"The surviving Romanovs": the most famous impostors. Excretion of the impostors of Romanov (Jews Holstein), Germans of Germany

The impostors in Russia have always grabbed. Alone Lhadmitriev still can not count the historians - whether there were four of them, or five, or six ... but somehow we used to believe that the phenomenon of impostor - these are not just the long-lasting days, and for a long time . Meanwhile, the XX century in this sense was not very different from the XVII century. Another thing is that they wrote about the latest impostors more and more in the "yellow" press and a little - in popular science journals. When experts were able to seriously study this problem, they were simply amazed at how many impostors wandered around Russia and how stable it turned out to be this phenomenon, which one might say exists today.

One of the main authorities in this area is the Russian historian Academician Veniamin Alekseev, who once started in the Novosibirsk Academgorodok, and now heads the Institute of History and Archeology of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Academician Alekseev is known for his special opinion of the Commission to study issues related to the study and reburial of the remains of the Russian emperor Nicholas II and his family (about this "VN" already wrote).

Recently, Veniamin Vasilyevich published two new books - "Public History Potential" and "Resurrection Romanovs? ..", in which, on the basis of completely unique materials, talks about the impostors who issued themselves for members of the family of the last Russian emperor.

What are these materials? The academician allocates two main groups of sources: first, oral stories about the salvation of members of the royal house of Romanov, who are also transferred to the oral tradition. And secondly, these are the materials of investigative cases on charges of anti-Soviet agitation. With the last stiffness, the secrecy was removed only 10-15 years ago. What is important - they, among other things, contain crucial information about the personalities of the Samostvants themselves, how these people were perceived in different social layers, as reality intertwined with legends.

Romanovs could survive?

Not everyone is convinced that in the Petropavlovsky Cathedral, it is Romanovs ... A photos of the last Russian emperor and his families have already attracted the attention of researchers, including foreign ones for many decades. It is they who feed the greatest illusions about the fact that Romanovs could escape. For example, Guy Richards in the "Tsar Hunt" this proves that. He writes that there is a considerable amount of evidence that "all members of the royal family secretly escaped." And moreover, "on a joint agreement with the Bolsheviks, their disappearance was presented as a shooting."

An even more original version put forward in the book "The conspirator who saved Romanov" Harry Null. He told the world that the Savior of the Tsarist family was the former secretary of Grigory Rasputin Aaron Simanovich, whom many probably remember the surviving book Valentine Pikule "in the last feature." This version is: the German emperor allegedly insisted that, when signing the Brest Treaty, one secret point was included, which would guarantee the liberation of the royal family. The Bolsheviks did not hold the promise, and therefore Simanovich, having been in Berlin and talking about everything with Wilhelm II, returns to Russia, where he tries to bribe one of the commissars fifty thousand rubles, so that the king train would go to the German border.

The first attempt failed, and then Simanovich undertakes a new one: he introduces the UK fox to the protection of the house in Yekaterinburg, where Romanovs were kept. Two weeks later, Fox is already captain and acts as follows: First, he drank Yekaterinburg, then poisoned several guards and managed to plant a royal family in a truck. The truck through Odessa moved to Poland ...

But what about the evidence - things and the remains? There is an answer: things that really belonged to the royal family, and the fake tooth of Dr. Botkin Simanovich threw in the fire, and when that went out, poured a couple of liters of sulfuric acid to this place. The ending chord was the handful of diamonds, which was threw in a hissing puddle of acid and dirt. But these diamonds believed not to the royal daughters - "these were gifts Rasputin. Even after death, he served the king."

And in the completion, the overseas researcher sorrified the sensational news that Nikolai II died peacefully in a Polish village ... in 1952.

According to Academician Alekseeva, the situation associated with the recognition of the Government Commission of the remains found in the Urals, the remains of the family members of the last Russian emperor, may have unexpected consequences, since it was a "ill-quality work". It is possible, at first glance, a fantastic version: "... Suppose, at the next presidential election, a historical document will appear, which indicates that everything was not. That the shooting occurred not as they write, and that they were not shot, and Someone stayed alive, and from him there are grandchildren and great-grandchildren somewhere in Spain or in France, and they can claim the Russian throne. It can give rise to the problem of impostor. In Russia, how many impostors were, starting with Falgestmitria I. "

Only in 1923, Academician Alekseev discovered 18 people at once, who were attracted by the Ekaterinburg OGPU to the consequence, since they declared themselves to the royal children. By the way, "in the XVII century the impostors were only 12". Who just do not meet in this list! Here and the "king" with the "queen", "Tsarevich Alexey" together with "Princess Anastasia, Maria, Olga, Tatiana", "Prince Mikhail" and even some "Grisha of a difficult kind".

Four investigative cases were already published on "Prince Mikhail" - Mikhail Alekseevich Pozdeev, whose activity as an impostor continued at 30 years old - from the 20s to the 50s of the 20th century. Mikhail Pozdeev was a religious impostor. In the camps he served for "Prince Mikhail", and later appeared in the new image - Archbishop Seraphim Ostrumov. Even the NKVD employees who arrested Pozdeev at leaving one of the Kiev churches were confident that they were arrested by an Orthodox bishop, and no impostor. By the way, Pozdeev was convicted for 25 years, and leading to freedom, lived in the Orenburg region under the name of the monk Anthony. Interestingly, he was canonized by the Virgin Center as the Patriarch of the True Orthodox Church Seraphim Solovetsky.

So, this very Mikhail Pozdeev even in the 50s of the last century spread rumors that Nicholas II is alive with his family and hides in remote caves not far from the city of Verdtury region Sverdlovsk region.

For one of the daughters of Nikolai II - Maria, the former Nunch of Ekaterina Shangin-Bochkarev was betrayed himself. She told that the king was saved and he lives abroad, and the heir to the throne Alexey graduated from school and under the fictional last name now lives in Chita.

The impostors were declared not only in Russia, but also abroad. It is known that in the USA, Germany, Japan and China, information appeared that there was seen by someone from members of the royal family. Amazing, but the fact: December 31, 1963 in the United States organized a meeting "Alexey" and "Anastasia".

And the most famous foreign impostor became a certain Anna Anderson, which is written quite a few books and even removed the film in Hollywood. This lady declared himself anastasia and reported that she survived during the execution, saved one of the soldiers. 32 years continued the court, which eventually did not recognize the death of Anastasia in the Urals fact, but did not prove that Anna Anderson is the daughter of the Russian king. By the way, the documents of this court are marked by a vulture of secrecy for a hundred years.

In 1991, new rumors appeared. One Latvian lawyer said that the royal family was in a deep secrecy setting taken out in Sukhumi, where he lived to deep old age, and twins were shot in the Ipatiev House ...

Closer to us

In 1926-27, in the territory from Biysk to Smolensk, it appeared, as Academician Alekseev, a whole group of impostors. It started still in 1923, when there were rumors in Biysk and Rubtsovsk that the "Heir to Alexey" hides in these parts. Soon the OGPU organs held a whole series of arrests, finding a liavarya. And six months later, "Anastasia Nikolaevna Romanov" and "Grand Prince Vladimir" was arrested in the Urals. Later and "Princess Maria Nikolaevna". When the connections were traveled, then a single "case of princes" arose.

