Pregnancy watery discharge. Normal watery discharge during pregnancy. Water leakage

After conception, the hormonal background of a woman changes, adjusting to the needs of the baby growing inside the womb. Vaginal secretions are modified. In particular, liquid watery discharge during pregnancy can be a cause for concern or be considered the norm, depending on the well-being of the pregnant woman.

Watery discharge during pregnancy is normal

Under the influence of hormones produced by the glandular tissue of the cervix, secretions from the vagina change. At each gestation period and at each stage of the menstrual cycle, the state of secretions varies from liquid to thick.

When questions arise about whether there can be liquid discharge before menstruation? How to determine by secretions the onset of pregnancy or menstruation, which should begin? In this case, it is necessary to focus on the consistency of secretions, often they are thick with a white tint, but closer to the beginning of menstruation, they acquire a watery base.

In the early stages, progesterone becomes the main controlling hormone, which tries as much as possible to keep the fetus inside the womb and create favorable development conditions for it.

In the second trimester, estrogen becomes the main hormone, which causes watery secretions. Often they are odorless, transparent and almost invisible, which is considered the norm and does not require close attention.

At a later date, in the third trimester, small liquid secretions will also not be considered a pathology. At the same time, it is necessary to understand that if abundant discharge appeared, like water, then this indicates leakage of amniotic fluid. The situation is dangerous with the onset of preterm labor or infection of the fetus for up to 37 weeks.

During pregnancy, watery discharge, without additional specific symptoms, is normal. At the same time, volumes, structure and consistency vary within considerable limits.

Signs of pathological changes

If liquid discharge during pregnancy in women becomes more specific, changes color, smell, or itching begins, then this indicates that the pathological process has begun:
  1. Light, clear watery discharge is normal. The appearance of a different shade (red, greenish or brown) indicates the development of pathology, which becomes a reason to visit a doctor.
  2. A change in the volume and consistency of secretions (sticky, foamy, cheesy or clotted) is often the result of infection in the vagina.
  3. The appearance of a smell (putrefactive, fishy or sour-milk) is caused by the development of pathogenic bacteria in the microflora.
  4. Unpleasant sensations in the lower abdomen and pain during urination are a consequence of cystitis or an infectious process in the urinary tract.
  5. Pain, itching or edematous reaction of the labia may indicate the presence of a serious illness from an STD to a cancerous tumor.
Any changes that cause discomfort should be known to the doctor in order to prevent infection from getting to the child, because. this is dangerous developmental delay, there is a threat of miscarriage, up to the death of the fetus inside the womb.

Allocations after the use of drugs

Not infrequently, when diagnosing thrush or bacterial vaginitis in pregnant women, local drugs are used in the form of vaginal suppositories.

Utrozhestan is used if hormone tests show a low level of progesterone. The capsules contain natural ingredients that do not harm either the mother or the fetus during pregnancy. The discharge after utrozhestan becomes thicker and darker, due to the brownish tint of the candles.

In order to restore the microflora of the vagina, various suppositories and suppositories are used to help fight harmful bacteria. So, after a femilex candle, secretions acquire a whitish hue, which will not be a pathology. After treatment, control tests are always carried out to exclude the possibility of re-detection of infections.

Normally, women always have vaginal discharge. After all, the cervical canal constantly produces a mucous secretion that performs protective functions, preventing the penetration of infectious and other pathogens into the uterus. Under the influence of hormonal substances at various stages of the cycle, the nature of cervical mucus changes. For example, at the beginning of the cycle, the mucous secretion is liquid so that the spermatozoa can freely enter the uterine body and fertilize the female cell, and after the ovulatory period, the cervical secretion acquires viscosity and density so that the infection does not enter the uterus and harm the embryo. But liquid discharge during pregnancy may be present, although they are not always a manifestation of the norm. Therefore, expectant mothers rightly worry when they have all sorts of secretions.

A scheduled examination by a gynecologist will help to detect pathology in time

White watery discharge during early pregnancy is considered quite common. Usually they appear at the very beginning of gestation, indicating to the woman the accomplished fact of conception. In such a situation, such a sign is considered a variant of the norm, the main thing is that there are no inclusions like blood in the secret, because the presence of bloody impurities may indicate an incipient spontaneous interruption or detachment of the fetal egg.

In fact, the appearance of a secret in consistency, like water, is due to progesterone activity, since this hormone is released in large quantities after implantation of the egg in the uterine endometrium.

Attention! At about 12 weeks, the estrogen hormone is activated, which dilutes the excreted secret. Such secretions are usually odorless and cannot cause discomfort in a woman, with the exception of a feeling of excessive moisture in the perineum.

There is no need to panic in such a situation, only you should pay more attention to intimate hygiene, do not use intimate soaps or pads with fragrances and aromatic additives. It is also recommended to wash more often with warm water and change clothes daily. But it is better to refuse hygienic tampons during this period, because they can become a source of accumulation and reproduction of infectious processes.

