thin waist, but wide hips, then flared jeans and a belt at the waist will be perfect for you
4) Small drawings visually reduce, large ones, on the contrary, increase
5) Maxi dresses and skirts make you look lower
6) Shapeless clothing disfigures any figure
7) Shoes with a thin heel or stiletto heels with a round toe make the foot visually smaller
8) Pointed shoes make the foot visually larger
9) Black tights (no more than 50 den) will make your legs a couple of kg slimmer and a couple of centimeters longer, and in combination with black shoes (or dark colors) will make you the owners of legs from the ears.
10) Light tights, on the contrary, make legs fuller and shorter. But! Longer with beige shoes.
12) Sheer blouse makes your top part open to others and shows your strengths and weaknesses
14) If you do not know how to combine things correctly, then follow the classic canons of fashion and style.
15) The rule of three colors: do not use more than three components in your image, otherwise you risk looking funny
16) Hairstyle should be combined with all the components of your wardrobe
17) Do not spray perfume on clothes, unless you are using
spirits alone. The smell can last for a month.
18) Chubby girls go for V-necklines, round necklines for girls with an oval face.
19) Avoid getting hung up on something, or risk being the owner of a wardrobe with only black things or things of the same style, for example.
20) Treads shorten your legs!
21) Sheath dress goes equally well for thin girls and with curvaceous forms. But on girls with a thin waist and feminine hips it will look better

Clothes that make you slimmer

About, , i have already written repeatedly, because the topic is relevant to me. Today we will just "go over" the basic tips of stylists.

1) increase growth
If you want to look slimmer, the easiest way to achieve this is to visually increase your height. In this case, the width of the body will be balanced by the height. This is all related to optical illusions.
To increase growth, it is worth using:

  • long beads,
  • vertical stripes,
  • heels,
  • high hairstyle,
  • elongated clothing silhouettes (for example, not a short jacket, but an elongated jacket).

It is better not to use shoes with an ankle strap or ankle boots in shoes, because they visually shorten the legs and reduce height.
High boots are great.

2) Heels
Among personal stylists there is such a rule: 1 cm of heels visually removes 1 kg of weight.
Heels stretch very well and slim the figure.
Of course, you should not choose very high heels (at the rate of 20 kg weight \u003d 20 cm heel), it is better to prefer a wider, stable heel.

3) Dresses and sweatshirts with v-neck
A must have thing for those who want to look slimmer is clothing with a v-neck. Such a cut on one side visually stretches the figure, on the other hand it focuses on a beautiful breast.

4) Long sleeves
When we gain extra pounds, they are distributed throughout the body: not only the stomach or hips grows fat, but also, for example, the arms.
Full arms are best concealed with long sleeves or wearing a shawl. It is believed that for women with full arms, it is best not to wear dresses and tops with straps or sleeveless.

5) Flared clothes
Best of all, figure flaws are masked by Empire-style clothes (dresses, sweaters, coats) - flared from the chest or trapezoidal in shape. Such clothes perfectly mask the belly and full hips.

6) Black color
Any woman knows that black is slimming. These rules should not be neglected if you want to look slimmer, even if you are black and seem boring.
This is due to the fact that black absorbs the sun's rays and visually reduces the volume of the object. In addition to black, all other dark colors (dark blue, gray) are thinner.
Black is also the color of elegance.

7) Solid color sets
One of the almost magical ways to look slimmer is to make your bow monochrome. combine items of only one color in a set.
The more patterns in clothes, the larger their size, the more kilograms you visually weigh.

8) Sunburn
On the one hand, the skin on fire looks more toned, and on the other hand it hides the defects of the figure.

Experiment, love yourself, but do not forget about others, many people are envious and unfriendly, do not let them notice your oversights in the wardrobe ...

I wish you good luck finding your own unique style of clothing!

This vital question - how to combine clothes correctly - has been tormenting people for more than a century. It so happened that they are greeted by their clothes, and therefore everyone tries to dress as correctly as possible. But what if there is no natural sense of style, but you still want to dress well? The answer is simple: you need to listen to the advice that stylists have already worked out for a long time.

