Documents for benefits in the kindergarten. Possible reason for rejection. Benefits that are provided when a child is enrolled in kindergarten

Benefits for extraordinary, priority and preferential admission of a child to kindergarten are regulated by federal and regional regulations. In order to take advantage of the benefit, it is necessary to confirm it with the appropriate document when applying for enrollment in the preschool educational institution.

Below is a list of categories of citizens who enjoy the right to extraordinary and priority enrollment in preschool educational organizations.

Extraordinary right to enroll in a preschool educational institution

Children and parents (legal representatives) of children in accordance with federal law have an extraordinary right to provide places in a preschool educational institution:

Children of Chernobyl victims and citizens from special risk units. Children of citizens exposed to radiation due to the disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant and citizens from special risk units, as well as families who have lost their breadwinner from among such citizens.

Base: Law of the Russian Federation of 15.05.1991. No. 1244-1 “On the social protection of citizens exposed to the reaction due to the disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant”, Federal Law “On the social protection of citizens of the Russian Federation exposed to radiation due to the accident in 1957 at the Mayak production association and discharges of radical waste into the river Techa” dated November 26, 1998 No. 175-FZ.

: certificate of a disabled person or participant in the liquidation of the consequences of the disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant; certificate of a citizen exposed to radiation as a result of the accident in 1957 at the Mayak production association and the discharge of radioactive waste into the Techa River; certificate of death of one of the parents, who was the breadwinner, from among the citizens who died as a result of the disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, who died as a result of radiation sickness and other diseases that arose in connection with the Chernobyl disaster.

Children of the dead, disabled (Dagestan, North Caucasus, South Ossetia, Abkhazia). Children of the dead (missing), disabled employees and military personnel are provided out of turn places in preschool institutions.

Base: Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 25.08.1999 No. 936, Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 09.02.2004 No. 65, Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 12.08.2008. No. 587.

Document confirming the benefit: a certificate from the duty station confirming that the citizen was directly involved in the fight against terrorism, in counter-terrorism operations, in performing tasks to ensure the security and protection of citizens and died (disappeared), died, became disabled.

Children of prosecutors. Out of turn, children of prosecutors are admitted to kindergarten.

Base: Federal Law of January 17, 1992 No. 2202-1 "On the Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation".

Document confirming the benefit: reference from the place of work.

Children of employees of the Investigative Committee. Out of turn, children of employees of the Investigative Committee are provided with places in preschool educational organizations.

Base: Federal Law of December 28, 2010 No. 403-FZ “On the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation”.

Document confirming the benefit: reference from the place of work.

Children of judges. Children of judges are enrolled in kindergartens outside the general queue.

Base: Law of the Russian Federation of June 26, 1992 No. 3132-1 “On the Status of Judges”.

Document confirming the benefit: reference from the place of work.

Priority right to enroll in DOW

Large families. Children from large families should be given a place in a kindergarten in the first place.

Base: Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 05.05.1992 No. 431 "On measures for social support of large families."

Document confirming the benefit: certificate of a large family or birth certificates of three or more children in the family.

Children with disabilities and children, one of whose parents is disabled. Disabled children and children, one of whose parents is disabled, are provided with places in preschool educational organizations as a matter of priority.

Base: Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 02.10.1992 No. 1157 "On additional measures of state support for the disabled."

Document confirming the benefit: certificate from the Bureau of Medical and Social Expertise on the establishment of the disability of the child or one of the child's parents.

Children of police officers, as well as police officers who are not police officers. Places in preschool educational institutions at the place of residence are provided as a matter of priority to the children of a police officer:

  • deceased (deceased) as a result of injury or other damage to health received in connection with the performance of official duties,
  • who died as a result of an illness acquired while serving in the police, who was dismissed from the police service due to injury or other damage to health received in connection with the performance of official duties and excluded the possibility of further serving in the police,
  • who died within one year after leaving the police service due to an injury or other damage to health received in connection with the performance of official duties, or due to an illness acquired during the period of service in the police, which excluded the possibility of further service in the police.
  • who is (was) dependent on a police officer,

Base: Federal Law of February 7, 2011 No. 3-FZ “On the Police”.

Document confirming the benefit: reference from the place of work.

military children. Children of servicemen undergoing military service under a contract, as well as those discharged from military service upon reaching the age limit for military service, for health reasons or in connection with organizational and staff activities, are given places in kindergarten on a priority basis.

Base: Federal Law of May 27, 1998 No. 76-FZ “On the Status of Military Personnel”.

Document confirming the benefit: certificate from the military unit or from the military commissariat at the place of residence of the family.

Children of single mothers. The most controversial category of citizens who have the right to priority admission of a child to preschool. Each subject defines the concept of "incomplete family" at its discretion. So in Moscow, this right arises only for single mothers, and in the Sverdlovsk region, an “incomplete family” means not only a single mother, but also a widow, a divorced woman, if the husband evades paying alimony, etc. The fact that families are in a difficult life situation is confirmed by the department of social protection of the population.

Base: List of instructions of the President of the Russian Federation D.A. Medvedev dated 05/04/2011 No. Pr-1227 following a meeting with the activists of the All-Russian political party "United Russia" on April 28, 2011 Item 4. “To recommend the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation to consider the possibility of including children from single-parent families in difficult life situations, in preferential categories for priority enrollment in preschool institutions.

Document confirming the benefit: certificates of family composition or a birth certificate of a child with no record of the father or a certificate from the registry office that the father's record was made at the direction of the mother (form N25), a certificate from the employment center (if necessary).

Within one preferential category (the right to an extraordinary or priority enrollment of a child in a kindergarten), applications are considered by the date of submission of the application for enrollment.

Preemptive right admission to preschool educational organizations, as a rule, are established by the regulations of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

After the enrollment of children belonging to the preferential category, the remaining places are enrolled in the children of this age group in accordance with the order of registration for enrolling a child in a preschool educational institution.

Read this article:

Kindergarten enrollment process

There is a catastrophic shortage of free places in modern kindergartens. You have to queue almost immediately after the birth of the baby. Meanwhile some children have benefits giving them the right to extraordinary and priority admission to kindergarten. In addition, a number of children have the advantage of enrolling in kindergartens.

Once upon a time, directors enrolled in kindergarten. Now they are doing it special commissions. It is the commission for the acquisition of preschool institutions of the district that you need to present a document confirming the right of benefits for your child, as well as a birth certificate and a passport of one of the parents. At the same time, the personal presence of a parent in the commission is not necessary; a relative or friend can go with your passport.

To avoid unnecessary questions, it is advisable to provide parents' passports with registration in the same area where the kindergarten is needed. Children are enrolled in kindergartens at the place of residence, but you may be asked a number of questions if the parent is registered in another area.

As for our capital, as a result of the order of the Moscow Department of Education "On approval of the procedure for staffing state educational institutions implementing the main general educational program of preschool education, the system of the Moscow Department of Education" many categories from October 1, 2012 lost the right to a benefit when entering kindergarten(children of students, refugees, unemployed, twins). Also, first of all, children of parents who have permanent Moscow registration began to be admitted to kindergartens. It was then that the division into groups of rights for preferential admission to kindergartens was adopted.

If there are no free places in kindergartens in your district, then you should be given a referral to a kindergarten in another district.

