Pregnancy and sauerkraut. Sauerkraut for pregnant women: benefits and harms

Sauerkraut has long been rooted in the daily diet, so girls willingly consumed it even before pregnancy. But when a woman is expecting a replenishment of the family, she asks many questions regarding the correctness of taking certain dishes. After all, it is important to take care of the baby in the womb and the overall course of pregnancy. Today we will talk about sauerkraut, or rather its effect on the body of women in position.

Is sauerkraut allowed for pregnant women?

  1. The composition contains a lot of ascorbic acid, which is both an antioxidant and an immunostimulant. Therefore, naturally, the snack is allowed for consumption by pregnant women.
  2. There are other valuable substances in cabbage that have a positive effect on the formation of the fetus in the womb. The snack is endowed with folic acid, iron, vitamin K.
  3. In addition to the cabbage itself, the brine remaining from it is also acceptable. Such a product relieves vomiting, nausea, general malaise in the early stages of gestation. It is consumed to combat toxicosis.
  4. Experts recommend that girls eat cabbage to prevent exposure to viral and fungal infections. Thanks to its strengthening functions, the dish is indispensable between seasons and when traveling frequently.
  5. Also, cabbage can be eaten by people with slow blood circulation, problems with the absorption of food and other unstable functions inside the body.
  6. Due to the fact that there is a lot of magnesium in the composition, just one portion of the composition per day will make up for its deficiency. An excellent source of this mineral should be introduced into the nutrition of women who are carrying fetuses.
  7. Modern doctors do not allow their patients to gain a lot of weight, and cabbage has a low calorie content and the ability to speed up metabolism. Therefore, when consuming it, the risk of weight gain is eliminated.
  8. The composition contains zinc and copper. They are essential for bone tissue, nervous system and heart. It is these organs and systems that receive a massive load during gestation.

The benefits of sauerkraut

  1. The composition contains a large amount of vitamin C, which is important for the mother's immune system. With a lack of ascorbic acid, protective functions fall, which leads to colds and loss of strength. Cabbage prevents negative consequences.
  2. With low stomach acidity and poor juice production, the alkaline balance is disturbed. Sauerkraut restores pH, tones the digestive organs.
  3. A brine is allowed for reception, which relieves the symptoms of toxicosis, suppresses nausea and eliminates vomiting spasms. These problems are extremely urgent in the early stages.
  4. Taking cabbage increases food cravings. Therefore, if the expectant mother has similar problems with loss of appetite, a dish on this vegetable will restore it.
  5. The composition contains a decent amount of fiber, which cleans the esophagus and relieves congestion. When taking cabbage in a systematic mode, intestinal motility is improved.
  6. With a moderate consumption of the dish under discussion, the liver function returns to normal, its structure is restored. This is very useful for a pregnant woman whose internal organs are overloaded.
  7. Due to its antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, analgesic properties, cabbage can replace many targeted medications.
  8. To increase the level of hemoglobin, eliminate apathy, tone the psycho-emotional environment, cabbage is prescribed to be taken in combination with red fish or meat.

  1. If you consumed a product before pregnancy, it is likely that your preferences will not change when you carry a baby. The taste of cabbage may seem different, but it's all about changing the activity of the receptors.
  2. As for the acceptable standards of admission, know when to stop. When overeating, edema will appear, fluid will be retained in the tissues. It is better not to eat cabbage on its own.
  3. It is ideal as an addition to a light lunch containing meat and seafood. Before eating, rinse the cabbage, for better assimilation, season it with vegetable oil.

Sauerkraut contraindications

  1. If the pregnancy proceeds absolutely normally and no abnormalities have been detected, there simply cannot be any contraindications to the consumption of the product. Compliance remains the basic rule. Don't overeat. Cabbage can be eaten at any time during the gestation period.
  2. It is forbidden to include sauerkraut in the diet for kidney pathologies, diabetes mellitus, hypertension, flatulence, tendency to overweight, peptic ulcer of the gastrointestinal tract. The abundance of salt in a fermented product provokes the development of puffiness in the extremities.
  3. With such diseases, in rare cases, it is allowed to eat 20 grams. product, but only after consultation with the doctor. Although cabbage is ultimately low in calories, sugar is used to ferment the product. Therefore, the dish has a high glycemic index. Hence, it should be concluded that in diabetes and obesity, cabbage is prohibited.
  4. Also, the product is not recommended to be included in the diet with increased acidity of the stomach. With gastritis and ulcers, cabbage should be completely excluded from the diet. The presence of organic acids in the dish will negatively affect the patient's condition. The state of health significantly deteriorates. Remember that cabbage makes you gas more.

