Beautiful DIY egg decoration for Easter. How to decorate Easter eggs. Doctor Who themed Easter eggs

Easter is the most important day in the Orthodox calendar, celebrated in memory of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ. Orthodox traditions imply the meeting of this day as a great joy; the main event of this holiday is the solemn services in churches throughout the Christian world. For many, Easter is perceived as a renewal and rebirth of life, symbolized by an egg painted predominantly red. Boiled colored eggs will not delight you with their beauty for a long time, however, DIY Easter eggs can be made from various materials using different types of decor.

Eggs must be on the Easter table; it is also customary to exchange them with each other and christen yourself, congratulating them on the bright holiday. Decorative eggs, pre-painted or not, are perfect for this. You can, of course, decorate boiled Easter eggs with your own hands, but in this case they will be stored much less quickly and you cannot use glue when working with them. If there is a need to decorate such eggs, use natural egg whites and food dyes for fastening - felt-tip pens are now produced on their basis for decorating food products; ready-made Easter sets can be useful.

Painted Easter eggs are becoming a piece of art in the modern world, capable of delighting us for many years as a decoration for the home or on an Easter tree, and are perfect as a gift for loved ones.

DIY Easter eggs. Materials and preparation

So, we will need:

Blanks for eggs - these can be wooden, plastic or foam figures in the shape of eggs, purchased in craft stores. Either chicken egg shells are used;

Primer (in case of using wooden eggs);

PVA glue, acrylic paints, brushes;

Double-sided thin tape;

Scissors, needles, threads, decorative pins;

Acrylic varnish (optional);

All kinds of stickers, floss threads, yarn, ribbons, braid, lace, crushed egg shells, thin fabric, foil, corrugated paper, strips of quilling paper, napkins, wrapping paper, etc.

Various elements for decoration: beads, beads, bows, ribbons, glitters, sequins, rhinestones, buttons, eyes, sequins, flowers, in general, everything that was found at home; You can easily purchase everything in handicraft or sewing accessories stores.

The scope for choice here is unlimited; you can use whatever is at hand, including small pasta, rice, lentils, plasticine, salted play dough and much more. Show your imagination and Easter eggs, made and decorated with your own hands, will definitely delight you and your loved ones on this Bright holiday.

If you were unable to purchase the blanks, you must first prepare the chicken eggs; to do this, you need to rinse them well under water and make two holes; on the sharp side - small, on the rounded side - larger; pierce the yolk with a long needle or shake it and blow out the contents with a straw, you can also use a syringe. Be sure to rinse and dry the blown eggs thoroughly.

Such working material can undoubtedly be damaged, since the shell is very fragile. To maintain the integrity of the shape of the eggs and avoid their cracking, it is recommended to fill the contents with polyurethane foam; this is done from the side of the large hole very carefully until the foam appears through the small one. After that, the workpieces need to be dried and excess foam cut off with a knife. An alternative to polyurethane foam can be wax or any small grain; in general, you can do without filling, being careful when working.

Initially think over the color scheme of your creations, take care of the combination of colors of beads, ribbons, threads, napkins and other things, so that during work you will not be unpleasantly disappointed.

How to decorate Easter eggs - ways.

DIY Easter eggs - Photo

Let's look at some of them.

"Mosaic" method

For this you will need small shells of peeled eggs; it is convenient to use the shells of already colored eggs. Glue pieces of different shapes around the circumference of the egg, coat with varnish, and dry. If you used regular white eggs, paint them with acrylic paint in different colors after gluing and drying.

Prepare a small shell, and the background for gluing can be tinted with any acrylic paint and allowed to dry.

Glue the shell, cover with paint, and after drying, secure the result with acrylic varnish.

How to decorate Easter eggs with threads

Do-it-yourself Easter eggs can be decorated with different threads, for example, you can glue floss with contrasting colors in a chaotic manner.

Eggs decorated with silk threads or any knitting threads, especially cotton ones, look great.

