Day of the pharmaceutical worker in Ukraine. Congratulations on the Day of the pharmacist and pharmacist: a large selection

The date of celebration of the Day of the pharmacist was set in 1999.

Today pharmacists, pharmacists and pharmacists celebrate their professional holiday. According to official data, there are about 10,000 pharmacies, more than 5,000 pharmacy points and more than 6,000 pharmacy kiosks in Ukraine. Therefore, the day of the pharmacist in Ukraine is celebrated by employees of 5,000 pharmaceutical organizations.

Solemn events on the Day of the Pharmacist in Ukraine include various presentations and presentations of new, more effective and safer health products, promotions and discounts in pharmacies and drugstores, especially for beneficiary categories, as well as free diagnostic procedures, such as measuring blood pressure, etc. .

Traditionally, on this day, words of greetings and congratulations will be addressed to all pharmaceutical organizations and employees from the bottom of their hearts.

Congratulations on the day of the pharmacist

Happy Pharmacist's Day, I wish patients bring legible prescriptions, relatives and friends never get sick, and you only need vitamins from the pharmacy.

Congratulations on Pharmacist's Day,

We wish colleagues and friends

Wealth and happiness,

Stability and in the days of bad weather.

Health to you and your loved ones,

Love and bright colors of life!

A pharmacist is a very important person who helps to find the right medicine. I want to wish you a great future in which you will invent a pill for all the diseases that exist on the planet!

Doctors have terrible handwriting

Who wants to understand?

Ukrainian pharmacist

Will understand any recipe

Confident in every word

And the medicine will be prepared.

Our poem today

Our cheerful congratulations,

Dedicated to pharmacists

We congratulate them on the holiday.

We are all ready to celebrate...

Be alive and well!

A pharmacist is sometimes like a doctor to us,

He listens and helps grief,

And he will prescribe the right treatment,

He knows the theory of medicine.

And all the sick rush to the pharmacy,

And they are waiting for the advice of a pharmacist,

And he will give the main pills, -

We all appreciate their excellent work.

You are the medicine

make up,

All drugs

You know,


Your advice

On your day

Hello to you!

Like other aces in their field, pharmacists have their own professional holiday.

Pharmacist's Day is celebrated on September 17th. On the professional holiday of pharmaceutical workers, pharmacists, technologists and other employees of this industry, Styler collected the best wishes and congratulations on the Day of the Pharmacist.

Representatives of the industry always celebrate the day of the pharmaceutical worker noisily. We invite you to congratulate colleagues or just those involved in the holiday with the help of funny congratulations on the Day of the pharmacist.

Congratulations pharmacists,
We sincerely wish you happiness
And love and inspiration
And universal luck!
Let them buy drugs
This enriches you
You give health to everyone,
You live very well!
May seven be strong
Life is nice and easy!
On this festive day
Our heartfelt congratulations!

Being a pharmacist is not easy
There is a lot to remember and know.
Answer all questions
And greet everyone with a smile.
On this holiday, your native
We wish you health!
Like your own pain
The pharmacist accepts.
Here are congratulations from the heart,
He deserves you.
We ask God to take care
your life for years.

Today is a pharmacist's holiday,
He deserves congratulations.
And we send with a festive accent
Hello and a couple of gentle lines!
Let there be accurate calculations
Him to wonder powder
Easy to get rid of worries
Illnesses, coughs and troubles!
Let there be strong tinctures
Potions - fabulously tasty,
Stomach patients - persistent,
Experiments are not boring!

All professions are needed, all professions are important, and the profession of a pharmacist is no exception! Who better than pharmacists knows what medicine will help to cope with the disease, knows how to create it and knows how to store it properly? In the hands of doctors and pharmacists, the main asset of the nation is its health! We trust it to you and thank you for your concern. Happy Pharmacist's Day, good luck and prosperity!

I congratulate pharmacists on their professional holiday. I wish you happiness, health and successful business development. The work of a pharmacist is an important component of the treatment process, since the receipt of high-quality and effective medicines by the patient largely depends on pharmacists. Let the assessment of the work of pharmacists always be the phrase "Just like in a pharmacy."

Please accept my congratulations on the Day of the Pharmacist! On this day, I want to wish you to be well versed in your work, to be able to give competent recommendations and always be held in high esteem! I wish you to enjoy life and appreciate your work, because you really help people become healthy!

