Knitted daisy flowers gerbera with schemes. Floral crochet plaids - * gerbera * and * chamomile. Pansy hooks

Master class on knitted elastic in the form of a herbera flower. The author is Liliya Firstushin.

The ability to knit crochet opens a huge number of opportunities to create a wide variety of products that will carry not only aesthetic beauty into the world of man, but also practical benefits. Handmade products help learn to make the world around themselves more cozy and beautiful. Handmade decoration To complete the image, the refinement is adversely added with their owner. Knitted hair bands will help to make the usual daily hairstyle of exquisite and sophisticated.

This master class describes the creation of a hair band, the decorative element of which is represented in the form. It is created using yarn of different shades, but the thread thickness of this yarn should be the same. It is necessary to observe this nuance of the selection of the thickness of the yarn due to the fact that the hook is selected under yarn. The choice of several threads of different thickness will imply a choice of several hooks. To simplify work, it is better to choose one hook and one thread thickness. Brightness of paints and light shine yarn Anna 16 simply obliges to choose it for this master class. In addition, shades are quite well suited to transfer the color gamut of a knitted gerbera flower. In addition to yarn and hooks, stocking of a suitable rubber band. The gum is better to choose a proven so that on the hair she kept hard and allowed to make the required number of revolutions on the hairstyle when tied the tip of the pigtail or the tail. We also use the machine Tenerife.

The start of work is located in the center, namely in the ring of 6 air loops (VP). The ring is obtained by checking 1 of the connecting loop (SP). This knitting element is used to complete each of the rows of future knitting.

1 The lifting VI will help to rise to the level of the first row of 12 columns without Nakid (VRF).

The following 4 rows are pronounced according to the principle of circular knitting, when the alternation of single and dual fails is repeated in each new row. Moreover, in each new row, the number of single columns increases by 1 between double.

From the location of the row, we encounter a chain of 12 VP. By skipping 1 loop, to the next 1 fail-off, and then in each loop, I add 1 element to 1 element - 1 ISP, then we go to the columns with 1 Nakid (C1N), and in the last loop of the chain, 1 fails. To secure the leaf on the central part of the flower, we make 1 fail to the next loop at the edge edge.

Similarly, in line by the edge of the petal of the future gerbera.

For convenience, leaflets should be aligned with the iron.

Go to the design of the central part. It will partially consist of penetrations created on the Tenerife and core machine associated with the hook. In addition to the set of Tenerife, you still need to prepare a drink tube. With it, you can quickly apply thread on the pins of the template.

Making the nodes, fix the thread on the side of the special slot. We stretch the thread and throw it over the pins of a round template, we enhance the lower pin and return the thread at the starting position (from above).

We enhance the thread of the upper pin, return the thread in the middle area, change the direction to the adjacent lower pin and return the thread back to the top.

We make a number of such loops, and then several rows with such loops fill.

Main stitches decorated.

Go to the sink of the flower to be performed in brown tones. We recruit 4 VP and closer them into the ring.

The first row contains 2 fails in the top of each loop, i.e. Total turns 8 fail.

The second series also contains 2 fails at the top of each column.

We have 1 row, where 1 single single and 1 double fails are alternating.

In prior to several rows without increasing the number of columns.

With the help of a needle, we sew the resulting middle to the stretched loop on Tenerife. In the middle of the sewing stage, the middle itself can be filled with syntheph.

The gum itself is best to bind in advance in the plug to close the wrong side.

The plug of this ties on the principle of circular knitting to the desired size.

We sew the cap to the prepared (the middle is already sewn to the flower).

A knitted gum in the form of a gerbera flower is ready.

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Good afternoon, today I want to show you how you can create flowers with your own hands in crochet technique. I collected in this article the most simple and understandable lessons Crochet colors. Today we will knit lilies, chamomile, poppies, pansies, orchids, and I prepared an article on crocheting roses (blurred and in buds). I will show the method of the blade narrow petals, ladies circuit C oval petals, I'll tell you how to tie volumetric flower with multi-layer petals And much more this article I am addressed not only to advanced masters, but also beginners in this matter. So I will explain as much as possible and understandable Even for the very beginning hooked.

