Sesame oil Aura Cacia Natural Skin Care Oil, Protecting Sesame Great alternative to mass market tanning oils. Choosing a tanning oil

One of the most natural ways to improve the appearance of the skin is to tan. Moderate tanning is good for the skin, but overexposure to the sun can cause premature skin aging. In order to get a beautiful tan and not harm your health, you should use natural tanning oils.

What is the benefit of tanning oil?

Natural vegetable oils contain in their composition a lot of useful components that favorably affect the condition of the skin. Tanning oils protect against harmful sun rays and help restore skin after sun exposure. Vegetable oils are especially beneficial for dry skin as they have moisturizing properties.

How to use tanning oils?

Exfoliate your skin before applying suntan oil. Thanks to this procedure, the tan will turn out to be even, beautiful and will last much longer. Suntan oil should be applied to the skin with massaging movements 30 minutes before going out into the sun.

Store prepared mixtures of tanning oils in the refrigerator for no more than 3 months. If the oil has acquired a rancid smell, it means that it has deteriorated and lost its protective properties.

Do not add citrus essential oils to tanning mixes. All citrus essential oils can cause age spots on the skin.

Citrus essential oils: orange, bergamot, grapefruit, lemon, mandarin, neroli, orange, petitgrain.

Don't forget to reapply tanning oils after swimming.

How to choose natural tanning oil?

When choosing a tanning oil, consider your skin type. For fair skin, choose oils with a higher SPF. In the first 2-3 days of sun exposure, you need to choose products with a greater degree of protection, and in the following days, the SPF of tanning oils can be several units lower.

Many natural oils offer varying degrees of sun protection.

1. raspberry oil It is well absorbed into the skin and contains such beneficial substances as omega-3 and 6 fatty acids, vitamin E and antioxidants. Raspberry seed oil has the highest SPF, which can be successfully used to protect children's skin. It is also recommended to use this oil for people with sensitive and very fair skin.

2. Carrot seed oil has a high degree of protection from sunlight. Due to this, it can be used for tanning people with fair skin. Carrot oil also contains a large amount of antioxidants and vitamin A, which help restore the protective barrier of the skin.

3. Wheat germ oil contains many vitamins E, D and A, which prevent premature aging and increase skin elasticity. It also moisturizes the skin well and prevents its excessive drying.

4. avocado oil due to the content of natural essential fatty acids, vitamins and lecithin, it is well suited for dry skin. It also prevents overdrying of the skin.

5. Coconut oil Recommended for those who have sensitive skin as it practically does not irritate the skin. Coconut oil is also rich in fatty acids and provides natural SPF protection, making it an ideal choice as a tanning product.

6. Olive oil rich in vitamin E, which is a natural antioxidant with soothing properties, which not only helps to moisturize the skin, but also to get a beautiful golden tan.

7. Shea Butter is one of the most common tanning oils. In addition, this oil moisturizes and enhances skin elasticity. This oil is recommended for tanning people with dark skin. Shea butter can also be used as a skin care product after sunbathing.

8. Almond oil suitable for all skin types, however, it does not have a high sun protection factor, so it is also recommended for people with dark skin.

9. Jojoba oil used for all types of skin, but most of all it is indicated for dry, prone to inflammation of the skin. prevents water loss from skin tissues and drying of skin cells in bright sunlight. This oil is used to treat burns, cuts and wounds.

10. macadamia oil As a tanning agent, it is mainly used for dark skin. It also has a very beneficial effect on the skin and can be used both before and after sunbathing.

In addition to the above vegetable oils for tanning, other natural oils are also used: sesame (SPF 4), sunflower (SPF 4), hemp (SPF 6) and hazelnut oil (SPF 10-30).

Recipes for natural tanning oils

Blend #1. This blend of oils is suitable for dark skin.

80% coconut oil,

10% sunflower oil,

5% sesame oil,

5% olive oil.

Mix these oils together and apply to the skin 30 minutes before sun exposure.

Blend #2. This tanning oil is good for normal skin care.

2 tbsp. l. sesame oil,

2 tbsp. l. wheat germ oils

4 tsp hazelnut oils,

4 tsp walnut oil,

5 drops of lavender essential oil,

5 drops of ylang-ylang essential oil.

