Volumetric bunch of curls. A bun of hair: how to make different types of it and get beautiful hairstyles. Messy and neat hairstyles for medium length hair

It is much more important to create an irresistible female image than an outfit. For example, a bun hairstyle of curls, depending on the option and the decorations used, is perfect for both the office and a grand appearance.


The main reason why curls are very popular with girls in different countries is the synthesis of two classic hairdressing elements. This solution allows you to create a styling that will retain a presentable look throughout the day. She is devoid of careless hairstyles in freely flowing over her shoulders, which can develop under their own weight. As for the classic bun, such styling on smooth hair, according to many girls, looks rather boring and dry, and therefore does not suit romantic natures. If you put neat or neat in this way, then the hairstyle will receive additional volume and will last much longer than usual. In addition, at any time the girl will be able to dissolve the beam and at the same time maintain irresistibility.

Who is not suitable?

There is no single answer to this question, since there are many options for beams, you just need to choose the right one correctly. For example, it is not recommended to use girls with a full or, conversely, with a too thin neck. In both of these cases, it is better to make an option located at the back of the head, which will create a visually more attractive image.


First of all, you need to make curls, for which you can use an elastic band, a hairdryer and an iron. It will also be required to fix the bundle of curls.

The process of preparing for laying consists of the following steps:

  • hair is washed and dried with a towel;
  • spray strands with styling spray;
  • the tips are left slightly damp;
  • randomly fix them on the crown;
  • the gum is twisted 2-3 times;
  • 5-10 minutes dry "bundle";
  • wait for the hair to cool completely;
  • loose curls.

Everyday styling

If you do not know from curls for every day, then use the instructions below:

  • make a tail of medium height, not much tightening, from hair already curled into curls (in the manner described above);
  • fix twisted strands with hairpins or stealth, distributing them around the gum;
  • 1-2 curls are released from the face to give the styling a slight negligence.

Everything! The hairstyle is ready, and it will look great all day long!

Option for special occasions: what you need

A festive asymmetrical hairstyle - from curls, will take more time, but it will also look just great, of course, if you show patience and do everything carefully, exactly following the instructions. You will need:

  • several hair clips;
  • Polish for hair;
  • comb-comb;
  • a large number of invisible;
  • forceps.

How to style curls

This hairstyle will look best on naturally wavy hair. To create it, a styling foam is applied to the washed wet strands. Further:

  • using a hair dryer and a round brush, dry your hair and try to straighten it;
  • take tongs of large diameter and wind the entire hair strand by strand on them;
  • collect the resulting curls in a free tail behind the left or right ear;
  • tighten with an elastic band;
  • pass the hair through the elastic, leaving a loop;
  • wrap them around the elastic band and direct downwards;
  • securely fix the hairstyle using hairpins;
  • since styling is done for an evening out, it is decorated with ribbons or artificial flowers.

High bun of curls

To create this beautiful styling, you will need a hair dryer or straightening iron.

Before proceeding with it, the hair is washed and dried with a hairdryer. Further:

  • any suitable thermal protective agent is applied along the entire length of the strands;
  • divide hair into strands about 3 cm wide;
  • twist each with a non-tight tourniquet and process it with a heated iron in two passes;
  • release the treated strand and wait until it cools down;
  • repeat these steps until the entire hair is twisted into beautiful neat curls;
  • bring the upper strands up and back and tie them in a tail;
  • divide it into 2 equal parts;
  • thread the tail inside;
  • repeat this procedure again, but do not pull out the hair, leaving a loop;
  • the rest of the curls are gradually attached to the resulting bundle, securing them with invisibility (you can use hairpins with decorative heads);
  • spray hair with hairspray for fixation.

