How to behave in the first birth. In different moments of childbirth, you need to behave differently. Transitional phase of childbirth and the birth rate of the fetus

Many media teach a future mother, how to behave at childbirth for their happy permission. Special courses are also organized, which can visit mothers along with future dads.

However, when the fights begins, you can panic and forget everything, it happens to many for the first time with giving birth. Nevertheless, it is better to literally memorize the most important rules that will help not only you, but also to the baby. After all, he also undergoes the changes inexplicable for him.


The first stage, the first real contractions. How to behave correctly? What should I hurry to hurry in the hospital?

Birth can be divided into 3 stages, and they will last up to 18 hours. At the first time of giving birth to women, and in experienced - up to 12 hours. The first stage can be felt on the eve: weak contractions begin, which will be launched for no more than 30 seconds. They repeat about every half hour. This is not a reason to worry and childbirth should begin.

Control the collection of the necessary things, continue to be at home, are easy to do. It is now that it is advisable to make an enema and no longer eat.

How to understand the onset of the second phase of labor? When is it time to go to the hospital?

The second stage is characterized by the character of the battles: they become longer (up to 3 minutes), and the interval between them is reduced to 2 minutes.
If you went to the hospital in advance, for example, on the recommendation of the doctor, continue to behave quietly, but warn the medical staff about my condition. It is advisable not to lie, but walk or stand. If you are at home, the moment has come to go to the maternity hospital. Now you have to listen to obstetricians and fulfill all their recommendations. At the same time, do not forget the rules on how competently behave competently so that they pass less painfully.

So, remember the main of them:

1 .Do not strain the muscles of the body.Relax them for all the time of childbirth.

2. Breathe slow and deep.Inhale your nose, exhale your mouth. Your correct breathing is important for the normal passage of the kid by generic channels.

3. Configure yourself to good emotions, show positive.Do not be angry, do not worry, calm down and talk with your baby. Soon you will meet him!

The second stage can last 6-10 hours.Now the right time to make yourself a point massage, which will partially remove pain. Press the front at the front to the front edge of the iliac bones, press on the lumbar rhombus. If pains become unbearable, and you give birth for the first time, you can do an anesthetic injection. It will not exceed the pain completely, but health will make it easier.

The third stage: Birth began. How to behave when the birth has already begun? How to breathe how to help the baby to be born?

On the 3rd stage you will feel the desire to live.
Now you will be cast in the birthroom, or you are already in the prenatal room. In the labor hall you will be offered lie on the generic table. How to go to it right? It is necessary to rest on the table with the feet, and hold hands for handrails.

When a doctor tells you to make a fast, you will need to deeply inhale and delay your breath. Then fit the muscles of the abdomen and exhale the air mouth. After that, you can relax and repeat everything as the midwife will suggest.

The most important point is the withdrawal of the head of the baby - it does not occur on attempts, but in a relaxed state.You breathe at this moment my mouth. Try not to forget it at the most important point, as it is possible to facilitate childbirth in real breathing. You help the baby when the head goes, it is a quiet state.

And when the shoulders appear alternately, you will have to reach another 1 time. This will require efforts, as the reflexive you want to make a sweat and at the time of the head outlet.

How to set yourself to a psychological positive? Who will help you do everything right?

Do not worry if you all forget. Nearby will be a doctor and midwife, and they will tell you how to do it right. Fear that literally ships many women before childbirth can harm the process. Psychological discomfort can go to physical, so it is important to behave correctly and in this matter.

Try home and in the hospital to communicate with positive people, and believe in successful childbirth. W.verity gives already giving birth to women who have a good gather. It is their support that will be very useful to you.

The absence of fear is already favorable childbirth, so wait for your baby with a joyful mood, and the pain you just need to pull the baby for the sake of the baby. Many women are experiencing about attitudes towards them doctors and midwives on the day of childbirth. If you are afraid that the rudeness is shown to you, will increase the voice, better in advance, even during pregnancy, find out the opinions of giving birth friends about different hospitals.

You have the right to choose where you want to give birth.In any case, lead yourself calmly, as you can easily easily. This is the main task to which you strive: a calm psychological state will add a lot of chances with successful childbirth.

What happens in the first minutes after childbirth? What does the doctor do right after childbirth? How to behave a woman in labor?