Here I will consider immediately several ways to create flowers Crochet. And in. But before I start giving schemes, descriptions, and instructions - I want Fall in love with this idea.I want you to understand how beautiful flowers are rich in crocheted. I want to show what the opportunity to open in front of you when you understand that you can associate any flower with a crochet and even by photography (without a scheme and description) understand what technique it is connected.

So, let's see which prospects opens the ability to knit a variety of different flowers.

For what purposes the flowers knit

(What can be decorated with flowers crochet)

Knitted flowers can be used as decorations when serving a table.

They can be put simply into the center of each plate (as on the left photo below) or decorate a knitted flower ring for a napkin (right-hand photo below),

Knitted little flowers can decorate a greeting card (naturally the size of the thread and hooks need to choose less) to make the flower to be suitable in size to our greeting card. Also such knitted flowers can decorate gift wrapping - Give the lace and on top to glue a crocheted flower.

Your first works on knitting the most simple colors can be used as a bookmark for the book you read.

Knitted flowers can be used as decorative elements for knitted jewelry. For example, in the photo below, we see wide crochet bracelets, decorated with flowers of various sizes and colors.

When you understand how to just tie a crochet flower, you can believe in your abilities to knit such bracelets.

Crochet flowers can decorate a bag made with their own hands (as in the photo below).

And even if you knit with small crochet and thin threads, it turns out the work of jewelry quality and such flowers can be used as part crocheted jewelry.

The ability to knite crochet flowers can come in handy to you and when decorating the wedding. From knitted flowers can be postponed volumetric flower heart (as in the photo below).

Also wedding bouquet can be bound by crochet. This is a good alternative to live colors. A bouquet that never starts and always be stored with the one that will catch it in flight.

You can do gift bouquets crochet do it yourself for relatives and loved ones.

Knitted bulk flowers are used as decoration on hats and caps for girls.

Here I liked the idea to decorate with knitted flowers not only the caps, but also the caps with the visor. Beautiful bright headdress for a gentle girl.

In the home decor, you can find the use of the colors you associated. For example, decorate with sofa pillows.

Or you can make such a developing rug for your child (or a camoupe cape on a stool).

You can put knitted flowers into the frame in the form volumetric elegant panel painting. And decorate with them living room. Here are some more photos illustrate this idea most convincing way.

Well, now that you have already seen the full potential of the beauty of knitted flowers, let's start our work and create your first flower with a crochet. Let's start with the easiest in the manufacture of colors, and then we will make the schemes more complicated.

So the simplest petal flower with a crochet.

How to tie

The easiest flower

(for beginner masters)

Simple Flower Scheme - this is a middle (ring from air loops, riddled by columns) + Petals (alternation of low and high columns).

That is, that the petal turns out in the form of a semicircular shape, we knit low columns on the edges of the petal, and high columns with an attachment in the middle of the petal.

Often, in a simple flower, the petals look like a column with Nakida nearly seven pieces in one air loop of the lower row (as in the photo below). The end of each petal is a connecting column (similar to a column without a nakid, but only with the instantaneous boundary of the entire column in one loop).

Having learned to knit a flower according to such a scheme, you can use this skill in creating cute things for your daughre or tribes. For example, these are knitted sandals for children.

And if we want in the middle of each petal there was a hole ... then the petal row should be started as a series of arches from air loops associated around the mid-circle. (In the diagram below, this hole-forming row is highlighted in red).

This principle is a round middle + petal of high and low columns Layed All Petal colors. And every new crochet flower scheme is a slightly complicated version of this common for all colors of the principle.

Here in the photo below we have the same principle the principle of the scene of the flower, but slightly modified (there by making the petals are added tooths). One additional detail to the general principle of the scheme - and we already get the flower of another form.

Burry flower crochet

(how to knit multi-layer flowers)

Many colors related to crochet have more than one Line layer - when larger petals look out from under smaller.