List of beneficiaries

Extraordinary right

  • orphans (adopted, taken under guardianship or in a foster family). An extract from the decision of the body of guardianship and guardianship is a confirming document of the benefit. This also includes children of young, up to 23 years old, orphan parents who lost their parents before their own majority;
  • parents children, victims of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. The benefit will be confirmed by a certificate of death of a parent as a result of a disease caused by radiation during the Chernobyl accident, or a certificate of a disabled person or a participant in the liquidation of the consequences of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, as well as a certificate of evacuation from the place of alienation;
  • children judges, investigators and prosecutors. The benefit will be confirmed by a certificate from the place of work;
  • parents' children from disadvantaged families and children, registered by the Commission on Juvenile Affairs. Direction from this commission - a document confirming the benefit.

First Right Kindergarten admissions have:

  • children from large families. Document confirming the benefit: birth certificate of three or more children, certificate of a large family;
  • children military, conscript or contract servicemen. You need a certificate from the military unit at the place of residence or a certificate from the military commissariat;
  • children police officers. You need a parent's certificate from the place of work. Also here can be included the children of parents who died in the police service, were injured in the service and left it as a result, or died from an injury received at work within a year after the dismissal. In this case, it is necessary to obtain a certificate from the social security authorities;
  • disabled children and children of disabled parents. Certificate of disability from the Bureau of Medical and Social Expertise.

pre-emptive right Kindergarten admissions have:

  • children single mothers. Birth certificate without a record of the father or a certificate from the civil registry office certifying the entry of the father from the words of the mother;
  • children employees of preschool educational institutions. Need a certificate from work;
  • children whose brothers or sisters attend this kindergarten, provided that it corresponds to the state of health of the incoming child. Need a certificate from the kindergarten about visiting his brother / sister.

Please note that in some areas our vast motherland right of first priority The following children are enrolled in kindergarten:

  • in children whose parents or single mother are students;
  • children of the unemployed;
  • children internally displaced persons;
  • children whose single parent working;
  • children of veterans.

Kindergarten benefits

Benefits for paying for kindergarten in each region of the Russian Federation are established by local authorities. In Moscow, such benefits operate on the basis of a decree Government of Moscow dated 31.01.2006 N 62-PP. Today we are publishing the full text of the document so that parents can familiarize themselves with its contents.

Excerpt from the position:

Benefits for paying for a kindergarten in Moscowenjoy:

  • 25% of the monthly fee for maintenance of children - for families with two children attending kindergarten.
  • 50% of the monthly fee for kindergarten:

- families with three or more minor children;

- single parents (legal representatives), incl. widows and divorcees;

- guardians;

- mothers of children whose paternity is established by mutual consent of the parents or by a court decision, who are not married to the father of the child and do not live with him;

- citizens exposed to radiation as a result of the Chernobyl disaster;

- teaching staff of state educational institutions and non-state educational organizations with state accreditation;

- families in which the parent (legal representative) holds a pedagogical or other position in a state educational institution of the system of the Department of Education of the City of Moscow, implementing general educational programs of preschool education, a preschool educational institution of the system of the Department of Health of the City of Moscow or a preschool educational institution of the system of the Department of Social Protection of the Population of the City of Moscow .

  • 75% of the monthly fee for maintenance of children - to families, conscripts (except officer corps).

From the fee for the maintenance of children in kindergarten

  • Families in which one or both parents are disabled 1 and 2 groups.
  • Families with 10 or more minor children.
  • Families with a disabled child under the age of 18.
  • Families of servicemen and employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs who died during performance of official duties.
  • Students, students of institutions of primary, secondary and higher vocational education, if both parents (legal representative) receive full-time education.
  • Parents (legal representatives) for keeping children in groups short-term stay "special child", in state educational institutions "kindergarten of a compensating type" and "kindergarten combined garden”, state educational institutions “Primary School - Compensatory Kindergarten” for:


- children with severe speech disorders attending preschool educational institutions of the system of the Moscow Health Department.

Benefit for paying for the maintenance of children in kindergarten is provided annually on the basis of an application from parents (legal representatives) and documents confirming that the family has the right to a benefit. If the family has the right to use several benefits, one benefit at the choice of the parents (legal representatives) is subject to use.

Full text of the document:

On the Regulations on the procedure for determining the fee charged from parents (legal representatives) for the maintenance of children in public education, preschool educational institutions of the Moscow Department of Health and preschool educational institutions of the Moscow Department of Social Protection.

In order to create conditions for the implementation of new approaches to
formation of a developing environment, improvement of educational,
developmental and health-improving services provided to children in accordance with
the content of educational programs, expanding the range of dishes for
catering for children in state educational institutions
systems of the Department of Education of the city of Moscow, implementing

social protection of the population of the city of Moscow Government of Moscow
1. Approve the Regulations on the procedure for determining the fee charged from
parents (legal representatives), for the maintenance of children in state
educational institutions of the system of the Department of Education of the city

2. Enact the Regulation on the procedure for determining the fee,
levied from parents (legal representatives), for the maintenance of children in
public educational institutions of the system of the Department
education of the city of Moscow, implementing general educational programs
preschool education, preschool educational institutions of the system
Department of Health of the city of Moscow and preschool educational
institutions of the system of the Department of social protection of the population of the city
Moscow (clause 1) since April 1, 2006
3. Recognize invalid the order of the Government of Moscow dated 10
December 2001 N 458-RP “On payment for the maintenance of children in preschool
educational institutions."
4. The control over the implementation of this resolution shall be assigned to
First Deputy Mayor of Moscow in the Government of Moscow Shvetsov L.I.

Mayor of Moscow Yu.M. Luzhkov

to the Decree of the Government of Moscow
dated January 31, 2006 N 62-PP

On the procedure for determining the fee charged from parents (legal
representatives), for the maintenance of children in public
institutions of the system of the Department of Education of the city of Moscow
you implementing general educational programs of preschool education
vaniya, preschool educational institutions of the system of the Department
health care of the city of Moscow and preschool educational institutions
deniya system of the Department of Social Protection of the population of the city

This Regulation on the procedure for determining the fee charged from
parents (legal representatives), for the maintenance of children in state
educational institutions of the system of the Department of Education of the city
Moscow, implementing general educational programs of preschool
education, preschool educational institutions of the system of the Department
healthcare of the city of Moscow and preschool educational institutions
systems of the Department of social protection of the population of the city of Moscow (hereinafter -
Regulation) was developed in order to create conditions for the implementation of new
approaches to the formation of a developing environment, improvement
educational, developmental and health services provided to children in
in accordance with the content of educational programs, expansion
range of dishes for children's nutrition and regulation of relationships
between parents (legal representatives) and state
educational institutions of the system of the Department of Education of the city
Moscow, implementing general educational programs of preschool
education, preschool educational institutions of the system
Department of Health of the city of Moscow and preschool educational
institutions of the system of the Department of social protection of the population of the city
1. The amount of the monthly fee for the maintenance of children in state
educational institutions of the system of the Department of Education of the city
Moscow, implementing general educational programs of preschool
education, is established in the amount of 50 to 110 percent of
minimum wage, approved by Federal Law No.
June 19, 2000 N 82-FZ “On the minimum wage”:

