Simple compliments for girls. Tender words to a girlfriend

Say compliments to the girl in your own words, because the main thing is that you put your warmth in them.

Thanks for adding to:

As soon as your beautiful, languid eyes look at me just once, I am transported to a small island full of bliss.

Multi-colored balloons always remind me of you: so unusual, cheerful and positive.

Mouse, bunny, kitty and fish are just common nicknames. I only want to call you my love.

Compliments to your girlfriend in your own words

I need you like oxygen, a sip of water, a healing dream. You are my drug, my happiness, irreplaceable love.

I saw the stars fall from the sky and the waves crash against the rocks, the sun rise in the morning and the full moon shine at night. But compared to you, it's all nothing. You are the most beautiful thing that has ever opened my eyes.

Beloved, priceless, stunning mine! I can talk, think and dream about you endlessly.

Compliments to a girl in your own words are short

Mathematicians think pi is a mystery, but they just don't know you. The real secret lies precisely in such an amazing girl like you.

My vulnerable and tender princess from a fabulous land. How lucky I am to find you.

You are as mysterious and bewitching as a solar eclipse.

My heart, soul, mind and will will always belong only to such a unique and wonderful girl like you.

They say magic doesn't exist. But your beautiful and sunny smile proves otherwise.

Pleasant compliments to a girl in your own words

To make food sweet, people add sugar to it. And for my life to be sweet, all I need is your presence next to me.

* * *

Countless compliments have been written for the girls you love. But no words can describe your spontaneity, beauty and ideality.

Often you want to write something nice to your girlfriend. Say a compliment in your own words that will cheer her up and be able to express the depth of your feelings.

And how often we just can not find the right words.

How to say nice words to a woman

Funny, romantic, perky, friendly, enthusiastic - it would be better if you use the full range of compliments. Each case has its own, special, phrase.

Of course, you can memorize some phrases, or you can learn to invent them yourself. After all, every woman wants to hear not banal phrases, but original ones, suitable for the situation, addressed only to her.

Important! The main condition for a good compliment is sincerity. Did you remember your first date and how beautiful she was that day? Don't delay, write her a message right now. Did you see beautiful flowers? Take a picture and tell her that she is as graceful as these roses.

Any compliment must be light and casual. And be sure to deliver the girl only positive emotions. And, of course, to yourself. After all, you imagine how she opens your message and smiles. Or even burst into tears of love and happiness.

And another law there are not many compliments. You never get tired of listening to nice things. Especially if you send them in a message. Indeed, at any moment, during a forced separation or at a moment of sadness, she will be able to turn on the phone and re-read them.

And of course, don't ignore her reaction:

  1. Did the girl react violently and enthusiastically to something? Repeat this often.
  2. Did you remain indifferent to something? Then maybe you should put it in other words.
  3. And if your phrase caused her indignation, remember these words and never write them again.

Watch a video that gives tips on how to say compliments in your own words:

The easiest way to learn how to say beautiful phrases is by memorizing compliments that your girlfriend will surely like.

Reference! You can also copy the best quotes and send them to her from time to time.

Templates for every occasion

About beauty

This is a win-win option, because every woman wants to be the most beautiful in the whole world.


  • Your eyes are a bottomless ocean and I'm drowning in them.
  • When I think about you, I forget everything - where I went, what I did, what I wanted.
  • Sometimes I'm afraid to meet you, because it seems to me that I'll just go blind from your beauty.
  • When a perfectionist suffers from the imperfection of the world, he just needs to look at you.
  • Every year I marvel at your beauty. It does not disappear, it becomes more and more bright and special.
  • I'm not drunk on wine, it's your beauty that intoxicates me.
  • Your lips are softer than all rose petals.
  • I will try my best to make you always smile. Your smile illuminates the world with a bright light.
  • You my angel. And it's not even about your divine beauty. I feel that you protect me from troubles and hardships.
  • I walk down the street and look for you in the crowd. But no one can even get close to you. You are the most beautiful and charming girl in the universe.
  • Even if the best artists worked on a painting for a thousand years, they would not be able to create a work of art comparable in beauty to you.

About inner qualities

All girls want to be appreciated not only for their beauty, but also for their inner qualities. In this case, pleasant words about the inner world of the interlocutor will come in handy.

