Intimate life after childbirth when. When can you have sex after childbirth? Sensations during intimate proximity

Healthy and regular intimate life of spouses is the key to family happiness and warm relationship between partners. Pregnancy and subsequent childbirth break a chart of sexual relations. Most of all, the spouse suffers from this. He ceases to feel necessary and beloved, as a result of which disagreements may arise in the family. How to make an intimate life after giving birth and when you can sleep again with my husband after the birth of a baby.

Need or prejudice

Many husbands believe that the lack of acts of love in the first weeks after childbirth is the remnant of the past. Men often do not understand the possible consequences of early resumption of sexual life and often bow the wife to intimate proximity before the deadline after delivery.

Today, experts argue that early resumption of proximity between spouses may entail the development of many complications. Policy period, prescribed by the doctor, should be strictly observed. During this time, the organism of the young mother is restored after childbirth, the postpartum discharge, the uterus, the neck and the vagina come back to normal. If you cannot withstand the rest period, you can make an infection in the uterus, which threatens with inflammatory diseases and even infertility.

How long does rest period last

Given the individuality of each body, it is impossible to say exactly one day as a ban on sexual relations between spouses should continue. Sex life after childbirth can be resumed only after stopping the loy. If you are fine, allocations stopped, and you feel good, you can visit the gynecologist to address the issue of resuming intimate intimacy with your spouse.

At the reception, the gynecologist surprises you, examine, will take the necessary analyzes and will you decide whether you can sleep with your husband, or it is worth a little more. Usually the rest period lasts from 6 to 8 weeks. However, there are exceptions.
So, for example, if a young mother has postpartum complications, resting period can be extended to complete recovery.

Bulatova Lyubov Nikolaevna An obstetrician-gynecologist, high category, endocrinologist, doctor of ultrasound diagnostics, specialist in the field of aesthetic gynecology Recording on the reception

Doctor obstetrician gynecologist, doctor ultrasound diagnostics, candidate of medical sciences, specialist in the field of aesthetic gynecology Recording on the reception

As in all areas of the life of the family, there are huge changes in the sexual sphere after childbirth, which are connected with the physiological, and with the psychological state of the woman born, as well as with a variety of family mistake, especially if the newly born babe is the firstborn.

Physiological features of a woman after childbirth and sex

After childbirth, the woman's body needs recovery, because pregnancy and childbirth are the largest load that a woman suffers during his life.

And for the sexual relations of spouses after childbirth, many factors are influenced by many factors, among which the nature of the flow of birth, their severity, the presence or absence of any complications, the well-being of the woman itself during pregnancy, and in the postpartum period are also occupied.

If natural bodies proceeded normally and were not accompanied by nor complications nor medical intervention, the uterus is released from blood residues for about 4-6 weeks. The same time is necessary for the uterus to return to its previous state after all the changes that occurred in it during pregnancy. During this time, the uterus is reduced, and the fabric damaged during childbirth (for example, the place of attachment of the placenta, which, after childbirth, is a practically open wound) is restored.

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Of course, during this time, sexual contacts are more than undesirable. This is explained by two reasons.

First, the floor paths of a woman after childbirth are particularly susceptible to any kind of infection, which is possible in the vagina, the cervix and the uterus itself. The infection of the uterus after childbirth may cause its inflammation - endometritis, one of the most severe postpartum complications.

Secondly, during sexual intercourse, bleeding from damaged vessels may be resumed. Therefore, doctors persistently recommend waiting for sexual life with the resumption of sexual life at least six weeks after childbirth.

We repeat that we are talking about the resumption of sex life after normal, which is called lungs. If during childbirth or in the postpartum period there were any complications, then the duration of sexual abstinence should be increased by as much as it is required for the full healing of the generic pathways of a woman.

This can happen in two, and after three months - depending on specific circumstances, and in this case the period of resumption of sexual intercouctions will determine the attending gynecologist. Especially often, this tightening of the period of sexual abstinence is associated with the imposition of seams after the tears of soft tissues of the generic pathways or episiotomy.

Your readiness for sex, a woman should feel herself. And in order to be confident that the resumption of sexual contacts will not be harmful to her, a woman in front of their starts need to appear a gynecologist.

Only then can it make sure that the body is ready for sexual life. In addition, a woman needs help gynecologist to pick up the most suitable contraceptives for this period.

In addition to questions about the start of sexual relations after childbirth, young parents often have a question about how these relationships change. In the fact that sex after childbirth is not at all what it was, no one doubts.