A pharmacist is a very important person who helps to find the right medicine. On your professional holiday, Pharmacist's Day, I want to wish you a great future in which you will invent a pill for all the diseases that exist on the planet! Thank you for important discoveries and discoveries. May your life happiness and prosperity burst out of the test tube and begin to please you more and more every day!

On your professional holiday, Pharmacist's Day, accept my congratulations! You work to keep us healthy and to save lives. Thank you for effective and safe drugs, for the fact that you can buy any drugs in pharmacies. I sincerely wish that you yourself had to use them less often! Be healthy, strong in body and spirit, young in soul and heart.

The recovery of the sick is one hundred percent dependent on you. It is you who gives relief from pain, ailments, ailments. Your work is not just the exact ratio of ingredients, but painstaking work for the benefit of the nation. I wish you a lot of health and a lot of smiles on the day of your professional holiday! May there be a lot of joy, fun and material prosperity in your life. May happiness and comfort dwell in your family forever. Happiness, prosperity, prosperity!

When a person falls ill, his first thought is, what kind of pill to take so as not to hurt. A whole branch of the chemical industry in Ukraine is engaged in the production of various drugs of various kinds. These are heart drugs, vitamins, antibiotics, gastrointestinal drugs and other drugs. The main activity of the pharmaceutical industry in Ukraine is the production of generics, that is, medicines produced after the expiration of the patent for their production, which, without compromising the quality of the action, significantly reduces the cost of production. On the third Saturday of September, the country's pharmacists, by decree of the President of Ukraine, celebrate their professional holiday, the Day of the Pharmaceutical Worker of Ukraine. This is not only a holiday for pharmacists, but also for pharmacists, product quality control organizations, all those associated with the production of medicines.

Congratulations on a wonderful day
The best pharmacist.
Let life write out happy
Bright, joyful recipe.

I wish you health
It's a good thing to love
Guru of powders, tablets
Undoubtedly in life to be.

Let your favorite work
Never get bored
Let in pleasant only worries
The bright years are running.

Being a pharmacist is not easy
There is a lot to remember and know.
Answer all questions
And greet everyone with a smile.

On this holiday, your native
We wish you health!
Like your own pain
The pharmacist accepts.

Here are congratulations from the heart,
He deserves you.
We ask God to take care
your life for years.

Doctors have terrible handwriting
Who wants to understand?
Ukrainian pharmacist
Will understand any recipe
Confident in every word
And the medicine will be prepared.
Our poem today
Our cheerful congratulations,
Dedicated to pharmacists
We congratulate them on the holiday.
We are all ready to celebrate...
Be alive and well!

Today is pharmacist's day
Let happiness be given to them without a prescription,
Let him be only good for them,
And let them be happy everywhere
More health and longevity
Good relationship with loved ones
Success in work and luck,
And there is enough inspiration for everything

Congratulations pharmacists,
We sincerely wish you happiness
And love and inspiration
And universal luck!

Let them buy drugs
This enriches you
You give health to everyone,
You live very well!

May seven be strong
Life is nice and easy!
On this festive day
Our heartfelt congratulations!

Pharmacists of Ukraine!
We heartily congratulate you,
You are needed by the country
Your business heals ailments!

Your idol - Pharmacopoeia,
We don't understand anything about it.
Well, what if we get sick?
Then we run to the pharmacy quickly!

We know here on your shelves
There is a cure for sickness
Well, the word of the pharmacist -
As the advice of a sensible friend!

Prosper, don't get bored
Take some rest today
Peace, joy, health -
Accept congratulations!

We congratulate pharmacists
Today is your holiday
We wish you good health
So that in life there is always courage,

So that all sorrows and hardships
You were bypassed
We wish only sunny weather,
Cheerful to be in the mood

More joy and laughter
Less grief and misfortune
Changeable luck and success,
So that there are no blows and bad weather!

Help get medicine
From every bad ailment
Here they can teach life
Yes, arrange everything in this life ...
Employees of all pharmacies,
As well as kiosk sellers,
Thank you man!
Oh, pharmacy is not easy...
When it's time to help...
... and in Ukraine, by the way, ours ...
Since there is a pharmacist, it will be useful.
They have a whole life let it be more beautiful!

You are in pills and vials
Selling health to us
And in the cold seasons
It's just great you live!

