Coloring with henna cream Phytocosmetics: expectations and reality. Reviews of Iranian henna cream From the information on the package

Henna has been used as a hair dye for a long time. This is almost a natural product that does not harm the health and condition of the curls. Paints based on this material have a great advantage over other formulations, and are also an indispensable tool for dyeing red and blond hair. It is available in various forms, recently henna cream is gaining popularity.

Description of the drug

Some women note that using henna for hair significantly complicates the dyeing process, and also causes unruly curls after applying the drug. Today manufacturers produce henna cream, which is in no way inferior in composition to traditional paint, but at the same time has all the same advantages as henna. This is a completely ready-to-use product, it is enough to open it and apply it on the head according to the instructions. From the first time after the sale, henna became widespread, thanks to its advantageous features:

  • Henna cream has a completely organic and safe composition... It does not contain ammonia and hydrogen peroxide harmful to the hair, which makes it possible to use the dye even on weakened and damaged hair;
  • The drug has a fairly wide color palette.... Thanks to additional dyes, manufacturers have expanded the range of colors. Today on sale you can find almost all shades of dark tones - from red to black. In addition, there are also colorless compounds;
  • Henna looks beautiful on hair, giving them a deep shade and unusual overflow;
  • Due to the natural composition, the strands are strengthened and healthier. Some brands have a number of additional useful properties;
  • With regular use of this dye, hair growth can be accelerated. and also get rid of various scalp problems. Find out what are the main causes of hair loss in women;
  • The drug has a low cost compared to many middle class paints... And an unlimited number of uses of henna per month allows you to update your hair color as needed.

Henna is similar in effect to hair dye, but at the same time it has an organic and safe composition

Due to the many beneficial properties of henna in hair dye, some manufacturers have begun producing products for dyeing eyelashes and eyebrows.


Most of the brands that produce henna cream are practically unknown in the world market, despite the fact that their products are of high quality and are positively evaluated by women. Several popular manufacturers of henna-based hair dyes:

  • PhytoCosmetic... A company that produces a huge number of henna-based dye compositions for curls and eyelashes. It has a low price, but a completely natural composition. Some women notice that several procedures are needed to get the desired result. Products can be found in almost any beauty store;
  • Lady Henna... This tool is difficult to find in brick-and-mortar stores, but it can be ordered online. The manufacturer offers a large palette of colors, and the products have a completely natural composition. Additional components have a beneficial effect on the health of the curls, which makes this product not only an effective paint, but also a hair care product;
  • ArtColor... A domestic manufacturer that produces a large number of dyes based on Iranian henna. Already after the first application, the hair becomes smoother due to the additional ingredients in the composition. If you follow the instructions, you can achieve a beautiful shade with an overflow effect.

"Phytocosmetic" is one of the leaders in the production of this drug

Almost all firms produce henna, both in powder form and in form. The second version of the tool is more convenient for use, but it has a lower-quality coloring effect. To obtain the desired color, it is advisable to carry out the procedure several times.


Henna-based hair coloring products are completely natural, however, synthetic components can also be found in the composition, which are absolutely safe for the health and structure of curls. As a rule, the following composition is found:

  • Iranian henna... Coloring natural component of dried parts of thornless lawsonia (a herb that grows in many Arab countries and North Africa). It has been used for dyeing hair since the ancient world. In addition to the strong coloring properties, it strengthens and nourishes the curls, restores their structure;
  • ... It is advisable to purchase henna cream with this ingredient. It actively nourishes the strands, gives a natural shine, and also has a positive effect on growth;
  • Keratin... This substance, which is a natural protein, is second only to chitin in its useful properties. Acts as a building material for hair growth, helps maintain structure and gives elasticity;
  • Wheat germ oil and... Components are often used together as they complement each other perfectly. Restore curls, intensively nourish the scalp and increase hair shine;
  • Vitamin Supplements... As a rule, vitamins of groups B and A, E are used. They are indispensable for hair health, increase resistance to external factors, enhance growth and improve the appearance of strands;
  • Glycerol... Used as an effective moisturizer. Gives shine to hair, maintains the moisture balance of cells, and also helps to cope with the problem of itching and flaking. You can find out about face masks with glycerin at.

Approximate composition

When choosing a product based on Iranian henna, carefully read the composition on the package. It should be as natural as possible, it is recommended to abandon products that contain various fragrances, sulfates, parabens and ammonia.