Here in the photo below we see an example of such a volumetric multi-tier flower.

(front view + rear view)

Here I make a master class in step-by-step photos. From this lesson, it can be seen exactly how such circular layers of petals are created. Everyone layer-tier petals Looks back to threads of different colors so that it is possible to see how and what to do to tie a bulk flower.

And now, when we understood the basic principles of knitting a simple flower, we will begin to complicate the task. And look at the flower more interesting.

Pansies hook.

Simple description

For beginners will be forces knitting pansies flower (See the photo below).

It also knives just - the round middle of the chains (linked by connecting columns). And petals - with high columns in several nakidov.

This flower knitting passes in 3 stages.

The first stage is the creation of a middle (Yellow chain, Budget with connecting columns). Then the strain of the middle of the darkness ..

Second stage - 2 purple petals fit (First, 2 arches from air loops - at the top of the core) and then above each of the two arches, we grow with the petal itself (columns with two sides on the sides and with three nakides in the center of the petal).

Third stage - knit three light petals - Usually, like other petals (the main thing is to divide the meded circle to three equal parts itself - and each of the parts is assigned in the form of a petal.

Pansies can be associated and according to another scheme - Here is the photo below.

Or you can come up with your design and the area of \u200b\u200bthis flower with crochet. (Examples in the photo below).

The next ease of flower is Narcissus.

How to tie flowers

narcissa crochet.

Here in the photo below we see on what principle the flower of Narcissus is connected. Here first knives Yellow (or Orange) Cashechka Middle... and then the petals are recruited from the bottom of this middle.

Each petal is columns with different number of nakidov... At the edges of the petal of the columns without nakidov - and the closer to the center the more nakidov on the column. And in the very center of the petal one air loop (in order for the petal to get a sharp corner).

For example, a description of knitting such a petal It may look like this - connecting column + art. without nakid + art. With Nakid + Art. With two Caidis + Art. With three nakida + one air + art. With three nakidi + art. With two Caidis + Art. with one nakid + art. Without a nakid + connecting column. That is, first we go to the increase in the number of Nakidov - and after the center of the petal we go to the decrease in the nakidov in the column. And we get a pointed ease of daffodil. (from the left photo below).

And if we want to tie a daffodil with the right picture in the photo above, The description of knitting the petal will look like this:

The first half of the petal(Go to the lift)

single Column + 2 Air (for Lifting) + Art. With Nakid + Art. With 2Kids + Art. with 3 nakid + art. With 4 nakida + 2 air (for a sharp corner on top of the petal) ...

Second half of the petal (We go to the descent, therefore the same is the most alternation, but in the reverse order)

art. With 4 nakida + art. with 3 nakid + art. with 2 nakida + st .c climb + connecting

Very funny idea To give someone a bouquet of living daffodils, among which bulk knitted flowers were unobtrusively lost - I think the gifted will not immediately notice that not all the flowers are made by the hands of nature.

How to knit crochet

Flowers Lrangessi

And since we learned to knit the central cup for daffodils, then we can tie and lilies bouquet - a cup of lilies in the lilies kits in the same way as the cups inside Narcissa. Also knit in a circle ... and add so many loops so that our circle is not flat, and wrapped in a deep cup.

It remains only to tie wide leaflets of Lily Sisha. Here in the photo I applied a lonelywear knitting scheme.

And here is another model of knitting lilion flower . Already with a large number of rows in a flower cup, because the threads are thin and the size of the hook is less. But the principle is understandable and in the photo, without any schemes - Vyazele Cup of the flower and on the edge of the cups Vyazele Small Arches of Lace, so that it turns out a cake of a rushem on the edge of the flower (Kaimka fit on the same petal principle of the addition and recess of the Nakdov).

How to tie flowers

With narrow petals.

Here in the Scheme below we see according to what principle, flowers are created with a fringe cutting of petals. Every petal of such a knitted flower is air loop chain up And the descent from the connecting columns to this chain down to the middle of the flower.

