How to paint hair henna. Hair painting: Features of application and dilution rules for various shades. Disadvantages of stained staining

Henna (Henna) Natural vegetable dye. For its manufacture, the Lavsonian Lavsonian Leaves are used (Lawsonia inermis), dried and fluttered into powder (green). Henna leaves contain two coloring substances - green chlorophyll and yellow-red Lavson 1-4%. Henna also contains penithstanic acid, polysaccharides, resinous and fatty substances, organic acids, including gallovia, vitamins - C, K, traces of essential oil.

Staining occurs on the principle of pigment accumulation in the upper layers of the hair - in the cuticle. The coloring pigment does not penetrate the structure (inside) of the hair, but despite this, paints the hair for a long time, and is not flushed completely (as a chemical paint), although it does not have such a strong coloring ability to completely replace the natural color of the hair. Henna is more tinting tool than paint. It gives shade hair, and it differs depending on the starting tone of the hair.

Henna can only paint the hair only in - orange-red, - red-brown, or - red-red tone, because Such colors are due to the main dye of the Henna - Lavson. The variety of colors can be achieved, only mixing the huna with various herbs and additives. Any other color (ruby, tyitian, eggplant, etc.), except for the true color of the henna - this is either a mixture of henna with other staining plants (for example, with bass), or with synthetic dyes.

Henna is Indian, or Iranian. Unlike Indian, the color gamma of the Iranian henna is much wider, and when mixed, you can get a variety of great shades (intensity depends on the original natural hair color).

There are also such rare Henna varieties that absorb color - slightly brighten the hair (on one and a half or two tones).


Hammer harm

Honna harm It manifests itself when the staining of henna is too frequent. It may dry the hair (due to the content of acids in it and tanning substances). As a result of the frequent use of the henna, harm and the opposite effect - the hair becomes dull. With repeated penetration of the dye of the henna in the hair cuticle, its protective layer is broken, and the hair can begin to begin. With loss of moisture, they become weakened - lose force and fall out. Hair, oversaturated henna, become dull, disobedient, dry, they lose elasticity, become tougher, with difficulty glass, and do badly hold it. It is difficult for them to give the volume.

Henna has the usual to fade.

The resulting color of the hair after staining is almost impossible to change with artificial dyes. Thanks to its enveloping properties, Henn protects hair from any penetration - the coloring pigments will not be able to penetrate the hair. Vegetable dyes are very poorly combined with chemical. It is not necessary to use artificial dyes while the hair painted by the henna will not completely grow. The reaction of chemicals and lavsonia can give a completely unpredictable result, up to radical blue, orange or green shades. Chemical paint can be unevenly lying, and the color will be inhomogeneous.

Vegetable hair paints are not combined with chemicals. Therefore, it is impossible to use HHNU if the hair was recently painted with a chemical-based means are decidedd by chemical twigs, or melted.

Henna masks gray hair and roots, but fully compare the color of the gray strands with the rest of the hair when painting henna in the first time its use will not be able - gray hair porous, cling the paint more and faster. As a result, on the background of the rest of the hair, gray hair looks much red, the carrot (fiery-red) color. For a good effect, the gray hair will need to be gray, and there will be more than once, but a few that the color fastens and become darker.

Just henna can cause harm if applying it with the addition of artificial dyes. This can cause an allergic skin reaction.

The result of staining henna is not always predictable, because The final color will depend on the original color of the hair, the time of staining and the method of brewing the henna powder. Staining hair henna requires a certain skill (experience) - powder brewing, its application.

Henna is not always easy to rinse from the hair. This requires a large amount of water. It is necessary to flush the paint for a very long time and carefully until the water becomes transparent. Orange stains after henna are not easy to wash out from under the nails.


Henna treats hair

Henna's action, preferably sparing compared to synthetic permanent paints, when special reagents are used to penetrate paint inside the hair. When staining, it does not destroy the existing natural pigment, but simply envelops the hair, aligning it and giving the volume, as well as creating a thin protective layer. Painted henna hair is protected from the harmful effects of the Sun, and even sea water is not terrible, one of the risk factors for chemical dyes. In compliance with the instructions for the use of Henna gives the hair a saturated color, makes them more dense, thick magnificent and elastic.

Henna protects the hair from the harmful effects of the sun, gives the color stability that does not fade in the sun and dims up much slower than with ordinary staining.

Henna helps with splitting tips, dullness, hair luxury, excessive fatty or dry hair.

The effect of henna on the hair and the skin is expressed in a light dubbing effect, in the adjustment of the sebaceous glands, the water-fat exchange is normalized. Henna contains tubyl substances that are tightened by an outer scaled layer and give hair shine. As a result, damaged hair is restored, and hair scales are completely closed. All this allows the formation of a protective film for hair, which gives the effect of dense. In addition, the mixture stimulates blood circulation, nourishes the skin of the head, strengthens the roots of the hair, promotes the growth of the hair rods, eliminates the dandruff.

