How to remove scars on your face at home. How to remove a scar on your face How to remove scars from your face

Removing scars at home will take time and patience. The arsenal of traditional medicine recipes that help smooth the skin and get rid of scars is huge. You need to choose several products and use them until you achieve a satisfactory result. It is not at all necessary to purchase special ointments at the pharmacy, which are not cheap and are packaged in small tubes. All expensive creams are just artificial substitutes for natural ones that can be used with greater benefit and without harm to health.

Onion juice

The best way to get rid of scars is onions. It contains enzymes that trigger skin regeneration processes. Pre-steamed skin in the scar area should be lubricated with fresh onion juice several times a day. And at night make a compress of baked onions. Every day for several months. Be prepared for the fact that the result will not be noticeable immediately. But it will certainly happen if you follow regular treatment and don’t quit.

Melon seed mask

A mask made from melon seeds is considered a good way to smooth out scar tissue. They need to be dried, ground into powder, adding a little eggshell. Mix with olive oil and apply the resulting paste as a compress to the affected area overnight. At least a month. In a month, an inspiring result will be noticeable, which will make it possible to “hold out” for another two months, until the scar disappears.


In addition to compresses (in parallel with them), the scarred area of ​​skin should be lubricated several times a day with fresh cucumber juice, a slice of banana or a slice of lemon.


Herbs that have a regenerating effect are chamomile, sage, nettle, calendula, parsley, plantain, spurge, dandelion, green tea, mint, St. John's wort and yarrow. It is good to make lotions from decoctions of these plants, alternating them or mixing them in equal proportions. Lotions also need to be done regularly for two to three months.

Badger or bear fat

It is effective to lubricate scars with badger or bear fat. This also needs to be done regularly and for a long time. You can add to the fat alcohol infusions from the juice of celandine, rowan, wormwood, Kalanchoe, mixed in equal parts with vodka. Also, the juice of these plants can be used independently.


Honey has proven itself well in the treatment of scars. It should be rubbed into the scar tissue twice a day. After several months of using honey, even not very fresh scars noticeably fade and smooth out.

Essential oils

Essential oils have a healing and regenerating effect on the skin. The leaders are lavender, rosemary and tea tree oil. Sea buckthorn and castor oil also successfully fight scars.

Paraffin or beeswax

At home, you can smooth your skin with warm paraffin masks. And also beeswax. It is best to prepare an ointment with wax. Take one part beeswax and three parts sunflower oil. Heat the oil and melt the wax in it (in a water bath). Use cold to lubricate scars.

Sufficiently old scars and scars on the skin cannot be completely removed; only a few surgical methods can do this. You can also use some methods to smooth out the skin and make them almost invisible. You can buy various creams, masks and other products at the pharmacy or use natural, home-cooked.

  1. If the scar occurs after surgery or a wound, then you need to apply special creams as quickly as possible to absorb the scar tissue. Many people recommend Contractubex cream, which does its job well.
  2. If after using creams and other products, the scars are still visible, then you can use peeling. This is how special reagents are applied to the skin, which can remove the top layer of skin. This method is great for removing scars on the legs, arms and other parts of the body.
  3. If the scar is in the form of a hole or dent, then you can use special dermal fillers. Thanks to them, the skin is evened out, but the procedure is performed once every few months.
  4. Laser therapy helps to erase the scar on the skin without leaving any marks. There are several laser treatments that can help you get rid of scars. Some remove the top layers of skin, while others penetrate the lower layers of skin and activate collagen production. Thanks to this, scars disappear forever and give the skin a natural look.

How to remove scars on the body at home using folk remedies

Onion juice

Onions are a natural remedy that will help you get rid of scars. It contains unique enzymes for skin regeneration. Pre-steam the skin in the scar area and lubricate it with prepared fresh onion juice. Apply baked onion compresses at night. Do this every day for several months.

Remember that the result can be seen if you follow all the rules and do not give up treatment.

Banana, cucumber and lemon juice

Make healthy juice from fresh cucumber, lemon and banana. Lubricate the scarred area of ​​skin several times a day with the prepared mixture.

Melon seed mask

If you prepare a mask of melon seeds and apply it daily to the area with a scar, you can smooth out the scar tissue. To do this, dry the melon seeds, grind them to a powder, add eggshells and olive oil. The resulting paste must be applied to the scar in the form of a compress. Follow this procedure for at least 1 month.


Sage, chamomile, calendula, nettle, plantain, parsley, dandelion, mint, green tea, yarrow and St. John's wort. This list of herbs has a regenerating effect. It is necessary to make lotions from decoctions of these plants for 2-3 months.

Rub honey 1-3 times a day into scar tissue. After a few months, the scars will become pale and smooth.

Essential oils

Essential oils have a regenerating and healing effect. Many cosmetologists recommend using rosemary, lavender, sea buckthorn or castor oil.

Beeswax or paraffin

Masks made from warm paraffin or wax can smooth out the skin. You can also prepare a special ointment for scars from wax. To do this, take 1 part beeswax and 3 parts sunflower oil. Heat the oil and melt the wax in it (in a water bath). Lubricate the scars with cold ointment for 1-2 months.

How to get rid of scars on your face - video

How to remove a scar at home?

Scars do not make women beautiful - this is a fact, but not everyone decides to get rid of them with the help of plastic surgery. Fortunately, scars can be eliminated or at least hidden using available means.

The Secrets of Perfection will tell you how.

Types of scars and methods of removal.

Scars can be of different nature. They can be a residual phenomenon after acne or injury; there are more or less deep scars.

Scientifically, scars are divided into keloid, normotrophic, atrophic and hypertrophic.