A bunch of curls: a solemn option

Festive hair styling is carried out strictly in accordance with the following recommendations:

  • make a neat horizontal parting;
  • separate the upper part of the hair;
  • fasten with a hairpin;
  • the lower strands are varnished;
  • make a small pile at the roots;
  • divide hair into strands 3 cm wide;
  • curl using a large curling iron or a narrow iron.
  • they do the same with hair from the upper part of the hair (strands at the temples should be curled away from the face);
  • each curl, after it has cooled down, is fixed with varnish;
  • separate with clamps on both sides of the face several lateral curls;
  • twist the curls into a bun;
  • each is fixed invisible from top to bottom, and the tip is slightly twisted with fingers so that neat half-rings and rings form.

Having fixed all the curls, dissolve a few side ones and comb them to reduce the degree of curl.


  • decorative hairpins with artificial pearls;
  • diadems;
  • flowers or bouquets of satin or foamiran;
  • a comb with beads or rhinestones, with which the hair is stabbed asymmetrically on the right or left;
  • bandage or thin band.

Now you know how you can style a low or high bun of curls, and you can make yourself such a hairstyle yourself or ask your mother or girlfriend for help.

Owners of medium length hair, like no one else, will suit the most relevant hairstyle this season - a bun. This original and stylish styling will not take you much time, and you can do everything yourself in a matter of minutes. Before we move on to the technique itself, let's think about why such a simple hairstyle is becoming more and more popular every day. Everything is explained quite simply. This styling is universal, it is perfect for the representatives of the beautiful half of humanity of all age groups, whether they are older women or very young girls. After all, the hairstyle "beam" can very harmoniously fit into any style and image. Today we will learn how to make beautiful bunches. Many people complain about medium hair (it’s quite easy to create such beauty with your own hands): they say that there are too many problems with them. And that's not true! Just from hair of this length, very beautiful hairstyles are obtained. Yes, at least the same bundle. Well, let's get started?

Necessary tools and styling products

Realizing this, every girl will be able to become the owner of a simple and beautiful one that she could easily repeat in everyday conditions and without any difficulties. There are so many options for creating a fashionable beam. Even with the help of the most elementary tools that every lady has in her arsenal, you can create the image you need on your own. It can be both casual, business, evening, and romantic. All you may need for such a simple and quick hairstyle is the most basic things, such as a comb, hairpins, invisible hairpins, as well as any fixative. How it may look With your hands, you can place it on any part of the head: on the crown, on the back of the head, or on the sides. It all depends on your taste and mood. If you want to give your image extravagance and mystery and stand out from the rest, then the hairstyle will suit you one hundred percent.

Location matters too

Do not know how to make a "bun" hairstyle for medium hair with your own hands? No problem! A little training in front of the mirror - and you are already a beauty! For this styling, as already mentioned, is not too complicated, any girl can handle it. You can also improve your hairstyle by adding weaving elements to it. In this case, the beam can be smooth or looser, perhaps even slightly careless. The pluses are that no matter what height you do your hair, it will always look different. Laying, made at the crown, will turn out to be more strict and businesslike. But if this is an elegant and romantic option, then it is perfect for medium hair. Do-it-yourself shaped bunches will allow the girl to look more feminine and tender.

Some nuances

So, we are learning how to make a bun for medium hair. With your own hands, by the way, you can create a real masterpiece of hairdressing art, so be patient, turn on your imagination - and go ahead, to accomplish your plan! Here are some tips to help you create buns. First you need to prepare your hair. They must first be washed and dried. To create a slightly sloppy bun, you should not collect all the curls, they can fall on your face and get out of your hair. For business styling, use only even and straight strands, they can be pre-stretched with a hair straightener. For a more voluminous bun, you need to precomb or wind your hair with electric tongs or a curling iron. For young ladies with thin or even liquid hair, to give additional volume, it is better to precomb the entire length of the hair, for this you can use a round brush. The hairstyle goes well with any bangs - oblique, straight or asymmetrical. You can decorate the bundle with whatever you want. Everything will depend on your taste and imagination, whether it be beautiful headbands, all kinds of hair clips, decorative flowers and ribbons. All this will allow you to stand out and emphasize your individuality.