Cooking sauerkraut

In order not to run into trouble, it is recommended to cook cabbage yourself. There are various recipes for its preparation. Any hostess can easily cope with such a task.

  1. Classic sauerkraut. Take a head of white cabbage weighing about 3.5 kg, 6 medium carrots, 100 grams. salt. Chop the cabbage thinly. Grind the root vegetable on a coarse grater. Mix everything in a common cup, squeeze them periodically to make juice. Squeeze the workpiece thoroughly and transfer to sterile jars. Cover the neck with gauze. It is also allowed to add a small amount of cranberries. Leave the cabbage at room temperature for a few days.
  2. Whip up cabbage. To prepare the dish, you need 0.6 kg. carrots and 10 kg. white cabbage. Prepare your vegetables as you normally would. Chop the cabbage and grate the carrots. Mix ingredients. Next, pour in the brine. It is recommended to prepare it in advance. For 1 liter. Pour 30 grams of clean water. salt and sugar. Boil the liquid and pour over the jars where the cabbage is. Keep food in enamel containers. Cover the cabbage with a lid. After 2 days, move the container to the cold. On the 4th day you can eat.

Sauerkraut has a lot of positive qualities that have a beneficial effect on the health of a pregnant woman. Do not overuse the product so as not to run into trouble. Consider possible contraindications. Review the recipes presented. It is recommended to cook cabbage yourself. Thus, you will be confident in the good quality of the product.

Video: useful properties of sauerkraut

To supply cells with vitamins and minerals not only for her own, but also for the future baby, a woman in a state of pregnancy should pay attention to sauerkraut. The inclusion of this product in the diet is beneficial for maintaining the body in good condition at any time of the year.

Composition and nutritional value of sauerkraut

In terms of composition, sauerkraut is richer than raw. It contains half of the periodic table, various vitamins, fiber, acids, macro- and microelements:
  • Vitamin C, which is more in sauerkraut than in lemon, and selenium protect the pregnant body from viral and infectious diseases, increase immunity.
  • Vitamin B9 (folic acid) is necessary for the baby to form new cells and organs.
  • The content of iron and vitamin B6 in sauerkraut will help to assimilate proteins, increase the level of hemoglobin, and contribute to the formation of new blood cells to support the development of the fetus.
  • Vitamin K has a beneficial effect on the hematopoietic system, increasing the ability to clot, especially necessary during labor.
  • Magnesium, copper, zinc, niacin will help improve the condition of hair and nails.
  • The constantly changing hormonal background leads to frequent mood swings. Magnesium can help cope with these changes by eliminating nervousness and anxiety.
  • Inositol, choline, malic acid, as well as probiotics, amino acids, flavonoids will strengthen the body's defenses not only in pregnant women, but also in weakened people.
  • If necessary, brine, drunk on an empty stomach, will help to forget about it.
  • Sauerkraut will satisfy your hunger without worrying about gaining extra pounds. It belongs to low-calorie foods, only 25 kcal per 100 g. And tartronic acid will monitor the prevention of the appearance of fatty deposits.
  • Sauerkraut removes free radicals from the body and prevents the development of cancer cells.
  • Improves intestinal motility.
You can talk endlessly about the beneficial properties of sauerkraut. Possessing general strengthening, immunostimulating, anti-inflammatory, bactericidal, carcinogenic qualities, this product must be present in the diet of the expectant mother, if there are no contraindications. Especially in the cold season, when there is a lack of vitamins.

Is it possible for pregnant women to sauerkraut

If pregnancy occurs in the cold season and is also complicated by toxicosis, sauerkraut brine will help to cope with the problem. You need to use it 1-2 times a day between meals. Start with a small amount and monitor the body's response.

The thyroid, like any other gland, is the most important organ. The hormones produced by the endocrine system enter the blood and lymph, and are involved in all processes in the body. It is simply necessary to nourish the glands in order to avoid dysfunction of these organs, and the iodine contained in 200 grams. sauerkraut is the optimal daily dose for which the body will say "thank you" to the health of the mother and baby.

With dysbiosis, when bloating, upset, constipation or any other discomfort begins, sauerkraut should be eaten, and if, together with spinach juice, you can completely forget about this problem.