1.1. 50% of the minimum wage
short stay groups (with the exception of groups “Special
1.2. 70% of the minimum wage
state educational institutions "kindergarten" and "kindergarten
combined type” (with the exception of compensating type groups).
1.3. 90% of the minimum wage
state educational institutions "kindergarten of general developmental
species”, “kindergarten care and rehabilitation”, “kindergarten
compensatory type” and “kindergarten with ethno-cultural (national)
component of education”; in groups of compensatory type of state
educational institutions "kindergarten of a combined type"; in
preschool groups of state educational institutions “primary
school-kindergarten”, “elementary school-kindergarten of compensatory type” and
"comprehensive school".
1.4. 90% of the minimum wage
state educational institutions (groups) implementing
general education programs of preschool education, with 14- and 24-hour
stay of children.
1.5. In the amount of 110 percent of the minimum wage -
in state educational institutions “child development center -
Kindergarten"; preschool groups of state educational
institutions "pro-gymnasium" and "education center".
2. The amount of the monthly fee for the maintenance of children in preschool
educational institutions of the system of the Department of Health of the city
Moscow and preschool educational institutions of the system of the Department
social protection of the population of the city of Moscow is set at 50
percent of the minimum wage approved by the Federal
Law of June 19, 2000 N 82-FZ “On the minimum wage”.
3. Benefits for paying for the maintenance of children in public
educational institutions of the system of the Department of Education of the city

Moscow, implementing general educational programs of preschool
education, preschool educational institutions of the system of the Department
healthcare of the city of Moscow and preschool educational institutions
systems of the Department of social protection of the population of the city of Moscow
established for the following categories of families and parents (legitimate

3.1. 25% of the monthly fee for
maintenance of children - for families with two children attending
educational institutions implementing general education programs
preschool education.
3.2. 50% of the monthly fee for
maintenance of children:
- families with three or more minor children;
- single parents (legal representatives), incl. widows and
- guardians;
- mothers of children whose paternity is established by mutual agreement
parents or, by court order, not married to the father of the child and not
living with him;
- citizens who have been exposed to radiation due to
Chernobyl disaster;
- teaching staff of state educational
institutions and non-state educational organizations that have
state accreditation;

- families in which the parent (legal representative) occupies
pedagogical or other position in the state educational
establishment of the system of the Department of Education of the city of Moscow, implementing
general educational programs of preschool education, preschool
educational institution of the system of the Department of Health of the city
Moscow or a preschool educational institution of the Department system
social protection of the population of the city of Moscow.

3.3. 75% of the monthly fee for
maintenance of children - to families, conscripts (except
officer corps).

4. From payment for the maintenance of children in state educational
institutions of the system of the Department of Education of the city of Moscow,
general educational programs of preschool education, preschool
educational institutions of the system of the Department of Health of the city
Moscow and preschool educational institutions of the system of the Department
social protection of the population of the city of Moscow 100% exempt:
4.1. Families in which one or both parents are disabled 1 and
2 groups.
4.2. Families with 10 or more minor children.
4.3. Families with a disabled child under the age of 18.
4.4. Families of servicemen and employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs who died during
performance of official duties.
4.5. Students, students of institutions of primary, secondary and higher
vocational education, if both parents (legal
representative) receive full-time education.
4.6. Parents (legal representatives) for keeping children in groups
short-term stay "special child", in state
educational institutions "kindergarten of a compensating type" and "kindergarten
combined garden”, state educational institutions
“Primary School - Compensatory Kindergarten” for:

-deaf and hard of hearing children;
- blind and visually impaired children;
- children with intellectual disabilities;
- children with tuberculosis intoxication;
- children with severe speech disorders attending preschool
educational institutions of the system of the Department of Health of the city

5. Benefits for paying for the maintenance of children in public
educational institutions of the system of the Department of Education of the city
implementing general educational programs of preschool
education, preschool educational institutions of the system of the Department
healthcare of the city of Moscow and preschool educational institutions
systems of the Department of social protection of the population of the city of Moscow
provided annually based on the application of the parents (legal
representatives) and documents confirming that the family has the right to

Parents (legal representatives) have the right to refuse application
established benefits. An educational institution that implements
general educational programs of preschool education, have the right to produce
verification of the grounds cited by the parent (legal
representative) to receive benefits on payment for the maintenance of a child in
If the family has the right to apply several benefits to the application
one benefit is subject to the choice of parents (legal representatives).

6. Payment for the maintenance of the child is made according to the actual number
days of his stay in a state educational institution of the system
Department of Education of the City of Moscow, which implements general educational
preschool education programs, preschool educational institution
system of the Department of Health of the city of Moscow and preschool
educational institution of the system of the Department of Social Protection
the population of the city of Moscow.

7. Funds received from parents (legal representatives) for
maintenance of the child are credited to the personal account of the state
educational institution of the system of the Department of Education of the city
Moscow, which implements general educational programs of preschool
education, pre-school educational institution system of the Department
health care of the city of Moscow and a preschool educational institution
systems of the Department of social protection of the population of the city of Moscow for accounting
transactions with funds received from entrepreneurial and other
income-generating activities, and are spent according to the approved
budget manager for:
- development of an educational institution and improvement
educational process;
- improvement of conditions for children;
- wages and social support for employees of the institution.

8. The amount of funds allocated from the budget of the city of Moscow for the maintenance
educational institutions implementing general education programs
pre-school education, cannot be reduced by the amount of funds,
received from parents (legal representatives) for the maintenance of children in
educational institutions implementing general education programs
preschool education.

9. Paragraphs 1-4 of this Regulation apply to parents
(legal representatives) who are citizens of the Russian
Federations and are registered in the city of Moscow and the Moscow region.

10. Payment for the maintenance of children of citizens of foreign states and
of the CIS countries is made in the amount of the full cost of maintaining a child
in this institution.

Some children have a preferential right to enter kindergarten. You must know these categories

About the queues for granting benefits when entering kindergarten

First of all, children are admitted to institutions whose parents (legal representatives) are permanently registered in the city.

However, there are certain ones for enrolling a child. The law distinguishes:



Priority right to enroll children.

It is provided to applicants on the basis of a document confirming the existence of such a right.

The right of extraordinary reception is established by the current legislation. And m used by children from families:

Judges (Article 19, Clause 3 of the Federal Law of the Russian Federation of June 26, 1992 No. 3132-1 “On the Status of Judges in the Russian Federation” (as amended on August 22, 2004),

Prosecutorial employees (Article 44, paragraph 5 of the Federal Law of the Russian Federation dated January 17, 1992 No. 2202-1 “On the Prosecutor’s Office of the Russian Federation” (as amended on November 4, 2005),

Citizens exposed to radiation as a result of the disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant (Articles 14, 17, 18, 19 of the Federal Law of the Russian Federation of May 15, 1991 No. 1244-1 “On the social protection of citizens exposed to radiation as a result of the disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant” (as amended on 05.12 .2006), Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 25, 2006 No. 246);

Decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation - this right is granted to the children of the dead (missing), deceased, disabled military personnel and employees of federal executive bodies who participated in:

In the fight against terrorism on the territory of the Republic of Dagestan (Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 25, 1999 No. 936 “On additional measures for the social protection of family members of military personnel and employees of internal affairs bodies, the state fire service, who were directly involved in the fight against terrorism on the territory of the Republic of Dagestan and those who died (missing in action) in the performance of their duties”);

In counter-terrorist operations and ensuring law and order and public security on the territory of the North Caucasus region of the Russian Federation

(Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 09.02.2004 No. 65 “On additional guarantees and compensations for military personnel and employees of federal executive bodies participating in counter-terrorist operations and ensuring law and order and public security on the territory of the North Caucasus region of the Russian Federation”);

