When a newborn smiles. When to wait for the first smile to mom from her child. When a real smile appears

During the first month of a little person's life, the whole family, especially the mother, certainly has a hard time. But when the child begins to smile, fatigue, lack of sleep and other hardships are forgotten. Finally, he takes the first successful steps in establishing contacts with his loved ones! How does this happen, in what time frame and how conscious are the manifestations of positive emotions in the baby?

The smile of a child inspires a young mother, because the baby expresses her emotions mainly through crying. It is worth noting that at first the smile of a newborn has a purely reflex nature. It is not related to what he hears or sees, since the baby begins to use it as a reaction only a few months after birth. A satisfied face can be seen already a few days after birth, and this means a calm state of the baby: after feeding (such a smile is called "gastric"), as well as in a dream, while bathing and simply because the mother is nearby.

Smiling and indicators of normal development

In the first weeks of life, all newborns have farsightedness. They see only light, shadows, distinguish the outlines of objects and movements. Therefore, the baby cannot yet “respond” to your smile (actually copy your facial expressions). But already at the age of about a month, the baby becomes more sociable, begins to actively consider and explore the world around him. And one of the first manifestations of his joy is a smile to his mother.

By the way, the timing of the appearance of positive emotions differ in full-term and premature babies. As observations of experts show, children who were born prematurely begin to smile later than those who were born on time.

Psychologists say: by the age of three weeks, children form a “complex of revival” - reactions addressed to adults. These are: face recognition, smile, physical activity, pronunciation of sounds (cooing). It is important to remember: the absence or weak expression of one or more signs is not an indicator of the "backwardness" of the baby!

Approximately 8-9 months of life is a kind of "crisis" for babies. They already understand well who is in front of them - a close person or a stranger. Therefore, they will reach out to their relatives and show positive emotions in the family circle, but they may well burst into tears if a stranger smiles at them.

Conscious smile: when to expect it

When does a newborn begin to smile "for real"? A conscious smile appears not only from pleasant sensations, but also when the child recognizes familiar people (“social” smile), reacts to your words or behavior that he likes.

The aforementioned "revitalization complex" is fully formed around the second month of life, and the intensity of its manifestations increases by the age of four months. It is very important to constantly communicate with the baby! When the pediatrician diagnoses the degree of development of situational-personal communication in your baby, he will determine how much the child takes the initiative in his “revitalization complex”.

An interesting fact: 17 facial muscles are involved in the “production” of a smile.

The child begins to consciously smile at 6-8 weeks (usually when he sees that you are saying something to him), as he already focuses attention well. The period from 5 to 12 weeks, when a reaction to any human face appears, is also considered the norm. It means that in the mind of the child there is already a clear distinction between people and inanimate objects - an indicator of the correct pace of mental development. In addition, complex brain activity occurs at this time, which includes:

  • recognition of the emotions of a friend / loved one;
  • transmission of nerve impulses to certain parts of the brain;
  • tension and relaxation of the facial muscles.

If a smile does not appear, it is not yet a deviation. Pediatricians and neurologists talk about them if an unsmiling child:

  • does not hold the head;
  • does not want to contact people;
  • unable to concentrate even for a short time.

Remember that everything is fixable at an early age, and only a specialist can judge the presence of developmental problems.

How a child learns to laugh

Soon you get used to the child's face shining with pleasure and now you want to hear his laughter as soon as possible. The "neurological norm" is if the child begins to laugh out loud at the 20-30th week from birth. But much depends on the personal characteristics of children and their temperament, and not at all on intellectual abilities. Some begin to laugh out loud from three months, others smile with restraint up to six months. And some from birth show thoroughness and seriousness.

Think and carefully observe how you and your relatives behave. This is another factor affecting children's ability to laugh. It is possible that the temperament of adults and the way they usually show their emotions affects the baby. Is everyone around too reserved and in control? Children begin to smile, imitating, as in other cases, the behavior of their elders.

Smiling and laughter is the beginning of interaction not only with adults, but also with peers. To teach the baby to “respond” to emotions, talk to him more, sing to him and turn on pleasant music, tell poems and nursery rhymes. Show your love through hugs, touches, strokes and of course facial expressions.

Don't worry if other kids are laughing and your baby isn't. To teach him this, you do not need to invent something out of the ordinary. Sooner or later, you will hear from your child not only individual sounds, but also become a witness to a “voiced” smile in response to you. Usually it looks like this: the baby smiles and at the same time says something like “aha”, “ghu”, “khy”. These are the first attempts to laugh!

