Artistic and speech activity of a preschooler

The content of work on the development of artistic and speech activity of preschoolers includes: familiarizing children with works of fiction, teaching retelling, developing the initial forms of verbal creativity. One of the most perfect forms of implementation of speech activity in the school is a theatrical game. Children must know the text of a literary work; improvisation of words and intonations, action, gesture, facial expressions. The forerunners of theatrical games are dramatizations of literary texts and games - dramatizations.



"Artistic - speech activity of preschool children"

Artistic - speech activity.

The content of work on the development of artistic and speech activity of preschoolers includes: familiarizing children with works of fiction, teaching retelling, developing the initial forms of verbal creativity. One of the most perfect forms of implementation of speech activity in the school is a theatrical game. Children must know the text of a literary work; improvisation of words and intonations, action, gesture, facial expressions. The predecessors of theatrical games are dramatizations of literary texts and games - dramatizations.

Dramatization is the role-based reading of text by children. You can diversify the staging with actions with figures of the table and finger theater.

In the game - the dramatization of the pronunciation of the text is accompanied by game actions.

Theatrical games are complex in content, preparation and organization. All children are busy in these games. Some, as participants, others, as participants in crowd scenes.

Theatrical games are held only with older children. But, starting with the first junior group, we begin to prepare children to imitate the gestures of people, the movements of animals. To do this, the program has a lot of nursery rhymes, fairy tales, songs. In the second junior group, we teach to depict the situation described in the literary text. For example, a teacher recites a Russian folk song. "Tili-bom", "Owl-owl", "We lived with a grandmother." Children show what the characters are doing. In this group, you can stage episodes from the fairy tale "Three Bears", "Mitten", "Masha and the Bear".

In the middle group, artistic and speech activity becomes more perfect. Children depict a bunny that stuck to a bull, three piglets, etc. in this way we train children in the acquired skills and abilities. First, the tasks are performed by 5-6 children, then the task is given to the whole group at the same time. You can prepare the improvisation in advance and then show it to the children. Children 3-4 years old during the year need to show theatrical performances prepared by older children, for example: "Tili-bom", Russian folk song "Visiting the sun", "Fly-tsokotukha", etc.

Theatrical performances require lengthy, careful preparation. It is necessary to select performers, conduct rehearsals, make masks, details for costumes, decoration elements, and think over musical accompaniment. The performance time is 25-30 minutes, the number of spectators is 2-3 groups and guests are adults. It is necessary to keep all the children busy throughout the performance. For example, after playing one role, the child joins companions who are playing other roles. The audience also takes part in the performance: they either clap, or sing, or repeat some words, for example, a spell. The hall is made out in advance. Children take part in the design: they draw something, glue it together, complement the scenery. Invitation cards are being prepared. ("Come! Don't forget! You won't regret!")

At the end of the performance, it is advisable to introduce to the audience all who took part in its preparation and conduct, to tell what exactly was done by each child.

We teach older children to invent fairy tales. The authors perform the best fairy tales at entertainment parties, at birthday celebrations.

Children prepare gifts for the employees of the d / s for the holidays. The teacher teaches children how to give these gifts, what words can be said.

The acquired knowledge is consolidated by independent games of children. Older children can ask each other riddles. This speech activity can take place in the form of a game. Games that allow the child to practice pronouncing tongue twisters and counting rhymes are useful. Two pictures are selected, the content of which shows the child what he should tell. At entertainment evenings, festive matinees, on children's birthdays, we should more often use program poems and songs, dramatization of excerpts from fairy tales. On walks you can imitate on a wide variety of topics. You can organize exhibitions in the d / s: children's drawings, handicrafts from natural materials. Older children can become tour guides. All these listed activities are effective means of development of artistic and speech activity of preschoolers, if children take an active part in their organization and conduct.

Elena Turischeva
Pedagogical council "Artistic and speech development of preschoolers"

Meeting scenario pedagogical council« Artistic and speech development of preschoolers»

Teach a child some five words unknown to him and he will suffer in vain for a long time, but associate twenty such words with pictures, and he will learn on the fly.

K. D. Ushinsky

Artistic and speech development implies development prerequisites for value-semantic perception and understanding of works of art (verbal, musical, visual, natural world; the formation of an aesthetic attitude to the world around; the formation of elementary ideas about the types of art; perception of music, fiction, folklore; stimulating empathy for characters works of art; implementation of independent creative activities of children (visual, constructive - model, musical, etc.)

The first thing we imagine when we hear “ artistically- aesthetic perception is the introduction of a child to artistic word. Artistic literature serves as a means of mental, moral and aesthetic child development, has a huge impact on the formation of literate speech, enriches vocabulary.

Unfortunately, in our age of informatization, children's attitude to books has changed, and their interest in reading has begun to decline. The tablet has replaced the book for the child. Without reading, a person does not is developing, not improves your memory, attention, imagination, does not learn to think and draw conclusions.

V fiction, in poetic images, the life of society and nature, the world of human feelings and relationships is revealed to the child.

The ability to understand a literary work does not come by itself, it is necessary develop from early childhood... That's why we, educators should teach children to listen and perceive work of fiction.

Blitz survey.

1. What literary genres do you know? (story, poem, fairy tale, legend, legend, ode, story, novel, epic, riddle, nursery rhyme, rhyme, proverb, fable, etc.)

