Cream black pearl with natural UV filter. Cream "Black Pearls": reviews of cosmetologists. How to work Anti-Age creams

It's no secret that wrinkles give out the age of women exactly as well as gray, only if you can easily cope with the latter, pickup paint, then with wrinkles the situation is worse. Under the influence of the environment, nutrition and a number of other factors, the person changes from year to year. The first, oddly enough, suffers from the neck and oval faces, with the years he is inevitably descended, especially the corners of the eyes and lips. The skin no longer looks like an elastic as before.

But technology in the field of cosmetology allows us to girls, always look young. Today we will talk about a new product from the company Black Pearls, it is designed to care for skin and neck, in particular for intensive impact on Y-zone.

T-zone We all know with you - this is the part of the face with the most advanced pores, so to speak, a rigorous part of the face, prone to the appearance of shine - nose, chin and forehead.

And here Y-zone This is, on the contrary, that part of the person, the loss of elasticity of which leads to the blurred contour of the facial oval. This is the bottom of the cheeks, chin and neck. How often it is the neck that gives the age of a girl. Wrinkles in this area appear one of the first. And, if behind the face we care carefully, cleaning it, is actively moistened, then in care of the neck, we often give yourself a cross.

Cream-expert from black pearls
just aimed at transformation Y-zone, to increase the elasticity and natural suspender of the face.

Studies conducted by surveying more than 300 women from hundreds of cities around the world show that 8 out of 10 women believe that it is this most active and vulnerable area of \u200b\u200bthe face that is an indicator of youth and beauty in general.

The cream is very very pleasant to the eye.

It is a small tube elongated with a wide tip - dispenser. I personally adore such dispensers who clearly allow you to calculate the amount of fund used.

There is one trick. If you click on the dispenser half, then you can still use the cream more economical. By the way, when you first use, you will need several push, so that the cream makes it. This is a familiar procedure of freshly remedy with a similar dispenser.

How does the tool work? Anti-Age. The cream from the company black pearls is not only aimed at combating the first signs of aging of the skin. I am talking now about the first signs of aging, because given the cream expert is designed for age 26+.

This line of funds has several age-related steps.

26+ "Moisturizing and shine"
Created for deep moisture, helps to return the skin fresh color and give shine;

36+ "Elasticity" - contributes to the support of the contours of the face;

46+ "Lifting Effect"- affects collagen fibers, actively reinforcing them from the inside;

56+ "Intensive rejuvenation" - represents the most targeted face care and neck.

So, in addition to the fight against the first signs of aging, the cream 26+ activates its own skin resources, affecting the synthesis of collagen in cells. Self-Complex Book with LiftActivator Form clear contours of the face, extending youth.

For the most efficient development and impact of cream on Y-zone The cream must be applied to the face, paying attention to the problem areas in the bottom upward.

That is, thoroughly massaging and smoothing the neck, then proceed to activation of the chin area, causing a cream in the direction from the center of the face to the chests.

The cream itself has a light texture, gently falls on the skin and quickly absorbed.

The action is felt after the first use, the skin is more moisturized, shining.
The color of the cream is slightly, in my opinion, gives the mother of pearl, has a divine fragrance, but not repulscing, but rather, envelopingly dope.

As I said, it is rather economical.
I apply cream on the cleaning skin in the morning and in the evening. The amount that dispenser gives is enough to miss the whole face. I combine the use of a cream and gymnastics for the face, so the effect does not make himself wait long.

According to the results of studies, at least 74% of girls between the ages of 26 and 36 confirmed the effectiveness of the Created Creasury of Breda Black Pearls.

I will add that in addition to the stunning visual effect, the cream does not lose face, does not create unpleasant stickiness, perfectly absorbed, giving the opportunity to apply makeup almost immediately after use, and also provides UV protection throughout the day.

For me, acquaintance with this brand was held for the first time, and I can confidently say that I will buy it again!

Help it solve many problems associated with age-related changes in the face and other parts of the body offer many cosmetic companies. Among domestic producers, the most popular and demanded cosmetics are rejuvenating funds "Black Pearls".