Romaist petals The same principle will fit on the same - only each petal is a double running of the columns - two rows on each side of the petal.

And as can be seen on photographed master class - Petals knit no around the ready middle. And just on the chains of air loops - and only then this chain is folded into the circle and the petals are moved in a circle as rays.

You yourself can choose the shape of the petals, solve how much the ethyst petals should be around the middle, to determine the length of the petal ...

In any case, you will have a pretty chamomile ... and do not be afraid What you knit not as in the scheme. You yourself master - And try, and see what happens. More petals - it means they easily easily (I picture 2 photos below). Less petals means between them there will be a distance (picture 1 photo below).

And when you learn to knit the chamomile with crochet - you can then turn them into elegant cup holders - just having rugs them in a circle with a contrasting green color (as in the photo below).

Or you can tie a naraced vase with camomiles crochet. Buy a small flower pot, sew a small bulk pad - such that it snaps tightly inside the vase. Then tie chamomile and green branches - and put them on top covered in a pillow pot. For greater gravity and stability in the pillow, you can fill the sand (weighted vase will not fall).

By the same "chamomile" principle knit lily petals. Only the beginning of knitting is not flat middle, and bulk middle In the form of a cup. And then the petals of the chamomile are sympathetic around this cup. And we get Lily as in the photo below.

Knitted flowers

With wide petals.

Colors with wide petals can be attributed maks and orchids. Let's look at how to tie such flowers.

In the photo below it is clear - that at first three petals fit around the black middle. And then the hook goes under them and the next three petals arrive at the back side of the flower (so that they look out due to the first petals).

But you can do poppies with flat layout of petals in one row. As on this photo below (still beautiful).

Can be done so that the petals locked each other. Such a nesting of petals to each other turns out by itself - because each new petal begins its resource with the middle. First, the middle (central part) of the petal is tied, and then his edges around this middle are tied. And therefore, the edges themselves stick out - braziness to the neighboring petal. The scheme below shows how such a flower fit.

But the scheme knitting wide petals of the orchid flower.

Here is a larger white orchid flowers with a photo above.

If you do not have a circuit, but you want to associate the right flower, then you need to start with patterns from paper. First, we cut out the petals of the desired form, then we fold them into a paper flower. And if the image of this flower is its sizes and proportions of petals relative to each other we like - then we can proceed to knitting.

Orchid with the photo above - 2 lower petal and central petals are simple ovals (there is a scheme in our article).

But two side petals - have the form of "ears". They just knit. You need to carefully look at the photo and then it will be understood how Master's Hand Moves, Where the beginning of the mating. Where to continue, and what he does at the final stage.

The petal-ear fit in 3 steps.

1 step (red) -Reighted chain of air loops (in the figure the red line - I counted 12 air in a row)

2 step (salad) - Around this chain, the columns are knit without Caida, so that there is a smooth oval (in the figure the light green line of the rows). At the place of rotation of our oval - we knit 2 columns in one bed of the lower row (the scheme of oval in this article is).

3 step (green) - Now it is necessary that even an oval rose to the left and right ears ... That is, the expansion of orchid petals. Сначала мы вяжем «ниженее ухо» — видите как идет на низ темно-зеленая линия — и как она зигзагом петляет влево, вправо наращивая ряды этого уха.

And then we climb upstairs and knit the top ear - the same zigzag location of the rows ...

In conclusion, we reinstate the entire petal in a circle - so that he has a smooth edge.

Rushess fashion

To knit colors.

If you knit a simple circle - but in each row add a large number of loops... then our the circle will start wrinkle and worry - And we get a round lanes flower. Such a bulk poppy flower in the photo below. It has no individual petals. It's just a circle - which by itself twisted the waves, due to the submerged addition of columns in each row.

Try yourself - just any number of columns - For example, three columns into each loop of the previous row ... or four (so that the wave is cooler) ... or five columns in each loop (so that the wave is completely twisted). Here in the photo below the map of Mac with a small waviness on the petals.

