How to interest a man's analysis of the sentence. Bright appearance - Terrible weapon in an attempt to interest the guy. Charming laughter and charming fragrance


Suppose you rewrite with a young man who has never seen live - only in the photo. And you liked him.
Rule first: Find out your friend's hobby, and see if you have similar interests. Talking to a common, interesting both, the topic is always easy and interesting. In addition, you are even interested in the fact that you have tastes in something. If no coincidences did not find trouble. In this case, manifest interest in the guy's hobby and ask him about his passion. Does he like to read? Wonderful, find out what authors he prefers, he reads at the moment why he likes one or another genre. If you like music, ask what exactly he listens is, visiting the concerts of their idols, whether he tries to play himself where the discs buys. You can ask to read \\ Listen to anything. This is already a reason to see.

The second rule: do not dwell on yourself. It is necessary to talk about yourself, of course, it is necessary, but if your letter is pissed by constant "I, I, I, I", then nothing good will not work out. It is also not necessary to pour a ton on the head with a slight and unnecessary information to him. Perhaps your mother will be interesting that new tights have broken, but the guy is unlikely to appreciate your frankness, and most importantly - the relevance of such information. Therefore, about yourself - briefly. Sucks - answer, but without unnecessary details.

Third Rule: Ask as much as possible. Not only women love ears (though, in the case of the Internet - after all through the eyes). This axiom also applies to men. Therefore, on the basis of the questions asked, reveal the strengths of the young man and feel free to praise it. Only too much do not divert. A letter consisting of diffilams only looks at least suspicious.

Fourth Rule: Show your sense of humor. If the guy has it too - fine. He will appreciate your jokes in dignity, and perhaps very soon you will be laughed at the same things together.

And finally, the Rule fifth: Do not use too much a lot of "Internet" language. Show your literacy, and your letter will not be sent to the basket.

If you want to please with a young person, with whom only rewrite the software, then you need your tricks. First, as psychologists assure, men love ears. And in this position is the main one. To the guy you are interested in, you need to think about everything - on what themes you will communicate before what manner it will all happen. Of course, do not forget that you need not only to speak, talk and talk, but also listen to very carefully. Moreover, in the quantitative ratio, the ideal scheme looks like this: 65% of the information from the young man, 35 5 - from you. Show your companion your sense of humor: you are not "flat", no longer chat. And do not forget to make compliments. However, they should not be empty and unfortunate. Necessarily only to the place.

Another mandatory condition is beautiful and tastefully selected clothes. Principle: "On the clothes they meet" so far in strength. To draw the attention of a normal, intelligent and intelligent young man, about your wardrobe must take care most carefully. All items should be thought out, accessories to the place, clothing feminine. In addition, no man will miss by itself, which has a "line". That is, when the lady is a solid, confident, clearly representing his goals. Moreover, it reaches them and with the help of clothing too. And this means that the young man will like the girl who knows how to emphasize the necessary and disguise the shortcomings.

In addition to the wardrobe, you must pay attention to your appearance in general. Surely, the girl with blurred nails and with the cracked lacquer will interest the guy. But not in the sense in which you would like. The same applies to the head. Men like ladies with well-kept hands, legs and hairstyle. Therefore, do not even forget about the trifles in conquering a man of your dreams.

Intellect is what else you need to add to external data. With silly girls, few people are interested. Therefore, it is desirable that you can also be able to support. Also in price of modern cavaliers and wisdom. Among the liberated Amazons they are very lacking on everyday wisely: those who will not constantly saw and "download" their rights. Therefore, if you want to interest a young man, show him that the compromises are not alien to you.

And of course, be polite with him, tactful, do not oversee and admire its achievements. Such a girlfriend of a sensible cavalier is unlikely to miss.

Avoid excessive revelations. Even if you have some kind of common problem, a topic for conversation, try to behave restrained and not superfluous. Internet communication liberates, the partner is often easier to talk about some secrets than the interlocutor with a personal conversation. Remember the borders and do not disclose what usually hide in life.