In fulfilling the tasks of ensuring the security and protection of Russian citizens living in the territories of South Ossetia and Abkhazia (Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated August 12, 2008 No. 587 “On additional measures to strengthen the social protection of military personnel and employees of federal executive bodies involved in the implementation of tasks to ensure security and protection of citizens of the Russian Federation living in the territories of South Ossetia and Abkhazia”);

The right of priority admission to preschool institutions is granted by federal laws to children:

From large families (Article 52.2 of the Law of the Russian Federation of July 10, 1992 No. 3266-1 “On Education” (as amended of January 6, 2007 No. 1-FZ);

Disabled children (Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated 02.10.1992 No. 1157 (“On additional measures of state support for disabled people”, as amended on 09.09.1999);

Children, one of whose parents is disabled (Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated 02.10.1992 No. 1157 “On additional measures of state support for disabled people” (as amended on 09.09.1999);

Children, police officers, as well as police officers who died (deceased) as a result of injury or other damage to health received in connection with the performance of official duties, children of police officers who died as a result of an illness acquired while serving in the police, children of citizens of the Russian Federation, dismissed from police service due to injury or other damage to health received in connection with the performance of official duties and excluding the possibility of further serving in the police, children of a citizen of the Russian Federation who died within one year after dismissal from police service due to injury or other damage to health received in connection with the performance of official duties, or as a result of an illness acquired during the period of service in the police, which excluded the possibility of further service in the police, children who are (were) dependent on a police officer, a citizen of the Russian Federation, indicated in the above categories of this part (p. 6 article 46 of the Federal Law of the Russian Federation of February 7, 2011 No. 3-FZ “On the Police”);

Military personnel (Articles 19, 23 of the Federal Law of the Russian Federation dated May 27, 1998 No. 76-FZ “On the Status of Military Personnel” (as amended on December 4, 2006);

Children of drug control officers (Regulations on the law enforcement service in the bodies for the control of the circulation of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, approved by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated 05.06.2003 No. 613). State authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local governments, within their competence and with appropriate compensation at the expense of the Federal Drug Control Service of Russia, provide children of employees with places in preschool institutions and boarding schools at the place of residence, regardless of the departmental affiliation of these institutions and boarding schools, within three months from the date of the employee's request.

Children of working single parents, student mothers, children under guardianship, children whose parents (one of the parents) are in military service, children of the unemployed and internally displaced persons, students, children, parents (one of the parents) who are employees of this preschool educational institutions, are employees of educational and general educational institutions located on the territory of the municipal district, are employees of organizations financed from the local budget.

Preferential right of admission to the institution have:

Children of single mothers;

Children of pedagogical and other employees of state preschool educational institutions of the system of the Department of Education;

Additional categories of citizens who have the right to extraordinary (priority) admission to preschool educational institutions may be established by local governments and secured by relevant decrees.

Required documents:

1. An extract from the decision of the body of guardianship and guardianship for orphans, children left without parental care, transferred to the families of citizens for adoption, guardianship, to a foster family, children whose parents are persons from among orphans and children left without parental care (persons between the ages of 18 and 23 who, when they were under the age of 18, both or only parent died, and who were left without the care of a single or both parents);

2. Certificate of a participant in the liquidation of the consequences of the disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant for children of citizens exposed to radiation as a result of the disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant;

3. Certificate of employment for children of prosecutors and investigators of the Investigative Committee under the Prosecutor's Office, children of judges, children of police officers, children of teachers and other employees of state preschool educational institutions of the Department of Education of your city;

4. Certificate of a large family or birth certificate of three or more children in a family for children from large families;

5. A certificate from the military unit or from the military commissariat at the place of residence of the family for the children of military personnel undergoing military service under a contract or by conscription;

Certificate from the social protection authorities for the children of police officers who died (deceased) in connection with the performance of official activities or who died before the expiration of one year after dismissal from service due to injury (concussion), illness received during the service, as well as children of employees The following persons are eligible for admission to the institution:

Children of single mothers;

Children whose siblings are already attending preschool groups of this institution, unless the profile of the institution does not correspond to the health status of the child entering it.

The applicant submits original documents confirming the existence of an extraordinary, priority or preferential right to provide a child with a place in an institution to the district information support service.

If the applicant has not submitted documents confirming the existence of an extraordinary, priority or preferential right to provide the child with a place in an institution, the application for registration of the child in the electronic register is considered on a general basis.

6. Preferential right of admission to the institution have:

Children of single mothers;

Children of pedagogical and other employees of state preschool educational institutions of the system of the Department of Education of the city of Moscow;

Children whose siblings are already attending preschool groups of this institution, unless the profile of the institution does not correspond to the health status of the child entering it.

7. The applicant submits the original documents confirming the existence of an extraordinary, priority or preferential right to provide a child with a place in an institution, to the district information support service.

8. In the event that the applicant has not submitted documents confirming the existence of an extraordinary, priority or preferential right to provide the child with a place in an institution, the application for registration of the child in the electronic register is considered on a general basis.

9. Preferential right of admission to the institution have:

Children of single mothers;

Children of pedagogical and other employees of state preschool educational institutions of the system of the Department of Education of the city of Moscow;

Children whose siblings are already attending preschool groups of this institution, unless the profile of the institution does not correspond to the health status of the child entering it.

10. The applicant submits original documents confirming the existence of an extraordinary, priority or preferential right to provide a child with a place in an institution, to the district information support service.

11. In the event that the applicant has not submitted documents confirming the existence of an extraordinary, priority or preferential right to provide the child with a place in an institution, the application for registration of the child in the electronic register is considered on a general basis.

12. Preferential right of admission to the institution have:

Children of single mothers;

Children of pedagogical and other employees of state preschool educational institutions of the system of the Department of Education of the city of Moscow;

Children whose siblings are already attending preschool groups of this institution, unless the profile of the institution does not correspond to the health status of the child entering it.

13. The applicant submits the original documents confirming the existence of an extraordinary, priority or preferential right to provide a child with a place in an institution, to the district information support service.

14. In the event that the applicant has not submitted documents confirming the existence of an extraordinary, priority or preferential right to provide the child with a place in an institution, the application for registration of the child in the electronic register is considered on a general basis.

15. Preferential right of admission to the institution have:

Children of single mothers;

Children of pedagogical and other employees of state preschool educational institutions of the system of the Department of Education of the city of Moscow;

Children whose siblings are already attending preschool groups of this institution, unless the profile of the institution does not correspond to the health status of the child entering it.

16. The applicant submits original documents confirming the existence of an extraordinary, priority or preferential right to provide a child with a place in an institution, to the district information support service.

17. In the event that the applicant has not submitted documents confirming the existence of an extraordinary, priority or preferential right to provide the child with a place in an institution, the application for registration of the child in the electronic register is considered on a general basis.

18. Preemptive right of admission to the institution have:

Children of single mothers;

Children of pedagogical and other employees of state preschool educational institutions of the system of the Department of Education of the city of Moscow;

Children whose siblings are already attending preschool groups of this institution, unless the profile of the institution does not correspond to the health status of the child entering it.

19. The applicant submits the original documents confirming the existence of an extraordinary, priority or preferential right to provide a child with a place in an institution, to the district information support service.

20. In the event that the applicant has not submitted documents confirming the existence of an extraordinary, priority or priority right to provide the child with a place in an institution, the application for registration of the child in the electronic register is considered on a general basis.