We are congratulations today
We tell you from the heart
And wish the sky
It was pure blue!

To make life beautiful
Everything around bloomed, grew,
To keep the heart clear
Only happiness lived in him!

For children to grow up
In peace, joy, goodness,
So that grief is not recognized
On our big land!

You know so much about drugs
Ready to help everyone, always, in everything,
Be very strict with your work
Seeing you, the disease goes away!

So let me congratulate you now,
Wish everyone good luck and good luck,
For life-giving labor to glorify you,
Give flowers and hug everyone!

May youth never leave
And beauty does not wither, but blooms,
And the heart never cools down
Love will come and live forever in it!

« Pharmacists are your medicines experts - this is the main idea of ​​the World Pharmacist's Day in 2018, which falls on September 25th. This was stated by the International Pharmaceutical Federation (International Pharmaceutical Federation - FIP).

« This year we are focusing on the vast experience that pharmacists have and use every day to ensure better patient health. This experience is also implemented through science and research by educating the next generation and transforming patient needs into services.”, said FIP President Dr. Carmen Peña.

« This year's World Pharmacist Day theme emphasizes that pharmacists are a trusted source of knowledge and guidance not only for patients but also for other healthcare professionals. Each patient who comes to the pharmacy, pharmacists try to provide the necessary drugs in the right dose and in the most appropriate form of release. We collaborate with other healthcare professionals to ensure that each person receives optimal treatment. In addition, as one of the most accessible healthcare professionals in the world, the pharmacist uses his knowledge to protect public health and prevent various diseases.”, - added K. Peña.

FIP member organizations and the pharmaceutical community at large use World Pharmacist Day to highlight the value of the profession and promote the role of the pharmacist in improving public health.

About World Pharmacist Day

World Pharmacist Day was established by the FIP Council at the World Congress of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences in 2009 in Istanbul, Turkey. The choice fell on September 25 due to the fact that on this day in 1912 the FIP was founded.

The International Pharmaceutical Federation (FIP) is a global federation of national associations of pharmacists and pharmaceutical scientists, and the only official partner of the pharmaceutical professional community in the World Health Organization (WHO). Through its 140 member organizations, FIP represents the interests of more than 4 million pharmaceutical practitioners and pharmaceutical scientists from around the world.

World Pharmacist Day 2018: pharmacist
“Pharmacists are your medicines experts” is the main message of World Pharmacist Day 2018,


Day of the pharmacist

When is Pharmacist's Day celebrated?

October 15 is celebrated every year day of the pharmacist to which all pharmacy employees are happy. This is a very stressful and responsible job, because an incorrectly prescribed medicine can ruin a person’s health. In this profession, you need to constantly learn and improve your skills in order to understand new drugs and cases when they need to be recommended to clients. It is also the responsibility of pharmacists to communicate with clients, advise them on emerging issues and the ability to identify needs for their subsequent satisfaction.

The Day of Pharmacists is celebrated in all pharmacies of our country; for many, this is an exciting, but extremely pleasant event. This is easily explained by the fact that it is on this day that pharmacy employees feel the importance of their profession, and also accept words of gratitude from famous personalities and ordinary residents of the country. This is a very important profession, thanks to which everyone can get advice and buy the medicine necessary for recovery.

Pharmacy employees are very pleased to feel at such moments a sense of pride in their own profession. These people deserve respect, because every day they work for the benefit of the population. This is quite hard work, because you have to work with a large number of clients and there is practically no time left for rest. In addition, the complexity manifests itself in the sense that the recovery of the client depends on the decision of the specialist, so it is important to recommend the right medicines so that the visitor meets his needs as much as possible. The daily work of a pharmacist is a guarantee of the health of every inhabitant of our country.

Day of the pharmacist in Russia

This holiday is celebrated by absolutely everyone who has anything to do with pharmaceuticals. Now the activity of a pharmacist is not necessarily associated with the sale of drugs in a pharmacy, because you can engage in their manufacture, research, quality control, as well as ensuring proper storage conditions. A large number of medicines are produced on the territory of Russia, the number of which is gradually increasing every year. Pharmacists are conducting important research that leads to the improvement of the effectiveness of existing drugs and the creation of new ones. All this improves the health of the population.