It turned out that Tsarevich Alexei was presented by the unemployed Alexey Shitov excluded from Komsomol for hooliganism. "Prince Andrey" turned out to be the Tver man Nikolai Kushikov, who speculated piglets and boots. Even the "King Nikolai" himself was announced, which, however, did not look at all at the last Russian emperor. And the soul of the entire company was "Maria Nikolaevna", the origin and the nationality of which the OGPU was established and could not. Therefore, she passed through all the documents as Koshikov-Chesnikov-Malyugu-Andrievskaya.

At interrogations, the impostors told that they believed in traditional Russian hospitality and sympathy for the poor and persecuted. So it turned out. Probably, therefore, death sentences were carried out to everyone who voluntarily or even accidentally fell under the shadow of the house of Romanov. So this time the impostors who lived in Altai were sentenced to shooting. Historian of Rights: "Fix-Romanov's shooting followed the logic of the execution of genuine Romanovs."

Studies are continuing, and for sure we will also learn a lot of new and the latest pages of the history of the house of Romanov, and about those who called themselves kings, princes and great princes.

On the night of July 17, 1918 in Yekaterinburg in the basement of the House of Mining Engineer Nikolai Ipatiev, the royal family of Romanov, during which everyone died: the Russian emperor Nicholas II, his wife Empress Alexander Fedorovna, their children are the great Princess Olga, Tatiana, Maria, Anastasia, Heir to Zesarevich Alexey. This event has become one of the most mysterious in the history of Russia of the 20th century, covered with many legends and myths.

Execution of the Russian Emperor Nicholas II and his family members95 years ago, on the night of July 16, July 17, 1918, in Yekaterinburg, the Russian Emperor Nicholas II, His wife Empress Alexander Fedorovna, their children and approximate, were shot in the basement of the house of the home engineer Nikolai Ipatyev.

The consequences of the tragic death of the dynasty were not forced to wait long ago: in the same year, rumors were born about the wonderful salvation of daughters and sons of the emperor. By the number of adventurers who claimed the role of the children of the last Russian emperor Nicholas II, the Romanov dynasty is on top of the pedestal. To date, according to various sources, there are about 230 impostors. The impostors were divided mainly into two categories: mentally abnormal people who sincerely believed that they are relevant to the imperial family and calculating scammers who want to receive mythical royal deposits. Moreover, the invasion of obsessed with the throne touched not only our country, the whole of Europe also underwent the appearance of the "resurrected" sons and daughters of Nikolai second.

False Olga

The impostations who spent under the name of Olga Nikolaevna, the eldest daughter of the emperor, today there are about thirty. Different women from different countries of the world sometimes announced themselves to the older daughter of the shot Russian emperor.

MARDA BOADETS is perhaps the most prosperous of the "Romanov's impostors". For the first time appeared in France before the beginning of World War II, gathering money from Dobrochot for "a miraculous of the Great Princess", completely impoverished and therefore forced to ask for alms. She managed to convince the prince of Friedrich Saxen-Altenburg itself, who, in turn, presented it to the court of Prince Oldenburg, the Kiss of Friedrich-Wilhelm II. Former Kaiser received a letter from her in 1949 and allocated her amount in the amount of 80,000 gold rubles. Prince Oldenburg also paid her retirement until his death in 1970. Ultimately, false Olga was arrested for fraud.

Libe Anastasia

Analyznaya Anastasia is most famous, because this in every way contributed to the loud glory of the first of the self-prochank - Anna Anderson.

Anna Anderson, she is Francisk Shanzkovsk, appeared in Berlin, where, after an unsuccessful suicide attempt was concluded in a psychiatric clinic. According to some versions, in this clinic, one of the patients "identified" in it the great princess, after which Shartzkovsk decided to experience good luck and return the title. Other sources reported that Anderson came to Berlin to find his "aunt" of Princess Irene, the sister of Queen Alexandra, but, hitting the palace, was rejected and humiliated, after which he decided to bring abuse with life.

For more than twenty years, the applicant tried to achieve in European courts to recognize himself great prince, but did not succeed in this.

In honor of the famous adventurers after her death in 1986, the film was filmed "Anastasia: Anna Riddle," telling one of the versions of her attempts to become prince.


The number of self-stocked Tsearevichi Alekseev comes up to 80 people. Among them: Alexey Puzyato, Vasily Filatov, Nikolay Chebotarev, Eino Tammem and many others. The first, Alexey Puzyato, appeared a few months later after the execution and immediately went with Admiral Kolchak, who told about his wonderful salvation. According to the explanations of Lia-Cesarevich, he managed to jump out of the moving train, which was visiting the royal family in the link, and then hide friends. The frank lie was obvious, and the teacher Zesarevich Pierre Gilira exposed a furist and made a confession in deception.


After graduating from the Civil War, in 1923, in London it became known about a certain Margelate Lindsay. After marriage with Cradle Lindsay, mysterious Madame began to carefully avoid talking about his past, which caused mass resonance and gave rise to rumor that she was Tatiana from the imperial family. Margherit itself did not react to human gossip.

False Maria

Alina Karamidas, known as "Grandmother Alina", gave himself for the great princess Maria Nikolaevna, who avoided the execution in 1918. "Grandmother Alina" announced in 1954 not in Russia, not in Europe, but in South Africa, together with the elderly man named Frank, a little later thanked her husband. According to the neighbors who knew Kararamidas longer and better than the rest, at some point the false princess began to negotiate, for example, that in fact she is from Russia. The proof began to search for a neighbor himself than long-year.

Material prepared on the basis of RIA news and open sources

It is very difficult to sort out the layers of lies and falsehood, which is called the Russian history. In particular, in the place where it is about the noble origin of her self-excavant kings ...

The most "noble" Russian surname, which was ruled in Russia, was always considered the genus of Romanov, who, judging by numerous legends, began to start her from almost the descendant of Prussian kings. I, I confess, has already written about the "noble" kind of Romanov, but I did not dig. Now, taking into account the newly discovered data, I will continue this opus.

According to the established Moscow legend of Romanov, this is an old nobility genus, which is considered to be Andrei Ivanovich Mare, whose father, Kambil Divonich, in Baptism Ivan, came to Russia in the last quarter of the XIII century from Lithuania. Well, or "from the Pruss". Andrei Ivanovich had five sons: Semyon stallion, Alexander Tree, Vasily Ivatay, Gabriel Gavsha and Fyodor Cat, who became ancestor of 17 "noble" Moscow noble houses.

The boyar Nikita Romanovich Zaharin-Yuriev, the son of which in the world Fedor, and in the church life of Patriarch Filaret, in 1613, took the hostage to the Ground Cathedral (Mongolian Kurultaya) and elected his young son Mikhail to hostages Fedorovich king.

The most mysterious figure in our chain of conclusions is the figure of Andrei mare, the origin that allegedly belongs to Prussian monarchs. In particular, in Wikipedia, you can find data that Andrei Kobyl left "from German", from Prussian land. In the 18th century, the legend was supplemented by a prologue, in which it was about the fact that a certain prince of Glove Cambilo, the son of Prince Divon, the descendant of the Prussian King of Vivevut, tested in the fight against the Teutonic Order, went along with his son and many subjects to the Great Prince Alexander Yaroslavich Nevsky that from the Moscow point of view was quite logical and justified.