Install and enjoy

Collected curls each time will present your appearance in a new way, emphasizing all the charm and originality of the hairstyle collected in a bun. On medium hair, creating a styling with your own hands is not a problem. The process will bring you a lot of pleasure, and you will be able to style your hair beautifully and quickly. All you need is just a little patience and time. Here you will get spectacular bunches for medium hair with your own hands. The photos are below so you can see how to make them.

Simple and stylish bun

You don't need any special skills to form this style. A great option is a bun for medium hair. With your own hands, you can do this hairstyle in just five minutes. She looks very stylish and elegant.

We tie the combed hair into a ponytail at the back of the head and tighten it with a tight elastic band. We lift and, slightly scrolling, we put it into the base between two strands separated with our fingers. The result is a light harness. We wrap the tip of the remaining hair around the base of the hairstyle and pin it with invisibility. We straighten our resulting beam, if necessary, sprinkle with varnish. After that, decorate your hair with any beautiful accessory. It can even be used as an evening option.

Elegant and beautiful braided bun

How is the hair in a bun? Medium hair? Hands! A step by step guide is provided below.

Comb your hair well and gather it into a high ponytail at the back of your head. Divide into three identical parts and braid a classic pigtail from each strand. Subsequently, you should get three neat braids. Then stretch each of them, slightly stretching the strands in different directions. Start winding the pigtails alternately around the base of your ponytail and secure them with bobby pins or bobby pins.

Quick romantic bun for medium hair

We comb the hair well, after which we divide it into two equal parts at the crown and back of the head.

We collect the occipital part in a neat bundle. We curl the crown part with a curling iron. Then, with the help of hairpins or hairpins, we pin to the hairstyle sequentially, for each separately curled curl. We fix all this with hairspray. As a result, you will get a wonderful flirty styling.

Festive charming bun

This is a hairstyle that you will spend the minimum amount of time on, and the effect will exceed all your expectations.

Combed hair you need to collect in a raised tail at the back of the head, pulling it off with a thin elastic band. We fasten the tail with the help of invisibility to the hair. Then we wrap it back and sprinkle it with varnish. We twist the tail into a roller and fix it with invisibility. Carefully stretch the resulting beam to the sides. We fix the edges of the hairstyle with hairpins to the hair. We decorate the styling with a beautiful accessory.

Volume light beam

Fluff your hair with your hands, shaking your head several times.

Pick them up in a ponytail at the crown of your head, then sprinkle with varnish a short distance away. Divide the curls into a number of strands and comb with a fine-toothed comb. Twist the combed strands into bundles and lay them out in the form of a bundle. Secure your hair with hairpins and hairspray. This hairstyle looks very aesthetically pleasing.

Nice neat bun with a roller

To create this unpretentious hairstyle, you will need to acquire a special "donut" - a roller. You can buy it at any hair accessories store. If this is not the case, a cropped sock can become an analogue.

Gather your hair into a neat ponytail and secure with an elastic band. Put a roller on the tip of your hair and pull the tail into it. Start twisting gradually, in a circle, and, straightening your hair, continue twisting to the base of the hairstyle. We will get a beautiful bunch, which we can easily fix with hairpins. Additionally, you can decorate it with a chic hairpin or wrap it with any ribbon.

Flawless option - sloppy bun

You will definitely get this one for medium hair. With your own hands, you ask? Yes, easily! And it's simple and fast.

We collect the hair in a ponytail with an elastic band. We make it as high as possible, on the highest part of your crown. We try to comb it as evenly and accurately as possible. Next, we make the tail more voluminous, slightly take out the upper strands, thus creating volume and slight negligence. The remaining ponytail needs to be slightly combed. We fix it with a little varnish to keep the volume. Then we just wrap the tail around its axis. We stab with a pair of hairpins, fix in several places, so that it looks voluminous and free. It turns out a simple original hairstyle.

Check, experiment, and you will certainly find your own individual and stylish look!

Perhaps the bun is the most popular and common hairstyle, which has a lot of advantages.