Basic framework

The items in the wardrobe are divided into two categories: basic and additional. For those who wondered how to learn how to properly combine clothes, the abundance of additional things will only hinder. Usually these are interesting outfits, with colorful ornaments or intricate forms, using them, not everyone can find a harmonious image. In order for this not to become a problem, you need to create from which you can build on. These should be things:

If you find it difficult to choose, you can stick to the classic version of the basic wardrobe:

  • creating this irreplaceable element of clothing today, I adhered to the point of view that its length should not be higher than the knee. Having chosen such an optimal length, it will be possible to wear a dress both for social events and for dates;
  • trench coat. Choose a beige color, it is neutral and will suit any ensemble;
  • shirt. Plain, without ruffles, embroidery and other decorations. This detail will suit ladies of all ages;
  • black;
  • jeans. The style does not matter, the main thing is that they fit the figure;
  • cardigan. They can complement both work and evening attire.

Having in your wardrobe, you can forget about the problems in the question of how to combine clothes correctly. It is enough for a girl to take a black dress and add any interesting designer item to it, as well as accessories.

Complex and simple

European ladies, creating an image, are guided by a simple rule - you need to create a background with simple things and add zest and colors to it with the help of complex ones. This advice should be heeded, because they know a lot about how to properly combine clothes.

Complex things include a tunic with an extraordinary ethnic color, and simple ones - neutral black tights that can be worn under it.

How to combine clothes for men?

The correct combination is of interest not only to the female half of humanity. Modern men also want and harmoniously. In general, the rules for men will be similar to those for women:

A shirt is lighter than a jacket, a tie is richer than a shirt - a purely masculine rule for all ages. Having mastered it and all the above rules, you can not be afraid to look boring, or, conversely, like a parrot.

Colors to help

But knowledge alone about the correct composition of the wardrobe is indispensable. You need to learn how to correctly combine colors in clothes, this is also important. Outfits with the wrong color combination are often called gaudy.

To avoid bad taste, you need to figure out which colors are right for you. Harmony with eye color looks good. And if, for example, a girl with blue eyes wears a blue evening dress, it will be a great contrast. In this case, the eyes will emphasize the saturation of the dress, and the dress - the tenderness and transparency of the eyes.

It is also important to be guided by the figure. It is better for thin people not to experiment with cold shades, as they visually reduce the physique. But overweight girls should beware of warm, and even more so pastel shades, otherwise, instead of paying attention to a wonderful outfit, people will gossip about a tastelessly dressed fat woman.

Win-win options

The question of how to correctly combine colors in clothes can sometimes be difficult to learn. A universal method will help - exposure to a single color palette. It is enough to choose different shades of the same color. For example, a coral jacket, burgundy pants, etc. On the one hand, it is not boring and variety is present, on the other hand, you do not need to puzzle for a long time over what goes together and what does not go well with each other.


Those who have mastered the tips on how to pair clothes correctly will be able to create classic options that will surely appeal to most. In addition, they will undoubtedly be able to add personality to their appearance. In this matter, it is important to listen to yourself, to understand which clothes are the most comfortable, what exactly seems to be truly beautiful. This inner knowledge will help you find the right solution.

Remember: rules exist to be broken. Fashion is no exception. If it seems to someone that the above rules are not suitable for him, then there is no need to overpower yourself and follow them.

19.02.2013 7 comments 81 147

Nothing to wear is the main headache for most women. A lot of the same type of outfit or a chaotic accumulation of not matching fashion trends is a frequent picture in the closet of modern girls.

And everything from the fact that there is no basic wardrobe - classic universal things that can help out in any situation and serve as the basis for fashion experiments. Basic things in the wardrobe do not get boring, they go well with each other and do not go out of fashion. This is a great investment that will allow you to look stylish and elegant without spending insane amounts and only complementing the base with fashionable details of the season.

Stylists recommend ratio 70/30, that is, 70% of the wardrobe is devoted to simple, basic things, and 30% - to bright, fashionable novelties. As a rule, the basic wardrobe of a modern girl consists of and most matches and.

How to put together a basic wardrobe and what's in the top of the most versatile items? The answers are in this article.

