Week of health in the preparatory group. "Week of health in the preschool educational institution" action plan for children of the preparatory group

Health Week at DOW. Plan

Author: Butova Yuliya Viktorovna, physical education instructor at the MKDOU Kindergarten No. 6 "Yagodka", Kirov, Kaluga Region.
Description: this material will be useful to kindergarten teachers, physical education instructors.

Formation in children of interest in a healthy lifestyle and a value attitude to physical education.
1. Develop endurance, strength abilities, courage, self-confidence while running at an average and fast pace; teach when walking and running to coordinate their movements with the movements of other children.
2. To introduce children to sports exercises during games and relay races.
3.To educate in children the ability to quickly navigate in the conditions of game actions; develop the ability to quickly respond to a signal in game exercises.
4. To form a positive attitude towards the performance of independent motor actions with objects and the desire to achieve the goal (result) - "run", "jump", "jump over", "convey".

Health Week - autumn games and fun

1. Drawing competition "Journey to the Land of Health"
2. Game-entertainment "Autumn time"
3. Outdoor games with a ball
4. Biking
1. Plot-thematic lesson “We want to be healthy” - conversations about the prevention of acute respiratory infections
2. Physical entertainment "We are funny guys"
3. Watching a sports video
4. Game-entertainment "Let's become strong"
5. Walk - excursion to the park - outdoor games
6. Biking
1. Valeological lesson "How to be healthy"
2. The game "Edible - inedible" - a conversation about the importance of food in human life
3. Physical entertainment "Journey to the autumn forest"
4. Entertainment game "We have a fun ball"
5. Craft competition "Summer sports"
5. Relays "What we have learned"
1. Organization of didactic games "We move while playing", "Clothes for athletes"
2. Sports festival "We are friends with physical education"

5. Plot-thematic lesson “We are not afraid of diseases”
6. Biking
1. Musical and sports leisure "Funny starts"
2. Competition of drawings on asphalt "Autumn Gifts"
3. Outdoor games "Friendly round dance"
4. Walk. Folk outdoor games
5. Wellness run
6. Biking

Week of spring games and fun

1. Plot-thematic lesson “We want to be healthy” - conversations about disease prevention
and care for eyes, ears, teeth
2. Game-entertainment "Spring round dance"
3. Outdoor games
4. Physical entertainment "Spring has come"
5. Competition of crafts "Winter sports"
6. Skiing
1. Physical entertainment "Good Doctor Aibolit"
2. Exhibition of children's drawings "Mother's portrait"
3. Watching a sports video
4. Walk. Folk outdoor games
5. Skiing
1. Valeological conversation "We want to be healthy"
2. The game "Health Vitamins" - a conversation about the importance of vitamins in human life
3. Physical entertainment "We are funny guys"
4. Game-entertainment "Journey to the country of Health"
5. Relay games "Funny starts"
6. Skiing
1. Organization of didactic games
2. Sports leisure "In the circus arena"
3. Walk. Game "Do like us, do better than us"
4. Board games "Football", "Billiards"
5. Plot-thematic lesson "We are the future Olympians"
6. Skiing
1. Musical and sports leisure "Call of the Jungle"
2. Go to the park
3. Outdoor games with jumping, running
4. "Autumn Marathon" - slow running
5. Skiing

Week of winter games and fun

1. Physical entertainment "Tricks of the Snow Queen"
2. Walk. Winter outdoor games
3. Outdoor games with a sled
4. Skiing
5. "Journey to the Land of Health" conversation game about a healthy lifestyle
1. Physical entertainment for younger groups "Funny Snowmen"
2. Physical entertainment for older groups "Meetings in the winter forest"
3. Didactic games "Winter clothes for sports"
4. Walk. Game exercises
on ice paths
5. Skiing, sledging
1. Physical education for younger groups "Our legs walk along the winter paths"
2. Physical entertainment for older groups "Frost - Red Nose"
3. Fun games with snow, outdoor games at the request of children
4. A walk around the territory of the kindergarten on skis and play exercises on skis with the performance of various tasks on the technique of movement
1. Winter trip around the territory of the kindergarten
2. Drawing competition "Winter patterns"
3. Competition of snow buildings
4. Sports leisure for younger groups "Whose traces"
5. Physical education for older groups "Winter has come and brought fun"
6. Skiing, sledging
1. "A fun walk with colors"
(decoration of snow buildings)
2. Board games "Hockey",
"Football", "Billiards"
3. Musical and physical culture leisure "By the will of the pike"
6. Skiing, sledging

MBDOU Ordzhonikidzevsky kindergarten "Luchik"

Short term project "Health Week"

Educators:Kalinkina A.N., Mikulenene N.O.


Theme: "Health Week"

Project type : pedagogical, creative, health-improving.

Project duration: short-term, 11/09/2015 - 11/13/2015.

Project participants: pupils of the senior and preparatory groups; educators; parents.