When watery whites are considered the norm

When carrying out, special attention should be paid to the issue of nutrition.

After the ovulatory stage, the progesterone hormone predominates, which provokes the appearance of whitish watery discharge during pregnancy. Soon they thicken, acquire a characteristic viscosity. Such changes are caused by the fact that then a cork is formed from them, the purpose of which is to protect the uterus and embryo from various external threats emanating from pathogens. These mucous secretions are observed in the first 12 weeks almost constantly. If there are no pathological symptoms such as burning or an unpleasant odor, then there is no reason for the pregnant woman to worry.

From the fourth month, the estrogen predominance returns again in the pregnant body, for which the presence of such a manifestation as watery discharge during pregnancy is considered typical. They usually do not differ much from mucosal secretions in non-pregnant women. If there are no pathological symptoms such as burning or a disgusting smell, then they are quite natural, therefore, they also do not cause any concern.

In order for such secretion to become invisible, not to provoke feelings of excessive dampness, it is necessary to wash more often and change panties several times a day, which should be made of cotton fabrics, since synthetics often cause irritation of the perineum.

If the discharge is abundant and looks like water, then it would be useful to use sanitary pads. You just need to choose them based on considerations of quality and reliability, because the use of low-quality, non-breathable pads creates a greenhouse effect in the perineum, which favors the active reproduction of pathogenic organisms that provoke the development of sexual infectious diseases.

If water leaks

Sometimes abundant watery discharge during pregnancy indicates leakage of amniotic fluid. These waters are of the utmost importance for gestation, therefore their premature discharge can be extremely dangerous. Such a sign may indicate premature delivery, so it is extremely important for every mother to know the signs of amniotic fluid leakage.

  1. When changing position or during motor activity, there is a noticeable increase in liquid secretions.
  2. If the fetal membrane ruptures, the liquid will literally flow from the vagina; it will not be possible to stop it due to the tension of the perineal muscles.
  3. With a slight leakage of amniotic fluid, it can only be determined by taking a smear for analysis or using a specialized test.

If you have any suspicious symptoms, you should immediately consult a doctor

It is very important to know for sure whether the usual discharge bothers mommy or is it a sign of amniotic fluid leakage. Leakage is a little different from cervical discharge. Usually the waters have a transparent structure, they can be like water, greenish or pinkish, sometimes slightly cloudy. Ordinary discharge is thicker, whitish or yellowish.

In a pharmacy, you can purchase a special test system that will help a woman figure out what is secreted from her - a cervical secret or amniotic fluid. These tests look like pads, only they are impregnated with specialized compounds. A woman attaches such a product to her panties, and after 12 hours looks at the result. If amniotic fluid leaks, the pad will turn greenish-bluish. Thanks to such an invention, it is possible to distinguish safe secretion from leakage of amniotic fluid.

Leakage can also be determined by simple methods. For example, use a white clean diaper for this purpose. Before the study, it is necessary to thoroughly wash and wipe the perineum dry. Then you need to lie down on a clean, white sheet, and lie down for half an hour. If after that there are stains on the diaper, then the risk of outflow of amniotic fluid is high. If there are signs of outflow, it is urgent to contact an obstetrician-gynecologist, since such a condition is fraught with serious consequences for the fetus and the pregnant woman.

Vaginal dysbacteriosis

Sometimes discharge like water indicates the development of vaginal dysbiosis. A similar disease is a violation of the vaginal microflora. There are no specific pathogens of this pathology, since the disease develops solely under the influence of internal changes in the vaginal microflora and changes in its microorganic composition.

Usually, there are no specific symptoms of vaginal dysbiosis, and only liquid discharges are suspicious, during pregnancy they are transparent, they can be whitish or grayish, but with the development of pathological changes they thicken and acquire a yellow tint. Sometimes they have a fishy smell and cause itching, burning. If the disease is not treated in a timely manner, then it can provoke inflammatory lesions of the uterine body and vagina, which can be very dangerous during pregnancy.

Discharges characteristic of different trimesters

In general, discharges at different stages of the gestation process can vary significantly, change their character and structure.

When Watery Secretion Is Dangerous

Normally, any watery discharge should not cause any discomfort, except that they may require frequent changes of underwear or the use of daily feminine pads. If mom noticed the appearance of itching and hyperemia, burning and hyperedema in the genital area, then you should immediately go to your obstetrician. After all, the vaginal microflora during the gestation period is in the most sensitive state, meanwhile, pathogenic microorganisms begin to activate. That is why, when carrying a baby, women often face various complications such as colpitis or vaginal candidiasis.

It is important to pay attention to the smallest details, to carefully monitor your well-being

Watery secretion may indicate the development of a genital herpes virus infection, while scanty spotting leucorrhoea may be almost the only pathological sign. Also, the development of genital herpes in a pregnant woman can be indicated by watery, painful, vesicles localized on the skin and mucous tissues of the perineum and genital organs. Then these bubble formations burst, dry out. In some clinical cases, a herpesvirus genital infection can occur in combination with pain in the lumbar, sacral region, or in the lower abdomen.