And you can make the lust of the petals very strong. For this principle of a strong wave twist knit volumetric flowers Carnations ...

First fit wrinkled wavy circle. Then another circle. And you can one more. And then these mugs fold together (not on each other, and next to each other) - into the wrinkled bundle edges up. This bundle of the urinary is stuffed inside a cup of chalical - green cup of inflorescence. And it turns out a flower of a carnation associated with a crochet.

Flowers crochet

with oval petals

You can still learn knit crochet oval. And then we can knit flowers with oval petals and leaves. For example, these knitted tulips or crocuses, or pitchers.

For such oval-petal colors, you need to learn how to knit oval. He fit simply - here is this scheme. The beginning of the scheme is a central series - a chain of air and the first row of columns on it.

That is, first we knit the central series of oval ... And then knitting goes in a circle - around this central series.

If we want our oval on one sideOn the other hand, it was expanding - then we can knit fewer columns from one edge - and there are more columns from the other edge.

This is how it is shown in the diagram below.

By the same principle, a piece of pointed form knit. Let's wonder the crochet leaves. Let's look at the master class knitting the heart-shaped petal.

Crochet Flowers Leaf

(master class and start-up schemes)

Here, I applied the photo-master class knitting acute leaf (it is suitable for lilac, roses and other flower crochet).

Knitting this leaf starts from the center (as well as the oval) - the row should have a arc-shaped form, so we begin to knit from low columns (without Nakid) and in the middle of a row, there are high columns (with 2 and 3 nakidami).

Or such a sharp core sheets can be associated in a circle ... That is, first we make a ring from the air. And then in a circle, we alternate the columns without nakidov (at the bottom of the leaf) and the columns with a large number of nakidov (in the elongated part of the leaf. And then we make the strapping around the entire leaf (to create a green rib-edge.

But below the clover leaf pattern.

And I also collected photos of leaflets of different forms ... where you can see how they are climbed.

Here is a master class below shows how one of the complex crochet leaves is created.

These are the ideas for knitting colors and crochet leaves. I hope the master classes and schemes posted here will help you understand and feel that knitted flowers do it yourself - it's easy, it's fast, and this is such a scope for imagination.

Feel in love with this idea ... Come up with a hat with daughter flowers, booties with flowers for granddaughter. Create a warm and beautiful for your loved ones. And let you succeed.

Olga Klishevskaya, especially for the site

One of the most beautiful flowers is Gerbera.
The plant is named after the famous German botany and the doctor F. Gerbera.

Many long gentle pink petals frame apricot color. In the center - dark burgundy "stamens" from beads. For knitting, a thin "iris" ("gamma") and hook №1 were used. Flower knits in three stages according to the scheme.

Initially we will connect the pink base with petals. Please note that the columns of each next row of the central circle fit with the capture of the bottom wall of the base. Because later the upper walls will be needed for registration of the peach "rings". It turns out 2 circles of pink petals. The upper fit with the capture of the upper wall of the latter, 4th, row, and the bottom - with the capture of the lower wall of the columns of the same 4th row.
When the petals are tied, go to the second stage. Knit peach "ring" according to the scheme, for the upper walls of columns 2 and 3 rows of the base. And the third stage - link the substrate according to the scheme, pink circle. Scroll and disappear the petals, giving them a beautiful shape. Disappear the substrate. Now enter it to the back of the flower using the same pink "iris" and an embroidery needle. Like this.

Go to the decoration of the center beads. Just the burst suns, using a needle with a thin eye and a regular white thread for sewing.


Such plaids of knitted flowers with crochet always make an eye, warming all family members and of course raise the mood. There are no need for knitting patterns for knitting, but some plaids can be hit by anyone.

The color range of colors can be any - from pastel to bright, it all depends on your preference and taste. Floral blankets knit from acrylic, it does not learn, it does not stretch, do not sit down and is also good after washing. Tie such a covering itself necessarily, it is worthy of working a little over him.