  • Keloid scars are scars after burns, when the scar has a red tint and connective tissue protruding above the skin.
  • A compacted scar is called normotrophic.
  • Atrophic scars in relief are located below the surface of the skin; such scars are formed after acne.
  • Hypertrophic scars are located above the skin level.

There are several ways to remove scars: chemical peeling, laser resurfacing, radiation therapy, freezing, surgical removal. They all have their advantages and disadvantages. The least traumatic and effective ones are usually expensive. Therefore, sometimes it is easier to turn to traditional methods of removing scars. Of course, often remove scar at home completely impossible. But small scars can always be camouflaged.

How to remove a scar at home: natural recipes.

Recipe 1. Recent scars can be reduced slightly and made less noticeable by using tea tree essential oil – a strong anti-inflammatory agent. Applying this oil to the area of ​​skin where the scar has formed helps relieve redness in the area and prevent further growth of connective tissue. Using this oil on acne helps prevent scarring.

Recipe 2. The possibility of scar formation after an abrasion, burn or frostbite is reduced if the affected areas are treated eucalyptus oil.

Recipe 3. Rose oil helps reduce scars of various origins, including post-surgical ones. They also regularly lubricate areas that require correction.

Recipe 4. A daily ten-minute massage using cocoa butter helps smooth out even long-standing scars.

Recipe 5. Helps smooth out small scars and honey. They apply it to the scar several times a day.

Recipe 6. Also, with shallow scars, regular onion juice massage.

Recipe 7. Smoothes even old scars cucumber juice. This vegetable is crushed to a paste and a compress is made for the whole night.

Recipe 8. In order to have a little remove scar at home Oily vitamin E is also used in capsules. Tocopherol helps smooth collagen, which is the basis of the scar. The vitamin solution is applied to a cotton swab and applied to the skin. Cover the top with gauze and leave for 20 minutes.

Recipe 9. If the scar is quite noticeable and cannot be eliminated with folk remedies, it can be hidden using special soft wax for makeup. The product is applied to the scar, smoothing the application border. When using this product, the scars become practically invisible, however, wax cannot be worn on the face for a long time, since under the influence of high temperature it can leak; in addition, it is not advisable to use wax during active facial expressions.

Recipe 10. Small scars, such as those caused by pimples or acne, can be removed (camouflaged) using a full-coverage liquid foundation or concealer. Loose powder is applied on top of these products.

Recipe 11. The easiest way to deal with scars is before they appear. So, for abrasions and cuts, it is useful to apply a tampon moistened with aloe juice to a wound that has not yet healed, which, in addition to its antibacterial properties, also prevents the formation of scars.

Especially for the site “Secrets of Perfection”

But is it really possible to remove scars only with the help of specialists in special clinics? No. You can remove scars at home using the following tips.

  • lemon juice. It contains natural whitening agents that will make the scar less noticeable;
  • aloe juice. For minor household cuts or to prevent acne scars, apply aloe to a fresh wound. The juice of this plant has restorative properties and will heal the wound without scarring;
  • honey. This is a natural remedy and a universal mask for scars. Honey can be applied to the rumen several times a day;
  • homemade mask. If you mix a tablespoon of fine oatmeal with one tablespoon of cream and add a couple of drops of lemon juice, you will get an excellent mask for scars. It should be applied to the skin for 15 minutes and then washed off with warm water.

Each organism has its own characteristics, and different wounds cause different scars, but now you know for sure that it is possible to get rid of scars. And, if someone asks you: is it possible to remove a scar on your face so that there are no marks left, you can confidently say: “Yes!”

Basic Rules

For whatever reason, the scar appears, it is important to remember that the sooner you get rid of it, the less time it will take and the better the result will be. After undergoing surgery or other violation of the integrity of the skin, remember the basic rules:

  1. The wound should heal as quickly as possible. For this purpose, modern pharmacology has developed a number of ointments and gels that promote healing and resorption of scar tissue.
  2. After the wound has completely healed, as well as to remove old scars, perform regular skin peeling. By removing the top stratum corneum, you improve the condition of the skin around the scar.
  3. Use a body (or face) scrub. Naturally, only after the wound has healed! You will achieve several goals at once: blood flow to the scar tissue will increase, which will contribute to their nutrition; The surface of the skin will gradually level out, including the affected area.

Home Remedies

You can get rid of scar tissue with the help of specialists. Read about what to do here: How to remove a scar on your face. If you decide to try to remove the scar at home, get ready for long and regular work. Below are several ways to remove a scar at home.


Softens the skin, improves structure and nourishes, rich in antioxidants. Apply a thin layer of natural honey to the damaged area several times a day or use it as one of the components of masks.

Lemon juice

With its help, you will gently exfoliate your skin, get rid of dead cells, and increase skin elasticity. Effective if the scars are the result of acne. Will help cope with small whitish scars. Lemon juice has whitening properties that will help mask the difference in shades between healthy skin and scars. Wipe the skin area with half a lemon or a cotton pad soaked in juice every morning.


Mix a handful of oatmeal with the same amount of cream, sprinkle with lemon juice. This makes an excellent scrub mask for scars. Use it at least 3 times a week.

Decorative cosmetics

It is possible to effectively disguise scars only if they are normotrophic, that is, they do not protrude above the surface of the skin (read more about the types of scars in the article How to get rid of scars). A foundation thick enough to even out the shades of the skin and the scar will help.

In other cases, you can try to hide the scar with bronzer and highlighter. The main thing is to carefully choose them according to your skin color. Apply bronzer to the scar and highlighter around it if the scar protrudes above the surface of the skin, and vice versa if it looks like a pit.

Salon and medical procedures

Doctors cannot yet agree on when it is easier to remove scars: some believe that while they are still fresh, that is, no later than a month, some believe that the scar must first heal, that is, a year after its appearance.