  • Convenience. The hair is collected and raised, so it does not get in the way. Thanks to this orderliness, this hairstyle is liked by active girls who are constantly on the move. You can’t do without a beam during sports, jogging or walking.
  • Elegance. A charming, lush bunch is relevant for various special occasions. New Year's Eve party, prom, wedding and other important events involve high hairstyles, such as a bun.
  • Ease of installation. An everyday beam is created within a few minutes. This design requires a minimum of skill and strength: any woman can learn how to create such a hairstyle.
  • Diversity. There are many types of buns, so even a loyal fan of such a hairstyle can look constantly in a new way.

Stop ruining your hair with harmful shampoos!

Recent studies of hair care products have revealed a terrifying figure - 97% of well-known brands of shampoos damage our hair. Check the composition of your shampoo for: sodium lauryl sulfate, sodium laureth sulfate, coco sulfate, PEG. These aggressive components destroy the structure of the hair, deprive the curls of color and elasticity, making them lifeless. But this is not the worst! These chemicals enter the bloodstream through the pores, and are carried to the internal organs, which can cause infections or even cancer. We strongly recommend avoiding such shampoos. Use only natural cosmetics. Our experts conducted a series of analyzes of sulfate-free shampoos, among which they identified the leader - Mulsan Cosmetic. Products comply with all norms and standards of safe cosmetics. This is the only manufacturer of completely natural shampoos and balms. We recommend visiting the official website mulsan.ru. We remind you that for natural cosmetics, the shelf life should not exceed one year of storage.

The beam and different types of face

Although this hairstyle is universal, it must be adjusted for a certain type of face.

oval type

This is the best face shape. You can completely lift and collect hair, even bangs. The ability to fully open the face is relevant if you want to draw attention to bright makeup.

triangular type

If the forehead is much wider than the chin, then a combination of a bun and bangs laid to one side is desirable. The bangs should not be massive, the sparse version, divided into strands, looks better.

square type

For a wide face with straight, pronounced angles, you need a long bang going to one side. She visually narrows the forehead due to the effect of asymmetry.

Round face

Excessively wide, rounded cheeks help hide the side front strands that are free from the beam. In combination with a long oblique bangs, they will partially hide the face, visually stretch it and narrow it.

How to do

The beam is created in different ways using different tools. Bagels, hairpins, invisibles and even socks are often used!

Bundle with a bagel

A bagel is an accessory that serves as the basis for a bun and hides behind the hair. It comes in a range of colors and sizes so it's easy to choose the right one for you. The longer your hair, the larger the bagel should be.

To make this hairstyle, you need to go through the following steps.

  1. Combine hair into a ponytail. The height of the tail determines the location of the bun: it can be either on the top of the head (this is a high bun), or on the back of the head or even lower (and this is a low bun), or even on the side.
  2. Put a donut on the tail, lowering it to the very base of the tail. You can secure it with a few studs so that it maintains its position for a long time.
  3. Distribute the hair so that it completely covers the bagel. Comb your hair, align it as neatly as possible, because now you are at the stage of forming the center of the bun.
  4. Fill the strands under the donut. Start from the top section. Start a strand over the donut, hiding it, and move the ends of the strands along the circumference of the bundle, at the very base of the donut, and secure with hairpins. Run all strands clockwise so that the bagel is completely closed.
  5. Comb the resulting bundle. If you want to create a neat, elegant look, smooth the hair in the center and along the edges of the bun so that not a single strand breaks out of harmony.
  6. Put on a mesh or a large elastic band. This is the final, optional touch to the image. The accessory decorates the bundle, and also fixes it, guaranteeing its safety for a long time.

Bun with a sock

Surprisingly, the most ordinary sock can help create a beautiful bun! Want to try?

