Lilies on a hairpin from kanzashi ribbons. Fabric lily. Materials and accessories needed to create a hairpin

So let's get started.

We cut off rectangles 7 cm long from the ribbon. For one flower, we need to make 30 petals.

Fold the rectangle in half along the long side.

Cut out the petal. This is how the petal should turn out. We do this with all 30 rectangles.

We take a lighter and singe the edges, but we don’t singe all at once, since we need to make waves on the petals. We singe about 1.5 cm, and stretch the tape in different directions with our fingers.

Next, we fold the petal in half again, fix the edge of the fold with tweezers, take the lighter again and run fire along the edge, do it quickly so that the tape does not melt, so our leaflet has a vein in the center. (The vein can be made both along the entire length, and not to the end, I have veins to the middle of the petal).

Bend the lower edges to the center, fix with tweezers, burn with a lighter and clamp with tweezers. Here are the petals.

When we have done this with all 30 petals, we begin to collect the flower.

We cut out a circle with a diameter of about 4 cm from a square of ribbon, singe the edges, and glue the petals.

Here in that order. This order is convenient for me personally. I think you will like it too.

First row 9 petals.

The second row is glued in a checkerboard pattern, also 9 petals.

The third row of 6 petals, we try to glue in a checkerboard pattern so that it is visually beautiful and there is no imposition of a petal of one row on a petal of another row.

The fourth row glue 3 petals in a checkerboard pattern, only skipping one gap.

And the fifth row is also 3 petals, also in a checkerboard pattern, just for the gaps that we previously missed.

Let's start creating stamens. We cut from a dense fishing line 6 identical segments of 5 cm.

We apply glue from a hot gun to the tip of each and quickly, until the glue has cooled and hardened, we dip it into a jar of sparkles, and twist it with our fingers, giving it an oblong shape, and these stamens should turn out. I think the pictures will make it clear.

Kanzashi - Japanese women began to call such an unusual word four hundred years ago traditional hair ornaments in the form of a hairpin or comb, with which they decorated their intricate hairstyles. Kanzashi from satin ribbons, as a rule, were worn under a kimono. They were an integral part of the Japanese woman's clothing, indicating her taste and social status. Some specimens really became works of art, as they were made from first-class silk and decorated with precious and semi-precious stones. Over time, this technique has gained its popularity with us. However, our beauties decorate with kanzashi products not only hair, but also clothes, even the interior. Among the craftswomen, such a type of kanzashi as hana-kanzashi, that is, decorations in the form of flowers: chrysanthemums, chamomiles, violets, took root. We suggest you try your hand and make one of the easiest types of kanzashi for beginners - a rose. After all, it is this flower that is loved by many women, and they love to decorate their curls with it.

Kanzashi rose - master class

To make the queen of flowers - kanzashi-style roses - you will need the following materials and tools:

  1. Satin ribbon 5 cm wide.
  2. Ruler.
  3. Scissors.
  4. A burner, if it is not there, then a candle or a lighter will do - this is necessary to fasten the details of the bud.
  5. Tweezers for folding the petal.
  6. Glue "Moment crystal".

How to make a kanzashi rose?

When you have everything you need for the kanzashi technique, make a rose:

The flower can be decorated additionally with green leaves, beads, pieces of lace. It is in your power to make a stylish and romantic accessory using the kanzashi technique with your own hands. Roses just need to be attached to a simple hairband, to the base of an automatic hairpin or invisible clip, to a bracelet or brooch using a glue gun. It all depends on desire and taste. You can also make other flowers using the kanzashi technique, for example, chrysanthemum.

anzashi chrysanthemum - master class

Creating flowers is an interesting and exciting process. This can be done using the kanzashi technique, which means “hairpin” in Japanese. The technique is based on origami, but at the same time, squares or strips of tape are folded, and not paper. A very beautiful chrysanthemum is made using the kanzashi technique. You can decorate your hair with such a beautiful flower before visiting a festive event.

A self-made chrysanthemum using the kanzashi technique requires a lot of time, since the work of creating a flower is quite painstaking. However, the simplicity and ease of the kanzashi technique will allow even a beginner to make a chrysanthemum.

Do-it-yourself kanzashi voluminous chrysanthemum: a master class for beginners

Before you make a kanzashi chrysanthemum, you need to prepare the following materials:

  • satin ribbon at least three centimeters wide, the length of the ribbon should be calculated depending on the number of petals required at the rate of seven centimeters per petal;
  • scissors;
  • glue "Moment";
  • lighter;
  • hat elastic 15 cm long;
  • a small piece of felt or any other non-flowing material.

As a decor, you can use the usual fishing line and beads (one large and several small ones).