In any case, experts agree on one thing: before getting rid of a scar on the face and other parts of the body, it is necessary to take into account a number of factors. These include the size of the damage, its depth, location, cause, as well as the age, individual characteristics and heredity of the patient.

  1. Cryotherapy

Applying cold (usually liquid nitrogen) to the scar for 1-3 sessions can remove the scar. First, it becomes covered with an icy film, then the skin swells and enlarges, like a burn; after a couple of days, a dry crust appears, which soon falls off, leaving behind a pink mark that merges with the surrounding skin over time.

The procedure is performed in the presence of anesthesia.

  1. Scar filling

This procedure is suitable for you if the scars you would like to get rid of seem to be buried in the skin, for example, if you are looking for a way to remove scars from cuts. Scars are filled with collagen, hyaluronic acid or your own adipose tissue taken from other places. The result is noticeable instantly, but it does not last forever. Usually a repeat procedure is necessary after six months, but the effect can last for 1.5 years.

  1. Dermabrasion

How to remove old scars medically? Erase to the roots. The procedure is as follows: the patient is given anesthesia, and then the scar tissue is ground down with rotating brushes. In this case, blood is inevitably released and the deep layers of the skin are affected.

After the procedure, the skin must be regularly disinfected to avoid blood poisoning; after some time, a crust will appear, which will fall off within a week and leave behind the skin with virtually no initial signs of a scar.

  1. Operation

The most radical method of getting rid of scars is surgery. It is suitable for all types of scars, except keloids. After the operation, at the site of the scar, of course, not ideal, smooth skin will remain, but a thin thread-like trace.

To correct extensive scars, skin from a healthy area of ​​the patient or a silicone bag is transplanted in their place.

The doctor decides whether it is possible to remove deep scars in this way.

Despite the fact that usually the treatment of scars and scars at home is based on the use of natural ingredients, maximum care should be taken with them and worked according to the instructions.

  1. Green clay and rosemary oil

Prepare the following ointment: mix 1 teaspoon of clay powder with 3 drops of oil and the amount of water necessary to form a not too liquid paste. Apply the composition to the area of ​​skin with a scar for 15-20 minutes, then rinse with water.

Frequency of procedure: once every 3 days. Between applying the ointment, lubricate your skin with rosemary oil 6 times a day.

  1. Apple vinegar

Fruit acids, such as those found in apple cider vinegar, can help as home remedies to remove scars and scars. Vinegar itself is too aggressive, so before use, dilute it with clean water in a ratio of 1:3. Soak gauze or handkerchief in the solution and apply to the scar(s) for 10 minutes.

  1. Hydrocortisone

This ointment can be purchased at a pharmacy for little money. Apply a thin layer to scarred areas. Helps in getting rid of keloid scars. Before you use hydrocortisone ointment to get rid of scars at home, it is a good idea to consult a doctor, as it has contraindications. It is also not recommended to use it for more than a week.

Frequency of procedure: 3 times a day.

  1. Peeling

You can try to smooth out voluminous scars. We are talking about home peelings using natural products: salt, soda, badyagi, algae.

Wet, or better yet, slightly steam the skin with the scar and rub one of the selected products into it. Rough materials can easily damage your skin, so be careful and gentle with your skin.

Badyaga is sold in pharmacies in the form of an ointment or powder, which must first be diluted with water. It improves blood circulation, which is used to heal bruises and visible capillaries.

Frequency of procedure: once a week.

  1. Use of oils

Essential oils help fight, perhaps, all skin imperfections; it all depends on which oil you choose.

One of the following essential oils can help you get rid of scars at home:

  • Rosemary;
  • Tea tree;
  • Lavender;
  • Grape seeds;
  • Almond;
  • Coconut;
  • Wheat germ oil;
  • Sesame;
  • Jojoba;
  • Sea buckthorn;
  • Olive

The main advantages of this method of removing scars at home are their low cost and the possibility of long-term treatment.

The ideal proportion for preparing the mixture is 30 drops of base oil per 1 drop of essential oil. The product should remain on the skin for at least half an hour, then you can wipe it off with a napkin or rinse with warm water.

Frequency of procedure: once a day.

  1. Masks

If you are interested in a way to remove scars from cuts on your hand or face, it is very convenient to make weekly masks.

  • Banana

Apply ripe banana puree for 10 minutes and rinse with water. The same fruit acids that were mentioned earlier go into battle.

The Aloe Vera plant is also famous for its healing effects on the skin. How to lighten a scar with it? It is very simple, you need to keep aloe leaves on the scarred skin for 15 minutes several times a day. You can also squeeze juice from the leaves or make a paste, it all depends on your convenience.

  • Oatmeal

The action of a mask of oatmeal and kefir is aimed at getting rid of scars after acne and pimples. Even though this is more of a scrub than a mask, it is also suitable for sensitive skin.

To prepare, you will need 50 ml of kefir and 1 tablespoon of oatmeal; you can first grind them in a blender.

Wait 10 minutes for the flakes to swell and apply the mask to the entire face or specifically to problem areas. After 10 minutes, rinse with water.

Regularity of the procedure: 2 times a week for 2 months.

How to remove chickenpox scars

A separate story with scars after chickenpox, they appear mainly if a person experiences smallpox as an adult or if he scratches the skin too much, this is typical for children.

It is advisable to start home treatment immediately after the chickenpox pimples crust over and fall off.

  • Contractubex

The pharmaceutical product in the form of a gel includes onion extract, which heals the wound. On fresh scars, the gel should be applied in a thin layer, rubbing in. Apply to the old one with a reserve and leave for 6-12 hours, during this time avoid sunlight and temperature influences.

Any medical drug has analogues and contraindications, so before purchasing it is best to consult a doctor so that you do not end up paying twice.