And even if at first it seems to you that the child is laughing for no particular reason - do not be surprised: the skill is completely new, and it also needs to be trained. Just laugh with your child - it brings them together.

From emotions to words: cooing

The most important indicator of the development of the baby, in addition to expressing the emotional state, are the timing of the start of speaking. Experts refer to the initial signs of the formation of speech as cooing, which is formed from about 2 to 7 months.

The pronunciation of simple sounds like “a-a”, “y”, which gradually develops into something resembling syllables (“aa-gu”, “yes-yes”) - this is humming. Doctors call these sounds vocalizations. When adults, whom the baby knows well, begin to communicate with him, he begins to joyfully coo, as if answering.

At first, the baby can even “talk” to himself, tasting new sensations. Often he follows the source of sounds and tries to reproduce what he hears. Cooing can also be “singing” to a melody that the baby liked.

If cooing is accompanied by motor activity, and the child opens his eyes wide, as if in surprise, this is a signal of his maximum interest in the world around him at the moment. By the way, just when the crumbs are in a good mood, you can try to make him smile.

“Sounding the alarm” about the lack of humming is worth only from 8 months, turning to a pediatrician and then to narrow specialists. If everything is in order, but the child is still silent for now, he can be taught to walk. To do this, you need to talk with him more often, comment on actions during the entire time until the baby is sleeping. Speech should be moderately emotional, smooth, affectionate, clear enough. You can also repeat the sounds that the baby makes, and add new ones to them.

Finger gymnastics, gentle massage of the child's hands and fingers help to stimulate acupuncture points. These areas are associated with the parts of the brain that are responsible for emotions and speech.

Encourage any activity of the baby (both emotional and physical), talk and engage with him more, and when the baby begins to smile, this is a wonderful reward for your efforts. The child feels how important he is to his loved ones. The first thing he reacts to is the "emotional atmosphere" in the family. That is why it is so important for him to feel cared for, warm and know that his needs are sensitively responded to and treated with understanding. A good mood and a desire to learn and develop comes to the baby only thanks to the love and attention of adults.


Why do newborns smile in their sleep? The whole family gathers to look at the contented sniffing little man. Watching a smile on a tiny face is a pleasure. Although many scientific publications claim that babies do not yet know how to smile, practice proves otherwise. Why do children smile in their sleep, what dreams do they see? Read the answers to this and some other questions below.

A newborn baby sleeps most of the day. There are several explanations for this.

  1. Childbirth and adaptation to new conditions require a lot of effort from the crumbs. Sleep is the best opportunity to recover.
  2. The nervous system of an infant is not yet mature. Its formation continues throughout the first year. The brain develops most actively during REM sleep. At this time, the baby re-experiences all his emotions and sensations. In especially pleasant moments, the child may smile or laugh.

The sleep of a newborn baby is different from that of an adult. Most of it is the fast phase. In addition, REM and deep sleep change each other quite often. After 20-30 minutes of the fast phase, the deep phase begins. It also does not last long, no more than fifteen or twenty minutes. The next fast section lasts a little longer - 40 minutes. This happens throughout the rest.

Since the REM phase of the newborn predominates, his rest is rich in dreams. The debate about what the child dreamed of still does not subside. Some argue that the reason for the smile of a sleeping baby is the image of the mother's breasts. But, most likely, the baby is re-experiencing all the events that happened to him in a short period of wakefulness.

A sleeping child often demonstrates all the problems that exist. For example, with colic, he knocks with his legs, whimpers. If the baby is constipated, he will tense up and grunt. Such activity is explained just by prolonged REM sleep, a lot of brain work.

The sensitivity of a sleeping baby is one of the mechanisms of self-defense. The body signals to the mother what problems there are so that she can take action in a timely manner. Also, a weak sleep allows the baby to wake up almost instantly, call for help if such a need arises.

Therefore, if a sleeping child smiles or laughs, that's fine. So he has nothing to worry about. But what is it that a newborn baby can dream of that causes a joyful smile?

Sleep is very important for the development of a newborn. The brain is especially active. Therefore, the main task of parents is to provide the crumbs with favorable conditions for sleeping.

Let us dwell in more detail on what kind of dreams babies have. Why do small children smile and laugh in their sleep?

