What should a baby be able to do at 7 months. Physical development of the child at seven months. Kashi - a source of energy for babies

The age of 7 months is the beginning of the second half of the baby's life and a new stage of development. Children at this age become more sociable, play more and sleep less. The kids have already noticeably gained weight and height. The stage of active changes in the physical, mental and emotional development of the child begins.

By the end of the seventh month, the baby grows by 2 centimeters and gains weight by about 600 grams. Average indicators of children of this age: weight - from 7.5 to 8.5 kilograms (± 1 kg), height - from 65 to 70 centimeters (± 3 cm).

What can a child at 7 months

  • The child can sit up independently and sit confidently without assistance for a long time.
  • The active phase has begun. Basically, the child is trying to crawl in a plastunsky way, as it is still difficult for him to hold his body, leaning on the handles.
  • In the “lying on his stomach” position, he can easily take objects with one hand, and lean on the other at this time.
  • The child performs turns and flips in different directions independently and very quickly. His physical activity is the beginning of minor bruises, abrasions and other injuries. Parents should not even leave the baby unattended for a few seconds, as his awkward and uncoordinated movements can lead to falling and crying.
  • The baby can drink from a bottle without the help of adults and regulate this process.
  • The sides of the crib are a reliable support for the baby for long standing or squatting.
  • If you hold the baby by the armpits, he confidently rearranges his legs and actively walks.
  • The child is interested in taking toys and various bright objects in his hands, shifting them from one hand to another.
  • The child can knock with a toy, toss it, examine and taste it.
  • The kid is interested in putting small items in a large container.
  • Formed vision and hearing allows the child to respond even to minor, barely audible sounds or flashes of light. This does not mean that you need to tiptoe during your baby's daytime nap. A small calm musical or sound background should be present.
  • The number of teeth at this age depends on many factors, but primarily on heredity. Therefore, some children at seven months may not have teeth at all, while others already have several. This should not be a cause for concern for parents. Teeth will erupt throughout the first year.

Teething is an individual process. For some, it goes unnoticed and painlessly, while for others - with whims and pain. Before the appearance of a tooth, mothers may notice such signs:

  • Profuse salivation.
  • Swelling and inflammation of the gums.
  • The child always puts something in his mouth and bites.
  • The kid behaves restlessly - touches his face, ears, cheeks, lies down on the pillow.
  • Body temperature can stay at around 37 degrees.

  • The child babbles, points to a toy, animal or bright object, understands the meaning of some words.
  • The baby reacts when he is called by name.
  • The child is very attached to the adult with whom he spends most of the day. Often, parting with this person, even for a short time, causes anxiety, fear, and even tears in the child. The baby knows by sight those people who are often in the house, play and talk with him
  • The kid understands the tonality and intonation of the voice well, reacts differently to gentle and strict voices, can understand the mood of the mother and her feelings for him by gestures and facial expressions.
  • The child shows emotions in the form of hugs or, on the contrary, repulsions from the adult.
  • There is a further development of speech skills. The spoken sounds become more complex, but meaningful. The kid turns towards the object being called (for example, “Where is dad?” or “Where is the woman?”) And tries to repeat some syllables.
  • A child can find a toy hidden under a blanket in front of his eyes. He understands where the object is.
  • The kid is ready to make contact with almost everyone who shows tenderness and attention to him.
  • At this stage, the child may use the left hand more than the right. This does not mean that the child is left-handed. It's just that at the age of seven months, the right hemisphere develops more intensively in children. This phenomenon is unstable and it is too early to draw any conclusions.
  • Children at this age react negatively to new unfamiliar harsh sounds. Do not turn on a vacuum cleaner, fan, blender or hair dryer near the baby - this can scare your baby.

Baby development test 7 months

  • The child should be able to independently roll over from the “lying on his back” position to any other position, be able to sit with a straight back, reach for the toy and take it.
  • Have your child sit on your lap at the table. Watch how the baby behaves. Most likely, he will begin to knock on the table and firmly grasp the edge, will reach for the objects on the table and shift them from place to place.
  • Do not pay attention to the child intentionally, look at his reaction. The baby will cry and attract attention, it is important for him to see your look.
  • Strangers should arouse curiosity and interest in the child.
  • Try to cover the face of the baby lying in the crib with a light cloth, he will definitely try to remove it.
  • Give the child a toy at the moment when he is already holding an object in each pen. See how he does. Most likely, he will let go of one of the items, and take the one that is offered to him.