  • Cacao butter

If the scars are shallow and not so numerous, using cocoa butter can remove chickenpox scars on the face. How? - you ask. Simply rub it onto the affected skin several times a day. This product will accelerate cell regeneration, reduce the inflammatory effect and tighten the skin.

In fact, cosmetic, medical and home remedies on how to remove a scar from a burn, cut, illness, etc. There are many, but you should choose them carefully and taking into account your skin. Do not delay healing if the scars bother you very much. It is quite possible that by waiting you are increasingly complicating the future treatment process.

What it is?

Scars are small or large areas of connective tissue on the skin that can be white or another color. They don't hurt, they don't remind you of themselves. But their existence on the skin, especially on the face, is very unpleasant and undesirable. Moreover, many representatives of the fair sex cannot come to terms with such a defect and are constantly in search of a solution to the problem.

Why do you need to know how to remove scars from your face?

It is probably impossible to find a person in the world who does not have such marks on his body. Many people have scars on their face, legs and arms, and other areas of the body. This is because it is impossible to live through childhood without getting injured. But sometimes even after a minor cut, a scar remains. Then they appear throughout life. After all, people very often find themselves in strange and unpleasant situations. And also, people often lie down on the operating table, after which they are left with traces of the surgical intervention.

Many people live with scars their entire lives and don’t even think about their existence. But it also happens that scars cause pain. They remain on the face and visible parts of the body. Therefore, you should get rid of them in the hospital, or you can learn how to remove scars at home.

Of course, if you go to a hospital or specialized institution, they will be able to help you more professionally.”>

Several ways to remove a scar on your face

1. Surgical intervention. This method is especially often used in the fight against scars. With this intervention, an area of ​​skin can be removed. Then it is replaced with a new flap transplanted from any other part of the body. You can also remove the scar and carefully close the wound with surgical sutures.

2. Peeling. This is a fairly expensive way to get rid of scars. It involves deep cleansing the face, which helps remove a small surface layer of skin. This way you can remove small defects.

3. Hormones are a multifunctional tool that allows you to fight many diseases and illnesses. They can also help fight scars. Before buying hormonal drugs, you should definitely visit a doctor. Self-treatment can lead to bad consequences. Hormones will need to be injected into the scar, namely injections. And after a couple of weeks, a defect of medium size and depth will disappear without a trace.

4. Scar cream. Today, this remedy has become very popular because it is inexpensive, acts quickly and does not require any intervention. The validity period of the cream depends only on the manufacturer and its components. Manufacturers promise that in 1-2 weeks the cream will definitely cope with the hated scars. Before purchasing a cosmetic product, you should also definitely visit a doctor, because self-medication can be dangerous to your health. For example, you can buy creams “Kontraktubeks”, “Dermatix”, “Skarguard”, “Medgel”, “Diprospan”, “Cordran”, “Aldara”, “Mederma”, etc.

5. Many people are concerned about how to get rid of the scars that often remain after acne and blackheads. If the scar resembles a small hole, then you will have to fight with it longer. Because the trace of a scar can be removed, but the hole cannot. That is why you need to contact a cosmetologist to help even out the surface of the skin. To do this, you need to use dermal fillers. Usually they play the role of collagen or a special gel. ">

The right way

Laser therapy is another innovative method of combating skin scars. With this method, the laser removes some pieces of the epidermis, smoothing it and making it more beautiful. With this type of intervention, anesthesia can be used to make the procedure more comfortable for the patient.

But it happens that a person does not have money to visit clinics or beauty salons. After all, all these procedures require material costs. In this case, you should resort to home medicine and deal with the scars yourself. ">

Your own cosmetologist

Let's look at several ways to remove scars at home:

1. Lemon juice is a very popular remedy that often helps us fight bags under the eyes, skin blemishes, etc. It can also help deal with scars. It can be simply applied to the area that is bothering you, or used as a mask. This product has a whitening property that can make the scar less noticeable and sometimes even remove it.

2. Honey is another potent remedy. This beekeeping product is very often present in various masks that help fight skin blemishes. And all because honey relieves inflammation and improves the appearance of the skin. If you apply it several times a day to the area that is bothering you, then after a few days the scar will become smaller, or even disappear altogether. The skin will become soft and pleasant. But honey can also be used as an ingredient in a mask to remove scars on the face.

3. Aloe is a world famous folk remedy. This product is not suitable for food, but copes well with its healing purpose. Aloe juice can prevent the appearance of a scar or scar because it has antibacterial and healing components. And if you apply it to a place that is inflamed and foreshadows a scar, then, most likely, the scar simply will not appear. ">

Mask of honey, lemon juice and aloe

In order to remove scars on your face, prepare a mask from the suggested ingredients. First you need to mix honey, lemon juice and aloe in equal proportions. Then carefully apply the mixture to the skin or a specific area of ​​the body. Keep the mask on for 15-20 minutes. After the specified time has passed, rinse everything off with warm running water. This mask can eliminate small scars or scars, cleanse and moisturize the skin. And if you use it often, you can forget about many defects forever.

Remedies for facial scars

Grinding is a mechanical effect on the skin with a washcloth, brush or sponge. The tougher the washcloth, the more effective the procedure will be. Do not apply excessive force during processing - this can lead to damage to the epidermis. The skin in the scar area should be rubbed with intense movements. After grinding, a nourishing cream, such as Bepanten or children's, should be applied to the affected areas.

When treating facial skin, you need to be more careful. A nail file or facial brush is suitable for these purposes. Afterwards, it is recommended to treat the skin with an antiseptic and apply a cosmetic product with a soothing effect.