First, the thread needs to be secured; on wooden and foam plastic, this can be done using a decorative pin or needle; on ordinary blown ones, you can secure it using a knot on the opposite side from the beginning, or attach the thread to tape or adhesive tape.

At the beginning of work, the thread needs to be secured; you can tie it around a loop, secure it with a bandage or a knot on the sharp side of the egg.

Coat the top of the egg with a small amount of glue and glue the thread in a spiral.

We lay the rings evenly in a spiral, the thread should be slightly taut.

We keep the thread taut all the time with our right hand, and with our left it is convenient to rotate the workpiece, winding the rings. You need to stick them on gradually in small sections, letting them dry to get a neat look without joints or gaps.

Apply glue and thread gradually in small sections so that the glue does not dry out, and the thread, on the contrary, dries out and does not move out.

If you use thin cotton or silk threads, then when you reach halfway, cut the thread, attach it on the blunt side and continue gluing it in a spiral in the opposite direction.

It is convenient to apply the thread in the direction from the ends to the middle

If you could not avoid the formation of joints in the middle, it is convenient to cover it with a ribbon or bow. If there are gaps between the threads, simply glue small pieces of thread.

It’s easy to make such a bow yourself, fold the ribbon and sew on beads, secure it in the center of the egg with glue or thread, this will help hide possible irregularities at the junction. Continue decorating as you wish.

How to decorate Easter eggs in this case? Here, to decorate decorative eggs, it is better to use textile elements: yarn, ribbons, lace, rag flowers, beads, it all depends on your taste and imagination.

Cut several strips of yarn about 6-8 cm long, coat the surface with glue in the shape of a circle, wind the thread in a spiral, glue it, drop glue in the center - pour beads.

Patterns made on top with the same threads, just in different colors, look great.

How to decorate Easter eggs. Photo

Paper, foil, fabric

As has already become clear, you can decorate Easter eggs with your own hands using any available materials, including colored fabric of different textures. It can be pasted as a whole piece, or as separate contrasting strips; Alternatively, you can simply wrap the eggs in beautiful fabric bags, tie them with ribbon, and decorate them with a bow.

Cut the fabric into thin strips along the edges to make gluing convenient, and decorate with ribbon.

It is better to use thin corrugated paper for pasting; a combination of small pieces of different colors looks good.

An interesting option for an Easter souvenir would be an egg decorated using the quilling technique using colored strips of paper. Craftswomen create truly real masterpieces.

You can create fancy designs using Japanese Washi tape, familiar to scrapbooking enthusiasts. Having a huge range of shapes, sizes and prints, it is quite easy to use, you just need to glue the selected elements to the surface.

It is convenient to attach the decor using either glue or thin double-sided tape.

When using foil, it is not at all necessary to use glue; thin foil will keep its shape, so you can decorate boiled eggs with it.

Similarly, any thin foil and candy wrappers, leftover wrapping paper and elements from beautiful gift bags are suitable for decorating eggs. You can also decorate eggs with holiday-themed paper stickers, purchased or found on the Internet and in magazines; paper napkins using decoupage technique.

Decoupage eggs involves gluing small fragments of a design from any napkin onto a surface using glue or egg white, smoothed with a wide brush. If the eggs will not be eaten, you can further decorate them, for example, by sprinkling them with glitter or varnishing them.

Children's Easter crafts

For children's Easter crafts, you can use funny Easter eggs with faces. For children's creativity, the option of using cereals and pasta to decorate Easter eggs is also suitable; it perfectly develops fine motor skills and is natural.

1. Don’t be afraid to experiment - use eyes, yarn, small elements, felt-tip pens in your work - and children’s delight is guaranteed!

"Funny Faces"

2. "Bee"

As a basis, you can take an egg, previously prepared by an adult, wrapped in a spiral with threads of different colors. Add a face and wings and you're done!

3. “Chicken” - finely chop the yellow yarn, coat the egg with glue, roll in the yarn.