What features "Black Pearls" creams

The range submitted to Customer Court is very wide, and for any female taste there is a necessary product. Cosmetic lines are diverse and effective for any age and are able to solve any problem. Among them are means for rejuvenation, moisturizing, tonal bases and other creams of this unique company of our country.

The benefits of the manufacturer are obvious and rightfully occupy the first place in consumers, the following facts speak about it:

  • For about 15 years, women have been buying products and give her preference to import firms producing facial and body skin care products.
  • If you compare the turnover of "black pearls" and famous brands from abroad, the indicators are approximately equal.
  • Products of our company are divided into age-related indicators and skin types, it was done for greater efficiency and special selection. Such a step was appreciated and identified even more fans.
  • The creams and other means are divided not only by skin features, as well as in terms of season, it is also a valuable acquisition of a company that allows the use of creams in special weather conditions.
  • In cosmetics "Black pearls" many natural ingredients, they carefully and gentlemen supporting skin and care for them.
  • As part of rejuvenating creams are substances that are able to provide full-fledged epidermis cells and saturate them with the necessary components.
  • Compared to foreign analogues, our manufacturers make products available to all the population strata, ranging from students, ending with pensioners. Its prices are so democratic, which is allowed to use even the most poor layers of the population.

What types of creams produces black pearls today

As already noted, the manufacturer has many lines, in this period funds are produced in the following directions:

  • BB Cream "Black Pearl" is an innovation in the field of cosmetology, which allows you to combine funds that care for a face with a tonal.
  • Idylika is a line with a large saturation of marine products. This series includes options for all age categories of women, starting with young girls, older and older ladies. For each group, there are features of the composition and selection of marine gifts.
  • The biological program is cosmetics with a bio-active complex, which includes many elements useful for epithelium, substances that allow you to extend the youth and lead intradermal processes.
  • Age ruler - Collection of "Black Pearls" creams fully implements tasks aimed at improving skin in any age period.
  • A series of cream expert is adaptation tools that can be removed any needs for any type of cover.

Each line has separate options providing for applications for any action, they work on individuality, allowing you to choose "your" unique way to protect and restore the skin.

What is included in the creams of this manufacturer

Cosmetics "Black pearls", regardless of the line and direction, the type of means has in its composition a unique selection of various components. However, it is possible to allocate basic substances responsible for the main functionality of all products:

  • Moisturizing processes occur due to: hyaluronic acid, proteins, smallest pearl particles, hydroes, accorph.
  • Protecting functions are assigned to: Shea oil, white tea in extracts, allantoin, UV complexes, bio-substances, laminaria, chestnut.
  • The biological complex consists of: caffeine, orchid extract, white lotus, omega acid, aloe juice.

  • Vegetable oils are presented: peach, lavender, almond, sunflower oil, as well as jojoba, macadamia, avocado.
  • Vitamins included in the complex: E, C, A, R.
  • Microelements and active and retinol.
  • And the composition of anti-aging means includes: panthenol, proteins of soybean bio events, collagen in liquid form, elastin, keratin, amino acids, raffermine.

Face Cream "Black Pearls"

Let's start with the description of funds from the Bio program, it allows you to achieve a double effect of rejuvenation, as well as keep the skin from the negative impact of external factors, including climatic conditions.

Among the unique properties of this cream can be allocated:

  • Reliably protects against ultraviolet radiation.
  • Maximum moisturizes face and body.
  • Restores the usual and natural functions of cellular neoplasm.

The cost of funds in the area of \u200b\u200b110 rubles.

It is known that the sooner the woman starts to care for itself and use cosmetic drugs, the longer the skin will remain young and there will be no appearance of unwanted wrinkles. So they say well-known and respected cosmetologists, therefore, after 25 years, it is safe to apply the appropriate procedures for nutrition and moistening of the body and face.

Night cream "Black Pearl" 26 + allows you to care at a young age and restores the elasticity of the epidermis, at the same time feeding and stimulating the production of natural collagen.