Now medicines are produced in Russia, which are not inferior to world competitors at all. This causes respect for the professionalism of pharmacists who persevere in the performance of their duties. They care about the lives of millions of people who live in our country. This is a very important area of ​​activity, because absolutely all residents need medicines.

Even with the development of modern technologies, performing a surgical operation or a small treatment of any disease requires reliable and most effective pharmaceutical support. V day of the pharmacist credit should be given to those who take care of the population by providing high-quality and effective medicines.

The editors of the LekOboz project cordially congratulate readers on World Pharmacist Day!

The professional holiday of specialists in the field of pharmaceuticals is celebrated annually on September 25. On this day 104 years ago, during the World Congress of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, held in Turkey, the International Pharmaceutical Federation (FIP) was formed. To commemorate this date, on September 25, 2009, the FIP Council called for every year in all countries whose organizations are represented in the International Pharmaceutical Federation, to celebrate World Pharmacist Day. This proposal was unanimously supported by the Council, and since 2010, events have been held around the world on this day to emphasize the importance of the profession of pharmacist in maintaining public health.

The International Pharmaceutical Federation was formed to represent the interests of pharmacists, as well as to promote the development of world pharmaceutical science and practice. FIP is made up of 137 specialized organizations, bringing together more than 3 million pharmaceutical professionals. In addition, about 4 thousand individual members take part in its work. This makes FIP the largest and most representative international organization in the field of pharmacy.

This year, World Pharmacist Day is celebrated for the sixth time. The theme for World Pharmacist Day 2016 is "Pharmacists: Caring for you". As FIP President Dr. Carmen Peña explained, the celebration of this day should highlight the importance of the role of the pharmacist in helping the population, which includes the successful pharmacotherapy of diseases and improving the quality of life of patients.

The recommendations prepared by the International Pharmaceutical Federation speak of the desirability of conducting a sociological survey on the eve of World Pharmacist Day to find out what image of pharmacists has developed among the population. This will determine what should be done to popularize pharmaceuticals and increase the prestige of this specialty. The main goal is to ensure that the pharmacy worker is perceived not just as a drug seller, but as a health-care provider. All this should ultimately help to improve the image of pharmacists in the minds of people and improve attitudes towards representatives of this profession.

FIP recommends that in honor of this day, decorate the medical facility/pharmacy with appropriate posters, hold an open day, organize additional examinations for pharmacy visitors and patients; if possible, hold lectures, seminars, exhibitions, including in the open air, as well as cover this day on the Internet by all available means.

As emphasized by the FIP, despite the fact that the events in honor of the World Pharmacist's Day are held under a single slogan, they must take into account the traditions and characteristics of each country.

On the occasion of the professional holiday, the LekOboz project team wishes all pharmacists and pharmacists success and prosperity, and prosperity to your business!

September 25 - World Pharmacist Day, LekOboz
The editors of the LekOboz project cordially congratulate readers on World Pharmacist Day! The professional holiday of specialists in the field of pharmaceuticals is celebrated annually on September 25. In that


Will pharmacists have their own professional holiday?

Among the many professional holidays that the calendar is literally full of, for some reason there is still no Pharmaceutical Worker's Day. And this is more than strange, given the fact that the profession of a pharmacist and pharmacist involves the performance of important social functions and is very popular among the people. But for some reason, our state is in no hurry to express this gratitude on behalf of its citizens.

Elena, pharmacist, Nizhny Novgorod:
- We were never congratulated even in Soviet times. So they said: doctors are medical workers, but you are not. But even if they don’t want to put us on the same line with doctors, then we should have our own holiday. After all, open the calendar - everyone, from a steelmaker to a personnel officer, has a professional holiday. Why exactly are pharmaceutical workers so deprived?

Looking through the calendar, you will inevitably come to amazement - what kind of holidays do not exist! This is the day of juice, and clean hands, and chestnut. True, in fairness it should be noted that these are all international holidays, but in our country workers of various specialties also have a red day in their calendar. Customs officers, bartenders, military topographers - they all have their own officially recognized professional holiday. For example, every third Sunday in June, doctors are honored by the whole country. Separately, there are also: Day of a nurse, dentist, ambulance workers, midwife, otolaryngologist, anesthetist. But there is no Day of the pharmacist or pharmacist.

