How to spend the new year alone. Wonderful loneliness or how to have fun with strangers in the new year

The content of the article:

New Year's Eve alone is a default situation for many of us. The culprit for this is a tradition developed by generations: the New Year's celebration should take place either in the family circle or among friends. However, life can make adjustments to plans and leave listening to the chimes without the desired companions. We have selected several of the most effective options for how to celebrate the New Year alone as comfortably and pleasantly as possible.

Features of meeting the New Year alone

To begin with, celebrating the New Year in “home alone” mode can be both an acceptable event and an unpleasant surprise. In the first case, people do not consider loneliness a problem and absolutely calmly enter the coming year without company. In the second, the need to celebrate outside of society is a play of circumstances that discourages many. It can be a quarrel with a loved one or his absence, work (business trip, shift, duty), illness or depression, the departure of friends, etc. In this case, loneliness is forced and therefore difficult to endure.

Despite the fact that the New Year alone is not included in the concept of an ideal holiday, it has many advantages. Here are the main ones:

  • Saving... The absence of guests eliminates the need for super-general cleaning, buying a lot of groceries, drawing up a menu on several sheets, preparing a large number of dishes (not all of which are among your favorites) and washing a mountain of dirty dishes. Also, there is no need to purchase chic outfits, gifts, styling, etc. This, in turn, saves money, time and nerves.
  • The opportunity to pamper yourself... This advantage follows from the first point, that is, from the savings. You can safely spend the money saved on yourself: buy yourself some expensive thing as a gift that you have not dared to buy for a long time, or set the table exclusively from delicacies and good drinks that you cannot afford on weekdays.
  • The freedom to be yourself... Loneliness in this sense gives a great opportunity to spend the holiday exactly the way you want. Without reference to traditions, conventions invented by someone and other people's tastes. With regard to food - treat yourself to a tasty one or vice versa (nothing will tempt you to break your diet), eat at a set table or just on the couch. With regard to outfits - stay in comfortable home pajamas or celebrate the holiday "fully armed". You can watch and listen to exactly what you like. Dance and sing the way you want. Or just go to bed - when you want. And not to depend on someone else's mood, "script" and taste.

Important! The most important advantage of celebrating the New Year alone is the opportunity to meet it with the dearest and closest person. With myself. Such a chance does not come up so often, so it must be taken advantage of. And do it right.

Organization of a holiday at home

If celebrating the New Year alone is your conscious choice or the dictates of the occasion, which you accept with peace of mind, we offer several ways to make the New Year's celebration within the walls of your home cozy and pleasant:
  1. A holiday according to all the rules... It is not necessary to deprive yourself of all the "privileges" of such a long-awaited holiday just because your efforts will not be appreciated by anyone. Therefore, if creating a festive atmosphere does not create unnecessary worries and loads for you, decorate a lush Christmas tree, decorate rooms, set the table, prepare delicious meals (or order them in a restaurant), adhere to all New Year's rituals. Make up a program, come up with an image - nothing prevents you from entering the new year in all its splendor.
  2. pajama party... In the same way, nothing and no one will stop you from celebrating the holiday in the absolutely opposite way: in pajamas or comfortable home clothes, with minimal or no makeup. Instead of a chic table, you can install a small table or a tray with your favorite dishes in the sofa area, where you can settle down in anticipation of the New Year. Watching TV, singing karaoke, dancing - in general, do whatever you want, and when you want.
  3. Home cinema... Watching good kind films is another New Year's tradition that you can not deviate from. Even more, you can watch exactly those films that you like. After all, you will not have competitors to adapt to. Moreover, the possibilities of modern technology allow you not to depend on television programs: disks and the Internet will help you compose your poster for New Year's Eve. No ads or announcements.
  4. Aromatic relaxation... Another option for celebrating the New Year alone, but at the same time original and pleasant, is to do it in the bathroom. Fill it with warm water, add your favorite aromatic oil (or oils), place a glass, champagne and a light snack (fruits, tartlets, etc.) in the accessible area. Also, in order not to miss the cherished chiming clock, turn on the TV louder (so that it can be heard in the bathroom) or take with you a gadget connected to the Internet. To meet the coming year in a state of pleasant bliss is a good prospect to spend it this way!
  5. ... No one said that New Year's Eve should not be used to get a good night's sleep, especially if, due to circumstances, a full sleep is a luxury for you. You are alone, so you should not heroically watch all the shows on TV if your eyes are already closing. On this occasion, there is even a sign: if you meet the New Year in a dream, the next year will be calm and blessed.