This agent is usually worth about 120 rubles.

At this age, all ladies need enhanced care, as the intensive change in not only the facial region, but also the decollete and the whole body begins. The company has taken care that representatives of weak sex be easier to cope with problems and successfully resist age. The cream smoothes wrinkles, and warns the emergence of new ones. It can be used at any time and repeatedly per day, the result will not wait long for a long time, and you will feel how the contour of the face and the quality of the skin is changed.

Its composition is unique, it has tender and fragrant almond oil and peach, aloe vera.

Very popular due to its versatility cream, allowing skin to adapt to any weather surprises, as well as nutrition and lifestyle of a woman. It is so flexible that it helps to solve quite complicated tasks with drying the epithelium, as well as remove defects on the face and allow a woman to look younger in a few days.

Price about 170 rubles.

A means of radical action for more adult women who are subject to aging processes. It supports cell regeneration processes, due to the natural generation of hyalurone and collagen substances.

The complex includes elements capable of fighting age-related changes: seaweed, vitamins E, C, amino acids and pearl proteins.

The price of such a fund is somewhat more expensive, about 250 rubles.

This is a combining line. This includes a cherry pearl tone cream, having a variety of shades and a careing system that makes the skin perfect and in color and in structure. The tone shade is practically impaired, the base almost immediately falls on the skin and becomes one with it as integer.

Among the popular shades allocated vanilla pink. It is created for women who have golden color, blond hair and green eyes.

Among the advantages can also be distinguished by a pleasant fragrance that exudes the tonalnik.

Cost of about 160 rubles.

The skin around the eyes is different from the cover of the rest of the rest - it is more tender, thin, sensitive and vulnerable. Therefore, it is in these places that the first mimic wrinkles and signs of aging and fatigue begin to appear. The manifestations of these defects are influenced by such factors as age, poor ecology, the influence of the environment, dusty and rolled air of large cities, solar radiation, poor nutrition.

It is necessary to care for the skin around the eyes in a special way, applying special cosmetics for this.

After all, the eyes are the soul mirror, and they must be joy.

Cream for skin care cream from brand Black Pearl Released by the Russian company "Kalina". The company is present on the market since 1996, which is quite a considerable period. During this time, the company's products earned a lot of positive feedback and persistent authority from their adherents.

Features and advantages

The eyelid cream must meet certain requirements to benefit.It must have an appropriate composition that will not cause irritation, the appearance of allergies. Such a product must be pretty air in texture, easy to apply. The presence of stickiness is not welcomed, otherwise the dermis near the eye will stretch and damage. Also, the remedy can not be too fat, because it is able to provoke the edema of the eyelid.

Any cosmetics for the eyelids can be used and be applied to the use of ophthalmologic verification.

Otherwise, such products can suffer serious damage to vision. The verification procedure is very complex and responsible, therefore takes a lot of time. As a result, the products for the care of the epidermis directly near the eye appear on sale not so often. The acidity of the composition should correspond to the pH of tears of the eye. This guarantees that even when the parties are hit on the mucous membrane, it will not cause irritation and tears.


For the greatest effectiveness of cosmetics to care for centuries, it is enriched with softening and restoring ingredients. Fruit acids, extracts from some algae, soybeans, aloe, hyaluronic acid, urea, amino acids are used for moisture. Support water balance helps oils obtained from rich rose grains. Vitamin A accelerates the production of its own collagen in the dermis, which prevents the process of aging and restores the elasticity and the tone of the skin. Vitamin E has a mitigating and anti-inflammatory effect, and vitamin C protects against harmful environmental factors, especially during the cold season.

Creams for the brand Black pearls are enriched with Shea oils, sunflower seeds, passiflora, avocado, vitamins A and E.

Damascus Rose Seriesalso uses the extract of damask roses and white tea as an ingredient.

For girls after 26 years, the means contains vitamin E, retinol and hyaluronic acid. After 36 years, the properties are injected with a liquid form of collagen, bio peptides and protective equipment from the Sun. And for more old age, rutin, sein and liposomes, lifting-forte complex and bio-proteins are added.