During pregnancy, the body's vitamin reserve is consumed for two. And the first signs of a lack of some useful substances are displayed on the skin in the form of dryness, spots, peeling, etc. ...

Sauerkraut face masks will make the skin firm, fresh and soft.

How to properly consume sauerkraut during pregnancy

The most important rule in the use of sauerkraut during pregnancy is compliance with the measure. An excessive amount of product in the body can provoke edema.

It is better to harvest it yourself, this will allow you to be confident in the quality of the product. Cabbage should be purchased later varieties of light green color, without dark spots and cracks.

It should not be forgotten that the introduction of the product for the first time must be carried out carefully, first with the pickle, and then, if there are no allergic reactions, the vegetable itself 2-3 times a week.

Salads are prepared from sauerkraut, seasoned with oil, it is used in baked goods, it is very tasty in the form of a casserole. You can also use it in the preparation of borscht or soup.

Be careful, when using cabbage in dishes, salt should be excluded so as not to cause swelling.

Cooking methods

The main ingredient for cooking, of course, is cabbage and. They use mainly white cabbage, but you can also ferment red cabbage. Here you just need to adhere to the correct temperature regime, and the whole process will take a little more time. For a variety of taste, add apples, cranberries, celery, raisins. Of the spices, anise, dill, caraway seeds, black and red peppers, bay leaves are more suitable.

Mature forks are used for sourdough. You can harvest from late summer until late autumn. The container should be enameled, glass or wooden. Cookware made of other materials can react and release heavy metals into cabbage. For better fermentation, the procedure is recommended to be carried out 3-5 days after the new moon.

The cabbage is chopped, rubbed with salt, seasonings and spices are added, large leaves of cabbage are placed on the bottom and placed in a container, lightly tamped. Do not lay to the very edges, otherwise the brine will pour out during fermentation.

Leave the container in a warm place for 3 days, pierce the bottom with a wooden stick or knife 2-3 times a day to release the resulting gas. After this period, the cabbage is removed to a cool place (at least 12 C) and insisted for 15-20 days.

Cabbage should be fermented for at least two weeks, otherwise nitrites, hazardous to health, are formed in it in large quantities.

You need to store ready-made cabbage at a temperature of no higher than 10 C in a dark place, so it will not peroxide and retain its beneficial properties. Adhering to all the rules, the finished product can be stored for several months.

In order to avoid the ingestion of fermentation products, the cabbage must be rinsed under water.

There are many recipes for making sauerkraut, and each housewife has her own. Below is the beetroot cabbage recipe:

  1. White cabbage - 5 kg.
  2. Beets and carrots 100 gr.
  3. Salt 80-100 gr.
Cabbage is shredded, carrots and beets are rubbed on a grater "in Korean". Put in a salting container in turn: cabbage with a little salt, beets with salt, cabbage with salt, carrots with salt. Salt should be evenly distributed over all vegetables. Tamp, put oppression on top. Pierce with a stick once or twice a day to release gas. Leave for 3 days at room temperature, then put in a cool place.

A simple instant recipe:

For 10 kg of cabbage, 600 gr is taken. carrots. For brine: 1 liter of water, a spoonful of salt and sugar. Vegetables are chopped, mixed with each other and placed in a container. Then it is poured with prepared brine and left for 2 days, after which it is sent to the cold.

Sauerkraut makes excellent cabbage soup. Put lean beef in half a liter of water, send the onion head, carrots there and cook for 1.5 hours. When the meat and vegetables are cooked, cut them into cubes. Cut the potatoes separately. Send all the ingredients to the boiling broth, add 500 g of sauerkraut.

Boil for a few minutes and add onion fried in butter and 60 g of flour to the broth. Season with bay leaf, pepper mixture, sugar and salt to taste. When the potatoes are boiled, turn off the cabbage soup and leave to brew for a few minutes. Sprinkle with herbs when serving.