The child copes with this task easily and with interest. Perhaps all children love to cut and glue.

Leave to dry and glue on the parts.

Blanks can be prepared from cardboard, painted in the desired colors with gouache. Glue it on PVA and dry it.

Such crafts can decorate the interior of a children's room or become a wonderful gift for grandparents.

How to decorate Easter eggs with ribbons

This decoration option is not particularly complicated, but nevertheless it looks very noble and beautiful.

The prepared dried egg needs to be wrapped with thin double-sided tape; if it is not there, simply secure the selected satin ribbon with a plaster or tape on the sharp part of the workpiece.

Start wrapping it with tape from top to bottom, while pulling the tape well so that it does not move later.

When the entire surface has been covered, cut off the ribbon and secure the tip using a previously prepared needle and thread, preferably in a color that matches the ribbon.

At the same time, we sew on decorative elements (bows, flowers, beads, seed beads), trying so that the seams are not visible.

Beads can simply be poured into the resulting depressions, well coated with glue.

To make the ribbon hold better, you can sew beads over the entire surface of the egg.

As a stand, we take a bottle cap or a thick cardboard ring, wrap it with the same tape and carefully sew it to the product, again sewing on beads and beads along the way.

And of course, traditional methods of decorating eggs, such as dyeing and painting with acrylic paints, will never cease to be relevant. If you have artistic taste and have drawing skills, it is quite possible to paint an egg with paints, adding glitter, contour, sparkles and varnish.

As you can see, making Easter eggs with your own hands is not at all difficult; with a little effort and imagination, we can get a wonderful decoration by laying out or hanging eggs around the apartment, or decorating an Easter tree with them.

Creative success!

Easter tree

The tradition of its creation has long existed in Europe, especially in Austria and Germany, but is gradually moving to us. It symbolizes the Tree of Life and can be represented in any size and shape.

These can be natural and artificial branches of trees and shrubs; willow branches or any flowering trees look beautiful; you can also use indoor flowers.

The tree can be placed in transparent glass vases filled with decorative stones, moss, hay, pebbles, etc. or just water or soil.

If you live in a private house, you can afford to decorate a tree in the yard or in front of the house.

It is good to decorate the Easter tree with flat salted dough eggs, painted to your taste. You can make a great variety of such eggs and involve children in making them and decorating the tree.

In order for the Easter egg to be hung on the branch, you need to make a loop. To do this, preferably before you start decorating it, fold a ribbon or strong thread in half, make a knot, you can put on a bead and thread it through the holes of the eggs. At the bottom you also need to put a bead larger than the hole and secure it with a knot. The remaining ribbon can be cut off or tied with a bow.

For decoration, eggs can simply be wrapped in beautiful napkins, foil, fabric or pre-prepared bags, and tied with ribbon. It is convenient to use holders from Christmas tree decorations by inserting them into the larger hole of the egg and securing the thread.

Create a positive, bright, flowering tree that symbolizes spring and the joy of Easter.

We have already discussed this topic before and even suggested some interesting and extraordinary ideas. Today we invite you to learn how to decorate Easter eggs. In this case, you can decorate eggs either already painted in different colors or not. We would like to give some advice right away: if you are going to eat Easter eggs, you cannot use glue; it is better to use natural glue. If you decide to prepare an egg as an Easter souvenir, then feel free to use glue and other necessary materials. Then in this case you will also need to blow out the egg first.

How to blow out an egg? There is an interesting and effective method. It involves piercing the egg on both sides, breaking the yolk and blowing out all the contents from the back side. To prevent the shell from cracking during work, it is necessary to use construction foam. Especially convenient for those who are currently undergoing renovations. Holes are also made on both sides and foam is introduced into one of them, which slowly pushes the white and yolk out.
When the eggs are prepared, you can start decorating it. And so, 10 ideas on how to decorate eggs for Easter.

1.Easter eggs using quilling technique.

