How to smooth a wrinkled leather jacket at home. How to iron a jacket made of natural and synthetic materials Leather jacket made of wrinkled leather

A reasonable question for many people is the proper storage and care of leather and substitute items. Natural or artificial - it tends to wrinkle with ease. Therefore, to preserve the presentable look of leather wardrobe items, you should use some of the tips below.

Easy ways to iron a jacket

Items made of genuine leather are allowed to be ironed on both sides, with the exception of items with embossed patterns or embroidery. This procedure should not be applied to substitute jackets in order to avoid damage to the surface of the material and loss of the original shape of the garment.

Correctly smooth leather jackets as follows:

  1. For best results, turn the garment inside out.
  2. Straighten the lining and leather fit.
  3. Before you start ironing, you need to additionally place a cloth over the jacket. This will help protect the lining and skin from damage and heat.
  4. Set the heating mode of the iron to the minimum mark, while turning on the steam supply.
  5. It is recommended to iron by pressing the surface of the iron to the wrinkled areas of the garment, as the usual method can lead to the fact that the skin will stretch.

After completing the process, the jacket must be hung on a hanger, shaking it several times beforehand. This will prevent deformation and allow the skin to cool.

Smoothing the leather jacket with steam

This can be done in two ways. The first is more practical. It consists in the fact that the jacket should be hung in the bathroom, and, having closed the door tightly, open hot water. The steam from it can quickly smooth out wrinkled skin without harming it.

The second way involves using a steam generator. Many people think whether this method can be applied to the skin. The answer is unequivocal: "Yes." Straightening the creases and creases with this device is easy, the main thing is to keep it at a distance of 15 to 20 cm from the jacket. An ordinary iron can also be an alternative option. In this case, a direct ironing process is not needed, it is enough to steam the leather item.

Cold water can also often be used for ironing. This method is especially popular, since it does not require special expenses and a lot of time.

The first thing to do is prepare filtered water. It is best to take liquid at room temperature. Hang the jacket on a hanger and spray evenly over it using a spray bottle with water. After that, the product will need to be left in this state for 10-12 hours. You do not need to take the jacket outside, this can negatively affect the material. It is best to keep it in the bathroom. After the specified time has elapsed, all creases will be smoothed out.

How to smooth a leather jacket with moisture

To use this method, special humidifiers are used, which are made in the form of an aerosol. Its ease of use is complemented by protection from various damages, while softening the skin.

Before ironing your jacket you need to:

  • lay clothes on a flat surface.
  • Shake the spray several times to mix the active elements.
  • cover clothes with aerosol from a distance of at least 20 cm.
  • rub the substance thoroughly into the skin with a dry cloth until it is completely absorbed.
  • hang a thing on a hanger for several hours in a buttoned state.

It is necessary to ensure that the sprayed spray is well absorbed into the surface, excluding the possibility of self-drying.


This method works well with garments made from ecological leather or a substitute. Any heavy objects can play the role of the press. It is important that they have even and smooth edges that will be pressed against the surface of the jacket. Elements of a flat shape are best suited to avoid the appearance of creases.

Wrinkles in a jacket or coat can be removed as follows:

  • spread the thing on a horizontal surface;
  • the jacket should be covered with dense fabric;
  • having leveled the surface of the clothes, install a press on it;
  • the minimum time required for a quality result is 12 hours;
  • having finished the process, you need to remove the press and hang the closed jacket on a hanger, after shaking it.

Smoothing oil

In addition to thermal and mechanical devices, in order to straighten the crumpled surface of a leather product at home, you can use walnut oil.

Mode of application:

  1. Stretch the surface of the jacket on rounded items inserted inside.
  2. Cover the skin with oil. It is worth doing this a couple of times at short intervals. The best option is 4 times.
  3. Hang the product in a dry place until the nut oil is completely absorbed.

In the same way, glycerin and petroleum jelly can be used in this procedure instead of oil.

Using any method, you will certainly achieve the desired result. The main thing is to follow the basic rules and adhere to the tips.