2. Should I combine several compositions in one lesson? (You can, if they are of small content; combine them according to the principle of thematic unity)

3. Do I need to explain unfamiliar words and, if necessary, when? (If the teacher assumes that the children will not understand individual expressions and words and this will serve as an obstacle to perception in advance, and if, due to incomprehensible words, the children do not understand the content, then these words and expressions are better explained. will not prevent them from perceiving the main idea of ​​the author, then they should not explain these words to them.What would happen if the teacher set out to explain all the unfamiliar words in "The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish"? Of such words quite a few: ransom, chuprun, spinner, etc. However, even without explaining these words, the plot of the tale, the characters of the old man and the evil, greedy old woman are perceived very vividly. The rights of E.I. Tikheev, who said that "It is better to under-explain than to over-explain.".

4. When appropriate in a familiarization class artistic literature showing illustrations? (To activate children's attention, you can sometimes show a colorful cover before reading. If the book consists of separate works and each is illustrated, reading can be accompanied by showing pictures. When reading books in which painter illustrated individual scenes, it is best to read the whole work, and then show the illustrations, but even then, if they are large. If the drawings are small, then during the lesson the book is left in the book corner for the children to look at.

5. What are the features of fairy tales? (Threefold repetition: 3 sons, 3 sisters, 3 bears, the old man threw the net 3 times. Reruns: running - running will not run out, flowing-flowing will not flow out, soon, soon. Funny nicknames: Little mouse, frog frog, etc. Confrontation: good and evil, hard work and laziness, intelligence and stupidity. Almost all fairy tales have a happy ending. Stable expressions and epithets: I washed my face with tears, like cheese in butter, good fellows, red girls. There is a number 7 : "The wolf and the seven Young goats", "Seven-flower flower", "The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Heroes", "Turnip" (7 characters).

The fact that the mind of a child is at the fingertips was once said by the famous teacher V... A. Sukhomlinsky. And these are not just nice words. The thing is that in the human brain, the centers responsible for speech and movement of the fingers are very close. Developing fine motor skills, we activate the adjacent areas of the brain that are responsible for speech. And the formation of speech contributes development of thinking.

It turns out that most modern children have a general motor lag, especially in urban children. Remember, now even in kindergartens they began to bring Velcro shoes so that teachers do not take the trouble of teaching a child to tie shoelaces. Even 20 years ago, parents, and with them children, had to do more hands: sort out cereals, wash clothes, knit, embroider. Now there is a car for each lesson.

A. N. Rozhkova « Development speech through testoplasty "

V preschool At age, thinking is visual - effective and visual - imagery, and not verbal - logical, therefore it is much more useful for children to see reality than to hear a verbal story.

Visual - modeling is the reproduction of the essential properties of the object under study, the creation of its substitute and work with it. It happens with help:

Reference circuits



Subject pictures

The use of visual modeling in early childhood promotes development of the child's thinking: schematic (contour, shadow) images of familiar objects, animals, people, the introduction of elementary symbols that replace real characters in works by some characteristic feature, teach children to think, remember and correlate shape, size, color. In the end the child's speech develops: the vocabulary is enriched, the prerequisites are created for development of coherent speech.

The child meets early enough with characters, models, schemes: signs in a store, transport, road signs, color design of services (ambulance, fire service, traffic signals, car icons, etc. All this attracts the child, he quickly and easily remembers these symbols, understands their meaning. Therefore, the use of reference schemes will help children highlight the main thing, find relationships.

Actions with models are carried out in the following sequences:

1. Substitution (first, the models are offered ready-made, and then the children come up with conditional substitutes on their own)

2. Using ready-made models (from 3-4 years old)

3. Building models: according to the conditions, according to its own design, according to the real situation (from 5-6 years old)... Support schemes are an attempt to use visual, motor, and associative memory to solve cognitive tasks. Schemes, symbols, models are the conclusions, the result, the essence of the material that the child must learn. They must "Be born" before the eyes of children in the form of drawings, schematic images, tables. Simulation is recommended for reading fiction... To teach coherent speech, schematic images of characters and the actions they perform are used. First, a pictorial - schematic plan of the semantic sequence of parts of the listened text is created artwork... Gradually, the child forms generalized ideas about the logical sequence of the text, which he is guided by in an independent speech activity... a rhyme, diagram or story read to the child can be drawn. This is an efficient way. Allows you to identify the content and sequence of actions, certain relationships between the characters.

Modeling starts with replacing some objects with others (real - conditional)... When reading works, their heroes (people, animals, gnomes, wizards, as well as objects with which they interact) become substituted objects. use proxies Substitution is based on one distinction between characters (crocodile - green circle, sun - yellow) or two (wolf - big gray circle, hare - small white circle)... Set of substitutes (different circles) makes and invites the child to choose circles so that it is immediately clear which circle, for example, a crocodile, and which is the sun.

Initially, the number of circles should match the number of objects to replace. In the future, you can enter extra circles so that the child chooses the right ones. When the choice is mastered, you can move on to playing out simple plots. For example, in a fairy tale, "Kolobok" bun - yellow circle, wolf - gray, bear - brown, fox - orange.

When retelling a fairy tale "Zayushkina hut" you can invite children to use substitutes for modeling - circles of different colors and sizes, then agree on which substitute will correspond to the hero of the fairy tale. During the discussion, pose problematic questions to the child.

A white circle was chosen for the hare. Should the circle be large, medium or small? (Medium because the hare is medium in size compared to the wolf and fox.

Fox - which circle, why? - Orange.

Wolf - which circle, why?

The bear is brown, why?

The last of the heroes, Cockerel, can cause difficulty, what colors should I use? For help, read a poem where it is said about Cockerel that he has a red comb. Red beard, red boots. Together with the child, decide that the Rooster will be red.

“But there are still two circles on the table - blue and brown. Why? Because there are two more huts: bast or wood means brown, and ice means blue. And the forest ... What color do you think we will designate it? Green. Why?

Thus, the child himself will compose a fairy tale, replacing its characters with geometric shapes.

