Butterflies from clothespins with their own hands. All interesting in art and beyond. Wreath - photo holder

Not a single holiday is complete without champagne, and a wedding feast for sure. This drink is the main one, it flows like water, fills crystal glasses and helps to make beautiful toasts. A wedding is a special day in which everything should be beautiful, right down to the bottle of alcoholic beverage. Making champagne with your own hands brings a lot of pleasure and joy from the resulting beauty. Such bottles will match the celebration and will be remembered for a long time.

In order to make stylish and original bottles of alcohol, a lot of skills are not required. First you need to acquire the necessary materials:

  1. white spray paint in a can;
  2. super glue in a narrow tube;
  3. a contour on the glass of a color suitable for paint;
  4. satin roses or thermoplastic accessories, as well as beads and beads.

Of course, the design of bottles must be carried out when they are closed. The excise stamp and label must be removed, but the crust and wire on it must remain intact.

The first stage begins with painting the bottles. This must be done in several layers, observing a time interval of at least two hours. This is required so that the paint does not form streaks and has time to dry. Separately, on a napkin, you should place a decoration in the form of flowers, in the same way as they will be placed on the bottle. On the bottles you need to depict the resulting drawing with a pencil. For example, it can be a heart, the halves of which are placed on two bottles.

Decorating champagne for a wedding also consists of forming flowers of the right size. They can be bought ready-made or formed from satin ribbons. With the help of glue, flowers can be supplemented with beads and white beads. When the decoration elements are ready, they are glued to the bottle according to the formed pattern. For convenience, you need to start gluing the flowers from the bottom.

After pasting the bottle is over, proceed to painting. The drawing should not be too complicated, it is important that the ornate lines cover the voids remaining after painting. When one bottle of festive alcohol is framed, you can proceed to the second. At the same time, it is not necessary to try to make the coils of the painting identical with the first bottle. They are a harmonious addition to the main decoration.

ribbon decoration

It is not always the task of how to decorate wedding champagne, painting is paramount. Ribbons of different materials and colors will also help create a real masterpiece.

For such a decoration, you need about four meters of snow-white satin ribbon, one and a half meters of cream-colored brocade ribbon, a couple of bottles of champagne with silver foil, super glue and scissors.

Before you start decorating champagne for a wedding, you need to measure the length of the satin ribbon, trying it on the neck of the bottle. Then a suitable length is cut off and dots of glue are put down along the entire length. With a strong movement, you need to tighten the tape, avoiding unevenness, and cover the silver label of the drink bottle with it. The next segment will be slightly longer than the previous one, as it will be located under the already glued piece. The subsequent steps are similar: the ribbon is also measured, cut and glued.

In order for the final result to be beautiful, the ends of the ribbons should be placed in the same direction. With the next couple of layers, you need to do the same. This is followed by two rows of cream-coloured brocade ribbon. Then cut off a piece of brocade ribbon, which is glued to the bottom of the bottle.

Then again it is the turn of the satin ribbon. Now it is glued below, after the brocade ribbon, but so that the seam is located at the back. After decorating wedding bottles, it is already easier to do. It will take about eight strips cut from a white satin ribbon. Their length must be the same. Glue the fabric in the same way, placing the seams behind the bottle. To cover the not very pretty wrong side, you need to pry off the glued tapes with a clerical knife. The tip of the tape, previously lubricated with glue, is pulled into the hole formed. The tip is pulled to the surface and all the seams are covered with it. The remaining undecorated place on the bottle is sealed with a piece of brocade ribbon.

If you still have satin and brocade pieces, and you don’t know how to arrange a bottle of champagne, you can put them on bows and flowers. They should be placed on top of the glued bottle, embellished with lace, rhinestones and beads.

Decoupage bottle decoration

This technique is very popular today, and a bottle decorated in this way looks beautiful and festive.

First, it is cleaned of all labels and washed thoroughly, and then the glass is degreased. For this purpose, you can use acetone, alcohol or ordinary glass cleaner.