Are you afraid to ferment your cabbage because it takes a long time? Alla Kovalchuk will share the recipe for making sauerkraut per day in the following video:

Contraindications and precautions

When pregnancy is proceeding normally, it is necessary to include sauerkraut in the diet. Moreover, you can use it at any time, most importantly, in moderation. But there are diseases in which you should abandon it.
  1. Sauerkraut contains organic acids, therefore, in case of gastritis with high acidity or stomach ulcers, it is not recommended to include the product in the diet.
  2. A large amount of salt, not only in cabbage, but also in other sauerkraut, can contribute to fluid retention in the body, lead to the appearance of edema and an increase in blood pressure.
  3. Women with gestational diabetes or overweight should avoid sauerkraut, which uses sugar to ferment.
  4. It is necessary to take into account the fact that sauerkraut causes an increased formation of gas in the intestines.
Pregnancy is an important stage in a woman's life, which must be treated responsibly. Sauerkraut will help to cope with this task "with a bang!" The main thing is to follow the measure and recommendations for use.

Sauerkraut has been known for its beneficial properties since ancient times. In Russia, this most useful product served not only as food, but also as a real cure for a hundred ailments. As you know, during pregnancy, a woman's body is in dire need of sour and salty foods. That is why sauerkraut in this wonderful period is simply irreplaceable. However, the consumption of this product should not be exceeded.

Composition and nutritional value of sauerkraut

Fresh vegetables are harvested in the autumn for the winter. For these purposes, a fermentation procedure is used, which allows you to preserve all the beneficial substances in the cabbage and prevent the beneficial properties of this product from being lost. The composition of cabbage includes such useful substances as:

  • vitamins of group A, B, C, D, E, H and PP;
  • macronutrients of the following composition: calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium, phosphorus, sulfur and chlorine;
  • trace elements: iodine, manganese, boron, nickel, strong, molybdenum, fluorine, zinc, chlorine;

Reference! Scientists claim that cabbage has absorbed all the elements listed in the periodic table.

Nutritional value during and after fermentation is 19 calories per 100 g. product. In fermented form, the product does not contain cholesterol.

Regular consumption of sauerkraut salads can help prevent blood problems and prevent the development of anemia. Besides:

  • prevents the formation and proliferation of malignant cells;
  • kills harmful bacteria and acts as a probiotic for the intestinal flora;
  • digestion improves, signs of constipation disappear;
  • strengthens nails and hair;
  • the condition of the skin is noticeably transformed, neoplasms and age spots are smoothed out;
  • sleep is strengthened and the nervous system is normalized;
  • prevents stroke conditions and improves the functioning of blood vessels and heart;
  • fights colds.

Pregnant women are often troubled by problems with bloating and flatulence. This is due to the fact that the enlarged uterus creates an additional load on all nearby organs and systems. To avoid this, it is useful to eat sauerkraut at least several times a week.

Important! Scientists managed to establish the fact that when a future mother uses sauerkraut, her child will receive protection from cancer in the future.

When carrying a fetus, the female body suffers from vitamin deficiency, since now she needs to eat for two, and often the usual diet does not meet all the necessary needs. You have to maintain your health by taking vitamins and minerals. Sauerkraut can become a full-fledged source of all the necessary elements that help maintain immunity and prevent viral infections.

Is it possible to eat sauerkraut during pregnancy:

- in the 1st trimester

Most often, expectant mothers want sauerkraut in the first trimester of pregnancy, since it is during this period that the body undergoes serious hormonal changes. Now he must work for two: to supply the female body and the body of her fetus with useful elements.

There is no need to deny yourself such a taste preference. Folic acid during this period is very necessary for the full development of the neural tube in the fetus. It is acidity that allows you to remove various defects from this tubular system and lay the future health of the baby.

In the early stages of pregnancy, there is always a high probability of painful toxicosis, so sauerkraut comes to the rescue in this case too. But not the leaves themselves should be consumed, but half a glass of brine should be drunk after each nausea. This excellent remedy has been tested on many young mothers.

- in the 2nd trimester

In the second trimester, pregnancy goes into a more familiar stage with a calm course of its development. Toxicosis as such either goes away completely, or the woman gets sick from time to time, but without any particular inconvenience for her. The abdomen is not yet too large and does not press on nearby organs. But now the woman has heartburn.

Attention! Heartburn is not a mandatory symptom in the second trimester, but the likelihood of its occurrence is still high. And a sour pickle can also help here.

Brine is an excellent prophylactic agent against hemorrhoids, which most often begins to bother mom by the second trimester of her pregnancy. Taking brine after meals reduces the risk of such negative phenomena. It is worth considering that the brine should not be consumed on an empty stomach, since acid can negatively affect the gastrointestinal tract.