To make homemade tanning oil, combine all of the above ingredients in a container and shake well. It has anti-inflammatory properties and will help protect the skin from sunburn. has a sweet, relaxing, aroma and has restorative properties.

Blend #3. This mixture is suitable for tanning if you have fair and sensitive skin.

50 ml coconut oil

50 ml shea butter,

25 ml sesame or jojoba oil,

1 tsp raspberry seed oils,

20-30 drops of carrot seed oil.

Mix all ingredients in a container and use 30 minutes before sun exposure.

Blend #4. This mixture of tanning oils is recommended for use by those who have.

4 tsp avocado oils,

4 tsp hazelnut oils,

4 tbsp. l. sesame oil,

4 tsp walnut oil,

4 tsp wheat germ oils

6 drops of calendula oil,

Combine all components of the mixture in one bottle and mix well. Use as needed. This oil is well suited not only for tanning, but also as a skin care product after sunbathing.

Good day to all! There is a tropical downpour outside the window, which smoothly turned into snow literally 10 minutes ago ... But even though I’m sitting as a fifth point on a chair, my soul is already at sea (or, in extreme cases, on Mother Volga), so my today’s post will be about a remedy, which all last summer helped me become like a chocolate bar:

Green Planet Avocado & Japanese Apricot Antioxidant Moisturizing Oil for Fast Tanning SPF5.

Quite by accident I grabbed it in the store, because I had not used this kind of product before. I just swam, went out to dry on the shore, and water droplets, coupled with the sun, did their dirty work. But at the same time, the skin mercilessly dried up and only at the end of sunbathing after a shower did it receive a portion of “after-sun” cream. Something needs to be done about this, I thought, and bought this oil.
According to the manufacturer, this gentle oil helps to quickly obtain an even and rich tan, is easy to apply, protects the skin from the harmful effects of sunlight, maintains a normal level of moisture, softens and smoothes the skin, and allows you to enhance and maintain a beautiful tan for longer.
Mode of application: Apply evenly to the skin of the body and face 10-20 minutes before sun exposure. Repeat the procedure as needed, especially after swimming.
I don’t post a photo of my bottle, because it was battered by time, heat and sand, the sticker has come off in many places, the lid is full of grains of sand. I will describe in words: the packaging has a convenient dispenser, which is convenient to puff the oil into the palm of your hand and apply to the skin. The product is transparent with a yellowish tint, it smells deliciously of peach.
Composition photo:

Of course, I didn’t apply it for 20 minutes, because I would have soiled everything around - a car, clothes ... The oil is absorbed very slowly. Arriving directly on the beach and undressed to a swimsuit, I generously smeared myself with this oil and sunbathed. After the first bath, the procedure can not be repeated, because the product is not completely washed off, but after the second swim it needs to be updated.
I myself am far from Snow White, so I could not understand whether I began to sunbathe faster with this oil or not. But the fact that my skin stopped dry wildly after the Volga water - I noticed this. And I also noticed that my tan is still on me (several newly-made male colleagues asked me - am I so swarthy myself or do I go to the solarium, the survey was conducted in February).
I barely found a photo from that summer in the phone bins, and then only the legs:

In general, I am very satisfied with the remedy, in one season it took me a little less than half of the bubble, when it ends, I will take more.

Price: 180 rubles.
Test period: 3 months.
Grade: 5.

It is important for any woman to feel young and beautiful, in connection with which a wide variety of skin rejuvenation procedures have appeared. However, do not rush to call a beautician and make an appointment: funds that can take care of your health and beauty are often very close by, and are many times cheaper than newfangled procedures.

This is about avocado oil, which has long won women's hearts with accessibility and efficiency. About what this oil is rich in, where it can be used, what you need to pay attention to in order to purchase a quality product, as well as many other things from that topic - we will talk today.

Often useful substances are found in the seeds of plants, and many women are already familiar with apricot kernel oil. But avocados are not included in the list of such oily liquids. You can get a precious product only from fruits, and it is important to pay attention to the condition of the fruit - it must be ripe.

Oil is extracted using a method such as cold pressing. It compares favorably with any other in that it takes a little time to produce oil. In addition, the raw material is not subjected to high temperature or steam treatment, due to which it retains all useful trace elements and vitamins.