According to statistics, almost half of the births of women, after another three months after childbirth, experience unpleasant sensations in intimate life or perceive sex as an unbearable service, and about 18% face these challenges during the year. Of course, this does not mean that every concrete young mother will not be able to get into the remaining happy interest, not experiencing any problems with the beginning of sexual life after delivery.

Immediately after childbirth, sex for many women is painful, and the duration of these painful sensations cannot be determined in advance. Painful or uncomfortable sensations in sex after childbirth can be caused by many reasons, except those that have been listed earlier.

If, as a result of breaks or episiotomy, the seams were imposed on the crotch area, then the nervous endings damaged during break or cut crotch could be clamped, which are very many in this area. Therefore, even in those poses that were completely painless for a woman and are pleasant, they can now have pain. It is possible that painfulness will overcome themselves as the nerve sensitivity adapter to new conditions.

There may be a bad role and changes in the configuration of the vagina, which occur sometimes after the overlay of the seams. In addition, mucous and skin covers in the field of entering the vagina and the perineum in the postpartum period become particularly sensitive. In the area of \u200b\u200bthe seams, especially at a pressure, painful sensations may occur during sexual intercourse. It is useful to soften the seam area with the help of ointments used for keloid scars. These include "Solkoseril", "Counterabex" and others.

After childbirth, the anatomical ratio of genital organs of a man and a woman is changing. This is due to the fact that during childbirth, the vagina expanded very much to skip the child's childbirth, so at first after the birth, it remains in a relaxed, sluggish condition.

Of course, it will not last long, but the woman born too often it seems that as it is now, she will look like the rest of his life. This is a lot of and commonly common in women's, and especially in the girl's "horror" on how the vagina is terribly expanding during childbirth. If a woman is confident in advance that she will not feel the penis of men inside the vagina, it is most likely that it will be, more by psychological reasons than for any other.

Although at the first time after childbirth, the vagina is really less elastic than before them, therefore, and get the orgasm to the woman is more difficult. But the size of the vagina is quite rapidly coming back to normal, especially if they are a little help with the help of famous Kegel exercises, the most women who regularly performed during pregnancy.

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By the way, if during pregnancy she was really regularly engaged in gymnastics, then problems with the change in the size of the vagina may not touch at all, because the muscles developed by the exercises quickly return everything to their places. We repeat that these exercises are needed not only before childbirth, but after them.

Some problems associated with changing the size of the female vagina after childbirth are also experiencing a man. During the first months after childbirth with sexual contact, a man may not feel the walls of the vagina. However, he needs to understand that this state is temporary, and it should not be caused for concern.

In some cases, pain in sexual contact is associated with serious violations of the vaginal anatomy that occurred after surgery during childbirth. It is extremely rare, but it happens that the doctors have to carry out reconstructive operations in order to help spouses to establish a normal sex life.

It is somewhat easier in this regard to those women who gave birth with cesarean sections - their genitals are not changed by childbirth, and the cervix, and the wall of the vagina remains the same as they were before pregnancy. However, they have their own problems, as a rule, they are associated with a seam on the uterus, due to which the restoration of sexual life can occur even later than those who gave birth naturally.

Almost all women, regardless of how childbirth proceeded, there is a pronounced lack of estrogenic hormones in the postpartum period. This leads to the emergence of the sadly famous postpartum depression, as well as to smaller trouble, one of which is dry the vagina, which also causes tangible inconvenience when sex contact. This problem is eliminated easier than others if you use any lubricants, neutral creams or gels. Just need to closely monitor the composition of these lubricants and not to use those that contain hormones if the woman feeds the breast.

Of course, all listed limitations and difficulties associated with a sexual life after childbirth concern only vaginal and anal contacts. Therefore, the pair practicing oral-genital contacts can resume them already in the soon time after delivery.

And finally, it can be said that many women after childbirth do not have any problems with sex, even on the contrary, they say that the attraction to her husband has become stronger and the orgasm brighter.

In the Medical Center "Euromedprest" under the leadership of the obstetrician-gynecologist, you will learn to feel your body, understand yourself and your desires. The doctor will advise you on sex life after childbirth, will help find a compromise between your desires and opportunities, your habits and a new condition. Recommendations related to your pair, you will receive from your doctor.