If the mother is calm, there is no reason for concern, she broadcasts her confidence to the baby. In such cases, watching a sleeping child smiling is not at all uncommon. A completely different picture is if the mother is tired, worried or annoyed by something. The child reads this mood, and the brain reproduces negative emotions. Such children often wake up, cry, behave restlessly.

Some argue that newborns most often dream of their mother's breasts. Therefore, many do not give children bottles and pacifiers, thinking that the baby will see a piece of polymer in a dream.

Sometimes, when the baby is sleeping, some mysterious phenomena occur. They disturb parents and make them wary. And not in vain.

There are two main signs to look out for:

  • crying, abruptly arising and just as abruptly disappearing;
  • sudden and abrupt laughter.

The common features of these two phenomena are a sharp onset, a sharp end, and the fact that the baby does not react to others at these moments. It's impossible to calm him down.

Isolated cases do not pose a threat. Perhaps the baby just "overdid it", the nervous system thus received a discharge. It is worse if attacks of sudden crying or laughter are repeated often, regularly. In this case, show the child to a neurologist. In combination with restless behavior at other times, they can indicate developmental delay, hyperactivity syndrome, and some other problems with the central nervous system.

A healthy child can laugh and laugh in a dream. Such laughter is usually preceded by a smile, then light chuckles. Only then does the baby begin to laugh in full force. These are completely natural phenomena. At the same time, the baby develops according to the norm, eats well, he has phases of deep sleep.

The mother should be alerted by abruptly arising and just as abruptly disappearing crying and laughter. This is an alarming bell, indicating some problems with the central nervous system. A pediatrician with a neurologist will help you overcome difficulties.

In order for the baby to sleep well, you need to create comfortable conditions for him to do this. What parameters will help a good sleep?

Separately, it must be said about the air and clothing. Children do not sleep well if the room is too dry, stuffy or hot. Their nasal passages dry up, it becomes difficult to breathe. Do not neglect humidifiers, air the nursery regularly. There should be no radiators or heaters near the crib.

Comfortable clothing is also important. There are no universal recipes here. All babies are different. Some sleep well, tightly swaddled. And some need to feel arms or legs free. Try different options: diapers, sleeping bags, bodysuits, slips, overalls, blouses, sliders. Only by experience will you understand what is best for your child.

Sleep is an extremely important part of a newborn's life. He spends most of the day sleeping. It is important that nothing disturbs the baby. If the baby smiles in a dream, this is a good sign. Nothing bothers him, and his dreams are only pleasant.

Create a comfortable sleeping environment for your little one. Cool, moist air, in addition to making breathing easier, helps reduce colic.

For the first time seeing the smile of their baby, moms and dads fall in love with her hopelessly and forever. If only he did not know sorrows and smiled as often as possible! But how to achieve this?

Man is created for happiness, like a bird for flight. This optimistic truth is confirmed even by scientific discoveries: otherwise, why do we learn to smile even before birth? Perhaps we are rehearsing a smile in order to use it as often as possible in life?

For whatever reason our primitive ancestors learned to smile - the joy of defeating a mammoth, the pleasure of contemplating a mountain of harvesting berries and roots for the winter, alleviating obsessive skin itching while bathing once a month - the skill took root and entrenched. Modern man has more reasons to smile: we have learned to smile on duty and in order to please, to smile at new impressions, life achievements, and simply because we got up “on the wrong foot.”

Scientists have found that a smile is good for health, and for the psyche, and for successful socialization, in addition, it is also “contagious”: if you want to test this hypothesis on yourself, try to keep a serious face when someone sincerely, wholeheartedly smiles. And if you can resist the smile of an outsider, the smile of your own child leads to complete and unconditional surrender.

Say why?..

Why do parents almost from birth wait for this miracle - a child's smile? Should I try to make the baby smile? If yes, then why?

Optimistic, smiling people, you see, live easier. Scientists have found that those who smile often and willingly are happier than those who look at life from under furrowed eyebrows (whatever the relationship is - direct or reverse). Perhaps parents are right when they want to instill in their child the habit of smiling because:

  • A smile relieves tension, relieves stress. The ability to smile and laugh, as well as the presence of a sense of humor, scientists consider protective physiological reactions of the human body (however, these skills and abilities, just like immunity and physical endurance, need to be trained);
  • the willingness to smile, the ability to joke and understand jokes, the sense of humor behind them, help the child to adapt in an unfamiliar team, to please peers and adults;
  • the ability to laugh at yourself is useful for self-esteem and mental comfort of the baby;
  • a smile is a full-fledged physical activity (requires coordinated work of 53 facial muscles);
  • a smile and a sense of humor that causes it indicate a person’s ability to look at a problem or situation from the outside and find a non-standard solution.