Also, during gestation, watery discharge may indicate the development of bacterial vaginosis. Whitish-gray transparent discharge can have a very unpleasant fishy smell, and when the pathology is neglected, they become sticky and viscous, frothy and thick, their color changes to greenish-yellow. With bacterial vaginosis, patients note noticeable urinary disorders and characteristic itching in the genitals and genitals. In general, infectious vaginal lesions are considered one of the most common causes of watery secretion.

If there is a nasty smell of fish, yeast, rot, acid, or the discharge has changed color to red, brown, green or yellow, then the pregnant woman should definitely seek advice. In addition, changes in the consistency of the secret from watery to foamy or curdled, viscous or flaky should also alert. You should especially pay attention to the condition of the mucous membranes of the genitals, whether they have redness, irritation, swelling, itching, etc. The appearance of at least one pathological symptom requires the mandatory intervention of a doctor.


The sooner the patient turns to an obstetrician-gynecologist, the sooner the diagnosis will be determined and the root cause of the unusual discharge will be established. Then the treatment will be prescribed quickly and the prognosis for the elimination of the pathology and the healthy continuation of the pregnancy will be as favorable as possible.

Important! Particular attention should be paid to changes in the discharge. A watery white secret indicates the development of candidiasis or inflammation of the ovaries, green and brown liquid discharge may indicate placental damage or detachment, and bloody discharge may indicate a possible threat of spontaneous interruption.

Obstetrics today allows the use of drugs in the treatment of pregnant women that are absolutely safe for the fetus, but very effective in combating infectious and inflammatory pathologies. Therefore, one should not delay contacting a specialist, because a belated identification of a problem and the appointment of untimely treatment can lead to irreversible consequences in the development of the fetus or miscarriage.


The prevention of watery discharge is, first of all, the observance of intimate hygiene, so mom needs to wash herself as often as possible. It is also recommended to use intimate hygiene products designed specifically for pregnant women, they do not contain aggressive chemical components. Remember, now you are responsible for the well-being of the little man, and not just for yourself. Therefore, be vigilant.

Discharge from the external genital organs in women is absolutely normal, similarly, watery discharge during pregnancy is necessarily present in all women. Discharge during pregnancy before a delay is no different from normal discharge.

However, discharge can be both physiological and pathological, and this must be taken into account for a successful pregnancy.

The process associated with secretions in pregnant women is physiological and is needed by the body as an auxiliary element for fertilization and protection of the unborn child during pregnancy.

Allocations are normal

The discharge is associated with a large amount of discharge secretion, which is produced by the glandular tissue of the cervix. The composition and character dynamically changes and depends on the fluctuations of female steroid sex hormones.

Watery discharge can be of two types. In the first period of the menstrual cycle, they are the most liquid, which contributes to the promotion of sperm through the birth canal, and then helps the fertilized egg to attach to the endometrium of the woman's uterus.

In the second period of the menstrual cycle, the discharge becomes thick and forms a mucous plug in the vagina, which prevents the development of an infectious process from the external environment. Thick secretions have a protective function and are controlled by the female sex hormone - progesterone. The discharge during pregnancy before the delay is similar to the discharge of nulliparous women.

In the first trimester

Watery discharge during early pregnancy is quite common. Especially during pregnancy before the delay. Early terms include the entire first trimester of pregnancy, however, discharge during this period of time appears most often by the end of the 10th week. In the period from 1 to 10 weeks, the discharge is controlled by the hormone progesterone. Progesterone is necessary for the normal implantation of the fetal egg and its further development.

Also, the hormone is responsible for protecting the fetal egg from all sorts of harmful environmental factors and infection. The concentration of progesterone reaches a peak at 8 weeks, after which its production decreases and by 13 weeks is significantly reduced. Starting from 11-12 weeks in the body of a woman, estrogen begins to be intensively produced, which characterizes the development of watery discharge in the early stages. As mentioned above, estrogen contributes to the development and activation of the glands of the cervix, and the onset of discharge in pregnant women at the end of the first trimester is associated with this.

In the second trimester

In the second trimester, which lasts from weeks 14 to 27, estrogen predominates in a woman's body, which characterizes abundant discharge almost from the very beginning of pregnancy. Estrogen begins to be intensively produced by the placenta and prevails in the body until the very birth. A high concentration of estrogen is necessary for the normal physiological development of the child's organs and systems, and estrogen also prepares the mother's body for the upcoming delivery.

With a constant high concentration of estrogens in the blood, the glandular layer of the cervical canal of the uterus changes the composition of the cervical mucus, it becomes more liquid and is constantly released, especially in the morning. Normally, such discharge does not cause any sensations other than increased moisture in the perineum. In some cases, the discharge may acquire a whitish tint. The volume and consistency of secretions in different women is different and can vary widely.