The result is visible even after the first procedure - even brittle and dull hair acquire shine, become dense and seem to be thick.

Henna has no contraindications for adults or for children. Henna Hypoallergenna, which makes it indispensable with allergic reactions to the chemical paint. For pregnant and lactating women, hair staining natural paint henna approved by doctors. After childbirth, the hair becomes even thicker and less fall out.

Henna also paint eyebrows and eyelashes - color will last longer than with chemical staining, and hair bulbs will strengthen. After painting the eyelashes become longer and thick.

Henna is used to apply temporary tattoos. The active components of the henna purify and nourish the skin, and also have antifungal and astringent properties.

How to paint hair henna

It is necessary to pick up the frequency of use of henna for their hair so that Henna does not harm the hair structure. If the hair is fatty or normal, then you can paint with henna to 3 times a month, and if dry, no more often than once a month, and someone every two months.

When using natural henna (without synthetic additives), no more than once every 2-3 months, the drying effect should be minimal.

When staining the hair of henna, especially for sensitive skin of the head, it is desirable to use it in combination with moisturizing and nutritional masks, cosmetic oils for hair and scalp, for example, with a grape bone oil, wheat germs (1 - 2 spoons), etc. Can be used even once, or two per week, if you add oil, honey, yolk, milk, dairy products, etc., which noticeably soften the binding properties of the henna, thanks to them, it is possible to increase the exposure time of masks with henna and even adjust the degree of pain Hair.

Henna is more suitable for dark (brown, black) hair, the time of their staining is 1-1.5 hours. With light hair you need to exercise caution - the time of exposure to two, and even three times less. Bright, also gray hair is painted by Hus very quickly, as a result - unnaturally bright redhead color.

After opening, under the influence of air, the powder from the henna is quite quickly spoiled, so the reused use of the stored powder can give a weaker result. Fresh henna has gray-green. When Henna acquires brown, it means that it spoiled and lost the coloring properties.

Make paint need in ceramic or glassware. Metal is not suitable, since the acids contained in the paint can react with the material of the dishes. During the application of henna on the head, special gloves should be put on hands.

How to brew hu

In order to "released" dye (Hennatonic acid), it is necessary to brew in advance - for several hours (you can at night, or per day) at room temperature (approximately 21c). The surface of the paint should darken a little - become a slightly brown, which means that the coloring pigment has been released and oxidized by air. The larger the room temperature, the faster the pigment is released. If you put a paste with a henna to the temperature + 35c - it will be ready after 2 hours. Then you can add various additives, oils.

Henna is better manifested in an acidic environment.

Henna is not recommended to brew hot (boiling) with water, as it will give faded and unsaturated copper-orange, very poorly pronounced shade. In order for the color to be bright and saturated with an acidic medium, because Henna is more active than the pigment at the level of acidity 5.5 - slightly sour. Therefore, it is necessary to dilute the hu (to the consistency of sour cream) acidic liquid:

  • Lemon juice
  • Kefir.
  • Apple vinegar
  • Dry wine
  • Herbal tea with lemon

When the interaction of the henna with an acidic area, staining occurs deeper and expressive - painted hair will gradually darken to a saturated dark red color. Hair acquires color under the influence of oxygen, and this process can take several days. The true color of the henna is usually manifested only in two or three, four days. Especially in the sun, or in the solarium.

Henna and essential oils

Adding essential oils to diluted huhu (several drops) with a high level of terpenes (monoterpene), helps to get a more rich color. Mono-terpene alcohols and oxidizing substances together with the well well affect the brightness of the hair after their staining.

  • The high level of terpenes (monoterpenes) in the essential oil of the tea tree, eucalyptus, also the pronounced effect gives oil incense.
  • Rosemary, geranium or lavender essential oil have a weaker effect.
  • Lavender oil added to Huma makes color saturated and of all essential oils will not cause skin irritation than it is very suitable for children or pregnant women.

When washed off after painting hair, do not use the shampoo.

How to wash off the head paint

Since Henna is not a chemical preparation, it takes time to fasten the hair well. Therefore, the head should be washed after 2-3 days after staining henna, then the color will be deep and intense, but only the roots will be told. If you wash your head the next day after staining, the paint will not fix it, and the painting will have to repeat more often.

Henna feature - in gradual hair saturation with color. With each new application, the intensity and depth of staining increases. The longer keeping the hu on the hair - the rich is the hue. The result will also depend on the color of their own hair, their structure, porosity.

Red walled spots on the skin after painting, the henna is washed away with any detergent (soap, gel).

To neutralize too bright color, you need to warm up a little vegetable oil and carefully linked it into the hair. Sweep the hairdryer, wash off shampoo. Oil absorbs hat. After some time, the procedure can be repeated.


