Metal for wedding rings. Handbook of the choice of precious metals for beginner owners of wedding rings Useful tips

Before you stop on silver, gold or platinum, write your collection of jewelry, because the wedding ring you will be constantly, and therefore it should be combined according to style and quality with other jewels. The most important thing is to determine the size of the budget that you assign to the purchase of rings.

Each ring of precious metal has a "sample" on the inside, the quality mark of the alloy material from which the ring is made. On the jewelry products of foreign firms to the quality mark, a sign of the manufacturer's brand is added (often printed the name of the company). If the ring is made of several different metals, then look at each type of metal a test.


Any "jewelry" gold is an alloy of metals. The main components are silver, copper and gold. The sample is determined by the ratio of these components and indicates the quality of the alloy "jewelry" gold. The presence of 58.5% gold in the alloy corresponds to the 585th sample, 75% gold - 750th sample. The more the percentage of gold in the alloy, the higher the trial and above the cost. The cleaner gold is a worm, there is more than 90% of the gold itself, respectively, they put a 900-sample and higher. The designation of the sample differs from Russian and Western manufacturers. Foreign manufacturers use such a category of measuring gold purity, like 1k [carat]. "Carat" translated from English "Karat". No need to be confused with the weight of the weight of the gems "Carat", both stalls in Russian are designated in one word. There are basic quality marks - this is 24k can be compared with "our" Chervon Gold, 21k, 18k and 14k - to reduce the purity of gold and its high costs.

Chervonny Gold

It is very soft, easily deformed, so now it is practically not used in the manufacture of jewelry. Previously, before the revolution in Russia, engagement rings were made of worm-gold. Rings mostly were thick, weighed about 8 grams, which compensated for the softness of the metal. Now the engagement ring is on average weigh 2 grams and has a width of 2-3 mm depending on the production technology. Production quality can be determined in a special way. At home you can check in this way. If the smooth surface drop from a height of 10-15 cm ring, performed at a high level, then the ring jumpers with a pleasant melodic ringing. The ring with a seam from the soldering will fall muffled.

To increase the strength and obtaining specific properties - the desired shade and gloss, various metals, such as copper and silver are added to pure gold. And adding additional elements to the alloy, for example, palladium or zinc gives a different color of the precious metal. Thus, it turns out pink, yellow and white gold. It is important to remember that gold test does not affect its color. That is, gold is the same purity or sample, which is the same, maybe different shades.

Pink, red gold

Reddish tint gives copper. The most popular and affordable type of gold in Russia. Most often represented by the Gold 585 sample.

Yellow Gold

It has a real gold color - sunny, bright, yellowish, in one word gold. It is for this that gold from a long time was appreciated and acquired the glory of precious metal, and also became a symbol of royal power and wealth. Yellow gold is popular in the West as a metal for wedding rings. There is a shared opinion that the yellow gold is best symbolizing the warmth and love of spouses. Yellow gold basically has 750 sample.

White gold

The white color of the gold alloy acquires due to the addition of palladium and is distinguished by brightness and glitter. White gold has become a fashionable material that loves to use the most famous jeweler designers to create their masterpieces, and has already managed to gain popularity among connoisseurs of precious jewelry. Jewelry made of white gold is a kind of prestige sign and accessories to the highest class worldwide. It is very similar to platinum, but it costs about 45% cheaper.


The hardest, durable and expensive metal. Hypoallergenic, because silver and even gold can cause an allergic reaction. On platinum usually put 950 sample. Platinum is difficult to process and polish, so often looks like a grayish, even dirty white metal and is very similar to aluminum. But, despite the difficulty of working with platinum, the Masters-Jewelers very much appreciate its extraordinary strength. Platinum is perfectly suitable as an attachment for a diamond, because, in contrast to yellow gold, the stone does not "paint" in a yellowish hue, and the foot mounts from platinum will never be overwhelmed. The most famous challenge platinum wedding ring has developed Cartier Jewelry Designers in 1895. It is called "Platinum" and today is a classic design of the wedding ring.

Mix made of metals

Three gold shades: pink, yellow and white by combinations allow you to create interesting, intricate weaving and beautiful combination of details of different colors. The classic example of a ring combining all three gold shades is the popular TRINITY model from Cartier, appeared in 1924. TRINITY consists of three smooth rings intertwined with each other: a yellow gold ring symbolizes dedication, a ring of white gold is friendship, and from pink - love.