In order to achieve maximum efficiency from the use of henna cream, it is important to follow the rules for use:

  • The composition can only be applied to clean hair, since the coloring component tightly envelops the structure of the curl, and after the first wash of the head, the paint will simply be washed off with water;
  • If you are using colorless henna, then it can be applied up to twice a week. It is mainly used as a skin care product. You can learn about colorless henna face masks by.
  • The severity of the color largely depends on the choice of the composition. as well as your natural hair color. Don't buy a lighter shade for dark curls;
  • Like any natural types of dyes, henna is quickly washed out of the hair.... Therefore, to maintain color, it is recommended to apply the composition at least twice a month. You can learn about persistent cream hair dyes at.
  • Unlike other dye formulations, henna must be applied along the entire length of the hair. This is necessary for even distribution of the product, which will ultimately lead to better staining;
  • The procedure time can be from 20 minutes to 1 hour. The time for applying paint is always indicated in the instructions for use of a particular composition;
  • Rinse off henna with cool water until it becomes completely transparent... It is important to wash all paint particles, as residues can stain clothes or bedding;
  • After drying, it is imperative to comb the strands with high quality along the entire length.... This will remove the last small henna that may have remained in your hair.

First use result

When using henna, the use of gloves is optional. The paint has a completely natural composition, so it will not damage your skin.

Henna cream is a natural hair dye, the benefits of which have been known since the days of Ancient Egypt. It is completely safe to use, but it is especially useful to use coloring products based on it for weakened and thin hair prone to hair loss. Henna actively stimulates blood circulation, enhances the growth of curls and gives a natural shine. Plus, the paint is effective in the fight against dandruff, as well as minor damage to the scalp (henna has pronounced antiseptic and cleansing properties).


Due to the high content of acids and tannic acids in cream henna, too frequent use of the composition is not recommended. This can lead to increased dryness, dullness and loss of shine. Henna quickly envelops the entire volume of the hair, so you should not use other types of paint until the previous composition is completely washed off from the strand. Likewise, it is not recommended to use this type of dye for colored hair. Allergic reactions are possible with the addition of various components. Some cosmetologists are inclined to believe that henna is not advisable to use for dyeing dry and coarse hair. Find out how hair conditioner affects your hair.

When using low-quality formulations, the result after staining is not always predictable. The final shade depends on what herb was used to make the product, as well as on the time the cream was made.



- a modern coloring agent based on a famous ingredient. The manufacturers changed the form of the composition due to the difficulties that users have when using henna in powder form, but they retained all the beneficial properties of this ingredient. Dye is not a universal remedy, therefore, when choosing a drug, you need to take into account the condition, color and characteristics of your hair.

The fashion for phytocosmetics sometimes leads to the emergence of products such as Iranian henna cream - a dye for hair, eyebrows and eyelashes, about which there are very contradictory reviews on the network. Some have luxurious Titian curls, while others have striped or burnt ones. Find out what the final result depends on - the skills of the hairdresser or the condition of the strands, how the colors differ.

What is henna cream

According to the manufacturer, liquid henna for hair is a unique product, 100% natural plant dye, which not only gives a great color to your hair, but also has a healing effect. It does not need to be diluted with boiling water, like ordinary dry water, it is already on sale finished for use, that is, for staining - you can use it immediately after opening. In addition, the composition does not contain ammonia, hydrogen peroxide, and there are many useful substances.


The manufacturer was not without a surprise: the lawsonium, from which the product is made, is not available in all shades of paint, in some there is another plant - cassia. This is a plant similar in properties to Lawsonia, but colorless henna is made from it - it does not have a coloring pigment. The “100% natural composition” of henna cream, declared by the manufacturers, includes various Components:

  • cassia or lawsonia;
  • Burr oil;
  • almond oil;
  • ginseng extract;
  • wheat germ oil;
  • glycerol;
  • propylene glycol;
  • keratin;
  • vitamin B5
  • synthetic product - polymer dimethicone;
  • panthenol;
  • alcohols;
  • acids;
  • coloring pigments.


The color variety is great. The manufacturer presented 12 options for dye shades. There is also a colorless option that is not intended for dyeing, it strengthens and heals the hair. The proposed colors for painting:

  • classic henna;
  • burgundy;
  • bitter chocolate;
  • caramel;
  • chestnut;
  • copper red;
  • coppery;
  • mocha;
  • natural light brown;
  • dark chestnut;
  • black;
  • chocolate.