- in the 3rd trimester

The last trimester of pregnancy is characterized by rapid weight gain. A woman wants to eat a lot and often. This is justified by the fact that a growing body develops inside it and the usual portions of food are now insufficient to saturate the body with all vitamins and microelements.

During this period, the expectant mother should carefully approach the choice of diet so as not to abuse heavy foods, not to eat fatty and spicy foods. Sauerkraut can come to the rescue here too. The fact is that it has a very low calorie content, but at the same time it is very satisfying and healthy. A small portion of a fermented product will help saturate the body and not cause the feeling of overeating.

Sauerkraut is an excellent way to remove toxins from the body. Before childbirth, this is very relevant. Cleansing the intestines and relieving swelling is the ideal state before the baby is born.

How to properly consume sauerkraut during pregnancy

During pregnancy, sauerkraut should be eaten as follows:

  1. Pure bite with meat or other vegetables. This option is ideal for those women who are very fond of the pure taste of fermentation and love crunching in the mouth. Thus, sauerkraut acts as a side dish here. Of course, you can use this wonderful vegetable without additional ingredients, this will also be acceptable and permissible.
  2. In the absence of a great desire to eat a bitter pickled product, you can add it to the salad. A fresh cucumber would be ideal for combination. Together, these ingredients have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the digestive tract and intestines.
  3. Sauerkraut cabbage soup has excellent taste and aroma. This dish is ideal for pregnant women, while it acts very easily on the gastrointestinal tract.
  4. The juice. The pulp can be squeezed out and get a very satisfying and healthy pickle. Almost all mothers adore him. It is rare to find a woman in a position who would react negatively to such an amazing drink.

There are many recipes for the perfect preparation of delicious sauerkraut dishes. Here are some of them:

  • A winter variety of cabbage is taken in the amount of one head of cabbage (about 3-4 kg), 6 - 7 medium-sized carrots, 3 tbsp. salt with a slide. Shred cabbage finely, and three carrots on a medium grater. Add salt and squeeze the resulting mass with your hands. We squeeze thoroughly and place in sterile jars, cover with gauze. We store in a warm place for several days, and then in the refrigerator.

Reference Information! To enhance the taste of the dish, you can add a few cranberries.

  • Prepare 10 kg. white cabbage and 600 g of sweet carrots. Chop everything on a medium grater and add the brine, which consists of the following ingredients: add one spoonful of sugar and one spoonful of salt to a liter of water and boil. The cabbage is kept for 2 days in an enamel bowl with a tightly closed lid. For the third day, the dish should stand in the refrigerator. After that, you can eat.
  • Lightly salted sauerkraut... Simple and easy to prepare. The brine is very tasty and aromatic: for 3 liters of water - 1 glass of salt, bay leaf and pepper to taste.
    For 10 kg of cabbage, two medium-sized carrots are chopped. Mix everything thoroughly. The brine, brought to a boil, is dissolved in the vegetable mixture. Literally after a couple of minutes, the excess liquid is drained and the vegetables are left to ferment under oppression at room temperature. Then we take it out in the cold and leave it for another four days.

Contraindications and precautions

Before using the product, you should check the reaction of your body. During gestation, some women develop allergies to certain foods, including sauerkraut. After drinking a small amount of brine, you can check your condition. If there are no negative sensations and rashes on the body, then the product is quite suitable for consumption.

When buying ready-made sauerkraut, consider the following:

  • Fresh, slightly golden shade. If dark tints and gray color are visible, then the product is not the first freshness and cannot be taken.
  • The brine should cover the whole cabbage. Leaves that are not flooded quickly deteriorate and lose their freshness.
  • It is better to take a medium-thick slicing, since a too large thick layer does not have time to be saturated with juice, and a thin one - too viscous and slimy - has an unpleasant taste and consistency.
  • The smell should be spicy and the taste should be slightly pungent.
  • When chewing on fresh and healthy cabbage, it should crunch in your mouth. The viscous texture and damp consistency should alert you.

Sauerkraut is the most useful product for adults and children. Pregnant women need trace elements and vitamins that this product contains, so every expectant mother should regularly use it. Of course, everything needs a measure, so sauerkraut and pickle should be consumed in moderation.

Especially for- Maryana Surma

Sauerkraut is one of those food products that were popular with our ancient ancestors. It was harvested in barrels for the cold season in large quantities.

In those days, it was an extremely important addition to the winter diet, because there were no greenhouses where fresh vegetables are grown today, so they had to get vitamins from processed raw materials, and sauerkraut, as you know, a storehouse of vitamin C and other useful elements... Such a product can be consumed by people of any age. But is it allowed for pregnant women?

