How to put on a universal brace. Help before childbirth Video "Bandage for pregnant women: how to wear, which one to choose?"

Any girl, having become pregnant, dreams of her tummy becoming rounded as soon as possible. This usually happens after the fourth month. But the joy of this can be overshadowed by such unpleasant moments as the appearance of stretch marks on the stomach, an increase in the load on the spine, because of which the back begins to get very tired. Therefore, doctors recommend purchasing a bandage to alleviate this condition. In this case, you need to know how to properly put on a bandage for pregnant women and wear it.

What is a bandage?

What is a prenatal bandage and why is it needed? This is a special belt or elastic panties that help support the front walls of the abdominals and reduce stress on the spine during pregnancy. It is recommended to wear it from the 25th week, when the child is actively growing and, accordingly, the stomach begins to grow.

When wearing this product, the load on the night and the spine of the pregnant woman is compensated, and physical fatigue is reduced. Thanks to him, back pain disappears. Modern bandages have an attractive appearance, and they almost invisible under clothes. If you put on such a product correctly, then the expectant mother will not feel it.


not recommended for everyone pregnant women. It may not be used with well-developed abdominal muscles, as well as when the back does not hurt after walking. Also, doctors do not advise wearing it during pregnancy with a breech or transverse presentation of the fetus, as this may prevent the unborn child from taking the correct head-down position before childbirth.

Wearing the product is shown in the following cases:

When wearing a bandage during pregnancy, a woman maintains good health, mood and maintains the health of the unborn child.


Bandages are prenatal, postnatal, and also combined. Consider what kind of prenatal products are.

Elastic panties. They are thick and tall. They differ from ordinary underwear in that they have elastic inserts in the back and front in the lower part, which are necessary to support the back and abdomen of the pregnant woman. But it is undesirable to acquire them for those women who gain weight very quickly.

Universal bandage belt. It is worn both before and after childbirth in order to quickly restore the tone of the abdominal muscles. A universal bandage is an elastic tape narrowed at the edges with Velcro or fasteners. Such a product is very popular because it is possible to adjust the size.

But it should be remembered that the bandage cannot be worn all the time. It should be removed at night or when the woman is lying down. During the day, you should also not wear it for more than three hours in a row, because this can harm the unborn baby.

How to choose?

When choosing a prenatal bandage, you need to consider the following important points:

If there are difficulties in choosing a product, then you need to navigate only to your feelings- the main thing is that it is convenient and comfortable in it.

How to put on and wear a bandage?

How to put on a maternity bandage? It depends on what type of product was chosen. It usually comes with instructions for use. In its absence, you need to consult a doctor who will tell you how to do it correctly.

Bandage-panties Recommended to be worn lying down with raised hips. In addition, under them you can put a roller or a small pillow. The product must be worn on top of the underwear in such a way that the elastic insert is not located very high, otherwise it will put pressure on the fetus, and this must be excluded.

The universal bandage-belt is put on both lying down and standing. But it's easier to do it in a supine position. In front, it should be located under the stomach, and in the back, it should pass along the upper part of the buttocks and rest against the hips. The product should fix correctly because too strong fixation can harm the child. Too weak will be ineffective.

How to wear a maternity bandage? In this case, certain rules must be observed so as not to harm the unborn child.

  • It is necessary to check every time how the product is put on. His is done correctly, then it is not felt at all on the body.
  • When the child in the abdomen begins to actively move, the product must be removed immediately. It is recommended to put it on after 30 minutes.
  • Every 3-4 hours the bandage should be removed, taking a break of 30 minutes. This is necessary in order to restore blood circulation in the pelvic organs.
  • It is necessary to carefully study the instructions for use and care of the product. It must be washed in compliance with the temperature regime, otherwise the elastic inserts may be damaged.

These rules are not that hard to follow. But if it is not possible to remove the product during the day, then this is allowed, but only as an exception.

What can not be done in a bandage?

A woman who constantly wears a bandage must take into account some points. This product is primarily designed to relieve pressure and strain on a pregnant woman's spine when she is in an upright position. But it is forbidden to wear it for a long time, because it causes circulatory disorders in the child. Product should be removed every 3 or 4 hours. In addition, it is forbidden to lean forward strongly and abruptly, because this creates additional pressure on the child.

