Greenish complexion. Yellow complexion: causes of skin tone changes

Each person has their own skin type. A healthy complexion always depends on many reasons and factors: this is nutrition, and nervous appeasement, and the absence of internal diseases. When the color of the skin changes, what does this condition depend on? First of all, one should take into account the fact in which conditions a person lives and works. A fairly common phenomenon is that if the work is associated with the interaction of chemical reagents or other unfavorable substances, then a person has an unhealthy complexion. In addition, the color shade of the skin can often change, if today everything is in order with a person: he slept well, ate well and spent the day in joy and relaxation, then his complexion will shine with health and freshness. But if a person has lack of sleep, he is surrounded by nervous situations, he spends most of the day hungry and bad habits are activated in his life, then a healthy complexion should be forgotten for a long time. If an unhealthy complexion appears, what are the causes of this condition?

yellow complexion

What determines the color of the face? Only on what kind of health a person has, and what lifestyle he adheres to. Many color shades of the face directly indicate what is wrong in the body in humans. When the complexion is yellow, what can it mean?

If a yellow complexion appears, what causes the nature of this condition? First of all, a yellowish complexion in a person can occur due to internal diseases. Most often, diseases of the pancreas, kidney stones, various forms of hepatitis, and blood diseases contribute to this skin color. If yellowish spots appear on the eyelids or on the shell of the eyes, then you should immediately go to the doctor. This condition happens if a person has an elevated level of bilirubin in the blood, which in turn is the main symptom of hepatitis.

It is noticed that the complexion in oncology also begins to change towards yellowness. In some patients, the complexion with this disease becomes gray or earthy.

When a yellow complexion appears, the symptoms of this ailment may also indicate that a person suffers from chronic sleep deprivation, depends on excessive smoking, eats unhealthy foods, leads a sedentary lifestyle, or is overly addicted to the consumption of sugary foods.

Why else does a yellow complexion appear? In some cases, this skin tone does not indicate any ailments and ailments of a person. It happens that yellowness on the skin appears after eating a large number of carrot dishes or spicy Korean salads. Contribute to some change in color on the skin and vinegar, cumin and cumin.

It is important to always remember that when a person's complexion has changed significantly and dramatically, it is necessary to undergo a thorough examination of the body and pass a set of appropriate blood tests. In the case when everything is in the required order with the analyzes, then you should carefully review your lifestyle and, possibly, change something in it dramatically.

You can get rid of the yellowness of the skin, if it is not caused by a disease, with the help of masks and mixtures based on natural products. What foods improve complexion? This is, first of all, cucumber, radish, cabbage, chamomile broth, melon, milk. You can use these products both internally and use them as the main ingredient in yellow face care products.

Earthy complexion

When a person has an earthy complexion, this is most often associated with the presence of diseases of the internal organs. If an earthy complexion begins to appear, then an urgent need to visit a doctor. Only in the early stages can you easily get rid of the disease. In general, it is important to know that the skin always indicates that some kind of painful failure is observed in the human body.

If an earthy complexion appears, the causes of this condition may be hidden in something else, for example, excessive alcohol consumption, nicotine addiction, an excess of coffee, strong tea, fatty or spicy foods in the human body.

An earthy complexion should alert a person to the maximum. Such a color scheme most often indicates the presence of serious diseases than an unhealthy lifestyle. An earthy complexion is quite often a sign of a dangerous liver disease.

Pale complexion

When the complexion becomes pale, we often think that the person has become alarmed or has fallen into a bad situation. But a pale face does not always indicate a nervous or emotional shock, if a pale complexion is constantly present, then the reasons may be hidden in more serious signs.

Why is a pale complexion formed? This color cast may indicate heart failure. Ordinary human skin is pink, which means that the blood moves normally and enters all significant organs in the required amount. Pale skin means that the circulatory system is not in the best condition. In addition, a pale complexion can appear due to poor health, lack of sleep, or eating low-quality foods. If you go too far with the use of alcoholic beverages the day before, then in the morning you can also wake up with a pale face.

A gray complexion indicates the presence of chronic diseases in the human body, most often associated with heart failure. When a gray complexion appears, the causes of this condition may also be in the poisoning of the body either with food or with toxic chemicals.

A reddish complexion may appear due to an emotional disturbance, and the indicated complexion also indicates that an infectious disease is present in the human body. If the latter has overheated the body, then the face will also acquire a reddish color.

