Types of paired wedding rings. The best wedding rings in the world. Wedding rings are unusual

Are you planning an unusual wedding celebration? Or do you want to impress your guests with your extravagant solution? Then you just need to see the most unusual wedding rings that will adorn the fingers of the most demanding and able to stand out young people.

Wedding ring- the most important attribute of the wedding ceremony. Unlike a wedding dress or a wedding bouquet, it is the engagement ring that will always be on the finger. It will remind you of that bright, unforgettable and most important event in your life. And most importantly, this little thing will always attract the eye, because. unusual shapes and lines cannot go unnoticed.

old notes

Fashion does not stand still. In this case, jewelry too. Here, too, there are novelties and trends. This year the main accent of the wedding ring is its unusualness, uncouthness and rough lines. Yes, yes, you didn't think so!

Custom wedding rings are on trend!

wedding season trend

Still, let's take a closer look. We leave everything standard and hackneyed far behind and get inspired by new and bright ideas of the season! The ring can look very simple, and at the same time rich, thanks to its chaotic lines. The product may look uncouth, unfinished or unfinished - and this is its main highlight.

If you have a lot of wild ideas in your mind, do not try to see them in ordinary jewelry stores. I advise you to simply contact a good jeweler who can make your fantasies come true. And of course, forget about the thin "thread" on the finger - wedding rings of medium size and even quite massive are in fashion.

10 trending wedding ring options:

1. Wedding rings, which are made in the style of "Forest Mavka". They look very harmonious and beautiful on the delicate hands of the bride.
2. Wedding rings in different colors for the bride and groom.
3. Rings with a rough and sometimes unfinished surface look very impressive.
4. Unforgettable look of wedding rings, which seem to be glued from pieces of metal.
5. Imitation of different materials: stone, wood, branches, etc.
6. Wedding rings are in trend, which seem to have not been completed by the master. Agree - very impressive!
7. Washer rings are still in trend. A little imagination and they will no longer look boring.
8. Don't be afraid to experiment. If you want something new and unlike anything else, this is your trend!
9. Very stylish and of course in trend, rings for a young couple in different styles and designs.
10. The most daring option and the most extraordinary approach. Such an engagement ring will forever remind you of great love.

Your engagement ring is not the only piece of jewelry you will wear on your wedding day - your wedding band should be as unique and special as your engagement ring too! After all, if the engagement ring represents a promise, the wedding ring secures it, finally closing the question!
The time of simple and sometimes meaningless gifts has passed, now you should be more careful in choosing jewelry for your loved one!
There are various options to diversify wedding rings and make them unusual, from a variety of metals - yellow and rose gold, silver or other materials to their external design with the help of various additional accessories and shapes. Your gift should show the character and uniqueness of the person to whom it is intended.

Our master jewelers create new ways to make your bridal jewelry unique and unusual of a kind. tell the way to make yours wedding ring eye-catching and unique? Find a band that plays in uniform! Regardless of whether these are inserts made of diamonds or other stones, perhaps they can be simple forms, for example, petals made of other metals.

In any case, there are many ways to play with tradition. Rings with jagged cutouts, abstract swirls, and even a curve that wraps around the center stone of the engagement ring are one variation on the standard wedding ring. Our masters offer ready-made options for several non-standard and unusual wedding rings, look in this catalog.

Order unusual wedding rings in Moscow

Of course, any of them can be changed to your liking! Moreover, it will give you unforgettable pleasure - designing and planning your wedding rings! Gemstones also play a big role: sapphires and rubies are mixed with diamonds to create a mosaic effect. But if you don't want stones in your engagement rings, there are plenty of options for engraved metal rings and other options as well. The main thing, to make you happy!

Ready to find unique engagement ring? See the catalog to see interesting models!