In this method of decorating eggs for Easter, you need to use materials such as strips of colored paper, scissors, glue and an awl. Using an awl and strips of paper, we make various flowers and other elements of the future product, and use glue to fix it all. You can see an example of how to get flowers using the quilling technique. Next, we glue the resulting elements onto Easter eggs.

2. Easter eggs made of foil.

For this method you need: foil of different colors, sequins, varnish marker, boiled eggs themselves. Cut the foil to the required size and wrap the egg in it, smoothing it with a spoon. Next, use varnish markers to apply any design, and you can also add sequins to the design.

3. Easter eggs made of beads.

Easter eggs decorated with beads may seem a little complicated at first glance, but making such an Easter souvenir with your own hands is worth a try. The work requires perseverance and diligence. The following materials are also required: beads of suitable colors, fishing line, scissors, needles for weaving beads, an egg-shaped blank, weaving pattern. You can come up with the drawing yourself, or you can choose one of the options in magazines or on the Internet. To start knitting, you should knit a belt, measure the number of rows on the egg, and then connect the resulting belt on the egg itself. Next, shortening the rows, the tops of the egg are braided. And now a beautiful creation by human hands is ready. Beaded Easter eggs can take pride of place in the interior of your home.

4. Decorating Easter eggs can also be done from buttons, various cereals, newspapers, paper, chocolate dragees, threads or ribbons.

To make these eggs you will need any material you have at home, as well as glue. And let's not forget about our imagination. You can tie a ribbon in the middle of an already painted egg, also sew a bead for decoration, or you can use the same ribbons to completely wrap the egg with it. Easter eggs decorated with ribbons look elegant.

You can also wrap an egg with threads, but there is another interesting way. Using balloons, make easy Easter eggs, just like making New Year's balls from threads.

Pieces of newspaper or corrugated paper can be used to beautifully cover eggs in a chaotic manner. You can also add a couple more elements to add special sophistication to the souvenir.

You can actually create such masterpieces from cereals that no one has ever seen or even imagined. Again, you need cereals (buckwheat, peas, millet, rice, semolina and others), glue and a creative impulse.

5. To decorate eggs for Easter, you can crochet special handbags.

And quickly, and beautifully, and nothing else is needed. This is how DIY crocheted Easter eggs are created. A little thread, a knitting pattern, a hook and half an hour of time.

6. A long-known method to everyone - placing plant leaves on eggs and coloring them in onion skins.

We have already written about this here. But still, we can safely repeat ourselves and point out that this method of painting eggs can also be considered a special, unique decoration.

7. You can paint Easter eggs yourself acrylic paints.

To do this, you can use any suitable stencils, plain colored eggs, and paints. By the way, instead of paints, you can take wax crayons or even markers and felt-tip pens. You don’t even want to break Easter eggs, painted with love. Therefore, it is better to immediately use the idea of ​​blowing the contents out of the egg and leave such an egg as a table decoration.


For work you will need: a napkin with a suitable pattern, glue, a brush and a container. First you need to cut out the design you want to put on the egg. Next, separate the unnecessary layers of the napkin, leaving only the design itself. Apply glue to the egg and glue the workpiece. Now, by smoothing and reapplying glue, we make Easter decoupage.

9. Easter eggs in multi-colored shells.

A very interesting way to decorate eggs with children. First you need to color the eggshells and whole eggs. Then glue these shells in a chaotic order using glue or egg white. This mosaic egg looks very funny on the table.

10. Decorating eggs with hot wax.

Eggs painted with hot wax are called specks. Translated from Ukrainian, this means to cover with drops. First, the egg is painted in one color, then hot wax is applied to the eggs in drops, by the way, or in strips, and then the egg is again dipped in paint of a different color. All that remains is to carefully scrape off the wax, or better yet, dip the egg in hot water, and then take out the already unusually colored Easter creation.

Thus, by creating Easter decorations for eggs, you create a holiday at home. Happy Easter!