Read also What date is Oilman's Day

Svetlana, pharmacist, Samara:
- It's embarrassing and embarrassing. Even my relatives never congratulate me on the Day of the Medical Worker, as they believe that this day belongs exclusively to doctors. And we, if not medical workers, then who? By the way, I have a diploma at home on the shelf of a medical institute. On the one hand, we are constantly guided by the fact that we should know no less than doctors, and replace them if necessary, naturally, we are not talking about some specific medical manipulations. It turns out that the demand from us is great, but there is no respect. I would like to feel more attention from the government, maybe then people will treat us differently. And then it doesn’t cost them anything to turn to you: “Hey, seller!”

Let's dive into the history of the issue. The Medical Day became officially recognized in 1980, when the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR adopted a corresponding decree. And I would like to think that when this holiday was created, officials and pharmaceutical workers still had in mind in their thoughts. Which is actually quite logical. Indeed, in the USSR, the health care system was unified. The structure of the Ministry of Health included both medical and pharmacy institutions. After the collapse of the state drug supply system, pharmacies became private and left the system, but the professional holiday did not appear.

How are the holidays in other countries?
In Belarus, since 1998, the Day of Pharmaceutical and Microbiological Industry Workers has been celebrated annually by presidential decree on October 15.
In Ukraine, since 1999, on the third Saturday of September (in 2017 this date falls on September 16), the Day of the Pharmaceutical Worker of Ukraine has been celebrated.

Sofia, pharmacist, Moscow:
- I remember that a few years ago the pharmaceutical community came out with a proposal to the government to establish the Day of the Pharmaceutical Worker. And it seems that at the top they reacted positively to this initiative. They were going, it seems, to coincide with our professional holiday in May, since it was in this month that the first pharmacy was opened under the tsar. Then they talked about autumn. By and large, I don’t care what day we will be congratulated, the main thing is that they don’t leave without attention. In the meantime, we continue with our colleagues to congratulate each other according to the old tradition on the Day of the Medical Worker.

Interestingly, almost none of the pharmacy workers could say when their professional holiday is celebrated. And the government didn't say it either. There is some confusion about Pharmacists' Day. The question of what day the Russian pharmacist celebrates the holiday remains open, since legally (Russian laws) it is not regulated.
In April 2013, the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation received an appeal to establish the Day of the Pharmacist and Pharmacist in the country. After the examination of the Ministry of Labor, the appeal was studied at the Ministry of Health of Russia and it was proposed to fix the date of the professional holiday with the name “Day of the Pharmaceutical Industry Worker” on May 19, since it was on this day in 1581 that the first royal pharmacy was opened. It was located in Moscow, in the Kremlin, and served the royal family. But this appeal has remained unnoticed.
And a year earlier, in 2012, at a press conference dedicated to the Golden Mortar Prize, it was announced that immediately after the solemn ceremony of awarding the laureates of the prize, a campaign was launched to officially fix the professional Day of a pharmacist and pharmacist in Russia for the date of November 22. The date was not chosen by chance: on this day in 1701, Peter I issued a decree on the opening of private pharmacies and on the prohibition of the sale of medicines in green shops and other places.
Nevertheless, on a number of large Russian Internet portals, as well as information sites dedicated to holidays, the Belarusian date (October 15) is given under the heading “Day of Pharmacists”. Apparently, in honor of the fact that Russia and Belarus are allied states. From this we will proceed. After all, representatives of such an important profession, in any case, need their own holiday (albeit unofficial), on which they can receive congratulations on the Day of Pharmacists from their relatives and friends.
A professional holiday is not just another reason to receive congratulations, but an opportunity for people of the same profession to feel the importance and significance of their work. Therefore, by and large, it is probably not so important on which day, in winter, spring, summer or autumn, our professional holiday will fall. Another thing is important - that people who have devoted their lives to pharmacy feel their connection with the society to which they give so much mental and physical strength day after day, feel that they are remembered and appreciated. So far this is not happening.

October 15 - Russian Pharmacist Day

On October 15, pharmacists and pharmacists celebrate their professional holiday in Russia. The HeadHunter research service has prepared an overview of the profession.

Demand for pharmacists and pharmacists in the North-Western region is stable at the same level after overcoming the crisis and resuming the development of pharmacy chains. More active than others on the labor market are such chains as First Aid, Farmakor, Apteki 36.6, Apteka Raduga. The main share of requests from employers falls on pharmacists with specialized secondary education. At the same time, both pharmacists and pharmacists in St. Petersburg are in short supply - there is less than one resume per vacancy. The hh.index indicator for a profession is significantly lower than for the labor market as a whole.