When it is noticed that an uneven complexion appears, what to do in this case? First of all, a beautiful complexion can only be in those people who are completely absent in the body of severe and chronic diseases. Therefore, in order for your face to be uniform in color, you need to visit a doctor, check your body and get rid of the ailments that have appeared as soon as possible. Then you should completely rebuild your entire lifestyle and remove the negativity present from it.

A complete and healthy diet is the key to a healthy complexion without foundation. Fresh vegetables and fortified fruits will take care of a perfect and even complexion on their own. If you drink a glass of kefir or any other fermented milk product every day, then the complexion will not only improve significantly, but the whole skin will shine with a blush and health. Mandatory and appropriate skin care. Remember that you can achieve the desired beauty only through the integrated use of products and products for internal and external health.

The skin of people is different, its condition, including color, depends on many factors. Occupation, nutrition, bad habits, lack of sleep, stress, sports, environment and even heredity leave their mark.

Unfortunately, quite often the cause of an unhealthy complexion: red, yellow or gray, are acute and chronic diseases.

Problems in the gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular and endocrine systems inevitably affect our appearance. Distress signals from internal organs appear on the skin in some cases simultaneously with the disease, in others long before it appears, which allows you to take the necessary measures in time.

We can recognize some of these signals on our own, without special knowledge. It may be enough just to look closely at a person to determine the cause of his suffering.

The mother understands that the child has a fever, even before he had time to complain of malaise or began to act up. An attack of “airsickness” in an airplane sitting next to you in the cabin can also be easily “diagnosed” before a neighbor really gets sick - after all, everyone knows that a person, unlike plants, when he is well, does not happen green. But there are cases and more difficult, when you can not do without the help of a doctor.

I must say that people learned to recognize the disease by complexion a long time ago, back in the days of Aristotle and Hippocrates. The achievements of Eastern healers are especially impressive.

For example, in China, already at the beginning of the first millennium, a diagnosis was made by complexion. And the predictions of the ancient Aesculapius came true with a high degree of probability. The art of reading in the face was called "Xian-Ming" and was practiced by the great masters of their craft, who kept it a deep secret and only verbally transmitted their experience to the most gifted students. Now forgotten traditions are being revived.

What is meant by "unhealthy complexion"?

Let's start with general patterns. You can often hear that a person has an unhealthy complexion. This is a rather vague concept, since there are many “flowers of unhealthy”.

For example, in Chinese medicine there are five of them: green, white and black are indicators of pain, yellow and red symbolize fullness, white - absence.

Not without reason, at the sight of a very pale person, we exclaim: “Yes, there is no face on you!”.

Each of the five colors corresponds to an organ and season of the year.

Red - the heart and the beginning of summer, white - lungs and autumn, black - winter and kidneys, yellow - the end of summer and the spleen, green - spring and liver.

Reading the diagnosis

For modern doctors, only four colors are diagnostically significant - RED, YELLOW, BLUE and WHITE. Here's what they can tell us.


Possible reasons


  • overheating of the body
  • infectious diseases accompanied by fever,
  • diseases of the heart and blood vessels,
  • carbon monoxide poisoning.



  • liver,
  • spleen,
  • stomach,
  • gallbladder,
  • pancreas.


  • lung disease,
  • oxygen starvation.

Pale or white

  • anemia,
  • lung pathology,
  • stroke or heart attack.

However, other colors are also important. For instance, dark complexion- a sign of kidney disease, bladder infection.

earthy gray indicates frequent constipation and some other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. The reason for the appearance of an earthy complexion can also be a lack of fluid in the body.

The appearance of a gray color can be due not only to diseases, but also to the impact of addictions on the skin of the face. Excessive addiction to alcohol, cigarettes and junk food, a sedentary lifestyle, tension and stress can also cause your skin to gradually lose its healthy color and turn gray.

Green color- the most dangerous, often in such cases, doctors diagnose complications of cholelithiasis in a patient, and sometimes cirrhosis of the liver and even cancer. This symptom clearly indicates the need to visit a specialist gastroenterologist.

Not only skin color matters

You can learn a lot of important things by carefully examining individual fragments of your face. Their coloring allows you to recognize the disease more accurately.