Immediately after birth, the baby should get a placenta. Perhaps for this will have to get a little more than one more time or it will be enough that the midwife is slightly pressed on the stomach. After that, the doctor will check the integrity of the tissue of the cervix and the crotch. If there are gaps, they will be lost immediately. At this time you do not need to do anything, you will not feel pain or discomfort. You will be happy and fully engaged in your born baby. Take congratulations!

How to behave during childbirth, video

Future moms have already heard that the outcome of birth is largely determined by the tranquility and the configuration of the feminine. However, how to prepare for the emergence of a child and how to behave in childbirth, not everyone knows. This article will help identify a pregnant woman with the "right" behavior at every stage of this complex process.

The process of childbirth, as a rule, begins with bouts. Suddenly started involuntary cuts in the muscles of the uterus ensure the opening of her neck. When the fights become regular (about 10 minutes), a woman is worth going to the hospital, because childbirth can begin at any time. It is desirable that a close person was located in this important segment of life, thanks to which the future mother will feel calmer. The very poliving woman should tune himself on a prosperous outcome, stroke the tummy and talk to his baby, with whom she will soon see himself.

Being in the hospital, when the fights are not yet strong, the woman should try to relax the muscles as much as possible that do not participate in the process of childbirth. It is worth understanding a simple truth - the stronger the feminine will strain, the longer and painful will be a childbirth. It is necessary to focus on relaxation and, first of all, in his breath.

The entire first period of childbirth must be breathing with full breasts, measured and calmly. At the same time, it is important not to delay the breath. At the tension of the muscles, the narrowing of all uterine vessels, and therefore those that feed the fruit are. That is why it is very important to use one of the respiratory techniques.

The slow type of breathing is suitable for low-escaled fights. A short breath through the nose is replaced by a long exhalation through the mouth. By the way, you can breathe all over delivery. However, in the active phase, when the fights pick up and become more painful, the woman in labor is more suitable for breathing, in which painful sensations are expressed by the voice, "come down" vowels "y" or "o". Moreover, the rushed sound should be low that the muscles of the pelvic bottom relax.

With the development of generic activity, the intensity of the battle increases, and the gaps between them decrease, which is why it becomes more and more difficult to maintain the selected breathing type. A woman pulls to breathe superficially and often, "dog": 2-3 short breath and exhalation that end in a deep cleaning exhale.

Between the fights, the Giving woman should relax as much as much as possible and relax. It is very important, because the process, during which the uterus will expand to magnitude, in which the head of the baby will be able to exit the outside, often stretches for 9 to 12 hours. It is necessary to protect the strength and not to spend their in vain.

After a few hours, the fences in the woman in labor occurs the influence of the arrogant waters. At this time, it is necessary to lie down, because in the case of multi-way these waters may take themselves both the umbilical cord and the infant handle. After that, the doctor conducts a vaginal inspection, checking whether the fruit head is pressed against the pelvis bones. If necessary, an obstetrician gynecologist breeds the shell of the fruit bubble, excluding all possible complications.

When, after a female, a woman arises a desire to surpasses, she needs to call an obstetrician who will inspect and give permission to the beginning of Poug. Inspection is important, since the uterus may not open to the end, and the head of the fetus may not have time to configure (the unreasonable bones of the skull come in one over the other). Fucks at this point can lead to injury to the fetus. It is worth mentally to calm themselves, do not worry and not shout, because in this case there is a deficiency of oxygen, which will negatively affect the child's condition.

With the beginning, a woman should breathe superficially, stretching his lips into the tube, as if he blows a candle. It is during this period that it is necessary to concentrate as much as possible, collect all the strength and carefully to see the doctor who will give the team to begin to live. The fever at this time is located on a special bed in the maternity branch, her legs are located on the stands, and she keeps for special handles. During the battle, it is necessary to score full light air and start hard to pull the handles on themselves, actively working by the muscles of the abdominal press and sending efforts to the crotch area, where the child's head appear soon.

For one fight, the female can be reassured so three times. Do not raise crotch or bending. It is much easier and more convenient to sleep, trying to push out the fruit. At the same time, slightly lifted up to look at her belly, which will help concentrate forces. In the interruptions between attempts you need to relax and breathe calmly, saving forces.

