Master class "Snowflakes from buttons" (middle group). # 7 snowflake from stripes. See more crafts from macaroni

Any hostess accumulates a large number of tailor buttons over the years. All this multicolored and solidine wealth can be used in the case right now, as part of preparation for the new year. shares ideas for the manufacture of Christmas tree decorations and New Year cards from ordinary buttons!

Snowflakes from buttons

Bright multicolored snowflakes made of felt pieces or other dense fabrics with a buttonible decor - this is an original decoration for a Christmas tree, an element for drawing up garlands or gift packaging design, letters of Grandfather Frost or New Year's postcard for loved ones and relatives. Such snowflakes can be made at home with mom or school at work lesson.

Butterfly snowflake can be done "truly" snow-white and construct it with several sticks from ice cream. We glue them and decorate buttons. In the middle attach a cute funny pompon.

Snowflake can be made of chopsticks and sprains. At the same time, a spruce twig can be "blurred". For example, with a correction fluid. In the center of Breppy bright red bugs. Make a fastening rope. It turned out an unusual decoration in ethnic style.

From a white felt, you can cut a patterned snowflake, decorate it with a gentle-blue button and light embroidery.

With the help of silver wire and colored buttons we collect a skeleton snowflake.

Christmas balls and other Christmas tree toys from buttons

Try making exclusive balls on the Christmas tree. To do this, select the desired buttons and glue them to ordinary Christmas balls. We decorate ribbons and rhinestones, beads. Such balls can be used!

Large bright balls with butterfly decor can be additionally decorated with shallow "snowy" crumb - from beads, foam or beads. It looks very in winter and will help cover holes in buttons.

Exclusive design balls can be created using original buttons and basics of soft tissue, wire or chill plastic ball. We decorate satin fabric, ribbons, feathers. Agree, these are real works of art!

But you can not only decorate the New Year's beauty not only with Christmas balls. There are other interesting toys. For example, flat skeleton images of balls, hearts and sprockets.

Toys from the fetal base with decoration from buttons are easy to perform and look stylish!

From buttonichokes can be made with a child special small Christmas tree decorations. For example, dial green buttons of different diameter in the form of a pyramid - Christmas tree.

A lovely funny snow of buttons may appear on the Christmas tree. They can also be attached to a gift packaging or a postcard.

And you can collect a whole one from the butchers, and make the decoration for the Christmas tree - easy and simple!

Souvenir chips from buttons

Butterfly decor can decorate the bulk Christmas trees. They can be green, with bright ornaments or "in the snow". Such a Christmas tree may well become a gift for your children's beloved grandmother.

New Year cards and packaging gifts with buttons

If you are going to write a letter to the grandfather frost, make handmade greeting cards or decorating boxes yourself with gifts, the idea of \u200b\u200bdecorating buttons - for you.

Draw on a box for a gift or a Christmas tree with a postcard and stick to her colored buttons to it. It turns out fresh and unusual! It can even make a child.

With the help of bright buttons, it is easy to create an image of the Christmas balls or glowing garlands.

If such a work is placed in a beautiful frame, you will get a great gift made with your own hands. Show this idea to kids may want to give such a picture to Grandma or Grandfather. Such a New Year's crawler can "take up for weapons" teachers of kindergartens so that preschoolers in pre-holiday days prepared a beautiful gift to relatives.

You can decorate packaging and postcards from color paper and large bright buttons. Such an applique is also convenient to do in the classroom in kindergarten or at school.

More experienced masters can go further and create a whole New Year's composition. Such a winter painting applique can be an excellent gift, an exhibit for a school exhibition or even sold at a Christmas charity fair!

With colored paper, a motley lace and a large number of buttons, you can depict a fluffy Christmas tree with breast gifts under it!

You can decorate the bower buttons on gifts or small postcards with wishes.

Garlands with buttons

From large buttons you can make garlands for decorating ate, interior items and New Year costumes. You can use a chain, as in the photo, and you can tie or put on large buttons on the thread.

Garlands with toys and Christmas decorations can be sprinkled in a gifting area, on a Christmas tree or on the wall. Cut the face of the fabric, stitching around the edge, stick with cotton wool or cloth. We decorate buttons. Toys for garlands are ready!