Henna shades

With the help of Henna, you can get a lot of shades - from the fire-red to bright chestnut.

Henna is combined with other vegetable components. In combination with them, you can get a wide range of hair shades:

Saturated Golden - Yellow Tint

Rewal, or turmeric. 200 g of dried rhubarb stems are connected to a bottle of white dry wine and boiled until half of the liquid popping out (you can use simple water). Packet Henna is added to the remaining composition. Mass are applied to the hair and keep around half an hour.

Color of old gold

Saffron. 2 grams of saffron boiled for 5 minutes, add hnu.

Thick honey-yellow

Chamomile. 2 tablespoons of chamomile are brewing, flickering and adding it.

Red-cherry with a purple reflections

Beet juice. Heat up to 60 degrees juice, add the henna bag.

Color of mahogany

Cocoa. Henna is connected from 3-4 tbsp. Cocoa spoons. Brew a mixture with hot water, and immediately apply a cleaner on clean and dry hair.

Strengthening red shade

Marines, or carcade. The root of the marines (2 tbsp. Spoons) is boiled in a glass of water, add hnu.

Chestnut tint

3 pieces of henna and 1 part of the bass.

Saturated - chestnut with reddish

Ground coffee. 4 teaspoons with a slide of natural ground coffee poured a glass of boiling water. Boiling 5 minutes. Slightly cool. Packet Henna is added to the solution.

Dark chestnut with red tump

(Proportions for long hair) 100-150 g. Henna, 2 tablespoons of coffee, cocoa, mazoni, olive oil. The longer keep the mixture, the time is rich.

Dark cinnamy

Walnut shell. Long boil crushed shells (about 2 tbsp. Spoons), then the henna package is added.

Chocolate color

Walnut leaves. They boil 1 tablespoon of leaves, the henna bag is added.

Bronze tint

Basma. Basma without henna stains her hair in a greenish blue shade. For the "bronze" you need to take 2 parts of the henna and 1 part of the bass.

Osin-black shade

Henna and bass in equal amounts. First paint the hair henna - keep at least an hour. Smash. After that apply Basma.

For radiating hair

1/2 cups of henna, 1/4 cup of water, 1 raw egg. Leave the mixture for 15-45 minutes.

For dry and brittle hair

1/2 cups of henna, 1/4 cup of water, 2 tbsp. yogurt. Leave the composition for 15-45 minutes.

For shiny and fragrance

1/2 cups of henna, 1/4 cups of water, 1/4 spice coffee spoons (ginger, nutmeg, black pepper, cinnamon). Leave the composition for 15-45 minutes.

For golden shades

1/4 coffee spoon, 3 tbsp. Apple vinegar. Leave the composition for 15-45 minutes.


If you have blonde hair, it is enough for them to get a red, or a light yellow shade enough from 5 to 10 minutes, dark hair is needed - 30-40 minutes, and black - will require at least 1.5-2 hours. 1/2 Cups Henna, 1/4 cups of tea-beam (black tea for brown, chamomile - for blondes, or coffee for black hair).

If you want to change the usual color of strands, you can contact the beauty salon or to perform the color in a comfortable home atmosphere. The new color makes the image of fresh and unexpected, emphasizes style in clothes, for a while raises the mood when learning the reflection in the mirror. Henna is a natural dye with harmless effect.

Is it useful to staining hair henna

Many women are confident that painting her hair is harmful. Such an opinion is erroneously, if you use the natural basis in the composition of the paint. Chemical components harm the structure of strands, violate the functionality of follicles, inhibit the growth of hair lows. Among the beneficial properties, professionals distinguish the following changes in general and the hairstyle condition due to the peculiarities of the natural formula:

  • lavson is an active ingredient component of natural origin, which gives strands of the redhead, paints seeds;
  • polysaccharides nourish and moisturize the skin of the head, stimulate the growth and health of follicles;
  • essential oils are successfully treated and prevent a number of dermatological diseases of the skin, inclined to their chronic flow;
  • resinous substances output free radicals, participate in the process of cell regeneration, feed strands;
  • organic acids normalize the activity of the sebaceous glands, provide a normal type of hair;
  • beta carotene makes strands with elastic, obedient;
  • vitamins A, B, K and with beneficially affect the structure of strands, contribute to her health and fortress.


Before painting the hair henna, it is necessary to carefully examine the instructions, familiarize yourself with the advantages and disadvantages of this natural product. Since there are several possible shades, you need to familiarize yourself with the most appropriate option, determine the rules of painting strands. Among the advantages of such products it is required to highlight the following points:

  • durability of paint due to the presence of essential oils in the natural composition;
  • hypoallergenic effect on the scalp, i.e. There are no side effects of the procedure;
  • the presence of natural coloring substances;
  • rare contamination of the head;
  • effective struggle against dandruff and itching;
  • strengthening brittle and sequential ends;
  • prevention of all forms of alopecia;
  • natural shine and rich shade of strands.


