Made from polypropylene thread. Master class on knitting washcloths from polypropylene threads Crochet from polypropylene threads

There are such wonderful polypropylene threads that look beautiful, bright, shiny. These threads are sold in handicraft stores and hardware departments. They are quite soft and light. Knitting with them (especially crocheting) is a real pleasure. Things also turn out strong, elegant, hold their shape well, etc.

I always take this yarn for future use. Suddenly an idea arises or you need to urgently connect something. And there is already a supply. This yarn is quite inexpensive. It is sold in skeins or reels. The reel is more profitable and convenient. It has a hole inside where you can get the end of the thread and immediately, without rewinding, knit in two folds.
I knit bags, foot mats, and laundry baskets from this yarn. But the best thing to make from such threads is washcloths. These washcloths have many advantages:

  • they are hygienic, they do not harbor germs;
  • they dry quickly, are lightweight, compact;
  • They are beautiful and wear-resistant and last a long time.
So, for knitting a washcloth, I prepared: two blue bobbins (only one is matte and the other is shiny), a No. 5 hook and scissors.
I decided to make the washcloth in the shape of a cylinder with “fur”. This curl can be worn on your hand like a mitten. This way you won’t need to hold it, and washing will be much more convenient.

Having folded the matte blue thread in half, I cast on 35 air loops and closed them with a ring. I knitted 5 rows of single crochets in a circle. Next I start knitting “fur” (elongated loops). I put the thread on my thumb. I insert the hook into the loop on the finger under the bottom wall, crossing the thread. I knit a single crochet, pulling the thread through the elongated loop. I knit the whole row like this. Long loops of “fur” with this fastening are held tightly and do not stretch. It's okay if the elongated loops are not exactly the same length.
In the next row I change the thread to a different color. I knit two rows of stitches and a row of elongated loops. It turns out that the “fur” (elongated loops) will be located through two rows of posts. If desired, you can make “fur” more often: through a row of columns or in each row. But even this number of elongated loops will be enough to make the washcloth fluffy.

Thus, alternating the colors of the threads, I knit nine rows of “fur”. I knit two rows of stitches and start decreasing. Having knitted two stitches, I skip one stitch of the previous row. When the hole at the top of the product remains small, I knit a chain of 16-20 chain stitches. This will be a loop for hanging the washcloth on the hook. I attach it with a half-stitch, knit a couple of single crochets and finish. I secure the thread, tightening it more tightly. I cut it off with scissors, leaving about five centimeters. I thread the hook between the posts.
On the other side, I tie the washcloth with shiny blue thread (the same one that was used for knitting the stripes) to make the edge even and more neat. To do this, two rows of single crochets are enough. You can make a loop for hanging a washcloth on the underside of the product. I fasten and thread the thread in the same way.

Not all hand-knitted items are clothing items. You can also tie a washcloth for bathing. After all, yarn can be made not only from wool or cotton, but also from polypropylene, products from which are easy to lather and scrub off the dead skin layers well, and then wash and dry quickly. This washcloth is a pleasure to wash with.

We will tell you how to crochet a washcloth in a variety of shapes - classic rectangular, in the shape of a mitten or in the form of various toys filled with foam rubber. Children will enjoy this kind of bathing especially, and adults will enjoy using handmade products, which are much better than store-bought washcloths.

No holes are formed in the proposed washcloth; its loops hold firmly without moving apart. The washcloth is crocheted from special threads for washcloths using crochet number 2 into one thread. The washcloth is knitted on both sides, in the round, for which 30-40 air loops are cast. The width of the washcloth depends on their number. The synthetic thread resembles polypropylene tape, but this does not interfere with crocheting at all.

Having typed the specified number of loops, we connect them into a ring with a connecting post. The next 4-5 rows are knitted with single crochet or single crochet; no pulled loops are formed on these rows. Then comes the turn of the rows with these loops, knitted in such a way that they cannot stretch and disrupt the configuration of the product.

Video lesson:

The thread that is used to create the washcloth is specifically designed for creating washcloths and rugs; it is made of polypropylene. You can choose a thread of different colors - the color range is quite wide. A carefully knitted washcloth is much more durable than a store-bought one. First of all, a chain of air loops is assembled, twice as long as the width of the future washcloth. You need to knit carefully, not allowing the thread to delaminate.