Asking the opinions of the interlocutor more often, his advice. If you know that your penpal friend is well understandable, ask for help in this area. He will be pleased to feel necessary and show halanery.

Show a sense of humor when correspondence - a good idea, jokes will make communication alive and relaxed. But adhere to the senses of measure, do not joke too rude or vulgar. Do not be intrusive if the interlocutor does not answer for a long time, better wait, rather than send new messages.

Loves - does not like: fortune telling on daisies has not been in fashion for a long time. Modern girls are guessing whether they like the young man, in other ways. And psychologists even identified a number of actions, words and things that the lady can easily be interested in the young man.


If you want to please with a young person, with whom only rewrite the software, then you need your tricks. First, as psychologists assure, love ears. And in this position is the main one. To be interested in, it is necessary to think through everything - on what themes you will communicate before what kind of manner it will happen. Of course, do not forget that you need not only to speak, talk and talk, but also listen to very carefully. Moreover, in a quantitative ratio of the scheme, it looks like this: 65% of information from a young man, 35 5 - from you. Show your companion your sense of humor: you are not "flat", no longer chat. And do not forget to make compliments. However, they should not be empty and unfortunate. Necessarily only to the place.

Working tips, how to interest a man. What you need to do, and what is impossible is not described in detail in the article.

Even in those times, when the gentlemen decided everything and was considered a crown of civilization, and the ladies' will have a family and a house, the ladies used a trick to attract the attention of the enviable groom.

Now in the age of equality Any respectful woman should know how to interest a man.

And whatever the tedious conservatives that "only fallen women are hanging on the neck", the ability to attract the attention of men is very useful.

What woman can always be interested in a man?

Modern men - spoiled creatures.

They are brought up by the example of Hollywood stars and supermodels, under the influence of men's magazines, who claim that beauty with two higher education, incredible sexual abilities, culinary skills, not inferior to Jamie Oliver, and the desire to create homemade comfort and the order that even the house may also be possessing exist in nature.

This is certainly a very hyperbolized female image, but it is impossible to interest a man if:

    Look terribly outwardly.

    Men love their eyes, so if you are beautiful and, then your chances of attracting male attention increase significantly.

    Be stupid like a duck.

    Let you have a super-duper-beauty, but if you are not able to link two words, you think that tolerance is some kind of disease, and Shakespeare is the name of the nightclub, then your image will evoke significantly in male eyes.

    Do not believe in yourself.

    If you do not consider yourself worthy male attention, how are you going to interest your unsure doubting person of someone else?

With what can be interested in a man?

Imagine that you, for example, electrician.

To change the wiring, you must use a specific set of tools: pliers, pliers, voltage indicator, screwdriver, etc.

Attempting to interest a man is a complex and time-consuming process that requires the use of tools.

Naturally, you must learn to use these tools immaculately to not look ridiculous.

Men can be interested in:

    No need to turn the man, not blinking, or slap with eyelashes like Scarlett O'Hara.

    Learn to send a signal to your eyes: "You are interested in me. Come to meet. "

    Then two or three short views will be enough.

    If you smile at a man you want to interest, then your smile should be beautiful, sincere, easy and slightly flirty.


    Cleaning hair strands for the ear, throwing hair on the shoulder to bargain her neck, game with a glass, snacking the bottom of the lips, squinting the eyes, etc.


    About this tool need to talk in more detail.

How to interest a man during a conversation?

Suppose you struck a man with your unearthly beauty, cheered up his eyes and a smile, he, catching your signals, rushed from all his legs.

And now it is important not to spoil everything, and even more interested in a man, imaging himself as an interesting interlocutor.

Many women, and men, too, lack the ability to lead a conversation.

Arising pauses, interdimensions "u-uh", "Well", "this is the most", the difficulties of choosing the topic, the inability to formulate their thoughts - all this can push the gentleman from you, especially if he himself is smart enough and does not suffer from such Problems.

