How to get a beautiful tan quickly. How to sunbathe. Tips that will save you from premature aging and skin cancer. How to get an even and beautiful tan

A beautiful and even tan is the dream of many girls. Usually, representatives of the beautiful half of humanity do not spare time and money, achieving the desired result. Indeed, the skin looks much better this way. How to tan quickly and beautifully? Use affordable means, take sunbaths, remember a few nuances and useful tips. You may find ways that work best for you. Then you will delight yourself and those around you with a spectacular and even tan in the cold season, emphasizing the beauty of the body and skin.

Nice and fast tan. Your best helpers
First, let's look at your best assistants, which will provide a quick, beautiful and even tan.
  1. Sun rays. Of course, you cannot do without the sun if you decide to sunbathe naturally, and not in a solarium. Remember that from the gentle sun you get not only benefit, but also harm. Be sure to protect your skin from the negative effects of ultraviolet radiation, use special creams. Sunbathing in the hours close to noon is also not worth it. The sun at this time is scorching and can cause great harm to your body and body as a whole.
  2. Melanin. It is this pigment that helps the skin to sunbathe evenly, without burning. You can easily increase the production of melanin by your own efforts. Include eggs, cottage cheese, cheese in your diet, eat more peaches, coconuts, melons and apricots. Then the amount of this pigment will increase, you will be able to tan quickly and beautifully.
  3. Salt. Many claim that they have already seen in practice - salt helps to sunbathe faster. Sunburn is better by the sea. You can drink tomato juice with salt.
  4. Movement. The skin really tans faster and more beautiful when a person moves more, and not just lies in the sun. For example, people who work in their summer cottages perfectly sunbathe.
  5. Special formulations and creams. It is worth visiting a pharmacy, specialized stores to stock up on the necessary creams and ointments. They protect the skin from burns, ultraviolet rays, make the tan resistant.
Sunbathe carefully, remember your helpers, use the gifts of nature and modern cosmetology. Move more and provide increased melanin production.

Getting ready for the fire
When you have already decided that you just need to make your skin beautiful, get an even and beautiful tan quickly, you need to prepare. Watch your diet, skin condition. Then the tan will fall faster, it will be effective and natural.

  • citruses. Include more citrus in your menu. Eat tangerines, oranges, add lemon to tea. An excellent dessert can be the original jam from grated carrots with the addition of zest and lemon pulp. A lot of the vitamin C you need for tanning is found in rose hips. You can buy rosehip syrup and add it little by little to your tea.
  • Carrot. Carrots contain a lot of beta-carotene. It promotes the increased formation of melanin. Eat carrots, drink carrot juice. It is best to prepare light salads and desserts from raw grated carrots: you will get a lot of nutrients and help your skin tan faster.
  • Sunburn cocktail. An excellent cocktail for a better tan is carrot juice with the addition of cream, ice cream. Fat will help the body absorb beta-carotene.
  • Getting the skin ready. You will need to prepare your skin for sunbathing in advance. About a week before your holiday, exfoliate your skin to remove excess dead skin cells. Then the tan will go down noticeably smoother and faster. Body scrubs will help too. Choose them carefully, use the compositions of trusted manufacturers. After cleansing the skin, do not forget to moisturize it with a cream.
  • Vitamins. Already in a month, start taking multivitamin complexes. Vitamins A, E, B, C will help improve skin condition. Thus, you perfectly prepare the skin for tanning, strengthen it. It will remain elastic and beautiful, despite frequent exposure to the sun, loss of moisture.
Get ready for sunbathing in advance so that your skin becomes not only swarthy, but also beautiful. It should not lose elasticity. By supporting the body with vitamins, fruits, you will avoid the appearance of wrinkles, dry skin, and burns.

We sunbathe quickly and beautifully. By all rules
Remember a few tips to tan quickly and beautifully, to make your skin spectacular.