Relevance: At present, one of the most acute problems is ensuring the health of children, as a tendency to the deterioration of the health of children has been revealed. An assessment of physical development has shown that over the past decades there has been a decrease in harmoniously developed children and an increase in the number of children with disharmonious development. Therefore, the problem of raising and developing a healthy child in modern conditions is more relevant than ever.A healthy and developed child has good body resistance to harmful environmental factors and resistance to fatigue, is socially and physically adapted. In preschool childhood, the foundation of a child’s health is laid, his intensive growth and development takes place, basic movements, posture, necessary skills and habits are formed, basic physical qualities are acquired, and character traits are developed. And if you teach a child from early preschool age to take care of himself, about his health, then by the older age he will have formed the initial knowledge and skills of a healthy lifestyle, self-saving health skills will appear, and a value attitude towards him will be brought up.The formation of a child's conscious attitude to a healthy lifestyle is unthinkable without the active participation in this process of the union of teachers and parents. Only the joint activities of preschool teachers and parents to preserve and strengthen the health of the child, the formation of a healthy lifestyle, the basics of hygienic and physical culture will create a health-saving environment around children and help them learn to maintain and create health.

Target: form the habit of a healthy lifestyle; meet the needs of children for motor activity; to consolidate children's knowledge of how to maintain and strengthen health.

Project objectives:


To give knowledge about the basics of life safety; about human health and ways of strengthening; about health hygiene.

· Teach basic health tips


· To form a positive attitude towards a healthy lifestyle in preschool children.

· To instill in children the desire to take care of their health.

· To form in preschoolers the need for positive habits.


· To develop in children the need for active activity.

· To develop the need to perform special preventive exercises and games in the classroom and in everyday life.

Expected result:

1. Increasing children's knowledge about their health.

2. Desire to take care of your health and the health of others.

Form of work of a teacher with children.

Classes of the cognitive cycle: cognition, speech development, physical education, reading thin. literature.

Productive activities: drawing, modeling, applique.

Wellness procedures: air baths, finger gymnastics, breathing exercises, game self-massage.

Game activity: mobile, didactic, story, folk games.

Project Implementation Plan. Stages:


1. Drawing up a plan for the implementation of the project and the study of methodological literature.

3. Study of modern normative documents regulating health protection activities;

4. Development of a long-term plan for the organization of sports and leisure activities;

5. Preparation of a series of thematic studies.

6. Selection of fiction for reading to children.

7. Selection of didactic material.

8. To acquaint teachers and parents with the project.


Classes with children with the introduction of effective health-saving technologies;

2. Organization of an exhibition of children's drawings on the theme "We want to be healthy."

3. Making a collage "Be healthy"

4. Printed advice for parents A mobile lifestyle is the key to children's health»; "Children's Healthy Lifestyle".


1. Carrying out sports entertainment

2. Design of the exhibition of children's drawings "We want to be healthy".

3. To form in children elementary ideas about a healthy lifestyle.

Work plan for Health Week




Conversation on the topic: “Where do diseases come from” Purpose: to form an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bhealth, diseases, microbes; provide basic information about infectious diseases, ways of spreading diseases; Learn to take care of not only your own health, but also the health of those around you.

Gymnastics for the eyes "Merry Dwarf" Purpose: to teach children to concentrate their eyes on distant objects; develop observation, vigilance.

D / and "Benefit-harm" Purpose: to teach pupils to classify products according to their harmfulness and benefits to the human body; develop logical thinking, attention; educate the desire to lead a healthy lifestyle.

Exercise for self-correction of posture. Purpose: to teach children during the day to independently perform an exercise for self-correction of posture; develop physical skills; develop a desire to take care of your health.

Relay game using non-standard equipment (cones, small boards). Purpose: to improve the ability of children to keep balance, throw objects at a horizontal target at a distance of 3m; to form the ability to navigate in space; develop dexterity, speed of movement, the ability to listen correctly and quickly complete tasks; evoke the joy of participating in the competition.


Situational conversation “Why do I need charging. Goal: continue to involve pupils in regular physical education; develop creative abilities in inventing exercises for morning exercises; foster a competitive spirit, respect for each other.

Ball game What sports do you know? » Purpose: To consolidate the knowledge of pupils about sports; develop dexterity when catching the ball; activate dictionary.

Physical culture leisure "On the sports ground" Purpose: to create a positive emotional mood, to increase the physical activity of pupils; develop a sense of camaraderie, mutual assistance; create joy from joint activities; to form an interest in physical culture, a healthy lifestyle.

Examination of books, albums about sports. Purpose: to clarify the pupils' understanding of different sports, the very concept of "sport", about why people go in for physical education and sports; develop speech.

Productive activity "Draw your favorite sport." Purpose: to consolidate the ability to independently set parameters6 goal-result; independently organize their activities; to consolidate the ability to use in their work, previously acquired knowledge about sports; develop the ability to create a complete composition; develop interest in sports.


Joint activity "What is health and how to maintain it" Purpose: To consolidate the concept of "health", to expand children's knowledge about preventive measures to prevent diseases and injuries; to teach to build judgments based on their personal experience and the experience of other children, adults; develop dialogue.

C / r game "Shop of useful products" Purpose: to consolidate the knowledge of pupils about healthy foods; develop volitional interaction, dialogical speech.

I / y “Draw health, illness” Purpose: to develop abstract thinking; the ability to independently build associations; develop creative thinking; nurture interest in non-standard activities.

Pair relays. Purpose: to improve the ability of children to complete tasks in pairs, coordinating their movements in various balance exercises, in jumping on two legs moving forward, crawling on all fours, climbing into a vertical hoop; develop the ability to navigate in space, dexterity, speed of movement, endurance; cultivate friendships between children.

Psychogymnastics. Purpose: to balance the emotions of children, to maintain a positive emotional mood in the afternoon; harmonize the work of organs, brain, state of mind.