In the third trimester

The third trimester lasts from 27 weeks until delivery, which normally occurs at 40-41 weeks of gestation. In the third trimester, the discharge is no different from the second and continues to appear, since the same estrogen remains the dominant hormone. However, secretions in the third trimester should be taken seriously, because they can easily be confused with leakage of amniotic fluid, which is a pathological condition. More about water leakage →

You can also check at home by resorting to the use of special test strips (amniotest). In general, if the discharge has become much thinner and its volume has increased, you should not delay contacting the antenatal clinic for medical help.

Causes of deviations from the norm

Pathological discharge during pregnancy has its own characteristics. So white watery discharge during pregnancy indicates the presence of bacterial flora in the genital tract. Bacterial vaginosis during pregnancy, in addition to changing the color of the discharge, is accompanied by unpleasant symptoms such as itching, burning and an unpleasant odor.

In late pregnancy, the discharge may become noticeably thinner, which again does not exclude the leakage of amniotic fluid.

When is pathological discharge dangerous?

The most alarming sign is the leakage of amniotic fluid. This condition indicates that there is contact between the amnion cavity and the external environment, which significantly increases the risk of amnion infection. Infection certainly leads to the development of serious complications in a pregnant woman and even to premature unsuccessful birth. With a positive amniotest, constant monitoring of discharges in the hospital is necessary.

Also, during pregnancy, watery discharge indicates danger if accompanied by an unpleasant odor and obvious discomfort. Violation of the biocenosis of the vagina during pregnancy cannot be left without correction, since the infectious process can progress and lead to serious complications.

Primary diagnostics can and should be carried out independently, and if any deviations from the norm are suspected, immediate consultation with a specialist is necessary. Determining changes in the pathological direction is quite simple. With the development of an infectious process in the external genital organs, the discharge becomes sticky and viscous, acquires a white or yellow color, in some cases the discharge may turn red.

In addition to color and consistency, an unpleasant odor from discharge is an alarming symptom. If these symptoms occur, be sure to contact the obstetrician-gynecologist leading the pregnancy for a diagnosis.

Treatment and prognosis

With the timely detection of pathological discharge and seeking advice and medical care from the obstetrician-gynecologist leading the pregnancy, the prognosis is favorable. In most cases, pregnant women come in connection with a violation of the microbiocinosis of the vagina as a result of either poor nutrition or insufficient hygiene.

The main treatment is a change in lifestyle and an attentive, responsible attitude to personal intimate hygiene. In most cases, it is possible to normalize the flora without the use of special drug therapy. If the infection is serious, they resort to antibiotic therapy and the use of local antiseptic drugs.

If there is leakage of amniotic fluid, they try to keep the pregnancy to the last, in some cases the leakage is eliminated by itself, with persistent leakage, antibiotic therapy is also carried out, and in case of infection of the fetal bladder, surgical delivery.


If you have frequent and heavy discharge, starting from the 10th week of pregnancy, do not be afraid and sound the alarm. Despite the fact that the discharge is a physiological process, this suggests that the female body during pregnancy should be treated more carefully. Be sure to observe personal hygiene and systematically take water procedures. In the case of heavy discharge, you can and should use sanitary pads for pregnant women.

What do women who have heavy watery discharge need to know? In absolutely all people, the body temperature in the perineum is higher than on the rest of the skin - this is due to the anatomical features of the structure of the human body. When a large amount of discharge appears in the perineum, which inevitably leads to the formation of a humid and warm environment, all the conditions appear for the development of an infectious process, which must be fought through careful personal hygiene.

Watch for discharge throughout pregnancy, especially in the later stages. With a careful and responsible approach to your own health during pregnancy, you will be able to give birth to a healthy and strong baby.

Useful video about discharge during pregnancy

When a woman is expecting a baby, she, one way or another, listens to her body, noticing something new. But not all changes bring joy and pleasant sensations. some make you feel alarmed and think about whether the danger lies in the symptoms that have appeared. And if you had to worry only about your health - this is one thing, but during pregnancy, a woman cares more about the condition of her unborn child. And when watery discharge appears, it naturally wants to know what this phenomenon is connected with and whether it creates a threat to the baby.

Normal condition

Before looking for danger in what is happening, you should think about whether discharge can be a physiological state of the body. It is known that during pregnancy, the hormonal background changes significantly. The bearing of a child occurs under the control of progesterone - it rises from the first trimester. This hormone is synthesized by the corpus luteum, and then by the placenta. Under its influence, thick mucous secretions come from the genital tract. They are transparent or slightly whitish.

As the fetus develops, the need for estrogens increases. Their concentration increases markedly in the second half of pregnancy. This is due to the growth of the uterus and the preparation of the mammary glands. The nature of the discharge in a woman also changes. The mucus in the cervical canal becomes more liquid and watery, its volume increases. Therefore, pregnant women may not leave the feeling of humidity in the intimate area. And it stays for the rest of the time.