Smile because life is a beautiful thing and there are many reasons to smile.

(Marilyn Monroe)

But the most common and quite conscious reason why parents want to see smiles on their children’s faces more often is that a child’s smile is a kind of “five” for parents, a signal that the baby is healthy, self-confident and happy, and so mom and dad are doing the right thing.

There are also “practical” reasons why it may be necessary to coax or make a child smile. For example, if a mother wants someone to like a child (a kindergarten teacher, an examiner at an interview at a music school). Sometimes parents try to put a smile on the baby's face to help him forget about pain, fear or failure. Of course, we also want the baby to look good in photographs, because nothing decorates like a sincere smile.

Who are the "beeches"?

Sometimes parents worry: “Someone else's children smile, laugh, but you can’t get a smile out of my “beech”. Is it normal? Does such an unsmiling mean that the baby is dissatisfied with something or, worse, unhappy? And now what i can do?"

These fears are unfounded. All children are different: there are, for example, kids who do not like sweets (!), prefer reading in silence to noisy running around with friends (!), eat lemons without grimacing (!). So is yours - his smile still needs to be earned. Or just wait for it.

Often, children are hiding under the mask of “beeches” ...

... shy (such a child is embarrassed to once again show emotions in front of strangers, but at home he smiles without difficulty and sometimes even for no reason),

... capricious (such a baby knows how pleasant his smile is for mom or dad and for the sake of profit and receiving gifts and indulgences),

... serious (the phrase "laughter for no reason is a sign of a fool" for such a child is not an empty phrase, and he carefully checks the reasons for laughter and smiles for reasonableness and sufficiency),

According to the FOMnibus survey, 65% of people believe that being able to understand jokes is more important than being able to joke yourself.

... accustomed (in the family of such a baby, everything, relatively speaking, is “beeches”; smiling often and too widely is not accepted, and the child simply has nowhere to learn to behave differently, which, however, can easily change when he gets into a different communication environment ).

Not all children smile naturally and willingly, but only those predisposed to this by their character traits and peculiarities of upbringing, BUT any child, even a "beech", smiles when he feels good.

Is there a "magic key"?

Ways to make a child smile for each childhood are different. The smile of newborns is physiological, so it may appear after a hearty meal of breast milk or during a successful emptying of the bladder. In children 2-3 years old, new impressions cause a smile, and preschoolers and teenagers will be forced to smile by the awkwardness or absurdity of an adult. What are the universal, “proven” ways to make a child smile from a year to 3-4 years old?

1. Tickle

Not everyone loves tickling, but we are so arranged that light touches on the skin make us smile, even if it is forced. However, a dislike for tickling comes with age, and children usually love this entertainment.

2. Be ridiculous

This method causes a smile not only in children, but also in adults. Do or say something awkward, stupid, unexpected - and the child will surely reward you with a kind and slightly condescending smile. You can imitate animals (crow, meow, bark), walk on all fours, portray a giant or midget, get overly "upset" over trifles ... The main thing is to forget that "normal" adults don't do that.

3. Smile

In the cartoon, the mother advised the baby raccoon to smile at the monster from the pond, and following her advice, he got rid of his fears and made friends with the one who used to frighten him. Not even reflected in the mirror, but a real smile is contagious, so the first reaction of the child to your smile will be a smile in return. If it doesn't work, add "heavy artillery" - make a funny face.

4. Blow on the baby's face

It is inexplicable, but true: it “works” with most children aged from one to four years old - either the effect of surprise affects, or a stream of air causes a feeling of pleasure in the child.

5. Play the cannibal

Nothing amuses children like the phrase "I'll eat you!" (or a milder version of "bite your ass"). If you are afraid to scare the child, limit yourself to pantomime with “yum-yum” or champing sounds.

6. Get loose

Throwing in the air, "we drove, we drove, into the hole boo!" and pillow fights will easily make a child not only smile, but also laugh. In general, most energetic games cheer up children.

7. Praise

Everyone loves compliments, and children need them like air. Along with well-deserved praise, good, warm, funny memories can easily evoke a smile.

8. Intrigue

At six months, the baby is amused by "ku-ku", at a year and a half, the opportunity to stroke the kitty causes a smile. An older child reflexively smiles when he learns something new, successfully masters hitherto unfamiliar skills.