In much more close to the reality, the list of noble Tatar births is mentioned that Romanovs are in direct relationship with such Turkic childbirth as Sheremeteva and Kolychev, leading their origin from Andrei mare nicknorm Sheremet.

In 1995, S. Konev published the "Rostov" synodik "(the Sanidik - a list with the transfer of the died of died to commemorate during worship, that is, a memorial service), which refers to the names of many Moscow boyars of the XIV-XV centuries, among which the ancestor of Romanovs is mentioned - Andrei Aleksandrovich Mare. Based on this, the historian Kuzmin concluded that Andrei had Kostroma origin. According to Kuzmin, Andrei could be the Son of Kostroma Boyharov Alexander killed in 1304. But back to synonymy. The name of the ancestor of the king is mentioned in it in the following context: "Andrei Alexandrovich the mare and his son His Feodoro, and his wife, Marie, and Theodor, and John, Alexander, Mikhail Fedorovich, eternal memory." These data allow us to know that the wife of Fedor Cat was called Maria, and Boyhari mare called Andrei Aleksandrovich! And not "Ivanovich", as the Moscow legend says. Based on the data obtained, the historian Kuzmin suggested that Andrei Mare had not just a Kostroma origin, but was a very noble genus. He was the son of Kostroma Boyharov Alexander Zerno killed in the mint. The father of which, Zahariya grain is known as the founder of the Ipatiev Monastery.

And here it starts the most interesting! The name Zahariya actually belongs to one of the most famous Genghisids in the history of Muscovy, namely, the direct descendant of Genghis-Khan - Tatar Murza Chetu, who adopted Orthodoxy and who came to Muscovy at the time of Calif Ivan, better known as Ivan Kalita. Zahariya Grain (Chet) became not just the founder of the Orthodoxy of the Monastery, but also marked the beginning of the Pleiad of the Tatar noble childbirth of Muscovy, to which: Godunov, Saburov, Zernov and Veljamin-grains. The famous Russian historian and Genealogue of Veselovsky in his essay "Moscow region in antiquity" writes: "The third native of the all-Russian scale was the genus of Kostromsky Boyarov Alexander Zhanovich grain. He was the ancestor of such famous boyars, like Godunov, Saburov, Veljamin-Zernov. " And only following them was the genus of the Andrei mare, the most likely bastard of the genus grain and the ancestor of the Romanovs.

According to the annals, it is known that in 1304 the struggle in Kostroma, the struggle between the great Tver and the Great Moscow Princes for the Grand Durability Throne. As a result of the fight, the son of Chet - Alexander grain died. About the boyar Andrei mare chronicles remember only one day. He, being in the service of the Great Moscow Prince Ivanovich Proud Seeds, in 1347, he was sent from Moscow to Tver for the bride of the Grand Prince, the daughter of the Grand Duke Tver Alexander Mikhailovich. It is much more often remembered in the chronicles of the genus Godnovy. Godunov was much more renowned than any Moscow Tatars, as for the example of the princes Shui. But what do we do with a mare? Why is there so little data about him?

Not a mare and a dog

And the thing is that the ancestor of Romanov - Andrei Alexandrovich Mare was not at all a mare. He actually became a mare due to the wrong writing of his last name in Greek. Helped us learn this son of the mare - Fedor Cat, one of the main associates of Dmitry Donskoy, about which information in historical documents is much more than about the father. Remember in particular Fedor in the letter of the Tsar Edigaya Great Prince Vasily Dmitrievich: "Moskovskaya Land was our faithful ulus; I kept fear, I paid tribute, honored ambassadors and guests of Ordan. You, the oldest prince in the Ulus Moskovsky, are not in the Horde. Your things are not good. Were you have morals and are good when Boyarin Fedor Cat lived and reminded you of royal statements. "

What are we talking about? What Boyarin Cat, the ancestor of Romanov, was looking over the Moscow Prince, and while he was alive, he helped that the Word given them, and, in particular, to pay a timely tribute. But an even more interesting passage from the chronicles for 1389: "He married Prince Mikhailo Aleksandrovich Tver Son's son in Moscow at Fedor with a cat, Ondreyev Son, a dog, and Vieden to be in Tver." Or speaking simply: "Tver Prince Mikhail married one of his sons on the daughter of Fedor Cats, that is, on the granddaughter of Andrei Dog"! But what's the dog, if Fedor Cat's father is a mare? How was the chronicler so mistreal, calling the noble chingizis not the name? But the whole thing, as I wrote above in the wrong writing of the name of the definitely known grandson of the Chet.

"Dog" - the word Tatar, and it sounds like a "cobby", and it could be written in Greek somehow like "Cobaka", and read by little Muscovites as "Dog", as "Kobyaka", and subsequently after numerous rewriting of pedigree books and at all as "mare"! As for the name of the four-legged friend of a person in Ukrainian, which has become the basis for the "Russian", as in the other Slavic languages, the "dog" is called "Dog". It is also fun for this information in the light of this information that Ivan Grozny was married to Martha Dogian. But not the essence, the main thing is that we need to remember that Romanovs are the descendants of Tatar Murza (Prince) Chet, whose grandson Andrei Dog, he also, in the Moscow version of mythology turned into a Prussian Prince.

Ipatiev Monastery

The monastery was founded at about 1330 by a notable Tatar Murz Chet. It is very important, it seems to me, remember that the monastery has become a generic nest not only a couple, but also his descendants of Godunov, Zajakharia (Romanovs), Veljamin, Saburovy, Shiny. In particular, in the mosses of the monastery, since the autumn of 1612 there lived a future king - the young Mikhail Romanov. He lived, even until the moment when March 13, 1613, the Embassy headed by Fedor Ivanovich Sheremetev (his distant relative) arrived in the monastery on March 13, 1613. On March 14, 1613, in the Trinity Cathedral of the Ipatiev Monastery, a solemn rite of vocation Mikhail Romanov was performed to the kingdom.


304 years of Romanov

Le Figaro 05/30/2016

Princesses Romanovs: Non-Salad Princesses


400 years ago Romanovs rose to the royal throne

InoSMI 07.03.2013

Romanovs are asking for eternal peace for children Nicholas second

TVN24 18.10.2011 So if we talk about the meaning of this monastery for Moscow, it is undoubtedly important. For here began the main ruling dynasties of it. By the way, for evil rock, fate, which took the beginning in the walls of the Ipatiev Monastery of the Romanov Dynasty, finished her way in the walls of the Ipatiev House. It is impossible to leave without attention and the fact that the Ipatiev Chronicle, dated 1420, who served the main chronicle source of Muscovy for a long time was written here! That is, this is the place where the basis of a grand fake, known today as the history of Muscovy - Russia, was laid.