Conversation: “Cleanliness is the key to health” Purpose: to form an idea among pupils about the importance of observing the rules of personal hygiene for health; develop thinking, memory, attention; foster a culture of personal hygiene.

Sports exercise "My back is straight." Purpose: prevention of posture disorders in pupils; to consolidate the knowledge of pupils about the importance of maintaining correct posture; develop endurance, physical skills; educate the desire to lead a healthy lifestyle.

The relay game is linear with non-traditional movement of participants. Purpose: to improve the ability of pupils in jumping in various ways; crawling on the stomach with an object on the head; crawling on all fours, pushing the ball head first; to consolidate the ability to hit the target when throwing an object, standing with your back to the target; develop speed of movement, agility, flexibility, ability to navigate in space.

Reading sayings and proverbs about health. Purpose: to continue to form knowledge about the importance of a healthy lifestyle for a person; develop the ability to understand the conceptual meaning of proverbs and sayings; develop speech, attention, thinking; educate the desire to lead a healthy lifestyle.


Conversation: "Vitamins in human life." Purpose: to form pupils' knowledge about the role of vitamins in human life; about what vitamins, from what foods we can get.

Quiz "What do we know about health." Purpose: to generalize and systematize the knowledge of pupils about the concept of "health", "healthy"; develop logical thinking, speech; purposefulness, the ability to clearly answer the questions of the quiz; teamwork skills; educate respect for their health and the health of others.

Outdoor games for children. Purpose: to develop the physical skills of pupils, speed, agility, coordination of movements, endurance; nurture interest in joint gaming activities.

Sports entertainment "Merry Starts" Purpose: to instill love for physical culture and sports; develop speed, agility, ingenuity, competitive spirit, purposefulness; educate interest in sports and a healthy lifestyle.

Sports entertainment in the senior and preparatory group "Funny Starts".

Hello guests! We dedicate today's sports competitions to a healthy lifestyle.

Who is with physical education on you

Dreams come true in life.

To be in good health

You have to be in sportswear.

We meet guests at competitions

We wish you to be athletic.

Well, it's time for us to start. Meet our teams!

"Neboleyka" and "Vitamins" teams lined up to the music.

Today we have everything like in real competitions. All competitions will be evaluated by a respected jury (represented by the jury). We wish you success!

We repeat the rules of the relay games with the children:
We play fair and together.
- We play not for the sake of self-interest, but for the sake of pleasure.
- If you win - rejoice, if you lose - do not be upset.

Sport, guys, is very necessary,
We are very friendly with sports.
Sports help! Sport is health!

Guys, to be healthy, you need to play sports. What sports do you know? Today's our relay races are unusual, each of them is dedicated to some kind of sport. Let's start our competition.

1. Warm up. Task: to pass the ball to the team members overhead without dropping it.

2. Relay with the ball. Task: carry the ball to the finish line, holding the ball between the legs, go around the pin and return to the team, pass the baton to another team member.

3. Basketball. Task: bring the ball to the line, throw the ball into the ring.

4. Throwing. Objective: roll the dice into the basket.

Let's relax a little with the body and work with the mind! Riddles about sports and health.

· Health Riddles

To not be frail, lethargic,

Didn't lie under the covers

Didn't get sick and was fine

Do every day ... (exercise)

· I have no time to hurt my friends,

I play football and hockey.

And I'm very proud of myself

What gives me health ... (sports) Well done, guessed it! And now, we offer you an explainer game. We will explain to you, and you will have to give an answer ..

People run all over the field, kicking the ball with their feet. (football).

2. The ball hit the goal. (Goal). 3. Athletes dance beautifully on ice. (figure skating). 4. Opponents in the ring beat each other with gloves. (boxing). 5. The athlete must throw the ball into the opponent's basket. (basketball).

People run on the ice, hitting the puck with a stick. (hockey). 7. They are agile, jumpy and flexible. (gymnasts). 8. Lift weights off the floor. (weightlifters). 9. Two athletes with rackets throw the ball to each other over the net. (Tennis). 10. Athletes try to swim a certain distance as quickly as possible. Swimming.

We rested, we continue our competition.

5. "Skate." Task: to snake along the path, bending around the skittles without hitting them, hands behind the back, imitating skating.

6. "Throw the puck into the goal" Objective: to snake to the line, score a goal in the goal, return to the team, pass the stick.

In order for us to play hockey, what do we need to take in our hands? (Stick)

7. "Freestyle" Task: pass the obstacle course. (hoop, racks, barrier)

8. “Build a pedestal out of cubes” Task: children run one by one and transfer the cubes to another hoop, build a pedestal slide. Then they return back to the team, pass the baton to another.

Our competition has come to an end. And while the jury is summing up, we invite you to play the game "Doctor Healer of the Future".

Each child enters into the image of a doctor-healer of the future, to whom everything is subject. The doctor treats with stroking, sympathy. He orders the authorities:
- Heart, dear, work well, rhythmically, be kind.
- Blood, be clean, healthy, wash all the vessels of the body.
- Tummy, be soft, my intestines, work accurately and at the right time.

Next, the children sit in the pose of a fakir, relax; in front of them are glasses with warm water /boiled/. They make passes over the glass /breath free, while exhaling, the guys slowly and drawlingly pronounce: “a-u-m” /. As they continue to make passes, they say:
- The water is clean, healthy - I will never get sick, I will always be cheerful, sweet, beautiful. Children drink water.

The jury sums up and awards. At the end, repeat the speech.

