Do-it-yourself homemade hair conditioner is indelible. How to make homemade hair conditioner: recipes. Egg and honey conditioner

To make curls shiny and healthy, hair rinses will help. Means of this kind can be purchased at the store, but they do not always give the expected effect. The reason for this is the presence of chemical components, which, eliminating one problem, add another. Natural hair care products are more effective and less expensive. They can be prepared from what is in every home. Elixirs of strength and stamina for curls are best done with your own hands.

What is the use and what is rinse aid for?

Hair care is a long and ongoing process. It requires a periodic change of funds. In addition to masks, you can use homemade hair rinses made from simple but effective products. They are used to give shine and strength to curls.

Home rinses are used in order to qualitatively cleanse the skin and hair, give them elasticity and strength. Curls get rid of fat, dust and plaque. Thanks to the action of conditioners, the hair trunks become stronger, they grow faster and do not split. A good mask will also help get rid of brittleness.

Keep in mind that some of the ingredients in homemade rinses can change the shade of the curls. When choosing a recipe, you need to carefully choose the ingredients in order to maintain its rich color.

Folk recipes involve the use of natural ingredients. They are rich in vitamins of different groups, which is very good for the health of the strands. This is especially noticeable in the spring, when the body is weakened. The rinse recipe should match the type of hair. It is also necessary to clearly understand the problem and use only those ingredients that can eliminate it.

What can be used to make homemade mouthwash?

The rules for making homemade rinses may vary. Some products are boiled or steamed, while others are simply mixed to the desired consistency. As the main component for dry and damaged curls, herbal decoctions and esters are most often used. And for fatty - natural apple cider vinegar.

And also for an effective rinse can be used:

    • onion peel;
    • sunflower flowers;
    • walnut shell and partitions;
    • flax seeds and oak bark;
    • lemon and burdock leaves.

Each hair type requires a different approach and careful selection of ingredients. You can cook any rinse at home and eliminate the problems with curls that have appeared.

Homemade hair rinse recipes

The best hair rinses can be made at home with products that are easy to purchase or find in your refrigerator. Highly fortified products have a beneficial effect on the hair and can solve a number of significant problems. All elements of home remedies are natural and do not contain chemicals. Their benefits are felt after several applications. A noticeable effect occurs with constant use. Different types of hair require different products. They are easy to pick up, starting from the pressing problem with curls.

Universal rinse

Practically, a remedy based on vinegar-honey can become a panacea for many problems.


    • water;
    • vinegar;

To prepare the rinse aid, you need a liter of warm water. Three tablespoons of honey are dissolved in it, and then vinegar is added. Rinse hair is carried out after washing off the shampoo. The recipe with apple cider vinegar is more gentle, so it is better to use it for overdried strands. This product is recommended to be used after every hair wash.

Important advice from the editor

If you want to improve the condition of your hair, you should pay special attention to the shampoos you use. A frightening figure - in 97% of shampoos of famous brands there are substances that poison our body. The main components, because of which all the troubles on the labels are indicated as sodium lauryl sulfate, sodium laureth sulfate, coco sulfate. These chemicals destroy the structure of the curls, the hair becomes brittle, loses elasticity and strength, and the color fades.

But the worst thing is that this muck gets into the liver, heart, lungs, accumulates in the organs and can cause cancer. We advise you to refrain from using products containing these substances. Recently, the experts of our editorial staff conducted an analysis of sulfate-free shampoos, where the first place was taken by funds from the company Mulsan Сosmetic. The only manufacturer of completely natural cosmetics. All products are manufactured under strict quality control and certification systems. We recommend visiting the official online store If you doubt the naturalness of your cosmetics, check the expiration date, it should not exceed one year of storage.

For growth

The best natural remedies for hair growth are ivy and burdock. They can be used fresh and dried.


    • burdock roots;
    • water.

Burdock root rinse is a rich decoction. It is necessary to take ten parts of water for one part of herbal raw materials. Boil the broth for fifteen minutes. Then it will take three hours to get a fortified infusion. This tool can be constantly rinsed hair after washing. If ivy is used instead of burdock, then lemon juice should be poured into the broth, in the amount of ten drops. We recommend that you familiarize yourself with the best masks for hair growth.