Instructions for use

The paint is very simple to use: it does not need to be diluted and mixed with something. Open the package and you can use it right away. The manufacturer does not indicate whether you need to wash your hair before painting, but judging by the fact that the color does not fit well on a greasy surface, the head should be clean. Instructions to her is extremely laconic:

  1. Apply henna cream evenly over the entire length of dry or slightly damp hair.
  2. For a light shade, leave it on for 10 minutes, for a darker color, leave it on for 30 minutes.
  3. After staining, rinse with warm water without using shampoo.

Contraindications and side effects

Please note that at the end of the composition indicated on the package, the coloring agents are listed. pigments:

  • HC Red 3;
  • HC Yellow 2;
  • HC Blue 2 and others.

These are synthetic substances designed to give the paint different shades; the plant itself gives only a red color. Additional components can cause an allergic reaction, so before use, apply a little paint on the bend of the elbow, if there is no irritation or itching, then everything is in order, you can paint. During use, be careful not to get paint drops anywhere other than the surface to be painted. Cream paint leaves bright orange spots on exposed skin, enamel, clothes, and it is extremely difficult to wash them off.

Best Henna Cream

You can order paint in online stores in Moscow or St. Petersburg. They often offer discounts for a bulk order, for example, three packs for the price of two, they often hold promotions - when ordering for 300 rubles. delivery by mail is free. It is available in retail stores and stores. The manufacturer produces three type of henna cream:

  • colorless;
  • henna cream for hair with coloring pigment;
  • for eyebrows and eyelashes.


As part of this mask, there is no henna itself, it contains cassia obovata - the powder of the cassia plant, no less useful than that used for the shade. Apparently, this name is unfamiliar to the consumer, so the manufacturer decided to cheat a little, especially since the effect of these plants is similar:

  • name: Colorless strengthening henna cream;
  • price: from 61 rubles;
  • characteristics: for strengthening and recovery;
  • pros: no need to dilute, enriched with coconut oil;
  • cons: difficult to wash off, remain in the hair powder particles.

Hair color cream

The manufacturer positions the paint as natural. Although the composition contains synthetic substances, this is a non-aggressive chemistry, its negative effect neutralizes the rich list of care components of the composition. The main characteristics of the product:

  • name: Henna ready-made with burdock oil;
  • price: from 49 p. + shipping cost;
  • characteristics: for coloring in a deep saturated color;
  • pros: no need to dilute, suitable for oily hair;
  • cons: unstable, the pigment is washed off, the redhead remains; dries the head; stains leather and fabric.

Cream color for eyebrows and eyelashes

The manufacturer produces henna for eyebrows and eyelashes. Like other species, it is positioned as natural, but it contains preservatives and dyes, although there are many useful ingredients. Features of paint:

  • name: Dye for eyebrows and eyelashes;
  • price: from 35 rubles;
  • characteristics: for coloring eyebrows and eyelashes;
  • pluses: no need to dilute, the composition is ready for use;
  • cons: unstable.

How to choose henna cream

It is a versatile and easy-to-use cosmetic product. Unlike more expensive purely chemical counterparts, it can be bought cheaply. In order not to be disappointed after use, you need to know:

  1. Some coloring products do not contain henna, which means that the color may change over time.
  2. When painting, you need to be prepared that the coloring pigment will wash off, and a very persistent redhead will remain, which cannot be washed off with special means: when interacting with chemicals, the plant composition can give an unpredictable effect.
  3. Suitable only for oily hair, as it has a drying effect.


The harmful components of the colorless henna cream balance a large amount of useful substances, but one should not forget that the plant dries out the hair. If you have dry scalp, then to strengthen you can use this tool no more than twice a month, if oily, then 1-2 times a week. On the basis of colorless henna, the manufacturer produces masks with a volume 30 ml.

From time to time I dye my hair with henna after long experiments with chemical dyes, and here the new PhytoCosmetic came out - henna cream... Its distinctive feature is that nothing needs to be diluted beforehand. But in this case, there are inconveniences.

Phytocosmetics products can be bought both in ordinary hypermarkets and on the official website. The official site has a VKontakte group where you can ask a question in the discussion. You can pay both through Yandex Money and by credit card (with a password by SMS).

Important: one package will not be enough even for short shoulder length hair. It is better to take 3 packs at a length just below the shoulders. Consumption is unrealistically large, unprofitable. Well, it would have been the result.