Finally, you need to mention silver, because there is a tradition, according to which the wedding ring of the spouse should be silver, and the spouses are gold. During the marriage, the husband and his wife exchanged rings: the husband put his wife his wife golden ring (Gold - men's metal, symbol of the sun, strength and power), and the wife's wife is silver (silver symbolizes the feminine).

The choice of metal type for the wedding ring is only the first stage in the process of acquiring wedding rings. Next should be deciding with the form, the design of the ring, whether there will be notches on it, engraving, other decorative details, and, of course, whether it will be with a precious stone.

Pick up a ring appropriate to your style

When buying a diamond rings or other precious stones, choose a product that makes a delightful impression, but do not forget that it is necessary to prevent a decision to acquire it. The decision-making process is also a kind of ritual: after all, you need to make the right choice. Just as you pick up a dress or suit depending on your personal style, figures and compatibility with other elements of your wardrobe. When you choose a ring, you should take into account the shape of your palm, and in particular, fingers, and also not to forget about your own sense of style. Partially this feeling will tell you and how you are going to wear this ring. If you consider all the above moments, you can make the right choice of your future ring.

Even before it starts studying the styles of the rings, pay a little time to consider the shape of your palm and fingers. Caught your palm or wide? Round fingers or thin? Did they thin in length or the opposite thicken? These details have an impact on how exactly the ring will look on your hand. You already know that for your figure, a red wide dress and not standing nearby with a narrow fitting dress that slims up you, and the neckline is advantageously emphasized by your advantages.

Now do the palm. This is the easiest basic rule: wide is widely wider than wider, and long makes a long longer. Therefore, if you strive to reduce the width of the palm, when you choose, make the focus on the products of the elongated shape and design. Look for a ring with a diamond of oval cut or cutting type "Marquis", in this case your fingers will impact look longer if they are decorated with just such a ring. There may be a form in the form of a pear, if it is a completely slim pear with a narrow rounded top, which is narrowed to the point. Remember that not every pear boasts such a form! There are pears of extremely plump forms and vice versa is very "thin," everyone can find the ideal outline for himself. But the perfect gem, does not mean that it is ideal for you. When you buy a diamond or another gem in order to wear them, and not to simply put your money in jewelry, the stone may not have perfect proportions, but it will be great to look at your hand, let him and even too wide or narrow to get closer to ideal. Emerald or rectangular cut - perhaps a good choice, provided that the stone has elegant proportions.

The rings have three important indicators - this is the style, depth and length. The stone in a multi-layer frame looks more effectively if these layers are asymmetrical. Thus, the appearance of the stone and its length is emphasized.

If the fingers are thin, you should look for the shape of the "plump" pear, oval or the cut "Marquis", which makes the finger a little wider than it is. For you, a diamond with a round cut is also suitable, especially if the frame itself is quite interesting, which attracts his finger. Thin fingers are an excellent showcase for a wide frame, which allows you to arrange a stone over your finger and distract your eyes from the finger.

Selecting the shape of the decoration, it is impossible not to take into account the shape of the palm and fingers. Choose the design proportional to your hand. A woman who has a big palm can only win, bought a large, multi-level ring, on the background of a woman with a small handle.

When choosing a ring, which is decorated with several stones, the rib is acquiring a key value when determining the general form. In this sense, the choice is so huge as much as designers there. There are rings with clusters of stones made in the form of a flower; There are Rings "Mesh Merezhka", in which diamonds are as if stretched along the rim lines; There are Rings "Ballerina", in which baguettes are of a wave-like form, which very much resembles the kaima on a pack of dancers.

Comment Article "Choose a metal for wedding rings"

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There are two important stages associated with the wedding rings: purchase and wearing. In the article you will be informed about what color of gold do you have to acquire wedding rings? How to wear wedding rings so that they serve you as long as possible? Article structure: Hands and fingers Combine rings How to protect the decoration from damage more on reference [Reference-1].