Did you know? This oily product was widely used five centuries ago. It was in the 16th century that the inhabitants of Europe met with avocado oil, while South America is the birthplace of both fruits and ether.

Speaking about a lot of useful substances that make up natural oil without additional processing, we are not exaggerating at all. Avocado has long been famous for its high content of vitamins A, B, C, E and D. In addition, the product is rich in antioxidants and minerals: a liquid with unique properties is distinguished by the presence of iron, magnesium, copper, iodine, sodium, potassium, phosphorus, zinc.

Another amazing substance that is part of the oil is called "squalene". This component helps to heal wounds, as well as disinfect them. And all thanks to the fact that squalene is found in the human body, namely in subcutaneous fat and sebum. The same substance affects sex hormones, more precisely, contributes to their production.
Chlorophyll, which turns the oily liquid green, has a beneficial effect on human metabolism, stimulating the work of the gastrointestinal tract.

Important! These substances are included in the composition of exclusively natural oils obtained by cold pressing. Heat treatment of oil contributes to the evaporation of useful microelements and vitamins, and therefore leads to the pointlessness of using the product.

Avocados are also characterized by the content of histidine, polyunsaturated and saturated fatty acids, in particular oleic, linolenic, palmitoleic, stearic, palmitic, linoleic. There is also phosphoric acid in the oil.

Avocado oil is very different from conventional essential oils. The range of applications of this product seems to be unlimited - from cosmetology to pharmaceuticals and even cooking. But first things first.

Such a wide range of uses of oil is due to the chemical composition of the avocado itself, and you have already had the opportunity to verify its richness. All useful substances have a beneficial effect on the human body, which is why the product is often used as a means of preventing diseases.

The substance improves the work of the cardiovascular system, in particular, it helps to strengthen the walls of blood vessels. In addition, the product helps to normalize high blood pressure and thins thick blood, thus preventing the formation of blood clots.
The oil also affects the level of cholesterol in the blood - beta-sitosterol, together with vitamin E and acids, help to cope with its increase. It is in connection with such beneficial properties that avocado oil is desirable to eat for those who have experienced a stroke or heart attack. The product will not be superfluous in the diet of people with hypertension, atherosclerosis and heart disease.

A complex of vitamins and acids will also be useful for people suffering from anemia or anemia. Copper, iron, zinc, cobalt, together with vitamins B and C, stimulate the production of blood, or rather, the synthesis of hemoglobin, the level of which decreases with anemia.

Oil also affects the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. It helps to establish metabolism, improves metabolism, so that the stomach can absorb useful trace elements from food. Periodic use of avocado oil will prevent toxins from entering your body, which, accordingly, will be reflected in the condition of your skin and appearance in general.

In addition, the product is a prophylactic, which is indispensable for fast food lovers, as it prevents the occurrence of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract such as gastritis or stomach ulcers. It will protect the oil and kidneys with the liver, largely due to the improvement of fat metabolism and a positive effect on the bile composition.
Despite the fact that the oil product itself is quite fatty, it is great for people with high blood sugar. The oil contains a lot of calories, but glucose with all this is not more than one and a half percent, which is why avocados can be safely attributed to dietary foods. That, however, does not become an obstacle to saturating the body with energy.

The use of this product also affects the human nervous system. People who periodically use avocado oil in food get rid of headaches, insomnia, and are also less stressed. Another reason to include oil in the diet is its ability to improve mood and even brain function. The use of the product affects both working capacity and neural connections in the brain, thanks to which a person begins to cope with intellectual tasks faster and more efficiently.

An oily liquid for women will be a great helper. Avocado has the ability to cope with premenstrual and menstrual pain, as well as discomfort during menopause. It is also advisable for women in position to use oil so that the pregnancy proceeds without unpleasant symptoms, and during lactation there is enough milk to feed the baby.

Such a product will not be superfluous in the diet of men, since avocado fruits are rich in vitamins that help solve problems with potency. In addition, they can even help cure prostatitis, adenoma, and sometimes get rid of such a diagnosis as infertility.