Only only the head will begin to appear, the feminine will become much easier. These moments are not worth it, but only breathe a "dog" so that nothing is injured in anyborn.

After the child appears to the light, the woman has yet a little more comfortable to reach the child's place, that is, the placenta. It is not at all difficult, and the femalenitz practically does not remain in memory.

Following these advice, the woman will be able to make it easier to make the appearance of a long-awaited baby, without traumating it and experienced only minor pain. Painless childbirth in your hands!

The maternity hospital for a woman speaks among the people that the army for a man. Who was not, he will be, and who was - will not forget. Such unforgettable sensations may experience almost every woman, with the exception of cases of operational delivery. How to make the process of birth less painful and is it possible?

The first stage of the labor process is. In all future mothers, the fights can pass with various pain. Someone will have a barely noticeable pain at the bottom of the abdomen, as before menstruation, and others will be ready to climb on the wall, which, by the way, can be done if you have a Swedish wall at hand. Doctors recommend to walk during this period, a little dancing, hanging on something, swinging on the phytball. Do not advise at this time to sit, especially on a solid surface. The vertical position helps more easily survive the contractions, as well as such a posture favorably affects the active disclosure of the uterus.

If you do not want to eat - great, now it is important not to overturn the body with an extra food. With a big desire to eat, it is better to choose something light and sweet. You can, for example, eat a banana and drink compote. Do not attempt to "feed" yourself to potatoes. Heavy food is most likely to stay in the body and will come out in the form of vomiting.

Correct actions

If you want to know what to do during the battles, follow the following recommendations:

  • GOOD BREATE. It will be a pledge of painless battles. A woman in a calm and confident state can help themselves to survive a heavy generic path. The breathing technique should be as follows: a slow breath through the nose and a little longer exhale through the mouth. Accompany the exhale can be pronouncing or singing low vowels a, o or y. Also, a method of diaphragm-breast breathing has greater benefits. The woman inherine does inhale, which begins in the abdomen area (for this one hand can be put on the stomach and follow, so that she climbs into the first when inhaling), and then the phase of breathing captures the chest (put the second hand on the chest - it came to raise it). For one battle you need to produce 3-4 such full breaths. Proper breathing will help to saturate your baby with oxygen, and the wrong technique will lead to a lack of oxygen at the babies (hypoxia).
  • Do not shout. Creek will not help alleviate suffering, but only turns into a woman in labor, and she needs to save forces, otherwise the final stage of childbirth risks to delay. Creek, as well as high sounds can adversely affect the process of childbirth, leading to the spasm of the right muscles.
  • Relax. In the breaks between the fights, and this process can reach very long (up to 12 hours), the woman needs to calm down and preferably even sleep. This will greatly restore strength for the subsequent even more responsible childbirth period - for fence. Listen to your favorite music, talk on the phone, do the meditation, i.e. By any ways to help the body relax.
  • Self-massage - maybe Massage: Massify lower back with fists or make stroking movements in the field of abdomen, moving from groin to the sides.
  • Prepare for childbirth. As long as there is time, the future mother can take a shower, shave, once again check all things and documents and go to the hospital.

Transitional period

Relatively calm pains of the latent period, the fights are replaced by the active period when the pain is even more tangible and strong. This stage ends with two events development options:

  1. Premature childbirth - the doctor will advise to take a position lying on the side to slow down the process of childbirth.
  2. Slow Promotion of the baby head in the generic channel - in this case, doctors recommend sitting on a squat, so that this process is accelerated.


Tracks come after fights. Here, a woman needs to behave most correctly, so as not to cause harm or a baby.

Important! Listen to the midwife! It is most important. Experienced doctors will tell how to breathe and what to do for minimal process pain. Feeling that the fights became frequent, with an interval of 1 minute, carefully follow the urges to rebuild. Now it is categorically prohibited. The baby has not yet prepared for the exit, and the early sweating will provoke damage to the head of the crumbs, and will also lead to the crosses of the crotch.

How to behave during childbirth? It is important to learn how to breathe. Make it quite simple: often, often breathe doggy or as if you are posing a candle. With this clearly and loudly, only exhalation should be heard.