The bandage should be removed during both night and daytime sleep, since in the supine position it ceases to perform its function due to the lack of load on the back. Many pregnant women are wondering if it is possible to sit in this product? Doctors are divided on this issue. Some allow sitting in a bandage, others are categorically against it. In this case, the choice is entirely up to the woman. If in a sitting position she experiences discomfort, then it would be better to remove it.

Thus, it is very important to know how to properly wear a brace during pregnancy. But it should only be assigned local gynecologist, which should also give recommendations on which model is better to choose, based on the characteristics of the body of a pregnant woman and analyzing the course of her pregnancy. And the presented video demonstrates how to properly wear such a product.

Pregnancy is a very important period in the life of any woman. If the family is waiting for the birth of a long-awaited baby, then the future mother, and all her relatives, are waiting, they can’t wait until the tummy begins to grow. Gradually, the baby grows, the figure of the expectant mother changes.

Pregnancy is not a disease, but sometimes various ailments can cause trouble. A bandage for pregnant women is able to provide a more comfortable condition for the expectant mother.

Pregnancy is an adornment of a woman, which also brings with it a lot of inconvenience. The question of how to properly wear a bandage for pregnant women becomes quite topical.

Before properly using this accessory in pregnant women, it is necessary to consider the pros and cons. There are several reasons why you should use it:

  1. When there is curvature of the spine.
  2. Weakness of the abdominal muscles and a predisposition to stretch marks.
  3. Not the first pregnancy.
  4. The threat of abortion.
  5. Change in the position of the fetus.
  6. Previous births ended in a caesarean section.
  7. Vein problems.

Bandage procedure

In order to properly wear it, you must purchase the correct size. Your doctor will help you figure this out. When purchasing a postpartum bandage, you can focus on your size before childbirth. When all measurements are made, you can go shopping for this accessory for pregnant women.

Since pharmacies do not have the opportunity to try on special underwear, it is advisable to go to a specialized store for pregnant women after the doctor. There are many varieties of bandages, but the simplest model can sometimes cause difficulties for pregnant women when dressing. Ask the obstetrician in advance to show you how to properly wear this item. Very often there are mannequins in stores, but the underwear on them may be dressed incorrectly.

It is best to put on a bandage for a pregnant woman in a prone position. You can, of course, standing, only if you already have experience in dressing him.

If you are lying down, then the muscles are more relaxed, and there is a high probability that you will wear the bandage correctly. He must necessarily capture the pubic bone, and standing up to feel it is more problematic.

Bandage panties must be worn only in the prone position so that the pressure is properly distributed. Do not forget about hygiene and purchase several of these products, as they will often have to be washed.

After the procedure, you need to make sure that the bandage is dressed correctly. There should be no feeling of squeezing the abdomen. It should fit snugly against the lower back and lie under the belly. After dressing, walk a little around the room and try to perform elementary movements, if there are no discomfort, then everything is in order.

Remember, not only your well-being, but also the comfort of the baby in the stomach will depend on the correct wearing of the bandage.

You should not wear a bandage before childbirth for more than 3-4 hours, due to squeezing, albeit small, circulatory disorders may occur. You also need to allow the skin to relax and breathe. It is not necessary, probably, to remind about the purity of this accessory, this is a matter of course.

How to wear a bandage

If, after all the effort you put into putting on the brace, you still feel discomfort, then something is wrong. Everyone has unusual sensations in the first days of wearing, this is quite natural, you need to get used to this thing. In a few days, all inconvenience will be behind, of course, provided it is used correctly.

No matter how comfortable you are in a bandage, it is worth considering that you cannot wear it all day. During the day, you need to find time and remove it for at least 30 minutes, so that the skin rests and the muscles relax. If you are at the workplace, then, of course, it will not work to remove it, then you should try to loosen it a little for a while, and then fix it again, as expected.

Just keep in mind that wearing heels at the same time as a bandage is unacceptable.

The purpose of the bandage is also that it can help the abdominal muscles prepare for childbirth. To maximize the effect, it is necessary to wear it before performing special exercises. If a woman leads an active lifestyle, goes in for sports, then it is necessary to wear a bandage depending on her condition.

On the other hand, during workouts, it will support your muscles and you will feel more confident. The muscles will work actively, but you can not be afraid of getting injured.