How to choose

Around the eye skin is the thinnest and gentle on the whole face.There are practically no sebaceous glands there, so the epidermis is dry and vulnerable. You need to choose a cream to care for this part of the face. But it's just necessary to care for her.

After all, the earlier it will begin to keep track of this area, the less noticeable over time will be changes caused by age, as well as stress, experiences and factors of the external environment.

Let's analyze some principles for the choice of skin care.

  • The face cream is definitely not suitable for tender and sensitive dermis near the eyes.It can be extremely heavy, dense or sticky. Consequently, no positive effect will bring any positive effect, but rather damage. So try to use the tools strictly by their purpose.
  • Be sure to study the composition of the product.Check if there are substances in it that your skin has already reacted negatively earlier. Pay attention to the useful substances in the composition. It can be vitamins A, E, C, hyaluronic acid, plant extracts, nutrient oils, such as shi, olive or rosehip. Creams containing caffeine and alcohol act effectively, quickly smoothing wrinkles, stimulating blood circulation. However, this action is short, just a couple of hours. Therefore, it is advisable to use such funds before any important event.
  • Anti wrinkles are better to choose products containing hyaluronic acid with a unique nutritional action. The argirelen component slightly deprives the sensitivity of the nerve endings and prevents the emergence of new wrinkles. Resveratrol stimulates cell restoration and skin rejuvenation. With so-called goose legs, antioxidants help to struggle.
  • In the presence of dark circles, under the eyes, you can use the composition with clarifying or flickering components. In such a product, uv filters should also be available. They restore the dehydrated dermis and struggle with unwanted pigmentation.
  • A cooling agent can serve as a cooling agent.Also, this product is recommended to those who spend a large amount of time in front of the monitor screen.
  • An important factor for choice is the packaging and its convenience.Tubes or vials with dispenser are the most simple to use and hygienic. For the composition in the jar, it is necessary to purchase a special plastic or a wooden spatula, so as not to apply to the nutrient medium of the cream various bacteria that exist in the hands in the abundance.
  • Do not forget to clarify whether the shelf life of the product is fine. If it is already nearing completion, it is better not to acquire such a product. After all, it is categorically not recommended to use overdue cosmetics. It may cause irritation and severe allergic reactions.


Brand Black Pearl produces quite a lot of care products for sensitive skin.In almost every line of goods, there is your own cream for this zone, to ensure the face of a full care, depending on the type of skin and age. Let's look at various treatments for the delica around the eyes.

  • Fund line "Bio Program"

This is a cream-based balsam, providing rejuvenating care,with damask rose extract. Mentioned extract has the effect of lifting and improves the tone of the skin. Enriched with vitamins A and E, stimulating the production of their own elastin and collagen by the epidermis. It also contains natural oils and sunlight filters that feed and protect the skin from ultraviolet.

And the second option is a cream suitable for women of any age.Contains nutrient oils avocado, grapes, passiflora, sunflower seeds, carite. Also vitamins A and E and tonic white tea extract. Thanks to these components, struggles with bruises under the eyes, wrinkles, gives his eyes and face a healthy rested appearance.

Conditioner about this line of cream creams black pearls you will learn from the following video.

  • Age-related product programs

Cream-serum 26+ stimulates the self-empty of the skin, carries out the fight against the appearance of the first signs of growing up. It has a liquid collagen, hyaluronic acid, carite oil and provitamin B5. Due to the light texture, it is perfectly absorbed, reduces swelling, bruises and provokes cell renewal.

After 36 years, protection against sunlight and bio-peptides has been added to the cream. Protects against harmful environmental factors. The update of the epidermis after 46 years requires the addition of even lipo-vitamins to enrich the cover of the cover, and after 56 - aminoismlot and shea oil.

  • Creams experts

Expert creams are the first tools that adapt to the needs of any type of dermis and the anti-aging effect.