Pimples and pustules on the face lead to the formation of small scars. This happens when you try to extract the contents of a pimple on your own. Simple folk recipes will help cope with this problem. Our grandmothers can tell us how to get rid of scars using folk remedies.

  1. An excellent remedy to help get rid of scars at home is aloe. The leaves must be peeled and finely chopped. The resulting mass is applied to the skin and left for half an hour. Aloe juice can be used as compresses.
  2. A vitamin mask also gives a good effect. To prepare it, you will need an oil solution of vitamin E, which is applied to the scar. The vitamin can be mixed with any cosmetic oil. It is recommended to apply the mask to the entire skin of the face. After 20 minutes, remove excess oil with a napkin.
  3. A clay mask helps soften the scar and make it less noticeable. The clay is diluted with warm water and applied to the scar. Green clay is best suited for this. The scar becomes lighter and smoother.
  4. Citric acid helps whiten the skin. Therefore, home remedies based on lemon juice are used to get rid of scars. It helps eliminate not only scars, but also age spots.

Home Remedies

Scars on the body cause no less inconvenience than on the face. How to remove scars at home if these skin defects are on the arms, legs or stomach? You won’t be able to completely get rid of them at home, but you can make them less noticeable.

Home remedies for scars:

  1. Mumiyo has long been used for cosmetic purposes; this product can be applied to the skin, hair and nails. It evens out skin color and eliminates minor imperfections. Add a little mummy to your regular body cream, and you will see that after regular use your skin has become smooth and even.
  2. The following recipe also helps well in getting rid of scars: 4 tablespoons of sea buckthorn oil mixed with 1 tsp. beeswax and 1 yolk. The wax and oil are heated over low heat, cooled and the yolks are added. Then you need to add streptocide powder. The drug is applied pointwise to scars. It is useful to apply this remedy after burns.
  3. Fruit acids are used to cleanse the skin and help get rid of scars. To carry out peeling at home, you will need 6% apple cider vinegar. It is diluted with water 1:3 and applied to the fabric. It is applied to the affected areas and left for 20 minutes. The compress can be secured with a bandage. When this procedure is performed regularly, the skin will smooth out and the scar will become almost invisible.

At home, you can also use an ointment prepared on the basis of vegetable oils and beeswax. Plant extracts and essential oils are added to the product. If you do not have time to prepare such drugs, you can purchase ready-made formulations at the pharmacy. They are designed to restore damaged skin and eliminate defects.

Pharmacy drugs

The most common drugs used to treat scars are:

  1. Zeraderm is a cream with vitamins that helps restore skin and eliminate signs of aging.
  2. Rescuer is an ointment with natural ingredients that has a healing effect.
  3. Dermatix gel can be used by people with sensitive skin and concomitant diseases: it does not penetrate the body through the skin, so it has no side effects.
  4. Mederma is a cream with sorbic acid, allantoin and xanthan. Suitable for the treatment of post-operative scars and postpartum stretch marks. It improves skin elasticity, smoothes it and makes scars lighter.

All of these drugs can be purchased without a prescription, but you should consult a dermatologist before using them.

The appearance of scars must be prevented by all means, then you will not have to think about how to remove scars. Observe safety precautions when working with chemicals and high temperatures.

An abrasion or wound does not always turn into a scar. The damaged area of ​​skin must be cleaned regularly.

It needs to be treated with antiseptic solutions and a sterile bandage applied - this will protect it from suppuration and speed up healing.

To speed up the healing process and improve the condition of the skin, it is necessary to introduce foods rich in vitamins, proteins and zinc into the diet: meat, fresh vegetables, fruits, nuts. Protect developing scars from exposure to ultraviolet rays - this will make their color less intense. It is important to begin treatment of wounds, burns and abrasions in a timely manner, preventing tissue scarring. A traumatologist or dermatologist will help you choose the right treatment.

Sufficiently old scars and scars on the skin cannot be completely removed; only a few surgical methods can do this. You can also use some methods to smooth out the skin and make them almost invisible. You can buy various creams, masks and other products at the pharmacy or use natural, home-cooked.

  1. If the scar occurs after surgery or a wound, then you need to apply special creams as quickly as possible to absorb the scar tissue. Many people recommend Contractubex cream, which does its job well.
  2. If after using creams and other products, the scars are still visible, then you can use peeling. This is how special reagents are applied to the skin, which can remove the top layer of skin. This method is great for removing scars on the legs, arms and other parts of the body.
  3. If the scar is in the form of a hole or dent, then you can use special dermal fillers. Thanks to them, the skin is evened out, but the procedure is performed once every few months.
  4. Laser therapy helps to erase the scar on the skin without leaving any marks. There are several laser treatments that can help you get rid of scars. Some remove the top layers of skin, while others penetrate the lower layers of skin and activate collagen production. Thanks to this, scars disappear forever and give the skin a natural look.

How to remove scars on the body at home using folk remedies

Onion juice

Onions are a natural remedy that will help you get rid of scars. It contains unique enzymes for skin regeneration. Pre-steam the skin in the scar area and lubricate it with prepared fresh onion juice. Apply baked onion compresses at night. Do this every day for several months.

Remember that the result can be seen if you follow all the rules and do not give up treatment.

Banana, cucumber and lemon juice

Make healthy juice from fresh cucumber, lemon and banana. Lubricate the scarred area of ​​skin several times a day with the prepared mixture.

Melon seed mask

If you prepare a mask of melon seeds and apply it daily to the area with a scar, you can smooth out the scar tissue. To do this, dry the melon seeds, grind them to a powder, add eggshells and olive oil. The resulting paste must be applied to the scar in the form of a compress. Follow this procedure for at least 1 month.


Sage, chamomile, calendula, nettle, plantain, parsley, dandelion, mint, green tea, yarrow and St. John's wort. This list of herbs has a regenerating effect. It is necessary to make lotions from decoctions of these plants for 2-3 months.