Then decoupage of the bottle involves a priming step. You will need a regular glass primer, which is applied to the bottle with a foam rubber sponge, holding it in tweezers. After the applied layer has dried, the bottle is painted with white paint and left to dry.

Then they select a pattern that will decorate the champagne. You need to draw it on a napkin, and then tear off the pattern, leaving only one layer with a small amount of paper.

The napkin is laid out on a stationery file with the wrong side up and sprinkled with plenty of water. The paper should practically float in it; This is necessary so that wrinkles do not form in the figure. They should be spread in the water.

After that, the liquid is drained, and the file is applied to the central part of the bottle. To get a beautiful design of a champagne bottle with decor with decoupage elements, you need to carefully walk through the drawing, pushing out excess moisture. When everything is done, the drawing will stick to the bottle, but it still needs to be fixed with decoupage glue. After the glue has dried, you need to sand the folds of the edges of the glued image with an emery sheet.

At this stage, the decoration of the festive drink can be completed, or you can make it even more beautiful if you use additional paint application tools. Having slightly refreshed and evened out the color, the bottle can be left in anticipation of the solemn day.

Yin-Yang decoration

The sacred theme will fit perfectly into the decor of the wedding bottle. You will need black and snow-white ribbons one and a half centimeters wide. For fixing, take ordinary glue and a brush, and for decoration - white lace.

Making a bottle of champagne for a Yin-Yang wedding can be called the simplest. The glass is smeared with glue, the end of the ribbon is clamped with one hand, and the ribbon is wrapped with the other, slightly overlapping. You can fix the ribbon diagonally, or evenly. Two bottles are decorated in this way, only one should be white and the second black.

Such a simple design of a bottle of champagne for a wedding looks very beautiful. For greater complexity, you can add some elements in the decor. For example, a veil can be formed from white lace, and a tie can be made from a thin strip of black ribbon.

How to quickly decorate a bottle of champagne

For those who have no time to take a master class on decorating a bottle of champagne for a wedding, but really want to create beauty with their own hands, you can resort to the following method.

From the materials you will need only stickers that correspond to the wedding theme. They are easy to find in a bridal salon or store that sells wedding accessories. It is better to choose a color similar to the design palette of the banquet hall. The stickers you like are carefully removed from the cardboard and fixed on the bottle.

This method is convenient to use in cases where there is no time left for a solemn decoration. Perhaps, such trifles will seem insignificant to someone, but it is in them that the whole essence of this holiday lies.

There are many ways to decorate champagne bottles. They can be such that you begin to doubt that you have an alcoholic drink in front of you, and not a masterpiece. Beautifully designed bottles are doubly pleasant to store until a significant wedding anniversary.

The wedding event is one of the most important events in the life of every person.

Any attribute that is present here should be harmoniously and pleasantly decorated, since any slightest thing can ruin the whole holiday.

It is worth noting that even the simplest trinkets are often decorated at such an important event, which will attract the attention of guests, leaving a good impression of the holiday.

In Russia, there is a tendency to beautifully decorate one of the most important attributes - bottles of champagne. These are not simple bottles that are opened at a wedding event, but those that symbolize the continuation of marriage and the family line.

For this, two bottles are taken, each of which stands in the most prominent place during the celebration and remains untouched until the end of the holiday.

It is a year later that the first bottle is opened, this is how the first wedding anniversary is celebrated. The second bottle is opened on the birthday of the first child.

It is very important that even such a symbolic attribute be colorfully decorated. This is not a simple champagne, but one that is of great importance for the family.

How to decorate bottles for a wedding

Very often recently, newlyweds use the services of designers who, on order, design a festive bottle. The couple themselves can create a concept that suits them perfectly.

But it will be much more interesting to arrange bottles for a wedding with your own hands, because in this process it is important to put your soul and desire to fulfill what they symbolize.