Usually, leather goods do not need ironing. However, there are cases of severe wrinkling of the skin or slight mint of untidiness, when you just need to do something. This is where a lot of questions arise: how to iron a leather item of clothing, is it possible to iron it with an iron, what temperature to use?

How to smooth a jacket at home

Leather is a fairly elastic material that does not require regular ironing and is capable of self-straightening over time. Therefore, if the bruise is small without deep creases, you can leave the leather jacket or other leather garment on the trempel separately from other items or the back of a chair for a natural alignment. True, this method is lengthy. The process can take 7-10 days.

Do you know what the word "trempel" means. No, there is nothing mysterious and unusual about it. This is a well-known clothes hanger or hanger, as it is sometimes called. The term is widespread, for example, in the Belgorod region and in the territories separated from Ukraine. And he received general fame after the publication of the book of memoirs by Lyudmila Gurchenko.

The skin on the jacket is able to smooth out on its own simply by hanging on the trempel

With an iron

This method contains a certain risk of ruining the product, but if everything is done correctly, the skin will not suffer, but, on the contrary, will acquire a beautiful well-groomed appearance. However, it is better not to iron things with laser processing, rolling, embossing or varnished with an iron, so as not to damage the decor.
The iron can be used to iron leather and leatherette products

  1. It is better to iron the jacket from the inside out, but only if the product has a thin lining without insulation. Otherwise, a thick layer of insulating material will make the smoothing process less effective.
  2. Lay the product out on the ironing board, straighten the material so that there are no folds, gathers, waves. When ironing, they can provoke new creases.
  3. Cover the top of the product material with an ironing device - a cloth through which ironing will be carried out. Coarse calico, satin, teak, linen are best suited for this. You can use a different type of fabric, but it is important that it has a dense texture without an embossed pattern. It is better to choose white or light color. Check that the fabric is not dyed. It is not necessary to moisten the iron with water, it must be dry and clean.
  4. It is recommended to set the temperature of the iron at the “2 points” mark, which corresponds to 110–150 o C. The steam function must be turned off. Otherwise, the skin can "cook" - it will be rough and brittle.
  5. Advice. If the product is made of thin leather or ironed on the front side, set the lever to "1 point". Then, if necessary, the temperature can be increased.

  6. The ironing process itself is as follows: place the iron on the fabric for a few seconds without moving it. Then lift and attach to another place. Treat the entire surface of the product in this way.
  7. For ironing the sleeves, you must use a special long and narrow pillow. It is inserted inside the sleeve and allows you to smooth it from all sides. It is possible to use an armlet - a device with the same action function. If there is neither one nor the other, a rolled towel will do.
  8. If there is a strong crease on the product, a press can be used to eliminate it. For this, any smooth object is suitable, for example, a book, which must be applied with effort to the skin heated by an iron for a few seconds.
  9. Important. When the whole product is ironed, do not rush to put it on. Hang on a ram, let it cool and hang down a little. The ironing result will last better.

Regardless of the initial condition of the jacket, iron it entirely so that the ironed parts in the places of the former creases do not stand out against the general background.

Video: how to iron a leather jacket


The method is well suited for genuine leather products. Things made of leatherette and eco-leather lend themselves worse to steaming. The procedure is best done with a special device - a garment steamer. However, you can also use a steam iron or a steam brush.
The professional steamer is an excellent device for smoothing natural leather

  1. Before proceeding with the procedure, carefully examine the product, remove any contamination, since during steaming any dirt on the clothes is even more eaten into the structure of the material.
  2. Suede and smooth leather can be steamed on the outside, while knurled or laser-coated leather should be steamed from the inside on the lining side. Otherwise, there is a possibility of damage to the coating.
  3. For steaming, hang the product on a ram of the appropriate size. This will avoid deformation and stretching of the shoulder line.
  4. Switch on the appliance and pay attention to the steam jet. It should be uniform. Otherwise, hot water droplets on your skin will leave streaks and stains.
  5. Start steaming at a distance of 20 cm from the product, gradually reducing it to 15 cm. Exposing the skin to steam from a shorter distance is not recommended, as this may cause thermal burns to the material, which cannot be removed.
  6. Never hold the steam jet in one place. The resulting water droplets can damage the skin. And contact with hot water is extremely undesirable for her.
  7. The thinner the skin, the faster it will heat up under the influence of steam, and the less time it will take for the whole process.