  1. We protect the skin. First of all, you need to think about protecting your skin from the negative effects of sunlight. Too fast sunburn, which appears without the use of skin protective agents, will disappear very quickly. In addition, you can get sunburnt. Burns look ugly, do not go away immediately, and the damaged areas of the skin tan in a different way - you can no longer get an even color. Be sure to use special creams to prevent burns.
  2. We are moving. It's great if you play ball, run, do something, and not just lie in the sun. In the process of movement, the tan lays down better, becomes more even.
  3. Tanning products. They are also worth using. It is important to choose formulations and creams that will ideally suit your skin type. Be sure to carefully read the instructions, apply the cream correctly, otherwise the effect may be reversed.
  4. Sunbathing time. From 11 am to 4 pm the sun is scorching. A good tan from him still will not be, but burns are very likely, while the skin is very dry. Just sunbathe at such times in the shade. Even when you are not in direct sunlight, your skin still tans. It is best to tan after 4 p.m. and before 11 p.m.
  5. Roll over more often. When you want to tan quickly and beautifully, you need to roll over more than once an hour, but much more often. The optimal time spent in one position is 1-3 minutes. If you roll over every 2-3 minutes, your tan will become even and beautiful.
  6. Sunbathe by the waters. Water repeatedly reflects and refracts the sun's rays. This effect will help you tan much faster.
  7. Moisturize your skin. After sunbathing, do not forget to moisturize the skin to maintain its elasticity and beauty. In the process of sunbathing, moisture evaporates intensively, the skin dries out. The lack of fluid must be replenished.
Use creams, special tanning products. Eat more fruits, take vitamins. A body of water, movement, frequent changes in body position will help you tan better. Moisturize your skin and don't forget to protect it. Sunbathe quickly and beautifully!

Hello, friends. It's already all summer outside, but the weather is a capricious girl. While we are at work, the sun is in full swing. As soon as the weekend - clouds in the sky. So the question arises - how to tan quickly, while the weather turned out, so that the tan is even, and not burn out.

About the Goltis system

The principles of proper tanning, outlined in the Goltis scheme, will allow you to tan quickly without burns, in one to three days. Follow this advice and you will get an even and lasting tan.

As soon as the sun begins to please us with its warmth and light, we substitute our own for sunbathing. As soon as we take off our tired warm clothes, we immediately begin to dream of beautiful swarthy skin.

We are in a hurry to sunbathe under the bright rays of the sun, not noticing how they burn the skin that is not yet ready for such treatment. We are already accustomed to the fact that after the first tan the skin often peels off. We kind of know that you can't get tanned in one day.

But here is the survival specialist Goltis, one of the most mysterious people on the planet, who knows how to learn the secrets of living matter, knows how to tan quickly, without torture for the body.

Simple Rules

  1. It is recommended to exclude time for sunbathing from 12 to 15 hours
  2. Can
  3. You can swim, but in the shade - or quickly plunge into the shade for cooling.

And now, in fact, about this very secret of living matter, thanks to which you can tan in 1 day.


After a strong load on the biochemical, bioenergetic potential of the cell and complete recovery, a short period occurs when the potential grows by 20-30%!

This huge increase is called "super compensation", the use of which is the secret of proper tanning.

If during this period the cell resource is raked out again (not over the edge, of course), then recovery will occur not only to the “added” level, but also another 20-30% from above!

This means that if you repeat the load-recovery-supercompensation cycles correctly, you can greatly increase the body's capabilities.

We apply knowledge to increase the level of melanin in skin cells. We get a way of ultra-fast tanning.

Melanin– Your protector from the ultraviolet rays of the sun. It also determines the degree of tanning. So you can experience first hand how this incredible principle works. The point is small - to find out the duration of the cycles of being in the sun and in the shade, periods of supercompensation.

The second part of the secret: the scheme of tanning from Goltis.

Super compensation table for tanning(time in minutes):

Sunbathe line by line, from left to right. First 1.5 minutes facing the sun, then 1.5 minutes back, then the right side and left side for 1 minute and complete the cycle with 3 minutes in the shade.

3 tans according to the scheme

1. Super extreme

That is - Superfast. When all cycles for 1 day pass. From morning to evening.

Don't burn. There will be a tan. Use when very, very necessary and only if your skin and worldview allow.

2. Extreme

Or just fast. When you are in a hurry, but you miss hours of active sun. All steps (cycles) go through in a couple of days.