To do this, in order not to think for a long time, you can see photos of decorating bottles for a wedding on the Internet. You can either choose a suitable design or come up with something of your own based on other people's ideas.

The most pleasant design is the one that the newlyweds not only came up with together, but both did it on their own.

Most often, wedding bottles are decorated with:

  • polymer clay flowers;
  • photos of the newlyweds;
  • engraving;
  • handicraft elements.

Polymer clay flowers are considered one of the most interesting and most importantly suitable ways to decorate a bottle. Thus, the decoration of champagne bottles for the wedding will strongly resemble the bride's outfit and blend beautifully with the wedding dress at the event.

The only thing is that this decoration is very popular, so more and more newlyweds resort to other design methods.

Photos of the newlyweds are another good way to decorate the bottles. In this way, you can take photos from the shooting of "love stories" or other photo shoots or early photos of the couple.

These do not have to be pre-holiday photos. It is best to choose those pictures that resemble the most interesting moments in the life of a couple even before marriage.

We make decoration with our own hands

Engraving is used to decorate glasses and bottles for a wedding. Here, it would seem, a flight of fancy will not be enough, specific approaches and methods are needed.

But no, with the help of engraving on bottles you can not only write something, but also draw it. It turns out even much more beautiful than just sticking a photo on a bottle.

Doing it yourself is difficult, but possible. Such bottles can be stored for many years even after opening, as a memory.

But how to make decoration of bottles for a wedding with your own hands?

In this case, needlework elements come to the rescue, which will help to make a unique bottle design.

Newlyweds can come up with various interesting things - small crafts, origami, ribbon decoration and anything else that can come to mind. Such bottles are very beautiful and aesthetic, they will fit into any interior of the room.

Ribbon decoration is a hand-made item that requires special attention when decorating. You need to do everything clearly according to the instructions, since you can spoil a lot of material and still not do anything sensible.

You will need to watch the master classes and read the step-by-step instructions.

The easiest way to make a decoration with your own hands is to “dress” the bottle in fabric elements that will decorate it beautifully and easily. This is less popular, but very interesting and practical, and most importantly - original.

You can choose any fabrics, colors, make a different design. This method is one of the most interesting today, which you will probably like too.

Photo of decorating bottles for a wedding

Traditionally, on the table of the newlyweds during the celebration, there are two additional bottles of champagne, tied with a satin ribbon or simply decorated. The young people will take these bottles home with them, one will be opened on the anniversary of the wedding, and the second - on the birth of a child. For a long time, these bottles were not particularly decorated. Champagne was simply put on the table in a separate basket. However, recently champagne for young people has become one of the main table decorations.

How to decorate a bottle of champagne for a wedding: options and traditions

Where this tradition came from is now difficult to say. In ancient Rus', it was customary for young people to give a barrel of honey with them so that they could drink it on their honeymoon, but there is no reliable information about jewelry.

There is a version according to which initially, instead of champagne, they gave a pair of cows and tied their horns with ribbons. After the birth of their first child, the young family arranged a feast and treated the guests with milk. Over time, apparently, cattle were replaced by champagne.

Decorating bottles of champagne began relatively recently. To this end, you can turn to professionals by ordering decor and even champagne itself, or you can do it yourself, if time permits. Beautifully decorating champagne for a wedding is not as difficult as it seems. First, you can practice on empty bottles or go to a master class. There are less complex decorating techniques that everyone can master, as well as a huge amount of decor material that simplifies the process: stickers, figurines, creative kits with detailed instructions and stencils, etc.

Among the champagne decorations, the following options are most popular:

  • Satin ribbons. A very common bottle design. It won't be hard to figure it out on your own. Ribbons serve not only to create flowers and bows, they can completely close the glass of the bottle.

  • Textile. Using fabric, you can create any outfit for champagne. Most often, these are the outfits of the bride and groom. However, this is a rather time consuming process if you want realistic outfits. They are made to order or bought in special stores, and then attached on their own.