In the photo: Cream "Black pearls cream expert for Y-zone"

The clearhold of the face and the tightened skin will help return the products from the new brand series "Black Pearls" - "cream expert for Y-zone." The series includes: an extract of oracle algae, soy proteins, liposomes with vitamins A and E, peptides of Verbena.

The brand "Black Pearls" presents new products that have become a breakthrough in the field of rejuvenation - "cream expert for the Y-zone".

The "cream expert for the Y-zone" turns the idea of \u200b\u200banti-age care, leaving the template ideas about what is an indicator of youth, and offers an absolutely new approach in the field of face skin and neck.

It is no secret that our age is easy to determine by wriggles or, for example, in gray. In fact, these are far from the only markers of the visible age-related changes, and they can easily cope with them: in our time there are many types of hair paints, and the range of anti-aging creams and salon procedures are affected by imagination.

What skin changes occur with age?

With age under the action of gravity, changes occur in five directions.

One of the signs of youth is a clearhold of faces. If the oval begins to "swim" and bryli or the second chin appear, then this is the first signal that you need to pay attention to specialized care for this zone.

If the neck begins to change, "Say", this is a clear sign that you need to activate the skin care of the neck.

Very often it happens that wrinkles are not yet, but the skin does not look shining, lost elasticity and looks older. Usually this process is accompanied by the appearance of nasolabial fold.

Often the first corners of the eyes, lips and eyebrows begin to fall down. Usually this effect is intensified by the evening and it turns out a "extracted" facial expression.

The processes of microcirculation in the skin of the face are violated, which provokes swelling. Often it can be noted for the fact that the tip of the nose seems more than you really have it.

It is these criteria that experts of the brand "Black Pearls" combined into the concept of the Y-zone: easy to remember, easy to determine, easy to work with a problem.

What is the Y-zone?

Thanks to the innovation in the field of cosmetology, it is possible not only to suspend, but also literally "deploy" reversal, because the "self-election" creams appeared for Y-zones, which work towards restoration and maintenance of the Y-zone at the expense of the formation Collagen skin frame.

The Y-zone is the main indicator of youth, since it is precisely a clear outline and elasticity of the face and neck are the main indicators of natural beauty and adolescence. Already after 25 years, the contour of the person may change, the intensity of changes depends on physiology: a sharp change of weight, lifestyle, etc. And by 35 years, the changes can become obvious and start issuing your age.

How do anti-age creams work?

Expert creams work towards the preservation of a clear contour of the Y-zone youth at each age and help not give it to "turn over." The formula of each cream forms the frame of collagen fibers, which is responsible for the clarity of the contours of the face.

In the photo: "Cream-expert for Y-zone elasticity 46+" acts on collagen fibers from the inside

Start care for yourself and maintain a collagen framework you need to advance before the first change in the first changes. A series of "black pearls" cream solves the problems of maintaining natural beauty and in 26, and at 36, and in 46 and after 56 years.

The cream-expert for the Y-zone "was created on the basis of the" Calculation "series and contains Self-Complex, which provides a common anti-aging care suitable for a specific age. This complex activates independent workings in the skin of such substances as Collagen, Haluron, Elastin.

Self-Complex is enhanced and enriched with the active components of Liftivator, spacing on the Y-zone and activating the formation of collagen frame, using the stimulation of the synthesis of collagen fibers from the inside. The cream expert also contains natural UV filters.

Y-zone cream expert, like other self-election products, represents Ambassador Brand - a famous actress Nonna Grishaeva.

Nonna One of the first tried a new cream expert for the Y-zone and managed to assess its advantages: « With the modern intensive life of the time for treating it, it remains very little, and it is great that the new cream expert supports my skin in the tone and strengthens the outline of the facial oval. After all, every woman dreams of looking great at any age! ".

The cream efficiency is proved: the clarity of the contours is restored, the skin is dense and elastic in 2 weeks.

Skin condition at each age has its own characteristics that require special attention and focus, starting from 26 years.

The "cream expert for Y-zone" line includes: ,, and.

Moisturizing and shine 26+

Instantly moisturizes, aligns the tone of the face, gives healthy shine.