Strictly follow the medical instructions. Step left, step to the right - an error in the price of life, your or child. Remember this great responsibility. As soon as you receive a signal to sleep, you need to dial the maximum amount of air in the chest, to delay your breathing and, pressing the chin to the chest, dramatically release the air through the mouth, creating the maximum pressure in the anus area.

It is important not to sleep up, in the head. Excessive pressure can lead to the fact that eye capillaries are falling apart, and the generation process itself will be slowed down.

During one sweat, it is necessary to comply with such a breathing 3 times. If you do everything right, the child's head appears on the second sweat, and the next birth of the baby will occur.

Completion of childbirth

Here the baby is already in your chest and emotions overwhelm your soul, and the generic period has almost ended. It remains the last time to surf the placenta. In other things, it is also called a kindergarten. Hearing a characteristic squall of yourself, know - you coped, ended. Now the young mammy needs to relax within 2 hours. Medpers all this time will exercise alert control of the guide due to the danger of the appearance of bleeding.

Sometimes the woman's born is created the illusory feeling of lightness and harvest. She feels like everything inside is full of energy and is ready at least now running with the baby in an embrace of home, but these are deceptive. They are the result of euphoria from victory, in fact a woman needs a full-fledged rest to restore the forces spent.

Let's summarize what behavior will be prudent, so that the births passed as painlessly:

  1. Gorge to breathe at each individual stage.
  2. Bind the correct position of the body to facilitate the flow of labor.
  3. To be attentive and calm.
  4. Perform all the requirements of the medical staff.
  5. Tune in positive way.

To give birth, any woman is capable, but only your actions are able to make this process comfortable and painless. Do not be afraid of anything and expect a joyful meeting with your Karapuz.

Long 9 months of waiting finally came to an end, a little bit and a huge new world will meet your baby, and while the future mother has a little time to relax, gain strength and complete all the case. Latest preparations
2. Proper behavior in childbirth and during battles

1.1. Calm
1.2. Relaxation
1.3. Breath
1.4. Keep optimism
1.5. Do not hold back the moans and screams
1.6. Move

3. It began!
4. How to understand that the childbirth began and further pulling the trip to the hospital does not make sense?

Very often, future mothers on the outcome of the 9th month of pregnancy complain about the accumulated fatigue and dream that childbirth began as soon as possible. Really.

A huge belly, all kinds of unpleasant symptoms, such as swelling, heartburn, sleep disorders deliver a lot of inconvenience and interfere with a relax and relax.

Meanwhile, the future mother is visited and all kinds of questions, such questions, how to behave correctly during childbirth and fights before the upcoming important event: Waiting for inevitable painful sensations often scare women, especially those who give birth for the first time or have already experienced heavy previous birth. You should not succumb to panic: no longer a woman remained pregnant forever, in addition, it depends largely on your attitude, as you are going to know, so it is important to know how to behave correctly during childbirth.

Latest preparations

In order for the long-awaited hour X, he caught you surprise and passed with comfort, and in the first days after the appearance of crumbs on the world, you could completely plunge into care for her, without being distracted by all sorts of urgent things at that moment, prepare for the beginning of birth better in advance .

Try to complete all important unfinished affairs before the last week of pregnancy. So about and things that may be needed in the maternity hospital and after discharge, it is recommended to think already starting from 36 weeks: collect a "duty" bag with all necessary - clothes, hygiene and documents.

Perhaps, for any woman it is important to feel safe during childbirth, as well as feel complete confidence in the medical staff, so the maternity hospital and the doctor who you are going to give birth is better to choose in advance. If there is an opportunity to meet with the doctor on the eve of this important moment of your life, talk, ask him questions that you are worried - be sure to do it - such a conversation will noticeably add confidence and help tune in to the desired way.

Try to finish urgent and important home affairs - it certainly does not mean that in the last weeks of pregnancy you need to separate the whole apartment or releasing the whole closet of the diaper. Such labor feats will only bring overwork, but to prepare the necessary minimum on the first days, collect a set for extracting and take care of the supervision of older children if they are necessary.

In the last days before the appearance of a baby, try to observe a certain nutrition mode - light and healthy food that does not overload the stomach, will have to be very useful in the case of a sudden generic activity. Eat often, but little by little - this will help you to survive heartburn, and save the energy that will be needed so much.