  • Flowers made of fabric or polymer clay. Very beautiful and delicate decoration both separately and together with paints, painting, rhinestones and ribbons. Polymer clay flowers turn out to be very realistic, but you can’t overdo it with such decorations, otherwise the basket with bottles will turn out to be too heavy.

  • Beads and rhinestones. The easiest and most budget option. Usually beads and rhinestones complement the decor, but you can use them separately, laying out patterns with beads. It is advisable to remove all labels first.

  • Decoupage. The decoupage technique is not as complicated as it might seem at first glance. It consists in transferring a drawing or a whole picture onto glass or another hard surface. There are special decoupage kits that will allow you to easily and quickly turn an ordinary bottle into a work of art.

  • Natural flowers. Not the most durable piece of jewelry. Champagne bottles should be stored for a long time, and the flowers will wither. Such decorations are used as an addition and are removed after the holiday.

How to decorate champagne for a wedding with your own hands using fabric

Most often, velvet is used, since this material looks especially rich and beautiful. But it is worth remembering that black velvet will collect dust. This material will need to be maintained periodically so that the bottle is still beautiful by the anniversary.

Choose stretch velvet, it stretches and will fit the bottle well. You will also need black and white threads, scissors, a simple pencil and paper. This will be necessary only for the outfit itself, but decor elements will also be needed: beads, bows, rhinestones, ribbons, flowers, etc.

The first thing to do is patterns. They are made to size bottles. But since champagne bottles are often a standard size, you can find sizes online.

According to the pattern, you need to cut out pieces of material and sew them in the form of covers. You can sew both manually and on a typewriter. Machine seam is usually smoother and stronger. The finished case is simply put on the bottle and decorated with bows and button beads. If the cover does not hold too well, the fabric can be tacked in places with glue.

From transparent white fabric and elastic, you can make a veil for a bottle-bride, and from cardboard and remnants of velvet - a hat for the groom. If there is a desire, a skirt for the bride is made of lace. Beads and rhinestones must be glued to velvet very carefully so that traces of glue are not visible on the fabric.

Another master class on decorating champagne with fabric:

How to arrange champagne for a wedding with satin ribbons

You can decorate champagne for a wedding with your own hands using ribbons. Almost any decoration of bottles with ribbons comes down to attaching the ribbon to the bottle like an oblique inlay.

You can start attaching ribbons from the neck itself, it all depends on the idea. For bottles, you can choose white and black ribbons, or make one-color decorations from ribbons of any color, and decorate with beads and flowers on top.

No need to cut several identical pieces of tape at once, the bottle has bends, so the tape is cut off along the way. The bottom edge of each glued segment is hidden under the top edge of the new one. And so to the very bottom of the bottle.

Decorating champagne for a wedding with ribbons will be easier if you purchase the right and transparent glue. It is important not to overdo it with glue, otherwise greasy spots will appear on the tape. It is convenient to choose glue Moment. It dries quickly and holds well, but any other glue (but not PVA) will do.

It is not necessary to decorate the entire bottle at an angle. You can wrap in a direct way across the bottle, and additionally decorate on top. To hide the flaws of a directly glued tape, thin transparent lace can be attached on top.

Decoration from ribbons of different colors looks very nice, as well as decor with jewelry and feathers.

You can see an example of bottle design in this video:

Quite rarely, a transparent ribbon is used to decorate the entire bottle. Usually it serves only as an additional element of decor, but it can also be used for pink champagne.

How to beautifully decorate champagne bottles for a wedding using decoupage

This is a very simple and beautiful way to decorate bottles with your own hands. First, the bottle must be prepared for decoupage. To do this, remove all labels and traces of glue from it, be sure to degrease the glass with an alcohol wipe or acetone. And then you can proceed to the procedure itself.

