How to sew glove dolls: patterns of glove toys do it yourself. We sew a glove doll, master class theater from the gloves with your own hands

Puppet Theater likes many kids. Moreover, attention is attracted not only to colorful productions with the revived toys, but also directly participate in both the actor and as a real creator of the new heroes of the upcoming ideas. The doll from the glove with their own hands is easily manufactured that for children it often becomes an embodiment of real magic. Now you will make sure that you can become a real wizard for your Chad.

Knitted gloves toys

Want to see the appearance of a naughty hare, which strives to become the main thing in the upcoming performance? Everything is simple, a miracle will happen if you cook:

  • old knitted gloves - it is desirable that it was natural for a hare color: white, gray, brown;
  • buttons or eye beads;
  • threads of different shades;
  • needles;
  • tapes;
  • scissors.

And now the process of creating the doll from the glove is plausible:

  • It is necessary to point inside all your fingers except for the middle and unnamed. The foundations of the remaining inside need to be sewed so that they are not left and hint. Fasten the newly minted ears will also not hurt so that the fingers do not fall there. A rubber band from the glove should be fed to the volume.
  • Now we will deal with the basis. Follow and sew an exceptionally ring finger.
  • Indicating and medium are used in the hare's prepared head, on the basis of fixing with threads, so that the head does not fly away during the movement.

Important! So that the seam or error is not noticeable, you can tie a ribbon hero or create an improvised tie.

  • It remains to sew the eyes - buttons, and still embroider the nose and mouth.
  • Additionally, near the ears you can position the disheveled pompon or another bow, if it is a girl.

Good hare from mittens

The doll is performed not only from the glove, with their own hands the toy can also be made from the working mittens or tack. The effect may be no less impressive, just for symmetry will have to sew another finger.

Important! It is worth starting to start the workpiece for preaching the workpiece so that it keeps the form well and it was easier to control it.

To the hare gained the finished look, you will need:

  • 4 fabric billets for ears;
  • 2 - less shape and contrasting shade;
  • cardboard or filler for packing blanks and their density;
  • feltolsters in order to draw a muzzle;
  • threads, needles will need to complete work.

The master class of sewing such a doll from the glove looks like this:

  1. First prepare the ears. You need to take 2 main billets, attach to them more contrast, flash along the edge of the very smaller size, while leaving the hole for packing. When the form succeeded, you can sew the remaining part. The same thing is done with the second ear.
  2. Now it's time to sew blanks to the mittens.
  3. In order for the muzzle-gloves, made with their own hands, gained friendly look, it is necessary to take markers and draw huge eyes, a smoky nose, a charming smile.

For a domestic performance, another participant is ready.

Open-cut dolls

There are options more complicated. They have a professional appearance and their creation requires a few more time, as, however, and a certain share of experience. To create such an artist for the home theater, you will need:

  • paper for sketch;
  • the pencils;
  • scissors;
  • dense tissue or artificial fur;
  • buttons, ribbons for decor.

Such a glove doll is performed with your own hands in 30 minutes or an hour, the patterns can be found on the Internet or to fantasize yourself, attracting a child to this process:

  1. First, it is worth drawing a sketch, and that size is that it is planned to make a doll. Therefore, you need to focus on the length, the width of your own hand or the hands of the one who plans to be a cock.
  2. When the drawing is completed, it is necessary throughout the perimeter pinch to the tissue or fur, folded twice in order to symmetrically cut both parts.
  3. Now it is important exactly, gently sew the items, and so to turn out the doll was simple and the fingers were not uncomfortable. Size should be made with a reserve of 1.5-2 centimeters.
  4. The basis is ready, now it is necessary to decorate it. Required ribbons, buttons, embroidery threads. Eyes can be made from beads or purchase ready-made in the store for needlework.
  5. Additionally, you can take a small piece of cloth of another texture, sew a dress, tie, or even some kind of pants.

Fantasize, and the result will be brighter!

Stock foot

Now you know how to make a glove doll at home and organize bright performances for your children and their little buddies. Simple schemes with the addition of individual parts will help to identify the talents of the child in sewing and design, and during the game and develop speech. In addition, the hobby can be a start to master the new profession. Any undertakings that bring pleasure are not in vain!

The puppet theater is near, and if the child is introduced with a magical little friend, he will simply be in indescribable delight. Moreover, it is enough to create a similar hero with your own hands along with the child a quiet autumn evening.

On the proposed master class, we will try to demonstrate to you, how easy it is to make gloves doll, just using kapron stockings and cotton wool (or its substitute).

To make your own troupe for a puppet theater, it is not necessary to run to the store for ready-made details. Undoubtedly, each house has all of the listed ones.