New Year interior design from buttons

By the previous scenario, you can create chopsticks. They can be placed in the interior or on the festive table.

Portal already talked about how to make

What is difficult to submit a new year? Of course, the calf, Santa Claus, and us, the inhabitants of the northern latitudes are extremely difficult to introduce the new year without snow and snowflakes! If you want to create a truly New Year's atmosphere in the house, then do not be lazy and decorate everything around the snowflakes. Snowflakes can be flat or volumetric, carved or not very. In addition, it is worth abandoning stereotype that it is possible to make a snowflake only from paper. This is not the case, and in this article you will find more than 50 master classes for the manufacture of snowflakes with their own hands from a variety of materials!

Well, want to turn your house in the fabulous snow kingdom? Then we went!

Paper snowflakes

Simple snowflakes for kids

# 1 paper stripes

The simplest snowflake from paper, which can be done with children with reoxoites. Pre-carved paper stripes need to be glued as an asterisk, and then decorated every strip. There will be anything: markers, pencils, stickers, paints, and so on.

# 2 from hand imprint

And here's another simple and original way to make a snowflake with children. From paper cut 6 fingerprints. Then cut the patterns on them, glue together and decorate.

# 3 of swirling paper strips

But another simple way to make snowflakes. 6 paper strips scroll on markers and leave for several hours. Then remove them and secure the stapler. Main decorate with paper circles. Snowflake ready!


When it comes to crafts for snowflakes, the first thing that comes to the head is drawing. White sheet of paper or napkin folded into a triangle in a special way, and then an intricate pattern is cut out of the triangle. After the leaf, it turns out and we get a patterned snowflake.

Without a certain experience, cut really carved snowflake is quite difficult. Therefore, you can spit ideas from us, and after a few self-carved snowflakes, the ideas themselves will come to mind!

Volumetric snowflakes

Very beautiful looks in bulk snowflakes, which can be made from ordinary paper. In the plan of manufacture in such a craft there is nothing complicated. Just follow the master class and everything will work out!

# 1 bulk geometric snowflake

For the manufacture of such a snowflake you will need 6 identical paper rectangles. Fold the rectangle in half and make 4 cuts: two long and two short. And then see the picture.

# 2 snowflake-flower

To make a snowflake-flower prepare 6 paper strips. Each of them roll up into a cone and secure the stapler. The tops take the cones to the base in the form of a circle, and put the bead to the center. Ready snowflake can be additionally decorated

# 3 origami

And here is the step-by-step master class on the manufacture of snowflakes in the technique of origami.

# 4 snowflake made of components

The bulk snowflake from the components that conquered the hearts of millions of people around the world. The exercise is done very simply, but it looks very impressive. Try and you!

# 5 snowflake 3d

And one more option of the unusual snowflakes 3D, which is very easy to manufacture, but looks no less more spectacular.

# 6 snowflake flower

But the step-by-step master class on the manufacture of snowflakes-flower. See and repeat.

# 7 snowflake from stripes

But the variant of the bulk snowflake from the narrow strips. You will need 10 thin strips of the same length. Now five strips are in front of you on the table, and the remaining five put perpendicularly and in a checker order to sell through the top five. As a result, a kind of braided "rug" should turn out. Now we start to connect the strips close to each other. For this, their ends first lubricate the glue, and then neatly fasten each other. As a result, you should have a kind of semblance of leaf. Now, on the same scheme, we make the second snowflake and connect them: free strips of one snowflakes in the petals of another.

# 8 bulk snowflake

And one more scheme of bulk snowflakes from paper strips. The manufacturer's scheme differs from the previous only parts: the number of strips and the way they are connected. All nuances are perfectly visible on a step-by-step master class.

# 9 composite snowflake

And one more MK.

# 10 snowflake-medallion

You can make a bulk snowflake medallion. Rectangular sheet of paper fold the harmonica. Then, on each element of the harmonica, draw the pattern and cut it out. Now it remains for small: connect the sheet into the ring and roll the thread along the bottom edge. Crafts ready!

# 11 bulk snowflake

But the simpler version of the previous snowflakes. From this MK can be started, and then complicate, using the upper option.