A young mom after the birth of the baby there is a lot of worries: feeding the crumbs, care for her and by me, while no one has canceled homework! She continues to cook food, wash, clean and stay wife. After childbirth, the woman needs support, tenderness and caress, and after some time, the spouses come to a general decision to continue sex life. But, unfortunately, not everything is so simple in the intimate relationship of men and women after the birth of the kid.

Causes of lack of sex immediately after delivery

Every childbirth is purely individually. From the weight of the child, its location, the state of the woman, the medical staff depends on how safely the toddler's arrival process in this world will pass. Sex life after childbirth is possible with well-being of a young mother.

There are several moments that make it difficult to intimate relationships or make them impossible.

  1. Physiological reasons. After childbirth, the woman changes the hormonal background, so there may be the abyss of the libido, dry the vagina. Also sex life after childbirth may suffer fiasco due to a weakened muscle tension in a woman. As a result, she does not receive proper pleasure.
  2. Medical reasons. Sophisticated natural childbirth or caesarean section entail the emergence of fear of pain in a young mother. If the seams did not heal, then it's worth a little having sex with sex, otherwise the sex life of a woman after childbirth will turn into a nightmare.
  3. Psychological reasons. The fear of becoming pregnant again, be unattractive for her husband (especially after partnerships), wake up a child, not to experience pleasure - all this comes from the psychological state of a woman after childbirth.

The beginning of sex life after natural labor

Natural childbirth is the process in which a woman herself helps a child to go out. This does not require surgical intervention.

Each woman has a purification of the body after such a process. At this time, it appears blood discharge on the type of menstruation, the uterus gradually returns to its own mind. Also, a young mother may notice that she became feminine, acquired rounded breast shapes, buttocks. Naturally, such changes will not remain unnoticed and husband. He, like a normal man, arises a desire and desire for his woman. Therefore, the spouses are wondering: "Sex life after delivery: when can I start and whether it is complete?" Doctors note that after natural genera, if there are no contraindications, you can have sex in 4-5 weeks. But there are many reasons why these deadlines are significantly shifted. It is them that we will consider below.

Sex after "Cesarean"

Sex life after childbirth in the first month is categorically prohibited for women who gave birth with cesarean sections. Yes, and in the second month it is difficult, because sex involves the tension of some muscles, their work. And this may entail the discrepancy between the seams and severe pain. It should be borne in mind that to restore the mucous membrane, the seams requires the time. In the case of surgical intervention during childbirth, the spouses are important to know, after how much sex life will be safe after delivery. Gynecologists advise to start it no earlier than 1.5 - 2 months after surgery. For your own calm before continuing intimate life, you need to make a consultation and inspection to the doctor. After all, the seam on the skin heals faster than in the uterus.

Lack of sexual attraction: psychological aspects

After the birth of the child, young spouses may experience fear before the start of sexual life. This can also be promoted by the features of the psyche of giving birth to a woman and a man who was present in childbirth.

The lack of desire to have sex after childbirth may be due to some psychological reasons. Sex life after the natural genera, though it can start earlier, but there is no guarantee that the woman is ready for her psychologically. A fine sex representatives always want to look beautiful. It is no secret that the period of pregnancy can end with extra kilograms. At this soil, plus also compound psychosis, various complexes may appear: about the appearance, inconsistencies in the expectations of a man in sex, fear of influence of sexual life for milk isolation. If the husband was present in childbirth, the wife for some reason thinks that he cools to it. All these complexes are ordinary myths, if spouses have strong family relationships. The birth of a child only strengthens them, although she saw a man's suffering man, even though she changed a little. To start a sex life after delivery, sincerity is important in relations, an agreement and trust. Then there will be no reason to refuse themselves in pleasure.

What are the physiological causes of a long lack of sex?

Such factors include complications after childbirth and the lack of desire, which is expressed at the physiological level.

Sex life after childbirth can be complicated by such medical reasons as seving, long healing. It is just necessary to gain patience and wait a favorable time for intimate relationships.

Another reason for no less important for spouses is the dryness of the vagina and its expansion after delivery. As a result, sexual intercourse does not bring pleasure to a woman and a man. Dry vagina is due to a hormonal background of the organism of the young mother, lubricants can be used to solve this problem. Another possible problem is the low tone of the muscles of the vagina, which does not allow him to return to its original form. As a result, a woman does not have the ability to experience an orgasm, and a man does not feel that pleasure as before. Naturally, who will like this sex life after childbirth? Reviews of young mothers indicate that only after 8-12 months later they were able to feel like a woman-lioness in intimate intimacy with his spouse. We see that it is just necessary to gain patience, and then the sex life will come to normal.