Women trying to interest a man during a conversation, it is important to remember that:

  1. Speech should be beautiful and correct: Surzhik, mats, speech mistakes, Slang - all this does not adorganize a woman.
  2. Competent formulation of thoughts is the key to a successful conversation.
  3. You should select topics that can be interesting to your interlocutor of the opposite sex.

    What you talk about with girlfriends, a man will not be interested.

    It is impossible to start broadcasting on personal topics: to complain about your former, boss-satrap, problems with digestion, tell about all relatives or children's complexes.

    For such topics there will be time.

    It is necessary not only to be able to speak, but also listen to the interlocutor.

    The conversation is a dialogue of two people, not your monologue.

Is it possible to interest the man with whom you see for the first time?

Just yesterday I came across the article Irina Khakamada about relationships with the opposite sex.

Part of the Soviets was devoted to how to attract male attention to parties.

Irina claims that the woman should turn into the hunter, then the signals sent by it will definitely be heard by a man.

As an example, the behavior of the heroine Nicole Kidman (film "With wide eyes with eyes") at a party: she takes a glass with alcohol, relies on the bar rack and starts scanning the hall with his eyes, and after a second, the cavalier eagerly matures.

Irina Khakamada argues that one day she did everything exactly as the heroine Nicole Kidman, and she was in the blink of an eye to be interested in one, but several men immediately.

Try and you have such tactics.

But you have 2 more advice, how can I be interested in an unfamiliar man:

    Inventing anything.

    Go, appear and start chatting.

    And during the conversation, try to charm the interlocutor.

    Cute tricks.

    For example, come to the object you are interested in with the phrase:

    "That's the guy in the corner documented me by his courtesies. Maybe save me from them? " Or "I took this cocktail for my girlfriend, but I can't find it in any way. You do not make me a company? "

A few more tips to interest the unfamiliar man in conversation

you will find in a video:

What does not need to be done to interest a man?

Tips on how to conquer a man are filled with all women's magazines, Internet resources.

This topic is devoted to books, blogs, programs on radio and television, trainings and much more.

These recommendations are so much that they can be confused, although some tips are caught from the material into the material (and mine is no exception) is not because the authors have no fantasy, but because they are really effective.

What upset me is that it is not so often you can find information that you do not need to make women who want to conquer a man.

And as for me, it is important, because often the ladies are too much learned in the desire to attract male attention, turning oneself into the object for ridicule.

So, even if you really want to conquer a man, no need:

    Behave stupid and unnatural.

    Ladies, reading the councils that you need to be mysterious, flirty, joking, sexy, begin to be melted and grimaced, so instead of interest they call the representative of the strong floor of the bouts of laughter.

    Spent him on the neck.

    You did everything that could: smiled, shot with eyes, the first talked the conversation, but the cruel gentleman remained indifferent to your charms?

    Complete and leave him alone.

    In the sea there are still enough fish.

    Jump to him in bed on a day of dating.

    Such light prey becomes an uninteresting majority of men.

    Too little happy endowers in the love stories that were marked by sex on the first date.

I hope that advice will help you, how to interest a man.

Moreover, you will take up not only what needs to be done, but also remember what you can not do, even if you really want to attract his attention.

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Integrate a man - the task is very complicated, especially when it comes to adult, smart and secured person. But in all details we will tell you how to cope with this, as it is necessary to guide that we can say, what role does the "language" of the body occupies. In addition, you can also find out that in your power to do according to correspondence and what signs give out what everything happened.

To interest a man, the girl needs to behave correctly. Here are some tips, as follows:

  • speak and act calmly, not to raise the voice, do not laugh too loud;
  • to carefully listen to everything that the young man says;
  • emphasize your interest in things he is fond of;
  • make compliments to a strong floor to a representative;
  • show modesty, in terms of and behavior, and orders in the restaurant (limited to drinks and inexpensive desserts);
  • look at 100%, but it's not too vulgar.

Much of the girl can be said by the manner of its behavior, and therefore should not be shown their excessive activity, discrepancy.