# 12 fluffy snowflake

And lastly a very simple MK on the manufacture of fluffy snowflakes. The sheet of paper turns over the standard diagram, cutting up too much and cut the edges with thin stripes. Repeat the procedure 2-3 times and glue the snowflakes with each other. Quickly and beautiful!

You may be interested:

Snowflakes from felt

One of the most favorite materials for crafts among needlewomen is felt. And this choice is very acquitted. Felt gets cute crafts and toys. By the way from felt, you can make a snowflake with your own hands. It can be embroidered blank, a toy in the form of a snowflake or can be made of a craft in the form of a Christmas ball with an embroidered snowflake. In general, at your discretion.

More crafts from felt:

Snowflakes of chopsticks from ice cream

Healthy snowflakes are made of sticks from ice cream. Ideally, such a craft is suitable for leisure kids, older kids will be too easy. I think the essence of the manufacture of snowflakes from sticks from ice cream is understandable and without our descriptions. All the essence is here in decorating, and you can borrow ideas for the decoration with us!

# 1 decor thread

# 2 sparkles, rhinestones and pumps

# 3 Color Scotch, Ward Balls, Stickers

# 4 buttons

# 5 Threads, Mishur and Sequins

# 6 feathers and sequins

# 7 giant snowflake from sticks from ice cream

# 8 multicolored sequins

Fluffy wire snowflakes

Unusual snowflakes can be made it from fluffy wire. Flexible twigs can be twisted among themselves in different combinations, and the fluffy "fur coat" makes a surveillance volume, so you can do without an additional decor of the finished product.

# 1 Wire only

Beautiful snowflake can be made only from the wire. To do this, you will need rods of different lengths: more authentic (for the basis) and shorter (for the decor of the rays). You can come up with a scheme, but for inspiration, use our ideas!

# 2 wire and beads

Connecting the star-shaped wires on each ray of several beads, and so that they do not fall, turn the end of the wire.

# 3 fluffy wire and crystals

Make a snowflake from fluffy wire. Then we prepare a saline solution for growing crystals (you can buy ready-made in the store). Next, we lower the snowflake into the solution and wait. After a few days, the crystals will grow on the billet of snowflakes. Here is such an extraordinary handicraft, as well as informative.

# 4 fluffy wire and salt

From the fluffy wire we collect a snowflake, the finished product with smear glue and sprinkle a large salt. By the way, pre-salt for the craft can be mixed with silver or white sparkles, then the snowflake will be blocked into the light, just as real.

Snowflakes made of cotton sticks

And here's another version of crafts for creative needlewomen - snowflakes from cotton sticks. When the baby needs to occupy, and nothing left of the materials for creativity, it's time to look for an alternative.

# 1 sticks and stickers

# 2 Appliqué

# 3 more ideas forms of snowflakes for appliqué

Snowflakes from drinks for drinks

You can make a snowflake from the drinks for drinks. The tubes play the role of rays, and the additional elements of the design you can make from other materials.

# 1 tubes and paper

For example, an additional element of the design of the snowflake can be made of paper. Cut two mugs, to one of them glue the tube, the second is covered from above. From above, the circles can be additionally decorated.

# 2 tubes and pasta

But the example of snowflakes from the tube and pasta. A snowflake is performed in the form of appliqué. You can think of a combination diagrams of elements yourself. By the way, this craft can be safely done with the kids, they will be delighted!

By the way, you can only make snowflakes from Macaroni. It turns out excellent crafts, if a little to dream!

See more crafts from Macaron:

Snowflakes from clothespin

If there are unnecessary clothespins in the house, which are hanging out for several years, then it's time to give them a new life! On the eve of the New Year holidays in the crafts there is absolutely everything, suitable for snowflakes and clothespins!

# 1 snowflake with bead

Here is such a snowflake from ordinary clothespins, a decorated bead can be made with your own hands. From the clothespins you need to remove the middle, then the back side to glue the wooden bases, fold them with an asterisk (fixing with glue), and then paint and decorate the bead.

# 2 composite snowflake

And for this craft you will need clothespins of different sizes. Make two snowflakes: more and smaller, and then glue them to each other with a little displacement, so that the rays of one star are in the intervals between the rays of another star.