Draft decision pedagogical council

With the aim of improving joint, specially organized and independent activities children:

1. Use the creation of problematic situations in the classroom and in free time, encouraging activity speech activities of children term - constantly, responsible educators

2. For development of speech activity of children to use games, forms of elementary search activity term - constantly, responsible educators

With the aim of improving interaction with family:

1. In working with parents, continue to use an individual approach, taking into account the personal characteristics of each family. Deadline - constantly, responsible educators

2. Design stands for parents « The development of coherent speech of a preschooler» deadline - April 2018, responsible educators

Prepare the teacher's methodological folder materials:

1. Rules for the brave and stubborn educators

lyudmila kornishina
Artistic and speech activity of preschool children

Relevance. Language acquisition is the most important task preschool education... Its relevance is especially great in our time, when there is a widespread decline in culture. We need to start this work as early as possible, otherwise it will be difficult for our children to become successful in adulthood.

Negative factors affecting speech function;

Deteriorating health children;

Significant volume contraction "Alive" communication between parents and children;

Global decline in the level of speech culture in society;

Insufficient attention of teachers to the speech development of the child;

The imbalance of family education in matters of speech development, which manifests itself either in its unreasonable intensification (the desire for early learning of written language to the detriment of oral speech, or in an indifferent attitude towards it.

Target. Development and improvement of all aspects of the oral speech of each child (pronunciation, vocabulary, grammatical structure, coherent speech).

The development of fine motor skills of the hands.

Formation of prerequisites for educational activities(development of the ability to accept an educational task and complete it, the ability to interact with peers, as well as self-control).

Tasks. Develop creative activity children;

Form the sound expressiveness of speech;

Development of cognitive activity children:(curiosity, initiative, independence).

Development of generally accepted ideas about the world around, about oneself, about other people;

The development of a child's speech as a necessary condition for cognition;

Formation of higher mental processes (memory, attention, thinking, etc.).

Idea. Consistent application of methods and techniques for working with children aimed at creating motivation for speech activities, the development of internal programming, the activation of speech means for the lexical and grammatical design of the utterance and the favorable course of the sensorimotor level of speech.

The idea. .Language proficiency, which is one of the most significant acquisitions of a child before school, is considered one of the most important tasks preschool education. Preschool childhood is especially sensitive to the acquisition of speech, and if a certain level of mastery of the native language is not achieved by the age of 5-6, then, as a rule, unfortunately, this path cannot be successfully completed at later age stages... At the same time, in the future, the culture of spoken and written speech, the ability to use the expressive means of the language, the stylistic variety of linguistic means will become the most reliable recommendation of the individual.

Conditions. Knowledge by teachers of the features of speech development (and development in general) each child of his group.

Ability to analyze the results of pedagogical activities(examination, observation, frontal exercises) and plan the work on the development of speech based on the received data.

Availability children a certain level of development of independence and skills to interact with peers.

Systematic training.

Stages of implementation. Stage 1 - 2 ml. group

Stage 2 - cf. group

Stage 3 - Art. group

Stage 4 - under. group

Participants: children, qualified educators preschool groups, head of preschool educational institution, speech therapist, parents.

Scientific basis. The ideas of Fedorenko L.P., Fomicheva G.A., Lotarev V.K. about the development of speech are used children... The concept is based on the development of the psyche from one age steps to another represents the improvement of cognitive processes, speech, as well as the emotional - volitional sphere (feelings, will)

The basis of the construction of educational and educational work in a preschool educational institution is the level of development children given by "The program of education and training in kindergarten" M.A.Vasilyeva, and the main factor is taking into account the development of speech children of this kindergarten.

Golovin BN Fundamentals of speech culture.

Essence. Speech activity, its volume and character become the main indicators of the success of educational - cognitive, play, communicative, labor, and other types activities... All the child's achievements in acquaintance with the world of nature and society, in mathematics, speech development, visual activity will not be visible if they are not expressed in his active speech.

Expected Result. The mastery by each child of coherent speech, in the seventh year of life, the child should be able to use the monologue form of speech to describe the surrounding objects, to narrate about the events he experienced, for elementary reasoning about the causes and consequences of the phenomena known to him.

Ability to use different parts of speech exactly in meaning.

Pronounce words and phrases with natural intonation.

The main directions of work with children.

1. Organizational forms of teaching in the classroom.

2. Joint adult and child activities.

3. Observations.

4. Playroom activity.

5. Theatrical

6. Self child activity

7. Holidays and entertainment.

8. Conversation. about the books read. / Hood. Literature).

9. Interaction between kindergarten and family on this issue.

Speech training.

Block 1. Education of the sound culture of speech children.

Sounds of speech, individual elements of intonation of the prosodem) - voice strength, pitch, tempo, rhythm, timbre. - by themselves, they do not denote anything outside the language, they do not encode reality, but without them there is no speech and prosodems -, building material, oral speech (written speech - graphic code for speaking). .

1. To learn to speak:

Articulate all phonemes characteristic of a given language;

Pronounce sounds and combinations of sounds standing in certain positions in the word;

Modulate intonation-generating prosodems.

2. The main exercise method used for mastering prosodem is imitation. Techniques for implementing this method:

Didactic games,

Narrative games.

Didactic games are conducted on the basis of specially compiled educational and artistic copyright texts... Narrative games are built as role-playing and dramatization works of art.

Work on the education of the sound culture of speech children organized mainly in the process of free speech communication children with a kindergarten teacher and other adults at home; adult corrects mistakes children in the articulation of sounds or in the modulation of the voice during intonation.

TASKS: (phonetics classes)

Breath setting;

Mastering the rhythm of the word (syllabic division)

Assimilation of individual speech sounds by articulation; -.

Acquisition of the skill in modulating the complete intonation of a sentence or intonation figures of semantic segments of a sentence.