Effectively cares for the skin of the neck, strengthening and maintaining the contours, while maintaining the skin in a state of youth.

About the fact that skin needs to be careful, to feed and moisturize it, everyone knows. And you need to start the care procedures as early as you can from earlier. The fact is that over the years the body reduces the production of collagen, and, as a result, the dermis loses its elasticity and well-groomed appearance. You can use moisturizing creams from sixteen years. The older you become, the more skin care opportunities provide us with modern pharmacology. The only question is which product is better to choose.

In this article, we will talk about the ruler of the Russian manufacturer - "Black Pearls" creams. Customer reviews about this product are mostly positive, but what do cosmetologists think about this agent? Let's talk about it below.

Advantages of "Black Pearl" products in front of other brands

According to reviews, the "Black Pearl" cream is one of the leading brands in the domestic market. This fact cannot be noted by simple buyers, since it is indeed, if we compare the turnover of imported brands and the domestic brand, the numeric rates will be approximately one level. Consequently, for more than sixteen years, women trust the brand and buy its products.

According to the reviews, the cream "self-election" from the "Black Pearl" is the most popular among other types of products. But the Bio series, "Expert", Idylika is bought by women of all ages. Such attention and popularity is required, first of all, the price. A rather democratic price tag makes creams and serums of a domestic brand available for both non-working student and pensioners. Any woman, regardless of age, wants to look prettier and younger than his years. Realizing this fact, cream manufacturers make prices for any unit of each series are no more than 300 rubles.

The second advantage of the Bio-Cream "Black Pearls", according to reviews, is the use of exceptionally natural ingredients in the production of products. Hyaluronic acid, collagen, pearl extracts, oils, colors and plant extracts have a soft and gentle effect on the dermis. The lack of active and unpretentious chemical ingredients makes the brand products working softly, and not aggressively.

What ingredients are used in the production of creams and serums

Before starting familiarizing with the products of "Black Pearls", if you have not had time to try it, it will not be superfluous to find out which ingredients are used in cream recipes. The main functions of the products "Black Pearls" can be called a protective, moisturizing and supporting. Moisturizing provide hyaluronic acid, hydroes, proteins. The skin defense is given by laminaria, ultraviolet complexes, shea oil and chestnut. Power is provided by lotus, aloe, orchids, jojoba oils, avocado and almonds. In addition, in various complexes of "black pearls" creams, according to reviews, trace elements, vitamins, omega-acids are included.

If we talk about the series presented to combat age-related changes, then the cream includes amino acids, collagen, proteins, keratin, panthenol, retinol. As you can see, the composition of the products of the brand "Black Pearls" is completely natural and even understands to a person without chemical education.

Assortment of "Black Pearl"

Product creators are rightly confident that a certain type of care is suitable for each age. Therefore, they created product line for women of different ages, so that there was an opportunity to choose care individually depending on the needs and quality of the dermis.

The range of creams and sera is great. So that the buyer is not confused before the store of the store, each series is presented depending on the age of the age and the quality of the skin, for which the cream was created. The age interval is ten years, and this is not by chance - with each decade there are changes in the work of the body, influencing the appearance and internal filing of the skin. Let's start the overview of the "Black Pearls 26+" creams. Manufacturers' reviews say that you need to start skin care from twenty-six years old. That is why the series of caring cosmetics of this brand begins from the interval 26+.

A series of creams "Black Pearls 26+"

What is characterized by young skin? By twenty-five, the dermis is still moisturized by the body's own forces due to the active formulation of collagen. The work of the sebaceous glands has already been normalized, as a rule, there are no rashes and acne at this age. The leather in the twenty-five-year-old girls, mostly good, elastic and elastic, color is smooth and healthy. The only disadvantage of this age can be called the appearance of the first small mimic wrinkles in the corners of the eyes, lips, on the forehead. Consequently, care should include additional meals plus cell regeneration to combat the first age changes.