  8. Start steaming with small details: collar, sleeves. Try pulling the fabric slightly with your hand for the best smoothness. But do not overdo it, otherwise the product will stretch.
  9. After steaming the entire product, do not remove it from the trempel, let it hang and dry at room temperature. Moistened skin should straighten out under its own weight.

Video: how to steam leather jackets and other leather goods

Using the press

On the net you can sometimes find tips for using a press to smooth out rough skin wrinkles. It is proposed to put the product on a horizontal surface, well straightening all the folds and irregularities with your hands. And then put some heavy object on top like a press and leave it in this state for a day or a little less. However, the method raises some doubts. Let's say we did everything as expected. Above, as a press, they put a boiler with water or a thick stack of books. And they left it that way. In 24 hours, won't a squeezed area in the form of a circle from a boiler or a rectangle from books appear on our leather product? It may happen that the problem will only get worse. And instead of one small crease, we get a wider area of ​​an unsightly look. Therefore, it is better to refrain from using this method and use other proven and safe methods.

You can smooth out the jacket with the help of professional products produced by many manufacturers specifically for the care of leather goods. Typically, a moisturizing impregnation for leather items comes in the form of a liquid or spray. It contains oil and glycerin. These components improve the elasticity of the material and help restore the original skin condition. You can purchase a humidifier as a related product in clothing and footwear stores or in the utility departments of supermarkets, on specialized sites.
A professional moisturizer is one way to smooth leather products


  1. We put the jacket on a flat horizontal surface. We straighten it as much as possible so that there are no folds of the material.
    A leather jacket should be treated with a moisturizer on a horizontal surface.
  2. If the product is in an aerosol can, shake the can so that the components are mixed and come to a homogeneous state.
  3. Apply the product from a distance of about 20 cm. Without stopping in one place, we process the entire surface of the product.
  4. If the product is liquid, apply it to the product with a cloth napkin or cotton pad, evenly distributing it over the surface.
  5. Wipe the skin with a clean, dry cloth. It is necessary to ensure that the product is completely absorbed into the material. Otherwise, with natural drying, ugly streaks and smudges may appear.
  6. We hang the jacket on a trempel. We fasten all the buttons, zippers and leave for several hours. A moisturizer will nourish the skin from the inside out and fade bruises.
    At the last stage of processing, the leather jacket should be hung on a hanger.

Folk ways to replace a humidifier

As a moisturizer, you can use:

Any of these products will not only smooth out the folds on the leather jacket, but also provide care, protect the material from abrasions and cracks. For fair and white skin, it is better to use petroleum jelly or glycerin. These products have no color, and therefore will not change the color of the product itself, but will give it a beautiful gloss.


  1. Use any of these means to treat the surface of the leather product. The procedure is the same as using a professional liquid moisturizer.
  2. Don't use too much. Otherwise, it will not be completely absorbed into the skin, and greasy stains will remain. Better to take a little and distribute evenly. Collect the excess with a napkin.
  3. Buff the leather with a clean cloth and hang the garment on a ram to saturate the inner layers and align.

We remove creases

Sometimes it happens that deep folds form on the leather product. It may take more time and effort to eliminate them. It is recommended to use the set of measures described above. For example:

  1. Steam the jacket first. Let her hang on the trempel for 2-3 hours.
  2. Then iron with an iron. And again leave for a while for a natural alignment.
  3. If the wrinkles are still visible, use a professional moisturizer or traditional methods.
  4. At each stage, the skin will gradually smooth out, and deep folds and creases will become less and less.

Important. If in general the jacket looks good and there is only one room in one place, the whole product should be processed in the chosen way, but paying special attention to the problem area. In this case, the jacket will look beautiful after the procedure, and the problem area will not stand out against the general background.