Rub honey 1-3 times a day into scar tissue. After a few months, the scars will become pale and smooth.

Essential oils

Essential oils have a regenerating and healing effect. Many cosmetologists recommend using rosemary, lavender, sea buckthorn or castor oil.

Beeswax or paraffin

Masks made from warm paraffin or wax can smooth out the skin. You can also prepare a special ointment for scars from wax. To do this, take 1 part beeswax and 3 parts sunflower oil. Heat the oil and melt the wax in it (in a water bath). Lubricate the scars with cold ointment for 1-2 months.

Old scars on the skin cannot be completely removed; this can only be done using surgical methods. But there are several effective ways to smooth out the skin and make marks almost invisible. How to remove a scar at home? Specialized ointments and folk remedies will come to the rescue.

Before dealing with skin imperfections, you need to determine the type of scar. Each of them has its own method. In medicine, the following types of scars are distinguished:

  1. Normotrophic - formed after minor wounds, cuts and abrasions, they look like a dark spot that brightens over time. The easiest way to remove them is.
  2. – small uneven depressions remaining after boils and acne. During healing, due to a lack of connective tissue cells, an indentation forms in the skin.
  3. Hypertrophic - such scars are formed with a large amount of connective tissue; a tubercle or groove is observed in the damaged area. Such scars usually occur after surgical interventions.
  4. Keloid scars - with any wound from a burn or cut, a compaction forms that can change size, shape and color. These wound effects cannot be removed without consulting a doctor.

Only a specialist can determine the type of scar

Only a specialist can determine the type of scar. He will also tell you how to remove facial scars at home and suggest the most effective methods.

If a scar appears after surgery and a wound, you need to treat it as soon as possible with specialized creams that ensure the resorption of scar tissue.

Doctors often recommend Contractubex cream, which copes well with this task. If after this the scars remain clearly visible, peeling can be done. When performing the procedure, reagents are applied to the skin, which remove its top layer. This method is ideal for eliminating scars that appear on the limbs and other parts of the body. If the scar looks like a dent or pit, dermal fillers will come to the rescue - they smooth out the skin well, but the procedure must be performed every few months. The most effective way to remove an old scar is laser therapy. There are several techniques, some of which remove the upper layers of the skin, others penetrate deeper and activate the production of natural collagen. Thanks to this, the scars disappear forever.

There are several ways to remove scars at home. Therapy may include the use of cosmetics and special procedures with natural ingredients.


To eliminate old scars, you can use pharmaceutical ointments and gels. They are usually prescribed after surgery to prevent scar tissue from forming. Such preparations contain components that reduce the height of the formation, change its shade and make the scar invisible. Most often used for treatment:

You can stick a silicone patch called Mepiderm onto the scar area. It has a compression layer that ensures rapid resorption of scar tissue and maintains the required level of moisture. It is first recommended to apply water lotion to the affected area and dry it. The silicone patch does not cause irritation and does not interfere with cellular respiration. This remedy is recommended for use after cesarean section. But it is not practical for hands, since frequent contact with water is inevitable in this case. External preparations should not be used in the presence of redness, herpetic rashes, weeping eczema with crusts and blisters. In addition, you should definitely talk to your doctor first. At home, treating scars and scars with pharmaceutical ointments and creams quickly gives positive results. But sometimes the problem can only be solved with the help of expensive salon techniques.

Folk remedies

Effective alternative medicine recipes have been used for a long time. But they must be used with caution, as such products have a strong effect on the skin. There are several options:

  1. Onion juice contains unique enzymes that accelerate skin restoration. You need to steam it in the scar area and lubricate it with fresh juice, and at night make compresses made from baked onions. The treatment is quite long - several months, but the result will be pleasantly pleasing.
  2. Melon seed mask – this should be applied to the scar area every day to smooth out the scar tissue. To prepare the medicine, dry the melon seeds, grind them to a powder, add eggshells and olive oil. Apply the resulting mixture to the scar in the form of a compress. The procedure must be carried out for at least a month.
  3. Honey - rub into the damaged area up to three times a day. After a few months, the scars will fade and become smooth.
  4. Essential oils – have regenerating and healing properties. Some of the most common options include lavender, sea buckthorn or castor oil.
  5. Beeswax or paraffin - masks are made from them that can smooth the skin. You can also make a special ointment. To do this, you need to heat the sunflower oil and melt the wax in it. Cool the finished product and lubricate scars with it for one to two months.
  6. Sophora ointment – ​​chop the fruits, mix with melted goose fat and simmer over low heat for about an hour. Do the manipulations for five days, during breaks keep the product in the refrigerator. After this, it can be used to treat problem areas.
  7. Cabbage compresses are another good option for getting rid of scars at home. It is necessary to wash several sheets, grind them to a paste and add copper. Mix everything, place on a napkin, apply to the damaged area and secure with a bandage. This remedy has a wound healing and anti-inflammatory effect.
  8. Camphor oil - moisten a linen napkin in it, apply to the scar, cover with cellophane and secure with a band-aid. Keep the compress all night.
  9. Parsley decoction - chop the greens, pour boiling water and leave for twenty minutes. Then cool, pour into molds and freeze. Use pieces of ice to wipe the scars in the morning and evening for three months in a row.

Proper wound care will prevent the formation of a large and unsightly scar. To do this, you must always keep it clean - wash it with water or soapy water, treat it with disinfectants. To make the wound heal faster, you can lubricate it with Vaseline - it will prevent the tissue from drying out and unsightly scarring. Changing the dressing daily also ensures even healing. If the wound is surgical, that is, it has stitches, you must follow all the doctor’s recommendations for caring for it. If you are exposed to the sun frequently, the scar should be lubricated with sunscreen.