Easter is the brightest, quietest and most comfortable holiday. There are no noisy, incendiary parties on Easter; it should be spent at home, with your family, next to your loved ones. And in order to create the mood of a bright holiday and please loved ones, especially children, on Easter it is customary to prepare special Easter dishes and paint eggs. Decorating Easter eggs with your own hands is a great way to have fun. the site offers you original, fresh, bright ideas for decorating Easter eggs with your own hands. Let your family have a beautiful holiday!

Colors are the first thing that comes to mind when we want to decorate Easter eggs. Not everyone has artistic talent, but with a little tricks anyone can achieve great results. For example, if you add a little vegetable oil to a regular paint solution, the paint will lie unevenly, with intricate marble patterns. You can repeat this trick several times from light to dark paint and get a very interesting texture.

Decorating Easter eggs with your own hands from different shades of the same color is always beautiful and elegant. Dilute one paint in different containers of different saturations and draw shapes on the eggs: stripes, polka dots, flowers. A few eggs can be painted entirely and some accents of a different color can be added, such as a bright butterfly or flower.

If you don’t want to bother with dyes, you can get by with just one marker or felt-tip pen. With a steady hand, draw simple shapes on the white, thoroughly washed eggs: stars, drops, flowers. It will turn out discreet and stylish.

Minimalism doesn't have to be strict. If you use a bright red color, then even the simplest pattern will be bright and cheerful: with white dots - fly agarics, with black dots - ladybugs.

The following methods of decorating Easter eggs are suitable for needlewomen who have a supply of various materials for needlework at home: fabric, ribbons, felt, quilling paper and other interesting things.

By cutting out ears from paper or felt, Easter eggs can be turned into cute bunnies.

And in order for the eggs to turn into chickens, in addition to felt or paper, you will need thick colored threads or braid, which you can simply wrap around the eggs, smeared with glue.

You can make decorative eggs or cute handbag covers for real eggs from colored felt or thick fabric. This would be a great activity for kids and a cute gift for grandmas.

If time is short, a small piece of colored fabric will be enough to decorate eggs for Easter: you can cut out hearts, flowers or stars from it and stick it on brown, undyed eggs.

Quilling is a craft that turns strips of paper into masterpieces. Decorating the entire surface of an egg using the quilling technique is very difficult, but anyone can make a few simple curls or flowers.

The decoupage technique is usually used to decorate boxes and other wooden crafts, but it is also suitable for Easter eggs. Decoupage eggs are a great way to make your Easter basket unique. You will need special napkins with a small pattern, which need to be fixed to the surface of the egg with water, and then covered with paste and dried.

Decorating Easter eggs with your own hands gives children an unforgettable experience and helps develop their creativity. In addition, self-decorated eggs are a versatile, inexpensive gift.

One of the most ancient and revered holidays of Christians is Easter. It is celebrated annually by millions of people around the world. For believers, this is a holiday of the resurrection of Jesus Christ, who took upon himself all the sins of humanity. On this day, adherents of Christianity gather in churches to pray and see the miracle - the descent of the Holy Fire. According to legend, he is able to heal both physical and mental illnesses.

For most people, Easter is a bright spring holiday, when it is customary to give cute gifts, bake Easter cakes, paint eggs and decorate the house with the attributes of spring. But doing the same thing every year is boring, so we suggest diversifying the preparation for your favorite holiday with fun and beautiful crafts that you can easily and quickly do with your own hands.

Easter eggs

Remember how our grandmothers painted eggs with onion skins? The shell turned out uniformly red. This is, of course, a tradition, but you want something unusual.

Let's start with color.

We paint eggs with natural materials

As my grandmother did, boil the onion skins for half an hour and let the resulting mass stand. Then put raw eggs in it and cook until done. The color saturation depends on the amount of husk in the broth. You can use eggs here even with yellow shells. Don’t forget to hold the finished eggs under cold water so that the skin comes off easily.