# 3 shiny snowflake

And this snowflake is very similar to the first, only the way of decor differs. As you can see, decorated the snowflake from the clothespins can be exclusively sparkles. It looks very cool and stylish, and most importantly, no one ever guess that these are ordinary clothespins!

# 4 and more ideas in the shape of snowflakes from clothespins

But a few ideas note, to create snowflakes from clothespins of different forms. Take a note and give your clothespins a new festive life.

# 5 Another way of gluing clothespins

If the clothespins are just six, then pay attention to the way they are glued together. It can be useful!

Snowflakes from toilet bushings

Original snowflake crafts can be made of toilet paper bushings. As a rule, products are obtained by large and strong enough, so such a snowflake will decorate the Christmas tree or the interior not one year!

# 1 prefabricated design

A large snowflake team from ordinary toilet cylinders, decorated with sequins. The toilet sleeve is cut on the rings of the same size. From six glue the flower. In each petal, insert the birds from other rings and insert the rings between the main petals. After complete drying design decorate sparkles.

# 2 a la quilling

Crafts in the technique of quilling - the work is complex, painstaking. Beautiful snowflake in A la Quilling technique can be made of cylinders from toilet paper. Step-by-step MK will find below.

# 3 big snowflake

And here is a big snowflake from toilet bushings. The sleeves cut with rings of equal size, and then glue with the shape of an asterisk. The finished product can be decorated with paints and sparkles.

# 4 Another big snowflake

And one more option is a big snowflakes. In general, exactly how to glue rings, in what order and what scheme, you decide. You can easily come up with your unique and unique snowflake from the bushings from toilet paper. Our MK is designed only to inspire you to steep ideas!

More crafts from toilet bushings:

Bead snowflakes

The real needlewomen is not frightened, and even on the contrary, they will boil and incite interest. Simple DIY Snowflakes for Lact! This Creator wants difficulties and delights. If you are part of such people, then you need to make a snowflake from beads!

# 1 Snowflake two-color

From the beads you can weigh the snowflakes of the most unusual forms, but we begin, perhaps, with the simplest. For training, so to speak. The detailed scheme is set out below. Learn and try! The combination of colors and their order you can come up with yourself.

# 2 beads and bikouses

But there is already a slightly more complex design, in which beads beyond beads are used and beads in the form of two folded cones - bonuses. Step-by-step master class is described below.

# 3 beads and round beads

But the snowflake from round beads in combination with beads. Layout colors you can choose yourself, and see the step-by-step scheme of the manufacture of snowflakes in the picture.

# 4 beads and bikouses

And here's another scheme of weaving snowflakes from beads. Please note that in this product, in addition to beads, there are also beads of other shapes - bonuses. Instead of biccuses, you can use round beads, cathedral, barrels, etc.

# 5 beads, bonuses and glass

For the manufacture of such snowflakes you need: beads, bikouses and glassware. Of course, you can use beads and other shapes, but in any case, follow the scheme, then the snowflakes will be truly figured.

# 6 beads, bonuses and round beads

For the manufacture of such a snowflake, you will need not only beads, but also the beads of another form: round and bonuses. A step by step weaving scheme you will find below.

# 7 embroidery beads

From beads, you can not only spit, beaded you can embroider. Excellent example of embroidery beads - snowflake. You will need a felt flower, each of the petals of which will be embroidered with beads. The center can be decorated with buttons, bead or glass.

See more ideas of crafts from beads:

Snowflakes from wooden plugs

Wooden plugs can be used as a primary materials for the manufacture of snowflakes. Although, such an idea is more suitable for the owners of restaurants or people who drink a lot of wine! In any case, take a note, you can collect traffic jams all year (I, for example, collected the bushings from the toilet paper all year :)) to make such an extraordinary craft next year.

More crafts with bumps you will find:

More ideas

There are no snowflakes on this ideas. You can make the winter craft from any girlfriend, you just need to make a little slow down and success is guaranteed. Here are some more original ideas on making snowflake crafts with their own hands.

# 1 Applique from Beads

Snowflake can be performed as a picture. To do this, take the appropriate sizes of the Faneur and enclose it with a cloth or ribbons. Over the finished "canvas", make the applique of snowflakes from beads. Crafts are ready and looks very spectacious!