To interest the guy, you need to stay on the first meeting on the second roles, not telling everything about yourself. Leave a place for fantasy. If there is a kind of mystery in a beautiful girl, a man will definitely try to solve her. Here we wrote ,. It says: how to behave what to do, how to look like, what should be a look.

After interested it, try. All secrets of a successful operation are collected here: what resources will be needed for this, as competently act, which may prevent.

Look as the main weapon of women

Seduct only with a look - is completely simple. How to behave to do it? Psychologists advise the following:

  • The visual contact should not be too long, and therefore it is not necessary to burst on a guy for hours.
  • It is necessary to be modestly and flirtary to remove the eyes immediately, as soon as the guy looks at the girl.
  • You need to smile with my eyes, too smile can play on the lips.
  • Watch better as a spark, and not directly, as it adds a playfulness to the visual flirting.

To intrigue, the girl follows from time to time to remove the eyes from the interlocutor, as it shows modesty. This will emphasize her willingness to acquaint acquaintance. If the fire plays in the eyes, and a smile shines on her lips, it is unlikely that at least one man will be able to resist the prospect of communication.

Body language in the case of a guy

Men pay attention not only to the appearance of the girl and on her manner of behavior, but also how sexy it is. Here, the following features of the body of the body will help to attract a man:

  • no matter how unrecognizable hair, waving them, as it looks sexy;
  • throw foot behind the leg;
  • if it is possible, manifest itself in dance - Men instant will pay attention to beautiful television;
  • the gait should be from the hip, feminine, but not too vulgar.

The easiest way to conquer the opposite sex in dance, as, moving to the music, the girl can be relaxed and not to look loose.

If you can, you can stroke a man in hand, while looking into his eyes. The strong floor always draws attention to women's hands, on their well-groomed and grace of movements. This article will help learn. You will learn why it is necessary, how not to give yourself and how to overcome shyness.

Conquest men by correspondence: what can attract

What can I write a young man to seduce him with our own messages? Here are suitable phrases for the Internet and SMS:

  • If a man spoke to a woman about his hobbies, for example, about football, it is worth asking how the last match was held, which he looked, and if he liked. "Hello, I heard that you are a fan of football, I, too, will not share interesting news on this topic?"
  • You can tell a familiar about what they were invited to a wedding or birthday, but I do not want to go alone. Ask: "There is a desire to have fun at the weekend and make me a company, a wedding girlfriend?"
  • You can ask a man about his favorite films and invite one of them. "The premiere of __ will take place on Saturday, I would not like to watch a movie with me in the cinema?"

It is important and how you say, do not shout, do not increase the voices, answer and ask questions in exhalation. Thus, the timbre will be lower that, according to psychology, and attracts men.

It is not necessary to immediately ask the correspondence on the personal, about former relationships and raise the topic of financial well-being. No need to learn about the income of a potential partner and exercise excessive perseverance in communication.

The girl should. Emphasize the advantages of the guy and their attitude towards it, but it is not necessary to declare about your own sympathy. All details in a separate material on the site.

Want to get step-by-step instructions how to get acquainted with successful men? We advise you to see the new free video course Alexey Chernozem "12 Effolding laws for women." From the course you will learn how to attract his attention, push to meet, interest and passionate.

To see closely on this link, leave your e-mail and an email will come to the mail with a link to the video.

What can prevent the implementation of the Plan: a bit of psychology

The following factors are able to prevent a lady awaken the living interest of the partner:

  • excessive factories, annoying;
  • aggressiveness in communication or increased activity;
  • manifestation of indifference to the partner and constant chatter about himself;
  • vulgar appearance, aggressive makeup;
  • hints for women's sex;
  • excessive modesty or closedness.

In no case can not speak a lot or behave vulgarly. From such persons who only think about themselves, men rarely remain delighted. The guy's sexual appeal is also not interested in: a maximum that you can count on is a relationship for one night.