Third extra, or fear of sex because of the child

Another reason for the lack of sexual attraction in a woman is the feeling of the third excess in the room - the child. She constantly twitches his groove, worries that he won't wake up and so on. To do this, it is necessary to plan the time and arrange a romantic dinner, being sure to confident that the child sleeps. A simple solution to this problem will be care for another room for the time of intimate intimacy.

Contraception after childbirth

Many couples think in advance about how a woman will not become pregnant again. It is believed that with constant breastfeeding before menstruation, spouses can not be protected. But this is not a 100% contraceptive method. Each woman has a hormonal background individual. And if one after delivery can become pregnant only in a year, then another - in a month. There are many methods of contraception, one can be applied immediately after the birth of the baby, others - no. If you do not know what ways to protect against unwanted pregnancy, it is necessary to refer to the competent specialist.

When is a specialist consultation?

We looked at the main reasons why sex after giving birth may not bring any pleasure. In the case of light deviations from the health rate of the physical and psychological, with the support of her husband, these problems are easily solved. But if a married couple is not able to cope with them yourself, then you do not need to neglect the consultation of such specialists as a gynecologist, a psychologist, a sexologist. Then sex life after delivery will acquire a new taste for her husband and wife.

After childbirth, the woman needs to comply with the recommendations of the doctor so that the body is fully recovered. Therefore, it will have to suffer restrictions that, as approved by intimate proximity. You can not have sex first after childbirth. This prohibition is due to a whole complex of reasons.

What is dangerous sex immediately after childbirth?

Sex at first after delivery is fraught with irreparable harm to female health. This is due to the fact that the uterus is still very vulnerable: it is intensively shrinking to push out the residues of the accumulative tissues and blood, which were formed during the period of tooling the child. Such a process is called Lochia. Usually they last about 2 months, but they can be completed before, although it is still not a reason to resume sex life.

Sex can cause a rupture of seams that are often imposed by women in the crotch area or cervix, which is fraught with complications and increased risk of infection. Against this background, an inflammatory process can develop. Usually it is eliminated by the reception. This will cause stress at the infant and can negatively affect his health.

Even if after childbirth, some time has passed, sex can still provoke painful sensations. Because of this, both partners remain unsatisfied, which may be poured into conflicts in the family. So during the recovery period after childbirth, the abstinence in the interests of both. A man should show respect for his child's mother and to realize the vulnerability of its current situation. It is worth a permanent weakness - and the health of a woman can suffer seriously.

How long do you need to refrain?

There is no universal answer to the question of what time after the birth of the baby you can start having sex. It depends on the state of the health of the young mother and on how difficult the birth was.

After cesarean section, recovery is longer. A woman can not be lifted in gravity, doing exercise. Sexual relationships come under the ban.

Optimal abstinence time - 2 months, if there is no complications.During this period, Lochi is usually completed, all seams are absorbed, physical well-being is normalized. In principle, a young mother and will understand when her body will recover and will be ready for a sexual act. Nevertheless, it is better to go to the reception to the gynecologist, pass the necessary tests and pass an ultrasound to make sure there are no inflammation and other problems.

What to do if pain appears?

Recently gave women sometimes feel pain during sexual intercourse. This is a normal phenomenon. The first sex is equal to the very first woman in the life of a woman. This moment is conducive to both partners, so experts advise to prepare for him and to pay the time of the foreplay.

If, besides the painful sensations, the woman notices the bleeding, proximity needs to be interrupted. Then you should go to the gynecologist to find out the reason for this phenomenon. Blood discharge may indicate that the unexplored genitals were damaged. Then you should repeat the attempt to have sex later.

For the postpartum period, dryness in the vagina region is characteristic. This is due to the hormonal perestroika of the body. A woman should not be afraid of this process. Just during intercourse it is worth using lubricants, which are designed just for such cases. It is better to choose the means in which there are no hormonal additives, artificial dyes and flavors.

Signs of problems

Complications after childbirth may appear in any woman. After all, the birth of a baby is a serious burden on the body, which is why his susceptibility to different diseases increases. Sometimes sexual relationships may be quite risky. A woman should alert the following symptoms after sexual intercourse:

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  • itching and burning;
  • yellow or green discharge from the vagina;
  • pain in the lower abdomen;
  • an unpleasant smell of genitals.