According to the reviews, the Cream "Black Pearls 26+" daily boasts a unique recipe. Domestic cosmetologists note that there is a complex for skin regeneration at the cellular level. Thus, this product moisturizes the skin, affecting externally, and also helps to remove wrinkles, working from the inside. What is part of? According to reviews, the Cream "Black Pearl" is rich in antioxidants, shea butter, hyaluronic acid, which are important components. It is a good, natural composition that will saturate and moisturize the skin with natural nutritional elements, giving care. The product must be applied to clean skin after purification. Price of cream from 130 rubles.

Night Cream "Black Pearls 26+"

Another product in this series is called the "Night Cream Expert" from the Black Pearl. According to the reviews of cosmetologists, this cream can be safely used from twenty-five years. Its main characteristic is that it is able to restore the elasticity of the dermis, stimulating the production of collagen and feeding the skin. Product price 120-150 rubles. Keep in mind that the sooner you begin to care for yourself and use cosmetics, the longer you will allow yourself the same young and unspoiled age-related marks.

BB-cream "Black Pearls"

This product is not created for some particular age and is suitable for women from 20 to 40 years. If you are more than 40, then the tone base is needed more dense by structure than this product can offer. BB cream from any manufacturer is a combination of decorative qualities of a tonal cream and means for humidifying and nutrition.

This cream from "black pearls", according to reviews, has an impetus, but quite transparent structure. If you do not have brightly pronounced pigment stains and skin deficiencies, then such a product you can definitely try. On the face, the cream does not glit and adjusts to the natural color of the skin. As a careful agent, it increases the elasticity of the dermis and moisturizes it.

According to the reviews of girls, the greatest advantage of this decorative means is that during the day you do not feel it as a mask on your face. The masking properties of the product are not very pronounced, but caregoing - at the level. Especially positively buyer noted the affordable price, from 150 rubles.

Day cream "Black Pearl 36+"

After thirty-five years, cosmetologists recommend starting skin care, even those who do not notice any age-related changes. Moreover, doctors also advise paying attention not only to the skin of the face, but also on the neck, and the zone of neckline. For this purpose, for women from thirty-five years old, a universal cream-expert "Black Pearls" was created. According to reviews, this product has a fairly active effect on the skin due to aloe vera juice, almond oils and peach, as well as the active complex of natural acids. Women note that a month later, old wrinkles are smoothed from the beginning of the use of the product, and new do not appear. This cream can be used both in the morning before applying makeup and as a night cream.

As for the skin care, you can choose a "self-election 36+" cream from the Black Pearl. According to reviews, this agent is conveniently used due to a special ball roller at the base of the tube. When the tool is applied to the skin, thanks to the packaging device, you make up with massage movements to penetrate the active substances as deeper into the dermis. The cream expert for the eyelids also contains aloe vera juice, antioxidants, allows you to remove dark circles under the eyes and minor wrinkles.

Cream "Black Pearls" for 46+

After forty-five years, the main problem of the skin of a woman is to dry. It is because of the lack of natural collagen formed wrinkles, the skin saves, has a faded look.

With this disadvantage, the cream "Black Pearls 46+" is called up. According to reviews, this product not only perfectly feeds the epithelium, but also allows you to remove deep wrinkles from the face. Women note that wrinkles do not disappear completely. But it is obvious that they become less deep and noticeable.

The product developers suggest that this cream is adapted to the way of life and the nutrition of a woman, providing proper care at any time of the day. This product, like creams from the "36+ series", is recommended to use not only for the face, but also for the neckline and neck zone. And what about? The cream contains avocado oil and almond, vitamin P (rutin), hyaluronic acid and collagen. These components will provide a clearer face contour, skin elasticity, as well as its healthy look. The price of creams from the "46+" series ranges from 150 to 200 rubles.

Cream Expert for Y-Zone "46+"

Not so long ago, a new cream-expert "Black Pearl" appeared on the store shelves for the Y-zone, which promises to pull the skin and return the clear to the face. Skin Signs in the Y-Zone is, perhaps, the first thing is that the age of other characteristics can issue age. After forty years, the collagen skeleton of the skin is lost due to the restructuring of the hormones, in the chin area and the cheeks appear hanging skin "balls", eliminate which in the forces or a cosmetologist's needle, or a surgeon scalpel.