For example, on day 1 you finished sunbathing at step 6 (aka cycle number 6), and on day 2 you start from step 4 (from cycle number 4). That is, with last cycle of the previous day minus 2.

3. Normal

When you sunbathe for a week, but according to the scheme.

Each subsequent day begins with a cycle according to the formula: the initial cycle of the previous day plus 2. The first day started with the first cycle, and the second day with the third cycle.

Once again, congratulations, you have gained useful, practically applicable knowledge. As a result, you will be able to enjoy the sun at the resort from day one. Turn around to the fullest. Save precious vacation days from the “white skin syndrome”, from the procedures of spreading with protective creams “before” and sour cream “after”.

If your vacation is only at the end of summer, then you can easily get a tan that is indistinguishable from a resort. Literally over the weekend.

You will discover an amazingly simple thing: nature has provided the body with all the means to protect and turn the energy of the sun for good. Proper tan enhances. So you are lucky from birth.

Summer sunbathing has a lot of advantages: ultraviolet increases serotonin levels (hello, great mood!), Promotes the production of vitamin D (hello, drive and strong teeth!), Improves immunity (goodbye, colds!). Besides, the tan is just beautiful.

To take only the pros from the sun and reduce the cons to zero, such as the risk of getting a sunburn, aging prematurely, or getting skin cancer, you need to sunbathe properly.

1. Buy sunscreen

This is the first and key rule of a healthy tan. Doctors who are extremely bad Tanning relate to tanning, do not get tired of repeating: ultraviolet does more harm than good. So you should avoid prolonged exposure to the sun.

If this is not an option, it is important to protect the skin from at least the most dangerous ultraviolet rays - UVB-type. These short-wavelength rays are also called burning: they contain a lot of energy, due to which they cause redness, sunburn and cancer.

Sunscreens are designed, for the most part, to save the body from overly harsh UVB radiation. Do not neglect this protection.

Products with SPF do not affect the speed of tanning. They only increase the amount of time you can spend in the sun without damaging your skin.

Lifehacker wrote in detail about how to choose the right sunscreen. For the cream to work, you need:

  1. Apply at least 20 minutes before sun exposure. So the sunscreen is absorbed and reliably protects, including the deeper layers of the skin.
  2. Renew the cream every two hours or at the frequency indicated on the package.

2. Be prepared to tan gradually

Don't even try to catch all the sun's rays in a short weekend. You are unlikely to become a “chocolate” for such a period, but you will seriously increase the health risks. And that's why.

Melanin - that dark pigment that gives the skin a chocolate or bronze tint - is actually a tool with which our body protects itself from ultraviolet radiation that is deadly for it. Melanin creates a kind of protective barrier around skin cells that scatters dangerous UVB rays.

While there is little melanin, the cells are defenseless and easily mutate under the influence of UV. , which light-skinned people earn, is the first sign of damage to DNA molecules, fraught with at least accelerated aging, and at most with the development of melanoma.

Therefore, try, on the one hand, to accumulate melanin, irritating the skin with sunlight. And on the other - do it so as not to damage the cells.

Ideally, introduce the skin to ultraviolet light gradually.

On the first day, sunbathe 10-15 minutes before lunch and 15-20 minutes after it.

Every day, add 10 minutes to the indicated time. Just do not let the skin turn red. And don't forget sunscreen!

3. Prepare your skin for tanning

To make it easier for the skin to accumulate melanin, evenly Four Safe Tanning Tips For A Healthy Summer Glow and gradually darken, it is worth thoroughly cleaning it from dirt and dead cells.

You can use a store-bought or (for example, from instant oatmeal slightly soaked in water) body scrub or limit yourself to massage with an exfoliating glove.

But don't be zealous. It is enough to cleanse the skin in this way once a week and a half.

4. Don't go out in the sun in the middle of the day

The principle is simple: the more direct sunlight hit the skin, the greater the dose of ultraviolet radiation it received.

According to the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the maximum The Burning Facts radiation hits the Earth between 10:00 and 16:00. If the health of the skin and the body as a whole is dear to you, it is better not to show yourself in the sun at this time.