Please note if:

  • The child shows no desire to sit and turn into different positions.
  • While at the table, the baby does not knock on it with a toy or hand.
  • There is no manifestation of emotions, there is no reaction to sharp or loud sounds.
  • The child does not put toys in his mouth or he simply cannot do it.
  • It is difficult for him to stay upright.
  • The baby does not react to the movement of objects and people, does not make any babbling sounds.

A kid of this age should be able to drink from a cup and eat from a spoon. One feeding of breast milk should be replaced with mashed vegetables or viscous porridge. Cereals (rice, buckwheat or corn) intended for baby food already contain butter and milk. They must be cooked strictly following the instructions on the package. In vegetable puree, you need to gradually add vegetable oil one drop at a time.

The next food should be fruit puree. You need to start with only one fruit, gradually accustoming to others. Babies can be given apples, pears, peaches and plums. The vegetable diet should also be gradually expanded. You can alternately give mashed potatoes, carrots, zucchini, pumpkin, cauliflower. And vegetable and fruit puree, as well as cereals in the first one and a half to two months should consist of only one component. At the end of the seventh month, try giving your baby an egg yolk and introducing it into the diet twice a week. During teething, you can give your baby baby cookies.

Approximate diet when breastfeeding

  • 7.00 - breast milk (200 ml)
  • 11.00 - milk porridge with butter (150 gr), fruit puree (about 50 gr) and compote or juice (30 ml).
  • 15.00 - vegetable puree with vegetable oil and half an egg yolk (150 gr), cookies or crackers, compote or milk (30 ml).
  • 19.00 - breast milk (200 ml)
  • 22.00 - breast milk (200 ml).
  • With an early start of complementary foods (from four months), chicken, rabbit or veal meat can be introduced into the diet at this stage. The meat should be chopped to a thick puree and given to the baby along with vegetable puree.

An approximate diet for artificial feeding

  • 7.00 - milk mixture (200 ml)
  • 11.00 - one-component porridge with butter (150 gr), fruit puree (about 50 gr), compote or water (30 ml).
  • 15.00 - vegetable puree with vegetable oil (150 g), meat puree (about 30 g), egg yolk (1/2 part), compote or juice (about 30 ml).
  • 19.00 - milk mixture with cookies or crackers (200 ml).
  • 22.00 - milk mixture (200 ml).

Daily routine - sleep and wakefulness

The daily routine depends on the nature and individual characteristics of the child, on the situation in the family. The baby can sleep at night for 10-11 hours. During the day, the child sleeps two or three times for 1.5–2 hours. It is desirable that at least one daytime sleep of the baby takes place in the fresh air. A daily routine will teach your baby to wake up and go to sleep at the same time every day.

  1. Draw the child's attention to the objects that surround him, talk about them, say the words aloud several times - the names. Show your baby bright large subject pictures, read nursery rhymes and fairy tales aloud. Let your child learn how to turn the pages of a children's book.
  2. Help your baby develop fine motor skills. Memory, attention and, most importantly, speech of the child directly depend on its development.
  3. Teach your child to do some actions and your requests on their own. For example, throw a ball, pick up a car, serve a cube. For each correctly performed action, do not forget to praise the child.
  4. Play games with your baby that involve clapping, waving, and pointing.
  5. Create situations in which your baby will be able to communicate or observe other children.
  6. Play games with your child to develop fine motor skills, attention, memory. Any games that involve the baby's fingers are useful.
  7. Try to protect the child from fears and worries. They can be caused by strangers, new sounds, or lack of attention. Take the baby in your arms more often, show that he is under your protection, he is safe. Introduce him to new people by holding him in your arms.
  8. Crawling is an important stage in the development of the child, which will allow you to continue physical development, broaden your horizons and provide an opportunity to study the surrounding objects. Help the baby learn to crawl, create the necessary conditions for him to do so. The child should have plenty of free space and attention-grabbing toys and various objects. It is equally important what clothes the child is wearing. Nothing should hinder his movements. The manner of crawling at the initial stage is different for all children, but over time the baby will understand that the cross-crawling technique is the most convenient. Everything will come with time.

Try not to stop there. The child is ready for everything new and interesting, he really needs communication and attention. Don't underestimate your little one.

Child development at 7 months (video)

What does a 7 month old baby know?

The kid already knows how to move independently, which greatly expands the boundaries of his world. The baby can crawl to the object that interests him, feel it, try it, examine it. For optimal development, the child must be given complete freedom of movement: choose a place in the apartment where nothing will interfere or threaten the baby.

This age is characterized by increased trauma, therefore, when arranging a children's corner, make sure that sharp, prickly, small objects do not fall into the field of action of the crumbs. In this corner, the child will be happy to play: “equip” him with pyramids, cubes (pay more attention to playing with them, teach your child how to disassemble and assemble the pyramid, build towers from cubes) and other various toys.