  • Blue-red coloration of the cheeks - heart failure.
  • White spots on the cheeks - persistent lowering of blood pressure.
  • Unhealthy blush on the cheeks - asthma, bronchitis, lack of vitamin C in the body.
  • Symmetrical redness or whitening of the cheeks near the nose - lack of iron, digestive disorders.


  • Bright red lips - respiratory diseases, increased blood pressure.
  • "Bluish" lips - disturbances in the work of the heart, lack of oxygen.
  • Dark purple lips - an excess of cholesterol in the body.


  • Dark circles under the eyes - nervous disorders.
  • Blue circles under the eyes - a violation of cardiac activity and blood circulation. Malfunctions in the work of the genital organs.
  • Red color of the nose - disturbances in the work of the heart, high blood pressure.
  • Blue-red nose - low blood pressure.
  • Red streaks on the nose - gastritis.
  • White spots on the nose - lung disease.
  • Severe pallor of the lower and upper turbinates - pneumonia.


  • Pale auricles with a characteristic waxy tint - circulatory disorders.


  • Pale color of the tongue - anemia.
  • The blue color of the tongue is a malfunction in the work of the heart.
  • Yellow color of the tongue - violations in the liver.

Of course, everything that has been said here should not be taken as a diagnosis and an immediate guide to action. These are only indirect indications of possible problems in your body, and an unhealthy complexion should be taken only as an excuse to visit a doctor.

The final diagnosis can only be made by a doctor after a thorough examination.

An earthy complexion is a reflection of negative processes inside the human body. The gray complexion is difficult to hide, and the reasons for the appearance of this shade are very diverse.

Causes of skin color change

An unhealthy tone of the face can be a reflection of a person’s lifestyle or a symptom of a disease:

  • Bad habits. Alcoholism, smoking, drug addiction are the cause of bad skin tone. Each of these habits individually can make the skin color unhealthy. In women, such manifestations are more pronounced, as their skin is thinner and more tender. The longer a person is subject to a bad habit, the more intense the gray tint becomes.
  • Sleep deprivation. It has long been observed that chronic lack of sleep turns a healthy complexion into a haggard one. In addition, redness of the eyes and a tired expression join. If a person does not have bad habits, then after a good rest, a healthy skin tone will return.
  • Stress. In the modern rhythm, people are often in a state of chronic stress. This is especially true for residents of large cities. This is a common cause for earthy skin tone.
  • Nutrition. The wrong diet is also the cause of an unhealthy shade. Of course, nothing terrible will happen at once. But if you systematically use harmful products, then the color and condition of the skin will noticeably worsen.
  • Ecology. It has been noticed that the population living in an area with a difficult environmental situation from birth may have an earthy skin tone. In addition, they have a large number of diseases.
  • Harmful professional activity. Work in hazardous industries can change the color of the skin in a short time. This may be labor activity with harmful metals, work in a mine or in production with toxic waste.
  • Heredity. In rare cases, an earthy complexion can be an individual feature. Especially often this can manifest itself if a person was born to a couple with different nationalities.
  • Diseases. Almost always, diseases leave an imprint on skin tone. If a person has an earthy complexion for no apparent reason, then the causes may be hidden in the diseases of the body. This is the most extensive category of reasons why an unhealthy shade of the skin appears, so it needs to be discussed separately.

You should not mask an unhealthy complexion with cosmetics, you need to find the cause of this deviation.

Earthy complexion in diseases

A large number of diseases can make the complexion gray. Let's talk about the most common diseases:

  • Oncological diseases. With such diseases, often the complexion becomes gray. It does not depend on the location of the tumor. The intensity of the shade is related to the stage of the disease and the number of chemotherapy sessions. The longer a person is exposed to the disease, the brighter the manifestations of earthiness of the skin become.
  • HIV infection. People with HIV infection have an earthy complexion when the disease is in its advanced stages. This symptom is observed in almost all patients with this diagnosis.
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. With insufficient absorption of nutrients, which is chronic, the shade and structure of the skin changes. It takes on an earthy color and becomes lifeless.
  • Blood diseases. In severe forms of anemia, the skin loses its color. Becomes white or acquires a gray tint. This is due to the reduced content of hemoglobin, which gives a blush. In cancers of the blood, the complexion also becomes sallow.
  • Viral infections. This category of diseases is often accompanied by fever to high levels and weakness. Lack of appetite and intoxication of the body can significantly change the appearance of the patient. The face acquires a gray tint, the intensity of which depends on the severity of the disease.
  • Kidney diseases. In chronic renal failure, an earthy complexion is characteristic, the reasons for this are hidden in the insufficient purification of the blood by the kidneys. The blood is contaminated with toxins and waste products of the body. Diseased kidneys cannot cope with their excretion.
  • Pathology of the thyroid gland. This is a common cause of discoloration of the skin. In addition to the sallow complexion, the patient loses weight, becomes anxious. Skin and hair dry, nails exfoliate.
  • Sepsis (blood poisoning). The gray tone of the face is just one of the symptoms of this pathology. Sepsis is a consequence of the spread of infection throughout the body. As a rule, when the face becomes earthy, when the disease has already developed enough and manifested itself with other symptoms.
  • Poisoning. In almost all types of poisoning, the face changes its shade. It can be white, bluish, earthy. This is due to the presence of harmful substances in the body.
  • Helminths. The presence of any worms in the body can affect the color of the skin and face. This is due to the fact that helminths deprive the body of nutrients and pollute the blood with the products of their vital activity.
  • Diseases of the lungs. Most often, a bad complexion is observed in people with tuberculosis. At the same time, the severity of the gray tone becomes more noticeable in the later stages of the disease. Some specialists can even determine the presence of tuberculosis by looking at the face.

A gray complexion is dangerous if the causes are some diseases. Because this symptom appears when the disease has already developed.

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When an unhealthy complexion appears, there is no need to panic. It often happens that such a symptom may appear after chronic fatigue of the body.

You need to think about what could provoke a gray skin tone. If such a shade is caused by reasons not related to diseases, then you should not show much concern. This condition is easy to fix.

But if, with a healthy lifestyle, a person develops an earthy color of the skin and some other alarming symptoms are added, then this is a serious reason to visit a doctor.

When diagnosing possible diseases, the doctor will rely on additional symptoms. Based on the full picture, the specialist will prescribe diagnostic measures:

  • Laboratory tests. All biological fluids and tissues of the body can be sent to the laboratory for analysis. According to a blood test, one can assume the presence of an inflammatory focus in the body, detect a lack of some useful substances, the development of anemia, and much more. Urinalysis can help identify kidney disease. Cultural cultures will show the presence of a bacterial infection.
  • ultrasound. This is also an informative and public diagnostic method that allows you to detect a large number of pathologies: tumors, changes in the size of internal organs, changes in tissue density, the presence of stones in the kidneys. An ultrasound machine is available in almost every clinic.
  • CT scan. It is the gold standard for diagnosis. It is used to confirm a dubious diagnosis or to make a new one. The only drawback is that not all clinics are equipped with the necessary equipment.
  • Endoscopy. Allows you to assess the condition of hollow internal organs (stomach, intestines, bladder, uterus). The study is carried out using a special probe that can penetrate into the body through physiological openings. With the help of this study, you can see the mucous membranes, detect polyps, erosions, ulcers.
  • X-ray. X-rays can be used to examine the human musculoskeletal system. The use of contrast agents allows you to expand the possibilities of conventional X-ray examination. You can detect tumors, various stones in the internal organs. Also, with the help of this study, you can clearly see changes in the contours of organs.

It must be remembered that only high-quality diagnostics will reveal the cause of an unhealthy complexion.

How to eliminate the gray tone of the face

After establishing the reason why the earthy color of the skin appeared, you can begin to get rid of it.

If the unhealthy shade of the skin is not a consequence of the disease, then getting rid of it will be quite simple.

For starters, you need to have a good rest. It is best to take 2-3 days off from work. You can devote this weekend to your favorite activities and communication with your family. After a charge of positive emotions, stress will recede.

It is necessary to properly organize a night's rest. Sleep should be of high quality, nothing should bother. If you can’t fall asleep on your own, you can use natural remedies.

If the cause of the grayish tone is a large number of harmful foods, then you need to change your diet. The daily menu should include fruits, vegetables, meat, cereals, dairy products. It is best to consult a nutritionist to create a balanced diet.

To restore freshness to the skin, you need to get rid of bad habits. As practice shows, this is not so easy to do. But even after giving up smoking or alcohol, the face will still remain gray for some time. It will acquire a normal shade only when the body is completely cleansed of the negative consequences of bad habits.