The edges of the chain are connected to each other, and a handle is immediately knitted for holding a washcloth, made of 3-4 stitches. Everything is told step by step for beginners, all actions are described in detail. After several regular rows, rows with elongated loops are knitted, which are tied around the thumb.

Video lesson:

When knitting this washcloth, elongated loops are knitted on both sides. To obtain a more fluffy washcloth, knitting was carried out in two threads. That is, two skeins are used or one, then the second end is additionally pulled from the inside. After casting on an air row of loops, a row of stitches with one crochet is knitted.

The next row is knitted without double crochet. After the third row, we begin knitting with elongated loops, forming them with the thumb. In the last stitch of the row, a single crochet stitch is knitted. After turning the work over, the next row is knitted with similar elongated loops, and they end up on the opposite side of the product.

Video lesson:

The product is knitted in the round and has two layers. Using double crochets allows you to knit a washcloth twice as quickly and at the same time reduce thread consumption. The washcloth turns out to be soft, gentle, and quite comfortable to wash with. Threads to create the product were used in two colors, since the product is made with a gradient.

We knit with two threads using crochet number 5. 35 air loops are cast on and closed with a ring. The next row is knitted with single crochets. Then the elongated loops are knitted with a double crochet. To make the loops elongated, they are formed using the thumb. The stitches knit together very quickly. Subsequent rows are knitted similarly.

Video lesson:

The washcloth-mitten, made of threads of various colors, resembles a fancy flower. To make it neat and fluffy, we work with one thread. We start with five air loops, which are looped and after one lifting loop are knitted in a circle using single crochets. In the next row, already elongated loops are knitted between the columns of the previous row, securing them with single crochets.

After the air lifting loop, a row is formed with single crochets, increasing their number: one and two stitches are knitted into cells in turn. Then a whole row of elongated loops is knitted again. Gradually other colors are included, and in the photo the washcloth resembles a flower.

Video lesson:

To make the washcloth look fluffy, you need to use a polypropylene thread folded in half. We begin the work with a set of thirty air loops and connect them with a ring. We knit a single crochet into each of the air loops. In the next row, single crochets alternate with single crochets. Then the same pattern is repeated.

In the next row, we knit elongated loops into each of the columns of the previous row. These loops are secured in a row consisting of single crochet stitches. The front side with elongated loops remains on the inside. The alternation of loops is repeated until the required length. Next, the washcloth is turned inside out.

Video lesson:

This master class is designed for those who do not know how to knit at all. The training begins with a story about how to properly hold the hook, ensuring its movement. The initial loops are also described in detail. The result is a chain of air loops, connected by a ring that serves as a cuff for the product. A row of single crochets is formed; five rows is enough.

In the next rows, elongated loops begin to form, which are draped over the thumb. The technique for creating these loops is discussed in detail on the screen. Further rows are knitted exactly the same until the washcloth reaches the specified length. You can change the color of the thread.

Video lesson:

The yarn used is double, hook number 5. First of all, 36 chain stitches are cast on, they are connected with a ring, and a row is knitted in single crochets. In the next row, only single crochet stitches are used, then two more similar rows are knitted. Let's start creating the main pattern.

A cone is formed from three yarn overs knitted together. Two stitches are skipped, and another cone of four yarn overs is knitted. The entire row is formed from such cones. This pattern with cones is repeated from row to row. A washcloth made of cones arranged in a checkerboard pattern ends with a cuff made of rows of single crochets.

Video lesson:

The washcloth, dyed in the colors of the Russian flag, is knitted from special yarn for washcloths. We cast on 35 loops, this number will determine the width of the washcloth. The chain of loops is closed, and you can start knitting in the round. The first rows are simple, they form the cuff of the washcloth.

Next, elongated loops of the same size begin to form in the rows, which is ensured by throwing each loop over the thumb. After knitting a third of the length of the washcloth, the color changes; another replacement of yarn is made at 2/3 of the full length of the washcloth. Before completing the knitting, two circles of simple loops are knitted to form the cuffs. Next the handle is knitted.

Video lesson:

Work begins with a set of 30 air loops. The resulting chain is looped, and two rows are knitted with single crochets. The next row is knitted with single crochets. Next, the main pattern is knitted, consisting of three double crochets, with a gap of two double crochets between them.