The word is the basic unit of language. It appears as if "Representatives" simultaneously all components of the language _- phonetics, vocabulary, grammar. In speech, the word lives in a certain meaning and in the corresponding grammatical meaning and in the appropriate grammatical design, to assimilate "just words", without their phonetic shell and grammatical form, is impossible.

Stages of generalization of words by meaning:

Zero level of generalization; - proper name, title (name) single subject (end of the first - beginning of the second year of life).

The first stage of generalization is a common name, that is, a general name for homogeneous objects, actions, qualities. (by the end of the second year of life). .

The second stage of generalization is the words denoting generic concepts; (furniture, fruits, dishes ....)... The names of actions, signs are transferred to the generalization in the form of a noun; walking, running, flying, blue. (they learn words of the second degree of generalization not earlier than three years).

The third degree of generalization - words denoting generic concepts for words of the second degree generalizations: plants are trees, grasses, lichens; things are toys, dishes, furniture; movement is flying, running, swimming; fruits are vegetables, fruits, cereals

Children acquire the meaning of words of the third degree of generalization by about five or six years.

The fourth degree of generalization - words that call the limiting lexical generalizations: objectivity, action, state, sign, quality, quantity, attitude.

Learning words that are in a generic relationship (furniture - table, chair, bed, children should distinguish them from words that are in a relationship of the whole and parts of: chair - leg, back, seat; face - forehead, cheeks, nose, mouth, eyes; wash - collect water in the palm of your hand, moisten your face with it, rub it with your hands, rinse, etc.


Grammatical meanings are the meanings of the relationship between the phenomena of reality indicated by words, that is, these are the linguistic meanings of the logical (mental) row. Distinguish between grammatical meanings of word-formation morphemes and grammatical meanings in syntax. To understand speech, it is not enough to know the lexical meaning of the words of which it consists, you also need to understand the grammatical relations between these words. For example, a child can understand the lexical meaning, that is, correlate the words apple tree with the extra-linguistic reality, plant, but not know the meaning of the grammatical forms used in proposals: The apple tree is planted or the Apple tree is planted (do not understand the meaning of the nominative form of the noun and the short suffering participle, denoting predicative, that is, predicative, relations, or the accusative case of the noun and the third person of the future tense of the verb, denoting additional, substantive, relations) ... If the meaning of grammatical forms is not clear to the child, he does not understand the thoughts expressed in the sentence.

In the process of assimilating grammatical meanings from children grammatical skills are formed.

Methods and techniques for the formation of grammatical skills.

Exercises in grammar are at the same time exercises to consolidate the material already mastered by children in vocabulary and phonetics. Without preliminary assimilation by children of the minimum number of words and the ability to somehow articulate sounds and modulate the intonation of a sentence, grammatical exercises are impossible. Enrichment of speech children grammatical forms occurs in the millet of enriching their vocabulary and the development of phonetic skills.

By the age of three, the child's vocabulary reaches 1300-1500 words, by the age of four it almost doubles.

Work on the grammatical structure should begin with an acquaintance with nouns, since nouns make up more than half of the words of our speech, and in addition, on the basis of changes in nouns, other parts also change. speeches: adjectives - by case, gender and number; adjectives and verbs in the past tense - by gender and number.

By the age of seven, children should generally be fluent in all grammatical forms. speeches: declension of nouns and adjectives, conjugation of the most common verbs; to characterize the sign of action (spatial, temporal, mode of action) they use adverbs, using them in the system of phrases and sentences, for example: walked quickly, spoke softly, turned left, returned late in the evening, arrived before dark and. dr.

The main type of work on the formation of grammatical skills in speech children a preparatory group for school can be work on the design of the same idea by different language means.

The second direction in the work on the development of speech children of this age learning how to use them in participle speech can become.

Developing the syntactic structure of children's speech, the teacher must ensure that children correctly formulate simple sentences, sentences with homogeneous members, with separate turns, complex sentences. Only on condition of mastering all grammatical forms will the child be well prepared for school.


Dialogue is a conversation between several people, at least two. The purpose of the conversation is usually to ask about something and provoke an answer, induce to some kind of action.

A monologue is a coherent speech of one person. The purpose of a monologue is to report some facts.

Dialogue - conversation, conversation - is the main form of verbal communication between a child and adults and their peers.

Speech learning in kindergarten takes place in two forms: 1) in free speech communication, 2) in special classes.

Special classes on the development of dialogical coherent speech are conducted by the method of conversation (conversations) and by the imitation method.

These methods are most often implemented:

1) the techniques of a prepared conversation (conversation)

2) techniques of theatricalization (imitations and retellings).

Mastering the methods of teaching monologue speech means for educator: 1) learn to listen children, 2) learn to help them retell, tell, compose. Work on a monologue in the middle, senior and preparatory groups is distinguished primarily by the complexity of the content and the size of the text (both are determined "Kindergarten education program").

In all age In groups, the main method of teaching a monologue is to rely on a verbal sample. Additional techniques - reliance on real objects, reliance on pictures.


Artworks artistic literature reveals to children the world of human feelings, arousing interest in the personality, in the inner world of the hero.

Introducing the child to artistic literature begins with miniatures of folk art - nursery rhymes, songs, then he listens to folk tales. Deep humanity, extremely precise moral orientation, lively humor, imagery of language - these are the features of these folklore works - miniatures. Finally, the child is read author's tales, poems, stories available to him.

"The program of education and training in kindergarten" provides for familiarization children with artistic works in special classes and outside classes (during games, theatrical performances, in the corner of a book, etc.)... In special classes, the teacher can read to children or tell stories. He can read by heart or from a book.