The baby has new knowledge about objects: he masters the movement of objects, their attraction or repulsion. Can hold an object put into the hand, take it from any position. The task of an adult is to activate these movements with the help of insert toys: nesting dolls, boxes, bowls, etc.

There is a special attitude to the toy, favorite toys and activities are clearly distinguished. Now the child is interested in everything that you can click on: take care of the remotes, mobile phones, computer.

"Can" and "Impossible"

A child at 7 months old can already understand the word “no”. However, to make it effective, think over a clear system of prohibitions. "It is impossible" should not be more than three! Otherwise, the baby will simply stop paying attention to him.

What you consider “dangerous for the time being” is better to remove away. From some things and activities, the baby can be distracted by switching his attention to another, no less exciting action. To secure your apartment will help the devices widely presented in the "baby safety" departments: plugs, door and drawer regulators, adhesive tape and window film, etc.

Children, whose every movement is accompanied by a heart-rending “don’t touch!”, “don’t you dare!”, “you can’t!”, learn to satisfy their curiosity when adults are not around - and often this ends in tragedy ... Those whose curiosity and interest in knowing the world parents satisfy without limiting the sphere of action only to toys, quickly learn to observe the necessary safety measures and switch their attention from sockets, stoves, etc. for more suitable items.

When introducing complementary foods, teach your baby to eat from a spoon. Also, the baby can get acquainted with solid food - let's gnaw on a piece of carrot, fresh cucumber, zucchini, apple, pear, many children love to procrastinate drying. Also, experts recommend teaching a child to drink from a cup (pour 1-2 teaspoons of juice into a cup and invite the child to drink, gently tilting the cup; the little one will quickly understand how to do this).

Sign language

The baby's speech now consists of much less vocalizations, but the babbling words are already quite clear. Many children begin to make sounds that imitate a dog, a typewriter, a pussy: “av-av”, “beep”, “me-me”, “pee-pee” ...

The child begins to actively use gestures. He will not only find with a glance, turning his head, but also show with his finger where the ball, doll, mother are. You can teach the baby to wave goodbye with a pen, nod his head gratefully, raise his arms if something happened.

It's time to play gesture games - "Ladushki", "Thieving Magpie". Of the other games, the most beloved are the insertion of a smaller object into a larger one, knocking one object against another. Teach your baby to knock with both hands at the same time or in turn: in this way, you will develop interhemispheric coordination.

Do not forcefully transfer a spoon or toy from your left hand to your right. At this time, the right hemisphere of the brain (which is responsible for the left hand) develops much faster than the left (leading with the right hand). The baby feels this connection intuitively. Using both hands will allow the child's brain to develop better.

finger games

Teach your child to show his arms and legs.

  • Where, where, where, where,
  • Where are our pens?
  • Here, here, here they are
  • Here are our pens!
  • Where are our legs (nose, eyes, tummy, etc.)?

Learn to move and spread your fingers, the following game will help:

  • Look at my horse
  • What a fun accordion.
  • I spread my fingers
  • And then I'll play:
  • One-two-three, one-two-three
  • I play look!
  • And then I move again
  • And I start first.

Having captured some kind of toy, the baby will be happy to knock it. It's time to gradually turn knocking into rhythmic exercises!

Knocker "Rain"
  • Quiet, quiet rain
  • Rustling on the roof -
  • Drip-drip-drip-drip. (palms slowly stroke the knees or the surface of the table)
  • Quiet-quiet rain became stronger -
  • Drip-drip-drip-drip. (knock harder and faster)
  • Quiet, quiet rain
  • Turned into a downpour
  • Drip-drip-drip-drip. (knock hard and fast)
Topka "Horses"
  • Stomp in the field -
  • The horses drowned. (slowly stomp feet)
  • From the clatter of hooves
  • Dust flies across the field (stomp quickly)

Development of active speech

While babbling is an involuntary physiological reaction, indicating a comfortable state of the child and his good mood. After all, while babbling, the baby trains his entire articulatory apparatus: vocal cords, tongue, lips, etc. The baby's babbling is a fun entertainment, game, fun. And at the same time, a rehearsal before the complex and difficult process of mastering the sound space.

A child at 7 months old listens to himself, his intonation, learns to correlate what he heard with the sensations from the movements of the lips and tongue. Any speech therapist will confirm: the more varied and expressive the baby's babbling, the less reason to worry about his further speech development. It is very important to develop and maintain babble.