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Wedding rings serve as a symbol of the marriage union and are an important attribute of official painting or church wedding. Gorgeous wedding limousine, luxurious menu and refined bride dress - all this goes into the background and will come true, and the wedding ring will delight his owner every day. That is why the choice of these wonderful accessories needs to be considered with full responsibility. The network of jewelry stores "Magic Gold" offers a rich assortment of wedding rings the most ...

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Another ancient Egyptians exchanged rings as a sign of long love, which no gods or people could destroy. But even earlier, the bride was selected ring of hemp or cane. The first metal wedding rings appeared in ancient Rome. Such wedding rings were very expensive decoration. In the Middle Ages, the Italians began to make wedding rings with diamonds. For all the time the engagement rings had a variety of artistic forms that reflected the taste and cultural level ...

Historically, jewelry designers used precious metals to make their products. Gold and silver corrosion resistance and were easily formed in complex forms, so that in many cultures is valued as jewelry and chasing. Their use in coins and at high cost as jewelry materials made of gold and silver, first precious metals. Precious metals are those that are rare and fairly valuable to serve as a currency. These metals often intersect with the jewelry industry, as the same properties that make metal well suitable for currency, also make it ideal for jewelry. Platinum just recently joined gold and silver as a precious metal; While two centuries ago, the metallurgical science was not pulled forward enough to work with a high metal melting point and giving hardness. Today platinum is an expensive metal of three precious metals. Other metals are traditionally not considered precious, but they have become popular in jewelry design. As in conventional precious metals, they resist corrosion and can be designed in beautiful rings, pendants and chains. Since they have low weight and lack of reaction, many of these metals are used for jewelry. Other strengthened the clouds due to their association with architecture or spacecraft. Men's jewelry designers were particularly quickly adapted to new metal rings and cufflinks. Walk out yellow gold, silver, platinum and gave jewelry designers more creative options. Some jewelry metals are ancient; Another less than a hundred years. Nevertheless, they share durability and beauty that make metal suitable for jewelry.

1. Aluminum

Despite the fact that we are best familiar with it, both banks or foils, and aluminum also make beautiful jewelry. This is the lightest metal from which jewelry can be made; Lighter elements are either non-metallic or has a high reactivity and is suitable for wearing. Pale, milk glitter aluminum and light weight make it a beautiful alternative to precious decorations made of metal. Metal can also be anodized to change its color for new jewelry fashion designs. Aluminum jewelry has an exciting story. When he was first discovered, the metal was difficult to produce and it could be made only in small quantities. It was so valuable that jewelry made from aluminum were sold for as many as platinum. By 1930, aluminum became quite a lot, and he stopped considered more precious metal. Aluminum vintage jewelry is very valuable for collecting, but modern works are also popular.

2. Titanium

Thanks to silver shades, light weight, and incredible strength, titanium is well adaptable for use in jewelry. Like aluminum, its commercial accessibility is a recent development. Titan first was allocated in commercial quantities in the 1920s. Low mass and high strength made titanium ideal metal for the emerging aviation industry and later versions of aerospace technologies. Titan is so not reactive and immune to corrosion, it is also used for joint replacement procedures. For people sensitive to metals, Titan provides an attractive alternative to precious metals. The spatial age associations of Titanium tied it with smooth, modern design in jewelry. Metal hardness makes it difficult for engraving, so most titaniums have the ability to polish. In particular, for men's jewelry, titanium rings and chains often repeat the industrial origin of the metal with the design, which resemble hexagonal nuts or screws with grooves. Although his natural color is a light silver shade, often anodized with tin coating of gray. Titanium wedding rings may include various shades of metal to emphasize its shine. Because of the huge strength, for which it was named, the titanium is also useful for adjusting the tension for precious stones.

3. Tungsten

He takes its name from Swedish words and translates the "heavy stone". Unlike many other alternative jewelry metals, it is very heavy. The tungsten ring will weigh more than an equal amount of gold or platinum. Many buyers prefer jewelry, rings and bracelets with essential weights, as well as tungsten jewelry are a good choice for them. Although tungsten is an element like platinum, gold, aluminum, jewelry made from it more correctly call tungsten carbide. Iron and carbon produce stronger and durable steel; Similarly, tungsten carbide contains carbon firming metal significantly. In its most common form, tungsten carbide has a gray color and has a muffled gloss made from it products contain restrained attractiveness. Its industrial applications include manual tools and parts for machines, as well as tungsten carbide jewelry often relies on these sources for inspiration and style. Jewelers usually use tungsten for rings or suspension, but not for earring or jewelry For the body, because his weight can be inconvenient for the user.