Sport, guys, is very necessary,
We are very friendly with sports.
Sports help! Sport is health!
Sport is a game! Physical training!

Prepared and conducted by educators of the senior and preparatory groups: Mikulenene N.O. and Kalinkina A.N.

Galina Vladimirovna Vasilyeva
Planning on the topic "Health Week" in the preparatory group

Topic: « health week»

Target: Strengthening the physical and mental health by introducing the child to healthy lifestyle

RPPS: ECT, paintings, postcards, riddles, sayings, equipment for experiments, didactic games Final event: Quest game "Looking for health»

Time interval: 09.07.18 -13.07.18

the date: 07/09/18 Day weeks Monday"Purity Day"

The first half of the day. SOD

Directions Morning exercises Tasks: improve the motor activity of children, help strengthen health


Conversation "Where do diseases come from"

Tasks: form an idea of health, diseases, microbes; provide basic information about infectious diseases, ways of spreading diseases; learn to take care of not only your own health, but also the health of the people around.

OBZh game "Dangerous-safe" A task: to consolidate children's knowledge of how to take care of their own health

Independent play activity. Tasks: improve the ability to independently organize games, use attributes

Canteen duty

Tasks: to improve children's ability to clean dishes neatly after eating

P / game " "Who was named - catches the ball"Target: strengthening the ability to catch the ball, developing dexterity

OOD - Physical culture

Topic: on plan Tasks: on plan


babysitting supervision (sweeping the gazebo)

Cognitive - research activities "Consider the shape of the grains of sand" Tasks: develop observation, the desire to maintain order

Target: development of cognitive interest.

P / s "Through the stream" Target: improvement of motor activity of children

P / s "Cat and Mice" Target: development of running, speed of reaction

P / s "Third wheel" Target: development of attention, dexterity

II half of the day. SOD

hardening activities

Target: strengthening children's health

Reading fiction. V. Mayakovsky "What is good and what is bad" Target: the formation of listening skills, help to understand the meaning of what is read

Exercises "Big Frogs" Target: improving the ability to jump from a place on two legs

3. Offer children natural and waste material for children's free activities Tasks: promote the development of children's creative abilities

Fix individual work with Bogdan, Polya L, Stas game "Tell me about your pattern" Tasks: to learn to master spatial representations: left, right, top, bottom

game situation "Clean Up" Tasks: to cultivate accuracy, to know that each thing should have its place


Sky watching Target



vie with the family Counseling at the request of parents

the date: 10.07.18 Day week Tuesday"A day of sun, air and water"

The first half of the day. SOD

plan physical education instructor

Socio-communicative, cognitive, verbal, physical,

Socio-communicative, cognitive, verbal, physical,

Socio-communicative, cognitive, speech, physical, artistic and aesthetic development

3. Conversation "Sun, water and air in our life" - Tasks: to form in children knowledge about the importance of the sun, water, air in human life.

Cognitive research activity. "Sun Bunnies" Target: development of cognitive interest

Independent motor activity. Tasks

Duty:. work in the corner nature: wash plants. Tasks:: invite children to talk about why it is necessary to wash indoor plants; improve labor skills and abilities.

P / s "Ocean is shaking" Target: development of imagination, fantasy

OOD - Music by plan music director


Sun watching Target: development of interest in observation, the ability to draw conclusions

P/ and: "Brook" Target: strengthening the ability to follow the rules of the game

P / s "Catch a Mosquito" Target: development of high jump skills

P / s "Sun and Rain"

Labor assignments: putting things in order in the gazebo, sandbox Target: developing the ability to quickly respond to a signal


II half of the day. SOD

hardening activities

Walking on massage mats, breathing exercises Target: strengthening children's health

Guessing riddles about water, air, sun Target: activation and enrichment of the dictionary, development of thinking

Solving a problem situation “What would happen if all the water and air on Earth disappeared?” A task: develop curiosity, give knowledge of what is necessary to sustain life and provide human health.

Individual development work with Rita, Leroy, Pasha learn a saying “Close the faucet tightly so that the ocean does not flow out” Target: fostering respect for water

Drawing "Journey to the Kingdom of Water" Tasks: to teach children to respect water - after all, there is very little fresh water suitable for human consumption; expand the horizons of children; develop drawing skills

Independent gaming activity in a theatrical corner Target: strengthening the ability to select the necessary attributes for the game, fostering friendliness


Cloud watching Target: expand ideas about the sky and its influence on our lives planets; develop a perception of the beauty and diversity of the celestial sphere.

P / s "Third wheel" Target: development of agility

the date: 11.07.18 Day weeks Wednesday"Vitamin Day"

The first half of the day. SOD

Directions Morning exercises By plan physical education instructor

Socio-communicative, cognitive, verbal, physical,

Presentation "All About Vitamins" 1. Tasks: to give children knowledge about the benefits of vitamins for our body. Get to know the concept "vitamins group A, B, C, D, E" and the products in which they are contained. To consolidate children's knowledge about the need for vitamins in the human body, about the benefits of foods that contain vitamins.

Cognitive and research activities Experience "Taste of Water" Tasks: find out if the water has a taste.

Independent motor activity. Tasks: improve the ability to independently organize outdoor games, cultivate friendliness

Canteen duty Tasks:: continue to improve labor skills and abilities.