For subsequent options It is better to use eggs with white shells, then the color will be purer.

Green color obtained by using nettle decoction. Some people recommend adding spinach for richness, but the color isn't always pretty.

Brown shade gives black tea or coffee. For more delicate flowers, you should use walnut shells.

Yellow sunny color The egg will acquire the same effect if it is boiled in turmeric.

Pink color obtained from cranberry decoction. Only after boiling will you have to leave the eggs in the solution for a short time so that the color is brighter.

blue tint You can also get it without resorting to chemical dyes. All you need is hibiscus tea.

Purple It’s a little difficult to get, because you have to paint them in an infusion of violet flowers. The flowers need to be poured with hot water, allowed to stand and the boiled eggs soaked in it overnight. To get a fresh lavender hue, add lemon juice to the infusion.

Simple Easter egg decor

There is another simple way of coloring. To get interesting patterns on the shell without using artificial dyes we will need:

  • Parsley or dill;
  • Threads of various thicknesses;
  • Elastic bands;
  • Various cereals or small pasta (buckwheat, rice, oatmeal);
  • Onion peel;
  • Stocking.

Everything is simple here. We apply any of the materials to a wet egg, wrap it in a stocking and cook it in any dye indicated above. Leaves will produce beautiful natural patterns, threads and elastic bands will produce geometric patterns, grains will produce specks, and onion peels will produce funny abstract patterns. You can combine colors and decoration methods to achieve a beautiful result.

To make the eggs shine beautifully, you can rub them with a small amount of vegetable oil.

Silk dyeing of Easter eggs

One of the most beautiful ways to dye eggs is the so-called “silk dyeing”. This method is now gaining popularity very quickly. One drawback is that it is not entirely safe, so if there are cracks in the shell and paint gets into them, it is better not to eat such an egg. For this we need:

  • Pieces of natural silk with ornaments;
  • Eggs with white shells;
  • Threads;
  • Vinegar;
  • Saucepan;
  • Water.

We take a piece of silk, wrap it around the egg, secure it on top with threads (you can use a plain non-fading fabric) and cook it in a saucepan with the addition of vinegar.

Pasting eggs

To do this, you need to prepare an egg, because this method is more suitable for decoration. You need to make two small holes on both sides of the egg and “blow out” its contents.

To ensure that the paint or glue applies evenly, it is worth wiping the shell with alcohol. Now you can create. We cover the entire surface with glue and dip it, for example, in glitter. We get an incredible iridescent decoration for any Easter basket. You can also use Easter cake toppings, rhinestones, small pasta, buttons, ropes, ribbons, gold leaf, sequins, colored sand and anything else that comes to mind.

"Cosmic" beauty

We make a fashionable “space” egg with our own hands. To work you will need:

  • Acrylic paint: black, white, blue, purple, gold (you can add more shades if desired);
  • Sponge;
  • Wide brush;
  • Thin brush;
  • Wand.

We take an empty shell and insert a stick into the hole - this makes it easier to hold the egg while painting. Using a sponge, apply black paint to the entire surface. While the paint is still wet, use a brush or sponge to apply blue color to part of the egg.

We immediately make spots of purple on the still wet paint so that the edges are not clear. Shade it a little. Apply a little gold and other shades to achieve the desired result.

Dip a wide brush into white and remove excess paint with a napkin. We run our finger over the brush and gently spray it onto the egg. So the stars appeared.

Using a thin brush, you can add stars to create constellations.

More options for decorating Easter eggs

Easter crafts

Painted eggs are already commonplace, so what else can you make from scrap materials?

Felt egg

These cute decorations can be used as decor throughout your home. If you attach ribbons to soft toys, you can hang them on a cornice, make a garland, decorate baskets of sweets, or simply give them to friends.