The result is a beautiful pattern that also closes into a ring. This three-stitch pattern is repeated on all subsequent rows until the remaining length of the washcloth is knitted. The washcloth ends, as it began, with two single crochets. The washcloth is almost complete, all that remains is to tie the handles.

Video lesson:


Msalisca (msalisca) wrote in ru_knitting

The MK I bring to your attention is quite suitable for knitting not only a beach bag
in the style of "Colombian mochila". You can knit anything with crochet jacquard. But here are the beach ones
bags made of polypropylene turned out to be very popular. What is good about polypropylene? Erases
a bag made from it is simply rinsed in the sea, the canvas made from it is not inferior in strength to tarpaulin,
easy and unpretentious in everyday life. The only negative, of course, is the completely non-ecological material.

To make such a beach bag (bottom diameter 25 cm, wall height 38 cm, capacity... like a bucket,
no less - it will include a towel, bedding, a bottle of water, cream and a lot of everything small but necessary
on the beach) I use Raffia polypropylene yarn from the manufacturer Adelia. On the Internet upon request
"polypropylene yarn" you can see a similar product from different manufacturers. Anything goes
there are no special features of this particular company, I will say more: the yarn is quite suitable
made from plastic bags. Cotton or viscose yarn will also work fine.
Its thickness should be approximately 400-350 m per 100 g. Yarns whose threads stretch are not suitable
or springy. They won’t fit because they will have a flat bottom and vertical walls to tie together.
not easy. Only if you have some experience and skills in crocheting jacquard. For such a bag
I need about 250-300g of yarn.

About hooks. I knit with thin hooks; I don’t have any hooks thicker than 2.0.
Here I used a 1.35 Clover hook.

You will have to knit very tightly so that the stitches (single crochet) are one to one in height, good
drawn out. A bunch of colored threads (bourdon) will be hidden inside the columns. These threads should be straight
and evenly (over the entire product!!!) stretched and tightly wrapped around the working thread, which is used to knit
single crochet.

I start knitting the bottom with a ring of 5 VP, which I tie with 9 RLS. At the stage of the second row I enter
all the threads used in the ornament are put into work at once. I do this so that the bottom is
dense and so that the size of the columns is the same everywhere. Next I knit the circle in a spiral, according to the laws of knitting
circle - in each new row I add 8-9 columns, making sure that the piece is flat.
If the bottom bends, then most likely the number of added columns in the outer rows
not enough. Another reason is possible: you pulled the bourdon threads too far through the posts,
therefore, the edges are pulled together and the bottom becomes curved or concave. The fix is ​​simple: you need to dissolve the couple
rows and bandage without errors.

If the bottom diameter is 25 cm, the work should be turned away from you and knit one row in the opposite direction
side, then turn the work again and knit one row in the same direction as at the beginning of knitting.
This is to create an edging, from which we will then knit the walls in the same way in a spiral, but without
increase. At a height of 30-32 cm you need to tie 4 holes for the lace, then tie another 5 cm to the top
bags. Now about how to change the color of the thread as you knit to create uniquely colorful and fun
ornaments (knit a column for both half-loops of the previous row):

The front side looks like this:

The reverse side looks like this:

We knit a handle about 1 m long (so that you can not just put it on your shoulder, but carry it across
oblique fathom - it’s more convenient). You can knit a large ring in a spiral, and then cut it, you can
tie a VP chain about 80 cm long and tie it on one side and the other in a spiral in 6-8 rows
columns with bourdon inside - then you won’t need to cut anything. Any decor will suit - knitted
balls, beads, tassels - whatever your heart desires!

It turns out quite bright and joyful, especially when looking into the bag on a sunny morning:

That's all the tricks. It remains to add that VP is an air loop, RLS is a single crochet.
Bonus - several ornaments (in 1 cell there are two single crochets):

Have a nice summer everyone!
Thank you for reading))).
Here is a cosmetic bag made using the same technique:

After all, not only bags can be knitted, everything can be knitted with jacquard. My friend has a skullcap for her son
knits from cotton using this technique - very beautiful. I knitted a hat for my granddaughter - the brim is just like that
crochet jacquard made:

Blue and yellow bag.