How to understand that the man is submired: the main signs

Representatives of strong sexually can rarely hide their sympathy. Their interest is manifested in the following:

  • a man is constantly smiling at the girl;
  • he is trying to get closer to her under the pretext of dance or greeting a common acquaintance;
  • the guy looks at the girl, not taking off;
  • when communicating, he asks many questions, smiles, listens to the lady;
  • it exists an excessive assertion.

An interested man is looking for opportunities to meet, wants to be near. In such cases, the girl remains only to wait a bit while the guy is gaining courage and will initiate the initiative. What everything happened can be found in another article on the site. There is talking about the peculiarities of the guy's behavior, gestures, how to understand this correspondence.

What to make a girl next

Seducting the guy, the girl remains only to hint on a date and for the continuation of communication. How to do it?

  1. It is necessary to tell about how the girl wants to go to the movies or the theater.
  2. Hints should be conveyed to the thought that you are bored, and you do not mind stroll.
  3. You can accidentally leave the guy your phone for communication.
  4. It can also be said that the conversation was extremely interesting, and I would like to continue it.
  5. It is permissible to invite a man to a friend of friends.

In this video, the psychologist answers subscribers questions, how to interest the guy, regardless of the place, stage of relationship, his age:

In the case of conquering a guy, everything is quite simple: you need to behave so that there is charm and charisma in the first place. Do not invent far-reaching plans, do not pier on a person, be natural - and with more probability you will succeed.

To get acquainted with a man in our time very easily, but how to make it so that I wanted to spend more time with you, allocated you among other girls, I sought to know closer? Here are five steps that will allow you to achieve this.

smile more often

The simplest solution that many girls are ignored for some reason. Smile (not to be confused with a loud laugh, which men, by the way, do not like) makes a person more beautiful and happy. Men like, if you have a happy girl next to him, it says that she is doing well and that there will be no problems with her.

Council. The phrase of the species "When you're near, I want to smile" makes a man to melting as ice in the sun. Use it.

Look well maintained

Well maintained is not a bright makeup and not the most fashionable clothing from the last collections. Well maintenance is how you look next to him. Clean hair, healthy skin, fresh breath, well-made nails, a pleasant fragrance subconsciously make a man think that if a woman is watching his appearance, it will also be good to "follow" for a man, children, home. For a man configured to a long relationship, this is a very important indicator. Plus, any man is nice to see a nearby woman, he is not ashamed to invite her to a restaurant, the club, to his friends, in nature, and therefore you will meet much more often.

Council. On our site there is a wonderful article "10 signs of a well-groomed woman", pay attention to it if you want to attract the attention of a decent man.

Be a mystery woman

A woman about which man on the third day of acquaintance knows absolutely everything, becomes a little interesting. You do not need to "pull out" on the strong floor all my life, just show what you have something to tell. If there is some kind of close topic, let us know a few details, showing that you are focusing in it, for example, "I also fond of the moment / I love that / went there," and then tell me that "the rest, If you want, I will tell you later. " Thus, you will save the riddle and intrigue it, because each person wants to communicate with those who are close to him in interest. Another thing is that you really should be able to say something next time, otherwise it turns out that you deceived it. In the end, there is an Internet where there are answers to all questions and you can read the topic you need.

Council. Men always want everything immediately, and you can hear the request "Tell me now." To save intrigue, respond to a soft failure, and the reasons may be a lot: not the situation, for a long time to tell, you need photos, or, after all, "Today I am configured to another (for dinner, dance, communicate with friends, etc. ). Let her wait and think how to create the most "other situation".

Be busy

Of course, I do not mean "being busy with a different man." I say that girls who are only "walking", or, on the contrary, live exclusively expensive "house-work-house", are little attracted by modern men. Be busy - it means to have a wide range of communication and versatile interests. Reporting any information, as if by chance, "spread" her in their interests. For example, "yesterday after fitness (pool, theater, English courses) I ...", or "met on a picnic (in a tea shop, a bookstore, while walking with a dog) a familiar who told me that ...", or " I am a cake (cake), I make pizza (spinning rolls), and then I call and say ... ". The man "no matter how accidental" received information that you are doing fitness, love picnics and pretty pizza perfectly. Interesting!!! There is another huge plus of this approach - men very much like active women, it tells them that you will not get it to your whining that you are constantly alone, we are tired of sitting at home, let's go somewhere, take me with ourselves and everything in such a spirit.