Phrase templates:

  • Relationships with you help me become a better person. I'm worth nothing without you.
  • You are so witty that even now, remembering your jokes, I can't stop laughing.
  • Today I was told that I am probably the happiest person in the world. After all, I have the most beautiful, kind and sweet lover.
  • You understand me so well, as if we are one.
  • Looking forward to the evening when we can talk. After all, you are the smartest and most interesting interlocutor, you always say the right things.
  • You make me feel like I'm on top of the world!
  • Every day I learn from you the best human qualities - kindness, courage, the ability to rejoice and see the good.
  • When complimenting your girlfriend, try to focus on her individual characteristics. Then she will feel unique and truly loved and desired. Moreover, affectionate sincere words will surely please and surprise her.
  • Sometimes I feel like you read my mind. Nobody understands me the way you do.

Watch the video, which explains the secrets of building a pleasant phrase and gives templates for the best compliments:

About love

If you decide to tell a woman how much she is dear to you, you can use ready-made phrases.


  • All day I remember your smile, your laughter. There is nothing sweeter than this sound in the world.
  • It seems to me that I live only thanks to you. You are the one who makes me wake up in the morning.
  • I can't wait to meet you. After all, with you I forget about all the difficulties and problems.
  • As a child, I dreamed of finding a treasure. Now I understand that my main treasure is you. My dream has come true.
  • I know that my life would have no meaning if I had not met you.
  • I've never met a girl that I think about 24 hours a day.
  • You are like the strongest magnet. The further you go, the more I'm drawn to you.
  • You could be called a professional thief, because you stole my heart.
  • If, when I think of you, one star fell from the sky, the firmament would immediately be empty.
  • The sound of your voice is more pleasant to me than all the melodies of the world.
  • When you are near, I feel like in paradise. Now, when you are far away, it is as if I have been expelled from paradise.
  • If I had one last wish, I would ask for your kiss.
  • Every time I want to give you a compliment, I have no words to express my feelings. There are not enough words in the language to describe the full power of my love.
  • Whenever you say a word to me, my heart flips.
  • I love falling asleep hugging you. And wake up next to you. It gives me strength to enjoy every day.
  • When you're around, time disappears. When I'm alone, it stretches endlessly.
  • I would rather not live than live without you and your love.

What drives your loved one crazy? Here are 50 beautiful compliments to a girl, the most beautiful, gentle, pleasant, affectionate words and phrases that will make your beloved happy and make your cheeks burn with a bright flame of love.

Making an impression on a girl and harassing (in the sense of courting) her is the first and most faithful, time-tested way to charm, win a girl and be with her.

But the relationship of a man and a woman is somewhat more than a simple pursuit, the pursuit of the Predator after the Victim.

And the more love in the relationship between a guy and a girl, the more valuable the most minimal signs of attention from lovers to each other.

H tender, beautiful words, pleasant and affectionate compliments to your beloved girl just need to be said from time to time.

Aren't you flattered to hear sometimes a well-deserved compliment about your mind, strength, beauty, caring? Isn't it nice to hear a high assessment of your abilities and talents, especially from the lips of a dear, dear person?

So your girlfriend, too, sometimes just needs to HEAR that she is super, that she is the most beautiful of all, the most attractive, the most charming, the most delightful.

And even more so when it comes to girls, romantic gestures and heroic deeds are so important, sweet, sweet, kind words, meaningful quotes about love, but, most importantly, real deeds and attentive attitude, which again and again prove the love of a guy for a girl. .

After all, we do not waste time on those whom we do not love, who are indifferent to us. We do not compliment a random passerby without a special reason. But the beloved girl is not random and not any.

It is necessary to invest in her not only with strength and time, money and energy, but also with words, a high assessment of her achievements - so that she wants to become better for you.

How to give a girl a nice compliment? Yes, very simple. Pay attention to what she is most proud of in herself - and praise it, whether it be talent, appearance or a special wardrobe.

And do not forget about 50 beautiful compliments to a girl, which I publish below - they will help you speak gentle and affectionate words at the very first stage of mastering a difficult science.

50 beautiful words for a girl, gentle and pleasant compliments to a beloved woman

These compliments will make your girlfriend feel special. These compliments to your favorite girls really work - and they work for "Excellent".

But, before using them as a weapon to cheer up your beloved lady of the heart, consider a number of important points - otherwise they will not work.