Important! Whichever way of celebration you choose, try to comply with the three obligatory New Year's conditions: a good gift, delicious food and a cherished desire for the chimes.

Ideas for those who need society

For those who are forced to celebrate the holiday alone due to the prevailing circumstances, it is not always easy to accept the situation. Especially if communication is an integral part of life. But in this case, you can "correct" the situation.

Virtual New Year on the Internet

If you calmly and easily find a common language with strangers, you can celebrate the New Year in a club or restaurant. The desire of people to actively and cheerfully spend the New Year's celebration is widely "exploited" by most of these establishments. In order to attract customers, special holiday programs and shows are drawn up, promotions and discounts are held. That is, everything is being done to make the New Year's fun one hundred percent.

Celebrating the New Year in the club (restaurant) will not only allow you to dance to your heart's content, enjoy delicious food and drinks, watch an interesting show and participate in competitions. It is also an opportunity to meet new people. And lonely - to meet your soul mate. As you know, a festive mood promotes openness and ease of communication. It unites and brings together. And if you love just such fun - noisy, cheerful, active, then it is here that you will find many "fellows" by interests.

The only thing that you will need to do to make this holiday option really successful is to take care of the table reservation in advance. To do this, you need to familiarize yourself with the programs, pricing policy, menu, possible dress code and reserve a place for yourself.

Usually, such events are planned and booked in advance, so the option of a spontaneous decision to celebrate the New Year at the club may be a failure, simply because there may be no vacant seats on December 31.

Party on the street

Another interesting place where you can celebrate the New Year alone is the street. Traditional fun near the city Christmas tree still remains “in trend”. Therefore, it is there that you can fill your communication deficit. Massive New Year's festivities will surely open their arms and be drawn into a whirlpool of fun.

If desired, on the way to the Christmas tree, you can make a lot of pleasant surprises for oncoming passers-by: treat with sweets, fruits, pastries, give souvenirs, postcards, congratulations. Everyone will be happy with such pleasant little things - from small children to the elderly.

By the way, in this way you can also bring your destiny closer. For example, by treating a nice representative of the opposite sex with candy. A real sensation can be made to dog owners if you walk around the city accompanied by your pet, dressed in a funny New Year's costume.

In addition, the road to the city tree itself can become unusual and joyful. Festively decorated shop windows and windows of houses, trees and architectural elements literally transform on New Year's Eve. The general atmosphere of the holiday and the lack of transport on the roads make it possible to enjoy the beauty of the streets, invisible in the everyday hustle and bustle.

New Year's journey

A great way to have an unforgettable New Year holiday is to go on a trip. Today you can find an option for any wallet - from VIP tours to budget weekend trips.

There are several ways to celebrate the New Year itself:

  1. On my way... One of the most extraordinary and memorable ways to spend New Year's Eve is to do it in transport. It could be an airplane, a night train, or even a ship. Here, count on your capabilities and preferences. The main thing that will give you this way to celebrate the New Year is romance, surprises, adventurousness and new acquaintances. At the very least, it can be a spontaneous feast with fellow travelers in a compartment, at the most, a gorgeous show program on a cruise ship.
  2. On the street of a strange city... Or even countries. To meet the coming year on a New York street or Piazza Roma is a great opportunity not only to see the new city, but also to get to know its inhabitants and their cultural characteristics. The only thing to consider is that not all New Years are celebrated on December 31st.
  3. On the party... Travel also has the ability to bring people closer together, and many hotels plan in advance programs for tourists who will spend New Year's Eve within their walls. As well as entertainment venues. Therefore, you can join an already organized celebration, or you can do it on your own, with the support of new friends. Ski resorts are especially famous for such parties.
  4. In the sea... If hearing the chimes is not a fundamental condition for you to celebrate the New Year, you can meet it in warm sea or ocean waters. The main thing is that such a non-standard move is acceptable for you.