21. Preferential right of admission to the institution have:

Children of single mothers;

Children of pedagogical and other employees of state preschool educational institutions of the system of the Department of Education of the city of Moscow;

Children whose siblings are already attending preschool groups of this institution, unless the profile of the institution does not correspond to the health status of the child entering it.

22. The applicant submits original documents confirming the existence of an extraordinary, priority or preferential right to provide a child with a place in an institution, to the district information support service.

23. In the event that the applicant has not submitted documents confirming the existence of an extraordinary, priority or preferential right to provide the child with a place in an institution, the application for registration of the child in the electronic register is considered on a general basis.

24. Preferential right of admission to the institution have:

Children of single mothers;

Children of pedagogical and other employees of state preschool educational institutions of the system of the Department of Education of the city of Moscow;

Children whose siblings are already attending preschool groups of this institution, unless the profile of the institution does not correspond to the health status of the child entering it.

25. The applicant submits original documents confirming the existence of an extraordinary, priority or preferential right to provide a child with a place in an institution, to the district information support service.

26. In the event that the applicant has not submitted documents confirming the existence of an extraordinary, priority or priority right to provide the child with a place in an institution, the application for registration of the child in the electronic register is considered on a general basis.

27. Preferential right of admission to the institution have:

Children of single mothers;

Children of pedagogical and other employees of state preschool educational institutions of the system of the Department of Education of the city of Moscow;

Children whose siblings are already attending preschool groups of this institution, unless the profile of the institution does not correspond to the health status of the child entering it.

28. The applicant submits the original documents confirming the existence of an extraordinary, priority or preferential right to provide a child with a place in an institution, to the district information support service.

29. In the event that the applicant has not submitted documents confirming the existence of an extraordinary, priority or preferential right to provide the child with a place in an institution, the application for registration of the child in the electronic register is considered on a general basis.

30. Preferential right of admission to the institution have:

Children of single mothers;

Children of pedagogical and other employees of state preschool educational institutions of the system of the Department of Education of the city of Moscow;

Children whose siblings are already attending preschool groups of this institution, unless the profile of the institution does not correspond to the health status of the child entering it.

31. The applicant submits original documents confirming the existence of an extraordinary, priority or preferential right to provide a child with a place in an institution, to the district information support service.

32. In the event that the applicant has not submitted documents confirming the existence of an extraordinary, priority or preferential right to provide the child with a place in an institution, the application for registration of the child in the electronic register is considered on a general basis.

33. Preemptive right of admission to the institution have:

Children of single mothers;

Children of pedagogical and other employees of state preschool educational institutions of the system of the Department of Education of the city of Moscow;

Children whose siblings are already attending preschool groups of this institution, unless the profile of the institution does not correspond to the health status of the child entering it.

34. The applicant submits original documents confirming the existence of an extraordinary, priority or preferential right to provide a child with a place in an institution, to the district information support service.

35. In the event that the applicant has not submitted documents confirming the existence of an extraordinary, priority or preferential right to provide the child with a place in an institution, the application for registration of the child in the electronic register is considered on a general basis.

36. Preferential right of admission to the institution have:

Children of single mothers;

Children of pedagogical and other employees of state preschool educational institutions of the system of the Department of Education of the city of Moscow;

Children whose siblings are already attending preschool groups of this institution, unless the profile of the institution does not correspond to the health status of the child entering it.

37. The applicant submits original documents confirming the existence of an extraordinary, priority or preferential right to provide a child with a place in an institution, to the district information support service.

38. In the event that the applicant has not submitted documents confirming the existence of an extraordinary, priority or preferential right to provide the child with a place in an institution, the application for registering the child in the electronic register is considered on a general basis.

39. Preferential right of admission to the institution have:

Children of single mothers;

Children of pedagogical and other employees of state preschool educational institutions of the system of the Department of Education of the city of Moscow;

Children whose siblings are already attending preschool groups of this institution, unless the profile of the institution does not correspond to the health status of the child entering it.

40. The applicant submits original documents confirming the existence of an extraordinary, priority or preferential right to provide a child with a place in an institution, to the district information support service.

41. In the event that the applicant has not submitted documents confirming the existence of an extraordinary, priority or preferential right to provide the child with a place in an institution, the application for registration of the child in the electronic register is considered on a general basis.

42. Preferential right of admission to the institution have:

Children of single mothers;

Children of pedagogical and other employees of state preschool educational institutions of the system of the Department of Education of the city of Moscow;

Children whose siblings are already attending preschool groups of this institution, unless the profile of the institution does not correspond to the health status of the child entering it.

43. The applicant submits the original documents confirming the existence of an extraordinary, priority or preferential right to provide a child with a place in an institution, to the district information support service.

44. In the event that the applicant has not submitted documents confirming the existence of an extraordinary, priority or preferential right to provide the child with a place in an institution, the application for registration of the child in the electronic register is considered on a general basis.

45. Preferential right of admission to the institution have:

Children of single mothers;

Children of pedagogical and other employees of state preschool educational institutions of the system of the Department of Education of the city of Moscow;

Children whose siblings are already attending preschool groups of this institution, unless the profile of the institution does not correspond to the health status of the child entering it.

46. ​​The applicant submits the original documents confirming the existence of an extraordinary, priority or preferential right to provide a child with a place in an institution, to the district information support service.

47. If the applicant has not submitted documents confirming the existence of an extraordinary, priority or preferential right to provide the child with a place in an institution, the application for registration of the child in the electronic register is considered on a general basis.

48. Preferential right of admission to the institution have:

Children of single mothers;

Children of pedagogical and other employees of state preschool educational institutions of the system of the Department of Education of the city of Moscow;

Children whose siblings are already attending preschool groups of this institution, unless the profile of the institution does not correspond to the health status of the child entering it.

49. The applicant submits the original documents confirming the existence of an extraordinary, priority or preferential right to provide a child with a place in an institution, to the district information support service.

50. In the event that the applicant has not submitted documents confirming the existence of an extraordinary, priority or preferential right to provide the child with a place in an institution, the application for registration of the child in the electronic register is considered on a general basis.

51. Preferential right of admission to the institution have:

Children of single mothers;

Children of pedagogical and other employees of state preschool educational institutions of the system of the Department of Education of the city of Moscow;

Children whose siblings are already attending preschool groups of this institution, unless the profile of the institution does not correspond to the health status of the child entering it.

52. The applicant submits the original documents confirming the existence of an extraordinary, priority or preferential right to provide a child with a place in an institution, to the district information support service.

53. In the event that the applicant has not submitted documents confirming the existence of an extraordinary, priority or preferential right to provide the child with a place in an institution, the application for registration of the child in the electronic register is considered on a general basis.

54. Preferential right of admission to the institution have:

Children of single mothers;

Children of pedagogical and other employees of state preschool educational institutions of the system of the Department of Education of the city of Moscow;

Children whose siblings are already attending preschool groups of this institution, unless the profile of the institution does not correspond to the health status of the child entering it.

55. The applicant submits original documents confirming the existence of an extraordinary, priority or preferential right to provide a child with a place in an institution, to the district information support service.

56. In the event that the applicant has not submitted documents confirming the existence of an extraordinary, priority or preferential right to provide the child with a place in an institution, the application for registration of the child in the electronic register is considered on a general basis.

57. Preferential right of admission to the institution have:

Children of single mothers;

Children of pedagogical and other employees of state preschool educational institutions of the system of the Department of Education of the city of Moscow;

Children whose siblings are already attending preschool groups of this institution, unless the profile of the institution does not correspond to the health status of the child entering it.