During the waking period, take the baby in your arms, and if he is lying, lean towards him. The child should be able to see your face well. Communication should take place in silence so that the attention of the crumbs does not dissipate. Start talking to the baby and, along with affectionate words, drawl out: "Ah, woo, ma-ma-ma." After a pause, repeat the syllables again and watch the child. He likes? Talk to the baby in a normal voice, then in a quiet, then silently, change intonation. At the same time, articulate the sounds exaggeratedly, emphatically.

All this will draw the attention of the crumbs to your facial expressions and articulation. If at the time of the conversation the baby has a desire to touch your lips, it’s very good, because with the help of his hand he receives additional information about sound pronunciation. After a while, the child will begin to imitate the movements of the lips, and then he himself will begin to make sounds.

It is great if you periodically communicate with the baby in his language. Say, supporting the baby's speech activity, his syllables, his babble, and give him the opportunity to speak. In the course of such a “conversation”, the child gets the feeling that he is understood. And the mother, who stimulates the dialogue, knows that mutual understanding and the desire to communicate are laid down precisely at such moments. Praise, stroke, kiss and thank your baby for any positive results.

Seven months behind, and your child has learned to sit up, get out of the stroller, clap, sing along and even be embarrassed.

*The data are indicated according to the centile tables of domestic pediatricians

What should a child be able to do at 7 months?

Look for an object that has fallen to the floor;

It is good to stand on your feet when mom supports under the armpits;

Sitting without the help of adults (but only if someone helps to sit down);

Express new emotions: embarrassment, joy, fear;

Act with both hands at the same time;

Pick up objects with your fingers.

When does a baby start crawling?

Imagine the joy of a child who suddenly realized: it turns out that you can get to the ball lying at a distance of several steps on your own. And you don't have to ask your mom for help. You just need to get on all fours and move forward. True, the child does not learn to crawl in this way immediately. First, he will lean on his palms and straighten his legs. And in this position, back away, flop on your side or ass.

Crawling for a child is the first way to move around, which means discovering something new. But pediatricians warn: there is such a thing as "injuries of the seventh month." The fact is that it is at this age that the baby learns to move independently. But he is not yet able to calculate his strength. So it turns out that the baby can easily slip off the sofa or try to get up, clinging to the tablecloth.

It is important to give the child the opportunity to move more on his own. And you stimulate his activity. For example, lay out the toys on the floor, at some distance from each other - in a straight line or in zigzags. Let the child crawl along the new route. Build him a tunnel of high pillows. Real adventure!

Child safety at home

Your baby feels like a pioneer. Now he is exploring new "lands" - a corridor, a kitchen, a kitchen, a hallway. Do not leave your child in the playpen for a long time. After all, he does not allow him to move, and therefore, to develop. It is better to make the space of the apartment safe. Remove fragile jewelry and vases from open low racks, tablecloths from tables. The child now likes to reach for the very top shelves. Every time he does it gets better and better.

Speech development in children 7 months

At 7 months, the child has an understanding of speech: he is able to understand the simple phrases “no pacifier”, “give me a cube”, “knock the drum”. Then the child pronounces the first words: mom, dad, woman, give, ava.

Talk to the baby more often, do not lisp, otherwise he will not reproduce speech correctly.

At seven months, it is no longer enough for a child to exchange only declarations of love. In the seventh month of life, it is vital for him to listen to comments on his actions and connect words with deeds. He tries to copy you all the time, including repeating various sounds after you.

With a child of 7 months, you need to play finger games. Sing nursery rhymes and accompany the words with simple gestures. The child will be happy to repeat after you, and by the end of the month you will already be able to perform in public with small skits.

Educational games for children 7 months

1. Bach and Buch!

The child sits on his high chair and shows you with all his looks that he really needs a napkin, which mom has in her hands. When he gets his way, he immediately throws a napkin on the floor and watches the flight with curiosity. A spoon, a ball, cubes fly after her - everything that falls into her hands. Mom patiently picks up fallen objects, the baby smiles! At seven months, these games have become your child's favorite. True, he used to like to have fun in this way. But in the second half of the child's hands become more dexterous and strong. Now he does not just shift the ring from palm to palm. He is able to combine several simple movements into one chain in order to better study a new subject. The child takes the rattle from his mother's hands, knocks it (checks for strength), gives it to his mother, then picks it up again, shifts it, tries to bend it and finally throws it on the floor. What a great job done!

2. In and out!

Even at this age, the child discovered that you can play with several objects at the same time: for example, string rings on a stick or put cubes in a box, and then take them out. Take bowls of different colors and sizes, stack them one inside the other

Pour colorful balls into the largest one, and let the child turn over and pour everything on the floor.