After childbirth, the postpartum bandage can already be worn at will, if there are no special recommendations from the doctor.

Consequences of improper wearing of a bandage

Once you learn how to properly put on a bandage, wearing it until the very birth will not be a problem for you. It is worth seeing a doctor in a bandage so that he is convinced of its correct use. For some pregnant women, the question of the correctness of wearing a bandage is not worth it, they consider it unimportant, which is not entirely correct. Here are some of the consequences of his improper dressing:

  • persistent back pain;
  • curvature of the spine, especially in the lumbar region;
  • premature birth;
  • the threat of divergence of the seam, which remained after a cesarean section;
  • the appearance of problems with the veins in the legs.

Only when wearing this thing correctly, you can be sure that the expectant mother and her child will feel comfortable and convenient.

Very often, after giving birth, a woman forgets about using a bandage. And it can also be useful in the postpartum period.

It is up to you to decide which variety to choose when a small lump squeaks on your hands, of course, not to yourself, but in vain.

For women who have undergone a caesarean section, a postpartum bandage is mandatory. It is better to put it on immediately after childbirth and wear it for a long time until the wound practically heals.

Remember, pregnancy is not a disease, and a woman is not a crystal vase. But taking care of your health has never hurt anyone.

For every woman, the most exciting moment in life is the expectation of a baby.

The figure changes, the growing tummy makes the expectant mother even more attractive.

Often, many women in the later stages experience lower back pain and other problems.

There are many devices that make the life of a pregnant woman much easier. One of these devices is a bandage.

A bandage is a medical belt that supports the muscles of the back and the anterior walls of the abdominal press, and also reduces the load on the spine.

Many women who are in position feel discomfort and pain in the lower back. This usually starts as early as the 23rd week of pregnancy. The child is actively growing and the tummy is increasing in size. In this case, the bandage is an indispensable assistant.

Combined or universal bandages have a double-sided belt, one side of which is equipped with elastic bones. Such a bandage allows you to save money and instead of two (prenatal and postnatal) to purchase one universal.

How to choose the size of the bandage?

Bandages for pregnant women are made from natural materials

Your doctor or nurse will help you choose the right size bandage. With the right choice of device and the selected size, the belt will not bring any harm to the child. To determine the correct size of the bandage, it is necessary to measure the volume of the abdomen and the circumference of the hips under the abdomen in a standing position. The last number is the size of the bandage.

If the hip circumference is from 85 to 95 cm, then the size will be 1st (or 90). With a circumference of 95-100, the size of the bandage must be purchased 2nd (or 100). If the volume is more than 105 cm, then the 3rd size of the bandage should be chosen. Usually the number of sizes does not exceed three, but some manufacturers also produce 6 sizes. In addition to the "digital" size range, the size of the bandage can correspond to the size of the clothes and have the corresponding Latin designations:

  • S-42-44
  • M-46-48
  • L - 50-52
  • XL-52-54

When choosing a bandage, you should pay attention to the material from which it is made. The cotton belt is hypoallergenic, eco-friendly and breathable. Elastic tape, which is elastic, cannot consist only of cotton. Therefore, together with natural materials, artificial ones are used: microfiber, elastane, polyamide, etc. This composition facilitates the care of the bandage, allows it to stretch well and return to its original state.

You should not buy a bandage without trying it on. Sometimes you can not guess with the size or incorrectly measure the circumference under the stomach.

You cannot buy a bandage for growth. It is important to adhere to the exact size indicated. The support belt should always be kept clean and laundered regularly.

How to use a bandage?

Prenatal bandages can be used until the last days of pregnancy.

The gynecologist who manages the pregnancy should show you how to put on and wear the support belt. It is undesirable to be guided by illustrations on packages, as in many cases they are incomprehensible and inaccurate.

The bandage should be worn only in the supine position. This pose relaxes the abdominal muscles and fixes the stomach. The bottom of the belt should

grab the pubis. With the correct location of the bandage, there should be no discomfort and tightness in the lower abdomen. The belt should fit to the lower back, pass under the stomach and press the pubic area.

If it is not possible to lie down, then you need to sit down, lean back slightly, raise your stomach with your hand and put on a bandage. It is also recommended to remove and put on the bandage lying down.