From falling out

Effective folk remedies will help to cope with a serious problem of falling out, if they are used correctly and constantly.


    • flax seeds;
    • water.

From falling out, flaxseeds, taken in the amount of one spoon, effectively help. They must be brought to a boil in two glasses of water and let it brew. The decoction must be filtered before use. The tool serves to strengthen the roots, so it should be lightly rubbed into the skin. If you give the curls time to absorb the solution for ten minutes, and then wash it off, the effect will be more noticeable.

For oily hair

To remove the product of the sebaceous glands from the curls and make them shiny and crumbly, you must use oak bark. It is perfect for oily curls.


    • water.

Dried and crushed oak bark in the amount of three spoons is boiled in a liter of water for about twenty minutes. When the broth has cooled, it must be filtered through cheesecloth and used for its intended purpose. This tool is well suited for people with dark curls, as it has a coloring effect. It is best for blondes to replace oak bark with St. John's wort, which can be purchased at a pharmacy. To make the effect more noticeable, milk is used instead of water.

For dry hair

Many natural products have a coloring effect, so you need to be careful with their choice. Neutral birch leaves are well suited for dry strands.


    • birch leaves;
    • water.

Depending on the length of the strands, it is necessary to calculate the amount of rinse aid. One tablespoon of crushed leaves is taken in a glass of hot water. The tool should be infused for half an hour. Each wash should be accompanied by a similar rinse. If the strands are very dry, then water can be replaced with fresh brewing of green tea, at the rate of two tablespoons per liter.

For shine

The benefits of citrus fruits for hair have long been known, and it must be used to its full potential.


    • orange;
    • lemon;
    • water.

Previously, the fruits must be cut into slices. They are placed in three liters of warm water and left for three hours. The skin of citrus fruits has a large amount of vitamins, so it does not need to be removed. If necessary, water is filtered before drinking. It is not recommended to store the tool so that it does not deteriorate and does not lose its capabilities. You have to cook it one time. The use of conditioner after each wash guarantees a lively and natural shine of the strands. The effect is visible after the first procedures.

Video: Recipe for dyed hair at home

For volume

To give curls volume, you need a minimum amount of ingredients. The tool should be used only in a special case with an urgent need.


    • mint;
    • water.

To achieve the density and volume of the hairstyle, it is necessary to brew mint leaves in boiling water. They are infused for three hours, and then filtered. Excellent aroma and good effect is guaranteed. The strands after drying will become lush and beautiful.

Video: Recipe mint rinse for volume and shine

For fine hair

For split ends, plantain is the best remedy. It makes sick and weak curls alive and shiny.


    • plantain leaves;
    • water.

You can use fresh leaves of the plant or their dry equivalent. Three tablespoons of raw materials are poured with a glass of boiling water for an hour. During this time, all the beneficial properties will go into the infusion. Rinsing can be carried out after each wash. The remedy is also used to straighten the hair.

Conditioner mask

One of the most effective plants for the health of curls is the common nettle, which grows in every garden. In summer, you need to use its healing powers and store them for the winter. For cooking, you need fresh nettle leaves.

Nettle mask rinse is prepared very quickly. For her, you need to collect juicy leaves and pass them through a meat grinder. The resulting slurry must be squeezed out and get juice. It is he who is used for the mask. The juice is applied to the roots and strands. When creating a thermal effect, the mask lasts twenty minutes. It is easy to wash off with warm water. The effect of the remedy becomes noticeable after the first application.


A tool for all types of hair has a good effect on natural and dyed curls. The conditioner is made on a natural basis.

Air conditioner:

    • a glass of glycerin;
    • a spoonful of base oil;
    • a glass of rose water;
    • essential oils.

The tool can be used several times, it does not deteriorate. In a resealable bottle, mix equal parts glycerin and rose water. It's easy enough to shake them. Then a few drops of ether and a spoonful of oil are added to the resulting mixture. You can choose jojoba or olive. This mixture is used as a conditioner. It helps to revive curls and give them a lively shine.

Balm conditioner

To rid the curls of excessive fat content, it is necessary to use drying agents. Balm conditioner is made on the basis of apple cider vinegar.