To create a glove doll you need:

  • Kapron stocking or sock;
  • Dense fabric (any color you like), with a size of 30 × 60 cm;
  • Wool for felting or syntheps;
  • Threads in the color of the fabric, needle;
  • Tight cardboard sheet, ordinary paper;
  • PVA glue;
  • Tissue scissors;
  • Tassels;
  • Gouache of different colors;

Basis of doll

  • "Heart" of the future of our product is the "cylinder" (or neck), to which the head is attached. With the help of the same detail, we will control the movements of the doll. In order to make it, you need from a strip cut out of cardboard, turn the tube, abundantly having lubricated one side with glue. It is best if the internal diameter of this part will be equal to the thickness of the finger of the duff. It is worth considering the fact that the doll will be managed by a child. In this case, the cardboard "cylinder" must be performed on the child's finger. Its height should be approximately 8 cm.

  • Then, we make thickening with one side of the cylinder, to which the glove fabric will be attached in the future. To do this, cut the strips with a width of 3 mm from ordinary paper and take them along the edge of the cylinder, marking the PVA glue. Thus, the necessary thickness of about 3-4 mm should be obtained.

  • To glue, and the part served longer, place the finished cylinder on the warm battery.

  • Head for dolls manufacture from the kapron stocking and cotton wool or syntheps.

  • For the manufacture of the head, it is necessary to cut off from the stock rug, the same largest (20 cm) of kapron parts. Firmly - firmly flashing both parts on one side, slightly spinning the corners. It would be possible, of course, to use a part of the stockmark with the factory seam, but for our product width stocking will be insufficient. Moreover, it is usually a very damping gum in this place.

  • Further, one of the stitched bags we pinch your wool tightly to formed the elastic ball. For this purpose, it is advised to use cotton wool or syntheps, with which a homogeneous smooth surface is easier to use. On this, the manufacture of the head can be considered finished.

  • The next step is putting a cylinder into the future "head" of the doll and, holding a thread and needle on both sides, we are tightened to the workpiece from Capron.

Draw a character!

Let's start the responsible stage! We will have the face of our character.

At today's master class, it was decided to depict chicken. Chicken is a hero of many folk fairy tales, and can participate in various domestic performances. Yes, and make it easier than simple.

Packup doll. Montour from Julia. (video):

  • It's time to remember the second "bag", which we sewed from the sliced \u200b\u200bKapron stocking. Thoroughly we stretch it on the basis of the head and put small cotton balls under it. From one synthetic roller, we form a comb, and from a ball in the form of a cone, make the beak.

  • To give a more accurate and neat cream and beak shape, gently flashing their stitches.

  • Do not regret glue, generously cover the surface of the head.

  • And now we take paint! First we put the color base by covering them the entire surface of the head. It would be good to apply the main paint, mixing it pre-with glue.

  • Different colors include beak, eyes and scallop. By the way, it is not necessary to wait at all until the first layer of paint will dry. Drawing on a damp paint, you can create shadows and amazing transitions. In addition, in this case, it is possible to remove an unsuccessful smear.

  • Leave to dry the painted head of our future character. And we go to the next stage of the creation of glove doll.

We sew clothes - glove: sample and technology

  • For glovety dolls, you can create the most fashionable, unique outfit. After all, it is in him the master puts the part of his soul.

  • To carve a glove dress, you need to imagine that you are already holding a doll in your hands and manage it during the performance. In this position, put the hand of the future puppet on a sheet of cardboard on a sheet of cardboard and thoroughly circle it. The pattern should look like he holds a doll. In this position, carefully circle your right hand.

  • Then, just do it with the left.

  • It turns out a general contour. Cut it and apply yellow to the tissue, folded twice. So we will immediately make two details of the future gloves.

  • We supply the pattern along the contour, with the allowance on the seams 1 cm so that the glove sat freely.

  • Cut the parts and flash them on a typewriter or manually.
  • We ride our glove on the thickening of the cylinder (neck) and, pulling the thread along the edge of the fabric, tighten it to secure the chicken outfit. The chicken glove doll is ready for the presentation in the future home theater! It remains only to equip Seine, rehearse the words of the performance and invite guests.

In the same way, you can make a variety of characters. The ability to sew a glove doll is very useful, especially if a hero is needed, which is not found in the store.

But this is not only entertainment for your child. The time spent on the manufacture of a joint craft will never be a gift. Minutes of close communication with parents, inventing the scenario of the future performance, will not replace any.

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Any theater always has its grateful spectators special from puppet. It is worth sitting the evening to make ribbon artists for the puppet theater. The biggest reward of the needlewoman is a happy laughter of her Karapus, when he sees a revived doll. For a child, older will become a real discovery that the glove begins to bow and clap in his palm on his hand. If you have conventional working gloves in your farm, then an hour later, a charming bunch may appear.

Bunny from workers

To work, you will need:

  • two knitted working gloves;
  • two eyes (buttons);
  • scissors;
  • threads, needle;
  • braid;
  • knife for plowing.