Deviation from the canons of celebrating the New Year is not a violation. This is an opportunity to let change and new impressions into your life.

Taboo for celebrating the New Year alone

We have considered what to do if you have to celebrate the New Year alone. But this is not all the conditions for the success of the festive event. There are several recommendations that must be followed in order not to aggravate the situation:
  • Avoid the company of unpleasant and negative people... If you're looking for company to celebrate the New Year, eliminate people you don't like or have ever treated you badly. Keep in mind that alcohol only intensifies and brings out negativity. Therefore, it is better to spend New Year's Eve in comfortable solitude than to endure someone's indecent behavior, attacks in your direction or whining.
  • Do not ask... Consider the desires and preferences of others, as well as their plans for the New Year's company. Do not press on pity, do not impose yourself, do not be offended. Even the closest ones and relatives. If they want to share the holiday with you, there is no need to remind you of yourself. And if remind, then a slight hint that will be heard.
  • Cheer up... Remember, the meeting of the new year should be positively colored. And only so. Therefore, falling into depression, pouring alcohol into grief, crying and feeling sorry for yourself is strictly prohibited.
  • Dont be upset... If this New Year's Eve, for some reason, threatens to fail to meet the desired parameters, this is not yet a reason to give up on it. Firstly, this is not the last holiday night in your life. Secondly, the New Year holidays continue, which means there may still be plenty of opportunities to spend them the way you want.
How to celebrate the New Year alone - watch the video:

The main rule of a successful meeting of the New Year alone is to remember that this is temporary and not at all dangerous for the future. Moreover, there are many ways to make it bright, colorful and unforgettable.

New Year is a holiday that is usually celebrated by large companies. But our life is unpredictable and the situations are different.

And if suddenly, for some reason, you have to celebrate the New Year alone, then how can you meet it in order to feel the magic and New Year's mood that happens only once a year?

First of all, do not despair or lose heart. Think that such a situation can be a great opportunity to be at one with yourself, listen to your soul, understand what you really want and make wishes.

Now let's turn on our imagination and think about what we can do alone on New Year's Eve. Surely hundreds of possibilities, you just need to dream a little!

How to celebrate the New Year alone at home

Here are 16 tips to help you celebrate this holiday in a fun way.

1. A modern option that will allow you to get into the company of your friends, no matter how far you are from each other. This is a New Years meeting via skype. Thanks to this program, you can contact your friends, relatives or people who, just like you were left alone, and are not averse to celebrate the coming of the New Year together via skype. Through social networks, you can find people who, like you, were left alone on this holiday.

2. New Year's dishes will help to create a New Year's atmosphere. See in advance what dishes astrologers advise to be on the New Year's table, then the next year will be successful. You can also cook your favorite dishes that will always cheer you up. Each of us has "grandmother's dumplings" or "mother's borscht". Is it trite? Not at all, because these dishes are memories from childhood.

3. Record a playlist with your favorite music in advance, add New Year's hits there. This will also create a festive atmosphere and will not let you get bored. One will be even better, because there will be no bore at the side, always asking to switch the song.

4. What New Year is without a tree and a tangerine? Buy tangerines, candy, and a small twig of a Christmas tree or pine. And for greater effect, you can purchase essential oils of mandarin and pine and fill the whole apartment, house or other room in which you will celebrate with these aromas.

5. Decorate a New Year's apartment. Hang rain, garlands, and other festive decorations.

6. Think over the New Year's outfit. This can be the outfit of an animal that will be the patron saint of the coming year. Or another carnival costume. Or maybe you have long dreamed of dressing up in a certain image, but for various reasons did not do it. And on New Year's Eve, you can make this dream come true. After all, on New Year's Eve, all dreams come true))) And arrange a ball for yourself - a carnival.

7. Buy yourself some New Year's gifts and put them under the tree. You can buy for yourself things that you have dreamed of for a long time. Give yourself such a gift. After all, dreams must come true. Especially on New Year's Eve.

Already these 7 chips can create the atmosphere of the New Year and you will not be lonely to celebrate one holiday.

8. Send yourself New Year's greetings by SMS, e-mail, social network. There are beautiful postcards - Happy New Year greetings. Then read on and enjoy.