    • apple cider vinegar;
    • conditioner balm;
    • mint, rosemary, sage, basil, lavender leaves;

The balm takes some time to prepare. In two glasses of apple cider vinegar, you need to warm it up a little and place the crushed mixture of herbs in them. In a sealed jar, the tincture should stand for two weeks. Then it is completely ready for use. The product does not disappear and is well stored in a closed jar and a cool place.

It is hard to imagine that once women did not use shampoo and conditioner and went to various tricks to make their hair look beautiful and fit well in hairstyles. Isn't that why wigs were invented so that ladies would always be in shape? Meanwhile, natural hair conditioner has been available at all times, but not everyone knew how to use it.

How hair conditioner works

What does smoothness depend on? From the state in which all the elements of its structure are: cuticle, bark and core.

Various negative influences, such as dyeing, sun and hard water, literally destroy the hair structure, opening the cuticle and washing out useful substances and moisture from the depths of the hair. It is the conditioner that is able to smooth the keratin scales of the hair and retain nutrition and moisture inside the hair. It "seals" the hair, making it stronger and more resistant to irritants.

Today, there are a huge number of ready-made conditioners designed for a specific type of hair, which must be taken into account when choosing an air conditioner. Don't buy a 2-in-1 shampoo that's made for convenience, it doesn't do any of the work, it doesn't clean or smooth.

How do air conditioners work? The substance that is part of their composition fills in the defects of keratin scales, moisturizes and evens out the hair structure. That is why, speaking about the action of the conditioner, it is worth noting that it simultaneously heals and protects from the effects of sunlight, especially when it comes to the conditioner that does not need to be washed off.

Despite the huge number of different types of ready-made conditioners, many of us prefer natural, home-made ones.

Purchased products are very often accompanied by complaints about the deterioration of the hair - they become dry or greasy, quickly get dirty, can hang with “icicles” - this is what customers say about it. An alternative to expensive and not always effective purchased products is homemade balms that are applied after washing, wait a while for them to work, and wash off. Such a tool combines a mask and a conditioner balm - it restores the hair and at the same time smoothes the scales, makes the curls more manageable and shiny.

  1. Home hair conditioner is most often a composition that includes natural acids or honey. Honey is often used in cosmetology because of its unique properties that can restore and improve the structure of the skin and hair. It contains everything to nourish and moisturize the hair: minerals, vitamins, enzymes. To prepare the simplest homemade conditioner, you need to mix egg yolk and honey in equal proportions, apply to cleanly washed hair, rinse. To enhance the effect, you can hold it on your hair for about half an hour.
  2. The simplest conditioner recipe is foamed egg yolk, which is applied to wet hair, further foamed and emulsified with water. And wash off after 5 minutes. This conditioner saturates the hair with vitamins, makes them nourished, thick and shiny. Particularly useful is lecithin, which is part of the yolk, which fills the hollow pores of the hair and makes them less brittle and more elastic.
  3. With the help of another, no less effective recipe, you can give your hair a great shine: for this you need to mix 50 ml of aloe juice, juice from half a lemon and three drops of rosemary oil. Apply the mixture to clean, damp hair and rinse after 10 minutes of "exposure".
  4. An effective rinse is obtained from a mixture of moisturizing body cream and 1 tbsp. spoons of honey The resulting composition is applied to the hair along the entire length, without affecting the roots. They should be massaged with fingers dipped in a mixture of lemon juice and cognac. The balm is kept for 5-10 minutes on the hair, then washed off with water.
  5. Along with honey, regular gelatin allows you to fill in defects in the keratin coating of the hair, so it is widely used to treat and restore dry and brittle hair. A tablespoon of gelatin must be dissolved in water, add 1 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar, and a couple of drops of jasmine, rosemary and sage oil. Apply the composition to clean wet hair and hold for 15 minutes, then rinse.
  6. A Tropical Coconut Milk Conditioner will help restore shine and shine to your hair. Mix 50 ml of coconut milk with half a banana, add an egg yolk and a little of your favorite essential oil. We make a mask for 5 minutes after washing the hair, then massage the scalp and rinse with water.
  7. Natural banana and honey hair conditioner is suitable for all hair types. It perfectly restores the structure of the hair and restores its natural shine. Take 1 banana, a tablespoon of honey, a teaspoon of almond oil, mix everything and apply on your hair after washing your hair for half an hour. Rinse your hair with warm water, do not dry it with a hair dryer, but only lightly blot it with a towel.
  8. Another conditioner recipe for all hair types involves the use of several medicinal herbs such as calendula, chamomile, as well as honey and essential oil. Taking a tablespoon of each of the herbs, you need to pour them with two glasses of boiling water, insist, cool and add honey and five drops of your favorite oil. Apply to clean, damp hair and leave for a couple of minutes, rinse.
  9. You can make a homemade moisturizing conditioner based on Panthenol cream or foam, which should be bought at a pharmacy.
  10. 2 tbsp. l. creams or foams are mixed with 1 egg yolk, 1 tsp. honey and any essential oil. If the hair is badly damaged, then you can add half a teaspoon of castor oil. All ingredients are mixed until smooth and applied to wet, washed hair. The scalp is gently massaged to improve blood flow, and the mixture is distributed along the entire length, paying special attention to the tips, then the homemade conditioner is washed off with water.