And if you do show up, try to shorten your stay, use sunscreen and cover your body with clothes.

The safest tan is purchased before 10:00 and after 16:00.

5. Going to the beach, drink a cup of green tea

It is possible to protect the skin from the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation not only from the outside, but also from the inside. There are products 6 Food Groups That Will Protect You From the Sun which help the skin resist UV damage. Due to the high content of antioxidants Free Radicals, Antioxidants in Disease and Health they stop the process of destruction and mutation of cells.

So, they will help you:

  1. Fish rich in omega-3 fatty acids. Mackerel, herring, tuna, salmon, salmon and so on. You can also take omega-3s in the form of supplements.
  2. Red and orange fruits and vegetables. Oranges, grapefruits, apricots, carrots, tomatoes, red and orange peppers.
  3. Black chocolate.
  4. Cabbage. Plain, Beijing, broccoli - any cruciferous vegetable.
  5. Greenery. Parsley, basil, sage, rosemary, and dark leafy greens like spinach.
  6. Green and black teas.

There are products that, on the contrary, increase the risks Food intake and risk of squamous cell carcinoma of the skin in a community: the Nambour skin cancer cohort study from sun exposure. For example, whole milk, cheese and yogurt are best avoided before going to the beach.

6. Know how to stop

As a rule, melanin production ends 2-3 hours after exposure to the sun. Therefore, it is pointless to sunbathe all day.

Lying by the pool for more than 2-3 hours will not make you more tanned, but will only increase the risk of skin damage.

In addition, there is data Tanning May Limit Ability to Produce Vitamin D that prolonged exposure to the sun does not increase, but, on the contrary, reduces the level of vitamin D.

7. Moisturize your skin after sun exposure

You may like chocolate color. But here the body perceives an excess of melanin in the cells as a signal of skin damage and seeks to shed the spoiled “skin” as quickly as possible. The top layer of tanned skin becomes drier - it is easier for the body to exfoliate the affected cells.

In order not to lose your tan prematurely, moisturize your skin daily and thoroughly and try not to use scrubs and avoid active massage with a washcloth.

Even at the beginning of the 20th century, in the upper strata of society, tanning was considered a sign of the lower classes, although in 1903 Niels Finsen, Nobel Prize winner in medicine, proved that the sun's rays contribute to the production of vitamin D in the body, which regulates the exchange of not only phosphorus, but also calcium in the blood . A lack of this vitamin can cause osteomalacia. Especially the bones of the pelvis, spine. Seasonal depression also often comes from a lack of vitamin D. So, by sunbathing, we improve our health. In addition, many believe that a tan is beautiful. Especially dark, chocolate color. Therefore, it is important to know how to properly tan in the sun so that you get the desired effect.

How a tan is formed on the skin

In the lower layers of the skin are cells that synthesize a mixture of various compounds called melanin. It is he who neutralizes the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation on the body. The reaction mechanism is simple. The longer a person spends under the sun's rays, the more this natural pigment is produced in the skin, obeying the brain's alarm signal of danger. As a protector, it protects the body from harmful carcinogenic factors. And chocolate tan is formed precisely because this pigment is produced in large quantities. The more melanin, the more intense the tan.

You may also be interested in face creams with spf 50, which are described.

Skin types that can get chocolate body tan

Why does it happen that some skin color after sunbathing is even, beautiful, golden, light brown or even chocolate, while others after a day on the beach at night, the temperature rises, the skin is red. After a few days, blisters appear on it, and that place is desperately itchy. And no longer to the sea and sunburn. But you really want to live every day of such a long-awaited vacation with benefit for yourself. The point is not only in non-compliance with the simple rules of being in direct sunlight, but also in the type of skin that nature has awarded us:

  • Celtic. This type of skin is predominantly in people with blond or red hair. Freckles can be seen on the skin. It is quite difficult for these people to get a beautiful tan and very often they suffer from sunburn. Melanin in the skin is almost not produced. Therefore, you can sunbathe for 5-10 minutes daily. Be sure to use sunscreen for the face with SPF 40-60 and 20-40 for the body.

Sun cream for people with this type of skin is contraindicated. Only sunscreens with level 30 and above.