4. Palladium

The proximity of palladium to platinum on the periodic table of elements is an indicator of its similarity with precious metal. It is sometimes referred to as a member of the platinum group metals, a designation that includes other rare silver-white metals with a high melting point and high strength. Some investors classify it as a precious metal along with platinum, but as an alternative jewelry metal, it is still cheaper than its better-known analog. In jewelry, palladium traditionally plays a supporting role in gold jewelry. When they fure with pure yellow gold, palladium brings the metal for the production of white gold. Nickel was once a common metal for use in the form of a white gold alloy, but more chemically active metal caused pin dermatitis for some owners. Palladium is not reactive, so it has become preferable for metal and white gold alloy. More recently, he accepted the main role in the design of jewelry, as producers removed the entirely and market of palladium parts, like beautiful items in their own right. It is easier than platinum, palladium has a bright silver shine and is sufficiently strong for the installation of precious stones.

5. Rhodium

Another member of the Metal Platinum family, rhodium is bright silver with intense, mirror glitter. This is one of the most expensive alternative metals and can exceed the price of platinum per gram, but it is rarely used as a solid metal for jewelry. Rhodium too fragile for jewelry And it will be unsuitable for the installation of precious stones. Almost all jewelry from Rhodes more accurately called rhodium for jewelry. White gold is often processed by rhodium to give a product a deeper and higher reflective finish. As in other platinum metals, there are hypoallergenic and durable. Body jewelry is also often covered with rhodium to give it a bright view, chrome, like an appearance and protect the user's skin from the reactions with the metal. It is resistant to scratches, therefore, products covered with rhodium can be worn for many years with appropriate caution.

6. Copper

As gold and silver, copper was known in ancient times. As one of the components of the bronze metals, it was a vital industrial metal for ancient cultures. His unique pink-orange shade was made by his beloved for the production of jewelry, but copper lacked one estelling characteristics of jewelry: it is resistance to corrosion. Copper is inclined to interact with the environment and changes its red color to green. It can also join the reaction with the skin and cause the appearance of spots if it comes into contact with the skin. New methods in hermetic copper ornaments gave an attractive metal new life as an alternative jewelry material. It is also popular for jewelry, which does not make a long-term contact with the skin, such as bracelets, pins, brooches. Some people believe that copper jewelry has therapeutic properties and wear them to alleviate pain in the joints. Although modern studies have not shown the connection that copper jewelry is unusual and beautiful enough to wear them for beauty.

7. Stainless steel

Durable and practically unresponsible to corrosion or rust, stainless steel products are best known to us in the kitchen. The choice of metal for cutlery, cutlery, and sinks, also makes beautiful jewelry from it. Stainless steel is an alloy of steel and chromium, which resists corrosion and retains its characteristic shine. Used as a decorative element, stainless steel may look attractive just when it turns into jewelry. Its shine makes the same, well suited for jewelry or Yu great decorationssuch as men's wedding rings. Stainless steel is not reactive and hypoallergenic, so it is also often used for body jewelry. Surgical stainless steel is lower in the corner than other alloys and is a good choice for skin wearing, such as earrings and belly rings.

8. Color gold

Yellow gold was a metal choice for jewelry for thousands of years, but only recently other types of gold in jewelry have appeared. Gold jewelry almost never have pure gold; It is an alloy, a mixture of pure gold with other metals that change their characteristics. Clean gold Too soft for jewelry, so it is mixed with more durable metals. When these metals change the shade goldThe resulting product is sold in the form of white gold, green gold or red gold. Alternatively, yellow gold, pink and green gold can be striking. Since these versions gold contain the same amount of precious metal as a more friend yellow GoldThey are usually comparable for price with him. However, the novelty of red or green gold can make a simple design stunning. Multicolor gold products are also popular. Depending on how products are made, and how they contain precious stones, then alternative metal jewelry can be classified as jewelry or jewelry.