  • The bottle must first be "primed". Special mixes are sold for this, or you can mix white acrylic paint with PVA glue. Put on disposable gloves and use a soft sponge to apply the mixture to the glass of the bottle.
  • When the mixture dries, apply white acrylic paint on top in an even layer and let it dry too.
  • For decoupage, you can choose any pattern, such as doves, hearts, flowers, etc. The drawing must be cut out so that there is a minimum of white paper around it.
  • Put the drawing on a regular stationery file with the image down and pour water until all the paper is saturated.
  • The drawing, along with the file, must be carefully and evenly attached to the bottle. Spread the file with your hands along with the pattern so that there are no wrinkles.
  • Decoupage glue is applied over the pattern with a soft brush. When the glue is completely dry, you will need to remove the pieces of paper outside the drawing with a piece of sandpaper.
  • After applying the pattern, you can leave the bottle white or evenly apply paint of a different color.
  • After all layers have dried, the bottle is covered with acrylic varnish.

An example of decorating a bottle of champagne using decoupage can be seen in this video:

Decorating champagne with polymer clay

You don't have to be a pro to handle polymer clay. It is very easy to sculpt from it, if you do not set yourself impossible tasks.

To make a flower, you will need polymer clay itself, a softener, and special paints. Each petal is molded separately, then folded into a flower and baked in the oven. The finished composition can be glued to the bottle.

You can buy self-hardening clay. Most often, wedding bottles are decorated with roses. To make your task easier, you can buy a modeling kit, where there are already various molds and stencils.

To make a medium-sized rose, we take 3 identical balls of clay of the desired color with a diameter of no more than 1 cm. Roll one ball into a cake and roll it up, this will be the middle of the rose. Then we also fold around the middle of each of the 6 petals. It is best to make cakes with a deliberately thinner edge that will be adjacent to the middle.

Then each petal needs to be unscrewed or straightened a little to make the rose more open. If there is too much clay at the base of the bud, it must be twisted and carefully removed. The finished rose must be baked or allowed to harden, and then glued to the bottle.

A wedding is a long-awaited, grandiose event, so everything should be perfect on this day, from the smallest accessories to the decoration of the banquet. Newlyweds spend a lot of time choosing attributes, paying attention to their decor, combination with each other. An obligatory accessory at a wedding banquet is champagne, which the spouses keep for themselves until the first anniversary and the birth of their first child. The brides pay special attention to the design of the bottle of this type of alcohol, trying to make it unique.

Master class on decorating wedding champagne bottles

In order to decorate the bottle yourself, as a rule, special knowledge and skills are not required. The only thing that matters is the presence of desire, imagination and a few hours of free time. Various techniques, materials, decorative elements can be used to decorate wedding champagne - it depends on the theme of the celebration, its color design, and the imagination of the newlyweds. The master classes presented in the article will help you decorate a bottle of alcohol for the holiday with your own hands, making it especially solemn and unique.

How to decorate bottles with satin ribbons

Newlyweds can decorate the bottles beautifully with the help of satin ribbons: this is an easy, affordable way that does not require special material costs and experience. But despite the simplicity of materials and techniques, the result will exceed all your expectations, because the decorated champagne will look bright, spectacular, amazing. The advantage of technology is that even people who are far from creativity can do such a design, because there are no difficulties here, and all possible defects are easily masked with the help of decorative elements.

Necessary materials

All the necessary materials should be prepared in advance, having thought over the composition and design. You can find the necessary accessories in stores with sewing accessories. To decorate with ribbons you will need:

  • Satin blue and gold brocade ribbons.
  • Glue gun or Moment-crystal glue.
  • Bottle of champagne.
  • Scissors.
  • Decor elements: beads, semi-beads, lace.

Stages of creation

Let's start decorating champagne:

  • We try on a satin ribbon to the neck and cut off the required length. Lubricate with glue, glue the ribbon, wrapping it around the bottle, putting the right end on the left.
  • For the second layer, we measure the tape again, but this time it will be longer due to the expansion of the bottle. We apply glue and fasten. In order for the front part to look neat, it is necessary to ensure that the right edge always remains on top. By analogy, we attach two more layers.