Proper behavior in childbirth and during battles

From how you behave at the time of childbirth will depend on how simple and quickly you will be able to produce your child to light.

If you have not read anything or heard about the upcoming process, it's time to remember and apply all your knowledge in practice. No wonder, female consultations very often recommend future mothers to listen to the course of lectures on pregnancy and childbirth. Classes dedicated to how to behave during childbirth: how to breathe how to breathe, relax that there are swelling and other important aspects will help the girlfriend in this difficult and responsible process.

1. Calm

It is very important not to lose composure and listen to the advice of the doctor: a panic and hysteria still did not help anyone to make a healthy child on the light - you only wonder the strength and somehow breathing.

2. Rest

Be sure to rest between the fights - in the first period of childbirth, when the uterus is just starting to shrink, the pain is not too strong and the future mother may well survive them. At the stage of strengthening and gaining battle, the break between them is invented by Mother - Nature so that the woman can translate the spirit. Very often, the Gods remember that they managed to even sleep in a short period between the next battle.

3. Breathing

It is very important to masterregular - - this will help speed up and facilitate the process of passing the kid by generic paths. And also reduce pain during battles.

4. Keep optimism

Positive mood and ability not to lose composure - important components of success. Humor and jokes contribute to the release of the hormone of pleasure, which is a powerful natural painkiller - no wonder the medical staff in the birthway is trying to joke with women who have been preparing to become moms from minute to minute.

5. Do not hold back the moans and screams

"Right" low prolonged moans, like those that are broken from the lips athlete during the highest voltage, help to relax and relieve pain. Cuts - sharp, sudden, uncontrollable - on the contrary, they will hinder the generic activity, causing the tension of muscles and spasms.

6. Move

If your condition allows - you do not need to be tied to a dropper or conduct uninterrupted monitoring of the fetus status, be sure to use the situation to facilitate your condition. Painful contractions in motion, taking a convenient position for you personally to experience much easier than lying. In addition, the vertical position contributes to the acceleration of the delivery process and facilitate the passage of the baby through the generic paths.

There are some positions in which mom and baby is much easier and more comfortable to feel in the process of childbirth. So, for example, cried on her knees during very strong fights, you can help yourself, alleviate, and gradual smooth squats will increase the pressure on the neck of the uterus, and accordingly accelerate the generic activities.

If you keep freedom of movement for any reason it is not possible, it will optimally take the position lying on the left side: such a posture is optimal for relaxation and creates minimal pressure on the walls of the uterus and the baby.


So, you felt that the finale of pregnancy is already close: everything is more intense, and possibly there are already obvious signs of generic activity, such as the appearance of regular bouts or the detection of accumulating waters.

Of course, the appearance of the first signs of the beginning of childbirth is not always the reason immediately, breaking his head, ride in the hospital. Childbirth is a long process consisting of several periods, and at the initial stage, many women can be comfortable at home.

How to understand that childbirth began and further pulling the trip to the hospital does not make sense?

Discuss with your doctor when you should make a checklist and go to the path in advance - this time depends on the intensity and frequency of generic battles. Calculate the duration of the battles and the break between them - in this case it is recommended to make a table. As soon as the generic pain reached the control value, which you agreed with the doctor - time to collect suitcases.

Perhaps you think or are you sure that the process goes wrong - in this case it is better to trust with your feelings and once again consult with a specialist, at least by phone. If you observe the signs of explicit pathology, such as vaginal bleeding or water have a greenish tint or unpleasant smell, immediately call an ambulance or go to the maternity hospital.

How to behave during childbirth and battles video

Throughout pregnancy, a woman thinks about the upcoming birth of a baby. Because how much the future mother is aware of how to behave during childbirth, which is allowed and prohibited. The well-being of the female in labor depends on the well-being.

Some signs indicate the early start. The body of each woman is different, so the harbingers can be different. Paying attention to them, the woman in labor will be able to come to the hospital in time.

Signs of starting activities:

  • sleeping belly;
  • departed mucosa;
  • the cervix changes;
  • reinforcement;
  • the fetal movement is reduced;
  • training contractions appear.