First novels

The first, according to the legend, the surname of Romanov began to wear the third son of Roman Yurevich Zaharin - Nikita. The older brother of the first wife of Ivan the Terrible - Queen of Anastasia Romanovna. It's not strange, but nobody called Nikita Nikita-Yuriev, and he did not want to be especially striking, especially since he was married to the reinforcement of Evdokia Gorbatoy-Shuisian, even one of the heirs of the Moscow throne, not less than white Tatars from home Ivan Kalita.

Nikita, who wore the name Haybula, who was baptized, led a very thoughtful Byzantine policy. Nikita Romanovich's daughter, Irina, became the wife of Ivan Ivanovich Godunov, the nephew of Boris Godunov. Also, the princes of Troshekurov, Sitsky, Cherkasy, Lykov-Obolensky became his son-in-law. He did not have such success with her sons. In 1601, according to the attempt to poison the king, the five sons of Nikita Romanova-Zaharin were arrested on the attempt. Fedor, who did not have Filaret, he was already hidden in the monastery. By the way, only one Zharin, Ivan Poros, who later tried to prevent his nephew to his nephew to his nephew to his nephew to his nephew Mikhail to his nephew Mikhail, remained alive.

Battle for the throne of Moscow

If you remember the events of the prior to the counterpart of the Romanov, then they are most expensive to consider as the history of the battle for the throne of two heirs: Boris Godunova and Fyodor Romanova. It should be noted that Boris Godunov was a simple officer in 1570, but in 1571 he had successfully married Maria Grigorievna Skuratoy-Belskaya, the daughter of Gregory Lukyanovich Skuratov-Belsky, more famous under the nickname of Skuratov, he unexpectedly became quite significant and respected in Muscovy Person . After the death of the Terrible Moscow, he began to rule his heir - Fedor, under the immediate guardianship of his uncle Boris.

The main achievement of the guardianship period of Boris was the mining agent achieved in 1589 and violence the consent of the Moscow Metropolitan, and the approval of the patriarchate. In January 1598, Fedor, as well as his father, was poisoned, and the competition between four "noble" heirs for the throne began on Muscovy. Claims to which stated: Fyodor Nikitich Romanov, Boris Fedorovich Godunov, Prince Fyodor Ivanovich Mstislavsky and Bogdan Yakovlevich Belsky. Power then at Muscovy captured Godunov. Fyodor Nikitich Romanov was not only a cousin Tsar Fyodor John, but also had a direct attitude towards Zaharia grain, which gave him the rights not the throne, not less than Godun.

Nevertheless, after the first time, in order to avoid death, he was hiding in the monastery in 1600, where he accepted a new one, not the worldly name Philaret and the surname took Romanov. Siah's surname timed to the great fate of his own, because as the heir to the teachings of the Third Rome swore he to elevate him, and help the king of the kings rule over the world. Filaret was a strong politician and managed during the times of the Troubles not only to stay alive, but also to other people's hands to eliminate all his opponents, which gave him the opportunity, on February 21, 1613, the day after the Cathedral (Mongolian Kurultaya Moscow Analogue), to seize power to Muscovy !

Romanov seized power in style typical for raiders of modernity. Moscow was blocked by the Cossack detachments, which completely consisted of their Nogai Tatars. Pozharskiy, and all his supporters, blocked in their homes, and in the building, in which the participants of the cathedral were served, they entered the revolutionary Nogai Cossacks with weapons in their hands and demanded that the Cathedral of the only true, in their understanding, decisions, namely, Mikhail Romanova king.

In order to decide, the Cossacks were legitimate strength, broke to Krutitsky (Sarai or Sarah) Metropolitan Ion, who fulfilled the role of the Patriarch's location, and demanded a confirmation of the "People's" decision to elect Mikhail Romanov king. It should be noted that Filaret himself in the seizure of the belief of participation did not accept. Little of. He arrived in Moscow only on June 14, 1619, and already on June 24, intronization was carried out, after which he became a co-coster of the Moscow state. Surprisingly, then for the first time the servant of the church was called the official "Great Sovereign", and this corresponded to the truth.

Books burn ...

What else is noteworthy. Under Tsar Fyodor Alekseyevich, the older brother Peter I, in 1682 all the discharge books were publicly burned in Moscow, which was conducted from 1475 and contained data on the origin of Moscow boyars. This will be corrected later. The "noble" royal genus Romanov led to the new arch of the origin of noble childbirth, which was called the "velvet book" published in 1687.

Coat of arms Romanov

The biggest mystery for me today is the name coat of arms of the Romanov, developed by Ken, by order of Alexander II, which is described as follows: "The coat of arms of the Romanovs: In the silver field, the siny vulture, holding the Golden Sword and Tarch, topped with a small eagle; On a black border of eight torn lion's heads; Four gold and four silver. " The coat of arms was prepared in 1856, and the prototype was served by Prapper Boyharin Nikita Ivanovich Romanova, who lived in 1607-1654, and having the following description: "Prapor of the middle of the taffeta white, sews a yellow taffeta, with a sword, keeps stigma, in the left paw Highlighting the stigma is written Orlik black, the edge of the sewn into the cherry taffeta, the taffeta is yellow. The slopes armature black, writing the head of Lviv gold and silver, the edge of the taffet of different colors. " Ken de facto replaced the gold color of the griffin from Prapor on the shroud in the silver field in the coat of arms and brought the amount of lion's heads to 8.

How does this coat of arms read? Griffin is an ominous embodiment of revenge, the guard of the treasure of earthly rulers, the Lord of the Dead Underground World. Griffin is a symbol of tartarium. If he is golden means he is royal. But the griffin in 1856 was repainted to the Red - in Russia, as if tie him to the religious idea of \u200b\u200bthe Third Rome. A black eagle sitting on the shield indicates belonging to the idea of \u200b\u200bthe Third Rome. Griffin with a sword and the shield defends his ideas. The idea that the vulture defender of the Romeysian faith - Byzantine, as it were, confirm the Georgievsky colors of Papragov, taken for the showing paleologists: Yellow and black.

But just what to do with cut-off heads? Lions are most often a Celtic symbol. But in the interpretation of 1607, they could be the heads of the kings killed by Romanov: Yellow and White, the number of which grew to 8 to 1856. The lions are really the most mysterious symbol of this coat of arms, and considering the fact that there is no normal decrypted by anyone, most likely carry some unlucky truth, like the whole Moscow history.

White Tatars

In order to summarize this story about the "noblest" royal Moscow race of Romanov, I would like to note that the whole story of Russia is pierced by the claims of its rulers to be called the heads of the religious community. Their desire to make Moscow with a religious center, be the kings of the kings, being the center of the Universe - PUP of the Earth. All of them this fanatical fault, as it were, pushed them on all those bloody madness, on the eternal struggle between themselves for the throne, for the right to rule over the world.

In the captured, captured by them in 1242, Kiev Metropoline, which also had the name Rus became for them as if the very basis on which they were trying to build a certain parody of Eternal Rome, to the Roman Empire, or on her later European analogue: sacred Roman Empire. Pay attention to the ads of the Christian Caliphate at Ivan Kalita, Muscovy, its political life acquires some meaningfulness.