P / s "Bear and bees" Target: improving the ability to run in all directions, follow the rules of the game

Artistic and aesthetic development

Socio-communicative, cognitive, verbal, physical,

Socio-communicative, cognitive, speech, physical, artistic and aesthetic development of the OOD - Physical Education

Topic: on plan physical education instructor Tasks: on plan physical education instructor Source


Excursion to the garden

game exercise "Make a riddle about what grows in the garden" Tasks: examine the beds, tell what grows on them, remind children about the benefits of vegetables.

Target: improving the ability to compose riddles according to the cinquain scheme

Didactic game

for orientation in space. Tasks: to clarify the knowledge of children of the left and right side.

P/ and: "Trap" Target: improving the ability to play together, play the main role, run without pushing

P / s "Who quickly", Target: development of speed of reaction, running

P / s "Hide and Seek"

Labor assignments: weeding flower beds Target: development of interest in joint games

Target: the formation of the necessary skills of labor activity

II half of the day. SOD

hardening activities

Walking on massage mats, breathing exercises Target: strengthening children's health

Reading D. Kharms "Very tasty pie" Tasks: develop interest in reading, love for books

Invite the children to make dummies for the game "Vegetable shop" A task: continue children to work together, develop skills to work with paper, glue

Individual work with Polya, Dasha, Yura on speech development situational conversation

Why do you need to eat fruits and vegetables? Target: improving children's ability to answer questions

The game "Wonderful bag" Tasks: to consolidate the ability to identify vegetables, fruits by touch

Independent play activity in the sports corner Target: strengthening the ability to select the necessary attributes for the game


Examining illustrations of medicinal plants. Target: enrichment of vocabulary, expansion of children's knowledge

The game "Tic Tac Toe" Target: development of friendliness, logical thinking


N. Egorov "Radish", "Peas", "Cucumbers", "Tomato";

Riddles about vegetables, fruits, berries;

the date: 12.07.18 Day weeks Thursday"Healthy Food Day"

The first half of the day. SOD

Directions Morning exercises By plan physical education instructor

Socio-communicative, cognitive, speech, physical, artistic and aesthetic development D / and "Bread is the head of everything."

Tasks: to consolidate children's knowledge that bread is one of the most important food products in Russia, black bread is especially useful and rich in vitamins

Independent activity

"Coloring coloring pages vegetables fruits - berries" Target: development of attention, improvement of coloring skills

Examining illustrations and solving riddles about products. Tasks: continue to introduce products, their beneficial properties, vitamins that they contain. Develop observation, logical thinking, attention, speech.

Duty: take care of indoor plants. Target: instilling labor skills

Research - experimental activity: an experience "Air in a glass" A task: Set properties

materials: Glass, water

Turn the glass upside down and slowly lower it into the jar. To draw the children's attention to the fact that the glass must be held very evenly. What happens? Does water get into the glass? Why not?

Conclusion: there is air in the glass, it does not let water into it.

The game "Fishing rod" Target: development of dexterity, ability to bounce

Artistic and aesthetic development

Socio-communicative, cognitive, verbal, physical,

Socio-communicative, cognitive, speech, physical, artistic and aesthetic development

OOD - Music

Topic: on plan music director A task:: on plan musical director Source


Monitoring the unloading of products in the store Tasks: develop attention, observation

P/ and: "Running in pairs" Target: development of agility, running

P / s "Brook" Target: development of benevolence

P / s "The ball is hot" Target: strengthening the skills of throwing and catching the ball

II half of the day. SOD

hardening activities

Walking on massage mats, breathing exercises Target: strengthening children's health

P / s "Catch a Mosquito". The task is to form the ability to bounce, develop dexterity

Reading Marina Soboleva

"Tale of healthy eating A task: to teach children to feel and understand the meaning of a fairy tale, to remember that healthy nutrition benefits the human body

Didactic game "Useful Not Helpful", Tasks: development of thinking, ingenuity

S/r game "In the cafe" Tasks: learn to use the knowledge gained in the game, develop the plot of the game


Watching the weather Target: developing an interest in observation

Individual work with Anya, Egor L, Oleg to learn L. Zilberg's quatrain

"I never lose heart

And a smile on your face

Because I accept

Vitamins A, B, C.

Target: development of memory, thinking, expressiveness of speech.

P / s "Don't stay on the ground" Target: education of friendliness, speed of reaction

Interaction with the family Consultation for parents "Child Nutrition".

the date: 13. 07.18 Day Friday of the week"Fun workout day"

The first half of the day. SOD

Directions Morning exercises By plan physical education instructor

Socio-communicative, cognitive, verbal, physical, Conversation "Sports and Athletes" Tasks: arouse children's interest in sports and athletes.

Reading thin. Literature S. Mogilevskaya "About Masha and a toothbrush" Target: development of the ability to listen to the story carefully, answering the teacher's questions.

Independent play activity with sports equipment Target: development of agility

Vigil by nature: watering and loosening plants Tasks: improve children's ability to care for plants; to educate children in a responsible attitude to caring for plants

D/ game "Find the mistake" Target: development of logical thinking of children.

P / s "Change of Places" Tasks: develop the ability to line up smoothly, act in concert, on a signal

Socio-communicative, cognitive, verbal, physical

Socio-communicative, cognitive, speech, physical, artistic and aesthetic development of OOD - Physical culture in the air

Topic: By plan physical education instructor Tasks: By plan physical education instructor


Cognitive research activity knowledge of the social and objective world "Who to be? What to be?. Tasks: to generalize and supplement the knowledge of children about the rules of hygiene; promote the harmonious physical development of children through various sports games, relay races, etc. Discuss which habits can become the key to future well-being, and which habits for our health what qualities and how we can develop in ourselves.