When creating a chrysanthemum flower, you must follow the following sequence of actions:

  1. We cut the satin ribbon into 40 pieces 7 cm long.
  2. We take one ribbon and bend it outward with the right side. Next, cut off the tip of the segment at an angle and set it on fire with a lighter.
  3. We also bend the corners of the other end of the strip into the middle of the tip. At the same time, it is possible to bend both overlapped and end-to-end in relation to each other. Burn the ends again.
  4. We perform similar actions with all the ribbons that our flower will consist of.
  5. Let's start preparing the base. To do this, cut out a circle with a diameter of about three centimeters from felt. You can also cut a circle from a ribbon, subsequently singeing the edges of the circle.
  6. We make two small cuts at the circle. We insert the elastic into the resulting holes and tie a knot on the opposite side of the circle. Additionally, the knot can be strengthened with threads. Or, at the end of the work, use hot glue to glue a regular hair band.
  7. Preparing decoration. We take the fishing line and cut off two small pieces from it (no more than 6 cm long).
  8. Using Moment glue, glue three beads on each fishing line.
  9. We begin to collect the flower. First you need to prepare a chrysanthemum stand. For this, a foam cylinder is suitable, on which ribbons are sold in the store. Such a cylinder has a small hole in the middle. You need to insert an elastic band into it so that its knot is at the top.
  10. We glue the flowers on the base in the following order: eight petals per 1,2, 3 rows, six petals - 4, 5 rows, four petals - the sixth row.
  11. You need to arrange the petals so that the previous row between the petals is visible.
  12. After the fifth row is glued, you need to glue the segments with beads.
  13. As the middle of the flower, you can use a beautiful large button or bead.

When creating a voluminous chrysanthemum using the kanzashi technique, you can vary the color scheme and create flowers of the most unusual shades.

To make a kanzashi lily, you will need:
- satin ribbon 38 mm wide;
- green satin ribbon 20 mm wide;
- paints for painting on fabric;
- brush;
- lighter;
- scissors;
- fishing line;
- beads;
- glue gun;
- cardboard.

To make the lily petals, use light-colored satin ribbon, such as white, cream, light pink, or yellow. Cut it into pieces 60 mm long.

From cardboard, make a template in the shape of lily petals. Fold several blanks together, attach a cardboard pattern to them and cut out the petals. If the edges are uneven, you do not need to trim them. During heat treatment of the fabric, all defects will be hidden.

Burn the edges of each petal with a lighter. While the fabric is still hot, press them down with your fingers and pull lightly to make them wavy. This technique will give the petals a more natural shape.

Fold the lily petals in half lengthwise right side in and lightly heat the fold with a lighter. After the fabric is warm, run your fingers along the fold several times to get a distinct fold.

Lay the petals on a flat surface with the wrong side up. Draw the blunt side of the knife along the sides of the center line of the petal, 2 lines on each side. You will get stripes imitating veins.

To give the lily more expressiveness, color the petals. Apply some paint to the underside of the pieces and to the veins. Let the petals dry.

Make leaves. Cut out strips of about 8-10 cm long from a green satin ribbon. Make one tip pointed and singe the edges of the leaves, as described above.

flower assembly

Now you can start assembling the lily. Cut out a small circle from cardboard. Cover it with pieces of satin ribbon to match the flower. Cut the fabric carefully along the contour and singe the edges.

Arrange the first row of green leaves. Glue them to the mug with hot glue. Then lay down the second row of their lily petals and glue them on as well. Press the middle with your fingers and hold for a couple of minutes so that they attach better.

Place the next row of lily petals between the details of the first. Glue them to the middle with hot glue and press with your finger. The third row is the last, attach 3 petals, while trying to cover the middle of the flower.

Make lily stamens. Cut the fishing line 4-5 cm long. Apply a drop of hot glue to the tip and glue the bead. Attach the resulting stamens to the center of the lily and wait for the glue to dry. After that, decorate the middle of the kanzashi lily with smaller beads.

Lily using the kanzashi technique attracts many needlewomen with its beauty and ease of manufacture. You don't need to fold or sew anything. It is enough to have a ribbon and a lighter on hand. To speed up the process, make a cardboard petal template and use the kanzashi master class.

The Lily master class will require the following materials:

Video tutorials on creating a kanzashi flower

Video tutorial number 1 on creating a kanzashi lily on the headband

Video tutorial number 2 on creating a small kanzashi lily

Video tutorial number 3 on creating a large kanzashi lily

The procedure for making petals

Attach the shape to a wide white ribbon and circle it. Cut out 17 petals, 5 of which cut off the sharp edge on one side. These petals will form the center of the flower. Run a lighter flame along the edge of each petal, and while the cut is still hot, stretch the ribbon.

Following the instructions of the master class, you will get wavy petals.

When all the sheets are ready, proceed to the "painting" of the flower. This MK involves the use of classic embossed petals. Fold a towel in several layers and place the petals on it. It is necessary that when pressed, the upper part of the towel deepens greatly.

Heat the knife over the fire and run the blunt side over the leaf. You will get a groove that looks like a vein. Paint the rest of the petals in the same way.

flower assembly

Cut out a circle from felt or thick dublerin and glue 6 petals to it. When the workpiece dries a little, glue 6 more petals. Try to place them in a checkerboard pattern between the petals of the first row. Before gluing the 3rd row, it is necessary to tint the petals.