Can it be used for food

The natural oil product has a pleasant nutty smell and taste, which is why the chefs of Latin America, Spain and the Mediterranean fell in love. It is in these regions and countries that you can often see the use of avocado oil. Seafood, chicken meat, various fish and vegetables are in perfect harmony with oil - they are simply fried in oil.

It cannot be said that the benefits of cooking on such a product will be greater, however, the characteristic flavor will be transferred to the dish, since the avocado remains with its original taste characteristics after heat treatment.

You can fill various salads with avocado oil, add it to first courses and even to the diet of babies, because the rich chemical composition of avocados is a huge plus and has a beneficial effect on the body not only of adults, but also of the smallest (preferably after three years).

Of course, on the market you can find an oily substance with a variety of prices, so you need to learn how to independently distinguish high-quality products. The most useful for the body will be oil that has not gone through a procedure such as refining.
High temperature conditions destroy some useful microelements, as well as vitamins, which makes the oil less useful. Our task is to purchase an oil product that would be useful in any area of ​​life and bring maximum benefit.

Important! If you are purchasing an avocado oil product to take care of your body, then a refined liquid is quite suitable for you - both in terms of properties and cost. The natural substance is intended, for the most part, for use in cooking.

It is best to purchase oil obtained by cold pressing. Such a product does not go through heat treatment, so all useful properties are preserved. It's pretty easy to tell it apart.

Pay attention to the appearance of the liquid: it should be thick, even slightly viscous, with a pronounced nutty flavor. The cost of a completely organic product will be more expensive than that processed using high temperature.

Terms and conditions of storage

From the moment of purchase until the very opening of the jar, you can store a bottle of avocado ether for a little more than six months. However, be careful: after using this product for the first time, its shelf life will be reduced to one month.

The oil has a lot of areas of use, so you should not “stretch” it systematically - this will only lead to the fact that you will have to throw away a jar with a once useful product.

It is important to maintain the correct temperature regime: it is highly undesirable for the ambient temperature to drop below +5°C. In this case, flakes may form, of course, if the product is organic, without chemical additives. If this still happened, do not be alarmed and do not run for a new jar of oil - you can simply return the bottle to the correct climate, then the flakes will dissolve.

It is not news for a long time that some essential oils can be obtained independently, at home. Then the hostess can be sure that the product is organic, without chemical impurities and heat treatments, which means that there is no doubt about its benefits. H
The oily avocado product was an exception, so now we will tell you what you need to make it at home.

And you need two kilograms of avocados and a liter of coke milk. From the inventory you need a blender, an enamel saucepan and gauze or a bandage.

First, thoroughly rinse the fruits under running water, then rid them of the skin and seeds (they do not have many vitamins and minerals, and the seeds, moreover, are quite difficult to grind).

Then place the avocado in a blender, pour in the coconut milk and grind these products so that the consistency becomes homogeneous. The next step is to boil the resulting mixture over low heat. This is necessary in order to rid the oil of unnecessary water, in which there is nothing useful, and to leave an exclusively useful liquid.

Important! The best container for storing the product will be a dark glass container, since it does not transmit ultraviolet light.

The final step in the preparation of the oily substance is its extraction. This is done with gauze or a bandage. Just put the resulting mass into the material so that it does not flow out on the sides, and squeeze out the juice, more precisely, the oil.

How can be used for cosmetic purposes: recipes

The use of avocados in cosmetology is incredibly wide. We'll take a look at some of the uses and show you how you can take care of yourself with this wonderful product.

To massage using this product, we will need not only an avocado oily liquid, but also an essential oil of your choice. The avocado in this case is the oily base, and the ester of your choice will give a pleasant aroma and help you relax.
We recommend using esters derived from, cypress, rosemary or, they will complement the flavor of avocado as best as possible.

The basics will need only two tablespoons, but the ether - two drops. Mix the oil substances well, after which you can proceed to the massage session.

Massage using this mixture will help get rid of cellulite, if, of course, there is one.

Avocado ether does not absorb the sun's rays, but on the contrary, it protects from them, so you can use the product as a means of protection during the summer season. To do this, just apply the oil directly to the skin. If desired, you can add a couple of drops of lavender ether in order to enhance the effect of protection and give the body a pleasant aroma with a slight lavender note. It is necessary to carry out the procedure immediately before going out into the street.