If the jacket is made of fake leather

Smoothing leatherette is not as easy as natural leather, but it is also possible

Today the industry produces many products from different types of leatherette: leatherette, vinyl, stretch leather, tarpaulin and others. The peculiarity of these materials is such that the traditional methods of smoothing described above are not always effective. For example, professional moisturizers and homemade oils are not absorbed as well into the dense structure of leatherette as into natural leather. Therefore, the result of the procedure may not give the desired effect. Nevertheless, you can try to smooth the leatherette jacket. For example, using an iron.

Important points when ironing:

  • Set the iron to the minimum temperature (usually it is indicated by one dot on the scale).
  • Disable the steam function.
  • Lay out the product so that its parts do not come into contact with each other. They can stick together under the influence of temperature.
  • Be sure to use an ironing device - a dense, uniform fabric, preferably made of cotton.
  • After ironing, slide the garment onto the mannequin or your own body. This will give the material the desired volume.

Folk method - smoothing with water

  1. Pour lukewarm water into a spray bottle.
  2. Hang the product on a ram and spray it with a spray bottle. It is important to just slightly moisten the material, not allowing it to get completely wet.
  3. Leave to dry at room temperature, away from heating appliances. It will take several hours to dry completely.

The popular way is steam smoothing

This method is a popular analogue of a professional steamer.

Among modern materials actively used for sewing wardrobe items, synthetic fabrics occupy a leading position. The excellent quality characteristics of products made from fabrics containing polyester fibers have made things made from such materials incredibly popular. Jackets made of polyester or Bologna are affordable, strong, beautiful and durable, and with proper care, such products will last a long time without disappointing the owners with quality.

Features of the care of polyester products

Innovative technologies have made it possible to diversify the modern man's wardrobe with polyester items. Designers willingly work with this material, creating dresses and the thinnest blouses, and, taking into account the hydro- and heat-protective properties of the fabric, they use it to create original models of demi-season raincoats, winter jackets or down jackets. In order for the clothes to retain their impeccable appearance for a long time, it is necessary to adhere to the manufacturer's recommendations, which indicates on the label the washing and ironing temperatures for a particular product.

To prevent the finest fabric from deforming, you should know how to wash a polyester blouse or bolognese jacket:

  • turn the product inside out to avoid deformation of the fibers on the front side of the fabric;
  • choose a delicate mode in the washing machine;
  • use detergent powder only for synthetic fabrics;
  • the water temperature should not exceed 40, and sometimes 60 degrees;
  • do not use bleaching agents;
  • spin should be gentle.

Products made of very thin fabrics (dress or blouse) are recommended to be washed by hand without hard twisting. And after washing, you need to rinse the thing in warm water with the addition of vinegar. To dry, the product is straightened and hung on a hanger until completely dry. Most things made of polyester, nylon or raincoat fabric after washing with the correct spin do not need to be ironed, but just straighten them on a hanger. But if it becomes necessary to eliminate bumps on the surface of the product, then you need to be on the alert so as not to hopelessly ruin your favorite thing. To do this, you need to know how to iron polyester correctly. It is recommended to heat the soleplate of the iron to the minimum temperature, then iron the wrinkled area through a damp cotton cloth.

Known for their durability and excellent moisture resistance, outerwear is at the height of its popularity today. Practical pieces that work well. But after washing, it may be necessary to smooth out wrinkles or creases. Recommendations on how to iron a polyester jacket without damaging the synthetic fabric are stated on the product label, so do not ignore the manufacturer's care advice. Depending on the composition, density and quality of the fabric, a different temperature regime is offered for ironing.

Given the peculiarity of the insulation, the owner must understand how to iron a winter jacket without damaging the warming material. If it is natural fluff, then at high temperatures there is a risk of fat spots on the surface of the product from the axis. For bulky items, experts recommend using a jet of steam, which is directed to the crumpled area.