Before abandoning to the long-awaited hair painting, it is necessary to study all the negative sides of such a venture. The result obtained, in any case, will not be colorless, therefore it is necessary to maximally read the purchased products and its characteristic features. Among the disadvantages of painting, henna experts allocate the following points:

  • short effect on hair;
  • complexity in choosing the required shade;
  • complexity in the color of gray hair;
  • the difficulty of removing the shade;
  • using the dye no more often 1 time in 3 months;
  • application of chemical coloring methods only after 3-4 months after applying Henna hair.

Types of dye

Heno and Basma continue to actively use in hairdresser's art, because without harm to hair, you can not only brighten the strands, but also to choose them a more rich shade: brown, chestnut, black. The final result depends on the choice of dye, its quality and individual structure of the strands. Hus hair painting - whole art for a novice master. To use the composition without nerves, and after not to be disappointed, it is important to know everything about the types of natural dyes.

Such paint is necessary to lighten the hair at once a few tones. The process of color is possible at home, ideal for the first attempts to radically change the dull image. The presence of chemical additives in the composition allows you to sharply transform your usual image, become a blonde. The formula additionally contains ammonium persulfate and hydrogen peroxide, which makes the color saturated and resistant for a long period of time. Experts argue that White Henna treats hair, effectively fights with all the manifestations of dandruff.

Iranian hen.

This is a safe tool for hair color, which additionally protects strands from the densitive effects of ultraviolet and other pathogenic environmental factors. Such powder paint provides a prolonged cosmetic effect, while does not violate the structure of hair follicles. How much to keep the hu on the hair, completely depends on the desired shade, and the time interval characterizes the procedure from 45 minutes to 2 hours. Iranian henna is colorless, but it provides the desired shade of hair.

Indian hen.

Another effective and reliable way of hair coloring. Products are represented in the form of powder for further interaction with water. If you keep it on the hair of the specified time, you can get a new color strand, while achieving the desired brilliance of the updated hairstyle. This natural dye is used when creating drawings on the body, the main thing is to prepare it correctly.

How to paint hair henna at home

  1. Before starting the procedure, it is recommended to cut the sequencing ends, otherwise their shade will be somewhat different from the total tone.
  2. The first thing is to breed a powder in hot water with a temperature of 80 degrees, prepare a mixture of liquid consistency and a saturated shade.
  3. After creating the coloring composition, it is necessary to peel your head well, slightly add strands, fit well.
  4. Prepare a special brush, gloves and a sponge, after which you can proceed directly to the hair color process.
  5. Share the hairstyle on separate strands, high qualityly paint each of the base to the tips, starting with the nape.
  6. It is a good process to treat the whole way in this way, to apply the composition evenly throughout the thickness of the strand.
  7. Tie the painted hair in a high tail, wear a handkerchief and a warm towel to create the so-called "greenhouse effect".
  8. Do not remove the mask of 30-60 minutes depending on the desired color of strands, the saturation of the shade.
  9. Rinse the composition is recommended for water with the addition of vinegar (on the liter it is 1 tbsp. L.) Until water gets transparent color.

Since the ancient times, women wanted to look better. And used for this a lot of tricks. Henna is a completely natural dye, which not only gives hair new shades, but also cares for her hair. But for some reason, many stylists do not recommend painting hair henna. Like any other dye, Henna has a number of its advantages and disadvantages.

What gives hair staining henna - pros and cons

To begin with, consider how it is useful for hair for hair:

  • Henna is made of Lavsonian leaves and absolutely natural;
  • Henna is better than any other means struggling with dandruff due to its antibacterial properties;
  • After staining, henna hair is restored, become more dense and obedient;
  • No chemical paint will be able to give such natural red hair color;
  • Essential oils add etheric oils to obtain new hue. Thus, it becomes even more useful;
  • With regular use of henna, the hair grows faster and stronger;
  • Henna envelops and protects hair from sunlight;
  • Henna is cheaper than chemical paints;
  • Henna does not cause allergies, so if you are allergic to chemical paint, you can use natural dyes.

But in addition to all the positive properties of Henna, there are also disadvantages:

  • Henna is very difficult to wash off from the hair;
  • If, after staining the henna, you want to go to the chemical paint, the result of staining may not be predictable;
  • With very frequent use of Henna, the hair dries, but this problem does not arise from everyone and can be avoided by adding a little oil;
  • When using Henna, you will have to forget about the himsawing or lamination of the hair. These procedures will not give the desired effect.

Henna species

At the moment there are several types of henna. And depending on the type of Henna has different properties.