In professional activities associated with hazardous production, the complexion can be returned only after a job change. Not everyone can decide to take such a step for subjective reasons. If it is not possible to change jobs, then you need to support your body as much as possible (take vitamins, antioxidants, lead a healthy lifestyle).

If the earthy color is a physiological feature, there's nothing to be done about it. You will have to even out the tone with the help of cosmetics.

The hardest thing to get rid of an unhealthy complexion, if it is caused by any disease. Unfortunately, until you manage to get rid of the disease, the gray skin tone will not go anywhere. The fight against this cause of an unhealthy complexion should be started only after a thorough diagnosis.

But you need to understand that some diseases are treated for a very long time (sometimes for years). For this period, you can try to mask the bad tone of the face with the help of cosmetics.

A person with an earthy complexion always causes an ambiguous reaction in society. Many people may have the idea that he is sick with something, which repels others. Therefore, regardless of the reason, you should always try to put your skin in order.

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The skin tone is influenced by lifestyle, profession, nutrition and habits, lack of sleep and the environment, even stress and heredity. In addition to common causes, there are diseases that provoke an unhealthy complexion. An experienced doctor during the first examination of the patient can immediately suspect problems in a particular area in the body if he notices an earthy, cyanotic, yellow or green complexion in the patient. In the article on the site, we will consider how an unhealthy complexion is associated with diseases and decipher the map of diseases by skin tone.

What does the concept of "unhealthy complexion" mean?

This concept refers to the color deviations of human skin. Ideally, when a person does not complain of pain or discomfort and feels great, the skin tone will be in the range of pink, beige and yellow, a healthy blush on the cheeks may appear. Each organism develops and functions in its own way, therefore, skin color will vary depending on individual indicators.

In Chinese medicine, 5 unhealthy skin tones are distinguished: white, black and green - mean pain, red and yellow - fullness, white - absence.

For each of the five skin colors, organ problems are distributed:

  • red is the heart
  • white - pulmonary system,
  • black - kidneys,
  • yellow - spleen,
  • green - liver.

Unhealthy complexion and disease map

A dark complexion is characterized by ailments associated with the thyroid gland, liver, adrenal glands, and heart. If there is an unhealthy complexion in the direction of a uniform dark shade, this may mean adrenal insufficiency, the development of renal pathologies, bacterial endocarditis.

If the face is covered with blurry brown spots, this characterizes malfunctions of the thyroid gland. When the face is covered with dark spots, and besides, the patient constantly feels numbness of the fingers, cold extremities, "goosebumps" on the body - these are sure signs of systemic scleroderma.

Leopard syndrome is characterized by the appearance of dark brown spots. Well-defined spots on the skin can be a symptom of nevus syndrome.

Black spots on the skin

Black spots near the cheekbones and wings of the nose or on the entire face indicate a violation of the kidneys and bladder. Blackness may appear due to a decrease in the amount of vitamin B group - PP or nicotinic acid. This disease is called pellagra. Also, dark almost black spots appear due to hypersensitivity to ultraviolet radiation - xeroderma pigmentosum.

Blue complexion

This shade may appear during treatment with Kordaron. In addition, the blue complexion may be the result of the development of cardiopulmonary diseases:

  • heart failure;
  • asthma;
  • acute pneumonia;
  • tuberculosis;
  • thromboembolism of the pulmonary artery;
  • a sharp decrease in blood pressure;
  • heart defects;
  • chronic bronchitis;
  • pleurisy;
  • pneumothorax.

Skin redness

Often, red spots on the face give out a person who abuses alcohol. In addition, redness of the skin on the face may indicate the development of:

  • arterial hypertension;
  • erythrocytosis;
  • carbon monoxide poisoning;
  • allergic reaction;
  • rosacea;
  • scarlet fever;
  • pneumonia;
  • sinusitis.

Earthy skin tone

An unhealthy complexion (earthy and gray tones) may not always indicate a problem. Most likely to "earn" this color, if you do not get enough sleep, abuse cigarettes and alcohol, be constantly in a suffocating room, eat harmful foods and lead an unhealthy lifestyle.

It is possible that earthy skin color may be the first symptom:

  • thyroid dysfunction;
  • oncological nature of the disease;
  • sepsis;
  • HIV infections.

The mirror is a great tool for self-diagnosis. Having carefully studied your own reflection, having seen the barely noticeable nuances, you can notice the disease in time and take action. About what you should pay attention to during self-diagnosis, tells osteopath Vladimir Zhivotov.