How to compliment a girl

  • Choose the right moment - when she is not in a hurry, not in a hurry, not busy with anything, not longing for loneliness at all costs.
  • Be truthful and don't lie: only say what you really have in your heart. Lying or making fun of romantic feelings will be taken as a mockery and will hurt your girlfriend to the core - especially if the first part of the compliment was true.
  • These beautiful words and compliments to a girl can be said eye to eye, hugging her, or you can send them via SMS, e-mail and other modern methods.
  • The most important - FEEL IT FIRST, SPEAK AFTER.

The most beautiful compliments for girls are affectionate and the best

  1. Thank you for making me believe that kindred spirits do exist.
  2. You gave my life meaning - you are now the meaning of my life.
  3. I can't imagine life without you.
  4. How do you always manage to look so beautiful, amazing?
  5. When I'm next to you, I feel lucky. All my friends envy me because of you.
  6. You always know how to surprise me and make me happy. Just read in my heart like a book.
  7. You are the reason why I think my life is perfect.
  8. You look so cool when you laugh.
  9. You light up my day every time I see you.
  10. I dreamed about you all last night.
  11. I thought of you and kissed my pillow before waking up. Can you imagine?
  12. I can look at you forever. And I always feel like I miss you all the time. I always miss you. Can't get enough of you.
  13. I like the scent of your body.
  14. I feel so happy when I'm next to you, and when you're not around, my heart hurts.
  15. Spending time with you is my favorite hobby. At work, I only live in hope that I will see you later.
  16. You dance so well! You move so organically.
  17. You understand me so well - you directly read in my soul, as if from a book. Even I myself do not know myself so well and do not understand how you me.
  18. I can't wait for our wedding - I so want to spend the rest of my life with you.
  19. I'm happy just because I have you.
  20. You are my best friend.
  21. Thanks to your beautiful smile, all my stresses, troubles and problems disappear. You are like the morning dawn, like the sun that drives away the darkness.
  22. No, you're not fat at all. You are perfect - just the kind of complexion that I like. There is something to take on, it's nice to hold on.
  23. You could have any guy in this world, but you chose me - and I thank you for that.
  24. When I see you, I feel an incomprehensible tremor in my knees and an irresistible desire to touch you, hug you, caress you ...
  25. When I'm with you, I want time to stop. But, alas, it flies too fast.
  26. I regret that I did not meet you much earlier, that I wasted so many years.
  27. Just hearing your voice in the morning, I get a huge boost of energy and vigor for the whole day.
  28. From your smile I melt, fly away, and ...
  29. When we part and you look at me when parting, my heart literally stops and I don’t want to go anywhere ...
  30. You fulfilled all my dreams of the perfect girl - beautiful, smart, strong, and self-confident.
  31. I have never met such a wonderful person like you.
  32. I love you so much that I can’t even explain it to you, even though I tried many times. I love you more than any strongest love!
  33. You are the most beautiful girl I have ever met.
  34. I love touching your delicate skin with my hands - my hands enjoy giving you a massage.
  35. I want to spend the rest of my life trying to make you happy.
  36. Never change - I love you just the way you are.
  37. Thanks to you, I feel like a little joyful child in an extreme park. You are my adrenaline rush.
  38. It hurts me a lot to see you sad.
  39. You have such expressive eyes and a surprisingly deep, wise look ... I adore you, and I love your eyes.
  40. Because of you, I want to become better, change for the better - so I want to be worthy of your love.
  41. Butterflies flutter in my stomach when your hands touch my face.
  42. You look so chic and luxurious, and at the same time childishly naive that I'm afraid to touch you - you seem so airy and fragile.
  43. I don't think any other girl is anywhere near as perfect as you.
  44. You are exactly the person for whom I want to thank my fate.
  45. I love you.
  46. I love the way you say goodnight honey to me and kiss my cheek on the phone.
  47. I love it when your hair touches my fingers.
  48. I love it when you hug me and stroke me with your hands.
  49. I want to kiss every centimeter of your body.
  50. I got up in the morning with the thought of you and go to bed with a dream of you.
  51. I love you so much that I can't imagine life without you.

Do you want to check out these 50 affectionate and pleasant, beautiful compliments to your girlfriend in practice? Just tell the girl tender words from the bottom of your heart, from the bottom of your heart right now - and share the result!

Print and memorize!