  • Iranian. At the moment, this kind of henna is the most common and popular. Such henna gives only one shade. But in addition, you can additionally add a few natural components and get the shade you need
  • Indian. Such henna has several different shades, and also it has a very pleasant smell.
  • Turkish. This henna does not give bright shades, but it has very good quality.
  • Liquid. This is a henna in the form of a liquid cream. Such a henna is easy to paint the hair and it is easily washed off.
  • Black. Chemical components are included in such a cold, so it does not have healing qualities.
  • Colorless. This kind of henna is used to create hair masks, but not suitable for staining.

How to paint hair henna

If you compare the staining of the henna and staining with chemical paints, then the Henna takes more time and requires the correctness of the execution.

To begin with, it is necessary to correctly figure out how much your hair is required:

  • If you have long hair, then approximately 500 grams of henna powder
  • On the hair, long before the chin, will leave about 200 grams.
  • If you have shorter hair, then you will have 100 gr.

How to paint henna - step by step instructions

Before painting the hair henna, better spend the test on one strand to assess the color and result. This will help you avoid disappointment after staining.

  • First of all, take the suitable container and pour it into it. It is necessary to breed the henna with water with a temperature of 90 ° C, pouring it gradually so that there are no lumps. The finished mixture should be like a thick sour cream on consistency.
  • After that, we bite the cold with a towel and let's break in a warm place for about 15 minutes. If you have dry hair, be sure to add a little oil to the mixture, which you like so that Henna does not damage them. Oil can be replayed, but it can affect the color of staining. The most common oil option is olive or coconut.
  • Before applying henna, it is advisable to wash them on the hair and dry the towel. But wash your hair only shampoo. Balm is better not to use, as it will close hair scales. Also on the skin along the hair, apply a thick layer of cream or glycerin to accidentally not leave stains.
  • Be sure to wear gloves and think in advance, in what clothes you will paint. Henna is impossible to wash out clothes and can leave spots on the skin, from which it is hard to get rid of.
  • After that, proceed to staining. Apply a mixture on your hair along the entire length, distributing evenly through the hair. At the same time, a very important condition is the temperature of the mixture. Make a water bath so that the paint does not have time to cool.
  • After that, we bite your hair with polyethylene and eat in a towel. So that Henna does not arrive, jump under the turban paper towels or napkins.

The owners of light hair will enhance 20 minutes so that the hair is punishing.
On dark hair, the mixture must be kept about 1 - 1.5 hours of obtaining results.
In order to wash off the hat with hair, use warm water, but the shampoo is better not to use. It is easiest to do this in the shower under running water. Wash out very carefully so that you do not have any henna lumps in the hair.
After you were washed off all the hu, slip the hair with water, into which add some vinegar or lemon juice. This is necessary to secure the shade.
If you do not succeed, it is possible to wash your hair with a small amount of Balzam. Then the remnants will wash it much better.

How to get different shades when staining henna

  • In order to get a bright and natural redhead color as a result of staining, add 20 grams of a hammer ginger to Honu.
  • In order to get a copper color to add 5 grams with ground cinnamon, 5 grams of turmeric and fill the powder hot milking black tea.
  • To obtain golden - honey colors, add 30 grams of liquid honey to the mixture and 5 grams of the ground carnations
  • To get dark red, it will take: 50 gr. Egyptian henna, 300 ml. Beet juice, 50 ml. Red wine, 20 gr. Cocoa Powder, 20 gr. Powder Marna Krasnaya, 20 drops of carnation essential oil. Mix the hu from cocoa and garnet powder, fill with beet juice and mix. Add wine and carnation oil, scroll the mass and apply on the hair.
  • To obtain the color of black cherry, you turn the junction with a strong infusion of the carcade.

How to paint the hair bass

In addition to the henna, bass is also used for hair dyeing. But it is impossible to use bass without henna, otherwise your hair will get a green shade. Basma is used only with henna to get shades from chocolate to black.

But do not use for a mixture with a basma white or colorless hu. Because in the end, the hair color will be green or blue.

The mixture for staining from the bass is preparing exactly as from the henna. Indigo Leaf Powder (Basma) Mix with Lavsonian leaves and fill with water 90 ° C. Give it.

If the henna is applied to wet hair, then the bass is better to apply on dry, or a slightly wet hair. And do not necessarily wander the hair with a cap and a towel.

  • To obtain a chestnut hint of the hnu and bass mix in equal proportions
  • To obtain a black shade of bass take 2 times more than henna
  • To get the shade of old bronze on 2 parts of the henna add 1 part of the bass
  • If you want to get a thick black color with a tint, then you must first apply a mixture of henna on your hair and paint them within an hour, then divert bass and apply for 3 hours.