Exercises for children 7 months

Right! Left!

Lay the child on his back. Grasp his legs so that the thumbs and forefingers hold the shins, and the rest rest on the kneecap. Straight legs lift up and slowly lower. Then change the exercise a little: lift them alternately. Repeat the movements 6-8 times.

How to teach a child to crawl?

From a position lying on your stomach, put the child on all fours (arms straight, legs bent at the knees) and interest him in a toy, thus causing a desire to crawl towards it. At the same time, the muscles of the shoulder girdle, back, arms and legs are trained. Do this exercise until the child learns to crawl on his own.

Downloading the press

The child lies on his back. Take it by the wrists and slowly lift it into a sitting position. Do not jerk sharply, otherwise you can damage the joints. From this position, lay the child on his back again. This exercise will strengthen the abdominal and neck muscles. It is enough to repeat it 5-6 times.

What if at 7 months:

- the child is unable to sit

The only time to really worry about a baby not being able to sit is when the baby is 9 months old. If a child has not learned to sit independently before 9 months, developmental delay can be suspected.

Exercise and massage help teach a child to sit. There is also a theory that a child is genetically programmed from birth for a certain pace of development.

Consider whether your child has enough opportunity to practice? Perhaps you prefer to carry him lying in a stroller or carry him in a backpack and feed him in a crib - in this case, the child does not feel the need to sit.

- the child has dark and gray spots on the teeth

Some children at the age of 7-8 months develop pigmentation on milk teeth. Most likely, this is not caries, but the result of taking iron-containing vitamins and medications. It is not dangerous, there is no harm to the teeth from stains. They disappear on their own when the child stops taking vitamins in the form of syrup. However, continue to brush your child's teeth, preferably with a clean bandage, this will make the pigmentation less noticeable.

If your child does not take vitamins, and spots appear, then it is probably tooth decay. Or the innate effect of tooth enamel. Be sure to show the child to a pediatric dentist.

The baby is changing day by day. He receives new skills and learns to perceive the world around him. He behaves like a full member of the family. The development of a child at 7 months is very active, the baby moves a lot, receives new food. Now mom is required to always be on guard for his safety.

  • The baby already knows how to crawl. However, if the child has not yet learned to crawl, this is not considered a deviation from the norm. In some cases, children immediately begin to walk, bypassing the crawling stage. In any case, it is necessary to perform exercises with the baby to develop crawling skills. For example, when the baby is lying on his stomach, put an interesting object in front of him, then put your hand on the baby's legs so that he can push off and crawl.
  • The baby may already sit. If this is not the case, you should contact your pediatrician to recommend physiological procedures or massage. This will help the baby to sit up.
  • Being near the crib, the child will try to hold on to it and stand on its legs. But he still does not know how to stand on his own without support.
  • At seven months, the baby shows a strong attachment to the mother. If the mother goes somewhere, he is already able to experience fear and excitement, begins to cry. This is a manifestation of emotional development.
  • The kid should be able to distinguish the meaning of words. If the parents talked a lot with the child, named objects, explained their actions, then the baby remembered how different things are called. If you ask him where the sofa is or where the window is, the child will look at the object and point to it.
  • The baby should be able to eat complementary foods from a spoon, and drink from a cup. To avoid having to stop breastfeeding, don't bottle feed your baby. From an early age, you need to develop a culture of nutrition and accustom the crumbs to neatness. Soon he himself will notice that he is dirty, and show the dirty place to his mother.


The nutrition of a 7-month-old baby consists mainly of breast milk or formula. The number of feedings per day is usually five. It is necessary to continue introducing complementary foods for the baby. It can be:

  • lean meat, cottage cheese, fruit juice;
  • gluten-free cereals (millet, corn, rice and buckwheat porridge).

One of the feedings may include only ready-made baby food. At the end of the seventh month, the baby can eat egg yolkrich in trace elements. It is crushed in small quantities into a porridge or mashed potatoes.

Below is a typical feeding schedule for a 7 month old baby.

  1. 6 a.m. breast milk or formula.
  2. Ten o'clock in the morning - a small portion of fruit puree, then supplemented with milk.
  3. Two o'clock in the afternoon - porridge, breast milk or formula.
  4. Six o'clock in the evening - a vegetable meal, in which a quarter of an egg yolk was crumbled (the yolk is added several times a week).
  5. 9 p.m. - breast milk or formula.