1. beautiful
2. smart
3. caring
4. attractive
5. sexy

6. kind

7. tender

8. sweetheart

9. charming

10. charming

11. unique

12. indescribable

13. unforgettable

14. irresistible

15. chic

16. dazzling

17. passionate

18. inaccessible

19. divine

20. bewitching

21. angelic

22. radiant

23. sexy

24. bright

25. fluffy

26. awesome

27. stunning

28. slim

29. seductive

30. flirtatious

31. refined

32. graceful

33. funny

34. energetic

35. creative

36. stylish

37. sociable

38. tactful

39. love bountiful

40. romantic

41. versatile

42. fabulous

43. cute

44. ardent

45. single

46. ​​sweet

47. sweetie

48. mind-blowing

49. Desirable

50. unpredictable

51. enigmatic

52. blooming

53. Flawless

54. harmonious

55. Responsive

56. perfect

57. best

58. modest

59. exquisite

60. playful

61. dreadful

62. sincere

63. friendly

64. understanding

65. extravagant

66. dreamy

67. fragrant

68. sparkling

69. ambitious

70. alluring

71. enthusiastic

72. disinterested

73. direct

74. seductive

75. intoxicating

76. cheerful

77. lovely

78. smiling

79. shy

80. incendiary

81. honest

82. arousing

83. candid

84. playful

85. charming

86. drop dead

87. purposeful

88. marvelous

89. feminine

90. happy

91. incomparable

92. radiant

93. sweetheart

94. necessary

95. marvelous

96. fabulous

97. touching

98. petite

101. I like your crazy unpredictability...

102. I like that you could become the one and only for me ...

103. I like that you often say: "With you I became REALLY happy."

104. I like that you understand me so well, like no one else.

105. I like your sincere sensuality and unbridled sexuality.

106. I like that I was able to win the real embodiment of femininity.

107. I like that you think of me and believe in my strength...

108. I like your wild seductiveness...

109. I am subdued by your tenderly intriguingly mysterious look...

110. I like your "Moo-r-r" when you cling to my shoulder ...

111. I like your inspiring smile for great accomplishments...

112. I like your figure of a beautiful nymph...

113. I like your affectionate and playful cat behavior...

114. I like that you are able to give an infinite amount of warmth and smiles to others ...

115. I like that you like being beautiful just for me...

116. I like that you are so touchingly gentle with me...

117. I like that you are so changeable - from a seductive devil when we are alone, to a strict and collected business lady, with an invariably flirtatious look when I pick you up from work ...

118. ... and in any guise you smile regally...

119. I like that you know how to be silent with me ...

120. I like that you are interested in what I think...

121. I like that after kissing Your fragrance remains on My lips...

122. I like that you miss me even after my short absence...

123. I like how you fall asleep on my shoulder...

124. I like that you hear the beat of my heart...

125. I like that you are so affectionate and passionate at night that in the morning you just don’t want to get up and it’s impossible to tear yourself away from you ...

126. I like that so we don't have to wake up early on weekends...

127. I like the sensations that arise when I stroke you ...

128. I like to carry you in my arms ...

129. I like that you give me the opportunity to feel like a man ...

130. I like that you are my sunshine...

131. I like that you love to lie on my shoulder in the cinema ...

132. I like that after the movie my clothes smell like your perfume...

133. I like that when I put it on the next day - the feeling that You are near and hugging me ...

134. I like that you cook insanely delicious ...

135. I like your soft and warm fingertips...

136. I like the touch of your gently cool palms...

137. I like your playful nails...

138. I like that my heart beats faster when I see you...

140. I like our bets...

141. I like to pleasantly surprise you and see surprise on your face...

142. I like that you are trying to surprise me in return ...

143. I like that you want to be the very best for me ...

144. I like your crystal laughter...

145. I like the tickling of your fluffy eyelashes...

146. I like the touch of your fingers to the point of insanity ...

147. I like that you taught me to believe in happy eyelashes and other signs, although I'm not superstitious ...

148. I like your playful bangs...

149. I like that we are able to see the unusual in ordinary things...

150. I like that you opened new writers and their heroes for me...

151. I like that we "entered the castle from the rain" ...

152. I like that only you can kiss my hands like that...

153. I like that I smile while waiting for you ...

154. I like how you accidentally touch me when we are in a cafe or restaurant ...

155. I like that all happy poems are about us...

156. I like that you share my love for boating...

157. I like that you adore when I massage you with aromatic oil ...

158. ... and then you turn into a witch, like Bulgakov's Smile...