9. Send congratulations to family, friends, colleagues. This will also create a festive mood for yourself.

10. Buy sparklers, fireworks or firecrackers to use on New Year's Eve.

11. When you sit down at the festive table, turn on the good old comedy and dream about the next year, make wishes.

12. When the clock strikes midnight, be sure to make a wish with a glass of champagne or other drink if you do not drink alcohol. After all, this is a New Year's tradition.

13. A friend of mine celebrated the New Year on skis. She rolled in the snow all night. If you like this idea, then go skiing and ski until the morning. Instead of skiing, you can think of another sports activity until the morning)) Even one will not be up to sadness.

And here are the chips that will help you find a company for the New Year holidays.

14. Walk down the street on New Year's Eve, go to a public place where there is a tree. Perhaps there, you will meet a company with whom you will celebrate the New Year holidays.

15. Agree to be Santa Claus or Snow Maiden for some company or your neighbors, for example.

16. Take an animal from the shelter. It can be a dog, cat, parrot, etc. Or give shelter to a homeless animal. And you will no longer be alone.

I think that if you apply at least some of these chips, then you will not be bored on New Year's Eve. One thing does not mean bad and not interesting. Celebrating the New Year alone with yourself is a new, original, intriguing activity. Look at things more positively!

The main thing is to remember that for fun you need to create an appropriate mood for miracles and magic. And for this you do not have to be surrounded by a large number of people. If you understand this, then it will not be a problem for you how to celebrate the New Year alone.


In fact, there is nothing wrong with that. After all, this is just one night, not a whole life. And it can be done very cheerfully, albeit alone.

Before thinking about different options for the New Year, think: why are you alone?

Perhaps because at the moment you do not have a partner and you live alone. All your friends / girlfriends celebrate the New Year with their families, and it is very embarrassing to ask them to visit them. After all, New Year is a family celebration.

However, look at it from the other side. Loneliness is more a state of mind than the absence of the required environment.

For example, friends invite you to a party out of politeness, and you feel uncomfortable. Especially if everyone came with couples and you need to kiss as if on command, as soon as the clock strikes 12. And you will sit alone and silently watch this triumph of someone else's love. You probably won't be having much fun. Your loneliness will be with you even in a room where there are many people. Maybe it's time to break up with him?

You succumb to sad emotions, wind yourself up to think all night about how lonely and unhappy you are. In addition, under the influence of alcoholic beverages, the psychological state only worsens and it all ends with sobs, calls to friends with the words: "Are you having fun without me ?!", after which in the morning it will be even more embarrassing and offensive.

You should not treat the New Year alone as something terrible. The coming year is an opportunity to change something in life, because it depends on you! Today you celebrate the New Year alone, and next year you will have a family and a full house of guests.

A few tips on how to celebrate the New Year alone
Enjoy the loneliness. Learn to love yourself! Rejoice sincerely in the company of a handsome and interesting person (you). Buy yourself gifts for the holiday. Buy what you have dreamed of for a long time, pamper yourself with your loved one! Decorate the Christmas tree, light the garlands, put presents under the tree. Set a festive table with delicious food, play your favorite music, put on a festive outfit. Write on paper your wishes and plans for the next year. Place it in an empty bottle, close it and put it away until next year. In this way, you will find out which of the desired things on your list has come true. Call your friends and family, wish them a Happy New Year, say warm words to them. In response, you will hear the same thing, and it is unlikely that at this moment you will feel a sense of loneliness.

Go on vacation.
Everything is simple here. You buy a tourist voucher, apply for a visa and fly to a warm country or to a ski resort. Before the New Year, all travel agencies offer special promotions. It will be even more fun if you go with a group! You will be able to get acquainted with the New Year traditions of other countries, and meet the holiday in a new environment with a great impression.

Visit a restaurant.
This is the most popular way to get rid of loneliness on New Year's Eve! Get some pretty makeup, hair, put on your best outfit and go to a restaurant all night
Many restaurants prepare an entertainment program with an exquisite menu for New Year's Eve.
It is a great way to meet new people in a pleasant atmosphere, chat, dance and eat deliciously.