There are many ways to remove scars at home. The specific choice depends on individual characteristics and financial capabilities. It is very important to carefully study all contraindications and consult a doctor. He will suggest the most effective means to solve the problem.

There are many reasons why scars appear. Some defects can be eliminated forever. For example, a pimple scar can be removed using peeling, surgery, laser therapy and other methods. These methods will be discussed in this article.

Types of acne scars

Scars disfigure the face and open areas of the body. A pimple scar is often difficult to remove. To choose the right treatment, it is necessary to determine the type of scar. Scars are:

  1. Keloid- these are rough formations, often growing over long distances, beyond the source of initial tissue damage.
  2. Normotrophic- with a smooth surface on which there is no skin pattern. They don't stand out too much on the skin.
  3. Hypertrophic- are formed from collagen fibers and protrude strongly above the surface. Such scars do not grow and have different shades - from pink to bluish.
  4. Atrophic scars- thin and smooth, whitish in color. In appearance they resemble tissue paper. When pressing on such a scar, the skin at the site of the lesion gathers into folds. Such scars do not rise above the surface of the skin, but, on the contrary, below its level.

Acne scars (there are photos of them in this article) also differ in their shape. Scars can be U- or V-shaped, star-shaped, etc. Fresh scars are usually pink with a bluish tint. Over time, many scars turn white. Most often, acne scars remain on the shoulders, ears, chest and back.

Selection of treatment

In most cases, unsightly scars remain after acne. In this case, it is not a fact that expensive treatment will be effective. It is best to seek advice from cosmetologists, dermatologists or surgeons instead of self-medication. They will be able to select the optimal therapy.

This is influenced by the age of the scars, their size, location, etc. Scarring often accompanies inflammatory acne. In this case, the choice of funds will require consultation with specialists. If it is possible to apply long-term and careful treatment, then physiotherapy or cosmetic preparations may be suitable.

When you need to get rid of scars in a short time, it is better to choose plastic surgery or laser resurfacing. It is rare to completely remove scars. But you can make them more invisible using many ways.

Drug treatment

But what to do if your appearance is spoiled by a pimple scar. How to remove this defect without surgery? You can use medication treatment. Among modern drugs there are many effective medicinal creams, gels and ointments, which contain, in addition to active substances, essential oils, acids, vitamins, etc.

When applied, blood circulation improves, scar tissue is smoothed and softened. They become more elastic. Anti-scarring agents trigger regeneration processes in tissues. There are many types of drugs, for example:

  1. "Kontraktubex" is a hydrogel that contains allantoin, the anticoagulant heparin and Serae onion extract.
  2. "Zeraderm ultra" It is made in the form of a cream. It contains polysilane. It forms a film when the drug is applied to scars. The cream also contains vitamins, coenzyme and an ultraviolet filter.
  3. "Kelofibrase"- scar cream. In addition to urea and heparin, the composition contains D-camphor. This is an active component.
  4. "Dermatix"- This is a gel made on the basis of silicone. The product contains silicon dioxide and organic compounds.

In addition to the listed drugs, there are many analogues. As practice shows, it is much easier to cure a fresh acne scar than a two-year-old scar. Drug therapy is mainly used to prevent the growth of scar tissue and stop inflammatory processes.

Among the inexpensive drugs sold in pharmacies, you can use:

  • "Panthenol".
  • "Bepanten."
  • "Rescuer".
  • "Fastin-1".
  • Ointments: ichthyol and Vishnevsky.

Among the more expensive drugs you can purchase:

  • "Elidel".
  • "Miramistin".
  • "Pantoderm".
  • "Malavit."
  • "Actovegin".
  • "LaCree."

This is not a complete list of creams, ointments and gels. For proper use of the drugs, the packaging of each of them contains detailed instructions for use, which must be followed.

Chlorhexedine solution for scar removal can only be used with a concentration of no more than six percent. A swab or cotton swab is soaked in the solution and pressed against the scar for ten seconds. The interval between procedures is six hours. After treatment, regenerating ointment is applied.


Many people, especially women, are irritated by the remaining pimple scar. How to remove it quickly? This can be done through surgery. During it, the bottom is separated from the surrounding tissues. The procedure is performed using a special thread or hook.

As a result of injury, a small cavity is formed in which biologically active fluid accumulates. This stimulates fibroblasts to fill the void with connective tissue. The depth gradually decreases. After this, the scar is polished with a laser.

If the scars are rough, then they are excised and subsequent mechanical treatment is performed to level the surface. But other methods can also be used. It depends on the scar itself and other related factors.

Cosmetical tools

For cosmetic purposes, special paraffin is used to remove scars. You can buy it at a pharmacy or beauty salon. A small cube is cut from paraffin and melted in a water bath or in the microwave. Then the product is applied to the scars with a cotton swab.

The paraffin must dry completely. This will take approximately forty-five minutes. Then the product is removed with vegetable oil using a tampon. The procedure must be repeated every five hours. Then the skin is lubricated with regenerating ointment.

You can remove a pimple scar on your nose using cosmetic clay. It is sold in pharmacies. You can use any clay: white, black, pink or green. You need to take any two colors, 30 g each. Then they are diluted with cold milk so that the consistency of thick sour cream is obtained.

A thin layer of clay covers the entire face, with the exception of the eye area. The mask lasts fifteen minutes until it dries completely. Then a second layer is applied, but only to the scars. The mask lasts another twenty minutes.

After this, it is washed off with warm water, and the face is wiped with a moisturizing tonic. Then a regenerating cream is applied to the skin. The procedure must be performed every day. Clay compositions change colors regularly.