Wellness baths

After taking such a bath, you will not only saturate the skin with useful trace elements, but also make the skin softer, firmer and more elastic. You will need organic avocado oil, along with honey, salt, and cream.

15 milliliters of the base, that is, butter, must be mixed with a small amount of cream and a pinch of salt.

Only after you mix all these ingredients, you can add the mixture to warm water. It is desirable to carry out the procedure weekly, but you should not stay in the bathroom for more than half an hour.

Beautiful nails have long been synonymous with strong, healthy nails, but women often face the problem of their fragility. This problem is easy to solve, you just need to purchase avocado, lavender and oil. The avocado product will become the basis of the care product, you will need a whole tablespoon of it.
Essential liquids are taken in the amount of five drops, after which the ingredients are mixed together and rubbed immediately into the nail. It is best to do this procedure on the eve of a manicure or pedicure.

For the skin around the eyes

The skin around the eyes is very delicate, so we suggest using our advice on caring for this area of ​​the face. To do this, take a napkin moistened with avocado ether. Put it under your eyes for 30 minutes, repeating this procedure in a course: twice a day for four days.

Moisturizing lip balm

To protect your lips from the scorching sun or frost, you can prepare a natural lip balm that will not only protect your lips, but also restore their delicate skin. Prepare 10 ml each of an avocado and jojoba oil product, mix these two esters and apply them to the skin.

Important! Oil must be natural, without heat treatment.

With this tool, you can easily get rid of microcracks and wounds on the lips.

To restore dry, brittle hair, use the following mask recipe. Olive oil (30 ml) must be added to organic avocado ester (30 ml), as well as liquid honey (15 ml) and one protein. Mix the ingredients thoroughly with each other, and then apply the mixture to the hair after shampooing. It is desirable that your curls do not have time to dry.

Leave the mixture on your hair for no more than 10 minutes, then rinse without using shampoo.

From cracked heels

The skin of the legs requires no less care than the skin of the face or hands, so there are special masks aimed at caring for the feet, because the modern rhythm of life requires constant movement, which is why the legs often suffer.

To get rid of dryness or even cracked heels, prepare the following mixture: mix one finely grated with six tablespoons of avocado oil product and two ampoules of vitamin E.

Apply this mass on your feet, in particular the damaged areas, and keep for 20 minutes. After that, wash off the mask, and treat the skin of the legs with a pumice stone. It is desirable to carry out such a procedure daily.

In order for the product to bring only one benefit to your body, you need to make sure that you do not have individual characteristics that make it impossible to take oil. The first contraindication is an allergic reaction to avocados.

If you have not used this product before, check the reaction of the skin to a drop of oil: simply apply the liquid to the crook of the elbow, and after a few hours, take a look at the skin. If there is no redness or irritation, you can safely use an oily substance - it is safe for you.
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I have been using sesame oil as a tanning oil for the second year in a row, and I order it on Iherb, here is the direct link.

Price 118 ml bottles - 3,60$.

I decided to try it as a tanning oil because

Antioxidant-Rich Sesame Oil prevents premature skin aging, incl. associated with excessive exposure to sunlight or hormonal disorders (sesame oil contains the antioxidant sesamol, which intensively absorbs ultraviolet radiation).

Just want to note that my skin is rather dark. In any case, the ultraviolet catches on once or twice, and usually I tan well. As a rule, I use tanning oils with a low degree of protection. True, burns happen if I abuse my exposure to the sun, especially in the very first days of my vacation.

Recently, thanks to Airek, I have been carefully studying the composition of cosmetics, including sunscreen, and the composition of tanning oils that are on sale everywhere, makes me sad, so I decided to try something more natural and chose sesame oil.

In addition to being a natural UV filter, this tool has a lot of useful properties:

  • Penetrating deep into the skin, sesame oil contributes to its active nutrition, moisturizing and softening.(vitamin E contained in this oil perfectly moisturizes the skin, and squalene, which is part of sesame oil, stimulates oxygen exchange and blood circulation in the skin)
  • Biochemical components of sesame oil that contribute to the natural synthesis of collagen (proteins, silicon, vitamin C), give skin firmness and elasticity
  • Sesame oil helps maintaining normal water-lipid balance of the skin and restoration of the protective functions of the epidermis
  • Sesame oil is great cleanses the surface of the skin from dead cells, dirt and various harmful substances and promotes the speedy regeneration of the skin
  • Possessing anti-inflammatory and bactericidal properties, which is an excellent source of zinc necessary for the skin, sesame oil is especially useful for acne, as well as various skin irritations, accompanied by redness, peeling or inflammation.