  1. Take the right sock. Its color should match your hair. Otherwise, it will be too noticeable even under the beam.
  2. Cut off the toe, the section of the toe where the toes are normally placed. Now you have a see-through design in your hands, similar to a wide hair tie.
  3. Turn the sock inside out.
  4. Position the toe vertically so that the heel is at the bottom.
  5. Roll the sock from top to bottom in wide strips so that your design does not exceed 3 cm in width as a result.

    It turned out a kind of hair band, an analogue of a bagel. A homemade bagel from a sock, due to its smooth surface, is superior to the original bagel, which, due to its rough surface, catches the hair and spoils the hairstyle.

  6. Comb your hair gently from roots to ends.
  7. Pull your hair into a standard ponytail and secure it with an elastic band.
  8. Put a bagel on the very tip of the tail.
  9. Wrap the bagel towards the head so that the tail curls over it. Rotate the donut so that the tail covers its entire surface.
  10. When the bagel with the wrapped tail is already close to the head, straighten the strands, adding volume.
  11. Secure the strands around the entire circumference of the bundle with hairpins or invisible ones so that they completely cover the sock.

Bundle with hairpins

If you don’t have a donut or a sock at hand, but you want to make a bunch, use our tips. All you need is studs!

  1. Comb your hair gently and thoroughly.
  2. Gather all your hair into a fist.
  3. Raise your hair, moving your hands and approaching the ends. In the end, you must hold the impromptu tail by the very tip.
  4. Twist your hair into a ponytail. Start twisting from the end, and then the hair will curl itself along the entire length.
  5. Fold the resulting tourniquet around the base. You have a snail bundle!
  6. Secure the bun with hairpins.
  7. To prevent the face from appearing too open, leave a few short front strands. Lightly wrap them in small flagella and release. Then the strands will remember their location.

Types of beams

The beam allows you to fully express your imagination. This hairstyle can be combined with other elements and bright accessories.

lush bun

A high, elegant hairstyle is relevant for any celebration and for any occasion.

  1. Comb your hair gently and thoroughly.
  2. Apply a styling product, such as mousse, to them.
  3. Tie all your hair into one ponytail with a tight elastic band.
  4. Pass a bagel through the tail, bring it to the beginning of the tail and secure with hairpins there.
  5. Select one of the strands from the common tail, twist it into a bundle and partially pull out individual thin strands. As a result, you get a kind of curl.
  6. Fix the curl with varnish.
  7. Cover the front of the bagel with this strand and secure with bobby pins.
  8. Do the same with the rest of the tail: separate, create a curl, spray with varnish, direct over the donut, closing it.

    Change the location of the strands so that they hide the base of the beam around the entire circumference. Distribute the strands evenly so that there are no distortions in the bundle to one side.

  9. Fix the entire hairstyle with hairspray.
  10. If desired, decorate the hair with any accessory, for example, a living flower.

Bundle with weaving

Weaving elements adorn any hairstyle, including a bun. This option is suitable for any holiday.

  1. Pull your hair into a high ponytail, secure with an elastic band.
  2. Pass the resulting tail through the donut so that it falls at the very base of the tail.
  3. Distribute the hair over the entire rounded surface of the donut, comb it gently, forming the center of the future bundle.
  4. Separate one wide strand, divide it into three strands and start weaving step inward. In the process, grab the strand on the left so that it joins the middle strand and also participates in the braid. Continue weaving, moving to the left side.
  5. When all the strands of the bundle are involved in the braid, weave it without grabbing anything, and secure the tip with an elastic band.
  6. Wrap the pigtail and hide under the hair, connecting both sides of the bundle (the beginning and the end of the weaving) with invisibility.
  7. Stretch the braid a little to make it look more voluminous.
  8. Secure the braid with bobby pins or hairpins around the entire circumference of the bundle.
  9. Decorate your hair with any elegant accessories.

Bun with curls

An interesting and unusual hairstyle looks elegant and is suitable for any solemn event.