Although the plaid knits very easily, even a novice knitter will cope with the knitting of flowers, the main thing is not to get confused in the combination of flower motifs.

There are many knitting methods such gerbera, we will show you all the schemes, and you choose the most convenient for you. For you, you need to decide on the color gamut, in which you will knit gerberas, and the location of the flower tones will look at the knitting. Description can be.

The gerbera begins with knitting the middle, so it is better to impose their approximately the right amount, and then knit flowers, connecting the petals into one tape of the desired flag length. When you return back, clinging the petals of the color of the previous row and new.

The gerbera herself can be with a different number of petals in one or two layers, but such a plaid will already be harder. Although the flower itself looks painful.

Color assembly scheme can be viewed on the example of a flower scarf. Connection of motifs is the same, just a scarf is connected by flowerflowers without a middle of another color, and one-time. Wash plaid, as one more option, can also be like that.


The hook 2.5, the yarn is different, but about one thickness: acrylic, wool, semide and mohair. Flowers of wool and half-wish are fun, and from mohair - expensive and gentle. From the mohair you can associate the palatine.The whole chip of this blanket is in the connection of motifs - they are connected as the links of the chain, due to which the effect of a living floral field is created. In this photo, the process of attaching flowers is shown.

By the way, there is another important point: The finished plaid is not necessary to disappear and iron - maybe the abyss volume, the petals will disappear and the flowers will be flat.

Gerbera - description and connection:

Knit flowers, connect their petals from air loops in the process of knitting.

(12-14 air loops in one petal)

Around one chamomile 6 daisies. Four petals are connected.

Accordingly, each chamomile 6 * 4 \u003d 24 petal.

The initial circle of chamomile from 9 columns, in the second 18 b / n columns. In the third 24 with chains in the form of petals

First, the seeds of the desired color are knit, and then simply with chains from the Gerbera petals with chains.

Knitted double gerbera

You will need: Yarn Drops Paris from Garnstudio colors 17 and 35, hook 4 mm.


Dial 4 s / n in ring
1st row: 3 V / n lifting, 11 tbsp. s / n, finish the compound. Art. \u003d 12 tbsp. C / N
2nd row: 1 V / n, 1 tbsp. B / N First Art. C / N, * 5 V / n, knit 1 tbsp. C / H in the second V / n from the hook, 1 tbsp. s / n in each. track. 2 V / n, 1 tbsp. b / n in the post V / n., 1 compound. Art. in the next. Art. C / H *, repeat between * - * - 11 times (12 times all), finish 1 compound. Art.
3rd row (knit over the walls of the 1st row): 1 V / n, 1 tbsp. B / N First Art. C / N, * 7 V / n, knit 1 tbsp. C / H in the second V / n from the hook, 1 tbsp. s / n in each. track. 2 V / n, 1 tbsp. b / n in the post V / n., 1 compound. Art. in the next. Art. C / H *, repeat between * - * - 11 times (12 times all), finish 1 compound. Art.
Cut and secure the thread.

Master class double gerbera in the photo:

Crochet gerbera schemes:

Master class compounding colors in the photo:

Openwork floral palatine and scarf

You can knit flowers for the plaid on the example of a palatine and scarf, they knit in two ways: without binding knitting and individual motives.

Openwork flower palatine from LET magazine S Knit Series is bound by crochet number 3 of 355 g yarn (100% wool; length 120 m / 40 g). Palaten size 136 x 42.5 cm.

Distribution of yarn in colors - 130 g of pale pink and lilac yarn and 95 g of light gray yarn.

Palantine is assembled from round motifs and a diameter of 5.5 cm. Total in the Palantine 84 pale pink motifs and 84 lilac motifs. Each motive is beginning to knit with a sliding loop. The motives of different colors are placed in a chess and combine with each of the adjacent 2 petals.

In the intervals between the motifs are inserted into small squares in from light gray yarn. Total will require 138 squares.

The assembled canvas is tied up with 3-circular rows of light gray yarn.

Master class of obsolete knitting colors on the example of a scarf