Operating procedure

  • The glove toy begins with the head. Take the glove and write red in it (happen and yellow) thread on the cuff. Come inside your little finger, index and thumb and squeeze so that they do not get out back. It turned out a hunger head with ears and necks. It is necessary to flash at the base of the ears so that the leads do not get there. After that, you can put a little filler inside the head.
  • Take the second glove and hide the ring finger in it, also sowing holes. Carefully secure the middle and index fingers together and put a hare's head on them.
  • Success your head around the neck. To hide the seam and decorate our bunny, give him a bow tie. It remains only to sew or glue the eyes and embroider a fruit. From synthetic flue threads, you can make a naughty red chubby.
  • In the same way, parsley for the puppet theater is made. For metamorphosis, it is enough just to wear a paper cap on the white ears. Do not forget that Petrushka carries a lush corrugated collar.

    Also simply may appear on the light of the Pulino Glove Doll. Add a tissue to the cap and insert a long nose from cardboard. Sweep him with his own hands the jacket and glovety doll is ready for the scene.

    Another hare

    If the first bunny was from the glove, then the second can be made from the working mitten, sewing another finger to it. But it is better to make patterns and sew with your own hands the simplest toy for the puppet theater.

  • This glove doll is cut out of a dense material that can hold shape. Cut in two details of the body and yellow ears. Four details of white ears.
  • Send yellow inserts to two parts of the ears.
  • We connect two halves of the ears. We will not turn out. We put inside the cardboard for resistance.
  • We draw felt-faucers on one side of the body of the eyes and a muzzle.
  • We sew two parts of the bunny, not forgetting to insert ears.
  • Hare from handkerchief

    Many grandmothers know how in one minute to make a bunny from a handkerchief, which is not worse than any other purchased glove toy, can cheer up a labored baby. It is enough to take a handkerchief, fold the two nearest corners and tie a tight knot. Then to push the index finger to the knot and to speak by a hare.

    This is the most primitive way to make your own lives toy. There are patterns much more difficult.

    Toy for professional

    Here is such a redhead fox glove doll can work out if you try hard. Such complex toys have a special cup inside the head, a tube, where the puppeteer's finger is inserted. It can be seen that the muzzle from the inside is naked by filler.

    Having one "body" glove can easily change the characters, simply by changing their heads. From the fox in a second it will turn out the doll of the grandfather's grandfather or children's Parsley's love. The main thing to have a set of different heads at hand.

    Heads can be made in different ways. Look at the photo, what a characteristic doll Glove grandfather turned out! His head is connected by a crochet around the tennis ball. Also simply with your own hands, you can make the heads of any characters from salt dough or papier-mache, consolidating them on a finger cardboard tube.

    Master class 2:

    One-piece glove doll can be made enough quickly. Our doll will be made of everything from the pair of details: the front and rear parts that will need to be sewed together and then turn the front side. Its decoration occurs due to the use of paints on the tissues and various kinds of applications. To give longer the head of the future doll, it needs to be completely filled with cotton or other similar material.

    Taking advantage of the existing patterns, you can sew a wide variety of characters: Bear, Lisyat, Volchat, bunnies, all sorts of girls, etc. You just need to choose the character you like and transfer it to a piece of paper.

    You can also create a glove doll with your own way, using the recommendations for building a doll torso pattern manually.

    Then you need to draw the head of the hero invested in the face. Its contours should not be too complex and far-fetched. The more simpler the doll, the greater the pretty it will acquire. If the character you conceived is a person, then you can immediately draw a head with a hairstyle, and it is possible without. In the second case, the hair will be fascified separately at the end of work. The neck of the doll should be greater than the two fingers connected together: medium and index. This is necessary due to the features in the coordination of glove doll coordination. Opincing it, these two fingers are placed in the head to manage it, and the large and ring fingers are responsible for controlling the handles of the doll.

    The classic pattern will fit all the dolls, the only difference is its size. Will you sew a toy for a small child or for his dad, the pattern will need to make your own.

    To create a pattern, cover the glove of the size you need, but if the glove is missing, then the pattern should be made, with the measurement should be removed. Each person, according to its capabilities, puts on a glove doll to the left and right hand. Because of this, manufacturing the pattern, you need to consider how they will be located inside two hands right away. It is necessary to place palms on the sheet as shown in the illustration, and draw the contours of the future doll. The width of your glove will be such that the hand can freely settle down inside, while the fabric should not make a hand.

    Next, you need to proceed to the cutting fabric and the manufacture of dolls. Fabric can not be used new, it is enough to just take a thing that has come out of use. But keep in mind, the more beautiful and elegant material, the more beautiful there will be a toy. If you plan to decorate your doll with all sorts of embroidery, then you need to do before cutting. Adding allowances to seams will depend on whether you will sew a doll on a typewriter or manually. If you are going to decorate a toy with paints, then do it before sewing parts together. So it will be much more convenient. Nose, eyes and other all sorts of details better to sew when the doll is ready, and the head is filled with padded material.

    Clothes for glovety doll can be sewn separately, and you can also put appliques on the body parts before it is cutting. With a separate tailoring, it is possible to use all sorts of decorative materials for her decoration: fur, lace, ribbons, buttons, etc. If you wish, you can also create additional accessories in the form of a hat, scanty, etc.