  1. Tie all your hair into a ponytail and secure with an elastic band.
  2. Put a bagel on the tail, lower it to the base.
  3. Spread the hair around the entire circumference of the donut.
  4. Carefully comb the center of your future beam.
  5. Divide the hair covering the bagel into two halves: front and back. Secure the front with clips on both sides: we won’t need this part yet.
  6. Separate the strand from the back half, divide it into two parts, tie them in a loose knot and pull out the curl. Secure it with a hairpin.
  7. Take the strand on the left side so that the two previous strands come together on the right, which have just formed a knot with a curl.
  8. Tie a knot between the new strand and the previous two. Also pull out the curl and fix it.
  9. Continue to weave knots in the same way and separate the curls with the participation of more and more new strands.
  10. Go around the entire circumference of the bundle until the beginning of the weave meets the end.
  11. At the meeting point, wrap the remaining strands in a thin flagellum, draw it around the entire circumference, hiding under the base of the bundle, and secure with hairpins.
  12. In the center of the bun, distribute the hair so that it completely hides the bagel, leaving no gaps.


So, the bun is a beautiful and interesting hairstyle that offers a lot of great variations!

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Today there are many interesting, beautiful hairstyles. For a modern girl, it is important that each variety is simple, but has its own zest, emphasizes individuality. Such qualities are characterized by low. It is so versatile that it is quite suitable for almost any style. Simple varieties are suitable for everyday affairs. The hair is set very quickly.

This hairstyle is complemented by various details, accessories, which allows you to choose it for a social event or a business meeting, as well as visiting the gym. Even to collect hair at home, most of the fair sex prefer it in a bun. What varieties of it exist, how to perform them, should be considered in more detail.

History reference

The low beam has been known to mankind for many years. Even in ancient Greece, girls combed their hair in a similar way. Even the statues of Hera and Aphrodite with a low bun are known.

In the modern world, hair was styled in a similar way in France in the middle of the last century. The popularity of this style grew like a snowball. At first, this fashion was supported by world-famous singers and actresses.

Today, this hairstyle is not alien to either housewives or business women. There were many options for its implementation. Depending on the selected details, you can style your hair in this way, going to the gym or down the aisle. This is what makes the bun so popular.

Who suits

A low beam (the photo is presented in the article) is considered universal due to the huge number of variations. Each girl can choose the best option for herself. But still, a few nuances should be taken into account.

The low type of hairstyles of this variety is considered more versatile than a highly collected bun. The latter is not suitable for girls with very tall stature or an imperfect neck line. Volumetric or careless variations look ridiculous if the growth is very low. In this case, smooth, tight varieties of beams are suitable. They can be decorated with bones, curls. There is not a single representative of the fair sex, who would not fit this or that type of similar hairstyle.


Delving into the question of how to make a low beam, you should first consider the classic version. All the creative ideas of this hairstyle begin with him. It does not require a lot of styling products, effort or time. It is enough to collect the hair at the back of the head.

Then they are finished with a tourniquet and fixed with hairpins. It’s very simple. It is most convenient if the hair is medium or long. But this hairstyle is not alien to a short haircut. In this case, hairpieces or other special means are used.

You can fix your hair in this position not only with hairpins. If they are not at hand, elastic bands, small hair clips or even pencils will do. But these are already small deviations from the classics. There are a huge number of them. This allows each girl to emphasize her beauty and uniqueness.

Accessories and extras

When choosing a variety, it should be taken into account for which occasion the hairstyle is intended. The low ruffle is more suitable for a casual, sporty style. A smooth look gives the beam an official, solemn content.

In the process of creating each image, you may need styling products (mousse, gel, etc.), as well as a curling iron, iron, curlers. All depending on the style of clothing, makeup. Accessories are also chosen according to the type of event for which the hairstyle is made.

For everyday activities, sports, it is enough to use an elastic band. You can add various hairpins, hairpins, headbands. For special occasions, evening walks, you can use jewelry with stones, beads, ribbons. Here it is worth showing imagination. This will make the usual beam original.