  • If the color turned out to be too saturated as a result of staining, apply grape oil on the hair, go with him for about an hour, and after wash your head with shampoo.
  • If, after staining with bass and henna, the color turned out to be darker than you wanted, spread your hair with the calculus, dipped it into lemon juice.
  • If you add glycerol in the process of preparing the mixture, then the color of coloring will be smoother.
  • To get even more hair benefits in the coloring composition, you can add egg yolk. It will not only have a hair, but will help it easier to wash off the hair powder.
  • You can strengthen the effect of bass adding several drops of ammonia in a mixture.
  • Before buying a hnu, be sure to pay attention to how fresh it is. Expired henna loses its properties, and the result of staining can hardly like it.
  • Unfortunately, Henna cannot paint gray, so if you have a big part of the hair, it is better to give up from staining.
  • The true shade of staining is manifested only on the 3 day after the use of Henna. Therefore, it is better not to wash the hair with shampoo 3-4 days so as not to wash off the paint from the hair.
  • Also, in addition to hair, you can paint eyebrows. Many experts use henna for eyebrows, and the result holds longer than from chemical paint

The staining of the henna and the bass does not harm the hair and you probably will be satisfied with the result of staining. Even even first it seems hard to you, when you bring you, you probably don't want to make a natural dye to make any of the chemical paints.

Change the image, improving appearance and making it more effectively - the favorite occupation of representatives of the beautiful part of the world's population. And one of the ways to achieve the goal is to dye hair. Only not everyone is ready to sacrifice the new image. Therefore, natural, Henna dyes are so popular. It provides tone hair from golden to saturated-copper. But that the experience does not end with disappointment, it is necessary to paint the henna correctly.

Henna: nature to help beauty

Henna and paint the hair, and strengthen it, and will provide shine with the volume. Especially such a color is useful to strands thin, with increased fat. The dye will make hair smooth, and the pigment does not destroy the curl structure. Because henna and became so popular with the resident of the East.

How to cook and how to paint the hair

Usually for painting the middle length of the transitions at home is enough single standard sachet of the substance. Dilmed it in water is very hot, adding to staining little to creamy consistency. Before applying for hair, the mass insists ten minutes. So that it does not cooled, keep on a hot water bath.

Before staining, curls should be rinsed, dry and thoroughly combing. The perfect option is before staining to fir the tips. A fat cream is applied along the hair growth line to prevent skin staining. Start the procedure from forehead.

The mass of clean hair is divided by samples on a part of a centimeter and the painting mass is quickly and distributed through the hair, while the paint has not cooled.

After writing all the strands, the head turn the film with a warm handkerchief. How much to keep? Henna's shutter speed on the hair will determine the original tone, delicate and the desired outcome of the color of the chapels.

If the color is too dark, vegetable oil is applied on strands, the curls with shampoo are applied and washed. The oil pulls over the henna. Especially effectively tick-free.

Possible shades

The dark hair will turn out to be painted in shades from golden to reddish. Hold the paint from the quarter of an hour to one and a half hours. The hair of blond tones will become brighter.

Blondes when painting henna caution is necessary. Tint manifests itself quickly. To paint in golden color you will need only five minutes. Therefore, it is impossible to paint the painting procedure without control. On the discolored hair, the effect is unpredictable, so it is better to refrain from self-use.

For greater convenience, when applying a mixture on strands at home it is useful to add yolks to it. He additionally nourishes curls. Natural components change the shade of hair. So, herbal decoctions and kefir give a golden tone.

For brown color, coffee, cocoa, black tea or coarse. The red rusk, carnation, carcade, red wine or cranberry juice will be added. In golden spare, paint the composition with a chamomile infusion, cinnamon or ginger.

How to strengthen tone saturation

For saturated shades to the powder, an acidic substance is added, for example, lemon, yoke, or essential oils. Twenty grams of water add grams of citric acid and ten grams of henna. The composition is stirred and allowed. Such an additive releases the coloring pigment. With forty degrees, the release will take the moments of three minutes. If the temperature is not higher than thirty degrees, you can only paint the strands after four hours.

You can squeeze four hundred milliliters of lemon juice by fifty grams of powder and keep ten hours. Paint ripens in a warm place faster, but it is recommended to warm it regularly and mix.

Of the ethers, geranium, tea tree, lavender, cypress and Ravensar work best. For twenty grams of powder, the entire pair-triple drops are needed.

How to avoid mistakes

It is beneficial to conduct a preliminary test on one strand of hair to determine the time to get the desired tone. Wash off warm water without shampoo to full transparency flowing with liquid hair. At the end, the curls are rinsed with acidic water. Henna will work for another two days, because the shade of hair may change during this time. Wash during this time is not recommended.

In terms of perseverance, henna exceeds other chemical paints. So until the next paint will have to wait a month or one and a half. It is better to apply the mixture for the gripped hair roots, otherwise the tone of the strand will be darker every time.

If the chapels have already been painted professionally, the curls are performed on the curls or seeds more than forty percent, then painting his hair henna at home is harmful. Even after washing, with the coloring of the natural paint should not be hurried: the hair of fantastic colors are good in the cinema, but not in real life. It should not be used by plant paint to change the tone of different along the structure of the strand, for example, seen on the tips.