Earthy complexion

The face of a healthy person is characterized by an even, natural, pinkish-matte skin tone without spots, acne, irritation and inflammation. The skin, like a litmus test, reacts to deviations from the norm and changes its color. If you notice that it has acquired an earthy hue, then you must definitely consult a doctor. This could be due to completely different reasons. Starting from heavy metal intoxication, poisoning, anemia, disruption of the gastrointestinal tract, thyroid gland, and ending with a lack of blood flow to the head and facial skin. In addition, an earthy color can indicate dehydration caused by an unbalanced diet and unhealthy lifestyle. Of course, there is usually a combination of different causes.


A red face can talk about plethora and venous congestion. In this case, redness is combined with other symptoms: puffiness, increased wrinkles on the face, enlarged pores, irritations, acne, etc. Usually, women try to eliminate all these problems with cosmetics, while completely different things need to be treated. In fact, the reason lies in the injury, as a result of which the bones clamped the blood vessels and all this was reflected on the face. If redness appears on the face with local lesions, then most often this indicates problems of the gastrointestinal tract.


Rashes on the face, in addition to venous plethora, may indicate hormonal imbalance and malnutrition. But pustular acne on the body, which most often appears on the back, is a sign of fluid stagnation, which occurred due to the tension of the superficial fascia and muscles. If this is irritation of the type of eczema (on the hands, cheeks, buttocks, in the corners of the lips, dryness on the elbows), it is likely that we are dealing with a disruption of the intestines or helminthic invasion.

Asymmetry of the eyes and eyebrows

In a relaxed state, the eyebrows should be located at the same level. If one of them is higher than the other, this is a clear sign of a birth injury, in some cases an acquired injury of the fronto-zygomatic region. These strokes may manifest in the future as headaches, neuroses, myopia, strabismus, astigmatism, and many others. The asymmetry of the position of the eyes, as well as the eyebrows, speaks of an injury.

Dark circles under the eyes

And if you observe dark circles under your eyes on your face, then this is a sure sign of venous congestion in the cranial cavity, because it is from under the eyes that venous blood flows into the cranial cavity. If there are obstacles in the skull for the outflow of blood, then dark circles will necessarily form under the eyes. In some cases, dark circles and bags under the eyes can indicate problems with the kidneys, but kidney edema is easy to distinguish from edema associated with venous plethora.

Protruding bones on the legs

A protruding bone at the base of the big toe is almost always a sign of an injury to the coccygeal-sacral region, which is usually combined with scoliosis. At the same time, as in a chain, the pelvic bones unfold first, then the femur, the bones of the lower leg and foot. Due to the fact that the foot is the most distant part from the impact site, few people associate “growing” bones with a coccyx injury.

Brittle nails and falling hair

Strong nails and thick hair are definitely a sign of health. If the nails are brittle and the hair falls out, then this may indicate a lack of vitamin D. Most people in our latitudes who take a blood test have a decrease in the level of the "vitamin of the sun." In addition, brittle hair and nails indicate an unbalanced diet, a deficiency in proteins and animal fats. Therefore, first of all, if there are problems with nails and hair, you need to review your diet and start taking vitamin D at 4000-5000 IU per day.

Hair loss also signals a violation of their nutrition due to compression of the vessels that supply blood to the hair follicles. Because of this, bald patches are formed on the sides of the forehead, which reach the top of the head, i.e. it is in these areas that blood flows the most difficult.

Plaque on the tongue

Doctors consider this organ an excellent indicator of a person’s state of health. In a healthy person, the tongue is characterized by a uniform pink color. A thin white coating is allowed, which does not hide the structure of the tongue. This plaque has no smell, it is observed most often after a night's sleep and is easily removed with the help of elementary hygiene procedures. But a thick white coating is observed with SARS, influenza and dehydration. Yellowish plaque indicates problems of the digestive tract, especially the liver and gallbladder, bluish - a violation of the kidneys, purple - about diseases of the heart and lungs. The bright red color of the tongue gives out blood diseases or pathology of the cardiovascular system.

The sooner you see signs of illness in your reflection, the sooner you can bring it under control. And remember that self-diagnosis should never flow into self-treatment. Any changes in appearance that you are concerned about is a reason to see a doctor.