If before the age of 7 months the baby has not yet had the first teeth, then most likely this will happen now. However, pediatricians say that normally the first tooth can appear at 8 or even 9 months. Therefore, you should not panic. Heredity has a big influence. If mom and dad's teeth began to grow after 8 months, then their appearance in the child will be late.

The lower incisors are cut first, then the upper incisors. During the appearance of the first teeth, the baby experiences itching in the gums. He starts freaking out. Sometimes there is an increase in temperature or even loose stools. Often the child wakes up at night. During this period, the mother can remember the first month after the hospital, when she had to get up several times a night.

So that the baby can scratch itchy gums, you need to buy special teethers. Take two or three pieces at once to offer them to the child to choose from. The little one will soon determine the most convenient one and will use it, and sometimes just play with it.

Toys and entertainment

What toys will be useful for the development of crumbs at the age of seven months? Below are the most relevant.

  • Balls, balls and cars - they can be rolled and carried.
  • Rattles are still of interest to the baby, but now you need to choose more interesting ones - for example, complex in shape, with muzzles, etc.
  • Large inflatable objects that you can climb into - an inflatable house, a ship, a car.
  • A pyramid made up of rings. Spirals or beads with large beads that can be moved or removed. Such toys develop fine motor skills of hands. Elements should not be too small so that the baby cannot swallow them.
  • Cubes - they can be stacked and turned over, and also thrown.
  • Large picture books.

Educational games with baby

At seven months, the baby should be able to sit, while he needs back support. Seat the little one on the floor near the sofa so that he can lean back against the sofa. Place two or three toys next to it. The baby will look at them, reach out and take them in their hands. He will probably take the toy in his mouth, bite a little and lick it. This is normal for this age.

Since the baby is still sitting unsteadily, do not leave him to play alone. Always be there. Joint games are very useful. Prepare a small plastic basket or cardboard box. Put a few toys in it and place it near the little one. He will curiously pull items out of the box and throw them.

You can make requests to the baby. Ask him to pick up the dice or throw the ball. After fulfilling the request, praise the baby. Teach your little one to point at objects, wave and clap. These activities are very beneficial for physical development.

Do not forget to also communicate a lot with the child in order to develop his speech. Name all the objects and describe in words your actions, as well as the actions of the baby. He should be able to distinguish your intonation. Therefore, try to speak expressively, using a variety of intonations depending on the situation: joy, delight, thoughtfulness, chagrin, surprise, etc.

Favorite toys and activities

All babies at the age of 7 months like the game "Gotcha". Spread a blanket on the floor. Lay the baby on the tummy. Get on all fours next to him. Approach the baby with the words: "I will catch you." The baby will try to crawl away. Catch it and give it a little tickle. The child laughs happily. Just do not forget that active games should not be arranged before bedtime. The baby will be overexcited and will not be able to sleep.

To develop coordination of movements of the crumbs, play with balls and balls. Roll them back and forth, let the baby try to catch the toy.

At seven months, any toys that need to be rolled will be useful. For example, cars.

At this age, the baby has favorite activities and favorite toys. If the same toy is not around, he starts to whimper. He reacts in the same way to unloved activities.

The interest of the child now covers not only toys, but also all other objects that he can reach. Hide cell phones and TV remotes.

Don't forget about safety

It's time to teach your child the word "no". The baby moves a lot and is often in danger. Therefore, he must understand the prohibitions. Think about what you will forbid him.

There can be no more than three bans for the first time. Otherwise, the child will simply cease to perceive them.

The word “no” should be pronounced in a stern voice. However, mothers who now and then shout to the child “don’t touch, you can’t” make a mistake. The child is smart. He will study the forbidden object when mom does not see. And this can turn into big problems.

From the age of 7 months, the question of the safety of the apartment for the baby becomes acute. Special devices are sold in stores. These include:

  • latches for doors so that the little one does not pinch his fingers and does not hit;
  • plugs for sockets;
  • locks for drawers and cabinet doors;
  • soft corners for furniture;
  • protective tapes for household appliances - oven, washing machine, etc.

Thus, for a 7-month-old toddler, it is important to actively develop, play a lot and communicate with parents. He must be able to sit up and crawl. His babbling becomes more conscious, and the understanding of speech increases. In the knowledge of the world, he moves by leaps and bounds.

How to get rid of stretch marks after childbirth?

Starting from 6 months and up to a year, changes in the physiology of children, their behavior and psycho-emotional state occur monthly, and this becomes especially noticeable to parents. The seven-month-old baby has grown up, began to move more, it is more and more difficult to put him to bed, because there are so many interesting things around! In order for him to continue to actively develop and learn new skills, you need to know what a child should be able to do at 7 months - any deviations can be a sign of a disease and cause physical and mental retardation.