With frequent experiments with the color of the chapels, it is not necessary to use the hnu. It is very difficult to wash it, and such a procedure can cost and spectacular tone, and straight health. You can not use powder on extensive and dirty hair. If after it is planned to use the chemical preparation, then it is better to dye it better.

Henna painting rules

Negative reviews about painting at home are associated with errors in the use of vegetable paint. Low-quality Henna spoil hair, since manufacturers enhance the effects of powder with different additives. Therefore, it should be purchased only in proven places and do not chase as cheap. And the best options are to paint the Iranian or Indian Henna High Quality.

You can buy high quality paint only in a specialized store. It is necessary to look at the composition: any additives in the composition - a signal from buying to refuse. High-quality drug exudes a strong herbal aroma and has green.

Be sure to test possible shades to not be mistaken with tone saturation. Excessively bright tone appearance ruptures, and not decorate it.

Henna can be painted more often than two months. When mixing the means with other paints, the results may be sad, not encouraging.

For the first coloring, it is beneficial to contact the salon. Professionals and tone correctly select, and the use of the correct teach. After evaluating the result obtained and obtaining the necessary information, you can paint the champper on your own.

If determined to use natural dye is not enough, it is possible to start with special coloring shampoos containing Hu nu or try Huna colorless. The latter will not be able to paint the strands, but will strengthen them, giving a healthy shine. The choice of drug is carried out by affordability and purpose of the means. But it should be remembered that it is impossible to save on your own beauty.

Henna is a wonderful tool, which without chemistry and all sorts of additives will give the hair of a natural pleasant shade. But you need to be very careful, because due to improper mixing of proportions, instead of the fiery redhead it turns out dark green. How to paint hair henna and at the same time achieve the desired shade?

Beneficial features

This wonderful remedy was opened by indigenous American. Even then they tried different mixing of colors and ingredients, it was their recipes that became the basis for modern paints with a natural basis. Henna's beneficial properties:

Most often with the help of Henna, girls want to become red besties. Even when using powder without additives, the color will be close to natural, bright and persistent. But what needs to be done, to change the shade of paint?

To get bright red color, you need to mix the contents of the three Henna bags (the amount depends on the length of the hair) with a half of the ginger packet. Pour boiling water and apply on the hair. Little secret: The longer insist the mixture, the darker the color will be released.

Do you want to become a girl with copper curls at home? As easy as pie! We will need seven bags of ordinary henna, one third part of a ginger teaspoon, turmeric, cinnamon, all this is mixed and pouring very strong black tea. The brighter of the shade of natural hair - the brighter the color of staining will come out.

Photo - red hair before and after painting

Henna is not only a painting agent, but also an excellent cosmetic drug that carries out of her hair, gives them volume and strength. To care for curly hair, you need to mix Iranian henna (take the amount needed for your length), two spoons of avocado oil, 10 drops of rosemary and two spoons of cocoa. All this is stirred and diluted with boiling water. Stir once again. Before painting your hair, make sure that there are no lumps in the mixture. We smear on the hair and keep 2 hours under the food film.

To paint the hair into a deep redhead color with copper notes, you need to dilute the four pieces of henna to the state of the casher, after that, add two spoons of the heated flower honey and a spoon of carnations. If the hair is very dry, then you can also beat the egg to the mixture. Thoroughly mix and apply on strands, withstand 2 hours.

Paint in chestnut

To get the desired shade of chocolate on the head, you need to use Basma and Henna in equal proportions. If desired, besides the paint, separately you can make the same mixture that will strengthen the hair. The paint should be seen on the scaffold of nettle or burdock, add a literally a few drops of nutmeg essential oil. For a strengthening solution, you need to make black coffee or very strong tea, jojoba oil and mix well. The first mixture is recommended to apply on the roots, and the second - along the entire length of the hair. Very important point of coffee: To find the right concentration you need to mix powder with water before getting a dark color. You can also with this recipe also give hair a slightly red shade, simply, instead of the burst of the burdock, add a branch of the onion husk to it.

Photo - Painting Henna in Chestnut Color

Very beautiful color is obtained when mixing the ground carnations, red wine and henna. If we experiment a little with a concentration, you can get a beautiful chocolate color close to natural.

It is believed that if you paint your hair after paint, then there will be some crazy hue, which will then be very bad. This is nothing more than prejudice. So it turned out in girls who incorrectly kept the proportions either used henn less than two weeks after the use of chemicals.

In order to get very dark color, almost black, you need an Iranian henna mix in proportions 2: 1 with bass, and all this is pouring dry red wine. Fit in an hour, this tool is not necessarily washed from the hair when using a shampoo, you can wonder and without it. As a result, it turns out dark chestnut color.

Want to become a mysterious brown? Then mix the two parts of the bass with one piece of henna, add cinnamon there on the knife blade and dilute strong coffee. Wash in an hour.