I tried to make MK, so I used poisonous contrasting colors of the packages to make it easier to see, but... at that time my camera was silently dying... the process turned out to be very difficult to see, but it still adds understanding to my description.
I cut blue and yellow bags (for 60 liters), as always, 2.5 cm wide, hook No. 5. Knitting - single crochet. Medium size ladies bag.
I tied two identical square bottom pieces with a blue ribbon and connected them with single crochets.
Then I lifted the parts of the barrels, front and back separately. I knitted the sides with yellow ribbon in the shape of triangles, and the front - the back with blue ribbon in rectangles.

Separately, I tied a rectangular flap with a yellow ribbon, embroidered the trim with a blue ribbon using a crochet stitch, tied it with a blue ribbon in single crochets and crab stitches, and sewed it to the back. I tied a circle with a yellow ribbon (with a diameter slightly larger than the diameter of the magnetic button) and attached the button part to it (in the photo it lies separately near the valve). I sewed it to the valve.
I tied a pocket on the front front with yellow ribbon, attached the second piece of the magnetic button to it, tied it around the sides in a crawfish step and sewed it to the front with blue ribbon. I tied and sewed a pocket (it will be internal) to the inside of the back part of the bag with a blue ribbon.
I knitted two parts of the handles, their ends are narrowed in the shape of tongues (i.e. the parts of the handles are knitted in the shape of boats), which will be sewn to the bag. In the photo (front side of the bag) you can see that the top handle is completely ready: a transparent tube with a length equal to the length of the handle without reeds is inserted into it. The bottom handle in the photo is a semi-finished product. When I sewed the tabs onto the bag, I made sure that the tube inside the handles rested against the bag.
I don’t know how clearly I described the process of making and sewing on the handles. But this turns out to be the most frequently asked question.

The wrong side of the semi-finished bag:

I sewed the handles to the bag by the tongues:

I crocheted it in single crochet stitches and tied it again in a crochet step on the sides of the bag:

Photo of the finished handbag details:

Author— Tarasyuk Anna Yaroslavovna. Tyumen. I am 34 years old, I have been knitting for more than 20 years, and I work as an assistant professor at Tyumen State University. Mother of a wonderful boy:) A cute and useful hobby helps you relax after a hard day at work.

Summer bag, height 29 cm, width 30 cm.

Thread “Rose” in 2 folds, hook No. 1.5.

Handbag it turned out to be small 14-24-5 cm

Competition entry No. 9 – Knitted bag “Sovunya”

Hello, my name is Tatyana. I present to you my work:

Children's bag "Sovunya" with a wallet.

Knitted from polypropylene threads, crocheted No. 1.5. I knitted without a pattern, relying on my imagination.

Competition work No. 8 – Knitted bag “Fat bag”

Hello. My name is Natalya Kuteeva, I am from Krasnoyarsk. I decided to take part in the competition again, before that I took part in the napkins competition)))

Competition entry No. 7 – Bag “Chamomile Field”

I used 3 types of thread: champagne-colored denim (4 skeins), brick-colored denim (4 skeins) and cotton for the chamomile bottom (2 skeins). I always take extra thread so that there is no hassle later!

Bag size 40 cm (width) and 30 cm (height without handle).

Competition work No. 6Beige bag with bow

The second work from Tatyana Laletina, sent to the competition.

Beige bag with bow Also knitted from satin ribbons 12mm wide, crocheted No. 5. To give rigidity to the bottom, I inserted a piece of linoleum.

Bag size 40 cm * 22 cm.

Competition entry No. 5 – Handbag made of satin ribbons

Hello, my name is Laletina Tatyana.
I found out about your competition and decided to participate.
I was inspired to create my handbags by the works of Svetlana Tregub, which I once saw on the internet. I wanted to do something similar and this is what I came up with.

Job No. 1. The blue oval bag is crocheted from satin ribbons 12mm wide, crocheted No. 5, to give rigidity, a 7mm wide crossbar was laid along the contour of the ovals. Magnetic button for fastening.

Bag size 33 cm* 21 cm.

Competition entry No. 4 – Crocheted knitted phone case

Description of knitting a phone case

Competition entry No. 3 – Knitted bag from “granny squares”

Good afternoon I have long liked elegant crocheted items, but never got around to it. My main hobby is knitted toys, and if I really like something, I’ll knit it. I had accumulated a lot of leftover yarn, I looked at the wonderful granny squares, but they were crocheted, at first I was upset, but then I tried it and it worked! I was so excited that I knitted a bag, and even tried to make a phone case - these are my first crocheted items!

Bag knitting pattern