But all other types of skin, with proper observance of the rules of exposure to the sun and the use of appropriate products that promote tanning, can please their owner with a beautiful chocolate tan:

  • Dark European. The skin has a natural slightly swarthy color. Mostly there are no freckles, but acne may appear on the face or body. But the tan always turns out even and beautiful. You can stay under the sun for up to thirty minutes;
  • Mediterranean. Dark brown or black hair, dark skin tone. The tan lies evenly, and the skin turns out to be a beautiful slightly bronze hue. Light up instantly. You can stay in direct sunlight for up to forty minutes.
  • African American, Indonesian. Nature itself has long taken care of people living in a hot climate. She endowed them with the initially necessary dark pigmentation. Can be under the sun for a long time without suffering from burns.

To get an even and beautiful tan, you need to determine your skin type.

Where is the best place to sunbathe to get a chocolate color

To get a beautiful tan color, you need to decide on a place of rest. After all, you can sunbathe not only near the river, sea or ocean, but also in mountainous areas. There, the tan is more intense and the process is much faster. But it must be remembered that in the mountains the air is rarefied, its pressure is lower. Not every organism is able to tolerate adaptation well. Therefore, the desire to go to the sea, and not to the mountains in the summer, is quite natural.

Protection from ultraviolet rays in the mountains is less than at sea level. It affects the relative and absolute height of the territory. Therefore, girls with a light skin phototype are not recommended to take a tan in such an area.

At the same time, depending on the geographical location of the water area, different salinity of the water, the height of the sun and the transparency of the atmosphere, you can get a different tan. The most popular holiday destinations:

  • Mediterranean (Tunisia, Egypt, Italy, Malta and others). Sunbathing and getting the skin of a beautiful golden hue is possible for people of almost all types of skin.
  • Black Sea and Aegean (Russia, Georgia, Ukraine and others). Holidays in these regions will delight people with Mediterranean skin phototype with a bronze-colored tan.
  • The Indian Ocean and the Atlantic, closer to the equatorial part of Africa, will give a tan of chocolate shades to people with a Mediterranean, Indonesian and dark European skin phototype. But you need to be prepared for the fact that without using sunscreens with powerful filters, you can quickly “burn out”. A beautiful dark coffee shade can be obtained while relaxing in the Maldives.

Rules for tanning in the sun

You can burn rather than tan on any southern coast, if you do not follow very simple rules:

  • on the first day, do not expose your body to direct sunlight for a long time. Twenty minutes is enough. Let the skin adapt a little during this time;
  • sunbathing is recommended until 10-11 o'clock (depending on the climate zone). Make a break till 16 17 o'clock, and then it is possible to lie down on the sun again.

You can tan in the shade, and not just under direct rays.

  • for an even tan, you should turn after the sun;
  • balance the water regime. At this time, fluid intake should be more than about a liter per day;
  • before going to bed after a shower, apply a nourishing cream to the skin;
  • To protect your skin from the harmful effects of direct sunlight, as well as to form a beautiful and even tan, special cosmetics are used.

Girls with fair skin, if they feel that they are a little burnt, it is necessary to apply cosmetics with panthenol (Pantoderm, Bepanten, etc.). The drugs will not only help relieve the pain a little, but also fix the already acquired tan.

And, of course, outdoor games and frequent, well, at least not swims, but simply staying in sea water contribute to a uniform tan.

Tanning Products

Each person has a different level of melanin. It is this pigment that protects our skin from sunburn and gives it a slightly dark shade. Therefore, before relaxing at sea, it is desirable to increase its amount in the body. Some products “push” the production of melanin:

  1. Carrot. A glass of freshly squeezed juice every day before going to the beach will saturate the body with vitamin A and give the skin a golden hue.
  2. Apricots. Extremely healthy orange fruit. And the heart will be strengthened and the skin will be helped to gain velvety and elasticity.
  3. Tomatoes. Regenerate and rejuvenate the skin. Protect it from sunburn.
  4. Peaches and gourds (melons and watermelons) maintain the water-salt balance and the skin does not dry out in the sun.
  5. Animal products (meat, fish, cheese, eggs, seafood) are actively involved in the production of melanin by the body.