How to iron fabric that won't iron

When studying the label, which contains information about the features of caring for a product made of polyester materials, it sometimes turns out that such a thing cannot be ironed. But what about the product, which after washing has acquired an unsightly appearance? How to iron a raincoat fabric that does not tolerate high temperatures.

  1. Stuff the sleeves with paper or cloth, hang the product in a damp room, bathroom or kitchen. Along the contour, spread the product as much as possible with your hands.
  2. Experienced housewives recommend how to iron a polyester dress without an iron. After all, you can do without an electrical appliance. It is necessary to straighten the product by hanging it on a hanger, and place a basin with hot water under the dress, the steam from which will rise up and naturally smooth the fabric.

Ironing and steaming the synthetic fabric jacket correctly

If, as a result of washing, the product is too wrinkled, and the owner does not know how to iron a bologna or nylon jacket correctly, you can try to correct the situation with steam, if this does not contradict the manufacturer's recommendations on the label. For this, experienced housewives offer the following options:

  1. You can use the steam generator by setting it to the "Continuous steam" mode.
  2. The sole of the iron is brought close to the surface of the product, avoiding contact of the metal base with the fabric. A directed stream of steam is carried out along the surface of the product. Basically, even inexperienced housewives, after carefully studying the exhaustive recommendations on the label, know how to iron a nylon jacket. The main thing is to prevent coarsening of synthetic fabric from exposure to high temperatures.
  3. You can use a damp cotton cloth, which is applied to the surface of the jacket and the iron heated to the minimum temperature is carried out several times. If there are creases on the surface of the fabric, then the procedure should be repeated again until the flatness disappears completely.
  4. You can iron a product made of dense polyester with an iron without fabric, but with minimal heating of the sole of the iron.

In the event that the information on the label has not been preserved, the resourceful hostess will not be surprised by the question of how to iron the jacket correctly, because you can test the permissible temperature regime on a piece of fabric that is attached to the product. Thin windbreaker jackets made of synthetic fabric are easier to iron from the wrong side, without holding the iron in one place for a long time.

Wrinkled clothes look unattractive regardless of style, color, type of fabric. It's easy to grab an iron and get rid of the wrinkles. Only inexperienced housewives reason like this, and the rest, before smoothing a leatherette or other fabric jacket, read the instructions on the label. If the material is capricious, and this is considered to be artificial leather, they are looking for other processing methods.

Types of leatherette, differences

Before you iron the leatherette, it is useful to familiarize yourself with the features of the material in order to choose the right solution to the problem and not spoil the thing.

  • Leatherette is a low quality synthetic fabric. If the jacket has creases due to improper storage, it is difficult to straighten them.
  • Kirza, on the contrary, stands out among other imitation leather substitutes for its density and strength. Moreover, it is difficult to wrinkle. Hardly anyone will think about how to iron a tarpaulin.
  • Stretch leather stretches perfectly. A serious drawback is sensitivity to high temperatures. It is not recommended to iron out folds on stretch leather with an iron.
  • Vinyl (PVC) is more often than other materials used for the manufacture of outerwear, shoes, artificial leather bags. Such fabric is strong and relatively wear-resistant; it is easy to iron out folds on it.

How and how to smooth a leatherette jacket

There are several answers, choose the appropriate option.


  1. Turn the leather jacket inside out, lay it out on the ironing board, gently smooth out the folds with your hands.
  2. Cover the item with a clean cotton cloth and run over it with a warm (not hot) iron. To smooth the leatherette without damaging it, use the delicate mode on the device, while the steam function is better to be turned off.
  3. Immediately turn the flattened jacket right out of the way. Try to add volume to the thing by wearing it on your own body or on a suitable mannequin.


Here, too, the leatherette is exposed to high temperatures, so caution is important.

  • To avoid sticking of parts, use a dummy or a hanger, putting rolls of towels into the sleeves.
  • Steam only problem areas, do not keep the device in one place for more than five seconds.
  • The distance between the steamer and the cloth is at least 10 cm.
  • During the procedure, it is better not to touch the jacket with your hands, so as not to leave traces.
  • After steaming, allow the product to cool down.