Jewelry do not have to be made from precious metalTo be beautiful. For those who count on a small budget or wants something out of a series of outgoing, alternative metals provide a wide range of options and styles. Jewelry, who wears can also find attractive and hypoallergenic structures of alternative metals.

Before you stop on silver, gold or platinum, inspect your collection, I will wear a wedding ring constantly, and therefore it should be combined according to style and quality with the rest of the jewels. The most important thing is to determine the size of the budget that you assign to the purchase of rings. For a notic: Each ring of precious metal has a "sample" on the inside, the quality mark of the alloy material from which is made ring. On the jewelry products of foreign firms to the quality mark, a sign of the manufacturer's brand is added (often printed the name of the company). If the ring is made of several different metals, then look at each type of metal a test.

Gold Gold (AU) - a precious metal of bright yellow, has the highest plasticity and bagpost compared to all other metals. Easily flattened into the finest leaves; 1 g of gold can be flattened to a sheet of 1 m2. Gold has a strong glitter, easily polished.

Gold density of 19.32 g / cm3; The melting point is 1063 ° C, the hardness of gold for the brinnal - 20.

Gold has high chemical resistance: neither oxygen, nor sulfur act on it, even when heated; resistant to the impact on it moisture; Does not react with acids, alkalis, salts.

Gold in nature is never in pure form. It is always impurities. Clean gold - the concept of conditional, the degree of purity is expressed by breaking 999; 999.9, etc. Gold, like all metals, marked. The brand of pure gold ED 99.9% means that in its composition of gold (evil) 99.9%, the rest of the impurities.

The bulk of pure gold goes to the preparation of alloys used to produce jewelry, coins and medals. As impurities (ligatures) in the production of jewelry, mainly copper, silver, nickel, palladium are used mainly. It is the composition of the ligature and determines the ultimate color of the gold alloy, from white if nickel or palladium is present, to red, if gold is ligated with copper. In Russia, gold with a reddish tint is traditionally popular in jewelry, and in Europe - with yellowish.

The test of gold alloys, of which it is allowed to produce jewelry is established by the legislative way and is guaranteed by the state, for which the products necessarily undergo the tube and they are imposed on the print brackets whose numbers define the sample.

Any "jewelry" gold is an alloy of metals. The main components are silver, copper and gold. The sample is determined by the ratio of these components and indicates the quality of the alloy "jewelry" gold. The presence of 58.5% gold in the alloy corresponds to the 585th sample, 75% gold - 750th sample. The more the percentage of gold in the alloy, the higher the trial and above the cost. The cleaner gold is a worm, there is more than 90% of the gold itself, respectively, they put a 900-sample and higher. The designation of the sample differs from Russian and Western manufacturers. Foreign manufacturers use such a category of measuring gold purity, like 1k [carat]. "Carat" translated from English "Karat". No need to be confused with the weight of the weight of the gems "Carat", both stalls in Russian are designated in one word. There are basic quality marks - this is 24k can be compared with "our" Chervon Gold, 21k, 18k and 14k - to reduce the purity of gold and its high costs.

Chervonny Gold

Very soft, easily deformed, so now it is practically not used in the manufacture of jewelry. Previously, before the revolution in Russia, engagement rings were made of worm-gold. Rings mostly were thick, weighed about 8 grams, which compensated for the softness of the metal. Now wedding ring On average weigh 2 grams and has a width of 2-3mm, depending on the production technology. Production quality can be determined in a special way.

How to advise experts, if on a smooth surface drop from a height of 10-15 cm Ring, made at a high level, then Colek Jumps up with a pleasant melodic ringing. The ring with a seam from the soldering will fall muffled. To increase the strength and obtaining specific properties - the desired shade and gloss, various metals, such as copper and silver are added to pure gold. And adding additional elements to the alloy, for example, palladium or zinc gives a different color of the precious metal. Thus, it turns out pink, yellow and white gold. It is important to remember that gold test does not affect its color. That is, gold is the same purity or sample, which is the same, maybe different shades.

Pink, red gold

Reddish tint gives copper. The most popular and affordable type of gold in Russia. Most often represented by the Gold 585 sample.