When the belly falls, the future mother needs to start preparing for a trip to the hospital. In the first birth of a woman, the appearance of the baby falls on 10-20 days after she noted omit. At the second - for 2-4 days, sometimes in a few hours. Under the influence of estrogen, the selection becomes liquid, the mucus is noted. Apply to the doctor to confirm or refute the leakage of the accumulating waters. The mucous plug is departed in different times from two weeks before the start of the battle.

Births are a natural but painful process. The duration of the delivery occupies from two to twenty hours. The deadline is from 12 to 18 hours. The second time the time passes less, as the tissues of the tributes elastic and prepared for stretching.

According to Komarovsky, training is performed in three directions:

  • fenceries;
  • partner;
  • places where the process will pass.

During battles before childbirth, you need to learn to breathe correctly, make deep breaths, keep your breath. This will reduce pain, prevent breaks and cracks. Special training, video with training will help correctly.

Behavior in stages

Despite the emotional state, a woman needs to safely behave during childbirth, as this will help tune in to a positive outcome. At this time, calm the calm, avoid actions that negatively affect the course of the process. The duration of the period depends on the individual characteristics. The uterus in childbirth is revealed, comes up to 10 cm, the child begins to move along the generic paths. Each increase in the uterus is accompanied by the fights.

Behavior in childbirth in stages:

  1. at the first stage, the woman crashes the spasms of the uterus, deeply breathes, uses self-massage, affects biologically active points;
  2. during the fence, it is toured three times on one fight without push to the uterus;
  3. in the third phase of the rejection of the post, the fight must be reimbred once, then it is to sleep.

Depending on the period of childbirth, the fights can be rare, then amplified and become frequent. A woman needs to record the duration of the breaks between them, so as not to miss the moment. At this time, there are painful sensations in the lower back, at the bottom of the abdomen, in the legs. The worn has alarm, an excited state, uncertainty.

How to behave in childbirth:

  • keep track of time;
  • breathe correctly;
  • listen to the tips of the midwife;
  • do not shout;
  • relax;
  • pick up a convenient pose;
  • stretch.

Useful tips will help the feminine to prepare for the process. At first you need to rest. At night, it is better to sleep, in the afternoon to do homemade things: cooking, gather a bag, tune in to the positive outcome of the delivery and armed with support for relatives.

The following stage will begin in the maternity hospital when it is necessary to take the right pose. During childbirth, the vertical position is practiced, since the force of gravity acts. The uterus is revealed, childbirth is quickly passing, do not delay. Massage of the belt and the sacrum will help to relax the stomach, reduce the tension from the spine, which will lead to a decrease in pain. Regardless of the selected poses, the legs put so that they are widely divorced.

At the beginning of the battle, the woman behaves actively, but does not forget to rest. It is necessary to protect the strength, since ahead of the third stage, when efforts have to make sure that the fruit is born. During the fence mobilize forces, listening to the midwife. Her tips will help you understand how to get it easy and breathe.

Actions during battles

Many pregnant women know how to behave correctly at the first fights. Stages of childbirth go in a certain sequence. The first period is the most painful and long. Take contractions, then sweat and natural labor begin. Proper behavior affects the duration, the well-being of the guinea and the state of the fetus.

How to behave during battles:

  1. take a vertical position and go to the uterus faster revealed;
  2. perform circular motions to the pelvis using an inflatable ball;
  3. making a massage of a sacral zone;
  4. it is possible to breathe correctly to eliminate oxygen starvation kid.

During the fights and childbirth, it is impossible to strain the muscles, otherwise the pain will only increase. The voltage occurs, the process of the delivery is slowed down. Power of pain depends on the characteristics of the body, pain sensitivity, the emotional mood of a woman. During battle, endorphins are distinguished, which help to relax, get rid of pain. If childbirth began, with the relaxed muscles of the cervix, the cervix reveals faster, there are no difficulty in promoting the generic channel.

What to take to the Rodovo Chamber:

  • slippers;
  • socks;
  • compression underwear;
  • water;
  • mobile phone;
  • first clothes for the newborn.

During battles choose a convenient position. It is allowed to lie on the side, walk, stand on all fours. You can not sit and lie on the back. This leads to squeezing large vessels, disturbances of blood flow to heart. The woman decreases blood pressure.