By regularly using homemade hair conditioners, you will quickly see that they restore hair much better than ready-made ones, since they contain only natural ingredients that take strength from the earth itself. Such products are no less effective than professional balms, which include silicones, parabens and other useless and even harmful substances.

The answer to the question "why do we need hair conditioners" today no one doubts. The final stage of washing the hair, consisting of rinsing with conditioner, evens out the scales of the hair, closes them, and also strengthens the hair along the entire length.

A huge number of variations of air conditioners on display satisfies the needs of even the most demanding consumers. But what product attracts the most attention and is in demand?

Statistical studies have shown that cosmetic preparations with an emphasis on "natural composition" are most in demand today. And that is why the Beauty Pantry decided to dedicate the next article to hair conditioners prepared by oneself. After all, only in this way you can be 100% sure of the quality and composition of the prepared product.

How to make homemade hair conditioner at home

What is a home hair conditioner? First of all, it is really “naturalness” and maximum safety of the composition of the conditioner for hair and scalp. They rinse their hair to give them shine, soften unruly hair, and make combing easier.

Probably, each of you has heard about the simplest home air conditioner - rinsing your hair with acidified lemon or vinegar water. Indeed, even a slight concentration of acid gives washed hair a natural shine. And what will happen if you show a little imagination and ingenuity?

Home hair conditioner - folk recipes

  • A nourishing hair conditioner.

This conditioner is suitable for dry, weakened hair coloring, because it contains natural honey and egg yolk. The nutritional properties of honey no longer need advertising, and the vitamin charge of chicken yolk will give your hair extra strength and shine.

Well, to prepare the conditioner, 1 tablespoon of liquid honey is rubbed with and diluted with 100 ml. purified water. Clean, slightly dried hair is carefully dipped into the composition mixed to a homogeneous mass. Wash off with running water after 5-15 minutes.

  • Conditioner for hair prone to oiliness and dandruff.

In this recipe, Pantry Beauty invites you to mix a few tablespoons of natural yogurt and 100 ml. purified water. Gentle allows you to use conditioner based on it even with sensitive scalp.

For excessive oily hair, add 1 teaspoon of lemon juice to the conditioner before use. The conditioner is applied to clean hair, washed off after 5-10 minutes.

  • Homemade conditioner for shiny hair.

To give an extraordinary shine to the hair can conditioner, prepared on the basis of and lemon.

To do this, squeeze the juice of half a lemon and mix it with 3-4 tablespoons of aloe juice. Finally, add a few drops of your favorite essential oil to the conditioner.

Important! Given the increased concentration of acid in this recipe, the Pantry of Beauty does not recommend rinsing the hair roots with this composition. The conditioner should be evenly distributed over the entire length of the hair and washed off after 5-10 minutes.

  • Conditioner for excessively falling hair.

A kind of recipe, for the preparation of which you should carefully grind and add 2-3 tablespoons of cabbage juice to the resulting slurry. The prepared conditioner is rubbed into the hair roots with smooth movements, washed off with running water after 10-15 minutes.