Smoothing with water

  1. With the jacket turned inside out, hang it on a hanger.
  2. Spray from a spray bottle with water at room temperature so that it is not wet, but damp.
  3. Wait for the item to dry.

Advice! Before smoothing the leatherette jacket in this way, make sure there is no draft in the room. Otherwise, the material will deform.

Hair conditioner and vinegar

  1. In equal proportions (about 5 tablespoons each) mix 9% vinegar, room temperature water, and conditioner.
  2. Pour the resulting liquid into a spray bottle, treat problem areas.
  3. Let the product dry.

This method of smoothing leatherette is unusual, but effective.

Shoe cream

Colorless shoe care products can also take care of other leatherette products. Apply a small amount of cream to a clean rag, treat the wrinkled areas of the jacket. Skin moisturized with a special product will quickly straighten. Alternatively, glycerin comes in handy.


And here it is not at all necessary to think about how to smooth artificial skin. Put on your jacket and go for a walk in the rain. Just do not forget to hang the product on a hanger when you get home. And drink hot tea so as not to get sick.

"Steam bath"

  1. Pour hot water into the bathtub and hang a crumpled jacket over it on a hanger.
  2. Close the door.
  3. After 5 hours, take the jacket to a cool place, wait until it is completely dry.

Leatherette care

  • You need to store leatherette things not folded, but on a hanger of the appropriate size.
  • Do not dry leather clothing with electrical appliances, so as not to deform it.
  • Each product has a special label with symbols for correct use, please read this information.
  • For cleaning, use products without aggressive substances and bleaching agents.
  • If you are not sure that you can handle cleaning or ironing your jacket yourself, it is better to entrust the work to professionals.

Leatherette is an economical, beautiful, but very capricious material to use. When caring for things, consider the type of fabric.

After washing or long-term storage, unwanted folds and creases appear on the jackets, which must be straightened. Ironing methods of a thing depend on what material it is made of: from a mixed or synthetic fabric, leather, suede. There are subtleties in the care of insulated jackets.

The simplest solution, but not the cheapest, is to dry-clean your jacket. Experts will clean, remove stains and iron the thing according to all the rules. But clothes can be put in order at home, using household appliances and available means, observing the rules of care indicated on the label sewn from the wrong side.

Ironing of textile jackets

The properties of the fabrics from which outerwear is sewn determine how to care for it. It is important that the material is waterproof and not blown out. Bologna synthetic fabric meets these conditions. It has been known since the middle of the 20th century and is named after the Italian city of Bologna, where it was first made. The material is nylon or nylon treated with polymer acrylate and silicone impregnations.

In order not to damage the fabric, things from Bologna must not be cleaned with organic solvents (containing acetone) and ironed with an iron heated above +100 ° C.

Jackets made of nylon (100% polyester) are very popular: this material is breathable and easy to wash and clean from stains. It is also not resistant to acetone and high temperatures.

Fabric care instructions are indicated on the label.

Clothing made from synthetic fabrics has useful qualities:

  • can be washed at a temperature of 30 ° C;
  • does not shrink and does not deform during washing;
  • does not fade and dries quickly;
  • fabrics do not fade and do not collapse in the sun;
  • practically does not wrinkle when worn;
  • resistant to dirt.

How to iron a synthetic jacket

Before getting down to business, you should study all the symbols on the label and strictly adhere to the manufacturer's recommendations. The product may not be ironed at all or may not be steamed.

To make it easier to iron a bologna jacket (or sewn from another fabric, which contains more than 60% synthetic fibers), you need to follow simple rules:

  • do not heat-treat worn things, otherwise greasy stains and other contaminants will be absorbed into the fabric, and it will be very difficult to get rid of them;
  • after hand washing, it is advisable to wring out the clothes slightly by wrapping them in a terry towel. For a machine wash, you should select a spin mode with a minimum speed (no more than 500) so that the thing does not wrinkle strongly and deep creases do not appear;
  • it is best to dry jackets-windbreakers or down jackets in a straightened form on wide shoulders, which are exactly the right size. All zippers (buttons, buttons) are pre-zipped so that things do not deform.