Noticing these signs, it is necessary to go to a survey in the female consultation. Most often, atypical discharge and discomfort in the vagina indicate the penetration of infection in open wounds If you leave everything without treatment, it may even threaten the life of a young mother. So in the postpartum period you need to be especially attentive to your health.

Nuances of intimate proximity after childbirth

It is important not only to comply with the recommended abstinence period after childbirth, but also to have sex at first. It is necessary to do it very carefully. Recommended poses - missionary and lying on the side (poses in which the penetration of less deep). Movements should not be quick and rude, since the first sexual intercourse after delivery may be attendant.

Sometimes women are experiencing due to the volume of the vagina, because after the generic activity it remains strongly stretched. It provokes various fears and complexes. Yet gradually the muscles of the vagina come back to normal, and the processing of Kegel's exercises will accelerate. For their execution, vaginal balls or other devices will be needed. The essence of the exercise lies in the rhythmic contraction of the muscles of the vagina. A good effect gives yoga - it also helps to restore the muscular tone.

In compliance with all rules and precautions, sex after childbirth does not represent hazards for women's health. The first intimacy after the birth of the baby becomes a certain indicator. If everything goes well, it means that regular intimate life can be renewed. From how successful sexual adaptation will be, the further emotional state of the young mother depends, and the opportunity to avoid many crises in relationships.

At first, intimate proximity may not deliver the woman of the same pleasure as before childbirth. It is quite natural. The main thing is to remember that with the time of Libido will be restored. While this did not happen, configure yourself to positive.

It's hot in the bedroom: how to return sex to the relationship after the birth of a child:

Everyone knows that after the child's appearance for young parents, sex is far from most important in life. But the best sensuality can be returned!

There are ways to not forget about each other, even when your schedule is very tightly filled with household matters.

Sex after childbirth! Frankly!

In this video, I will talk about intimate relationships after childbirth. Warning places frankly, be prepared!)) My feelings, my story. And about the myth that giving birth is not the fact that before childbirth! Happy viewing!

Intimate life after childbirth and contraceptive means

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Obviously, to become a mom is a wonderful feeling that fills life with meaning.

Even if you gave birth to a child, remember! You still have a welcome woman that a man loves.

Most of the fair sex representatives argue that the first sex after the natural genera is very similar to the "the first time". And this statement is quite a physiological explanation. The birth of the baby is the most exciting and important event in the family life. The first weeks after childbirth are largely changing the normal rhythm of the life of a woman. And this leads to certain permutations.

The human body is a purely individual biological system that responds to the external stimuli absolutely differently. There are women who are already immediately dreaming about passionate love with her husband. But such "priestess" is not too much. Official statistics argue that 50% of the feminine faces sexual disorders for 3 months. At 18% there is a continuation of apathy for proximity to 1 year. How to behave in this case? What are the techniques on the normalization of attraction to their partner? How fast is the first sex? These questions are interested in hundreds of millions of people. We will deal with these problems in detail.

Rules of sexual life after delivery

Physiological and psychological basis

Return to intimate life after childbirth should occur gradually. Most couples will no longer experience those sensations in beds that were before. Such a replacement of feelings is not related to the loss of interest to each other. This conversion is based on another (more mature) partner presentation. Parents begins to unite spiritual, not sexual kinship. So why should you tighten a little with the beginning of an intimate life after the birth of a child?

In practice, a young family often faces one problem - no sex due to the appearance of a baby. Maybe the former passion of partners was faded? This is not so. Love and dust will definitely take the top when physiological and psychological reasons come to normal. First, the feminine really needs a break. Secondly, subconsciously not every woman after psychological stress is ready for love.

After childbirth in the body of the "Newly Minced" mothers, rehabilitation processes occur:

  • after the birth of the baby, the uterus is gradually cleaned. During the 60s, the internal organ displays Lochi (specific allocations). This process is characterized by gradually focusing;
  • rinsing woman has certain damage. It is for this reason that any kind of penetration can provoke sharp pain. Through the uncomfortable seams can easily penetrate a dangerous infection that will bring additional disorders and diseases.