At this stage, there are significant changes in the physiology of the child, and the main one is teething and the introduction of products from the adult table into the diet.

There are other signs indicating metamorphoses occurring with a recently helpless baby:

  1. The baby is completing the formation of such important functions as vision and hearing. The child is able to distinguish even the quietest extraneous sound, which immediately turns around. Objects, static and moving, he can distinguish at some distance.
  2. Since at this time the right hemisphere of the brain is developing intensively, the baby performs all the main actions, mainly with the left hand, but this phenomenon is temporary, which does not mean at all that this hand will be dominant.
  3. The baby's muscles are gradually gaining strength - this allows him to sit confidently, crawl quickly. Especially early children are already trying to get up, holding on to furniture.
  4. Since significant changes are observed in the baby's diet, he begins to go to the toilet only once a day.

By the seventh month of life, children add, in total, up to 600 g of weight and grow by a couple of centimeters. They increase the volume of the chest and head. On average, by this age, growth reaches 68-70 centimeters, and weight - 7.5-9 kilograms.

Interestingly, a previously chubby baby begins to gradually slim and stretch, this is due to more intense energy expenditure during games and physical activities. Small differences in parameters from the norm should not frighten parents - the main indicator of the health of a toddler is its mobility, good mood and appetite.

What should a child be able to do at 7 months

So, at seven months, the baby is already crawling, however, for the most part, in a plastunsky way, but already learning to get up on all fours. In a month, he may well master this skill.

Dads and moms, of course, are worried about what their child should be able to do at this age, and he knows a lot:

  • the little one easily rolls over from his back to his stomach and does it with pleasure,
  • therefore, it cannot be left unattended on a bed or sofa - for this reason, children often fall and get injured;
  • the baby begins to sit down on his own, while not falling over;
  • stands holding on to mom or a chair;
  • learns to sit down from a standing position without assistance;
  • children improve motor skills and coordination of movements, they can hold objects with both handles and shift them, especially they like to shake, throw and hit everything that comes across on the floor;
  • knows how to put small details into large ones;
  • the child has already learned to drink from a mug and eat with a spoon, freely holds the bottle.

All these skills allow seven-month-old babies to explore the world around them. At this time, it is not recommended to constantly keep the baby in the arena, because at this stage the movement is vital for him.

Seven-month-old babies, if supported by their armpits, rearrange their legs, taking small steps, but pediatricians do not advise parents to practice such exercises. Due to the fact that the child's spine is not yet strong, this can lead to various complications and disruption of the normal functioning of the musculoskeletal system.

Mental and emotional development

The full development of a child at 7 months implies other aspects of its formation - the psyche and emotionality, which are inextricably linked with hearing and vision.

There are also dramatic changes taking place in these areas, indicating an increase in awareness in the behavior of the baby:

  • the baby begins to respond positively to his name;
  • quickly remembers the names of objects, can point to them with a finger;
  • understands that the hidden thing can be found, that is, it does not disappear without a trace;
  • the child perfectly distinguishes different intonations of the mother, and this is confirmed by an adequate reaction - with an affectionate tone, he can smile and have fun; when the voice is strict, the baby makes a serious face;
  • seven-month-old babies are able to show their feelings of affection, albeit ineptly - they grab their mother by the cheeks, nose, pull the hair, even pushing away - this is a gesture of interest that sometimes makes an inexperienced young mother upset;
  • the inextricability of communication with their relatives is manifested in children in their fear of parting, so when one of the household leaves, this can cause a whole storm of emotions, up to hysteria;
  • googling in children also gradually becomes more meaningful, and individual syllables can already be distinguished.

Read also:

The daily routine of a child at 7 months

Such important changes in different children cannot occur evenly, in many respects this is influenced by the physiology and characteristics of the child's psyche. At the same time, strong deviations, expressed in the absence of the appearance of these characteristic behavioral skills, should alert parents.

If mom and dad want their baby to start responding to their name as soon as possible, it is best to avoid affectionate words like “sun”, “cat”, and call the child by name, choosing one of its derivatives.

How to identify signs of developmental delay in a 7-month-old baby

The question of what a child should be able to do at 7 months is, of course, extremely important. If the child is lethargic, does not show emotions and has no natural attachment to his family members, it is worth considering a visit to the doctor. The physical side of the formation of a small person is also important, because some skills must be present in him.