One of the objectives of these activities is to teach children listen to the reader or storyteller. Only by learning to listen to someone else's speech, children acquire the ability to memorize its content and form, to assimilate the norm of literary speech

To teach children listen to artwork, help them assimilate the content and emotional mood, the teacher is obliged to read expressively, in addition, he uses additional methodological techniques that develop children listening skills, memorization, understanding. it:

1) re-reading the entire text,

2) repeated reading of individual parts of it.

The reading may be accompanied by:

1) game actions children;

2) subject visibility:

a) examining toys, dummies,

b) viewing illustrations,

c) attracting the attention of listeners to real objects

3) verbal assistance:

a) comparison with a similar (or the opposite) incident from life children or from another work of art,

b) asking after reading search questions ("Why did you like the hero? And how would you act in his place? and the like,

c) hint when answering children of words - epithets, generally calling the essential feature of the image (brave, hard work, loafer, kind, evil, decisive, courageous, etc.);

The younger the child, the more he needs the play actions and object visualization accompanying the reading; assimilation of read by elders preschoolers facilitates verbal assistance.


V preschool institution, speech education begins with the first "Children's words" and ends with the development of coherent speech - the child's ability to freely and grammatically correctly express their thoughts.

It is important to monitor children's speech in order to objectively and professionally judge the effectiveness of the methods and techniques used.

There are quite a few available and simple methods of pedagogical examination of children's speech. many: this is an observation "Speech behavior" child, conversations, questioning parents, studying the products of children's speech and non-speech activities, familiarization with the living conditions in the family, studying the relevant medical documents, conducting simple experiments in the form of special tasks, exercises or didactic games.

For examination of speech development children are needed"so called" incentive materials: toys, didactic aids (board games, reproductions, pictures, books with illustrations, various theaters, etc.)

Inspection without disrupting the course of natural life children, should be perceived by them as a joint game with the teacher, entertainment, interesting communication.

The speech is beautiful when it is like a trickle

Runs among the stones clean, unhurried.

And you are ready to listen to her flow

And exclaim: - O! How beautiful you are!

Speech is a great gift of nature, thanks to which people have received ample opportunities for communication with each other. However, very little time is allotted for the appearance and formation of speech - early and preschool age. It is during this period that favorable conditions are created for the development of oral speech, the foundation is laid for written forms of speech and the subsequent speech and language development of the child. Any delay, any violation in the development of a child's speech affects his activities and behavior. Poor-speaking children, starting to realize their flaw, become silent, shy. Preschool age is optimal for language acquisition. It is then that children have the greatest sensitivity to linguistic phenomena. A child who freely uses the word gets pleasure from his speech; when conveying feelings, he involuntarily uses a wealth of intonations, facial expressions and gestures. A different picture develops with children with various speech disorders.



MBDOU Komsomolsk kindergarten "Romashka"


S.V. Potapenko.,

senior educator


Artistic speech opens up to the child a huge world of things and sounds, colors and light, the world of human feelings and reflections. K.I. Chukovsky

Speech is a great gift of nature, thanks to which people have received ample opportunities for communication with each other. However, very little time is allotted for the appearance and formation of speech - early and preschool age. It was during this period that favorable conditions are created for the development of oral speech, the foundation is laid for written forms of speech and the subsequent speech and language development of the child. Any delay, any violation in the development of a child's speech affects his activities and behavior. Poor-speaking children, starting to realize their flaw, become silent, shy. Preschool age is optimal for language acquisition. It is then that children have the greatest sensitivity to linguistic phenomena. A child who freely uses the word gets pleasure from his speech; when conveying feelings, he involuntarily uses a wealth of intonations, facial expressions and gestures. A different picture develops with children with various speech disorders.

Realizing the importance of working with children with speech disorders, we built the educational and educational process on the basis of an algorithm for correctional and developmental activities, which includes the creation of a creative union of teachers united by common goals, the development of an integrated correctional and developmental calendar-thematic work plan based on the basis of comprehensive diagnostics, the organization of a correctional educational environment,stimulating the artistic and speech development of the child.

Tasks of artistic and speechactivities are subordinated to the general goal of comprehensive education of the child's personality, they are promoted in accordance with the age characteristics of children, as well as the originality of literary works.
The program is based on the continuity in the artistic and speech development of a child of middle and younger preschool age, it sets the tasks: to teach to perceive works of art in the unity of content and form, to develop artistic and speech performing and creative abilities, to form initial ideas about fiction.
When familiarizing with a fairy tale, the educator seeks to give children ideas about the peculiarities of the genre, to reveal the ideological and artistic meaning of the work, to show the beauty, poetry of images and language. The teacher expressively tells a fairy tale, conveys intonation the variety of situations described in it. Analyzing a fairy tale, he draws attention to its semantic side, artistic features and composition (beginning, ending, repetitions), the originality of the language. When analyzing the content and composition of a fairy tale, you can use a visual plan, where each part of a fairy tale or story is represented by a set of those characters who are the main characters. These characters can also be designated conventionally (colored circles, schematic images, stripes of different lengths). Conversation contributes to the understanding of the ideological and artistic essence of the tale, the assessment of the characters. But you should not rush to ask the children questions immediately after reading the tale (or its oral retelling). Take a short pause, give the children the opportunity to experience, to better understand what they listened to. Then ask if you liked the tale and what exactly, why it has such a name. In answering, the children evaluate the work, isolate from the general what they like most, learn to correlate the name of the tale with its content. The teacher asks questions that develop children's understanding of the artistic expressiveness of the work: what bright, colorful expressions do you remember? What repetitions in the tale have you noticed? What words does the tale say about the actions of the heroes, their experiences? In the older group, in comparison with the previous one, the number of such questions increases. Children memorize figurative expressions, understand their relevance in a given context.