58. The applicant submits original documents confirming the existence of an extraordinary, priority or preferential right to provide a child with a place in an institution, to the district information support service.

59. In the event that the applicant has not submitted documents confirming the existence of an extraordinary, priority or preferential right to provide the child with a place in an institution, the application for registration of the child in the electronic register is considered on a general basis.

60. Preferential right of admission to the institution have:

Children of single mothers;

Children of pedagogical and other employees of state preschool educational institutions of the system of the Department of Education of the city of Moscow;

Children whose siblings are already attending preschool groups of this institution, unless the profile of the institution does not correspond to the health status of the child entering it.

61. The applicant submits the original documents confirming the existence of an extraordinary, priority or preferential right to provide a child with a place in an institution, to the district information support service.

62. In the event that the applicant has not submitted documents confirming the existence of an extraordinary, priority or preferential right to provide the child with a place in an institution, the application for registration of the child in the electronic register is considered on a general basis.

63. The priority right for admission to the institution is:

Children of single mothers;

Children of pedagogical and other employees of state preschool educational institutions of the system of the Department of Education of the city of Moscow;

Children whose siblings are already attending preschool groups of this institution, unless the profile of the institution does not correspond to the health status of the child entering it.

64. The applicant submits the original documents confirming the existence of an extraordinary, priority or preferential right to provide a child with a place in an institution, to the district information support service.

65. In the event that the applicant has not submitted documents confirming the existence of an extraordinary, priority or preferential right to provide the child with a place in an institution, the application for registration of the child in the electronic register is considered on a general basis.

66. Preferential right of admission to the institution have:

Children of single mothers;

Children of pedagogical and other employees of state preschool educational institutions of the system of the Department of Education of the city of Moscow;

Children whose siblings are already attending preschool groups of this institution, unless the profile of the institution does not correspond to the health status of the child entering it.

67. The applicant submits original documents confirming the existence of an extraordinary, priority or preferential right to provide a child with a place in an institution, to the district information support service.

68. In the event that the applicant has not submitted documents confirming the existence of an extraordinary, priority or priority right to provide the child with a place in an institution, the application for registration of the child in the electronic register is considered on a general basis.

69. Preferential right of admission to the institution have:

Children of single mothers;

Children of pedagogical and other employees of state preschool educational institutions of the system of the Department of Education of the city of Moscow;

Children whose siblings are already attending preschool groups of this institution, unless the profile of the institution does not correspond to the health status of the child entering it.

70. The applicant submits the original documents confirming the existence of an extraordinary, priority or preferential right to provide a child with a place in an institution, to the district information support service.

71. In the event that the applicant has not submitted documents confirming the existence of an extraordinary, priority or preferential right to provide the child with a place in an institution, the application for registration of the child in the electronic register is considered on a general basis.

72. The priority right for admission to the institution is:

Children of single mothers;

Children of pedagogical and other employees of state preschool educational institutions of the system of the Department of Education of the city of Moscow;

Children whose siblings are already attending preschool groups of this institution, unless the profile of the institution does not correspond to the health status of the child entering it.

73. The applicant submits the original documents confirming the existence of an extraordinary, priority or preferential right to provide a child with a place in an institution, to the district information support service.

74. In the event that the applicant has not submitted documents confirming the existence of an extraordinary, priority or preferential right to provide the child with a place in an institution, the application for registration of the child in the electronic register is considered on a general basis.

75. Preferential right of admission to the institution have:

Children of single mothers;

Children of pedagogical and other employees of state preschool educational institutions of the system of the Department of Education of the city of Moscow;

Children whose siblings are already attending preschool groups of this institution, unless the profile of the institution does not correspond to the health status of the child entering it.

76. The applicant submits original documents confirming the existence of an extraordinary, priority or preferential right to provide a child with a place in an institution, to the district information support service.

77. In the event that the applicant has not submitted documents confirming the existence of an extraordinary, priority or preferential right to provide the child with a place in an institution, the application for registration of the child in the electronic register is considered on a general basis.

78. Preferential right of admission to the institution have:

Children of single mothers;

Children of pedagogical and other employees of state preschool educational institutions of the system of the Department of Education of the city of Moscow;

Children whose siblings are already attending preschool groups of this institution, unless the profile of the institution does not correspond to the health status of the child entering it.

79. The applicant submits the original documents confirming the existence of an extraordinary, priority or preferential right to provide a child with a place in an institution, to the district information support service.

80. In the event that the applicant has not submitted documents confirming the existence of an extraordinary, priority or preferential right to provide the child with a place in an institution, the application for registration of the child in the electronic register is considered on a general basis.

81. Preferential right of admission to the institution have:

Children of single mothers;

Children of pedagogical and other employees of state preschool educational institutions of the system of the Department of Education of the city of Moscow;

Children whose siblings are already attending preschool groups of this institution, unless the profile of the institution does not correspond to the health status of the child entering it.

82. The applicant submits original documents confirming the existence of an extraordinary, priority or preferential right to provide a child with a place in an institution, to the district information support service.

83. If the applicant has not submitted documents confirming the existence of an extraordinary, priority or preferential right to provide the child with a place in an institution, the application for registration of the child in the electronic register is considered on a general basis.

84. The priority right for admission to the institution has:

Children of single mothers;

Children of pedagogical and other employees of state preschool educational institutions of the system of the Department of Education of the city of Moscow;

Children whose siblings are already attending preschool groups of this institution, unless the profile of the institution does not correspond to the health status of the child entering it.

85. The applicant submits the original documents confirming the existence of an extraordinary, priority or preferential right to provide a child with a place in an institution, to the district information support service.

86. In the event that the applicant has not submitted documents confirming the existence of an extraordinary, priority or preferential right to provide the child with a place in an institution, the application for registration of the child in the electronic register is considered on a general basis.

87. Preferential right of admission to the institution have:

Children of single mothers;

Children of pedagogical and other employees of state preschool educational institutions of the system of the Department of Education of the city of Moscow;

Children whose siblings are already attending preschool groups of this institution, unless the profile of the institution does not correspond to the health status of the child entering it.

88. The applicant submits the original documents confirming the existence of an extraordinary, priority or preferential right to provide a child with a place in an institution, to the district information support service.

89. In the event that the applicant has not submitted documents confirming the existence of an extraordinary, priority or preferential right to provide the child with a place in an institution, the application for registration of the child in the electronic register is considered on a general basis.

90. The priority right for admission to the institution is:

Children of single mothers;

Children of pedagogical and other employees of state preschool educational institutions of the system of the Department of Education of the city of Moscow;

Children whose siblings are already attending preschool groups of this institution, unless the profile of the institution does not correspond to the health status of the child entering it.

91. The applicant submits the original documents confirming the existence of an extraordinary, priority or preferential right to provide a child with a place in an institution, to the district information support service.

92. In the event that the applicant has not submitted documents confirming the existence of an extraordinary, priority or preferential right to provide the child with a place in an institution, the application for registration of the child in the electronic register is considered on a general basis.

93. Preferential right of admission to the institution have:

Children of single mothers;

Children of pedagogical and other employees of state preschool educational institutions of the system of the Department of Education of the city of Moscow;

Children whose siblings are already attending preschool groups of this institution, unless the profile of the institution does not correspond to the health status of the child entering it.

94. The applicant submits original documents confirming the existence of an extraordinary, priority or preferential right to provide a child with a place in an institution, to the district information support service.