This will help a small test showing what a 7 month old baby should be able to do:

  • a healthy cheerful child can get upset and even cry if the mother does not pay attention to him, usually children try to attract him in every way and sincerely enjoy communication;
  • strangers and strangers cause a natural fear in the baby, and it will be strange if the baby is not afraid and even shows interest in a stranger;
  • it is absolutely normal and characteristic of a normally developing baby to explore the real world with the help of the mouth;
  • if a child lying on his back covers his face with a sheet or a diaper, the baby will try to remove it without deviations as soon as possible;
  • an active toddler who does not suffer from disorders, if he is put on his knees in front of the table, will certainly make an attempt to change the order of the things lying on it, and also may pat or knock on its surface;
  • fear should cause if, watching a moving object, the child does not follow him with his eyes;
  • if the baby already holds a toy in both hands and offer him another bright interesting object, intense thinking is considered a normal reaction, then the baby will throw one toy and take an unfamiliar thing.

The fact that the child cannot sit on his own, roll over, he does not have the pronunciation of syllables should also be a cause for concern.

Girls and boys at seven months

Parents of daughters are often interested in what, specifically, a girl should be able to do at 7 months.

Everything is the same as for a boy, however, some differences are observed in the formation of speech - the little representatives of the fair sex are ahead of them in this aspect. There is another feature - doctors believe that babies should not be taught to sit ahead of time. If the girl crawls longer, her spine and back muscles will have time to develop and strengthen as much as possible, which will ensure good posture, strong arms and legs.

If you have a boy, at 7 months he can do a lot, and at the same time, he is very active in his endeavors. He quickly starts to sit, and it doesn’t matter on what - a chair, a sofa or on the floor, his back is always straight, and he can stay in this position for quite a long time. Also, the boys independently try to sit down from a lying position, get up on their knees and feet. As a rule, they control their bodies better than girls, so they are more likely to get injured - you need to constantly monitor them.

Pediatricians warn that at the age of seven months, some boys try to walk with their toes, or even on tiptoe. This is due to damage during passage through the birth canal, and requires special attention. With such a deviation, it is better to immediately go to a neurologist. If this is done in a timely manner, then therapeutic massage can correct the situation.

Game activities with a child at 7 months

First of all, it is necessary to encourage crawling, this will help the child quickly adapt to sitting and first steps.

No less important are other activities with the baby:

  • for physical development, simple exercises in the form of squats from the “lying” position will help;
  • picking up toys and throwing a ball; clapping;
  • finger games;
  • exercises using a fitball, consisting in swaying, moving the arms and legs in different positions of the baby - such exercises strengthen the abdominal muscles and help maintain balance in the future, when the little one starts walking.

Exceptions are situations when the child is sick, has a high fever, cough, shortness of breath, the umbilical wound has not fully healed. In addition, you should not force the baby if he starts to act up and cry, judging by this behavior, he does not like classes.

To replenish the vocabulary, you need to talk a lot with your son and daughter, talk about trees, flowers, fauna and various inanimate objects, read books to your baby - stories about animals, children's fairy tales.

Important points in the daily routine of a child at 7 months

In order for a child to actively improve all his abilities, he needs a properly composed daily routine, which provides for certain hours set aside for sleep, nutrition, hygiene, walking and playing while awake.

At 7 months, the total duration of a baby's sleep is about 15 hours, and 4.5 hours falls on the daytime. During this period, children need two or three quiet hours during the day, most often this is due to different types of feeding - breastfeeding and artificial.

The nutrition of the child occurs with the active introduction of complementary foods, which is also mandatory for infants, starting from six months. So the baby is now improving his taste habits.

Basically, his diet consists of such dishes as:

  • gluten-free cereals with water and milk, mainly buckwheat, corn and rice;
  • mashed potatoes, boiled vegetables - potatoes, carrots, cauliflower, zucchini;
  • a small amount of natural vegetable oils is added to dishes; 5 grams of butter can be added to cereals;
  • fruits - pears and apples, they are also given in the form of mashed potatoes in the morning.

Children can already be offered chopped boiled turkey and rabbit meat. During this period, it is important to follow the rules of complementary feeding and gradually reduce the amount of breast milk.

Evening bathing and massage are obligatory, which additionally harden the baby, strengthen the muscles of his arms and legs, improve blood circulation and digestion.

Two walks a day in the fresh air are necessary for a child and should take at least 4 hours a day. The main thing is to properly dress the baby, protect it from the cold, aggressive sunlight and drafts.

Reflecting on what a child should be able to do at 7 months, you come to the conclusion that the so-called norms are a very conditional concept. First of all, you need to listen to the needs of the baby and pay attention to his desires. And this is not the only aspect, because a seven-month-old baby is increasingly acquiring meaningful actions, which means that he becomes a full-fledged member of the family.