The development of speech, language teaching, the formation of a culture of verbal communication are important areas of work with preschool children. The solution of the problems of speech development of children is carried out within the framework of the program section "Artistic speech activity". The interrelated components of the artistic and speech activity of preschoolers are the perception of a literary text, its reproduction (reproduction) and elementary verbal creativity.

At the present stage, artistic speech activity is considered not only as a means of forming the expressiveness and imagery of speech, but also as a means of developing the creative abilities of children.

By artistic speech, we mean the activity that occurs in a child under the influence of a literary or folklore work. It includes the following components:

perception of works of fiction and folklore in the process of acquaintance with them;

reproduction of the author's text without change (reproduction), that is, the recreation of images already created by someone (expressive reading of a work (poetic), participation in the dramatization of works of fiction and folklore, etc.);

creation of your own secondary text based on the read works or a number of works, that is, the creation of new artistic images (creative narration of invented episodes to familiar works, composing of your own works - riddles, stories and fairy tales, etc.).

Studies by psychologists, literary scholars and educators have shownthat the artistic and speech activity of children in preschool age is an active and effective means of aesthetic development by children of the surrounding reality.

According to most researchers, artistic perception is closely related to imagination, since it is in perception that a person's ability to “imagine” is manifested, giving an image to an object, a phenomenon (O. M. Dyachenko, V. T. Kudryavtseva and others). At the same time, the most important mechanism of creative perception is accentuation, that is, the selection of several of the most characteristic features from the countless variety of impressions (R. Arnheim, M. Arnaudov, Z. N. Novlyanskaya). In the process of perceiving a work of art, the reader (or listener - in preschool age) perceives artistic images in his own way, enriches them with his own imagination, correlates with his personal experience.

According to the researcher, a distinctive feature of artistic emotion is a "delay in the external manifestation of affects" in a person on a work of art, which can be distinguished by extraordinary power. Thus, the basis of the process of perception is not the intellectual process of comprehending the content of an artistic image, but an emotional experience, when, after listening to a text, a child is completely under his influence of a work of art. That is why, when laying the foundations of reading activity in a child at preschool age as the foundation of his literary education, it is necessary to develop his skills associated, first of all, with experiences, imagination, figurative thinking, that is, with emotional-figurative activity: to recreate images in the imagination ( heroes, events, environments) created by the author's word; empathize with the hero of the work, assist him, penetrate into the world of feelings and moods. Taking into account the regularities of the process of perception and understanding of an artistic or folklore work by children, as well as the fact that the object of the child's activity both in the perception of a literary or folklore text, and in its reproduction and creation on its basis of its own speech product becomes a text that appears in the unity of its three sides , - content, structure and language design, - we believe that for the full-fledged literary development of a child, it is also necessary to form other types of skills:

Skills aimed at comprehending and reproducing the content of the work (to understand the theme of the work and its main idea; enter the plot, follow the development of the action, establish the sequence of events and cause-and-effect relationships between them (in a story or fairy tale); follow the development of feelings in a poem ; understand that any work of fiction is created by an author who perceives life phenomena from a certain angle of view, try to understand the author's position);

skills that contribute to understanding the form of the work (to understand that the main thing in the work is the reflection of events (epic work) or the reflection of the experiences of the lyric hero (lyric work); to highlight the genre features of the work - fairy tales, stories, poems, riddles, etc.);
the skills necessary to understand the linguistic features of the work (to catch the figurative structure of artistic speech; to understand the shades of polysemous words, direct and figurative meaning; to highlight in the work some figurative and expressive means of language - comparison, metaphor, epithet, etc.).

All of the above skills, when familiarizing with the work, should be formed in interconnection through the child's analytical work on the text under the guidance of a teacher. Of course, some of these skills presuppose the child's (practical) acquaintance with some literary concepts (theme of the work, genres, compositional features of works of certain genres, means of expression, etc.) in accordance with the age capabilities of children.
The development of skills for the perception of literary or folklore works should take place in the system, on the basis of a gradual expansion of the experience of emotional-figurative and cognitive activity. In addition to an analytical conversation aimed at identifying the emotional state of the child, his awareness of the peculiarities of the content and form of works, the following techniques can contribute to the mastery of these skills:

for the first group of skills we have identified: verbal drawing, creating your own drawings for works, analyzing illustrations by artists, presenting yourself in the place of a character;

for the second group of skills: highlighting key words in the work, analyzing the title of the work; dividing the text into parts, drawing up a text plan, creating a series of your own drawings reflecting the sequence of actions, as well as identifying the motives of the characters' actions, describing their appearance;

For the third group of skills: identification of the typical features of works of different genres (for example, the presence of fiction, magic, a collision with magical power, multi-episode - in a fairy tale or anthropomorphism, verb, low-episode - in a fairy tale about animals);

For the fourth group of skills: finding pictorial and expressive means in the text (to understand the author's choice), inventing comparisons, epithets, synonyms, antonyms (to master the way of expressing a certain artistic content in a word).

In general, the creative nature of the process of perception of works of fiction and folklore by older preschoolers is due to the activity of their interaction with the author's or folklore text.
The next component of the artistic and speech activity of a preschooler - the reproduction of the author's text - can be carried out in different ways: without change - in the process of expressive reading of a work (most often in poetry), or with change - during staging, participation in a dramatization game based on works of fiction and folklore, and etc., when retelling the read works, reproducing the author's text from illustrations, etc. According to S.M. Chemortan, creativity in these types of artistic and speech activities will be manifested in the choice of expressive means of performance.
Play-dramatization is the most accessible and interesting way for a child to process and express impressions, knowledge and emotions, and at the same time, an effective means of understanding the subtext of a literary or folklore work. Since play-dramatization is characterized by a shift in emphasis from the process of play to its result, which is interesting not only for participants, but also for spectators, it is considered as a kind of artistic activity (O. V. Akulova).

analysis of the features of the educational process in preschool educational institutions shows that one of the effective means of forming artistic and speech skills in preschoolers is oral folk art and works of fiction for children.