Yellow Gold

It has a real gold color - sunny, bright, yellowish, in one word gold. It is for this that gold from a long time was appreciated and acquired the glory of precious metal, and also became a symbol of royal power and wealth. Yellow gold is popular in the West as a metal for wedding rings. There is a shared opinion that the yellow gold is best symbolizing the warmth and love of spouses. Yellow gold basically has 750 sample.

White gold

The white color of the gold alloy acquires due to the addition of palladium and is distinguished by brightness and glitter. White gold has become a fashionable material that loves to use the most famous jeweler designers to create their masterpieces, and has already managed to gain popularity among connoisseurs of precious jewelry. Jewelry made of white gold is a kind of prestige sign and accessories to the highest class worldwide. It is very similar to platinum, but it costs about 45% cheaper.


The hardest, durable and expensive metal. Hypoallergenic, because other metals: silver, even gold can cause an allergic reaction. On platinum usually put 950 sample. Platinum is difficult to process and polish, so often looks like a grayish, even dirty white metal and is very similar to aluminum. But, despite the difficulty of working with platinum, the Masters-Jewelers very much appreciate its extraordinary strength. Platinum is perfectly suitable as an attachment for a diamond, because, in contrast to yellow gold, the stone does not "paint" in a yellowish hue, and the foot mounts from platinum will never be overwhelmed. The most famous challenge platinum wedding ring has developed Cartier Jewelry Designers in 1895. It is called "Platinum" and today is a classic design of the wedding ring.

Mix made of metals

Three gold shades: pink, yellow and white by combinations allow you to create interesting, intricate weaving and beautiful combination of details of different colors. The classic example of a ring combining all three gold shades is the popular "Trinity" model from Cartier, appeared in 1924. "Trinity" consists of three smooth rings intertwined with each other: a yellow gold ring symbolizes devotion, a ring of white gold - friendship, and from pink - love.

Finally, you need to mention silver, because there is a tradition, according to which the wedding ring of the spouse should be silver, and the spouses are gold. During the marriage, the husband and his wife exchanged rings: the husband put on his wife's gold ring (gold - male metal, symbol of the sun, strength and power), and the wife of a silver husband (silver symbolizes the feminine start).


Silver (AG) - metal white, very damaging, plastic and durable, cutting a knife. Silver harder gold, but softer copper. This is the second most popular metal used in the production of jewelry. The native silver is significantly less frequently often native gold, as it makes it easier to form connections with other elements.

The silver density is 10.50 g / cm3, the melting point is 960.5 ° C, the hardness of brinell - 25.

Due to its unique properties: high degrees of electrical and thermal conductivity, reflectivity, photosensitivity, and so on - silver has a very wide range of applications. It is used in photography, electronics, electrical engineering, accurate instrument making, rocket art, medicine, for protective and decorative coatings, for the manufacture of coins and, of course, in jewelry.

The most common alloy of silver 875 samples. It is used to make the jewelry and table setting items. Sample alloy 916 is used to produce enamel coating items, an alloy of the 960 sample - for the manufacture of filigree jewelry.

The choice of metal type for the wedding ring is only the first stage in the process of acquiring wedding rings. Next should be deciding with the form, the design of the ring, whether there will be notches on it, engraving, other decorative details, and, of course, whether it will be with a precious stone.