Thus, loving spouses have to wait until sex becomes a source of happiness, not experiences and fears. But when the rehabilitation period passed, and I was not observed intimate life, then we are talking about psychological discomfort. Consider the main reasons that these situations may precede:

  1. Significant change of priorities. This can be called natural instinct. Now Mom pays all the attention to one kid. She simply does not think about the pleasure, but is guided by the reflex, which manifests itself in care to the newborn;
  2. The presence of a complex relative to its body. It is no secret that most women are very worried about their forms. Now, when there was an extra weight, the tummy increased, stretch marks were formed, he was healing postoperative seams, serious experiences of the spouses may arise. In this case, a man must support her and convince them.
  3. Depression postpartum type. The load of responsibility can knock out of the rut even the most strong in the nature and purposefulness of a woman;
  4. Chronic fatigue. Mom is on the "duty" 24 hours a day and performs all the economic work at home. Thus, the emotional sphere is experiencing serious loads, which affects the activity in bed.

Science has long been established that at the time of feeding the baby breasts, the woman has a special hormone. These biologically active substances cause sensations that are similar to the orgasm. It is for this reason that a woman does not need intimate closeness with his spouse. That is why she does not need sex.

How much do you need to abstain from sex after childbirth?

The placenta shave forms a solid wound on the plot. This surface is unprotected. Therefore, infection can easily penetrate the body and provoke the development of additional disorders and complications. Even a minor mud accumulation during intercourse can become a source of dangerous inflammation. It is for this reason that the doctors recommend to wait deadlines after childbirth and establish the state of the female vagina. After all, the muscle body is significantly stretched when the kid appears.

Most of the wonderful sex representatives firmly believe that sex after cesarean sections can be started before the recommended abstinence weeks. This reasoning is absolutely wrong. Even if the operation does not apply to the vagina area, the place of the placenta still requires healing. The uterus forms a special scar, which should grow and harden. How much can you start a sex life? This question is purely individual and depends on the personal features of the body.

Intimate life after cesarean section

The KS surgical procedure is a comprehensive surgery, which lies in the cutting of the abdomen and the uterus. It is worth noting that the muscular structures of the vagina remain completely intact. As a result, a woman begins to experience other sensations from sex. In some cases, the recovery period may be longer than with natural childbirth. The quality of superimposed seams depends on the level of professionalism of the operation. If everything is done neatly, the healing process will be short. First sex after childbirth can take place after 6-8 and weeks.

This information is averaged, since the body is strictly individual system. Some women can easily start to care for the child in the maternity hospital, others - are restored to 30 days after surgery.

The most optimal option for determining the state of the uterus is an ultrasound study. Digital technology allows you to clearly make sure the scarring of the seams and determine how much you can not have sex. This information can suggest a qualified doctor. In some cases, a full sex life can come in six months. If you ignore the recommendations of the specialist, you can earn additional complications.

Rehabilitation exercise system

After what time is it rational to start proximity to bed? How to cut a volatile wait? A complex of wellness exercises for an intimate muscle after childbirth is an important recovery platform. The vagina after the appearance of the kid is undergoing significant changes. Muscular organ stretches and requires normalization in former sizes.

To speed up this process, rehabilitologists recommend performing special exercises.

For example, the task of Kegel contributes to a significant increase in sexual tone and an increase in the blood supply to the organs of the sexual system. Health action clearly control orgasm. Experienced sexologists recommend women to "stop urine" at the time of the activity of the process of urination. This area of \u200b\u200bmuscular fibers must be gradually training. The main sense of this training is the relaxation and tension of the muscles in different rates. Allowed to do exercises at any time convenient for you.

The return of the previous sensations from sex after childbirth is a real art that closely correlates with wellness training. How long should they be produced? It all depends on the state of the body of the woman and its biological potential, which is laid by nature itself. Physiologists argue that the sensitivity of the vagina after the appearance of the baby's toddler in the mother is significantly reduced.

The simple exercises of Arnold Kegel were originally intended for people who suffered incontinence of urine. However, later clinical studies have shown that healing actions positively affect the sexual tone of the body of the woman. As a rule, sex after childbirth becomes much more pleasant and welcome for representatives of the beautiful sex. Thus, simple systematic exercises are capable of improving intimate life and establish relations in the family.


About 1/3 women begin to experience orgasm only after delivery. As a result, sex becomes better and coming to a new level. Strong hormonal shake in the breastfeeding period of the baby activates the work of all organism systems of the mother. Women's psychology undergo substantial transformation and becomes more open to the surrounding world. At about 30 years, the sexuality of the woman is revealed to the fullest. Often, at this age, she is ready to give birth to a child.

Normal psychological state directly affects good lactation. Adhere to the recommended time, which establishes the doctor. A relaxing massage is perfect for removing physical stress. Select contraceptives needed with the mind. Contraception should not affect the qualitative composition of breast milk. Competently approach this issue and look positively on what is happening around.

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