Among industrial hair care products, there are simply wonderful ones. Developed with the latest scientific advances, they allow hair to stay healthy and shiny for a long time.

However, industrial shampoos and conditioners have a common drawback, which, unfortunately, will always be present in long-term products: they contain a lot of preservatives. Everyone has heard about the dangers of these substances. Who knows if they are really so harmful, or the rumors about this are greatly exaggerated, but the fact remains: today many people prefer to prepare not only hair masks, but also shampoos and conditioners on their own, so that they get as little as possible that is not very useful for the body. substances.

Home Air Conditioner Recipes

How to make a hair conditioner with your own hands? This is not a very difficult task, and it is not necessary to understand chemistry to solve it. But you still need to know something in order not to worsen, but to improve the condition of your own hair.

Note! It should be remembered that air conditioners are different, because they are designed to help solve several problems.

They are divided into:

  • moisturizing conditioners;
  • restoring hair structure;
  • acidifiers (help strengthen hair);
  • means for giving shine;
  • protecting against temperature fluctuations.

Restorative and those that have protective functions will not be easy to make at home. After all, you still need to know which ones are suitable for which type of hair, so as not to weigh them down instead of giving volume. But moisturizing and giving shine is quite easy to do yourself. DIY hair conditioner can be prepared in a few minutes using only natural products. Some need to be washed off, some remain on the hair, forming a thin protective layer.

Of the moisturizing conditioners that can be of particular help to dry and weakened hair with split ends, the following can be distinguished:

  • Nettle. Pour three tablespoons of dry nettles bought in a pharmacy with half a liter of water and add a tablespoon of vinegar. All this should be boiled for 10 minutes, and then strain. Hair will become stronger, acquire shine.

  • Honey. Mix 50 grams of pharmacy chamomile and ordinary boiling water, leave the mixture for an hour and a half. Then add a spoonful of honey to the mixture. Rinse your hair with the resulting composition, and then rinse them with cool water.
  • Recipe for revitalizing dry hair: Mix half a cup of olive oil, egg yolk and a small bag of mayonnaise. Of course, after such a conditioner, you need to rinse your head thoroughly.
  • If you dissolve a tablespoon of gelatin, a teaspoon of vinegar (table) in a glass of clean water and add a couple of drops of jasmine or rosemary essential oil, you get a moisturizing, but not weighing conditioner.

  • A real natural hair conditioner is obtained by mixing apple cider vinegar with water in proportions of 1 to 4. If desired, you can add a few drops of an essential oil that you especially like, or put a cinnamon stick. Vinegar, along with infusions of various herbs and water, will also be an excellent way to add shine to dull hair. These funds are also good because they can not be washed off. You can use them at will, but still it is better not every day.

You can try to make an air conditioner similar to an industrial one using a special base. It will also contain preservatives, but at least you will know most of its ingredients. The base can be purchased online.

  • The base is heated.
  • Add essential oils, vitamins, drops of black pepper.
  • Then everything is whipped with a mixer.
  • A day later, the air conditioner is ready.

Of course, this is just a general recipe.

Note! Each specific recipe has its own characteristics, and here it is important not to make a mistake in the dosage of the components.

Rules for the use of home air conditioning

When using any home-made air conditioner, you need to remember the basic rules for its use.

  1. Be sure to apply the product to clean, preferably still damp, hair.
  2. You do not need to immediately pour a large amount on your head, it is better to first warm it up a little in your palms, and then distribute it through your hair.
  3. At the roots of the hair, conditioner should not be applied, because this will increase oiliness and make the hairstyle heavier.
  4. Distribute it through the hair closer to the ends. To make it easier to do this, use a comb with rare teeth.
  5. It is recommended to keep home hair conditioner like a mask for just a few minutes.
  6. Never wash off the product with hot water: in this case, the whole effect will come to naught, and the hair will quickly fade. Wash it off with cool water.

Note! Any cosmetic and medical product will bring the proper result only if the main condition is observed: regular use.

If you remember from time to time that it would be nice to prepare a conditioner after washing and apply it to your hair, then they will not look well-groomed. Grooming should be constant, such as fitness classes. Only then will the hair gradually gain shine, become obedient and soft.