159. I like that you left traces of gentle cat paws in my soul, clinging to it with claws ...

160. I like that you appreciate me...

161. I like to feel your body when we lie in the bathroom...

162. I like that you are my princess...

163. I like that you are comfortable in my bed Smile...

164. I like that every evening I wait for your call...

165. I like that you hug me with your eyes ...

166. I like that you smile happily when I give you flowers ...

167. I like that you give me affection ...

168. I like the way you touch me with cold fingers quietly coming up from behind ...

169. I like that it is interesting for us to look at the beauty of the northern sky together ...

170. I like your unexpected visits...

171. I like that suspiciously often I escort you home precisely at night ... fate? wink...

172. I like that the sand has stopped in the hourglass that you gave me...

173. ... which means we are together until the end of time ...

174. I like that you DO NOT care about the opinions of others...

175. I like the feeling when we give each other a massage ...

176. I like our frank conversations...

177. I like that you learned how to deliciously make my favorite cocktail of vermouth and cola ...

178. I like that you are just with me, and no extra words and promises are needed ...

179. I like your view on many things and questions...

180. I like that you try to be erotic and seductive for me...

181. I like that you do good deeds to others...

183. I like to just walk with you ...

184. I like that you adore space ...

185. I like the way you send me a kiss when you say goodbye...

186. I like that you believe that "everything will be not just good, but GREAT!!!" ...

187. I like to wake up in the morning only with you...

188. I like that you want to be an unusual bride...

189. I like that you love to play with my hands...

190. I like that you call just to hear my voice...

191. I like that you gave me the northern sky with its breathtaking white nights...

192. I like that you dream of me ...

193. I like that you are an attentive, gentle, feline-sexy, inventive, passionate, affectionate, playful lover ...

194. I like that you are worried about our relationship...

195. I like that the phrase: "To the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world. You are the world to me." About Us...

196. I like that you seem like an angel in the light of the white night ...

197. I like that you are a LADY!!!...

198. I like that you are my soul mate...

199. I like that you are my ALL life ...

200. I like that I'm just happy if you're around...

201. I like that you see me as a knight...

202. I'm crazy about romantic dinners prepared by you...

203. I like that I want to see only you next to me ....

204. I like that you always try to understand me...

205. I bow before your patience with my character...

206. I like that my shirt, which you touched in the morning, keeps the warmth of your hands all day ...

207. I like that none of us try to pull the Wink blanket at night...

208. The sexuality of your tummy drives me crazy ...

209. I like the tenderness with which you take care of the flowers I gave ...

210. I like that when you are around, the world around is filled with happiness...

211. I like that people around smile when we walk, embracing, along the street ...

212. I like that even in business clothes you look very seductive...

213. I like how we read poems to each other at night ...

214. I like the commonality of our literary tastes...

215. I like that my life after our meeting has become so unusual...

216. I like those little holidays that you arrange for me ...

218. I like that your affection and love can lift even a very "cloudy" mood...

219. I like that we are together despite all circumstances...

220. I like that you are so sensually seductive on Saturday evenings ...

221. I like to listen to the rain with you...

222. I like our night walks...

223. I love to sit with you in our favorite cafe...

224. I like that when you are far away, you call and ask to play OUR music on the phone ...

225. I like that with you I learned to be gentle without losing my masculinity...

226. I like that you and I successfully pass all the tests of our love...

227. I like that my friends admire your charm...

228. I like how you make amazing coffee...

229. I like that the roses that I give stand at your house for long weeks without fading ...

230. I like that I have become with you a "model" that my girlfriends make their young people look up to ...

231. I like that we burn with the same fire...

232. I like that we ourselves chose each other ...

233. I like that I do 1000 crazy things for you...

234. I like that we can easily say goodbye before parting ...

235. I like that you are waiting for me, wherever I am ...

236. I like that when we lie, embracing, our hearts beat to the beat ...

237. I like that our hands themselves are looking for each other when we walk side by side ...

238. I like that we can dance with you even without music ...

237. I like that my care is dear to you...

238. I am proud that you appreciate my ability to cook deliciously ...

239. I like that you left everything in order to be with me ...

240. I like that we can be together indefinitely and not get tired of each other ...

241. I like that our relationship dragged us like an avalanche...

242. ... and we did not save ourselves from it Smile ...