# 2 of sweets

Another original idea for snowflakes is to make a craft from candy. For such a design, you will need New Year's candies in the form of canes. Shill them on the template from the MK below. Such a snowflake will not only please the eye, but also taste receptors!

# 3 cotton balls

If you want to make a New Year's handicraft of snowflakes with kids, then take this master class. By the way, such a gift will appreciate grandparents. For your crafts, you will need: cotton balls, PVA glue, colored paper sheet.

# 4 candy wrappers

And this idea is suitable for sweet tooths. The benefits of sweets still have! From the wrapper you can make wonderful snowflakes. The wrapper must be folded in four, and then cut the intricate pattern. Such snowflakes can be decorated with interior, christmas tree and even gifts.

# 5 plastic bottles

Well, this idea will perfectly fit into the interior of those who take care of the environment. From plastic bottles you can make wonderful snowflakes, which will become an excellent element of the New Year decor. Cut the bottom and paint it with paints. Snowflakes are ready, and most importantly, the bottles do not pollute the environment and please the eyes!

# 6 crispy sticks

Who did not eat snowflakes in childhood? I think there are no such people! Well, since the children still eat them, you need to make delicious snowflakes for them! You will need crispy sticks (salted or without salt), white chocolate and decorative sprinkle.

# 7 mosaic details

It is difficult to find a child who would not have mosaic. It is even harder to find a child who in the mosaic would be all the details. They constantly go somewhere. Well, if you have such a set in which there are not enough details and collect the picture from this is not interesting, do not hurry to throw it away. From the remaining parts, you can make a new year snowflake. Well, will we create?

# 8 Threads and Paper Plate

And the snowflakes can be made from ordinary paper or plastic plates. By the way, the kids can cope with such a craft, but Mine help, of course you need. Step-by-step MK will find below.

# 9 salted dough

Another gear material from which you can make a snowflake with your own hands is the salt dough. Make the dough (1 tbsp. Salt, 1 Art. Water, 1 Art. Flour), roll out, cut the snowflakes, and then decorate them. Snowflakes from the dough can be painted, you can enclose glitters, beads, and you can leave just white.

# 10 eco snowflake

Eco-decor lovers can make a snowflake from the twigs. You can find wands on the street or in the forest. It remains only to come up with a pattern and glue sticks. Successes!

# 11 wax drawing

And here is another version of snowflakes for creativity with children. You will need a sheet of paper, candle, watercolor paints. A candle on paper draw a snowflake, and then paints paint the sheet. In those places on a sheet where the wax remained, the paint will be spread and eventually get an extraordinary drawing, just like frost draws on the windows in a frosty day.

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Surely, each mistress has in a locker not one dozen buttons, which she scrupulously folds into the box. Some buttons we cut off from old things in the hope that they will ever use, sometimes we buy buttons, but for some reason they remain unassembled. If there are small children in the house, then the button with buttons is a real casket with treasures, because these bright troughs look very beautiful. Of these, you can make all sorts of crafts. We suggest you make a snowflake at your discretion. Just do not forget that the kids who have undergone a three-year-old age should play with small objects only under the supervision of adults.

So, let's put on the topic of creating snowflakes from buttons. Naturally, the appearance and size will be directly dependent on the buttons and the thread, which these buttons should be attached.

1. Take unnecessary buttons for work and think about how you wanted them to combine. For fastening, stock bright thread and needle.

2. Cut three or four strips from thick paper, in this case it turns out a snowflake with six or eight rays, respectively.

3. Crosspolt strips and fix in the center of thread.

4. Sew the largest button in the central part.

5. Place a number of smaller buttons around the central part and begin to fantasize depending on the material that is in stock.

6. Along every strip, sew multi-format snowflakes, forming rays.

7. Fill with buttons all stripes. Snowflake is ready. Immediately make one loop from the same bright threads, it will make it easier to fasten the crafts on the Christmas tree or elsewhere.

The final look of the crafts. Photo 1.

The final look of the crafts. Photo 2.

The final look of the crafts. Photo 3.

The final look of the crafts. Photo 4.