Therefore, before deciding to prepare a home air conditioner, think about whether you have enough time and patience to do this. Of course, at a price such an air conditioner will be more profitable, healthier, but it will require additional time costs.

Try making an air conditioner sometime on a weekend. You will see how long the whole procedure will take from preparation to rinsing, and then decide whether you will make a natural conditioner yourself or still use an industrial one. You may even begin to enjoy the cooking process itself: pleasant self-care procedures are also relaxation, almost like in a beauty salon!

- a very responsible process in creating the beauty and originality of your image. Here it is important, firstly, to find the right shampoo according to your hair and scalp type, and secondly, which is no less a part of success, to choose the perfect hair conditioner.

How to use a home air conditioner?

Conditioner (or rinse) is applied immediately after shampooing. It removes detergent residue from the hair and perfectly restores the acid balance of the scalp. Thanks to the use of conditioners, the hair dries faster, becomes more elastic, acquires a dazzling shine and dizzying volume. In addition, the structure of curls is restored faster, dryness and brittleness disappear, loss decreases and the formation of static electricity during combing is prevented.

What are the advantages of home air conditioners?

Modern cosmetology has a large selection of hair conditioners. Undoubtedly, you can use samples from well-known manufacturers, but it is far from always certain that some components will not cause an allergic reaction in you. Therefore, it is much more pleasant and useful to use homemade hair conditioner, which has only natural ingredients in its composition. Preparing it is no more difficult than homemade shampoos and hair masks.

Recipes for some of the more popular homemade hair conditioners are listed below:

Universal home air conditioner

a) In a small bottle of used shampoo, mix apple cider vinegar with water in a ratio of 1:4. Optionally, you can add 2-3 drops of essential oils of rosemary, mint or lavender. Apply conditioner to hair, hold for 3-4 minutes, then rinse with cool water. The bottle with the prepared product can be stored in the bathroom and used several more times.

b) Mix half a glass of aloe juice with freshly squeezed juice of half a lemon and 3-4 drops of peppermint essential oil. Apply to clean hair, hold for 5 minutes and then rinse with warm water.

Home Conditioner for Dry Hair

Pour 100 ml of olive oil (or any other vegetable oil) into a small but deep container and add 2 tbsp. honey. Mix everything well and heat in a water bath until warm, but not hot. Apply to the head, evenly distributing along the entire length of the hair. Wash off with warm water after 20 minutes.

Nourishing homemade hair conditioner

Beat 1 egg thoroughly and add to it half of the grated pre-peeled cucumber and half a glass of olive oil. Mix, apply to hair and wrap them on top with a towel or plastic cap. Wash off with warm water after 30 minutes.

Homemade conditioner for oily hair

In a small container, mix 1 glass of milk with 1 tsp. sea ​​salt. Apply the composition to clean, washed hair for 5-10 minutes, then rinse with warm boiled water.

Moisturizing homemade hair conditioner

Peel 1 ripe banana and mash to a mushy state, then add 1 tbsp to the resulting mass. honey and 1 tsp. almond oil and mix thoroughly. Apply to hair, wrap them with a towel and plastic wrap on top. Wash off with warm water after half an hour.

Homemade herbal conditioner

In a small saucepan, put 1 tbsp. dry herbs (sold at any pharmacy) - comfrey and calendula and 0.5 tbsp. chamomile flowers. Pour 2 cups of hot boiled water. Let it brew for 30-40 minutes, after which add 15 drops of any essential oil to which you prefer. Apply to clean, washed hair for 3-5 minutes, then rinse with warm water. The remaining infusion can be stored in the refrigerator and used for another 2 weeks.

A repairing homemade conditioner for weakened and damaged hair

1 tbsp gelatin dissolve 200 ml of water and allow to swell for 15-20 minutes. Add 1 tsp to the resulting mass. apple cider vinegar and 2 drops each of jasmine, rosemary and sage essential oils. Apply to washed hair for about 10 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

We hope that thanks to these recipes your hair will always have a beautiful and flawless look!

Go to section: Hair care: haircuts, styling, coloring, restoration, hair masks

Fashionable colors and shades of hair