Observation of birch and rowan Target:: consolidating children's knowledge about trees, fostering respect for nature

P / Russian folk game "Paints" Target: development of speed of reaction to a signal

P / s "On one leg along the path"

Target: development of dexterity, the ability to jump on one leg

Breathing exercises "Listen to your breath" Tasks: to teach children to listen to their breathing, determine the type of breathing, its depth, frequency, and according to these signs - the state of the body.

II half of the day. SOD

hardening activities

Walking on massage mats, breathing exercises Target: strengthening children's health

creative workshop: Painting souvenirs for competition winners Tasks: develop imagination, cultivate a desire to give joy to comrades.

Logical task for FEMP "Find the missing piece" Target: development of attention, thinking, ingenuity

Individual work with, Fields, Oleg, Stas on physical development "Who will jump further?" Tasks: to improve the ability to jump long

P/i P/i "We are funny guys" Tasks: continue to teach children to act on a signal, run from one side of the site to the other quickly with dodging.

Role-playing game "Sporting Goods Store". Tasks: to expand the ideas and enrich the playing experience of children in this topic, to teach in a new way to convey the content of game roles.


Cloud watching

Target: development of desire to observe, imagination

Independent motor activity. Tasks: to improve the ability to independently organize outdoor games

Interaction with family "The Importance of Walking Barefoot"

Tasks: Involve parents in joint physical activities; promote bonding between children and parents

MBDOU CRR-Kindergarten No. 125 "Yablonka"





Target: to reinforce in children the idea of ​​a healthy lifestyle,

about health values;

to instill the desire and ability to lead a healthy lifestyle;

contribute to increasing the competence of parents and the growth of their

Nikolaeva M.N., educator




    Rhythmic morning exercises

    Preventive gymnastics (breathing, posture improvement, visual, prevention of flat feet)

    Awakening gymnastics, track of "health" in the group;

    Game self-massage of the auricles, finger gymnastics;

    hardening procedures

    Music therapy (morning reception, awakening), minutes of silence, background music for classes.

Theme of the day, slogan


Final event

Monday "Clean Day"

“Both adults and children should know that health is the most important thing in the world”

expand children's knowledge about the culture of hygiene;

develop a positive attitude towards a healthy lifestyle.

Conversation:"Healthy Teeth - Beautiful Smile"

Watching cartoons and reading fiction:“Fedorino grief”, “Moydodyr”, “Oh and Ah!”, A. Barto “The grimy girl”,

Didactic, speech, role-playing games by topic

    Teeth brushing calendar

    Summing up the competition for the cleanest towel


"Let's play sports"

“There is no better recipe in the world - be inseparable from sports!”

To promote the formation of healthy lifestyle values ​​in children: playing sports is very beneficial for human health.

Collective viewing OD in the senior group "Secret of Health"

Lesson-conversation“In order to be healthy always, you need to exercise”

Reading fiction S. Mikhalkov "About mimosa", I. Semyonov "How to become a non-sick"

Mobile, sports games, relay races in the group and in the fresh air

Independent play activity in the centers of activity and creativity

    Collective poster on the topic of the day

Wednesday "Doctors are our assistants"

“If you want to be healthy, temper yourself!”

To continue to acquaint children with the profession of a doctor, to give children an idea of ​​the significance of his work, his caring attitude towards his patients.

Meeting with Dr. Aibolit(conversations of the head nurse “Journey for useful advice,

Quiz"Ah - it hurts!"

Artistic creativity"03" - in a hurry to help "

    Summing up the quiz

    Carrying out the action "We are for a healthy lifestyle"!(Invitation of parents, kindergarten employees to morning exercises, physical education)

Thursday "Healthy Eating"

to expand children's knowledge about vitamins, about their benefits for human health, about the content of certain vitamins in different products.

Conversations: "Friends vitamins", "Useful products"

GCD"Visiting the Zdorovyachkov"

theatrical performance for ml. group "Mashenka and laziness"

Collective - creative work "Healthy foods".

Reading fiction: G. Zaitsev "Bon appetit"

    Cooking healthy meals:

"Fruit Barbecue"

    Stock "First aid kit for the soul."

Anyone can cheer themselves up by pulling out a card with a positive statement or wish.

- Friday -

"Healthy laughter in a healthy body"

« Our motto is four words: WE ARE HEALTHY - THIS IS COOL!

formation of a stable habit to the mode of physical activity, interest and need for physical self-improvement, education of a sense of humor

Ultimate sports entertainment"Funny relay races" together with children of the 1st senior group

    Photo report on the Health Week

"Family, health, children - the best thing in the world!"

Attachment 1.




"Clean Day"

Competition for the cleanest towel among "fidgets"


"Be inseparable from sports"

Children's stories about their sports successes,

about the sporting achievements of their mothers and fathers


“If you want to be healthy, temper yourself!”

Quiz "Ah - it hurts"


“I love vitamins - I want to be healthy!”

    Cooking Healthy Meals: Fruit Barbecue

2. Campaign "First aid kit for the soul"

Anyone can cheer themselves up by pulling out a card with

a positive statement or wish.


"Healthy laughter in a healthy body!"

    "Fun starts" with children of the 1st senior group

    Photo exhibition "Family, health, children - the best thing in the world!"