Council. Ideally, you need to combine your "classes" with the hobbies of a man. You can do it even when you do not mean anything in question. For example, a man is fond of fishing. Boldly declare that literally a few years ago you were also in a fishing store. Tell me that there are so many interesting things in which you do not understand anything. And the names naturally do not remember them. Asks, why came in? I will reveal the secret - in these stores a bunch of things that are related not only to fishing. Funds from mosquitoes, chairs for picnics, lanterns (to the basement walk), inflatable mattresses, thermoses. In the end, "a gift with her friend was looking for a colleague." And he already let him say that there is still interesting, we are the main thing to hook it!

Be positive

It is already completely elementary - in our life now so much negative that everyone wants great and light. He can talk about anything, but you are not. Not a word about diseases, unsuccessful marriages, bad chiefs, terrible weather and especially terrorists and war. In your world, everything should always be good! And if you (see above) smile, look well-keeled, talk to pleasant topics and love to listen about fishing))), he will perceive you as a bright bright positive spot in his difficult life. And with such a person I want to communicate further and more!

Olga Queen All rights reserved

To truly intrigue the guy, you need to make him think that you are charming, and make it so that it wants to continue. You can't tell him everything and immediately or make it to recognize you in the first five minutes, or at all I didn't want to know you better - or think about you while you are somewhere far away. So how to create an ideal combination of mystery and excitement, which can intrigue the guy? Start from step 1.


Part 1

Intriguing behavior

    Show small interest. If the guy does not have something to work on, you will not get anything in return. You do not intrigue it if you treat him indifferently, and it will feel that it is not interesting to you at all. So smile to him, make and start with him a light conversation. Finger a little to think about what you can like you, but do not let him understand what you want it. Just give him enough for him to think about you and wanted to meet again.

    Show him that you spend your time. If you want to intrigue the guy, then you need to make it so that he wants to be with you. If you are in his field of view, make sure you spend your time with friends, laughing, having fun hanging or even dancing. If you are in public - let it think: "What an interesting, cheerful girl. It would be nice to get to know her closer." If he constantly sees you to Handrit or look bored or sad, will he want to deal with you? Of course, you must pretend that you have fun, just to attract his attention, but become the girl who perfectly spends time.

    • He should be glad that it turned out to be on your way - it's not that you are looking for a guy who will instill you.
  1. Do not be always there. If you learned a little a guy, and he wants to spend time together, you must rejoice at this, but do not behave like that your schedule is always free. Make it guess. Maybe you have a whole list of other interesting dates. Maybe you have any fun plans for the weekend with your girlfriends. Maybe you like to spend the evenings of Friday alone, engaged in translations of Latvian poetry into English. He should not know what you do, but what you are not always free, means that he should appreciate the time with you and that you are a dynamic personality with a lot of classes.

    Do not refuse spare options. If you started walking on dates or just communicate a lot with him, you should not immediately show him how you like it. He must feel special to want to meet with you, but do not tell him that he is the only guy in your life, and you want to become his girlfriend as soon as possible. He needs to understand that he must offer you to meet (if you want it), and not that he is the only one. This does not mean that you should be deceived - you just have to be open to any options.

    Do not eat too much. The game in a laptop can help you intrigue the guy. Even if you think he is the only one, you should not rush at him, tell him about how sexy it is, or constantly make him compliments. Most guys like to be laid out at full; If you want him to think that you are worthy, show him that hunting never ends. In addition, many happy married couples say that the key to their love is that hunting never stops; If you want to intrigue the guy, you should not post everything and immediately in the first five minutes.