Entering in 1321, Islam as an official religion, the king of Uzbek gave Moscow the opportunity to remain a Christian state. Moreover, such a decision in the literal sense of the word was a starting point for moving on its territory of those Genghisids, which Islam did not accept the religion. It was after such a decision of Uzbek to Muscovy, more and more began to appear those from the Tatars who did not perceive the new religion. And it is these orthodoxs that become the very white bone of the new Moscow - Moscow Tatar. Moscow gradually turned into a religious center of baptized Tatars, which did not disappear at all to enjoy their relationship with less famous, in their opinion, the Tatars of those who accepted Islam to achieve their military purposes.

And here, it is at this time that there is a divine. The people whose nation can be defined as the Tatars begin to forget about their roots calling themselves the name of Faith - Rus. In parallel, in the literal sense, the wolts moved from Russia - Kiev to Vladimir Metropoline and moves to Moscow at all! Agree, the wonderful paradox: the center of Ruska - Kiev Metropolis, until 1448 was in Moscow. And after Ioann VIII died in 1448 - the Byzantine emperor, Moscow openly declares that now it is Rome Third and the last. Rome, who came to replace Rome second - the eternal breed - Constantinople!

Moscow is becoming the second Kiev - New Rus, the Church appropriately with her Rusky, the tongue of the church - Rusky, for all the books are written on it. Believers - Ruski! As for the nation, the people, here, well, not in the middle of the XV century still understanding the people - the nation, in the sense in which we understand this term today. So what happens :? And it turns out that since 1448, Moscow begins to consider himself to be Holy Rus or in Tatar White Rus. The sovereign calls him a white king. And the sovereign people, a single faith with him begin to call themselves Ruschik, although on the national basis it is Tatars, Chuvashi, Bulgars, Cheremis, Mordva, Mongols, Kalmyks and many more of the Turkic peoples!

The Moscow Prince calls himself a ruler of the country, not because he rules over Russia, which was then part of the huge Slavic state - the Grand Duch of Lithuanian and Rusky, but because he declares claims to the throne of the mythical Holy Rus! He considers himself a governor of God on Earth, who was prepared by the fate to become the king of the kings and save the whole world from Hynes of the fiery surroundings of him in the only correct version of the Moscow heresy. The Moscow impostor states a claim by the world, guided by the prophecies of the Novgorod elder with the phyloge in his facilities!

Moscow becomes a faithful Russian country, and only after the real seizure of Russia at the end of the XVII century, and after the reform, as a result of which the True Moscow Church becomes an old-supplied. Moscow begins to be called Orthodox, and through the stern of the century of the Russian Empire. A certain Moscow analogue of the Romean Empire - Byzantium, with all its regalia and coat of arms.

At the same time, the people of Moscow on ethnic composition, as it was and remains Tatarsky - and it does not change his roots! As does not change its attitude towards his slaves, not noble Tatar blood, Rabam-Christians - serfs to peasants. Which would seem to them and unintellites, but not the brothers. Similarly, with non-tried tatars. White Moscow Tatars have always treated them with some disgust, considering their lower estates. Actually, why and in the pedigrees of their every relationship with them diligently cleaned, taking the Greek names and the strange genus of the surname.

Did anything changed over the past 500 years? Not! In Moscow, there are still "noble" white tatars, non-denominated slaves of Christians plow in the fields, Tatars-Muslims, the second and third grade are fighting for the power of the Moscow Corona in Syria and in Ukraine and in other hot spots. And yes, Moscow still dreams of getting Ukraine to his collection - and its capital Kiev, and Rome Second - Constantinople ...

Insurance materials contain estimates of exclusively foreign media and do not reflect the position of the EOSMI's editorial office.

On July 7, 1918, the royal family was shot. The disadvantage of information about the happening of the myths and "surviving Romanov". The impostors numbered about 230 people.

Successful impoverished

MARDA BODOTS (self-pricing Olga) - without a doubt the most successful from the "Romanov's impostors"! For the first time, it was announced in France before the beginning of World War II: he collected donations from Dobrochotov for a completely imputable "miraculously saved the Great Princess". Naturally, he was arrested for fraud and he called himself a Polish gentleman.

The second time appeared in the early 1950s, Ryano rejecting his identity with a "pre-war" fraud. The impostor was pleased with it! In his truthfulness, she managed to convince the prince of Nikolai Oldenburg and Koronprint Wilhelm, who paid her rather solid pension until the end of his life. Pensions have not enough not much for a rebeling life at the villa at Lake Como (Italy).

MARDA BOADTS argued that she was obliged to their wonderful salvation with a certain peasant who replaced her in the house of Ipatiev.

Detail: All the most impressive Olg was 28!


Michel Antsha convinced that he came directly from Siberia to Paris! Her appearance in the early 1920s in the capital of France is truly interested in the public: the fact is that Outward Michelle really very much resembled the great princess.

About how she managed to "avoid Ekaterinburg execution", the impostor did not want to talk, stating only that he would open the truth with the eye to her "grandmother" of the widowed Empress Maria Fedorovna. But ... a date did not take place! Here the most mysterious part of the story begins: Michelle Antsha died in mysterious circumstances in his home in one of the Paris offenders. The passport addressed Michel Antsha turned out to be false, and the circumstances of the death of the French police classified that he gave rise to a new wave of rumors. One of the most popular: to "Saved Tatiana" reached the Bolsheviks.

Detail: Total self-stocked Tatian - 33!

Hidden impoverished

An unknown, who called himself, Averis Yakovelli appeared in one of the Polish villages on January 23, 1919. The fellow villagers immediately noticed that her body was covered with scars from injuries. Lategorical testimonies confirmed: injured were serious enough!

Averis Yakovelli took several attempts to return to Russia, but in the end, in 1921 he married a Polish soldier named Karl Dyanign and gave birth to the son of Nicholas.

In 1956, Nikolai Dyanogogo died of hemophilia, the disease that pursued the imperial family. Then she repeated more than once that "the whole family died, all to one," it was perceived as late recognition in "royal origin."

Detail: Total self-stocked Mari - 53!

Hearter with "dizzying career"

Anna Anderson. Probably, the real name of the impostor was Francis Shanzkovsk. After an unsuccessful suicide attempt, she fell into the psychiatric clinic of Berlin. There, one of the patients "identified" in it the Great Princess, after which the legend was actively supported by Russian emigrants.

For more than twenty years, the applicant tried to achieve in European courts to recognize himself great prince, but not particularly succeeded in this. However, its person is still popular: Modern fans of Anderson are confident that genetic examination, which has proven its relationship with the Shartskov family not more than fake.

Detail: Advantaged Anastasia are most famous thanks to the "dizzying career" of the first Anna Anderson. The last of the liar-Anastasia is Natalia Bilodze died in 2000. Total impressive Anastasiy - 33!

Self-offense loser

There are no covers that they were shot not all members of the royal family, and Alexey Nikolayevich miraculously remained alive and now somewhere hides, create a favorable soil for the impostors. Alexey Puzyato was one of the first trying to give himself for the "miracle of the saved" Cesarevich.

About his personality and origin is known enough. It is believed that he was born in a prosperous intelligent family, otherwise how to explain his good education, readiness and excellent manners?! All this, coupled with a cunning mind and ingenuity, superimiles a young man to call himself the royal son, yet avoiding death.