Meanwhile, the average wages of pharmacists and pharmacists over the past year have increased slightly, but increased from 26,000 to 29,000 rubles per month. Employer offers start from 15,000 rubles per month, and the maximum offered amount of monthly earnings is 40,000 rubles. The shortage of qualified personnel in the industry affects the difference in salary offers and expectations: on average, pharmacists claim to be paid 25,000 rubles a month, which is 16% lower than the amount that employers are willing to pay.

In addition to pharmacy retail, a pharmaceutical production cluster is actively gaining momentum in St. Petersburg. With the growth of production volumes, the need for personnel also grows: laboratory assistants, clinical research specialists, chemical engineers, microbiologists, etc. In addition, employees of distribution companies are constantly required - territorial managers, medical representatives, medical advisers responsible for distributing medicines in medical institutions in the region. In production, the average wages are 35,000 rubles, and the maximum is 80,000 rubles. The income of medical representatives is tied to a percentage of sales, the average value is 40,000 rubles, the upper limit is 90,000 rubles per month.

October 15 - Day of the pharmacist of Russia - Luga - News of the Leningrad region
On October 15, pharmacists and pharmacists celebrate their professional holiday in Russia. The HeadHunter research service has prepared an overview of the profession. Demand for pharmacists and pharmacists in the North-West

We rarely think about what is stored in our first aid kits. But it is worth getting sick, as even the simplest medicine will not be at hand. The modern rhythm of life does not always give us the opportunity to pay due attention to our health and visit doctors in a timely manner. The help of a competent pharmacist, if the case is not very serious, is simply invaluable: he will give accurate advice and help you choose not only the right, but also the medicine that is beneficial in price. Pharmacy workers not only advise the population, but also actively follow the latest developments in the region and even prepare medicines according to prescriptions. Pharmaceutical Worker's Day is a professional holiday that has become a tribute to this important work. Help

Alternative titles: Day of the Pharmacy Worker, Day of the Pharmacist and Pharmacist

How to celebrate: traditional celebrations take place on this day. The best employees are awarded prizes, valuable gifts and diplomas. Organization leaders announce organizations. Seminars, conferences, receptions, concert programs are held. On the air of radio and television, as well as on the pages of newspapers and on news Internet resources, you can see materials about the achievements of the industry and its best representatives.

Who is celebrating?

First of all, the memorable date concerns pharmacists and pharmacists. However, the sixteenth of September is celebrated by all those who have at least some relation to the process of production and sale of medicines.

From the history of the holiday

After the collapse of the Soviet Union, Ukrainian pharmaceuticals revived, and medicines produced in our country regained their good name: in other words, they again became popular and in demand on the market. Naturally, the pace of production also increased. All this happened thanks to the attraction of foreign investments, excellent scientific base and well-established production process. Now medicines produced in Ukraine successfully compete with foreign counterparts.

It is worth noting that Ukrainians themselves are increasingly choosing domestic funds. Thanks to such achievements, in 1999 it was decided to establish a professional holiday on which we could congratulate all pharmacy workers.

About the profession

A pharmaceutical worker is a specialist who is involved in the creation, storage, and sale of medicines. He does not just know the details of the composition of the drug and how to use it. One of the competencies of a pharmacist is communication with people. They can work not only in a pharmacy, but also in companies that sell medicines. Also, the scope of their activities affects factories, laboratories, warehouses, hospitals. Currently, about three hundred and fifty thousand such workers are working in our country. The pharmaceutical market of Ukraine includes ten thousand private and state pharmacies, as well as about six thousand pharmacy kiosks.

  1. You can estimate the scale of the industry by simple numbers. In 2015, 1.4 packages of medicines were sold in the country. This is approximately thirty pieces per citizen;
  2. The average Ukrainian resident spends about fifty dollars a year on medicines;
  3. Farmak is a company that consistently remains the leader in sales;
  4. Last year, the export of medicines will amount to about 270 million dollars. Approximately how much is the world's most expensive painting by Cezanne, which is called "Card Players".

Do you know interesting facts about Pharmacist's Day? If yes, then share with our users in the comments below the article.