Pick up a ring appropriate to your style

When buying a diamond rings with other precious stones, choose a product that makes a delightful impression, but do not forget that it is necessary to weigh the decision to acquire it. The decision-making process is also a kind of ritual: after all, you need to make the right choice. Just as you pick up a dress or suit depending on your personal style, figures and compatibility with other elements of your wardrobe. When you are in online you choose a ring, you should take into account the shape of your palm, and in particular, fingers, and also do not forget about your own sense of style. Partially this feeling will tell you and the way you are going to wear Etocole. If you consider all the above moments, you can make the right choice of your future rings even before you begin to study the styles of the rings, pay a little time to consider the shape of your palm and fingers. Caught your palm or wide? Round fingers or thin? Did they thin in length or the opposite thicken? These details have an impact on how exactly the ring will look on your hand. You already know that for your figure, a red wide dress and not standing nearby with a narrow fitting dress that slims up you, and the neckline is advantageously emphasized by your advantages.
Now do the palm. This is the easiest basic rule: wide is widely wider than wider, and long makes a long longer. Therefore, if you strive to reduce the width of the palm, when you choose, make the focus on the products of the elongated shape and design. Look for a ring with a oval cut diamond or a "marquise" type, in this case, your fingers will be brought to look longer if they are decorated with just such a ring. There may be a form in the form of a pear, if it is a completely slim pear with a narrow rounded top, which is narrowed to the point. Remember that not every pear boasts such a form! There are pears of extremely plump forms and vice versa is very "thin," everyone can find the ideal outline for himself. But the perfect gem, does not mean that it is ideal for you. When you buy a diamond or another gem in order to wear them, and not to simply put your money in jewelry, the stone may not have perfect proportions, but it will be great to look at your hand, let him and even too wide or narrow to get closer to ideal. Emerald or rectangular cut - perhaps a good choice, provided that the stone has elegant proportions.
Three important indicators are the style, depth and length. The stone in a multi-layer frame looks more effectively if these layers are asymmetrical. Thus, the appearance of the stone and its length is emphasized. If the fingers are thin, you should look for the shape of the "plump" pear, oval or cut "marquise", which makes the finger a little wider than it is. For you, a diamond with a round cut is also suitable, especially if the frame itself is quite interesting, which attracts his finger. Thin fingers are an excellent showcase for a wide frame, which allows you to arrange a stone over your finger and distract your eyes from the finger. Selecting the shape of the decoration, it is impossible not to take into account the shape of the palm and fingers. Choose the design proportional to your hand. A woman who has a big palm can only win, bought a large, multi-level ring, on the background of a woman with a small handle.
When choosing a ring, which is decorated with several stones, the rib is acquiring a key value when determining the general form. In this sense, the choice is so huge as much as designers there. There are rings with clusters of stones , performed in the form of a flower; There are Rings "Mesh Merezhka", in which diamonds are imprisoned along the rim lines; The ballerina is a ballerina, in which baguettes have a wave-like form, which is very much reminded by Kaima on a pack of dancers. In order to get acquainted in detail with the equipment of diamonds and precious stones, read our heading "types of rim".

To order a product, you can always use the basket of orders. If you have any questions, ask ICQ 648-829-470 or by e-mail: [Email Protected]website, as well as by phone 8-9296144366 Our manager will always answer your questions you are interested in will provide qualified assistance. And also, you can make any order by phone. Men's symbolic decorations - rings, chains, bracelets, pendants, laces (chokers) from world brands made of steel, silver, titanium, ceramics are now in Moscow!

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Wedding is a beautiful and bright holiday for a young couple. Preparing for the wedding always implies a lot of worries. Choosing a wedding dress, design of a banquet hall, selection of goodies for the menu - these are all pleasant troubles in the preparation process.

Traditional gold wedding rings, like outfits of young - an integral attribute of a wedding celebration. The history of this tradition originates from ancient times, so the rings are considered a talisman, which is able to combine two semi-in love with the whole, strengthen their family and protect.

The ring is a sign of marriage and commitment that is rushing on the finger every day.

Therefore, when choosing, you need to pay attention to some features:

  • smoothness;
  • the form;
  • metal.

The smoothness of the rings symbolizes the further smoothness in the life and relationship of newlyweds. It is believed when they are corrugated, then future relations will be strained and conflict. Married often make engraving in the form of symbolic inscriptions on their rings. Such engraving is better to do on the inner part of the ring.

So, for a happy family life, you need to buy smooth rings, despite the new fashion rings with diamonds and various stones.

Preferences in Metal

Our ancestors exchanged wedding rings that were made from various submitted items. This tradition has reached modernity, but now the rings are made of metal.

The noble metal has a symbol of integrity and purity. Therefore, traditionally wedding rings are made of precious metals. Wedding rings are also made of platinum, gold and silver. The most durable and reliable are rings from platinum. However, such a metal is more expensive than everyone else, but it perfectly retains the shape and beautiful shine over long years.

The classics are considered rings of gold. The most economical option is silver. True, this metal is very soft and with time deformed.

Why is such a form chosen?

The concept of "Kolo", from which the word "ring" occurred, means a circle. It has long been symbolizing some cyclicalness of life, infinity and eternal love.