95. In the event that the applicant has not submitted documents confirming the existence of an extraordinary, priority or preferential right to provide the child with a place in an institution, the application for registration of the child in the electronic register is considered on a general basis.

96. Preferential right of admission to the institution have:

Children of single mothers;

Children of pedagogical and other employees of state preschool educational institutions of the system of the Department of Education of the city of Moscow;

Children whose siblings are already attending preschool groups of this institution, unless the profile of the institution does not correspond to the health status of the child entering it.

97. The applicant submits original documents confirming the existence of an extraordinary, priority or preferential right to provide a child with a place in an institution, to the district information support service.

98. In the event that the applicant has not submitted documents confirming the existence of an extraordinary, priority or preferential right to provide the child with a place in an institution, the application for registration of the child in the electronic register is considered on a general basis.

99. Preferential right of admission to the institution have:

Children of single mothers;

Children of pedagogical and other employees of state preschool educational institutions of the system of the Department of Education of the city of Moscow;

Children whose siblings are already attending preschool groups of this institution, unless the profile of the institution does not correspond to the health status of the child entering it.

100. The applicant submits original documents confirming the existence of an extraordinary, priority or preferential right to provide a child with a place in an institution, to the district information support service.

101. In the event that the applicant has not submitted documents confirming the existence of an extraordinary, priority or preferential right to provide the child with a place in an institution, the application for registration of the child in the electronic register is considered on a general basis.

102. Preferential right of admission to the institution have:

Children of single mothers;

Children of pedagogical and other employees of state preschool educational institutions of the system of the Department of Education of the city of Moscow;

Children whose siblings are already attending preschool groups of this institution, unless the profile of the institution does not correspond to the health status of the child entering it.

103. The applicant submits the original documents confirming the existence of an extraordinary, priority or preferential right to provide a child with a place in an institution, to the district information support service.

104. In the event that the applicant has not submitted documents confirming the existence of an extraordinary, priority or preferential right to provide the child with a place in an institution, the application for registration of the child in the electronic register is considered on a general basis.

105. Preferential right of admission to the institution have:

Children of single mothers;

Children of pedagogical and other employees of state preschool educational institutions of the system of the Department of Education of the city of Moscow;

Children whose siblings are already attending preschool groups of this institution, unless the profile of the institution does not correspond to the health status of the child entering it.

106. The applicant submits the original documents confirming the existence of an extraordinary, priority or preferential right to provide a child with a place in an institution, to the district information support service.

107. In the event that the applicant has not submitted documents confirming the existence of an extraordinary, priority or preferential right to provide the child with a place in an institution, the application for registration of the child in the electronic register is considered on a general basis.

108. The priority right for admission to the institution is:

Children of single mothers;

Children of pedagogical and other employees of state preschool educational institutions of the system of the Department of Education of the city of Moscow;

Children whose siblings are already attending preschool groups of this institution, unless the profile of the institution does not correspond to the health status of the child entering it.

109. The applicant submits original documents confirming the existence of an extraordinary, priority or preferential right to provide a child with a place in an institution, to the district information support service.

110. In the event that the applicant has not submitted documents confirming the existence of an extraordinary, priority or priority right to provide the child with a place in an institution, the application for registration of the child in the electronic register is considered on a general basis.

111. Preferential right of admission to the institution have:

Children of single mothers;

Children of pedagogical and other employees of state preschool educational institutions of the system of the Department of Education of the city of Moscow;

Children whose siblings are already attending preschool groups of this institution, unless the profile of the institution does not correspond to the health status of the child entering it.

112. The applicant submits original documents confirming the existence of an extraordinary, priority or preferential right to provide a child with a place in an institution, to the district information support service.

113. In the event that the applicant has not submitted documents confirming the existence of an extraordinary, priority or priority right to provide the child with a place in an institution, the application for registration of the child in the electronic register is considered on a general basis.

114. Preferential right of admission to the institution have:

Children of single mothers;

Children of pedagogical and other employees of state preschool educational institutions of the system of the Department of Education of the city of Moscow;

Children whose siblings are already attending preschool groups of this institution, unless the profile of the institution does not correspond to the health status of the child entering it.

115. The applicant submits original documents confirming the existence of an extraordinary, priority or preferential right to provide a child with a place in an institution, to the district information support service.

116. In the event that the applicant has not submitted documents confirming the existence of an extraordinary, priority or preferential right to provide the child with a place in an institution, the application for registration of the child in the electronic register is considered on a general basis.

117. The priority right for admission to the institution has:

Children of single mothers;

Children of pedagogical and other employees of state preschool educational institutions of the system of the Department of Education of the city of Moscow;

Children whose siblings are already attending preschool groups of this institution, unless the profile of the institution does not correspond to the health status of the child entering it.

118. The applicant submits original documents confirming the existence of an extraordinary, priority or preferential right to provide a child with a place in an institution, to the district information support service.

119. In the event that the applicant has not submitted documents confirming the existence of an extraordinary, priority or preferential right to provide the child with a place in an institution, the application for registration of the child in the electronic register is considered on a general basis.

120. The priority right for admission to the institution is:

Children of single mothers;

Children of pedagogical and other employees of state preschool educational institutions of the system of the Department of Education of the city of Moscow;

Children whose siblings are already attending preschool groups of this institution, unless the profile of the institution does not correspond to the health status of the child entering it.

121. The applicant submits original documents confirming the existence of an extraordinary, priority or preferential right to provide a child with a place in an institution, to the district information support service.

122. In the event that the applicant has not submitted documents confirming the existence of an extraordinary, priority or priority right to provide the child with a place in an institution, the application for registration of the child in the electronic register is considered on a general basis.

123. The priority right for admission to the institution has:

Children of single mothers;

Children of pedagogical and other employees of state preschool educational institutions of the system of the Department of Education of the city of Moscow;

Children whose siblings are already attending preschool groups of this institution, unless the profile of the institution does not correspond to the health status of the child entering it.

124. The applicant submits original documents confirming the existence of an extraordinary, priority or preferential right to provide a child with a place in an institution, to the district information support service.

125. In the event that the applicant has not submitted documents confirming the existence of an extraordinary, priority or preferential right to provide the child with a place in an institution, the application for registration of the child in the electronic register is considered on a general basis.

126. The priority right for admission to the institution has:

Children of single mothers;

Children of pedagogical and other employees of state preschool educational institutions of the system of the Department of Education of the city of Moscow;

Children whose siblings are already attending preschool groups of this institution, unless the profile of the institution does not correspond to the health status of the child entering it.

127. The applicant submits original documents confirming the existence of an extraordinary, priority or preferential right to provide a child with a place in an institution, to the district information support service.

128. In the event that the applicant has not submitted documents confirming the existence of an extraordinary, priority or preferential right to provide the child with a place in an institution, the application for registration of the child in the electronic register is considered on a general basis.

129. The priority right for admission to the institution has:

Children of single mothers;

Children of pedagogical and other employees of state preschool educational institutions of the system of the Department of Education of the city of Moscow;

Children whose siblings are already attending preschool groups of this institution, unless the profile of the institution does not correspond to the health status of the child entering it.

130. The applicant submits the original documents confirming the existence of an extraordinary, priority or preferential right to provide a child with a place in an institution, to the district information support service.

131. In the event that the applicant has not submitted documents confirming the existence of an extraordinary, priority or preferential right to provide the child with a place in an institution, the application for registration of the child in the electronic register is considered on a general basis.