The oil comes in a very handy dark plastic bottle.

The neck is protected by a membrane:

But despite this, the bottle cap is additionally fixed with adhesive tape for shipment:

There is some kind of flexible membrane in the lid, similar to silicone, so the oil after opening is unlikely to spill in the bag, and when using it, you need to squeeze the bottle a little, and the oil is poured into the palm in sufficient quantity, that is, too much will not spill out.

Its color is slightly yellowish, and there is no smell at all. and it's definitely great.

It spreads on the skin very easily, it is not absorbed immediately, so you have to lie down and shine in the sun. But no white streaks! And when the skin is already tanned, then such a gloss looks very pretty, I remember Dragunsky: in the story "Top Down Obliquely" Alyonka's legs, painted with paint, shine like skittles. It's about the same here.

In my opinion, the oil is not very greasy, it absorbs well.

This is what it looks like right after application.(first two photos) and almost completely absorbed after 20 minutes(last thing):

The oil remains on the skin even after swimming in the sea, so I did not apply it again after every swim.

The skin condition from the use of sesame oil is just perfect: it is smooth and silky. Even after a subsequent bath in the shower with soap, there is no need to use lotion or body milk: the skin does not dry out at all, does not tighten and does not ask for help at all.

In fairness, it should be noted that this year I tried to be careful: after 12.00 I did not find myself on the beach, but only stayed in the sun 2 - 2.5 hours a day. Therefore, there were NO burns and pain sensations, and even if the skin turned slightly pink after sunbathing, by morning it had already acquired a golden hue. And I want to say that the tan turned out pretty good, and most importantly - even:

In fact, the photo does not convey the color properly: everyone in the office unanimously said that I was black and probably lay on the beach all day.

The first three days I used only shea butter (review updated) - I am delighted with it as a sunscreen, then I switched to sesame oil, and then coconut oil also went into business.

One bottle lasted me about 6 trips to the beach.

I am very happy to have found such a wonderful product!

Of course, sesame oil can also be used simply for skin care: it nourishes and moisturizes it very well, has no smell and does not cause rejection.

They greatly affect the state of the human body, because they affect the closest shell of the biofield - the ether. With the help of aromas, you can change your mood, get rid of colds and even depression. When it comes to tanning, essential oils can also help to achieve an even and beautiful skin tone, if used wisely.

Essential oils can be divided into several types according to the types of influence on sunburn:

  • Oils that promote a good tan;
  • Oils that protect the skin from sunburn;
  • Oils that are harmful to the skin during sunbathing;
  • Oils used after sunburn to improve it or treat after burns;
  • Oils that do not have any effect on the skin, or neutral.

We will not consider the last group of essential oils, but it is very interesting to get to know the first four groups better in order to use them in everyday life. Moreover, the right essential oil will help to tan evenly and the skin tone will be very beautiful - it is also called bronze. Acquaintance with the properties of oils would be wiser to start with those that are better not to use if you are sunbathing. And simply, if you have to be in the sun for a long time, they are also worth remembering.

Essential oils harmful during sunburn

There are oils with phototoxic properties: they increase the effect of ultraviolet radiation on the skin. As a result of their contact with the skin, the resistance of cells to the adverse effects of UV rays decreases, and the skin becomes more susceptible to their effects. Therefore, even after a short exposure to strong sun, some areas of the skin become inflamed, and burns can form on them. This is due to the fact that under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, free radicals are formed in the upper tissues of the skin, which bombard the cells, which causes inflammation and even cell death in them. As a result, dark spots, allergic rashes and inflammation may appear at the place where the essential oil was applied before tanning.