Is it possible to eat sauerkraut during pregnancy

The answer is definitely yes. She even useful for women in position, due to the substances that make up it. Its benefits lie in the high content of iron and, which are simply necessary for the normal formation, growth and development of the fetus, as well as vitamin C and K. Cabbage brine can relieve or relieve nausea, which is often characteristic.

It is good to use it for the prevention of colds, because during pregnancy it is necessary to drink as little medicine as possible. Sauerkraut promotes the assimilation of proteins contained in meat products, improves blood circulation. Do not forget also that pregnant women often lack magnesium and have to make up for its deficiency - so, sauerkraut can serve as its source.

If a woman follows the figure, despite her position, cabbage will not harm her in any way, since its calorie content is minimal, only 25-30 kcal per 100 grams. It has a good effect on the metabolism, which allows the lady to keep herself in shape, strengthens nails and hair due to the high content of zinc and copper, making her beautiful despite the fatigue from bearing a child.

Harm and precautions

Despite the many advantages, do not forget about the other side of any product. Eating too much sauerkraut can lead to stomach upset, and some women are not allowed to eat it at all. Eat sauerkraut it is impossible for diseases such as:

  • disturbances in the work of the liver and kidneys;
  • previous operations on the gastrointestinal tract;
  • increased acidity of gastric juice, peptic ulcer, gastritis in the active phase;
  • high pressure.

If it is not homemade and contains other ingredients, especially onions and cranberries, you should be careful with the product. Also, despite the desire to eat something salty, you should not eat too much of it, one pinch at a time will be enough. You shouldn't add it to your diet more than twice a week.

Sauerkraut is a healthy product that pregnant women eat with pleasure, as many women are attracted to salty foods during this period of their lives. How useful it is for the expectant mother, and what contraindications exist, we will analyze in the article.

Composition and nutritional value of sauerkraut

Sauerkraut has long been considered a valuable product. In the countryside, in the autumn, they produce preparations for the winter from fresh vegetables. After fermentation, cabbage is stored longer and does not lose its qualities.

It contains many substances necessary for the body:

  • vitamins: A, B, C, D, E, H, PP;
  • macronutrients: potassium, calcium, magnesium, sodium, sulfur, phosphorus, chlorine;
  • trace elements: boron, iodine, manganese, nickel, selenium, molybdenum, fluorine, chromium, zinc.

It is believed that the cabbage took all the elements of the periodic table.

The nutritional value of a vegetable after fermentation is only 19 calories per 100 grams of product. There is no cholesterol at all in cabbage.

Against the background of all positive indicators, cabbage contains an excessive amount of sugar and salt, which can negatively affect the body.

Is it possible for pregnant women to sauerkraut. Product benefits and indications for use

It is allowed to eat sauerkraut during pregnancy, but there should be a measure in everything. First of all, let's look at what its benefits are for the expectant mother:

  • Vitamin C and selenium in its composition will slow down the aging process in a woman's body and contribute to strengthening the immune system.
  • The acid-base environment in the stomach is normalized, which is important when its acidity is low.
  • Drinking brine will help relieve nausea, and eating cabbage will increase your appetite.
  • Cabbage is a fiber, which means it will help get rid of constipation, and thereby from hemorrhoids.
  • Digestive processes are improved with moderate consumption of the product.

It turns out that sauerkraut is used in food not only to strengthen the immune system, but also as an analgesic, bactericidal and anti-inflammatory agent.

Pregnant women are prescribed a salty product for toxicosis and for the prevention of colds. Eating a bite of it with boiled red meat will replenish iron deficiency, improve mood, and reduce fatigue and fatigue.

Despite the low calorie content, eating the product increases appetite, which can lead to weight gain. But if a woman does not have an appetite for food and there is a loss of body weight, then sauerkraut will be very useful.

A lot of salt is added to sauerkraut. During pregnancy, follow your doctor's recommendations regarding nutrition!

How to properly consume sauerkraut during pregnancy

Sauerkraut should be added to the daily diet little by little, so as not to harm. First, they drink a little brine and watch the body's reaction.

You can eat sauerkraut in its pure form, make a salad from it, drink pickle, etc. The product goes well with meat dishes.