Alexey Puzyato decided to try happiness, but he was not lucky! His deception revealed former teacher Cesarevich, Frenchman Zhiyar. In the end, the impostor had to confess his deception, after which he was arrested.

Detail: Total self-priced Alekseev - 81.

"Fifth daughter Romanova" №1

Suzanna Katharina de Graf declared himself who had never existed by Alexander Romanova, the "fifth daughter" of the king. The legend of the impostile was rather bold: it was born in 1903, when "officially" at the Queen was observed a false pregnancy. Nikolay and Alexandra could not present the fifth daughter to the court and the people, and therefore they were given to their upbringing in Holland, where I secretly crossed the Philip Lower - "Clearvideo and Corrod" by an entrusted man of the Empress Alexandra.

"Fifth daughter Romanova" №2

Irina Romanova is a real name unknown. Argentinka, who issued himself for the "fifth daughter of the king", born during the reference to Tobolsk. The girl allegedly managed to send abroad with the secret consent of the Soviet government.

The exhumation and genetic examination of members of the royal family in\u003e 1991 immediately set the scientific community to a dead end.

In 1991, August 8th Art. Pom. Prosecutor of the Sverdlovsk region Volkov V.A. It was only decided to appoint a "comprehensive commission" forensic and medical and criminalistic examination. And only on November 5, 1993, he decided to appoint the same expertise the prosecutor-criminalist of the Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation Solovyov V.N. In April 1992, forensic experts discussed primary research results and then it was decided to hold an international scientific and practical conference, which took place on July 27-28, 1992 in Yekaterinburg. Materials<1>. There was reported only about the prospects for genetic research. The first conclusion of the expert (a group of: Ivanov P.L., P.Gill, K.Sullivan, C.Kimpton, R.Piercy, N.Benson, G.Tully, i.Evett) with molecular genetic analysis dated September 30 1993.

I quote on "the conclusion of a commission forensic examination of skeleton remains from Ekaterinburg burial" Moscow 1991-1998. "... When comparing the d-loop of mitochondrial DNA, which characterizes the branch of the emperor Nicholas II and the object number 4, representing the father of the family in the composition of the analyzed groups of the remains, against the background of a complete coincidence of 780 nucleotide positions, one point discrepancy was recorded in position 16169 (transition A / G) ... Object number 4 revealed the heteroplasmic phenomenon - a rare genetic anomaly, when one individual coexist in various proportions, mutant and "wild" genotypes ...<что> It can serve as an indication of the mutational nature of the observed point difference of MTDNA of the alleged remains of Nikolai Romanova (Object No. 4) from MtDNA of both control objects. "Control objects are materials from the duke of Faifa, the rightmark Louise Hessene-Kassels and the Countess Ksenia Sheremetya-Sphiri, Louise's Rights Hesse-Kasselyskaya.

Supplied with this was appointed additional expertise - a comparative molecular genetic analysis of bone tissue, taken from the burial of the Grand Duke George Alexandrovich Romanova and fragments of bone remains from burial in the vicinity of Ekaterinburg. In this case, a complete positional identity was established, including the heteroplasmic phenomenon .. ". (Expert's conclusion of 09/15/1995) i.e. In the Hessian branch of Romanov, MTDNA mutation has really happened.

1. The secret of royal remains. Yekaterinburg. Association of Ural Publishers. Bitch (Mid-Ural Book Publishing House) 1994

That room ". The semi-base room in the Ipatiev house, where the royal family was brutally killed. Safety. The tsarist family Jews Golsten were never.

"Mr. Colonel" under arrest. Tsarist village.

From March 9 to August 14, 1917, Nikolay Romanov (Jew Holstein) with his family lives under arrest in the Alexander Palace of the Tsarist village.

In Petrograd, a revolutionary movement increases, and a temporary government, fearing the life of royal arrests, decides to transfer them to Russia deep into Russia. After a long debate determine the city of their settlement Tobolsk. There and transport the family of Romanov. They are allowed to take the necessary furniture, personal belongings from the palace, and also offer to those who are able to voluntarily accompany them to the place of new placement and further service.

On the eve of the departure came the head of the Provisional Government A.F. Jarensky and brought with him the brother of the former emperor - Mikhail Alexandrovich. The brothers are seen and talking last time - they will not meet anymore (Mikhail Alexandrovich will be expelled in Perm, where on the night of June 13, 1918 he was killed by local authorities).

On August 14, at 6 o'clock 10 minutes, the composition with the members of the Imperial Family and the servant under the sign "Japanese Mission of the Red Cross" went from the royal village. In the second lineup, the security of 337 is a codat and 7 officers. Trains go at maximum speed, the nodal stations are chatted by the troops, the public has been removed.

On August 17, the compositions arrive in Tyumen, and on three courts of arrested transported to Tobolsk. The Romanov family is located in the governor's house specially renovated to their arrival. The family was allowed to walk across the street and boulevard at the church of the Annunciation. The protection regime here was much easier than in the royal village. The family leads a calm, measured life.
In April 1918, the resolution of the Bureau of the Fourth Creating a Fourth Conversion on the transfer of Romanovs to Moscow to conduct a court over them.

On April 22, 1918, a column of 150 people with machine guns spoke from Tobolsk to Tyumen. On April 30, the train from Tyumen arrived in Yekaterinburg. For the placement of the Romanov temporarily detained the house owned by the mining engineer N.I. Ipetyev. Here with the family of Romanov, 5 people of the service personnel lived: Dr. Botkin, Lackey Truprip, the bedroom girl Demidov, cook Haritons and Cook Classily.

In early July 1918, the Urals Military Commissar Isaai Golobekin ("Philipp") went to Moscow to decide on the further fate of the royal family. Execution of the whole family was sanctioned by SNK and the WTCIK. In accordance with this decision, Uralovovet at its meeting on July 12, a decree on execution was adopted, as well as on the ways of destroying the corpses and on July 16, a message was transferred about this on a direct wire to Petrograd - Zinoviev. At the end of the conversation with Ekaterinburg Zinoviev sent a telegram to Moscow: "Moscow, Kremkel, Sverdlov. A copy of Lenin. From Yekaterinburg, the following is transmitted from Yekaterinburg: let us wait for the court with the Philip of the court for military circumstances. If your opinion is the opposite Now, now, let's notify any queue in Ekaterinburg. Zinoviev. "

The telegram was obtained in Moscow on July 16 at 21 o'clock 22 min. The phrase "agreed with Philippe" is an encrypted decision on the execution of Romanovs, which agreed by Gulkhackin during his stay in the capital. However, Uralovovet requested once again to confirm this before the decision taken, referring to the "military circumstances", because The fall of Yekaterinburg was expected under the blows of the Czechoslovak Corps and the White Siberian Army.

Response telegram in Yekaterinburg from Moscow from SNK and VTCIK, i.e. From Lenin and Sverdlov, with the statement of this decision was immediately sent.