To prevent this from happening, before going to the beach, you need to carefully read the inscription on the packaging of the essential oil. And if “phototoxic” or “photosensitive” is written on it, then it will not work for going to the beach. It must also be remembered that essential oils act negatively, especially on open areas of the skin, where they directly interact with ultraviolet rays. After applying phototoxic oils in strong sun, you should not appear for one day or several hours - this depends on the strength of the interaction of the oil with ultraviolet radiation and on the degree of skin sensitivity. The more sensitive the skin to all sorts of external influences, the longer this period. In general, people with delicate skin should use essential oils as sparingly as possible.

The list of phototoxic essential oils is quite long., and discover its cold-pressed oils, which are the most exposed to UV light. These are oils of orange, bergamot, lemon, thyme, parsley, petitgrain, rosemary, angelica, lime, neroli, verbena, marigolds.

And immediately advice for those who, through negligence, allowed contact with the skin, essential oil and ultraviolet radiation. After discomfort and redness appear on the skin, you need to treat the affected areas with a mixture of a dessert spoon of sour cream and 2-3 drops of rose essential oil. It is very good to apply this remedy on the affected area of ​​the skin before going to bed.

Essential oils for a good tan

With these oils, everything is simple: applied to the skin - and sunbathe. However, you need to know that essential oil is best used together with base oil. It will be a natural and safe tan enhancer. To obtain a useful mixture, base and essential oils are mixed in a certain proportion: 10-15 drops of one essential oil or a mixture of bergamot, ylang-ylang, neroli or mandarin are added per 100 ml of fatty base oil. The best base for a tan booster is sesame or avocado oil.

Essential oils for UV protection

People with sensitive skin often need sun protection. The following oils will help here: wheat germ, rosehip, jojoba, avocado, sesame and olive oil.

Oils for skin care after sunburn

It often happens that after going to the beach there seems to be no burns, but the skin feels somehow uncomfortable. So she just needs to be calmed down. In this case, essential oils of chamomile, rose, cypress, lavender and geranium will come to the rescue. It is better to dissolve them in base oils: apricot kernel, almond or jojoba. These products will not only soothe and soften the skin, but also fix the tan.

Using essential oils for tanning

In order to get a beautiful tan, the skin needs to be prepared: about three days before going to the beach, cleanse the skin of dead cells with a scrub, and drink half a glass of carrot juice with cream for breakfast.

Before going to the beach, do not exceed the dosage of oil. It is better to start with the minimum dosages, and then you can increase the amount of oil. Women's skin needs more concentrated blends than men's. Light skin is very sensitive to the effects of biologically active substances than dark skin, so for it essential oils should be used in minimal doses and with great care.

If you use essential oils for tanning all the time, take small breaks. After 2-3 weeks it is better to take a week break. Moreover, after a break, it is better to make the concentration of tanning agent more saturated, because over time, the skin's reaction to essential oils increases. And one more thing: when preparing a skin care product, it is better not to mix more than 5 types of different essential oils.

During pregnancy, the use of essential oils occurs only under the supervision of specialists. When used independently, it is better to take half the usual dosage. And some oils generally have contraindications for pregnant women.

Recipes "before and after sunburn"

To get a good tan
Mix essential oils: 6 drops each of carrot seeds and petitgrain and add them to the base oil, which we will make from equal proportions (50 drops each) of olive oil, sesame, jojoba and avocado oils. Shake the whole mixture vigorously and apply to the skin. It can also be used for children.

The second recipe: mix 10 drops of ylang-ylang essential oil with base oils: 10 ml of coconut, 5 ml of wheat germ oil and 4 ml of almond. This mixture is used only when the skin tans very quickly.

After Sun Oil Blend (Soothing)
Lavender - 10 drops; neroli - 10 drops; blue chamomile - 10 drops; jojoba base oil - 50 ml.

The second recipe: lavender - 3 drops, rosemary - 2 drops, sandalwood - 2 drops. As a basis for a soothing mixture, 15 ml of any base oil is taken.

Sun Wrinkle Removal Blend
Sweet orange essential oil (8 drops) is mixed with transport oils: hazelnut - 10 ml, almond oil - 4 ml and wheat germ oil - 2 drops. This mixture is very good to apply on the skin in the evening, doing this in two stages. The mixture is applied with massaging movements along the boundaries of the massage lines. There is another good recipe that can be used from time to time: apply fresh orange juice on the skin for a few minutes, rinse off after drying.