With the approach of childbirth, a different situation may arise. A sharp increase in the amount of watery discharge during pregnancy is associated with the outflow of amniotic fluid. This indicates that the fetal bladder has burst, and the child will soon begin to move along the mother's birth canal. Such secretions acquire a yellowish tint and a sweetish odor. If a woman is at the stage of completing her pregnancy, then you should not worry about them - you need to tune in to a successful birth.


Particular attention should be paid to the reasons indicating deviations during pregnancy. Every woman wants the period of bearing a child to be successful, which means she is obliged to monitor her condition. And if she notices any alarming symptoms, she should consult a doctor. A similar need arises when the discharge changes its usual character:

  1. Volume and duration are abundant and constant.
  2. Appearance and consistency - curd-like, foamy, with flakes, cloudy.
  3. Coloring - bloody, gray, brown, green-yellow.
  4. The smell is sour, purulent, "fishy" or otherwise unpleasant.

These signs make it possible to suggest the source of secretions and the mechanism of their formation. This is very important for the diagnosis of gynecological and obstetric pathology.


In such cases, first of all, the thought of an inflammatory process in the genital tract arises. Allocations like water are possible with herpes infection or trichomoniasis. They are not asymptomatic, so a woman may present such complaints:

  • Burning and itching in the vagina.
  • Discomfort during intercourse.
  • Redness of the external genitalia.
  • Frequent urination.
  • Pain in the lower abdomen.
  • Temperature rise.

This poses a danger to the fetus, because intrauterine infection is possible. Then the child may experience various anomalies, intrauterine development (delay) is disturbed, or premature termination of pregnancy occurs.

Infectious processes in the vagina are a common cause of watery discharge in a woman at various stages of pregnancy.

Dysbiosis of the vagina

In addition to infectious processes (colpitis), bacterial vaginosis or the so-called vaginal dysbiosis must be excluded. It is a violation of the normal microflora of the genital tract, when the place of bifido- and lactobacilli is occupied by other microorganisms, in particular gardnerella. There will be no signs of inflammation on the mucous membranes (hyperemia, swelling, plaque) and subjective sensations, only the discharge will change: they will become grayish in color, plentiful, with the smell of fish. But you should not relax - this is a favorable background for the development of dangerous infections.

Leakage of amniotic fluid

Having considered the likelihood of a microbial factor, you need to think about the fact that a woman in a position has leakage or premature outflow of amniotic fluid. Then the discharge will become very watery and sharply abundant. Unlike the normal situation, when the amniotic bladder bursts before childbirth, here it is damaged long before the end of the pregnancy. This is observed for the following reasons:

  • Malposition.
  • Narrow pelvis.
  • Isthmic-cervical insufficiency.
  • Multiple pregnancy.
  • Extragenital pathology (anemia, connective tissue diseases).
  • Bad habits.

Leakage of water is said to be when they are released gradually. A woman notices a wet spot on her underwear or hygiene products (padding). As a rule, the discharge is transparent or yellowish, less often sanious, grayish-greenish or cloudy. There will be no additional signs other than a feeling of moisture.

If there is a premature outflow of amniotic fluid, then the pregnant woman notices a sharp increase in the amount of discharge - by 500 ml or more. It should be remembered that with an extraordinary outflow of amniotic fluid, additional conditions are created for infection of the fetus and premature birth.

Additional diagnostics

To find out why watery discharge occurs during early pregnancy, you need to conduct a series of studies. Laboratory tests or instrumental methods may be required. Diagnostics includes the following procedures:

  • General blood and urine tests.
  • Biochemistry of blood (antibodies to infections).
  • Analysis of secretions (microscopy, culture, PCR).
  • Vaginal smear for cytology.
  • pH test (nitrazine).
  • Colposcopy.

It is better to identify any pathology at an early stage, because this facilitates further correction of violations and minimizes the risk to the child. Therefore, women who notice deviations in the nature of the discharge should immediately consult a doctor for diagnosis.

It is possible to identify the cause of pathological discharge in pregnant women only through additional studies that will be prescribed by a specialist.


If, according to the results of studies, alarming changes in a woman’s body are revealed, then she cannot avoid treatment. The doctor will take the necessary measures aimed at normalizing the course of pregnancy and preventing negative consequences for the fetus. And in cases where the discharge does not go beyond the norm, and there is no reason to worry, you can limit yourself to observing simple hygiene recommendations:

  1. Take a shower at least twice a day.
  2. Do not use aggressive detergents.
  3. It is better to wear underwear made from natural materials, changing it regularly.
  4. Use daily pads.

Do not forget about the diet, because much depends on the nature of the nutrition of the pregnant woman, even physiological secretions. Spicy, smoked, fried and canned foods should be abandoned. The diet should contain vegetables, fruits and greens, dairy products, lean meats, eggs, fish, cereals. No need to worry in vain - it is better to enjoy a special position, waiting for the birth of a baby.