Iranian henna sometimes dries hair very much, so you can buy some professional, say, "Lash: Bitter Chocolate". It is very cool that this tool is already stirred with the necessary ingredients and will not need to be played with the components to get the desired color, as they say - just add water.

Recipe, how to paint your hair in brown:

  1. natural ground coffee. Four spoons take a glass of water, this is a proportion to one bag of henna. If you paint your hair with coffee, then a very deep color will be released, which will hold onto the month;
  2. strong black tea. It is used, poured several spoons of tea with hot water;
  3. cocoa, brewed as well as coffee;
  4. crushshk, it is used not only in satellite natural shampoos, but also when painting to give color depth. Half an hour is boiling 100 grams of berries in the glass of water, after pouring to the hen;
  5. walnut leaves and nut shell. We need a glass of the mixture on a spoon of funds;
  6. aml. This powder can be purchased at the pharmacy, mix in equal parts with the henna.

It is worth remembering that Henna is not paint, but rather a shadowing agent that can be used when eluminating hair. With its help, you can very beautifully stray dark hair and emphasize the redhead, without harm to lighten them or simply to pay the curls.

Photo - Painting henna in brown

To get redwhich will rather go to the Bordeaund's palette, you need to mix the Egyptian henna (250 grams, dilute it with vinegar), half liters of beet juice, two spoons of garnet powder, four spoons of Amel powder, and thirty droplets of reurenish, ylang-yulang essential oils and Carnations. It is difficult to apply this oil mixture itself, so it's better to ask someone. Hold on hair at least three hours, and then depending on the desired shade.

Before painting the hair henna, if they are gray-haired or after chemical exposure (lamination, curling or staining with chemicals), you need to consult with specialists. The reaction of strands is unpredictable, and instead of brown you can get bright redheads.

Get blonde color

Paint your hair in a brown color henna is even easier than special paint. Yes, and it is not only easy, but also in the fact that it can be brightened by several tones without harmlessly without harm.

To get a light blond color, we need to purchase two bags of red henna and one bag of bass, mix, dilute with water (although it is better to mix with a chamomile), and put on strands, distribute evenly, with a wide crest, wash after 1.5 hours.

Blonde color will also turn out if henna fill over the decoction of the onion husk. We need to get a creamy mixture. In this method, you can easily paint into a light tone with dark blond hair or even brown, depending on the exposure time.

Beautiful natural blond color is obtained if Iranian huu (8 bags), mix with two bass bags and a mixture, which consists of barberry, tea carcade and carnations, if desired, can also be added to cinnamon.

You can connect the useful actions of kefir masks and henna, mixing these means. Under all proportions, the mixture will not flow and quickly absorbed. To get dark blond:

  • 4 spoons of henna;
  • 2 spoons of cocoa;
  • whipped yolk;
  • spoon peach oil for hair;
  • four cedar oils;
  • one vitamin E ampule;
  • a glass of kefir, not cold.
Photo - Painting henna in blond color

All mix it, nothing needs to be heated. It is very important to apply the means not on wet hair, but on a slightly wet, so our paint with kefir will be better to stay. We wash in an hour and a half.

Paints with indian henna brighter. They give a redhead color more than light or brown. Therefore, girls who want to get bright blonde hair with a lightly redhead, you need to mix Indian huNU and ginger powder (1: 3), a bit of lemon juice, one glass of low-fat kefir and essential oil flax and buried. All mix and put it up in a water bath or battery. Depending on the needs of the paint withstand on the hair from half an hour to two.

If you need to slightly clarify the hair, which were recently susceptible to chemical color, then you need to take advantage of a colorless henna, mixing it with a chamomile decoction or lemon juice. This tool will not clarify the brown strands, but the blonde will become a couple of tones lighter.

What to add to Huma to get bright shades:

  • you can simply paint the hair with white henna together with the chamomile decoction;
  • natural floral honey;
  • cinnamon helps to fight red hair on light hair;
  • hair painted by turmeric acquire a golden shade;
  • white wine brightens strands;
  • rhubarb also with henna gives light shades.

In order to professionally paint the hair in the desired one, it is necessary to pre-check the selected concentration on a small strand of curls. This is especially important for hair with a smarter or previously painted.

Benefit or harm?

It will be right if you write the opinions of specialists about Henna. Many trichologists are not delighted with the fact that women again actively started using this tool. In their opinion, Henna spoils the hair structure, gives them fluffiness, smears of scales, which leads to the cross section of the tips and to the need for daily hair care.

You can use or not this satellite paint - to solve you, but when you choose, also pay attention to the manufacturer. Many who complains about a bad color, simply used poor-quality products, which is actively importing into our country smuggling.

Also, finally, you need to remind you that before paint your hair henna, carefully read the instructions, browse the video on the topic, find out, purchase stencils and not too leaving the recommended proportions.