Cabbage soup with sauerkraut will be a great addition to your dining table. The recipe is very simple: put 0.5 liters of water on a low heat. Put in cold water beef (low-fat varieties), a small head of onion (peeled from the husk), peeled carrots, spices to taste. After 1-1.5 hours, the broth is ready. We take out meat and vegetables, chop them into cubes.

In the boiling broth we will send half a kilogram of sauerkraut, 200 g of boiled chopped beef and vegetables, a few potatoes, also diced. After a few minutes, add 60 g of flour and onions to the soup, pre-fried until golden brown in butter. As spices, we will use bay leaves, a mixture of peppers, sugar and salt to taste. As the potatoes are ready, turn off the cabbage soup and leave it to brew for several minutes. Serve in combination with herbs.

You can make sauerkraut salad, which will be a great side dish for white meat or fish for dinner. This combination of foods will allow you to assimilate protein and digest food well.

Expectant mothers often experience heartburn. In this case, salvation will be cabbage pickle... It is necessary to drink some liquid before eating.

Drinking brine will also help get rid of from nausea... They drink it before meals or during an attack of toxicosis.

During the period of carrying a baby, nutritionists advise expectant mothers to spend fasting days on sauerkraut.

The daily norm for such food will be a small cup of cabbage salad.

Any healthy product can become harmful if eaten in excess.

Sauerkraut cooking methods

Sauerkraut is best cooked at home. There are different recipes. The products used for the sourdough are the most basic, those that every housewife has at hand. Consider the popular ways:

  • Plain sauerkraut... We need one white head of cabbage of a winter variety weighing 3-4 kg, 6 carrots, 3-4 tbsp. l. salt. Thinly chop the cabbage. Mix with grated carrots in a large bowl. Add salt and squeeze with your hands until the juice appears. We squeeze well and lay out tightly in clean jars, covering with gauze. Cranberries can be added to enhance the flavor. For sourdough, a room temperature of about 22 degrees is suitable.
  • Whip up sauerkraut... Prepare 10 kg of white cabbage and 600 grams of carrots. Shred cabbage, three carrots on a grater or cut into thin strips. We connect the vegetables with each other and add the brine.
    Prepare the brine in advance: for 1 liter of water, one spoonful of sugar and salt, boil and pour into vegetables. For two days, the cabbage will be in an enamel bowl, covered with a tight lid. On the third day, we will send the leaven into the chill, and the product is almost ready for use.

  • Crispy sauerkraut... By analogy, chop 3 kg of white cabbage and mix with two grated medium-sized carrots. We put it in a container, add one spoonful of salt, sugar, rub it with our hands, and put it in an enamel bucket under the load for 3-4 days. As soon as foam appears on top, the product is ready to use.
  • Lightly salted sauerkraut... Preparing is simple. Prepare the brine: for 3 liters of water - 1 glass of salt, bay leaf and pepper to taste.
    For 10 kg of cabbage, you will need two carrots. Chop vegetables, chop, mix. Add the brine, brought to a boil, to the vegetable mixture. After one minute we drain it. Leave the vegetables to ferment under pressure at room temperature. Then we take it out in the cold and leave it for another four days. The cabbage is ready.

There are many other ways. When you add your favorite spices to vegetables, you get a new recipe.

Sauerkraut: a classic recipe (video)

By watching the following video, you will learn how to ferment cabbage so that it is crispy and juicy. The recipe is good for housewives who first decided to make sourdough.

Contraindications and precautions

In the normal course of pregnancy, there were no contraindications to eating sauerkraut. The product is recommended to be eaten at any time, the main thing is not to overdo it.

The product is contraindicated for expectant mothers if a woman has kidney disease, hypertension, diabetes, excess weight, flatulence and ulcers in the gastrointestinal tract. Let's take a closer look at everything.

Although the product is low in calories, sugar is used to ferment it, so sauerkraut has a high glycemic index. Therefore, women with high blood sugar (with gestational or diabetes mellitus), as well as overweight women, should not eat it.

For women suffering from gastritis with high acidity or stomach ulcers, sauerkraut will have to be excluded from the diet altogether, since the product has organic acids, and this can negatively affect the well-being of a patient with similar diseases.

Sauerkraut is a fermented product and can cause flatulence in the intestines.

It is best to buy cabbage from your friends from the backyard. So you can be sure of its quality. You can cook sauerkraut at home, there is nothing complicated here - there are many recipes. The most delicious and healthy products are those that are made by hand.