Such an important period for every woman (pregnancy) is not without worries. The body is undergoing serious changes - how not to worry, because often the expectant mother does not know which changes in her health are the norm and which are deviations. Often the anxiety is completely unfounded, and the symptoms are far-fetched. In order for unpleasant emotions not to overshadow this period, it is better to familiarize yourself in advance with information about the natural changes in the body of a pregnant woman. In our article, we will touch on a question that often worries expectant mothers. Namely, we will talk about the norms and deviations of cervical discharge: why there are watery discharge during pregnancy, when they do not cause concern to doctors, and in what cases you need to urgently seek medical help.

What is cervical mucus

First you need to figure out what cervical mucus is. This concept means nothing more than vaginal discharge. Mucus is produced by the work of sex hormones. It protects the reproductive organs of a woman, being a natural barrier to the growth and development of various kinds of bacteria and fungi. In addition, cervical mucus acts as a lubricant during intercourse.

The consistency of the mucus changes depending on the day of the woman's menstrual cycle. Such changes are explained by the work of hormones, the function of which, in turn, is to create the most comfortable conditions for conceiving and bearing a child. Watery discharge during pregnancy in the second trimester, not accompanied by additional symptoms, is considered a normal variant.

What are the normal discharges?

In the first days after menstruation and until the middle of the cycle, when ovulation occurs, the discharge is normally transparent and relatively liquid, mucous. In such an environment, the sperm can freely reach the egg. Just before ovulation, under the influence of luteinizing hormone, the secretions increase in volume and become similar to raw egg white.

In the second phase of the menstrual cycle, the amount of discharge decreases, and their consistency and color change. During this period, the cervical mucus may be whitish or pale yellow in color and creamy in appearance. But if conception has occurred, then under the influence of hormones, a woman may note transparent watery discharge that is uncharacteristic for this period. During pregnancy, this condition does not need treatment.

The rate of discharge during pregnancy

If conception has occurred, then the woman's body begins to actively produce the "pregnancy" hormone progesterone. Its action is aimed at the implantation of the fetal egg in the uterus. Against this background, the entire first half of pregnancy, a viscous mucus of a transparent color is observed.

Starting from the second trimester, the vaginal secretion becomes liquid under the influence of the hormone tarragon. There is watery discharge during pregnancy in the third trimester. In some women, they may be moderate, transparent or whitish, while in others the amount of secretion is plentiful, giving a feeling of constant moisture.

If a woman has abundant watery discharge during pregnancy, then often the expectant mother begins to use daily sanitary pads. But doctors do not recommend the use of such hygiene products, especially during the period of gestation. Since a humid warm environment is the best conditions for the reproduction of pathogenic flora. Pregnant women are recommended frequent change of linen and hygienic cleansing procedures.

It is worth noting that there is no clear framework for the norms of this secret - an individual feature is often found, for example, a tendency to yellow discharge or to transparent, but watery. But what cervical mucus should not be under any circumstances is described in detail in the corresponding section of the article.

Can there be watery discharge in the first half of pregnancy?

Watery discharge during early pregnancy - is this the norm or a deviation? And is there any reason for concern? In established medical criteria, it is considered that in the first trimester the discharge should not be watery. But if there are no other complaints of the patient and symptoms, then, most likely, such a condition is an individual feature of the woman's body. Nevertheless, it is better, as they say, to play it safe and undergo an unscheduled examination with the delivery of the necessary tests.

Deviations from the norm

What watery discharge is considered abnormal? Requires additional diagnosis and treatment of abundant cervical secret, which is accompanied by:

  • pain in the lower abdomen;
  • color change;
  • itching;
  • puffiness;
  • redness of the external genitalia;
  • the appearance of pigmentation or rash;
  • unpleasant odor of discharge;
  • elevated body temperature;
  • painful sensations when urinating.

Normally, watery discharge during pregnancy is transparent, sometimes whitish or yellowish (due to rejected epithelial cells) hue. If you notice that the cervical mucus has acquired the features described below that are uncharacteristic of the normal course of pregnancy, you should urgently seek help from a doctor:

  1. Mucus of a pronounced yellow color with flakes or foamy discharge.
  2. White with lumps.
  3. Brown.
  4. Bloody.

This color of vaginal discharge may indicate the presence of infection, inflammation and the threat of termination of pregnancy.

Possible reasons for deviations

The reasons why pathological watery discharge can occur during pregnancy are very different, but they all come down to the main one - a decrease in immunity, as a result of which a woman is exposed to negative external factors, including infection with sexually transmitted diseases. In addition, stress, poor hygiene, hormonal disorders, excessive physical activity and heavy lifting can lead to a change in secretion production.

Water leakage

Watery discharge during pregnancy can be a symptom of premature leakage of amniotic fluid. Normally, this condition occurs after 38 weeks. If at this time a transparent liquid with a specific smell with a volume of about half a liter has leaked, it's time to get ready for the hospital, the contractions are about to begin.