Modern newlyweds rarely observe the old traditions. But the ring must necessarily have a round shape so that the relationship of the young couple lasted infinitely.

Each young couple should choose wedding rings according to the taste. The main thing when buying a ring is to choose the right size, as this ring must be worn daily and not lose it.

How to choose wedding rings? Five tips Look in the video:

To the choice of wedding rings should be approached even more seriously than to the choice of wedding outfits, because, unlike them, these decorations you will be worn every day of your life. And although the unequivocal instructions on how to choose a wedding ring, do not exist, we will tell you which parameters you need to pay special attention to when choosing.

What metal to choose a wedding ring

Before choosing a wedding ring, think about which metal you like more - based on your aesthetic preferences and financial capabilities.

Gold Wedding Rings

In itself, gold is very fatty, continuing metal, therefore, alloy is used for the manufacture of jewelry. Each gold wedding ring has its own sample, which determines the percentage of gold in it.

The 585th test is wider than the 585th sample, in which gold is contained in a volume of 58.5%. The rest of the stake is occupied by a mixture of other metals: it is silver, palladium, nickel and copper. The composition is popular with the fact that jewelry is obtained by durable and resistant to oxidation. Brighter products are obtained from the alloy of the 750th test, since gold contains 75%, but they are more and more subjected to deformation.

Popular gold alloys

Rings for a wedding can be made of the following gold alloys:

  • We have the most affordable and in demand when creating wedding decorations is red gold - gold and copper alloy. The advantage of such an alloy is high strength.
  • If in the alloy increase the volume of silver and reduce the amount of copper share, we get more noble in shades, but a little less durable rose gold.

Decorations from other light metal

Most often, the rings on the wedding are made of gold alloys, but if you wish, you can choose products from platinum or silver.

  • Platinum, like a light metal, looks very similar to white gold, but, unlike him, hypoallergenne and more durable.
  • Silver - less durable material than platinum or gold, so it is better not to wear it so that it is not deformed, but it costs such a product much cheaper. In addition, thanks to his plasticity, silver is particularly good, it turns out to create "openwork" density decorations.

What should be the wedding ring: choose the design

Allocate classic and decorated wedding rings.

The classic includes smooth gold rings of different sizes without stones and other additional elements. Most modern newlyweds still prefer the classic rings design, as it is always in fashion and looks harmonious. The classic is significantly cheaper than decorated rings, because there is no inserts from stones and other metals. And some choose the classic smooth ring according to the popular belief - so that the married life is the same "smooth".

Those young couples who want to talk can choose decorated rings - their range is now pretty great. These can be rings with engraving, stones, "openwork elements", as well as combination gold products combining several types of noble metal.

The wedding ring is not a ring of omnistia and not shackles designed to keep each other. This is a gold thread connecting two loving hearts so as not to get lost after life. ( Venedict Nemov)

Solving what the wedding ring should be on your wedding, remember: we will wear it daily, so it must be comfortable. For example, if you decide to choose a wedding ring with a stone, it can cling to clothes and cause injuries.

Product design and stones color should be chosen in such a way that they look universally. Wedding rings do not have to be pair - often women want to choose elegant rings for themselves, and men prefer more restrained design.

Over time, you may need to expand or narrow your decorations if you lose weight or recover, but not every design allows you to do it. For example, it is not recommended to expand the engagement ring with a stone - it can fall out. It is impossible to change the shape of the rings with a complex geometric pattern, engraving, diamond facet, as well as rings of two alloys.

How to choose a width ring

Another important point is how to choose a ring in width. This parameter depends on the length of the fingers: they will look at the long well as narrow (2-4 mm) and wide models (6-8 mm). Those who have short fingers, it is better to choose a ring of medium width (4-6 mm). Middle to the length of the fingers will fit narrow and medium rings, if you are a woman, and medium and wide, if a man.

In the picture below, you will see various types of profiles of wedding rings - it determines how the wedding ring looks in cross-section.

Most often, newlyweds stop their choice on a flat internal ring profile, the outer side of which remains rounded. The profile of Comfort Fit is also gaining popularity - rounded on both sides and therefore the most comfortable in wearing.

By the way, in this video you can see how do it yourself make a beautiful pad for feeding wedding rings at the wedding:

Take yourself, tell me friends!

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