If the bandage is dressed correctly, then it will be comfortable to perform various body movements in it. After a while, when you get the hang of it, the bandage can be worn while standing.

In the market of orthopedic products, products for women occupy a fairly large segment. Customers can choose various accessories not only for body shaping, but also for maintaining health at certain points in their lives. So, one of the most popular is a universal bandage for pregnant women. What are the contraindications for its use? What are its advantages and disadvantages? We will answer all the questions right now, and at the same time we will learn how to properly put on and wear such a model.

How to put on a universal brace

There is a simple instruction on how to properly put on a universal bandage for pregnant women:

  • lay the bandage on the bed;
  • lie on it with your back, placing a large pillow or roller under your buttocks and lower back so that your head is lower than your hips;
  • relax for a few minutes, taking deep breaths and exhaling smoothly, and wait until the child moves up, and the feeling of heaviness in the bladder area goes away;
  • fasten the bandage with Velcro;
  • turn over on the side and slowly rise.

Attention! Don't forget to check the tightness of the bandage. In no case should he squeeze the stomach. Do not overtighten the belt! In the supine position, the palm of your hand should pass freely between the bandage and the skin. However, remember that wearing a dangling bandage is absolutely useless.

After childbirth, the bandage belt should be turned over so that his high back is in front. You need to put on a belt in the same way as during pregnancy - in the prone position. The abdominal muscles should be relaxed - it is in this position that they occupy the correct position.

On a note! One of the most popular models on the Russian market is the Mama Comfort bandage from the Ideal company. It is a belt that is easily fixed first under the abdomen, and after childbirth is turned over and worn to improve the tone of the abdominal muscles.

Advantages and disadvantages of a universal bandage

During pregnancy, starting from 22-25 weeks, women can start using a universal prenatal and postnatal bandage. It will help relieve stress from the lower back and relieve aching pains, effectively support the tummy and internal organs, tone muscles and improve blood circulation. The skin will stretch less, which means that it will be possible to avoid its significant deformation. After childbirth, the belt also alleviates the patient's condition: relieves pain, evenly distributing the load on the skeleton.

You can put on a bandage yourself, and unlike prenatal panty bandages, it is more comfortable, as it does not have to be removed when visiting the toilet or during a visit to the gynecologist.

On a note! One of the advantages of buying this model is significant savings. You do not have to purchase separately prenatal and postnatal bandage, because their functions are performed by one product.

There is a bandage belt and disadvantages. Of the minor, it can be noted that it is noticeable under summer clothes, the Bliss seamless corset can be the way out here. Also, from the Velcro of the universal bandage, puffs can appear on tights, and if the fasteners themselves are loosened, then the bandage can slip during movements.

In some models, in order for the product to better hold its shape, the edges may be too hard, so they can dig into the skin while sitting. To avoid such discomfort, before buying a bandage, it is recommended to try it on, including sitting in it on a chair or couch in an orthopedic salon in order to assess the degree of comfort.

Wear a bandage during pregnancy should be no more than 5 hours a day. If the child pushes or you experience discomfort, the time recommended by the doctor should be reduced, and you should also seek a second consultation with the gynecologist. Suddenly the chosen model does not suit you?

After giving birth, you should not immediately put on a bandage. Doctors advise putting it on after a week - not earlier. You can wear the belt all day, but every 3 hours you should take half-hour breaks. You can't sleep in a bandage.

Attention! Taking into account the peculiarities of the course of childbirth and the condition of the patient, the doctor may recommend an individual mode of using the bandage.


There are not too many contraindications for wearing a universal bandage, but they are:

  • before delivery, the bandage should not be used if after 30 weeks the baby has not rolled over correctly; to eliminate the transverse or pelvic presentation of the fetus, you will have to undergo a course of gymnastics, and only after the child turns around, it will be possible to use a bandage;
  • the presence of chronic diseases - heart or kidney failure, diabetes, etc. - can also be a reason for abandoning the prenatal belt;
  • after childbirth, the belt is not recommended for a woman whose birth took place using a caesarean section;
  • a common recommendation for all periods is inflammatory skin diseases with foci in the places where the bandage is worn.

Taking into account the peculiarities of the course of childbirth in a particular patient, a gynecologist may speak out against wearing a bandage, especially since many doctors are skeptical about such accessories, believing that they should be used in exceptional cases, for example, with multiple pregnancies and a very large abdomen, or in the presence of diseases musculoskeletal system.