But if the leakage occurred at an earlier date (the earlier, the more dangerous), then this is a pathology. In addition, it should be noted that with early leakage of water, they can be released almost imperceptibly - a few drops per day. It is often difficult even for a doctor to notice and determine pathology without additional tests. This situation is extremely dangerous for both the child and the mother. The likelihood of septic complications is high. Urgently need to call an ambulance and get ready for the hospital.

Diagnosis of pathological secretions

To confirm or refute the preliminary diagnosis, the doctor will offer the patient to take a standard smear, according to indications, to undergo an examination to identify diseases that are sexually transmitted.

Watery discharge during early pregnancy may cause a doctor to suspect an amniotic fluid leak. Even before going to the doctor (in the absence of symptoms requiring an emergency call for an ambulance), you can conduct a home test using an express system. It is easy to get it in a pharmacy. It should be noted that most of these diagnostic tests also determine the absence or presence of infectious diseases.

How to use the express system to detect amniotic fluid leakage?

Using the rapid test at home is not difficult. The system looks like a sanitary napkin. After a thorough sanitation of the genitals and hands, it is necessary to pack and attach the pad to the underwear. You need to wait until the test system is clearly wet, or check it after 12 hours. You need to analyze the result immediately. If the pad did not change color, no pathology was found. But if blue and green spots appear, regardless of their intensity and order, then the test is positive, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Treatment and medical prognosis

The faster the woman went to the doctor, and the diagnosis was confirmed, treatment was prescribed, the more favorable the prognosis of pregnancy. What is important is not so much the quantity and consistency of the secret as its unreasonable change. So, for example, white watery discharge during pregnancy may indicate inflammatory processes in the ovaries or candidiasis, yellow, brown and green - about detachment or damage to the placenta, with streaks of blood - a threat of miscarriage is possible.

To date, procedures have been developed, there are various medications that have a minimal negative effect on the fetus, being an effective method of combating infectious agents.

Unfortunately, untimely detection of the cause of pathological discharge can lead to serious fetal developmental disorders or spontaneous abortion.

Preventive measures

Watery discharge during pregnancy is difficult to predict and prevent. But it is possible and necessary to pay special attention to the hygiene of the genital organs, avoid stress and physical overexertion, reduce the time spent in crowded places in order to prevent infection with viral respiratory infections, monitor nutrition and properly plan rest.

During pregnancy, a woman is responsible not only for her health, but also for the well-being of the unborn baby. Therefore, with any changes in cervical discharge, be sure to consult a doctor for an additional examination. Health to you and your children!

Such an important period for every woman (pregnancy) is not without worries. The body is undergoing serious changes - how not to worry, because often the expectant mother does not know which changes in her health are the norm and which are the deviation. Often the anxiety is completely unfounded, and the symptoms are far-fetched. In order for unpleasant emotions not to overshadow this period, it is better to familiarize yourself in advance with information about the natural changes in the body of a pregnant woman. In our article, we will touch on a question that often worries expectant mothers. Namely, we will talk about the norms and deviations of cervical discharge: why there are watery discharge during pregnancy, when they do not cause concern to doctors, and in what cases you need to urgently seek medical help.

What is cervical mucus

First you need to figure out what cervical mucus is. This concept means nothing more than vaginal discharge. Mucus is produced by the work of sex hormones. It protects the reproductive organs of a woman, being a natural barrier to the growth and development of various kinds of bacteria and fungi. In addition, cervical mucus acts as a lubricant during intercourse.

The consistency of the mucus changes depending on the day of the woman's menstrual cycle. Such changes are explained by the work of hormones, the function of which, in turn, is to create the most comfortable conditions for conceiving and bearing a child. Watery, not accompanied by additional symptoms, are considered a variant of the norm.

What are the normal discharges?

In the first days after menstruation and until the middle of the cycle, when ovulation occurs, the discharge is normally transparent and relatively liquid, mucous. In such an environment, the sperm can freely reach the egg. Just before ovulation, under the influence of luteinizing hormone, the secretions increase in volume and become similar to raw egg white.

In the second phase of the menstrual cycle, the amount of discharge decreases, and their consistency and color change. During this period, cervical mucus may be whitish and creamy in appearance. But if conception has occurred, then under the influence of hormones, a woman may note transparent watery discharge that is uncharacteristic for this period. During pregnancy, this condition does not need treatment.

The rate of discharge during pregnancy

If conception has occurred, then the woman's body begins to actively produce the "pregnancy" hormone progesterone. Its action is aimed at the implantation of the fetal egg in the uterus. Against this background, the entire first half of pregnancy, a viscous mucus of a transparent color is observed.

Starting from the second trimester, the vaginal secretion becomes liquid under the influence of the hormone tarragon. There is watery discharge during pregnancy in the third trimester. In some women, they may be moderate, transparent or whitish, while in others the amount of secretion is plentiful, giving a feeling of constant moisture.