There are several ways in which you can give your synthetic outerwear its original appearance after washing or storing for a long time in a folded state:

1). The jacket is neatly straightened on the back of a chair or on a hanger, and things are allowed to hang loose. If the fabric is not too wrinkled, the jacket will smooth out under its own weight after a few hours.

2). If the thing has dropped, but remains mint, you can try another method without using household appliances. A jacket on a hanger, buttoned up, after having smoothed the fabric with your hands, is placed over a bathtub or basin (for example, on a curtain rod) and hot water is drawn into the container. The door to the bathroom is tightly closed and the item is kept under the influence of steam for 15–20 minutes. After the procedure, the jacket, hanging on a hanger, is dried in a ventilated room, away from heating appliances.

Steaming helps most products

3). Good results are obtained by processing with a household steam generator or an iron with a vertical steaming function. The windbreaker is turned inside out to the wrong side. The sleeves are given volume by filling them with unnecessary wrapping paper (newspapers will not work) or rolled up towels. Down jacket with any insulation: padding polyester or natural down, - steamed on the front side.

A jet of steam is directed onto a jacket hanging on a hanger or a mannequin, holding the device at a distance of 10-15 cm from the fabric. The jammed places are processed from top to bottom, starting with the collar and sleeves, then on the back and shelves (in the same order as a man's shirt is ironed). The thing is left on a hanger until completely dry.

Tip: The steam must be dry, without water droplets that can stain the surface of the fabric.

4). You can use a regular iron or bench press to iron a nylon jacket (as well as a bologna jacket or a blended jacket).

Select the mode depending on the marking on the jacket label, on the iron or press. As a rule, the manufacturer recommends a mode for delicate fabrics at a temperature not higher than +100 ° C. On the iron or press, they set the mode with the marking: one point or the inscription Nylon or Silk (nylon or silk). The jacket is laid out on an ironing board or on a table; for the convenience of handling small parts and sleeves, it is advisable to use a sleeve.

Iron delicate items from the side of the lining and through a damp piece of cotton cloth (iron).

Tip: the steam mode on the iron must be turned off so as not to deform the fabric.

Clothes with insulation are ironed through an iron on the front side, trying not to press the iron too hard so as not to damage the filler. It is impossible to touch the surface of the synthetic fabric directly with the iron: so-called lasins may appear - glossy stains that can ruin the thing. First, the collar, cuffs, lapels of pockets and sleeves are ironed, then the back and shelves.

Tip: Before moving on to the next area, you need to allow the freshly ironed one to cool completely.

The steamer handles almost any crease

How to iron a genuine leather or suede jacket

All of the above methods are also suitable for things made of leather or suede, but taking into account the properties of these materials.

Natural materials are elastic and beautiful, but very sensitive to the effects of water and the pressure of an iron heated to high temperatures (above 100 ° C). To iron a suede or leather jacket, proceed in the following order:

  • inspect the thing, remove dust and any stains so that they do not eat deeper;
  • select the delicate mode (marking on the iron: one dot or the inscription Nylon or Silk);
  • fabric without a pronounced texture or white thick paper without drawings and inscriptions is used as an ironing device. The fabric should be wet and squeezed hard, almost dry;
  • iron only wrinkled areas or creases from the front side, without pressing hard on the iron, so as not to stretch the skin;
  • products made of natural suede are ironed from the seamy side or from the front, without touching the surface with the iron, so as not to crush the pile;
  • you should treat a small area and immediately check the result: wait until it cools down before ironing another area;
  • place the jacket on such a hanger so that the skin on the shoulder seams and sleeves does not deform. The thing should dry completely naturally, away from heating appliances.

Leather jackets can be treated with moisturizers available from shoe and sports stores, but homemade methods will work as well. Glycerin, vaseline, walnut and castor oil have an excellent effect on natural skin. Treatment with these products gives the skin a fresh look and shine, it will smooth itself out under the weight of its own weight.