Artistic and speech activity gives us great opportunities for the development of the creative abilities of preschoolers.

So, to teach children to compose stories - fantasies with the transformation of objects in time, teachers effectively use the method of moving in time (Time Machine). Children choose a specific object and describe its temporary present. Further, the educators invite the children to think about who or what he was in the past and what will happen to him in the future.

To teach preschool children to characterize objects through the senses, teachers effectively use the technique of “entering the picture”. Educators encourage children to describe possible sensations and suggest that they listen more carefully, inhale smells, taste, touch their hands, etc. When working with children, teachers use creative assignments: "A magician has come" I smell "(and others)", "Name objects that can make a sound ...", "I feel with my face and hands ..."

To encourage children to select and name objects in the picture, educators use the "spyglass" technique. To determine the details of one object - the techniques "Auction", "Hunt for details", "Who is the most attentive" and others.

Modeling of the identified objects by children is carried out with diagrams, letters, pictures, color and other means of designation.

Teaching children to compose riddles, teachers begin with a semi-active stage (composing a common riddle with children), then move on to an active one, where they encourage the child to choose the object and model of the riddle.

To teach the compilation of creative stories from the first person in the image of one of the objects of the picture with a predetermined characteristic, educators use the empathy technique. The child calls himself an object and "enters" his emotional state or assumes a character trait, describes in detail his state, relations with the outside world and the problems that have arisen.

Based on the results of fantasizing, teachers together with children stage invented stories, draw up baby books, compile catalogs of children's fantasy stories, which include metaphors compiled by the teacher together with the children of the group; riddles independently compiled by children; as well as creative stories of children,

Thus, the competent approach of teacherswhen organizing artistic and speech activities, it contributes to the development of not only speech skills, but also the creative abilities of children.

Summary of the lesson on the development of speech


(compilation of a conflict-type fairy tale using the "catalog method") for older preschool children


· Teach to independently determine the heroes of the fairy tale and the purpose of their activities;

· Learn to master the sequence of questions, on the basis of which you can create a conflict-type fairy tale;

· Encourage children to respond with a full meaningful response;

· To form the skills of drawing up a logically coherent text in which good triumphs over evil;

· Strengthen the ability to deduce the rules of life and come up with a name for a fairy tale;

· Develop creative imagination, thinking, coherent speech;

· Create conditions for the education of kindness, responsiveness.


· The book "In the world of fairy tales";

· Handbook "Lull's Rings" with a set of cards based on fairy tales;

Easels (2 pcs.)

· Sheets of paper of A-3 format;

· Audio recording of the fairy tale "Cinderella" ("magic music");

· Record player;

Course of the lesson:

Children enter the group to the accompaniment of fabulous music. Pictures of characters from different fairy tales are hung everywhere.

Game "Teremok"

Children walk in a circle with a teacher.

There is a teremok, a teremok in the field,

It is not low, not high, not high.

And fairy-tale heroes live in the house.

I am the Snow Queen ... Who are you?

Children take turns calling the fairytale heroes. Whoever called, sits on a chair.

Guys, look around. How beautiful, how magical! Where did we end up with you?(to the fairyland, to the land of fairy tales).

How did you guess?(Many fairy-tale characters).

What is a fairy tale?(1. This is a fictional story. 2. This is magic. 3. Where the animals talk. 4. Where there are transformations. 5 The tale begins "Once upon a time ...," In a certain kingdom, in a certain state ... "6. In the fairy tale, the actions are repeated )

What fairy-tale characters do you know?

Every fairytale hero

Maybe simple in appearance,

Endowed with a wonderful gift, -

Therefore, he is a wizard.

It can become invisible

And fly in the sky!

Turn into a bird swan

And then - to the beauty maiden!

We need such a hero!

Guys, do you like fairy tales?

What are your favorite fairy tales?

"Lull's Rings"

(on one ring - fairy tale characters: Kolobok, Frog Princess, Ryaba hen, Thumbelina, Chanterelle, Baba Yaga, etc. On the second ring there are cards depicting a place: a hut on chicken legs, a swamp, a palace, etc. On the third ring there is a magic item: an arrow, an egg, a mortar, an invisibility hat, etc.)

Children are invited to spin 1 ring and choose a fairytale hero. Connect the place that fell on the 2nd ring, and come up with what could happen to the character if he was in this place. Then the children are invited to independently choose an object on the 3rd ring that would help the hero if he were in this place.

Game "Yes, no" (classification)

Children, by narrowing the search field, guess the object (book) conceived by the teacher.

You know a lot of fairy tales. Let's come up with our own kind, smart fairy tale. And this magical "Book of Fairy Tales" will help us.

How does a fairy tale begin?(Once upon a time, there were…)

And who lived, we will now choose by the magic book. We must close our eyes, say the magic words “Tili-mile-three” and point to some fairytale hero.(choosing a hero according to the "catalog method")

It will be a goodie.

The teacher sketches schematically on the "Magic Triangle".

What actions can a positive hero do?

We know that in fairy tales something always happens, the heroes go somewhere, and someone or something interferes with them.

Let's invite a negative hero to our fairy tale, so that later with the help of magic he becomes kind. We close our eyes, say magic words and choose a negative hero(sketches on the "Magic Triangle")

Guys, what kind of negative hero will we have? Where does he live? What does it do wrong?

Physical culture break

Children play various fairy-tale characters to the music.