  • In order to give the champagne a festive look, a brocade ribbon is used in parallel, which we glue on the fifth and sixth layers.
  • The top of the bottle is ready, let's start decorating the bottom: starting from the very bottom, glue one layer of brocade ribbon. We decorate the rest of the space with a blue satin ribbon, connecting the ends from the back of the champagne.

  • It is unlikely that the junction will turn out to be perfectly even, beautiful, so it should be hidden. We cut off a tape about 10 cm long, dropping a little glue, put it under the bottom layer and attach it to the product. We stretch the tape, masking the joint, glue it to the bottle. Fasten the last layer of brocade ribbon.

  • To add sophistication, we add decorative elements: beads, bows, feathers. The original champagne for the wedding is ready.

Decoration of the bottles of the bride and groom with velvet

The bottles decorated with velvet look rich and impressive. This material is able to turn a simple container into a real work of art that will delight the newlyweds on their wedding day, and in addition, they will be immensely proud of their work. The advantage of this design is ease of execution, a small amount of materials, accessories, the ability to create a wedding attribute with your own hands for people who have not done needlework before.

Necessary materials

To decorate with velvet you will need:

  • Stretch velvet in black and white.
  • Threads of the corresponding colors.
  • Simple pencil.
  • Paper.
  • Two bottles of champagne.
  • Decor elements: tulle, organza, beads, lace, ribbons.

Stages of creation

Let's start decorating:

  • We draw and cut out a pattern on paper that repeats the contours of the bottle.
  • We transfer the pattern to the velvet using a simple pencil. For the “groom” bottle we take black, and for the “bride” white stretch velvet.
  • We cut out the blanks from the fabric and sew them together so that we get a “case” for the bottle.
  • We put the “suit” on the bottle, proceed to the decor: to decorate the “bride”, you need to make a veil, decorate with lace, ribbons, make beads from beads. To decorate the "groom" you will need satin ribbons and half beads.
  • Wedding champagne decorated with velvet is ready!

DIY wedding champagne design ideas

A variety of techniques and materials are used to decorate champagne bottles for a wedding. It can be painting, engraving decoration, costumes of the bride and groom for alcohol, and much more. The original design of the attribute will be remembered by all guests for a long time, and when they learn that the decor was made by the hands of the newlyweds, they will be doubly admired. What technique, idea the future spouses will choose for decoration depends on their personal preferences and ideas about what wedding accessories should be.

Polymer clay flowers

Bottles with alcoholic beverages, decorated with a flower composition based on polymer clay, look elegant and extraordinarily beautiful. To do this, you will need quite a bit: champagne, white paint in an aerosol, glass outline, glue, beads, half beads and ready-made artificial flowers made of polymer clay (they can be of different colors - white, pink, blue, depending on the design theme).

For decor, you need to wash the bottle, peel off the label, dry it and cover it with aerosol paint, let it dry. With the help of a pencil, we apply a drawing according to which the flowers will be located. We glue accessories from polymer clay. The remaining space is decorated with a contour, beads, rhinestones, half beads. Decorated champagne is ready.

Photos of the young

Wedding bottles decorated with photographs of the newlyweds look original. Photos can be placed on labels, which will also indicate the date of the wedding celebration, or pictures printed on thin paper can be applied to the bottle using decoupage technique. The newlyweds can design such a bottle on their own, they only need the help of a printing company to print labels or pictures on thin material.


A special way to decorate wedding bottles is glass engraving. Accessories decorated in this style look festive, original, and the advantage of this technique is the ability to choose absolutely any pattern, inscription, image that will be applied to the bottle by the skillful hands of the master. For decoration of this kind, it is worth contacting professionals who know the intricacies of working with glass and have experience in engraving. Only a true specialist will make a unique masterpiece, clearly and accurately drawing all the lines and strokes.