A red pimple scar usually means an early stage of formation of a defect. In this case, it is best to use mesotherapy methods to remove the scar. They are based on cocktails made from:

  • vitamins;
  • biological products;
  • amino acids;
  • placenta and aloe extracts;
  • microelements.

Glucocorticosteroids are used for keloid scars. Atrophic scars are smoothed out with fillers based on high and medium density hyaluronic acid. This procedure is otherwise called contouring. Scars can also be removed using lipofilling.


Physiotherapy helps get rid of scars. Ion or phonopharesis and ultrasound are used to smooth the skin. The same drugs are used as in mesotherapy. Products containing aflutop, ritinoic acid and zinc oligosol can also be used.

To soften scars, reduce their elevation above the surface of the skin, or to remove unpleasant sensations in the form of burning and itching, compositions with special enzymes - collagenases - are used. Phono- or iontophoresis is done with Fermenkol. Cryomassage can have a good effect, but only on a scar that is beginning to form.

Laser resurfacing

After some illnesses, the face or open parts of the body are very spoiled by scars. Reviews from patients indicate that laser resurfacing is a very effective method for shallow and hypertrophic scars. Most often, a carbon dioxide beam is used during the procedure. Atrophic scars become half invisible after the first session.

After use, healing microzones begin to form. The place where the pimple scar was becomes inflamed again. This leads to the regeneration of dermal structures. Scars can be removed with non-ablative lasers (erbium, pulsed, diode, etc.). Their action is based on the thermal effect. The procedure is characterized by fewer side effects and their insignificant severity. There is no recovery period after the procedure.

Removing scars using peeling

A pimple scar on the forehead can be removed with peeling. This is a good alternative to the mechanical method. Chemical peels are most often used to remove scars. They contain alpha hydroxy acids and trichloroacetic or glycolic acid.

Atrophic scars require peels with a higher concentration of acids. But such funds also have a significant drawback. Without special equipment during the procedure it is very difficult to control the depth of the effect. Side effects include increased skin sensitivity or severe allergic reactions.

Mechanical scar removal

A pimple scar can be removed mechanically. But it is more suitable for U- and V-shaped scars. The improvement is not noticeable immediately, but after three sessions of diamond dermabrasion. For hypo- and hypertrophic scars, deep cleaning with a Schumann device is more suitable. Then sometimes a keratinocyte transplant is needed.

But mechanical procedures are quite painful. The rehabilitation period is long and difficult. Sometimes after procedures, keloids may form or pigmentation may be irreversibly damaged. Therefore, it is best to use the method of microdermabrasion or micro-grinding with aluminum 2-oxide crystals.

Needling therapy has also proven its effectiveness. It is done with titanium dermal rollers. These are devices that resemble mesoscooters in design. These methods of scar removal are easy to tolerate and have virtually no risk of complications.


Plasmolifting procedure allows you to get rid of scars. During this procedure, the patient's blood is used. Plasma is released from it, which is administered by microinjections under the scar. This injection stimulates the tissue to regenerate the skin. The hypertrophic scar resolves on its own.

If scars in the form of dents are corrected, they are leveled out. The scars become significantly lighter. For maximum effectiveness, plasma lifting is done several times. The course of procedures depends on the type of scars, age and condition.

Traditional medicine

To remove a pimple scar on the face, you can use potassium permanganate. But it is applied directly to the scar without affecting healthy skin. To prepare the solution you will need several crystals. The latter are diluted in ordinary drinking water. The solution should turn out raspberry color.

A cotton swab is moistened in it and very carefully, pointwise, potassium permanganate is applied to the scars. The solution is left for five minutes, then wiped off with a swab soaked in water. After the procedure, you should not visit the solarium or expose your face to the sun's rays for twelve hours. Scars will disappear quickly if the potassium permanganate solution is used at intervals of six hours.

Another folk remedy is vodka with Kalanchoe. To prepare the mixture, 30 ml of juice is squeezed out of the plant. It is mixed with 40 g of vodka or alcohol and poured into a small bottle. The lid of the latter should be closed tightly. The product must be infused in a dark place for three days. The solution should be shaken every five hours.

Then it is filtered through a bandage collected in five layers. A cotton swab is soaked in the infusion and the mixture is applied to the scars. The top closes. After half an hour, the scar is cleaned with clean warm water.


How to remove a pimple scar that looks like a wart? This can be done using cryotherapy (cold treatment). The essence of the procedure is that liquid nitrogen is applied locally to the scar, which instantly freezes the scar. The temperature during the session reaches minus 150 degrees. You cannot use this method yourself to avoid severe frostbite.

Cryotherapy is more suitable for treating fresh keloid scars. But to achieve the desired effect, it is carried out several times. The intervals between sessions should be from 2 to 3 weeks. During this time, a crust forms at the site of the scar, which should come off on its own.

The procedure goes well with the use of medicinal ointments and gels. The method helps to get rid of scars completely. When liquid nitrogen is applied to a scar, the bulge instantly freezes and begins to die.

The substance is kept for 5 to 30 seconds, no more. Several procedures will be required for the scar to completely disappear. This method has its drawbacks. Scar removal is accompanied by severe pain. A blister may appear at the site of the scar. The probability of this is quite high. In some cases, hyperpigmentation of the skin occurs.

If there are a large number of scars left, for example, after acne, cryomassage is indicated before performing a peel or mask. This is a preparatory procedure. Cryomassage is done with a special wooden spatula, which is wrapped in cotton wool at the end. First, the instrument is dipped into liquid nitrogen at temperatures down to minus 190 degrees. Then a facial massage is performed with quick movements.

It is quite possible to remove acne scars with modern technologies. You can choose a procedure yourself, but it is better to consult with a surgeon, cosmetologist and dermatologist. Any methods have their contraindications and are fraught with various complications.