9. Please

The easiest way is to make a surprise gift - only the most "sophisticated" children will not smile back (this method, by the way, is most often used by professional photographers during children's photo shoots: even if the child does not smile for long, then a lively, interested face will save at least minutes for fifteen). The child will smile if you find a lost favorite toy or offer his favorite entertainment.

10. Ask

Sometimes it’s enough just to ask - after all, if the baby is doing well, then it’s not difficult for him to please his mother with a sincere smile.

And, of course, an effective way to make a baby smile is to “infect” him with a personal example. Smile more often yourself, look at life with optimism - and the child will learn to smile even in difficult times.

From a smile it will become brighter for everyone

A sense of humor is a person's ability to operate simultaneously with two or more alternative views of reality; a person's ability to see the funny in a story, setting, or situation. There is also the ability to joke - this is a person's tendency to make humorous comments or behave funny in some situations.

Source: Wikipedia

Scientists from many countries devoted themselves to the study of the human smile, they investigated the function and purpose of the smile, its types and effects on the mood and well-being of a person. As a result, we now know that a smile:

  • strengthens the immune system (causes a decrease in blood levels of stress hormones - adrenaline and cortisol - and an increase in the number of T-lymphocytes that fight viruses)
  • improves mood
  • relaxes, relieves stress (the body produces endorphins, even if it was forced to smile)
  • is given to us easier than a frown (less muscles are involved in its occurrence on the face)
  • infects others (it is psychologically difficult for any person to resist a sincere smile directed at him)
  • expresses approval and is a sign of happiness and pleasure in all cultures of the world
  • is an innate human ability
  • helps to achieve career heights, so it makes a person attractive, sociable and confident
  • has 19 varieties (including respectful "duty" and "social" smiles, as well as sincere "sensual" smiles).

Can something please a young mother after a difficult day full of worries, after a sleepless night, more than a baby's smile? Only his first smile! Agree, peering into this happy face with lips stretched in an uncertain smile, you forget about everything in the world: about crying all night long, about a stiff back, about still fresh, not the most pleasant impressions from the hospital and you understand that you love this miracle the most in the world!

The first smile of a child is a ray of sunshine for mommy.

From the unconscious to the conscious

Sometimes a newborn begins to smile even in the hospital, literally a day or two after giving birth. But such crumbs usually smile in their sleep and their smiles are not a manifestation of joyful emotions, but rather just a spontaneous contraction of the facial muscles (doctors call such a smile a reflex smile). But still, watching the smiling face of a sleeping baby is so nice!

By about 6 - 8 weeks (sometimes by 10 - 12), when the child's vision improves, when he can already distinguish faces tilted towards him and focus attention on them, he has the ability to express joy and pleasant feelings with a smile.

Often, simultaneously with this skill, the baby begins to move his arms and legs more actively, tries to "look" into his mother's eyes. Pediatricians refer to this behavior as the "revive reflex." It is believed that at this time the baby can already distinguish living objects from non-living ones and begins to be more interested in the first ones. The presence of such manifestations is a clear evidence of the normal, proper development of the crumbs.

Hey Barsik, look at me! Do like me, do like me!

Remember that in order to smile, you need to use 17 facial muscles and it is very difficult for a baby to do this! And besides, at this stage of development, he still needs to learn so much, to comprehend so much! Therefore, you should not focus on the fact that at 6 weeks and 5 days the baby is not smiling yet (although the girlfriend is already laughing with might and main) - better rejoice at his small victories and achievements!

Such friends will make anyone laugh.

It seems to us that the baby smiles consciously solely because he feels good, comfortable, because mom and dad are nearby and smile at him, because nothing hurts.

Psychologists say that children very quickly understand that a smile is another way to manipulate adults, to tie their attention to themselves.

However, in any case, it is clear that a laughing baby cannot be dissatisfied with something! Let it attract attention with smiles and laughter rather than crying and tantrums!

, this is a huge stress, both for the baby himself and for his parents. The child experiences constant discomfort, cries a lot, loses appetite. In order to somehow distract the baby, it is necessary to occupy him, play with him, take him in his arms more often and hug him.

During the first year, newborn babies should put on weight. However, this process is different for every child. He will tell you more about weight gain in a newborn.

How to teach to smile?

All children are little repeaters. And, of course, the child who sees smiling adults around him will start smiling faster. That's why mom and dad should definitely smile more at the baby, talk to him, show how happy they are for him. When the baby begins to give adults their smiles, they must definitely smile back at him.