243. I like that no one did for me the things that you could do ...

244. I like that our decisions are supported by the universe itself, giving an easy solution to complex issues...

245. I like that not a single book novel can compare in brightness with the story of OUR love ...

246. I like that we constantly want to do something nice for each other ...

247. I like that the minutes spent together are so dear to us ...

248. I like that the star of our love shines especially brightly at night...

249. I like that it's easy for us to be together...

250. I like that our feelings are stronger than time and distance...

251. I like that you are so relaxed and peaceful with me...

252. I like your trust...

253. I like that you and I so subtly feel the mood of each other ...

254. I like that you love to read books to me aloud...

255. I like what they say about us "the perfect couple" ...

256. I like that we can smooth out the sharp edges of our characters...

257. I like that you like to visit my house...

258. I like that the flame of our love has not been extinguished for a very long time...

259. I like that you are interested in my opinion on many issues...

260. I like that you don't argue with me about things that I know a little more about...

261. I like that we understand each other's body language...

262. I like that you don't take off the ring I gave you even at night...

263. I like that you smile when I look at you...

264. I like that no one in this world can dance so incomparably like you ...

265. I like to constantly take care of you even in small things (after all, this is so important) ...

266. I like that we are stronger than all the obstacles that keep us apart...

267. I like that we can just listen to music for hours ...

268. I like that breakfast with you fills me with a great mood for the whole day ...

269. I like that we easily give the warmth of our souls to each other...

270. I like that we go crazy caressing each other...

271. I like that you do not force me to make promises, but you believe that I myself will do everything right ...

272. I like that you consider our meeting a PURPOSE ...

273. I like to see how happy you come home from work...

274. ... and the fact that you realize how important my work is to me...

275. I like that our warmth is mutual...

276. I like that we read the same books in childhood and therefore we understand each other in such a way ...

277. I like that with you I began to write very beautiful poems ...

278. I like that the touch of our hands reverberates in my soul...

279. I like that we were able to see each other's wings...

280. I like that our "HONEYMOON" Smile (as you called the crazy month after we met) is still going on for a very, very long time...

281. I like that you become so funny after our favorite cocktail ...

282. I like that we both laugh at the word PIANIST ... and only we know why ...

283. I like that our relationship is not clouded by any suspicions...

284. I am sure that no one in this world will give you even a hundredth of the love and tenderness that I am trying to give...

285. I like that you consider me a fairy tale...

286. I like that on weekends we stay up until dawn...

287. I like that you were able to tame me...

288. I like that you chose me...

289. ... and you still believe that you were not mistaken...

290. I like the passion with which we take off our clothes...

291. I like that we do not have sex, but LOVE ...

Affectionate and tender words show warmth, sensuality, love, convey confidence, inspire and cheer up. Different categories of diminutives will help you be unique, unite you with your loved one even more.

In verse

Compliments, pleasant words and phrases delight girls. No wonder this is one of the old proven methods to win a girl's heart. The more love in a relationship, the more valuable small signs of attention to each other are perceived.

Don't know how to affectionately call a girl to win her favor? Then beautiful compliments to a girl in verse will undoubtedly arouse your interest.

You are beautiful, like a flowering garden,
In moments of bright spring,
And your voice, singing in a stream,
Filled with wondrous beauty.

You are beautiful in face and article,
Features rich in tenderness
And unspeakable grace
You fill this world.

Gentle as butterflies, aspiration
Get to the calling flower
You inspire admiration
And multiply the beauty.

You are the ideal of a love night
Your smile has no equal
You inspire these lines
Love bringing a gentle light into them.

You are the poet's inspiration
Your beauty is filled with light,
The universe is warmed by you
There are no people like you in nature.

You are brighter than the sky
And more romantic than the moon
You are the original nature
You are the splendor of spring.

You are full of magic
Gentle Goddess
In you woke up and is silent,
The prayer seems to be doing.

And become your languid posture,
like he wants to tell me
That you are an angel and perfection
Bringing love and bliss.

For the night

Falling asleep, gently whisper affectionate words to your beloved girl. You'll see, she immediately breaks into a smile, and in the morning she wakes up in a good mood from the words:

  • captivating;
  • inspirational;
  • witchcraft;
  • affectionate;
  • miraculous;
  • star is clear.

Warm words at night will not take a lot of energy, will not spoil the mood. Repeat them often to your loved ones. The main thing is to be sincere.