L.Trotsky in the diary dated April 9, 1935, being in France, brought the record of his conversation with I. Sverdlov. When Trotsky found out (he was departing) that the royal family is shot, he asked Sverdlov: "And who decided?" "We decided here," Sverdlov answered him. Ilyich believed that it was impossible to leave them a live banner, especially in the current difficult conditions. " Next, Trotsky writes: "Some people think that the Ural Executive Committee, cut from Moscow, acted independently. It is wrong. The decision was made in Moscow."

So, in this outstanding day, on July 16, 1918, Romanov and the athlets went to bed, as usual, at 22 hours 30 minutes. At 23 hours 30 minutes The mansion was two highly qualified from the Uralovovet. They presented a decision by the executive committee to the commander of the guard of Ermakov and the commandant of Yurovsky's home and offered to immediately begin the execution of the sentence.

Wake-up family members and staff declare that in connection with the onset of white troops, the mansion may be under fire, and therefore, for security purposes, it is necessary to go to the basement. Seven family members - Nikolay Alexandrovich, Alexander Fedorovna, Olga daughter, Tatiana, Maria and Anastasia and Son Alexey, three voluntarily remaining servants and the doctor descend from the second floor at home and go to the angular semi-breeding room. After everyone entered and closed the door, Yurovsky spoke forward, took out a sheet of paper out of his pocket and said: "Attention! The decision of the Uralovovet ..." and as soon as the last words sounded, shots rang. Shot: Member of the College of the Ural Central Committee - M.A. Medvedev, Commander House L.Murovsky, His Assistant G.A. Niklin, Protection Commander P.Zermakov and other ordinary security soldiers - Magyars.

After 8 days after the murder, Yekaterinburg fell under the onslaught of whites, and the group of officers broke into the house of Ipatiev. In the yard, they discovered hungry spaniel Cesarevich, Joe, wandering in search of the owner. The house was empty, but his appearance was sinister. All the premises were very littered, and the furnaces in the rooms are clogged with ashes from burned things. The daughter's room was emptiness. Empty box from candies, woolen plaid on the window. Hiking beds of great princes found in security rooms. And no jewelry, no clothes in the house. It "tried" the protection. For rooms and in the garbage, where the guard lived, the most precious for family was lying around - icons. Books remained. And there was still many bubbles with medicines. In the dining room found a cover from the back of the bed of one of the printed. The cover was with a bloody follower of wrapped hands.

In the garbage, they found a St. George ribbon, which the king had been carrying the king to overcoats until recent days. By this time, an old royal servant of Sadomur, freed from prison, was already coming to the Ipatiev House. When the saints scattered in the house of the holy icons saw the image of the Fedorovsky Mother of God, the old servant turned pale. He knew that with this icon, Ms. His alive would never break out.
Only in one room at home was put order. Everything was washed, cleaned. It was a small room, the size of 30-35 sq. M, which was covered with wallpaper in the cell, dark; Her single window rests on the skate, and the shadow of a high fence was on the floor. A heavy grille was installed on the window. One of the walls - the partition was littered with the bullets. It became clear: they shot here.
Along the eaves on the floor - traces of blood closed. On other walls of the room there were also many marks from the bullets, the traces went by fan on the walls: apparently, the people who were shot, rushed around the room.

On the floor - dents from bayonets (here, obviously, they were reported) and two bullet holes (shot in the lying).
By that time, the garden had already been excavated at the house, the pond was examined, the fraternal graves were broken in the cemetery, but they could not find any traces of the royal family. They disappeared.

The Supreme Ruler of Russia - Admiral A.V. Kolchak to investigate the Tsar's family, was appointed an investigator for particularly important cases - Nikolay Alekseevich Sokolov. He led a consequence of passionately and fanatically. Kolchak was already shot, the Soviet power was returned to the Urals and to Siberia, and Sokolov continued his work. With the investigation materials, he did a dangerous path through all Siberia to the Far East, then to America. In Emigration in Paris, he continued to testify from the surviving witnesses. He died of a heartbroken in 1924, continuing his investigation. It is thanks to the painstaking investigation of N.A.Sokolov, the terrible details of the execution and burial of the royal family became known. Return to the events of the night on July 17, 1918

Yurovsky lined up arrested in two rows, in the first - the entire royal family, in the second - their servants. The empress and the heir sat on the chairs. Malflange in the first row stood the king. In the back of the head he stood one of the servants. In front of the king, the face to face stood Yurovsky, holding his right hand in his pants pocket, and he held a small leaf in his left, then he read the sentence ...

He did not have time to read the last words, as the king asked him loudly: "What, what?" Yurovsky read the secondarly, in the last word he instantly snatched a revolver from his pocket and fired in the king. Tsar-impostor fell back. The queen and daughter Olga tried to put themselves with the godmond sign, but did not have time.

Simultaneously with the shooting of Yurovsky, a shot team rang out. They fell to the floor all the other ten people. On the lying there were several more shots. The smoke packed the electric light and made it difficult to breathe. The shooting was discontinued, the room door was disclosed so that the smoke spread.

Brought stretchers, began to remove the corpses. The first corpse of the king was made. The corpses took place on the cargo vehicle. When we put one of the daughters on the stretcher, she shouted and covered her face with her hand. Others were also alive. It was impossible to shoot, with the opened doors, the shots could be heard on the street. Ermakov took a rifle with a rifle with a bayonet and doocol all who were alive. When all the arrested were already lying on the floor, she had bleeding, the heir was still sitting on a chair. For some reason, he did not fall for a long time for a long time and remained alive ... He was told a shot in his head and chest, and he fell from the chair. With them, together was shot and the dog, which was brought with him one of the princes.

After the loading of those killed on the car, for about three o'clock in the morning, went to the place, which was supposed to prepare Ermakov at the Upper Iset Plant. Driving the plant, stopped and began to overload the corpses on the flights, because Next, it was impossible to drive by car.
When overloaded, it was found that there were special corsets on Tatiana, Olga, Anastasia. It was decided to raise the corpses of the doggow, but not here, but at the site of the burial. But it turned out that no one knows where the mine scheduled for this.

Light. Yurovsky sent the riding to search for the mine, but no one found. Having drove a little, stopped in one and a half versts from the village of Kokeniki. In the forest found a shallow mine with water. Yurovsky ordered to spread the corpses. When they undressed one of the printed, they saw the corset, the broken bullets were visible in the holes, diamonds were visible. All the valuable was collected from the corpses, their clothes were burned, and the corpses themselves lowered in the mine and threw grenades. Having finished the operation and leaving the guard, Yurovsky left the report in the UralsPolk.

July 18, Ermakov arrived again at the crime scene. He was lowered into the mine on the rope, and he killed each killed separately and raised up. When everyone was pulled out, the firewood was laid out, doused kerosene, and the corpses themselves sulfuric acid.
Already in our time - in recent years, researchers found the remains of the burial of the royal family and modern scientific methods confirmed that members of the royal family of Romanovs were buried in the Koptakovsky forest.

On the day of the execution of the royal family on July 17, 1918. From URALSETSET to Moscow, Sverdlov was sent to the telegram, which said about the execution of the "the former King Nikolai Romanova, guilty of countless bloody violence over the Russian people, and the family was evacuated in a safe place." This was announced on July 21 in the notice of Uralovovet in Yekaterinburg.