The exchange of smiles is the first conscious dialogue, which, according to psychologists, lays the foundation for all social relations of the child in the future, this is his first experience of establishing contacts with the outside world.

A smile forms the foundation of reciprocity, trust in relationships - a child, seeing the reciprocal smile of his parents, understands that they see him, notice that he is important to others.

To make a child smile, a mother must be both a reader, a reaper, and a player on the pipe.

Of course, parents really want the baby to quickly start smiling and laughing. To do this, they show funny faces, and sing songs to him, and try to tickle him, and disturb him - this is quite normal. Only for this you need to choose the right time.

Well, how!

So, you should not try to get a smile from a hungry or sleepy child when he has colic or when he is just naughty. For such “stimulation of a smile”, the baby must be full, dry, well-rested and calm.- such a set of conditions, almost fantastic for a baby! By the way, often babies begin to smile in response to pleasant, light stroking movements, to the touch of warm parental hands.

Even the smallest man in the family should have his own bed, and in it. With the choice of the latter, parents have many problems. Not everyone knows that soft mattresses are categorically contraindicated for babies. The best option would be an orthopedic mattress on coconut fiber.

Most of the time, the first year of his life, the baby sleeps, in a dream it grows and develops. They will help organize a healthy sleep for a newborn.

When should you start worrying?

The unwillingness or inability to smile is extremely rare in itself, without additional physiological signs or functional impairment. In the presence of serious problems, neurologists and pediatricians ascertain several deviations in the development of the child at once, in addition to the lack of a smile:

  • inability to hold head
  • complete reluctance to contact with other people,
  • inability to focus even briefly.

Leave me, I don't want to see anyone.

In any case, you need to remember that all children are special, each development occurs in its own way. In addition, babies by nature are more or less smiling, and all parents are also emotional in different ways. Therefore, do not rush to panic and sound the alarm! But, of course, with the least doubt, it is better to talk to the pediatrician, discuss the moments that concern you and calm down.

All kids are different. Remember, everything has its time.

The first smile of a child is really happiness. But once again, we note that when a child begins to smile, at how many weeks is a purely individual matter and there is no need to be equal to faster developing peers. The main thing is that the baby is healthy, that he grows up in an emotionally calm atmosphere and that his parents surround him with love and affection. And believe me, very soon he will turn from a little capricious into a laughing, happy life peanut!

A child may respond with a smile if an adult:

  • grimaces;
  • performs an unexpected and interesting action (for example, sings a song, claps his hands, makes funny sounds).

According to neurologists and pediatricians, a smile is one of the signs of a "complex of revival" - a violent emotional and motor reaction to other people. Seeing a person close, the child freezes and peers intently at him. Then the baby begins to smile, actively move his arms and legs, make sounds.

The correct direction of development of the crumbs is confirmed by the fact that the child consciously responds to the attention of adults. The baby is already able to distinguish people from inanimate objects.

At different ages, the child shows joy for various reasons:

  • at 6-8 weeks, when the baby is just starting to smile, he is pleased with the talking face of an adult;
  • at 7-12 weeks, the baby smiles just by seeing a person’s face;
  • at 8-14 weeks there is a reaction to loved ones, namely a complete “revitalization complex”, including active movements and loud sounds;
  • at 12-20 weeks, the baby reacts with a smile to a bright object, such as a toy.

When a child begins to succeed in smiling, he is ready to joyfully greet any person, especially his beloved parents.

At the age of 6-7 months, children become more "choosy" and are wary of strangers.

How to help your baby smile more often

The more time parents devote to warm communication with the child, the more often he smiles. It has been noted that even babies with disabilities - deaf or blind - in response to affectionate words and gentle touches, blur into a wide smile. And children who lack parental attention develop more slowly than their peers.

Sometimes it happens that even with the most attentive parents, the child does not smile, while some peers can already laugh. Do not worry too much, because all children are different, including in temperament.

To make your baby smile for sure, try to help him. To do this, you often need to do the following:

  • pick up a child;
  • gently and affectionately talk with the baby;
  • turn on pleasant music;
  • recite poems and jokes.

If your child starts smiling at you, be sure to give him a smile back! A mother's smile makes the baby feel confident that the world around him is safe and friendly. And a mother, when she sees the joy of her child, produces a hormone of happiness that allows you to forget about constant fatigue and sleepless nights.

Attention and love can work wonders, and one day the baby will definitely please you with his beautiful smile!