It happens that the vacation is not so long, you go on a trip, you want to have time to see the surroundings, and make purchases, and buy gifts for your relatives, and sunbathe, but how else, this is almost the most important sign of a well-spent vacation in warm regions. How to quickly tan in the sun? How to get a beautiful even tan in a few days without harming your skin and your health in general? This will be discussed.

How to quickly tan: important points

We will talk about how to quickly tan in the sun without harm to health. Let's start with the preparatory procedures that are necessary for the tan to lie flat on the skin. Next, let's talk about the rules of tanning in the sun: when is it better to sunbathe, what means to use during tanning, after and why, where is it better to sunbathe in the sun. Consider what contributes to a better and faster tan in the sun and what is better to avoid in pursuit of dark skin.

Beautiful tan: preparation

Preparations must be done before the vacation (departure to the beach) in a few days.

  1. Get a multivitamin at the drugstore. You can use a simple classic complex, but it is better to take targeted vitamins for the skin. Under the influence of the sun, the skin, although it becomes a beautiful shade, still loses moisture and suffers. It is necessary to support it with the intake of vitamins. You can even buy vitamin E and A (sold in capsules and as oil), they are great for the skin. B vitamins and vitamin C are also important for the skin.
  2. Our skin is constantly updated, some cells die, others appear. Before tanning, it is necessary to carry out a peeling or body scrub procedure. Scrubs, like a brush, remove the top layer of dead cells, make the skin even, which means that the tan will lie on it beautifully. And the result will be long and fast, as the tan will fall on new skin cells. For the face and body, choose the appropriate scrubs. Do not carry out procedures immediately after tanning, it is better to prepare the skin before the holidays. Be sure to apply a moisturizer to your body (and your face too) after the scrub, as the skin loses moisture during tanning.
  3. While tanning, drink carrot juice, which is rich in beta-carotene, which is so necessary for the production of melanin (the pigment in the skin that provides a beautiful dark color). Remember that beta-carotene is a provitamin of vitamin A that is fat-soluble, meaning it needs fat to be absorbed. Drink juice with the addition of cream, a spoonful of sour cream or vegetable oil, such a tool will help you quickly tan in the sun.
  4. Also an excellent remedy for the skin and its best tan - citrus fruits and other foods rich in vitamin C (most of it in rose hips). Only use them 1.5-2 hours before sunbathing.

How to quickly get a tan: on the beach

  1. Remember that although you want to tan, you need to protect your skin (especially your face and chest). Be sure to use sunscreen. If you burn, the skin will peel off, and the tan will not remain. On such damaged skin, a tan will no longer lie beautifully. Use protection every hour and every time after swimming.
  2. A bronzer will help you tan quickly in the sun. These are not self-tanners, they can be tanning products with microparticles that improve tanning, stimulating the production of melatonin.
  3. There is no better tanning product than one that suits your skin type. Be sure to consider this parameter (light skin, sensitive, swarthy, etc.).
  4. You can tan quickly near water (lakes, seas, etc.), as water is able to reflect the rays of the sun, which enhances the effect.
  5. You tan better and faster when you are on the move. Play, run, have fun, and the tan at this time will intensively stick to you.
  6. To quickly tan, you do not need to lie (stand) for an hour on one side to the sun, then the other ... Turn constantly, so the tan will be evenly distributed, you will avoid overheating and burns and quickly tan.
  7. If you need to get a quick tan, remember that the sun is at its zenith from 11 am to 4 pm, the most scorching. But this is also the most dangerous time. Remember that in the shade you also sunbathe (yes, yes, don't be surprised). If you want not only a quick, but also a beautiful, healthy tan, stay in the sun until 11-12 noon and after 16. During peak hours, sunbathe in the shade. You can occasionally go out for a swim and dry in the sun. Don't forget about protective equipment.

Beautiful tan: after the beach

  • Be sure to use moisturizers after sunbathing (milk, body lotions). It is best to use special after-sun products.
  • If you swam in the salty sea, be sure to take a shower, and then use humidifiers.
  • Drink vitamins, carrot juice, eat apricots.