Before going to bed, in addition to wishing good night, the girl can be called:

In the morning

Do not forget to whisper in the ear of your beloved “good morning”, and at the same time say beautiful words to her:

  • captivating amazon;
  • angelically beautiful;
  • appetizing-tasty;
  • seductively loving;
  • deafening;
  • fiery;
  • intoxicating;
  • worthy of all gifts;
  • inspiring;
  • bewitchingly charming;
  • fragrant.

After such unusual and beautiful words, the girl will melt, charge you with positive, and you will feel how your fantasies come true. A friendly smile and gentle words in the morning will give both of you pleasure.

in sms

It doesn’t matter how long your sympathy for each other lasts: there were several dates or a couple of decades of married life. Girls are always pleased to hear and read beautiful words and compliments.

And let them be a little stupid or naive, but always from the bottom of their hearts. A pleasant SMS will always intrigue, give a positive mood and a desire to meet as soon as possible. Feel free to text a lot of tenderness to your girlfriend.

beautiful compliments

It is better to say compliments to a girl when she is not in a hurry, does not crave loneliness. Be truthful and don't make fun of romantic feelings. This can hurt your girlfriend very deeply.

It is better to say affectionate words to your beloved girl looking into her eyes, hugging her.
Complements in prose can sound much nicer than in poetry, if they are said spontaneously, sincerely.

You can praise absolutely everything that you like in a girl:

  • … (girl's name), you have such cool, curly hair! They shine on you, shimmer in the sun, like gold! I want to touch them ... Can I?
  • It’s interesting with you: you are a great conversationalist, and you know how to listen. Few can boast of such a gift.

A red-haired girl can be called the sun, the fiery maiden, the priestess of fire, the brainchild of the sun, etc.

When she is sick

When a girl is sick or just not feeling well, you should cheer her up, take care of her. Gentle and caring words will definitely help you recover, feel most loved, needed.

  • Beloved, when I'm around, I constantly want to give you tea with jam so that you recover as soon as possible. After all, when you are sick, it’s bad for me.
  • Honey, get well soon, it's not easy for me without you.
  • I love you very much, I think it will help you get better ....

In addition to beautiful words, you can bring flowers, cook something delicious, offer your shoulder.

For a birthday

Happy birthday to a girl is a special event. Beautiful words are very significant on this day. They should be touching, cordial, sincere.

Be cheerful, gentle, clear,
Carefree and beautiful
So that you laugh carelessly
For happiness to last forever

For all dreams to come true
And wishes came true
So that you are like spring
Full of youthful beauty.

Let everything be as you want
Let expectations not be deceived
And all the beautiful dreams
Your reality will become!

I wish to live in harmony with myself,
Smile to illuminate friends and loved ones,
Know how to give and receive love
And ignite from the slightest spark.

Sweet, kind, gentle, glorious!
How old is not the main thing.
I want to be the happiest in my life
Everyone's favorite, funny, beautiful.


Girls like it when guys call them not like everyone else, but in a special way, even if it sounds funny.

You can call a girl affectionately by the name of almost any animal:

  • kitty;
  • crocodile;
  • tiger cub;
  • hippo;
  • mouse;
  • rabbit;
  • fish.

With the names of animals you need to be very careful, use them in a diminutive form. The funniest and coolest names like pokemon, teletubby, dinosaur can offend a girl if she completes because of excess weight or something else.

Also, manipulations with the names of loved ones are often carried out: Alenulka, Oksandrik, Oksik, Irishulik, Olyunchik, etc.


Listen to your heart, it will tell you what to say and when. If a girl likes you, then even an inept word spoken by you will sound romantic to her.

Affectionate phrases and tender words play the role of a pass to your girlfriend's heart. But at the same time, it is necessary to show fantasy in moderation, without abusing it, so that the words that come from the depths of the soul are not taken for granted.

A young man should feel when his love messages or words for his beloved are appropriate. And then the girl will read SMS with trepidation or listen to it.

A man does not need to be a poet to express his feelings for his beloved in beautiful words. It is enough to talk about your feelings looking into her eyes. Fake compliments are not successful, it’s better to remain silent, because a sensitive girl will understand everything without words.

Feel free to tell your girlfriend kind words, compliments. There are a lot of options for all sorts of tenderness, it remains only to use them to the maximum.

Video: Compliments