Basic wardrobe of a woman

Deciding to organize your wardrobe - 13 componentsworthy to be in any woman's closet:

  • Light cotton blouse, resembling a man's shirt in style. Choose a fitted or semi-fitted silhouette, from materials - preferably stretch cotton. Snow white is not for everyone, so choose a blouse that suits yours - pearl or ivory. Remember - the blouse should not be noticeably lighter than the shade of tooth enamel.
  • Classic dark pencil skirt with a high waistline should sit well on the figure and taper slightly to the bottom, visually adjusting the silhouette. Length - from just below the knee to slightly higher (preferably not more than the palm). The degree of fit of the skirt depends on the characteristics of the figure - choose the one in which you will look especially advantageous.
  • The basic wardrobe of a modern business woman cannot be imagined without an elegant trouser suit black color. The cut of the jacket is a classic pulp-fitted, with a natural shoulder line. Pants - classic straight or slightly tapered, with an arrow. It is very important that the suit fits well (use the services of a tailor shop to achieve a perfect fit). The versatile black color will allow you to combine a suit with a blouse for work and with an elegant top for an evening event.
  • Cardigan or jumper beige, gray or black is another mast-haveuniversal wardrobe. A turtleneck of similar shades will not be superfluous. They suit everything: trousers, skirt, jeans, any shirt. The V-neck of the jumper is the most advantageous, but if the round neck suits you, choose it.
  • Without jeans it is impossible to imagine today's life, as well as the basic wardrobe of a modern girl. Straight, classic models in dark blue with no scuffs or visible details are the most versatile piece. Do not skimp on jeans - a solid dense fabric with a small percentage of lycra and a cut that suits you should emphasize the dignity of the figure, hiding the flaws.
  • Classic sheath dress black (the famous "little black dress") - should still be in every woman's closet. It is better if there are two such dresses - discreet black or gray for work and brighter in color and cut - for special occasions. A compromise is a black cocktail dress with a laconic cut, appropriate anytime, anywhere.
  • Knitted T-shirts and tops is never enough. Three options are required - a T-shirt with sleeves, a white or black T-shirt with straps, and your favorite vest.
  • How can you not do without a classic double-breasted raincoat with lapels and a belt - trench coat (trench coat). Universal colors - black, beige or khaki. This useful acquisition is the leader of the off-season wardrobe and never goes out of style.
  • Classic cashmere coat pastel shades (from beige to camel) will stay in your wardrobe for a long time. Provided a laconic cut and a length and silhouette that suits you. Short girls should not choose a coat longer than the middle of the knee, the maxi length is only for tall ones.
  • An irreplaceable classic accessory - bright silk scarf measuring 70 × 70 centimeters with an interesting print. The main thing is that the color scheme matches your color type and "refreshes" your face. It has many uses - as a light scarf, headdress, addition to a purse. An exquisite pashmina scarf is an invaluable purchase and a great addition to a variety of looks.
  • High quality comfortable footwear - perhaps the main expense item. Smart purchase - classic laconic pumps with heels in black and nude beige. They will fit almost any ensemble you create. For relaxation and walking, soft sneakers and ballet flats made of suede or matte leather will not be superfluous. The color is still the same neutral.
  • An important part of the basic wardrobe - at least two bags... A voluminous, roomy bag in a universal color for every day and a small clutch bag on a chain for an evening out. If possible, it is better to add to them a medium-sized fashion bag for important meetings and business negotiations, as well as a summer bag. Remember, a black bag in summer is bad manners, so choose a white beige or color model.
  • Several necessary accessories - a watch with a laconic shape, aviator glasses (a classic shape that suits most) and two belts - a simple black and colored one with an interesting buckle. A long strand of good quality natural or cultured pearls is a trendy classic. To the minimum program, you can add a massive cocktail ring, an interesting bracelet, an exquisite brooch. Jewelry can be easily replaced with good and stylish jewelry.

The basic wardrobe of a modern girl is in front of you. You should not save on it, because these things will pay off entirely, having served you for more than one season.

Ksenia Skvortsova | 21.04.2015 | 56307

Ksenia Skvortsova 04/21/2015 56307

We have compiled a list of items that every stylish woman should have in her wardrobe by the age of 35.

“Over 30” is the very age when you want to look as fashionable, modern and dynamic as in your 20s, but a little more professional and collected. And this means that it's time to get rid of all things for one season, forget about one-day trends and get help-wands that will help to put even the most motley wardrobe together.

1. Cropped black pants

Why cropped trousers and not classic straight cut trousers? Therefore, it is ideal for those cases when you, in all honesty, would like to wear jeans, but the situation requires a more businesslike image.