It’s easy to make this beauty: cut out two identical oval bases from felt of any color. We decorate to your liking with ribbons, buttons, embroidery, sequins, bows. We sew it with a decorative seam using thick bright threads and stuff the toy with padding polyester or scraps of the same felt.

By the way, you can make animals or birds in the same way and complement your home decor.

Easter wreath

A very fresh solution for Easter would be to create a delicate spring floral wreath. But it will quickly wither, you say. Now you will see how quickly and easily you can create an artificial wreath that will not fade and will be able to please the eye for a long time.

We don't need much to get started:

  • Several empty egg cartons;
  • Glue (PVA is possible);
  • Glue brush;
  • Scissors;
  • Corrugated paper thread (the kind used by florists and decorators);
  • Little things for decoration (artificial flowers, ribbons - optional).

We cut out pimples from the egg packaging so that we get blanks that look like flowers.

We will need quite a lot of them (depending on the size of the wreath), so we will have to be patient. The blanks must be nested within each other.

Makes stems and leaves from corrugated paper thread. In each cardboard blank that we made earlier, we put leaves, ribbons, artificial flowers or whatever you want to use. We fix everything with glue and connect the elements into a circle.

You can decorate the resulting wreath with ribbons, rhinestones, or whatever you want. Such a cute little thing will refresh any interior.

Wreaths can be made from anything; they look very advantageous both on the festive table and in the interior.

Easter garlands

We are all used to the fact that a garland is something New Year's. But don't be embarrassed. This colorful Easter-themed decoration will fit perfectly into your interior. Now we will see how to make a beautiful garland with your own hands.

We will need:

  • Thick paper with a beautiful pattern (you can just use your favorite colors);
  • Ribbon or thick thread;
  • Scissors;
  • Pompoms.

We make a stencil, for example, with a bunny. Cut out several pieces from thick paper. We make holes for the ribbon and thread it through. Glue pompoms onto bunnies.

We tie our beauty to a wall or cornice and enjoy.

Bunny vase

Another option for using empty eggshells is to make vases for small flowers. In this way you can decorate the Easter table in an original way. By the way, you can bring other forest dwellers into the company of the bunnies. To create a tiny vase we need:

  • Egg shells;
  • Black felt-tip pen (or paint);
  • White felt-tip pen (or paint);
  • Red pencil (or paint);
  • White paper;
  • Decorative tape with a pattern;
  • Small twigs and flowers.

Thanks to the preparations for the holiday, there will be no shortage of empty shells; you just need to break them carefully - cut off only the top, leaving the main part of the egg intact. The workpiece must be washed thoroughly so that there is no unpleasant odor later, and dried.

Using a black marker, draw eyes, a mouth and a nose. We highlight the cheeks with a red pencil. Use a white marker to create fur.

We cut out a narrow rectangle from paper, a little longer than an egg (about 6x2 cm), fold it in half and round it on one side. You can paint the inside with a red pencil. It turned out to be a hare's ear. We make a couple for him in the same way. To keep the ears on the bunny's head, you need to make a headband. To do this, cut a strip of paper about 11 cm long and 6 mm wide. We roll it into a ring and secure the ears with tape. You can also wrap the headband itself with tape with a funny print. We attach the rim to the top of the egg. We also make small stands for vases from paper (3-5 mm wide). They can also be decorated with tape. We put the baby rabbits on stands and fill them with flowers and twigs. Ready!

Easter tree

The Easter tree looks very impressive in the interior. You can hang handmade toys on it, decorate it with ribbons, attach cards or small gifts.

It doesn’t take much effort to acquire such beauty. Place flower foam or polystyrene in a flower pot or small bucket, insert various twigs, they can be painted in some delicate color. Cover the base with pebbles or decorative sand. You can also use live branches, and instead of a bucket use a vase with water.

Various variations on the theme of wreaths and garlands in the fashionable colors of the season.

Create a unique holiday atmosphere using unusual decorative materials. Candles, glasses, fresh flowers - and this is only a small part of the ideas for a wonderful Easter holiday.