However, the pharmacists of the domestic brand promise to take the case and with the help of a special rejuvenating complex to make the contour of the face clear and tightened. If we talk about this cream of "black pearls", then according to reviews it contains vitamin B3, Disacharid GUM, fusal extract and oar. This products can be described by the fact that it is easily absorbed, does not leave fat traces on the skin, has a pleasant fragrance. Girls note that, if you use the product daily for two weeks, the skin color is improving, and the oval faces really become clearer. The price of the product is 200-250 rubles.

Age Creams "Black Pearls 56+"

Of course, get rid of wrinkles with a cream, impossible. Nevertheless, daily care is able to make a small miracle, namely smooth wrinkles, ensure an even color of the face, and the contour is clearer. After fifty-five years on the skin, pigment spots appear on the skin, which can visually be at a very bad temma. It is on solving these age problems "Black Pearls 56+" cream. Reviews of cosmetologists about this product indicate a significant healing effect of cream due to carefully verified composition. The product includes proteins, avocado oil and jojoba, a special complex for tightening the skin. Also in the series of creams "56+" there is a cream for the eyelid "black pearls". Reviews speak in favor of using face cream and for eyelids in the complex, for a synergistic effect.

Special demand uses "Night cream self-election 56+". Women note that it has a fatal structure than the day, but still well and quickly absorbs. Its composition has retinol, almond oil, peptide complex. The price of a night cream for age-related skin is about 160 rubles.

Idilic series for age-related skin from 55 years

This line from the brand "Black Pearl" is produced in several other form factor. Product packaging has a completely different design. But in this case, we can say that the cream composition is completely natural. Products of this line created for women from fifty-five years and is designed to eliminate age-related changes. The "Idylika" products include sea algae, pearls, amino acids. These creams and serum "black pearls" are directed to the activation of cell regeneration processes, enhancing the natural production of collagen and hyaluronic acid. Products of the Idilic line from the brand "Black Pearls" is more expensive, about 270 rubles per unit.

Opinion of cosmetologists about "black pearls" creams

If we talk about what makes the products "Black Pearls" for the skin, it works 100%. Food, moisturizing, protection against harmful effects of the external environment - In this regard, the creams really "work". In addition, really visible the impact on wrinkles. Even deep mimic "cuts" on the skin in a month from the use of cream becomes less pronounced. Separate praise is awarded a line of cream creams from the Black Pearl. According to the reviews of cosmetologists, this series eliminates pigment spots, makes skin tone smooth, healthy. Even fading the skin becomes more elastic and healthy.

The most active in action is the Cream "Black Pearls 36+". According to reviews, the positive dynamics from the use of this product is noticeable in two weeks. It is also impossible not to note the positive effect of creams for the age of all episodes. Thanks to the packaging in the form of a massage roller, the product is quickly absorbed, deeply penetrates the dermis, eliminates the swelling and reduces the "hanging" eyelid.

What are the buyers about products

Of course, the first thing that women pay attention is the affordable price of products. As far as there is a good cream, but if its cost is so far, it will be able to afford such a product without every lady. Creams for the "Black Pearls" face, according to reviews, are deprived of such a shortage, to afford the products of this brand can anyone who wants a woman. The cost of creams and serum ranges from 150 to 300 rubles.

The second obvious advantage is that the products are manufactured in domestic gtostas. The composition of creams is completely natural and understands to anyone who does not even own pharmaceutical terminology.

The third plus the purchase of "Black Pearls" products is the obvious and rapid effects of creams. In whatever condition is your skin, if you correctly pick up caring funds, then after two weeks from the beginning of application, notice positive changes. They consist in equalizing the tone, the disappearance of dryness, and the skin will look having rested and fresh.

Waiting for wrinkles, especially deep, will definitely grow up in vain. No cream, even the most expensive, is not able to cope with such work. Meanwhile, small mimic wrinkles will disappear, and deep age will become less noticeable.