    Do not tell him about myself. If you want to intrigue the guy, then you can't let him think that he knows about you all after the first conversation. Show him your creative side, talking about your poems with him, and then show him your knowledge of sports, expressing my opinion about who will win the World Cup at the next meeting. Do not tell him your biography; Let him find out that you spent half a year in India or born on Alaska, with time, and not because you shared with him all the details of your life.

    Leave it to languish waiting. If you want to intrigue the guy, then you should leave as soon as everything has improved. Do not allow an excellent conversation to grow into a discussion of the skin fungus of your grandmother; When you feel that everything goes as it should, tell him that it was nice to talk, and what you need to leave. Do not do it sharply, if it does not make sense in the context or may seem rude; But if you are in the corridor, for example, do not talk to him until the call is back, and you are late in the class. Make a pair of phrases so that he wanted to continue the conversation, and alive him for goodbye.

    Part 2

    Intriguing qualities
    1. Be independent. Men intriguing women who know what they want, and are engaged in their business. If the guy is thinking that you feel about the girls who drive into it and want to do everything together, he can overfill emotions and it is scared. Instead, show him that you have your own interests, friends and goals and what you want to do your favorite classes with him or without him.

      Be playful. Do not be too serious from the very beginning. Remember that if you like the guy, there is a chance that he has already imagined a date with you, so you have to be cheerful, easy and able to maintain a dynamic, exciting conversation when you are together. Do not make it easy and do not start long, meaningless conversations and do not show him your bad mood. Be fun, do not feel too seriously and a little tease the guy if he likes it. It will be intrigued by your ability to enjoy life and spend a great time.

      Be happy. Men intriguish strong, confident women who are comfortable in their own body. No need to make him think that you are unsure of yourself and want to fill the emptiness in your life, meeting with him, otherwise it will feel strong pressure next to you. Instead, show him what you like, as you look like you love what you are doing, and we are glad to people who surround you in life. If you are already happy, then he will most likely be happy with you.

      Be unpredictable. If you do not want the guy to think he can read you as an open book. Surprise it. Go to an unplanned journey. Make a wheel. Board your perfect French in the midst of the conversation about Paris. Show him that you can expect anything, and you can always interest it. Change your outfits and hairstyles, and also do not let it get used to your image.

    2. Be impressive. Show him that you took place, an amazing woman. Sell \u200b\u200bsomething, your achievements in sports or career success. Help in a shelter for homeless. Decorate. Do something unique and impressive, because you like it, and show him what you are capable of. We do not say that you have to do something just to impress the guy for which you are satisfied with this show. Show him that you are talented, hardworking and amazing, and you will cortify it even more.

      • Do not be superficial or capricious. Guys are annoyed, such girls are even angry. Always smile and be friendly. So you will become more mysterious.
      • Is there a special event in your life? Birthday, campaign, the film you've been waiting for, goes into the rental, or your favorite restaurant opens next to your home? Incidentally, mention this before the event, but do not tell him what it will be. Then, invite it a day before the holiday! He will be pleased that you invited him.
      • Do not overcover, do not ignore and do not repel it. To someone interested you truly, you need to give them half of the information and make them pray to tell you the rest.


      • Nevertheless, you should not be too mysterious. He might think that you are emo, eccentric or hide something. Be interesting, not mysterious.
      • Do not refuse to give it your number. In 9 cases out of 10, he will think that it is not interesting to you, or upset when I find out that you play with him. If the guy is so "intrigued" by you, which asks for your number, please it. So he will have to call you to invite to a date.
      • Be careful when trying not to go into details. If the guy asks you, what kind of music you like, and you say: "I like rock ...", but about food: "I like Italian cuisine ...", and then: "I like ballet shoes ... I love ice cream ... I love animals ..." You may seem extremely boring. Change it. Make sure that you like chocolate ice cream or that dolphins are your favorite animals. Do not make it think that you have no own opinion.
      • Mystery can help or not help you get a guy. It all depends on its nature. First, find out it at least a little before trying to decide whether these techniques will affect it.