Appendix 2


draw the sun

At the start, in front of each team, there are gymnastic sticks according to the number of players. In front of each team, at a distance of 5-7 meters, put a hoop. The task of the relay race participants is to alternately, on a signal, running out with sticks, spread them out in rays around their hoop - "draw the sun."


In front of the teams standing in columns, a starting line is drawn, and 10-12 m from each of them, racks are placed or stuffed balls are placed. At the signal of the host, the first numbers from each team run to the racks, run around them, return to their column, but do not stop, but go around it and run to the racks again. When they cross the starting line, the second numbers join them, clasping the first by the belt. Now the players are running around the rack together. In the same way, third numbers join them, and so on. The game ends when the whole team, representing the train cars, finishes.


Each team receives a thick rope (rope), which all players take with their right or left hand, evenly distributed on both sides of the rope. Then each of the participants of the attraction, depending on which side of the rope he is standing on, takes the ankle of the right or left leg with his right or left hand. At the signal of the lead centipede, they jump forward 10-12 meters, holding on to the rope, then turn around and jump back. You can run just on two legs, but then you should put the guys very close to each other. Victory is awarded to the team that reaches the finish line first.

Baba Yaga

Relay game. A simple bucket is used as a mortar, a mop is used as a broom. The participant stands with one foot in the bucket, the other remains on the ground. With one hand he holds a bucket by the handle, and in the other hand he holds a mop. In this position, it is necessary to go the whole distance and pass the mortar and broom to the next one.

In the swamp

Two participants are given two sheets of paper. They must go through the "swamp" along the "bumps" - sheets of paper. You need to put a sheet on the floor, stand on it with both feet, and put the other sheet in front of you.

relay race on scooters

Each member of the team, starting from the first, takes a scooter and rides forward, while going around the skittles, spaced at a distance of 1-1.5 meters from each other (5-7 pins). The participant returns in a straight line, passing the baton to the second participant.

planting potatoes

Teams line up in front of the starting line, as in the previous game. At a distance of 10-20 steps (depending on the size of the playground and the age of the players), 4-6 circles are drawn in front of the columns one and a half steps from one another. Those standing in front are given a bag filled with potatoes (according to the number of circles).

On a signal, the players with bags, moving forward, put one potato in each circle. Then they come back and pass the empty containers to the next players. They run forward to collect the planted potatoes and, having filled the bags, return to the third team number, who again runs forward to “plant potatoes”. After a run, the player stands at the end of his column. All team players are required to complete the layout and collection of potatoes.

Instead of circles, you can put small plastic hoops in front of the teams, replace potatoes with tennis balls. If there are no bags, you can take bags, baby baskets, buckets.

"Scrambled eggs"

It is necessary to put the scrambled eggs (balloon) in the pan, run to the cube (do not hold the ball with your hand).

Appendix 3


Each statement is better to add up, link with a heart. Arrange wishes prepared in this way on a tray or in a box.

Everyone who wants to choose a wish.

    Smile and the whole world will smile at you.

    A child needs your love the most just when he least deserves it.

    He who cannot take caress, he will not take and severity.

    Kind words leave a wonderful trace in the souls of people, they soften, comfort and heal the heart of the one who hears them.

    He who seeks flowers will find flowers; he who looks for weeds will find weeds.

    The bird of happiness sits only on the open palm.

    The holy science is to listen to each other.

    People are like window panes. They sparkle and shine when the sun shines. But when darkness reigns, their true beauty is revealed only through the light coming from within.

    Self-pity is the worst possible emotion. It destroys everything around, succumbing to it, you feel helpless. Stop being a victim, stop feeling sorry for yourself and be happy.

    The modern world is full of fuss, and we are very rarely grateful for the benefits that it bestows on us. Right now, think about everything you are grateful for: family, health, home, everything. Be grateful every day and you will be happy.

    We all say "No!" too often. Try saying "YES!" all the events in life more often. Say "Yes" to emotions, situations, social events - and you will be happy.

    Kindness has two sides. When you are kind, you feel happier and extend that feeling to someone else. Do more "random acts of kindness" every day—smile at someone, hold the door, buy someone a cup of coffee—and you'll be happy.

    Many of us spend our lives anywhere but in the “present”. We are obsessed with our past or our plans for the future, when only the present really exists. Make the decision to be happy TODAY.

    Extended research shows that the happiest and most successful people have the widest social circles. How many friends do you have? Be proactive, make more friends, and you'll be happier.

    The more you love, the happier you become. Try to give a little more love to everything around you: friends, family, nature, even enemies - open your heart - give them love and you will be happy!

    Dreams are the "spark plugs" of your spirit. They add excitement to each day and help you move forward. What are you dreaming about? Think about it, write down your dreams. And then implement them and you will be happy!

    True happiness can be found in small joys and everyday activities. Starting from a daily walk in the suburbs, ending with a glass of wine after work. Enjoy it, start your little "rituals" - and you will be happy.

    You are as happy as your lifestyle allows. For optimal levels of happiness, try walking for 40 minutes each day. Eat more fish, nuts, cheese. Enjoy and you will be happy.

    We often begin to look at life in a new way, having experienced the loss of a family member or a serious illness. However, do not expect life to remind you of the main thing in this way. Remember your true priorities right now - be happy.

    Avoid loud and aggressive people; they ruin the mood. Not
    compare yourself to no one: you run the risk of feeling worthless or
    become conceited. There is always someone who is greater or smaller,
    than you.