We come up with a fairy tale. And for the magic to happen, what do we need?(magic item).

And what could be a magic item?(flower, scarf, leaf, fruit ...)

We select an object with the help of the Book and sketch it on the "Magic Triangle".

All the heroes have been selected, now you can start telling the tale.

The sequence of the tale is sketched in the table.

An interesting fairy tale turned out? What rules of life can be deduced from our fairy tale? What does she teach?(to be kind, courageous, to help others. You need to know where and when to go).

Let's come up with a name for our fairy tale. And you will definitely tell your grandparents and parents a fairy tale at home. And in order not to forget anything, let's remember the rules that helped compose a fairy tale. How did writing begin?

Step 1: We chose the heroes of the fairy tale - positive and negative.

Step 2: We have determined what kind of character our hero is, what actions he can have.

Step 3: They chose a magic item with which the negative character became kind.

Step 4: We described the action that took place in the fairy tale.

Step 5: Drew a conclusion on the rules of life.

Step 6: We gave the name to our fairy tale.

Have not forgotten anything, well done! And to make it more interesting to listen to a fairy tale, let's draw illustrations for it.

Whoever liked which story from the fairy tale the most will draw this one. And we will have our own "Magic Book of Fairy Tales". And the first fairy tale in it will be….

Artistic and speech activity of preschoolers as a means of developing the creative abilities of children

Mironova Vera Nikolaevna,

teacher of the GKKP I / kindergarten No. 8 "Fairy Tale"

West Kazakhstan region, Uralsk city

Artistic speech is opened to the child

a huge world of things and sounds, colors and light,

the world of human feelings and reflections.

K.I. Chukovsky

Language acquisition is the most important task of preschool education. Its relevance is especially great in our time, when there is a widespread decline in culture. We need to start this work as early as possible, otherwise it will be difficult for our children to become successful in adulthood.

The main task of the development of figurative speech is to instill in children a love for the artistic word, respect for the book; to acquaint with those works of fiction that children need to read, tell, memorize.

At the present stage, artistic speech activity is considered not only as a means of forming the expressiveness and imagery of speech, but also as a means of developing the creative abilities of children.

Therefore, working on the theme of creative search "Artistic and speech activity of a preschooler" I solve the problem of the formation of artistic and speech activity as one of the integral parts of the aesthetic education of children.

I believe that the most important sources of the development of the expressiveness of children's speech are works of fiction and oral folk art, including small folklore forms (proverbs, sayings, riddles, nursery rhymes, rhymes, phraseological units).

When familiarizing with works of fiction, I try to give children ideas about the peculiarities of the genre, to reveal the ideological and artistic meaning of the work, to show the beauty, poetry of images, language.

My practice of working on this topic shows that in organized educational activities, children acquire a certain amount of skills and abilities in artistic and speech activities.

Therefore, for this purpose, I read and tell children fairy tales and stories, learn poems with them, teach them to analyze texts in an elementary way, retell and stage short literary works, inventing my own short fairy tales, stories, riddles in order to

to make children want to use the learned knowledge in everyday life.

However, my observations show that preschoolers are not always able to independently engage in artistic and speech activities. Therefore, I use my free time in the afternoon on the topic of my creative search for artistic and speech activities of children.

In order to expand and consolidate children's knowledge about the book, I created and designed a special area in the group room in which children can leaf through books they know, look at illustrations in them, listen to fairy tales recorded on gramophone records, cassettes, discs, retell what they read to their comrades with the help theater of toys, shadows, puppets, flannelegraph, play literary games, prepare for festive matinees, entertainment evenings.

And the organization of excursions to the bookstore, to the children's library, to the city library for adults, activates the activities of children in the book corner.

To generalize and consolidate knowledge on the topic of creative search, I conduct literary entertainment, such as: "Books are our friends", Visiting the queen of literature. "

My children, in their free time, being impressed by the literary works they listened to (fairy tales, stories, poems), recreate the images they like in drawing, in applique or modeling.

I believe that the main goal in organizing literary games is the development of children's artistic taste, imagination and creative thinking, the formation of coherent speech. Together with the children, I organize the following literary games: "Let's draw a fairy tale", "Invent a story, a fairy tale from a drawing (or from a picture)," Tell a fairy tale from pictures "and others.

Gradually, as the child develops the necessary skills and abilities, acquires the necessary knowledge, my role becomes secondary, because I give the children more freedom, and I only help them in cases where they find it difficult to do something.

I put all the drawings and compositions of children in the album of children's creativity. It can be a baby book of an individual child, an album in which stories, fairy tales, poems, riddles invented by children will find a place.

At the end of the school year, I organize an exhibition of children's creativity, I hold a joint conference of educators, parents, primary school teachers.

The interrelated components of the artistic and speech activity of preschoolers are not only the perception of a literary text, its reproduction (reproduction), but also elementary verbal creativity.

I develop verbal creativity in children by inventing riddles, composing fairy tales and stories. Children themselves find pictorial means, comparisons, epithets, come up with a composition of fairy tales, stories (beginning, main part, ending), choose images of characters and show them on a flannelgraph or use a flat table theater.

Play-dramatization is the most accessible and interesting way for a child to process and express impressions, knowledge and emotions, and at the same time, an effective means of understanding the subtext of a literary or folklore work. This way of transmitting a fairy tale or story is most loved by older preschoolers. It allows children to learn how to properly build dialogues and monologues, describe phenomena and objects.

Artistic speech development contributes to the development of the creative and intellectual abilities of children and their speech culture, the formation of an emotionally positive attitude to the world around preschoolers, contributes to the formation of artistic and speech activity.

Thus, the competent approach of teachers in the organization of artistic and speech activities contributes to the development of not only speech skills, but also the creative abilities of children.