To do this, take food coloring and soak a cotton ball with it. Run a cotton swab across the bottom of the petal. If there is no dye, use a blade to make powder from the core of a green pencil.

Take a small amount of powder on a cotton swab and rub it on the bottom of the petal. After that, you can glue the last row of lilies. If you find it difficult to make lilies according to the instructions, watch the video.

To make stamens, you will need fishing line or nylon thread.

Spread the edges of the threads with glue and dip in semolina. After the stamens have dried, dip them again in glue, and then dip them in golden sparkles. Glue the stamens to the flower.

Such a lily can be fixed on a clip and used as a hairpin. If you decorate a lily with rhinestones, then you can fasten it to a jacket or a strict dress.

Master class with step by step photos: “Oh, these delightful lilies”

Author: Belashova Tatyana Anatolyevna, educator, educator of the first junior group of MDAOU Kindergarten of a general developmental type No. 11 of the Korenovsky District.

Master class: Do-it-yourself lilies from ribbons

The master class is designed for teachers and parents, as well as children of senior school age.
Purpose: this work can serve as a wonderful gift for a birthday, a wonderful interior decoration.
Target: making lilies from white satin ribbon.
Learn how to work with satin ribbons and its processing.
Develop aesthetic perception, fine motor skills of hands, creativity. Cultivate accuracy, artistic taste.
White lilies have always inspired a surge of inspiration among poets. They composed beautiful poems about lilies. Very delicate and beautiful flowers with a fragrant smell.
Pale, tenderly bashful,
Blossomed in the swamp wilderness
Silent white lily flowers,
And the reeds rustle all around.
white lily flowers silvery
Grow up from the deep bottom
Where golden rays do not shine,
Where the water is cold and dark.
And their criminal passions do not beckon,
Their worries do not call to themselves;
For immodest eyes inaccessible,
They only live for themselves.
With firm determination
Live the dream and reach the top
Blossom with pomp and pride
White lilies silent flowers.
Blossom, and fade impassive,
Far from human dominion
And bloom again, beautiful, -
And no one will know about them.
Author of the poem: K.Balmont
Description: For some reason, craftswomen love a lily flower very much as a craft, because a lily can be made from paper, crepe paper, plastic bottles. A lily made of satin ribbons with your own hands looks very interesting. Such a flower (if made separately) can decorate a hairpin, a hat, an elegant summer handbag, a bride's bouquet. A worthy use of this flower is of course a bouquet that can decorate your interior.
Making a lily from satin ribbons requires a lot of time, it takes the process of processing each petal, and if you try hard, even a novice master can handle such a bouquet.
Well, to make such a bouquet we need

Required material:

1. White satin ribbon
2. Glue gun
3. Ruler
4. Scissors
5. Pencil
6. Vase
7. Felt green
8. Candle
9. Eye shadow
10. Tassel
11. Fabric
12. Dull knife to create veins
13. White chintz fabric
14. Beads
15. Glue "Strongman"
16. Artificial twig

Step by step process:

Step one:

You need to make a template of petals and leaves out of cardboard, the size is indicated in the photo.

And so we need to cut out 27 petals, into three flowers

Step three:

we take a candle and carved petals, and singe each one from all sides. To get a wavy edge, stretch the petal a little, singe 3 cm, pull back and forth with both hands.

Our blanks are ready, let's start giving a natural shape

Step four:

We take a blunt knife, heat it on a candle and make veins on the reverse side, it is advisable to put a cloth under the petal, I have a grandson's diaper

It turned out a petal with veins, consider the whole stage in the photo

Step five:

add color with eye shadow, paint as you wish, but so that the lily looks like a real one

Our petals are ready

Step six:

flower assembly. We take a white fabric, fold it in five layers, draw a circle with a diameter of 4.5 cm and cut it out.

We're all set

I glued the first tier - 5 petals in the middle of the circle

Then the 2nd tier - also 5 petals. But these petals need to be folded down and glued together so that the flower keeps its shape.

With an awl we make a hole in the middle of the flower

We dress the flower on the stalk and fix it with glue at the base

And we twist the remaining fabric and decorate the bottom of the flower, tape tape or cut off a strip of felt

Step seven:

we make stamens, a thin stick from ear sticks, dip first in glue, and then roll in beads

Our stamens are ready

Now, using thermal glue, glue the stamens in the middle of the lily

Step eight:

we make buds from the tape, cut off the tape 20 cm, twist it, fold it and glue it

We dress each flower on a branch, just like the first one, our branch is ready

Step nine:

we make leaves, take floral felt, cut out leaves according to the template

These are the leaves, and each leaf is folded in half

Everything is ready, now we will glue each leaf to the branches

Step ten:

Using a glue gun, glue the leaves

Now we carefully straighten the leaves and petals on each flower and we have such a bouquet, let's look at it from all sides