    Rejoice in your plans just as you rejoice in what you have already done.

    Many fears are bornfrom fatigue and loneliness.

    Whatever you do and whatever you dream about, in the noisy bustle of life
    keep peace in your soul. With all the insidiousness, monotonous labors andbroken dreams the world is still beautiful. Be attentive to him.
    Try to be happy.

    To appreciate someone's quality, you must have some share of this quality in yourself ...

    The past does not exist because it no longer exists. There is no future because it doesn't exist yet. Attachment to the past leads to depression; preoccupation with the future breeds anxiety.

    The famous success psychologist Napoleon Hill said: "Every trouble contains a grain of even greater positive." If you want to always feel good - think only about what you want, and not about what you don’t want!

    Try to surround yourself with decent, honest, open-minded, smart and successful people. We are our environment from which we learn everything we know. Spend more time with people you respect and learn from (it's especially important that your bosses fall into that category).

    Use every moment of time and every person to learn something new. If life brings you together with a professional in any field, try to understand what is the essence of his work, what are his motivations and goals. Learn to ask the right questions - even a taxi driver can be an invaluable source of information.

    Start traveling. It doesn't matter that there is no money for Argentina and New Zealand - the quality of rest has nothing to do with the money spent, and the best trips were to regions that are not at all distinguished by pathos and high cost. When you see how diverse the world is, you will stop obsessing over the small space around you and become more tolerant, calmer and wiser.

    Not all people think like you, your friends or relatives can give you advice that will sow doubt in you. Listen to your heart, not others.

    Be honest with yourself and with those around you. It is always highly valued, even when people don't acknowledge it publicly.

    In every person there are positive and negative qualities, which do you prefer to notice? Notice the merits of the people around you and sincerely praise them, after a while you will replace that people have become better and kinder, and it didn’t cost you anything.

    An optimistic outlook on life does not guarantee that everything in your life will be easy and simple, but it guarantees that you will overcome all difficulties more easily. What doesn't kill us makes us stronger, doesn't it?

    There is no such person in the world who has never been refused or let down. All our failures and small victories are the bricks of a huge wall, which is our success. There is no success without failure. Learn from your mistakes and failures, because a negative experience is also an experience.

    Positive thinking is useless without true motivation. You must live for something and be motivated to achieve that goal.

    In addition to positive thinking, love the people around you, be grateful for everything you have, and smile openly and sincerely more often.

    An optimist, even in a bad situation for himself, is looking for something positive. Practice and you will succeed. Start with small problems at work or in the family. Think about the current situation and find something positive in it.

    If you combine optimism with self-improvement, you will get more benefits in terms of improved health, appearance, professional skills, and some personal qualities.

    Make it a habit to see life through an optimistic lens. And habit, as you know, becomes second nature. .

    Do today what others do not want, tomorrow you will live in a way that others cannot.

    If the problem can be solved, don't worry about it. If the problem is unsolvable, there is no point in worrying about it. . Dalai Lama

    Even if you are very talented and put in a lot of effort, some results just take time: you won't have a baby in a month even if you get nine women pregnant. Warren Buffett

    Once in a lifetime, fortune knocks on the door of every person, but at this time a person often sits in the nearest pub and does not hear any knock. Mark Twain

    Our great shortcoming is that we give up too quickly. The surest way to success is to keep trying one more time. Thomas Edison

    Personally, I love strawberries with cream, but for some reason fish prefer worms. That's why when I go fishing, I don't think about what I love, but about what the fish loves. Dale Carnegie

    Waking up in the morning, ask yourself: "What should I do?" In the evening, before falling asleep: "What have I done?". Pythagoras

    The poor, unfortunate, unhappy and unhealthy is the one who often uses the word "tomorrow". Robert Kiyosaki

    Old people always advise young people to save money. This is bad advice. Don't hoard nickels. Invest in yourself. I never saved a dollar in my life until I was forty. Henry Ford

    I want it. So it will be.Henry Ford

    I have not been defeated. I just found 10,000 ways that don't work.Thomas Edison

    Hard work is the accumulation of easy things that you didn't do when you should have.John Maxwell

    I used to say, "I hope things change." Then I realized that there is only one way for everything to change - to change myself.Jim Rohn

    The lesson I learned and followed all my life was to try and try and try again - but never give up!Richard Branson

    Failure is just an opportunity to start over again, but more wisely.

Henry Ford

    The acquired knowledge does not guarantee that you will grow and develop, the main thing is the ability to apply them.

    A good idea without action is nothing.

    Opportunities should not be sought, but created.

    10% of our lives are influenced by uncontrollable circumstances, and the remaining 90% are influenced by how we respond to these circumstances.

    What we do not start today cannot be finished tomorrow, so it should never be put off.

    Waiting for ideal conditions in order to carry out your plans, you can be left with nothing.

    As long as you keep doing what you do, you will keep getting what you get.

    Don't be afraid of change. Most often, they happen exactly at the moment when they are needed.

    Discipline is needed to ensure that what you want most and what you want right now, you always choose the first.

    Difficult times cannot last forever, but if a person complicates everything himself, it is forever.

    Having a plan with some flaws is better than no plan at all.

    Regardless of how you make a living, you only work for one person – yourself. The main thing is to decide what you are selling and to whom?

    We all have our strengths. What worked for someone else may not work for you, and vice versa.

    You will never have a good idea unless you generate a lot of bad ones first.