However, in the evening of July 17 at 21 minutes 15 minutes. From Yekaterinburg to Moscow, an encrypted telegram was sent to Moscow: "Secretly. Sovnarkk. Gorbunov. Tell Sverdlov, that the same family has suffered the same fate as her chapter. Officially, the family will die when evacuating. Beloborov. Chairman of the Uralovovet."

July 17, the day after the king's killing, other members of the house of Romanovs were also cruelly killed in Alapaevsk: the Grand Duchess Elizabeth (Sister Alexandra Fedorovna), Grand Duke Sergey Mikhailovich, Three Sons of the Grand Prince Constantine, the Son of the Grand Prince Paul. In January 1919, four great prince, including Paul, Uncle Tsar and Nikolai Mikhailovich, a liberal historian, were killed in the Petropavlovsk fortress.

Thus, Lenin (Jew Blank) with extraordinary cruelty dealt with all members of the House of Romanov (Jews Holstein), remaining in Russia.

Jewish disassembly for power in captured by Germany, Russia, the most important for the serfs, which were slaves in the Germans: the Soviet Soldier Jewish, the old Red (Prussian) Guard, starting from 861 - 352 \u003d 509. AD. from IzBavitel.

Examined impostors: "Romanov" (Jews Holstein) were Germans, gangsters and naked, the same with the same gangsters, like the Bolsheviks. Loves our people any ...

Romanov's case was checked by the USSR Prosecutor's Office and was controlled by the Supreme Court of the USSR.

German invaders Jews Holstein (Romanov's impostors) were shot by the decision of the People's Court of Local Self-Government of Tobolsk. The decision on the execution of the German occupants of Jews Holstein took the best lawyers who were then in Siberia. All laws were respected.

Yurovsky only led the decision of the People's Court of the self-government of the city of Tobolsk in execution.

In the execution of the German invaders of Jews Holstein (Romanov's impostors): Germans, gangsters and Golittbi, there were no scums of the letter of the law, nor exceeding the powers of the local administration of the local government of the city of Tobolsk. This is the verdict of the Supreme Court of the USSR.

The sufferers at the shot by the Romanov (Jews of Holstein): Germans, gangsters and Golitts, the same exactly gangsters, like the Bolsheviks, do not speak now:

In 858-917. The captured by the Red Army of Elston, Russia, was under German occupation.

The February Revolution arranged Nikolai himself, Mr. Colonel Red (Prussian), she is the Soviet, German army. And she arranged her Mr. Colonel in favor of warring with Russia, Germany. That is, there is a fact of state treason. And for this: the shooting on the spot, without trial and the investigation, according to the law of wartime.

Colonel's wife collaborated with German counterintelligence during the Great Liberation Patriotic War of Russia with Germany. It was caught with political repeatedly. From the arrest of Russian military intelligence, it was saved only by Nikolai himself.
And for espionage in favor of a military opponent, during the Russian war with Germany, was shooting in place, without trial and investigation, according to the law of military time. And the wife of the Colonel of the German Army of Nikki Holsteysh Gottrtrpsky, German Alisa Gessenskaya-Darmstadskaya, knew about it perfectly. She knew that she was walking around with spyware in favor of Germany.

The execution of the Colonel of the German Army and his wife-German in March 917 - 352 \u003d 565 AD, demanded workers Petrograd. Leave the Germans: Jews Holstein, alive to the victory of Russia over Germany, for the court over them with all of Russia, the deputies of Petrosovet persuade the workers of Petrograd.

And as if our fortieth, our serfs about the execution of the German occupants of Jews Holstein, caught on the treason of Russia during the war of Russia with Germany, if they were shot in Petrograd, in March 917 - 352 \u003d 565. N.E. , According to the requirements of workers Petrograd?

According to the fault of the personal fault of Jew Holstein, Colonel of the German army, a revolution began in Russia, in which Russia died as a state, the same: "Novgorod Republic" from the rewritten history, and hundreds of millions of Russians, the population of Russia. Including children. Red (Prussian) troops of Gogenzollers, Holstein, Bronstein and Blank, in Russia did not spare anyone: neither old men, nor women or children.

But the Slavs in Russian and Russia - do not care, they know that they are: Germans and Jews, and they only fought with the Russians, starting with the Crimean War: for the death of Russia and sections of Russia.

Slavs at least thought that they were not in Israel now and not in Germany, the German occupation was over, covered with a copper pelvis. The most active Germans and Jews have long run away from Russia, from their own party comrades.

And being in Russia, as if indecently, to correctly praise their good Germans of Romanov, ingenious Jews Holstein, in 853 - 352 \u003d 501 AD. The Prussian nobility saw themselves with the Jew Rothschild.

Or Slavs have already forgotten how they were slaves in these good Germans of Romanov, ingenious Jews Holstein? Or the Slavs were not slaves under the Germans and Jews, and themselves were slave owners in the captured red (Prussian, Jewish) troops of Russia? After the Crimean war. Heroic defense with the Jews of the Russian Sevastopol from the Russian Army: State and National. How the Jews were heroically defended from the Russian army: Petersburg, Moscow, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky and the whole of Russia, during the same Crimean War, the Slavs are now pose.

Only you see how Slavs are worn around the captured Germany, Russia, the Soviet Soviet Soldiers and the Soviet Jewish Soldiers, the Old Red (Prussian) Guard, Gogenzollers, Holstein, Bronstein, and Blanch, the Germans and Jews.

The Russian self-prostitutes of Romanov (Jews Holstein), Germans, were shot, shot. Shot to the decision of the People's Court of the self-government of the city of Tobolsk. And could shoot in Petrograd, by decision of Petrosovta and at the request of Worker Petrograd.

So, it is not necessary to hope for the revival of your German-Jewish occupation administration in the captured Russia. Send your Germans Romanov / Jews Holstein to Germany and Israel. Maybe they will rise there, their German-Jewish Krasnoarmeysky people, in a historical homeland.

And about Russia you can forget. They have nothing to do in Russia. 1 (14) September 917 - 352 \u003d 565 AD. Russia returned to himself freedom, independence and self-government: the power of the people.

The Bolsheviks captured power in Russia, with the help of Slavs: Soviet Soldier Jewish, Old Red (Prussian) Guard. But to change the results of the Second World War of Russia with Germany, the Slavs could not.

And Russia remained that the state she was in 1-565. AD Yes, the White (Russians) Army killed everything, according to the fault of Slavyan Jewish soldiers of Soviet, old Red (Prussian) Guard, but our freedom from Slavs (Germans and Jews), they returned Russia!

The grandchildren of the winners are the white Russian army Aryan families of the Angels of Karusov: "Come Rus."

But the grandchildren of the Red (Jewish) Slavic families with German bayonets, as always: chronic losers. It was necessary to dig in 17th of Russia liberated from the Slavs, with all its Red German-Jewish army Slave Small Nemets, and not the revolution here to arrange here, in favor of warring with Russia, Germany.

Here, the Slavs should be remembered how to restores: Germans and Jews, in Russia captured by them.

And not his Jews of Holstein correctly praise the entire Red (Jewish) army in Russia - the country of the dead white Russian Army Aryan families.