New Year in the company of the people.
Many people get bored of sitting at the festive table in front of the TV. Therefore, they tend to go outside even in frosty weather.
And you are not sitting at home. Put on something warm and go to celebrate the New Year right on the square of your city. There, people screech downhill, dance in round dances and sing New Year's songs. There is a spirit of fun and festive bustle in there, and you will not be able to stand aside and get bored.

It is generally accepted that the New Year is a family holiday. And you should meet him, if not with your family, then at least in a cheerful company. But what about those who will celebrate the New Year alone? How to entertain yourself?

According to research conducted, 5% of Russians annually celebrate the New Year alone. There are several reasons for this - some on the eve of the holiday quarrel or part with their loved ones, others move to a new place of residence, others just haven’t found their loved one yet, and still others feel so tired that they don’t want to go anywhere and see anyone at all. How to celebrate the New Year in such situations?

If you chose the "society" option, ask yourself another question: "Am I really alone?" It is likely that you can only feel lonely, because you quarreled with a young man, and close friends went to celebrate abroad and you did not have time to join them.

Your sadness is understandable. But in your circle of communication there will always be people who will be glad to see you. These can be parents, friends, neighbors, colleagues, virtual acquaintances, after all. And where there is society, there is fun, in which case all of the following methods will suit you.

All options are in no way ready-made recipes, but only serve as a starting point for your creativity.

A holiday according to its own rules for those who want to be alone

Being alone on New Year's Day does not mean that you are a failure. Appreciate loneliness. Believe me, there are many people who would like to be alone with themselves for at least a few hours. Therefore, enjoy the opportunity, do whatever you want! We invite you to listen to some of our ideas:

  • Necessarily, yes, the way you always wanted! Don't skimp on yourself.
  • Prepare your favorite or unusual dishes, or order a meal at the restaurant. You can find out what you can cook for the New Year with your own hands.
  • Stock up and watch them on New Year's Eve. Yes, and do not forget about children's New Year's fairy tales: "Frost", "New Year's Adventures of Masha and Viti", "Three Nuts for Cinderella", "The Snow Queen", "Twelve Months", and you will remember a simple truth - good always triumphs over evil.
  • Make a wish when the clock strikes midnight. Write a letter with the best wishes to yourself, your beloved. Write about what you want to achieve in the new year, what to learn and what impressions to get, wish yourself everything that you really want for a long time, seal it and put it in a secret place, for example, in a box with the rest. And after a year, taking out toys, you will stumble upon a message from the past and check what your dreams have come true.
  • Take some goodies with you, a glass of champagne, turn on Skype and chat with your friends through the general chat. You can even celebrate the New Year on Skype, making toasts and raising glasses.
  • By the way, the New Year is a great opportunity to communicate with those with whom you are little familiar, or for some reason stopped contacting. Go to, and you will be surprised how many people celebrate the New Year the same way you do. Perhaps some of them are lonely now and are looking for communication on the Internet. Congratulate each other, find out who and how celebrates the main holiday of the year, talk about dreams and plans. You might want to meet.
  • Go to bed. Why not? It is not at all necessary to wait for the New Year, stay up late, heroically forcing yourself to watch New Year's programs. If you feel sleepy, go to bed and sleep as long as you like.

A holiday for those who need society

So, if you honestly admitted to yourself that you still want to spend a holiday in the company, but on New Year's Eve were left alone, we can recommend you the following ideas:

One for the New Year: how to meet?