Wedding rings unusual non-standard and creative design

Are you a creative couple? Do you have a custom wedding? Of course, you need unusual wedding rings! Non-standard wedding rings are difficult and almost impossible to buy in a store, but you can order an individual production of creative wedding rings in our Nota-Gold jewelry workshop. Here you can make paired unusual wedding rings from gold of any shade - yellow, white, red or silver. You can decorate your creative wedding rings with enamel of any color, one or more diamonds, as well as precious or semi-precious stones: topazes, amethysts, zircons, emeralds, etc. Also in our jewelry workshop, engraving service on unusual wedding rings is in great demand. We are ready to translate any of the most daring ideas and wishes into your pair of unusual creative wedding rings.

Wedding rings of an unusual shape

Unusually shaped wedding rings are a fashion trend of the present time, they allow you to demonstrate your individuality and originality even at such a serious and important event as a wedding ceremony. So, today more and more brides and grooms believe that it is not necessary to look at a wedding in accordance with strict classical canons. Thanks to Nota-Gold designers and highly skilled jewelers, unusually shaped wedding rings are born that bring joy to people.

Each couple has its own story and its own personality - what makes particular lovers different from everyone else. And more and more couples seek to express this individuality through unusual wedding rings. The site site has selected the brightest ideas for wedding rings that stand out with metal, shape and design.

Gold is the traditional metal for wedding rings. For those who do not want to cheat on him, but want to have creative engagement rings, there are many options. The highlight of the rings can be color. The combination of three colors looks very nice: white, yellow and red gold. And for those who want a completely unusual gold ring, there are products made of blue and green gold.

Non-traditional metal wedding rings

Some newlyweds may be allergic to gold, or they are simply not fans of this metal. This problem is easily solved by ordering wedding rings made of platinum, tungsten, titanium or palladium.

Wedding rings of the original form

This option is suitable for those who want to radically differ from ordinary couples. The original shape will make your rings creative, noticeable and provide close attention to the newlyweds. Such wedding rings can become a real family heirloom.

Unusual wedding rings can be ordered in the form of a crown, a nest, chains, knots, and even mythical or real animals. Here everything is limited only by the fantasy of lovers. And if you want to stand out, but not be extravagant, pay attention to square-shaped rings.

Separately, it is worth mentioning wide rings for newlyweds. Such rings can be of an unusual shape and made of a variety of metals, gold, silver, etc. They give the couple more room for imagination: they allow you to use not only different colors, but also jewelry made from various stones (sapphires, agates and others).

Original design of wedding rings

This is where you can let your imagination run wild. Today, designers are ready to embody the most daring fantasies of the newlyweds and do not get tired of offering more and more extraordinary options.

Rings with the newlyweds' fingerprints or their cardiogram designs will personalize the jewelry. They will always have a part of each other. And rings in the form of tires are ideal for a couple who cannot imagine their life without a road and bikes.

For those who like tradition, there are many beautiful wedding rings made in the Slavic style. They are decorated with a special pattern-amulet "wedding".

The most beautiful wedding rings

Original couple rings

Many lovers prefer to order paired rings, emphasizing the strength of their relationship and deep connection with each other. An unusual option here can be rings with a pair of engravings. Parts of one phrase are engraved on two rings. Or an unusual design, the so-called “plus and minus” rings with a nut and bolt, a key and a lock, or halves of a heart. Such paired wedding rings look original and unusual, below we have given examples with photos.

Engraved wedding rings

  1. With classic engraving. This is the easiest and most affordable way for absolutely everyone to make wedding rings special and personal. More often, couples choose each other's names, memorable dates as inscriptions, but you can also stand out with extraordinary engraving on wedding rings. These can be phone numbers of future spouses, nicknames from social networks, an infinity symbol, or comic phrases like: “Put it back on!” or "Goodbye freedom."
  2. With raised engraving. The American jeweler who created such jewelry called them "a symbol of fidelity." This name came from the fact that initially the inscription inside the ring read: “married” or “married”. Convex engraving on the inside of the ring leaves a mark on the ring finger. And if you remove it, the engraved inscription will show off on your hand for several more hours.