Look for pants that end just above the ankle and show the underwire. This length looks good with or without heels, and visually slims.

2. Vest

Of course, we are not talking about a T-shirt from the men's department, but about a long-sleeved blouse. A classic model with a touch of Parisian style - a loose-fitting vest with a boat neckline.

Such a top looks elegant and casual at the same time, restrained and fresh.

3. Silk blouse

In the morning you want to put on a white T-shirt, but the corporate dress code does not allow you to show up for work like this? Buy a loose, no-frills silk blouse!

This is one of those things that you can really spend money on: it is versatile and is unlikely to go out of style in the next few seasons. It is also as comfortable as a T-shirt, but looks much better!

4. Ballerinas

Thanks to Audrey Hepburn and Brigitte Bardot for popularizing this comfortable and feminine shoe. It doesn't matter what color your ballerinas are - neutral black or flashy red, they will look great with those cropped trousers and jeans, both with a vest and with a feminine blouse.

5. Wrap coat

Such a coat does not restrict movement and instantly brings the image together (even if you have pajamas under the bottom!). In addition, this style visually masks figure flaws. Are these not good reasons to invest in a good quality wrap wool coat?

6. High boots

If you don't feel like looking like Julia Roberts in Pretty Woman before you meet Prince Charming, only buy knee-high boots on a low run. Why is this style good? Flat high boots create the same proportions as heels, but much more comfortable!

7. Loose jeans

Boyfriends or "mom's jeans" - you decide. Loose fit models suit more women than skinny ones. If you choose jeans for every day, then let them hide flaws, and not emphasize (and even more so do not create) them!

8. Blazer

It's a blazer, not a boring three-button jacket that makes you look like a schoolteacher. This is the magic thing that can make even jeans with a white tank top fit for work.

The trick is to find the perfect fit blazer.

9. Thick turtleneck

A tight knit turtleneck (ribbed, not thin, sun-shining fabric) looks great with either high-waisted pants or a skirt or jeans.

Choose a neutral color that goes well with most of your wardrobe: black, beige, olive, terracotta, etc.

10. Biker jacket

A leather biker jacket is the most versatile outerwear you can imagine. She looks dynamic and modern, unlike most leather jackets (although they are back in fashion). A leather jacket can be worn with jeans, a business suit or even a smart dress.

11. Nice roomy bag

A universal option is a leather tote bag. You can put your purchases, important documents, a laptop and many other small useful things there. The bag of a stylish woman must be of high quality, good quality and, preferably, leather.

12. Diamond carnations

Even if the earrings are made not of real diamonds, but of budget cubic zirconia and zircon, they will look dignified and elegant.

13. Boats

Financial investments will more than work out leather (suede) pumps of black or flesh color. They suit most outfits, do not go out of fashion and are appropriate in any situation: at a niece's wedding, at work, in a restaurant, in a theater.

14. Evening clutch

One small handbag can turn a work outfit into an evening one. Choose the style of your choice: envelope, minaudière, clutch bag on a chain.

15. Cashmere sweater

Comfortable like a sweatshirt, yet extraordinarily elegant, this is a cashmere sweater. It would be nice to have a few pieces of neutral shades: gray, camel, black, dark blue.

16. Gold chain

Albeit not necessarily gold, but gilded. Or silver. This is a versatile piece of jewelry that will add zest to your look when you don't have the opportunity or time to add more solid accessories.

17. Pencil skirt

And preferably made of leather - so it will look more interesting and modern. Add a cashmere sweater or silk blouse, black pumps and you are ready for any business meeting.

18. Nude sandals

These elegant shoes can be combined with anything and visually lengthen the legs.

19. Little black dress

It is trumpeted on every corner, but a little black dress really helps women out in any situation.

20. Stylish sunglasses

Didn't get enough sleep? Didn't have time to put on makeup? Did your styling fail the weather test? Run out to the store in a crumpled dress? Put on nice sunglasses and the problem is solved. Unbelievable, but it is a fact.

21. Red lipstick

Red lipstick goes to everyone, without exception. You just need to choose your own shade. She is like sunglasses and a blazer - collects and refines even the most relaxed image.

22. Trench

A trench coat is a classic raincoat that never goes out of style, adorns everyone and goes well with almost any outfit.