Easter is one of our favorite family holidays. Because we really love the preparation process, when we need to paint Easter eggs, knead the dough for Easter cakes and come up with something to decorate them with. And over the last couple of years, thanks to Pinterest and the rest of the Internet, as well as an even greater selection of food coloring in stores, the design options for eggs are becoming more and more interesting. For example, we have already tried matte paints and marble ones with mother-of-pearl. They are so pleasant from the point of view of tactile sensations that if we knew who to feed with all the dozens of eggs we received, the child and I would be unstoppable. This is a very cool activity!

And this year I realized that there is a great way out. It is not necessary to boil all the eggs that we are going to paint. You can simply “blow out” the contents of raw eggs and paint the shells. And then, firstly, it is not necessary to use only food coloring; you can use acrylic, felt-tip pens, and glue. And secondly, such empty eggs can be hung on a string and used to decorate a living branch in a vase. The result will be a very European version of Easter decor.

Overall, if you haven't decided how yet, but are keen to experiment with Easter egg designs this year, this collection may help you with ideas.

Black and white style

Take regular white eggs and a children's black water-based felt-tip pen or capillary pen, and do not deny yourself anything!

6. Or you can paint the eggs entirely with black paint and create a design with white chalk. Very unusual and very stylish, in my opinion.

7. Instead of chalk, you can use white gouache.

Let's draw!

For these design options, you can use acrylic paints and felt-tip pens for empty eggshells, or take special food dyes for eggs (there are a lot of them in any supermarket now) and apply a design with a brush.

Peppermint Clouds

Tell me who doesn’t like mint and turquoise and I’ll say that you live in the last century.)) The general craze for these two shades could not ignore Easter. Therefore, this season we stock up on blue shades and feel free to use them everywhere! And let’s not forget to add indigo to complete the experience. And let our eyes enjoy the shades of the sea and sky!))

18. To get this beauty, simply wrap the shell with lace ribbon and secure it. And then boil the eggs in pre-prepared dyes.

23. A similar gradient can be obtained by adding a certain amount of water to the solution with the dye after each “batch”.


It’s very unusual and very girly to paint Easter eggs with gold. This can be powdered sugar with gold coloring (sold in specialized stores for confectioners, also available in Moscow), or liquid gold food coloring, or edible gold petals (what you won’t find among confectioners!). Get inspired!

Natural color

Eggs dyed in the old known way, using onion skins or strong tea or red wine, are still very popular. And look how beautifully you can play with this theme!

35. Attach a leaf of cilantro, dill or rose to the egg, and wrap a nylon sock on top and cook in onion skins. The result will be very beautiful. And it will definitely cause a storm of delight among children!

36. This, of course, is not an eggshell, but the idea itself is cool. Use a letter stamp over the brown eggs.

37. And this type of decoration struck me to the very heart. So much hard work! Such fine craftsmanship! Easter lace.

If you want to know how such beauty is obtained, go to YouTube, they will teach you there!

Application principle

38. Grab some colorful Washi Tapes and create your own collection of stylish Easter eggs. The brighter the print, the more joy the child will have, who can be entrusted with the process of pasting.

39. Take an egg white, dip the egg in it, and then dip it in the cake sugar and let it all dry. Beautiful and safe for kids.

40. Here we simply used white paper appliqué on top of eggs painted with food coloring.

41. Cut out print elements from napkins, stick them on eggshells (here it is better to use empty shells rather than boiled eggs) using a solution of PVA glue and water, let dry.

42. Same principle

44. Same principle as with cilantro sprigs. Glue paper hearts to the shell, press with nylon or gauze and dip in dye.

45. If you find special “transfer” paper (decal paper) in Moscow and print pictures from the file on it

you can get a cool hipster design))

And finally, here are a few ideas for decorating your home and table using Easter eggs, which, I’m sure, you won’t be able to resist and start decorating tomorrow.)) Happy Easter to you, friends!