A universal pre- and postpartum bandage will be a useful acquisition if its wearing is agreed with the doctor, and the woman follows all the recommendations of the specialist and carefully listens to her body.

During pregnancy, many women today use orthopedic products that make life easier for them. We offer you to figure out how to properly wear a bandage for pregnant women, how to put it on and what can result from non-compliance with the doctor's recommendations and well-known rules?

How to put on a prenatal bandage

The main thing - the prenatal bandage should be worn only in the supine position. We offer a simple algorithm of actions, each item of which has its own characteristics:

  • Choose a place (bed, sofa, ottoman) where it is most convenient for you to put on a bandage.
  • Place a pillow approximately in the middle - your hips will be placed on it in the future.
  • Place the prenatal belt over the pillow.
  • Gently lie down in such a way that the lower back is at the level of the belt, and the hips, as we have already said, on the pillow.
  • Breathe and relax several times so that the fetus and internal organs take the optimal position.
  • Fasten the bandage so that its front low part passes under the stomach.
  • Check the tightness of the fixation - a palm should pass between the belt and the skin
  • Turn on your side and stand up carefully.
  • Adjust the fixation force of the bandage using the side fasteners.

In addition to belts, manufacturers offer prenatal underwear. Bandage panties do the job just as well, but putting them on is much more difficult, especially in late pregnancy.

How to wear a bandage

You can start wearing a bandage from 20-22 weeks of pregnancy - usually at this time the stomach begins to grow actively. The gynecologist determines the time for wearing a bandage for each woman individually.

Usually, the bandage is not used if the mother was actively involved in sports before conception, first of all, she strengthened the abdominal muscles of the press.

The indicated start time for using the bandage can be adjusted in both directions, that is, the doctor may advise wearing the belt earlier.

So, with the threat of miscarriage, various pathologies, a scar on the uterus or polyhydramnios, a bandage can be recommended from 16 weeks.

If the belly is not too large, and the woman does not experience health problems, then the bandage should be used from 39 weeks as a preventive measure when doing housework, during long trips and walks.

Throughout the day, a woman can return to the bandage. Do not wear a bandage around the clock, but take at least half an hour breaks every 3-4 hours.

Be sure to remove the bandage at night and during daytime sleep.

When is a prenatal band needed?

There are a number of situations when the prenatal belt will come in handy.

  • If a woman spends a lot of time on her feet, for example, she works as a salesperson.
  • If there are pulling pains in the lower back.
  • If your legs hurt.
  • If the pregnancy is the second or subsequent, then there is a "flabbiness" of the abdomen.
  • Weak abdominal muscles.
  • The threat of miscarriage or premature birth.
  • Late pregnancy.
  • Multiple pregnancy.
  • Obstetric pathologies: multiple pregnancy, excessively enlarged uterus, low placenta, etc.

It is impossible to use a prenatal bandage with a longitudinal arrangement of the fetus. The child must first turn around correctly, because the bandage can prevent him from doing this.

How to wear a postpartum bandage

After childbirth, especially if they passed without complications, a bandage may not be required. But as the reviews show, its use helps the body recover faster, reduces back pain, and improves muscle tone.

After difficult childbirth and in the presence of complications, the use of an orthopedic orthosis is almost always a prerequisite. It holds the internal organs, preventing uterine prolapse, improves blood circulation and gives muscles tone, reduces the load on the spine.

It is necessary to properly wear a bandage after childbirth. You should also not walk in it all the time, but break the total time into 3-4 hour intervals with half-hour breaks. Strictly speaking, a woman, based on the recommendations of a doctor and her own condition, can independently adjust the time. For example, when doing homework, it is better to wear a belt, and while watching your favorite show, you can sit or lie down without it.

It is also better to put on a postpartum orthosis while lying down, especially at first. This applies to belts and panties. After about a month, if there are no other indications from the gynecologist, the product is put on both lying down and standing up - as it is more convenient for anyone.

A prenatal bandage can not only significantly alleviate the condition of a woman during childbearing. It will prevent the occurrence of serious complications and reduce the unpleasant consequences of pregnancy, such as stretch marks. True, a gynecologist should choose a prenatal bandage, and a woman must strictly follow the recommendations received.