132. Preferential right of admission to the institution have:

Children of single mothers;

Children of pedagogical and other employees of state preschool educational institutions of the system of the Department of Education of the city of Moscow;

Children whose siblings are already attending preschool groups of this institution, unless the profile of the institution does not correspond to the health status of the child entering it.

133. The applicant submits the original documents confirming the existence of an extraordinary, priority or preferential right to provide a child with a place in an institution, to the district information support service.

134. In the event that the applicant has not submitted documents confirming the existence of an extraordinary, priority or preferential right to provide the child with a place in an institution, the application for registration of the child in the electronic register is considered on a general basis.

135. Preferential right of admission to the institution have:

Children of single mothers;

Children of pedagogical and other employees of state preschool educational institutions of the system of the Department of Education of the city of Moscow;

Children whose siblings are already attending preschool groups of this institution, unless the profile of the institution does not correspond to the health status of the child entering it.

136. The applicant submits original documents confirming the existence of an extraordinary, priority or preferential right to provide a child with a place in an institution, to the district information support service.

137. In the event that the applicant has not submitted documents confirming the existence of an extraordinary, priority or preferential right to provide the child with a place in an institution, the application for registration of the child in the electronic register is considered on a general basis.

138. The priority right for admission to the institution has:

Children of single mothers;

Children of pedagogical and other employees of state preschool educational institutions of the system of the Department of Education of the city of Moscow;

Children whose siblings are already attending preschool groups of this institution, unless the profile of the institution does not correspond to the health status of the child entering it.

139. The applicant submits original documents confirming the existence of an extraordinary, priority or preferential right to provide a child with a place in an institution, to the district information support service.

140. In the event that the applicant has not submitted documents confirming the existence of an extraordinary, priority or preferential right to provide the child with a place in an institution, the application for registration of the child in the electronic register is considered on a general basis.

141. The priority right for admission to the institution has:

Children of single mothers;

Children of pedagogical and other employees of state preschool educational institutions of the system of the Department of Education of the city of Moscow;

Children whose siblings are already attending preschool groups of this institution, unless the profile of the institution does not correspond to the health status of the child entering it.

142. The applicant submits original documents confirming the existence of an extraordinary, priority or preferential right to provide a child with a place in an institution, to the district information support service.

143. In the event that the applicant has not submitted documents confirming the existence of an extraordinary, priority or preferential right to provide the child with a place in an institution, the application for registration of the child in the electronic register is considered on a general basis.

144. The police who received bodily injuries in connection with the performance of official activities, excluding the possibility for them to continue their service;

145. Certificate from the Bureau of Medical and Social Expertise on the establishment of disability for disabled children and children, one of whose parents is disabled;

146. Birth certificate of a child, in which there is no record of the father or a certificate from the civil registry office that the record of the father was made at the direction of the mother for children of single mothers.

Svetlana Shevchenko, Alexander Belanovsky

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Benefits in Russia for admission to kindergarten have certain categories of citizens. In 2019, as in previous years, a list of privileged groups of citizens who have priority rights when their child enters a preschool institution was established.

Such institutions include, first of all, kindergartens, where the baby is throughout the working day with the provision of at least three meals a day and time for sleep. These institutions accept kids from 3 to 7 years old. But in some children's institutions there are specialized groups for babies under 3 years old, called the nursery group.

At the federal level, there are three types of preferential rights for admission to kindergartens. These include:

  • preferential;
  • priority admission of babies;
  • emergency admission of children.

The following categories of citizens can count on preferential admission to children's institutions:

  • children of a woman who has the official status of a single mother;
  • children of employees of educational institutions.

They occupy the third priority level above the main queue among children entering kindergarten. Ahead of this group will be arranged children who have the right to priority admission. These include:

  • children of parents carrying out military service under the contract;
  • children of police and other law enforcement agencies;
  • children from families with the status of large families, upon presentation;
  • one of the couple is disabled.
  • children without parents recognized as orphans;
  • people from dysfunctional families;
  • a child whose parents suffered in a man-made disaster, for example, in the accident at the Chernobyl power plant;
  • children of employees of the prosecutor's office, the judiciary, investigators of the Investigative Committee.
Thus, a preferential queue for admission to kindergarten for kids is formed. Subjects of Russia may introduce additional categories of citizens belonging to one of these groups.

In many entities, beneficiaries may include:

  1. If the family consists of only one parent.
  2. If the family was forced to move due to the destructive actions of nature or a military, state situation.
  3. If the couple is participating in hostilities.
  4. In a married couple where both parents are recognized as unemployed.

These admission benefits are provided only for public institutions and do not extend their influence to private kindergartens.

How to get benefits

In order to send your baby to a kindergarten, regardless of the entitlement, you must contact the regional authority of the locality where the baby lives. In some regions, the administration of the settlement itself deals with this issue, in larger cities it may be the Ministry of Education of the subject of Russia.

The documents

Where to apply directly in your region, you can find out on the portal of public services or in the city administration. When applying, it is important to have the following documents with you:

  • baby's birth certificate;
  • paper about the place of its registration;
  • passport of the parent acting on behalf of the baby;
  • documents granting the right to preferential admission to the preschool educational institution.

Eligibility documents may include:

  • a certificate confirming that the family has many children;
  • a certificate from work and a certified photocopy of the work book confirming the profession of the parent;
  • an employment contract, a military contract, on the basis of which the parent belongs to a certain profession;
  • single mother's certificate;
  • papers on the death of parents, when his official or legal representative acts on behalf of the baby;
  • conclusion from social authorities on the recognition of the family as dysfunctional;
  • certificates of participants in man-made disasters.
After checking all the documents, you must fill out an application with a request for a ticket to a specific one or more kindergartens.

If this voucher was issued at the birth of the baby, then after receiving the application, you must come to the administration of the preschool institution itself and submit:

  • your ticket;
  • documents confirming the right to preferential admission of a child;
  • identity document of the parent or representative of the child;
  • marriage certificate if the child and the parent have different surnames.

It is important to know that on the basis of these documents, not only benefits will be provided upon admission, but also other privileges and discounts due to this category.

Kindergarten payment

  • disabled children;
  • babies with diabetes
  • children with visual and hearing impairments;
  • babies with nervous disorders;
  • large families.

In the presence of such serious illnesses, parents must obtain a certificate of illness or a medical opinion from a special social commission on disability. With this certificate, you must write a corresponding application to the administration of the kindergarten.

If a parent has a certificate of a large family, he must provide it, as well as birth certificates of all children, to the administration of the preschool institution. Be sure to make photocopies of all documents.

Ordinary families are also entitled to partial reimbursement of their child care costs. But only if it is public. For one baby, social authorities compensate 20% of the monthly cost of a preschool institution. And when paying for a kindergarten for two or more children, half the cost for each of them will be compensated.

To receive this compensation, it is necessary to appear in the social authorities of the parent and write a corresponding application. The following documents and their photocopies must be attached to it:

  1. Agreement with a preschool institution on the provision of educational services.
  2. Receipts confirming payment for the preschool for the past month.
  3. Passport of the parent applying.
  4. Testimony of children about their birth.
  5. Marriage certificate, if the names of children and parents are different.

The application must indicate the current account to which compensation will be sent monthly.

Therefore, when a baby enters a preschool institution, it is important for parents to know the regional laws that provide additional benefits to certain categories of citizens.