What is better to do during battles:

  1. do not lie
  2. move;
  3. take a convenient position;
  4. massage;
  5. pay attention to breathing.

At the beginning of childbirth, when the bouts began, a woman can sit. It is recommended to use phytball. By the end of the process, the head crashes into the generic canal. Attaching, additional pressure is created, so they prefer the position lying.

Is it possible to drink during childbirth? In the maternity ward, it is forbidden to eat and drink. In childbirth, there is a need to use anesthesia. The woman is often nauseous, so the stomach should be empty.

Behavior at dying

At this stage, the mother manages the delivery process. Although the bouts occur involuntarily, they can be controlled, reinforcing or holding back. A woman is translated into the prenatal ward, at this time and will need to remember the advice of doctors. It is necessary to prepare for a meeting with the baby.

How to behave at bills:

  • stay on the bed;
  • take a horizontal position;
  • do not squeeze the hips;
  • do not stand in the face.

If the guinea will strain, hemorrhage will appear in their eyes and face. Speaking is sent to the emptying of the body. If the woman is weak, the obstetrician manages the dispersion period to increase or decrease strength on time. It is relaxed for this, breathing often and superficially. It is impossible to shout, since the muscles are cut, which leads to a rupture.

How not to harm the child during childbirth:

  1. stew with the permission of the midwife;
  2. do not lift the pelvis;
  3. collect energy in the area of \u200b\u200bthe abdominal press muscle;
  4. on time to relax between the fights.

After the appearance of the baby, Mamu is waiting for the third final stage - the birth of the last and the inspection of the generic paths. The department is performed for 5-30 minutes. Woman feels weak contractions that quickly pass.

How to behave properly husband during childbirth:

  • watch the wife relaxed;
  • render moral support;
  • comfort;
  • to praise;
  • do with the need for massage.

The right actions will be able to recover faster during childbirth, the woman will be able to play sports. This will avoid the transition of psychological discomfort in physical and will not harm the guinea and the baby.

What happens after childbirth

Restoration is an important stage that will be faster if a woman knows what to do. Everything happens gradually, you should not hurry. Conditionally, the process is distributed into two parts: the first hours and days after the delivery. Mom's translation into the generic chamber occurs under the supervision of doctors. Sometimes heat, thirst, chills arise. At this stage, the uterus examines, make a massage.

A few days later, such care is no longer needed, since the state is improved over time. After delivery, muscle pain appears, grasp sensations. At this time there is a postpartum reduction of the uterus. When breaking, the diskship of the crotch and chest occurs.

For mom requires rest and hygiene. During the actual healing, it is impossible to sit down due to the risk of seam breaks. During the week, the woman inspects for control over the lack of infection.

In the first weeks remain pain. Allocations go to two months. It is important to follow the seams during the taking of the soul. Spikes are treated with antiseptics. The scar appears a week after childbirth. In the absence of complications, an extract is produced on 3-5 days. In the event of psychological discomfort, mom needs to walk more and relax.

How to behave after childbirth:

  1. lying on the stomach so that the clots come out;
  2. attach ice to half an hour;
  3. in the first hour, make a massage, in order to verify the lack of residues of the last;
  4. an hour later, the feminine is translated into the ward, pain relieve, follow a common state;
  5. after 8 hours, all indicators are measured: pressure, temperature, pulse.

After the cesarean section, the same manipulation is carried out, only the time of finding the guinea under the supervision of the obstetrician. Then the woman with the baby is transferred to the ward. If the fever is located with her husband, the supervision dye for the newborn, so that the mother rested.

How to behave with my wife after childbirth:

  • give a woman to relax the first days: sleep, come to yourself;
  • help establish lactation: nutrition, more often offering to apply a newborn to the chest;
  • help physically: bring things, accompany to the toilet;
  • the first 2 weeks to take duties at home on yourself;
  • not to be offended, be calm, understand that the spouse suffered stress, weak physically and psychologically.

Mom often thinks about how to withstand moral and physical exertion. Husband will come to the rescue. Dad will be near, care for the baby.

After childbirth, a woman is liable for a woman than during pregnancy. The body is depleted to recover, you need to walk, enjoy communication with the baby, concentrate on positive emotions. Pay attention to proper nutrition and moderate physical exertion.