Volume variations

To give the hair volume, you can make it low. For this, styling mousse is applied along the entire length of the hair. With the help of a curling iron, curls are made. Having collected the hair in a loose tail, curls are taken from its middle and laid around the center. Each strand is fixed with a hairpin.

For everyday affairs, you can give the beam a lot of negligence. The hair at the roots is slightly combed and collected in a ponytail. With an elastic band, carelessly fix it in a bundle. To give even more volume, you can pin the hair at the ends and straighten them. This option looks better on the average length.

Additional funds for volume

When performing a low bun on short or sparse hair, you can use several products to increase volume. If the haircut is very short, you should use chignons,

For medium length resort to one trick. A special voluminous bagel or a large elastic band is put on the assembled tail. Then it is wrapped with hair to cover its surface completely. This doubles the volume of the hair.

You can even make such a bagel from a sock. To do this, the closed part is cut off from him, and then the toe is twisted in the form of a ring. It is put on the tail and covered with hair on all sides. This is a very pretty hairstyle. It can be decorated with various additions.

For example, braids, strands, which are stacked in various ways (depending on the master's imagination), can add volume. But there are special tools that keep the hair smooth without making it shaggy.

Wedding hairstyles

A low wedding bun is especially popular with brides. This option emphasizes the tenderness, purity and romance of the girl. The bundle must be smooth. For a wedding hairstyle, do not make careless accents.

The smooth appearance of the styling corresponds to the solemnity of the moment. In this case, even the previous type of hairstyle is suitable, which involves the use of a special voluminous ring.

But you can give preference to such a bunch as "Karimbos". This is a more complex setup. But this bundle looks very nice. Having collected the hair in a ponytail, a window is made above the elastic band. Hair is threaded into it (inside). The tail is combed, and then sipped through this window again. Just don't make it hard. The strands are distributed, strengthened with hairpins. It will look good jewelry in the form of a comb with precious stones or pearls.

The veil at the same time will look incredibly tender. The image is very feminine. The bride will look simply breathtaking. That is why many girls prefer this hairstyle on such an important day.

french bun

When performing low, you should consider a variant of the French style. It looks very feminine and stylish. This bundle is also called a shell. For styling it is better to use a special fixing spray.

One part of the hair is twisted with a tourniquet and fastened with a hairpin. The lower hair is collected in a ponytail. Then it is twisted in a spiral. Moreover, the upper strands, as it were, turn around the lower ones. The remaining length is laid inside. It turns out the shape of a shell.

It is recommended to fix the hairstyle with varnish. Add accessories should be in accordance with the overall style. The styling, which is held with the help of Japanese sticks, looks original. Fantasy in this direction can be limitless.

This hairstyle is quite suitable even for the wedding dress of the bride. Done in haste, this kind of bun is also one of the favorite home hairstyles. In this case, special hairpins can be used. For long hair, this hairstyle is more difficult than for short hair.

Braid decorations

Performing a low beam, you can complement the image with braids. There are a lot of options on this topic. French braids look very nice.

The hairstyle "Ballerina's Bundle" looks original. A side part is made. On the larger side, a French braid is woven. Its reverse version looks more effective. The braid is performed along the entire length. The tip can be secured with a small rubber band.

Loose strands are collected in a low tail and a voluminous ring is put on it (as discussed earlier). Hair can be combed. The strands are fixed under the ringlet. The tip of the French braid wraps around the bun.

It turns out spectacular. It will add romance to the image. Ribbons can be woven into the braid. Hairpins can be chosen with decorative tops in the form of pebbles, flowers. There are many different decorations for such styling.

The image is also complemented by various headbands. It looks nice, not pretentious. For gatherings with friends, this accessory is perfect. This style is suitable for going to the cinema, while traveling out of town.

Having considered the options for the execution of such a hairstyle as a low bun, each girl will be able to choose the best option for herself. A huge number of species gives space for the flight of creative thought. Therefore, each time such a familiar beam can look original and corresponding to any new image. Its simplicity and originality won the hearts of many modern girls.