  • You can get out into the light. If you feel good in the company of strangers, but find yourself alone, go to a restaurant, a nightclub, the main square, or attend another mass event. Naturally, all this must be taken care of in advance - find out about interesting places and their program for New Year's Eve, if necessary - buy tickets and choose an outfit. Do not be afraid to communicate with people, on such a holiday they are more good-natured and open. Feel free to ask for help you set fire to the sparklers, uncork the champagne, take a picture of you against the background of the sparkling Christmas tree, and so on. Have fun, dance, invite to dance - universal joy unites hearts!
  • Create a topic on the forum: "I celebrate the New Year alone, who will be the company?" The method is suitable for sociable, proactive, non-tedious, easy-going people, because you may have to come up with and implement a plan for a holiday or agree to the conditions of others.
  • Have a holiday of good deeds. Buy candy, cookies, chocolates, holiday favors and go out to congratulate. Give New Year's presents to everyone in a row - children, acquaintances and unfamiliar adults. We think no one will refuse them. By the way, this is a good way to meet your destiny. Have you noticed a handsome man? Approach him with an open box of chocolates and offer to treat yourself to it. Just let him try not to invite you out on a date!
  • On New Year's Eve, go to a grocery store - for example, the one you frequent - and congratulate all the staff. Present your employees with postcards and small souvenirs. We guarantee that you will be remembered for a long time.
  • Prepare, sign, postcards and drop them in your neighbors' mailboxes. You can even give them in person.
  • If you have a dog, buy her a Santa Claus costume, dress up as a Snow Maiden and go for a walk in a good mood. The attention of passers-by is guaranteed to you. Grab more sweets, lollipops and small souvenirs - you will surely have to congratulate the audience.
  • Or change the dog into Santa Claus, and the cat into the Snow Maiden and arrange a photo session for them. Take care of the scenery and safety!

Party with parents

One for the New Year: how to meet?

Let's tell you a story on this topic:

20-year-old Tanya was firmly convinced that celebrating the New Year with her parents is childish. For several years now, she celebrated the holiday with her boyfriend and his friends. Despite the fact that her relationship with her partner was in distress, she insisted that she should celebrate the next New Year with him. The holiday did not bring anything good - they quarreled again.

When the next morning, offended, crying and hungry, Tanya returned home, she saw her parents snoring sweetly, a refrigerator full of New Year's dishes and gifts folded for her under the Christmas tree ... The girl realized that it was necessary to celebrate the holiday with those who really needed you.

It so happened that year: friends and relatives left, and my work told me to stay in the city. Love dissolved into oblivion exactly a week before the holiday, and a new one, of course, had not yet had time to be found. And in front of me in all its gigantic growth there was the prospect of celebrating the New Year alone.

At first it seemed to me scary, and then stubbornness turned on: "This night will be fantastic for me, no matter what," I decided and showed the world my tongue.

Home alone

The first step was to put things in order in my thoughts. The decadent whining like "Nobody loves me, nobody needs me, loneliness is a bastard, loneliness is boredom" - not at all what is needed for a pleasant evening. But "As you meet, so you will lead him" - this is a good idea, suitable. In it, after all, in Russian it says in white: HOW, and not WITH WHOM. And, by the way, personal statistics testify: not all the people with whom we ate Olivier to the chimes stayed close for a year. Therefore, there is nothing to worry about.

And to the question "how" my answer is unequivocal: in the best way! And most importantly - in harmony with yourself. How does popular wisdom say there? "If a person is comfortable alone with himself, everyone will be happy with him." I don't remember which people it belongs to, but oh well.

And, finally, the sweet cherry on the fluffy cake of the right mindset: "My New Year - my rules!" Why is it necessary to follow traditions and observe boring rituals? I will spend this evening the way I like it, not the way it is customary.

New year feng shui

If guessing scary - games of self-knowledge. There are not so many of them now, but there are several options (for example, "Leela"). They look like ordinary board games, but you can play them alone, pondering each turn and learning about yourself sometimes unexpected things.

If you want to sleep unbearably, go to bed. It's simple. And no fight with yourself.

Not all of the points from this list were applied in practice, but even two or three were enough to not feel a single second of boredom.


One has only to wholeheartedly accept his loneliness, love it and start enjoying it, when it suddenly turns out that there is no loneliness at all. There is a telephone! And right after the midnight chiming clock, it comes to life. Everyone calls and writes: friends from the resort, relatives from a country dacha, colleagues from their family feasts ... Even. And also that mysterious stranger from the social network with whom we accidentally exchanged phones after a long correspondence in the comments.

And you understand that everyone needs you, and the world loves you. Still, the wisdom of an unknown people speaks the truth: if a person is good with himself, he is always good with everyone.

P.S .: Having already finished the article, I remembered: that year, which I met alone with the tree, became the most fateful and turning point in my biography. He brought with him happy changes, non-coincidental meetings and true love. So is it worth being afraid to be alone on a holiday?