If a woman has abundant watery discharge during pregnancy, then often the expectant mother begins to use daily sanitary pads. But doctors do not recommend the use of such hygiene products, especially during the period of gestation. Since a humid warm environment is the best conditions for the reproduction of pathogenic flora. Pregnant women are recommended frequent change of linen and hygienic cleansing procedures.

It is worth noting that there is no clear framework for the norms of this secret - an individual feature is often found, for example, a tendency to yellow discharge or to transparent, but watery. But what cervical mucus should not be under any circumstances is described in detail in the corresponding section of the article.

Can there be watery discharge in the first half of pregnancy?

Watery discharge during early pregnancy - is this the norm or a deviation? And is there any reason for concern? In established medical criteria, it is considered that in the first trimester the discharge should not be watery. But if there are no other complaints of the patient and symptoms, then, most likely, such a condition is an individual feature of the woman's body. Nevertheless, it is better, as they say, to play it safe and undergo an unscheduled examination with the delivery of the necessary tests.

Deviations from the norm

What watery discharge is considered abnormal? Requires additional diagnosis and treatment of abundant cervical secret, which is accompanied by:

  • pain in the lower abdomen;
  • color change;
  • itching;
  • puffiness;
  • redness of the external genitalia;
  • the appearance of pigmentation or rash;
  • unpleasant odor of discharge;
  • elevated body temperature;
  • painful sensations when urinating.

Normally, watery discharge during pregnancy is transparent, sometimes whitish or yellowish (due to rejected epithelial cells) hue. If you notice that the cervical mucus has acquired the features described below that are uncharacteristic of the normal course of pregnancy, you should urgently seek help from a doctor:

  1. Mucus of a pronounced yellow color with flakes or foamy discharge.
  2. White with lumps.
  3. Brown.
  4. Bloody.

This color of vaginal discharge may indicate the presence of infection, inflammation and the threat of termination of pregnancy.

Possible reasons for deviations

The reasons why pathological watery discharge can occur during pregnancy are very different, but they all come down to the main one - a decrease in immunity, as a result of which a woman is exposed to negative external factors, including infection with sexually transmitted diseases. In addition, stress, poor hygiene, hormonal disorders, excessive physical activity and heavy lifting can lead to a change in secretion production.

Water leakage

Watery discharge during pregnancy can be a symptom of premature leakage. Normally, this condition occurs after 38 weeks. If at this time a transparent liquid with a specific smell with a volume of about half a liter has leaked, it's time to get ready for the hospital, the contractions are about to begin.

But if the leakage occurred at an earlier date (the earlier, the more dangerous), then this is a pathology. In addition, it should be noted that in case of early leakage of water, they can be released almost imperceptibly - a few drops per day. It is often difficult even for a doctor to notice and determine pathology without additional tests. This situation is extremely dangerous for both the child and the mother. The likelihood of septic complications is high. Urgently need to call an ambulance and get ready for the hospital.

Diagnosis of pathological secretions

To confirm or refute the preliminary diagnosis, the doctor will offer the patient to take a standard smear, according to indications, to undergo an examination to identify diseases that are sexually transmitted.

Watery discharge during early pregnancy may cause a doctor to suspect an amniotic fluid leak. Even before going to the doctor (in the absence of symptoms requiring an ambulance), you can conduct a home test using an express system. It is easy to get it in a pharmacy. It should be noted that most of these diagnostic tests also determine the absence or presence of infectious diseases.

How to use the express system to detect amniotic fluid leakage?

Using the rapid test at home is not difficult. The system looks like a sanitary napkin. After a thorough sanitation of the genitals and hands, it is necessary to unpack the package and attach the pad to the underwear. You need to wait until the test system is clearly wet, or check it after 12 hours. You need to analyze the result immediately. If the pad did not change color, no pathology was found. But if blue and green spots appear, regardless of their intensity and order, then the test is positive, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Treatment and medical prognosis

The faster the woman went to the doctor, and the diagnosis was confirmed, treatment was prescribed, the more favorable the prognosis of pregnancy. What is important is not so much the quantity and consistency of the secret as its unreasonable change. So, for example, white watery discharge during pregnancy may indicate inflammatory processes in the ovaries or candidiasis, yellow, brown and green - about detachment or damage to the placenta, with streaks of blood - it is possible

To date, procedures have been developed, there are various medications that have a minimal negative effect on the fetus, being an effective method of combating infectious agents.

Unfortunately, untimely detection of the cause of pathological discharge can lead to serious fetal developmental disorders or spontaneous abortion.

Preventive measures

Watery discharge during pregnancy is difficult to predict and prevent. But it is possible and necessary to pay special attention to the hygiene of the genital organs, avoid stress and physical overexertion, reduce the time spent in crowded places in order to prevent infection with viral respiratory infections, monitor nutrition and properly plan rest.

In is responsible not only for his health, but also for the well-being of the unborn baby. Therefore, with any changes in cervical discharge, be sure to consult a doctor for an additional examination. Health to you and your children!