Here is such a solar craft. As you can see for developing classes with children, we can use ordinary infringement materials. And there is no need to buy expensive sets.

Time to think about how to decorate an apartment or house on the eve of the most important holiday - the new year, and here the most incredible design decisions are going to move. Moms together with their children get a wide variety of materials from the covers that can be used for creativity.

Snowflakes - This is one of those jewelry that will always find its worthy place and in the apartment, and on the festive table, and on the New Year tree, besides, if they are made from the napkins, you can stick to the glass, and illuminate the festive atmosphere of your window Apartments.

Children are constantly in creative search, as it were stupid and did not sound, probably you noticed your baby that he is trying to think of something, draw, all new materials are interesting to him, and from the most ordinary plasticine he gets great pleasure from The fact that you can create the most incredible crafts. The kid is always ready to come up with something new, make it, to make, cut and glue, and may even sew, if an adult is already enough to work with a thread and needle. Mommy should always be, as they say, on pickup to support him or help him, because it's not always a child everything turns out the first time, and my mother's advice will never be superfluous. Especially on the eve of the New Year, the baby especially want to show his creative potential and decorate homemade decorations in the Christmas tree. And, of course, no designer dear toys purchased in the store will not compare with neat christmas decorations that are made by children's fingers.

The simplest thing to do paper snowflakes, schemas can be found a huge variety of online, and without any schemes you can cut very beautiful openwork snowflakes.

Buttons are quite a fairly non-standard material in order to make snowflakes, but they can also be used, and eventually get the most unique decoration for the Christmas tree made by your own hands. Multicolored buttons will attract to the creative process and boys, and girls. They will like to choose diverse on the form and texture of butchers and invent, how to make beautiful crafts. Buttons can be sewed, such an occupation is especially suitable for girls who need to be studied to sew, boys can offer them to glue, but in general the child will choose what kind of way it is like to do it.

When you have already chosen Snowflake scheme, It's time to select suitable buttons suitable. To begin with, simply attach to your based buttons in the correct sequence, and only after the picture is fully formed, you can start sewing or glued elements. In combination with buttons, you can use beads and beads, and it is best to use cardboard as the basis, only to it, of course, buttons are better to glue, but your craft can be solved, and not one year will continue.

Anna Petrov

Last year I shared with you myself on self-education - " Puggy masterpieces"(photo report). This year I continued to work in this direction. After all buttons Are surprisingly multifaceted and busy material. FROM buttons In fact, there are a huge variety of games.

Together with the parents we issued an exhibition for the new year "Merry Snowflakes" (of button) - Work can be found in my blog. And with children the other day I spent an interesting lesson, where he taught children to do snowflakes from plasticine and buttons.

purpose: To form an idea of \u200b\u200bthe diversity of species button.

Tasks: - Develop a shallow motorcy and attention

Teach alternate colors;

Empty independence, accuracy and ability to bring the case to the end.

For the manufacture of such snowflakes We needed old unnecessary discs, plasticine and buttons.

On the disk from plasticine we missed snowflake.

They took different buttons in color and size. Buttons We laid out onto the plasticine alternately and indulged so that buttons did not fall off. We used in work buttons Different color and magnitude. Someone from the children used buttons of the same color, and someone showed fantasy and did snowflake from different buttons not only in color, but also in size. That's what happened with us.

Publications on the topic:

The group passed a week for the lexical theme of "Fish". The following tasks were set: to clarify the presentations of children about fish, their appearance.

You have accumulated so much buttons that they no longer fit in the box? Donate a dozen to decorate your plants, pots, etc.

In our d / s 7 groups, each group has its own mini-museum. The guys with the guys decided to go on a tour of the Mini Museum of "Buttons". And we went.

Master - Class "Production of Figures for Fairy Tales Theater" Fox and Crane "Average kindergarten group" Goals and tasks: Create conditions.

Master class "Panel Flowers", made in the technique of appliqué from crumpled lumps of napkins (middle group). Radiation: Create a joyful mood.

Application is one of the types of visual activities, very loved by children. Creating beautiful appliques with your own hands, seeing the result.

Good evening, colleagues! I present to your attention my New Year's snowflake from buttons! If you have little toys and you have nothing to dress yours.