The top package is in the form of a flat cardboard box with an indication of the hair color and his photo. On the back side, the composition is painted, in which burdock oil is actually present, as well as ginseng extract.
A total of 12 shades are presented. I like chestnut.

Henna cream is packaged in a sachet that breaks easily on the side. The tear already exists there, no scissors are needed. But it is terribly inconvenient to use, everything flows out. It is necessary to pour and thereby reduce the mass of henna.

You do not need to wear gloves on your hands if you are not going anywhere. She will wash off during the day. So imagine how quickly the dye rinses off your hair.

How to apply henna hair dye:

  • we wet our hair a little, but not much
  • apply the mass from the bag, distributing it over all the hair
It is very difficult to distribute, as it is dry and crumbles a little. One package is enough for you only for the root part.
  • to get a light shade, we wait 10 minutes, for an intense one - half an hour
  • wash off without using shampoo
PHOTO of hair BEFORE(it is generally close to the color on the cover):

PHOTO of hair AFTER:
My camera never wanted to take on a real shade. He moves away in red and burgundy! Horror. Moreover, half of the hair was not dyed. And it does not take roots (its natural) at all.
The specks that are visible in the photo are the remains of henna.

I was scared that I would be walking red for several weeks. BUT: henna cream is washed out very quickly. After just 4 washes, there was nothing left of the staining! For which the money was given ((This is not all. Let's see how she behaved in promising caring properties:

  • no strengthening was noticed
  • no shine
  • turns hair into a loofah!
If I knew that it would be so, I would definitely apply a good mask or balm right after painting. I do not advise you to waste money and time on it.
And yes, it is washed off with water for a very long time after the first staining. I didn’t even wait for the water to become clear. A slight pinkish tint remained. Therefore, take an unnecessary towel.

The company Fitokosmetik has been operating on the Russian market for a little over 15 years. She has established herself as a manufacturer of natural cosmetics and has always kept the brand, as evidenced by numerous positive reviews. And just recently, the company decided to surprise its customers with a novelty and presented a new product - henna cream for hair dyeing.

What is henna cream and how is it different from the usual

At Phytocosmetics they definitely know the needs of their customers. Natural dyes - henna or basma - have one significant drawback: they are inconvenient to apply to hair, even when diluted. The paint crumbles, rolls into lumps, lays down poorly. The consumption is uneconomical, and the shade from habit can be very uneven. Someone came up with a sensible recipe: boil henna before use. The powder should be poured into a saucepan, covered with water and heated for 20-25 minutes over low heat, without bringing to a boil. If you want, you can mix different shades and get an interesting color palette. The finished mixture can be enriched with oils and vitamins and immediately used for its intended purpose. It will not be stored for a long time: it will cool down, you will have to boil it again.

In Phytoxometic, they hardly used old beauty recipes, but the product was released very similar: pasty, ready-to-use henna, which does not need to be diluted, and even enriched with oils. When developing its henna cream, the company seems to have followed the path of manufacturers of cream hair dyes, which, unlike conventional dyes, have a thicker consistency, do not contain ammonia, but contain care components like plant extracts and oils. But such funds are more expensive.

Despite the high price, women trust the manufacturers of cream paint more and are ready to pay extra for the absence of harmful components in the composition. Phytocosmetics marketers also promised their customers long-lasting color and gentle hair care.

All declared results are detailed on the packaging:

  • dyeing hair (including gray) in a deep rich color;
  • total hair restoration: strengthening, moisturizing, nutrition;
  • improvement of the hair structure: henna "envelops" the hair, creating a thin protective layer, the hair becomes denser, healthier, smoothed over the entire length;
  • protection from the sun and other external factors;
  • growth stimulation;
  • shine and volume.

The promises are impressive, but I think that for women with experience of dyeing with natural henna, this information is redundant (especially when you consider that it is duplicated in different formulations on the front and back of the paint box). Why is it redundant - because any henna of decent quality is always not only staining, but also care. In principle, information that you are buying Iranian natural henna with burdock oil would be enough. But the product is positioned as innovative, so it should be of interest.

On the box with henna cream, in addition to promises, there is useful information: composition, paint consumption and color palette

To the credit of the manufacturer, the box contains information that is really useful for the buyer:

  • the composition of the product;
  • consumption of henna cream for different hair lengths;
  • color palette - it is very diverse, as many as 13 shades (more precisely, 12, one of them is neutral and is intended simply to care and give shine to the hair).

The composition and properties of henna cream

The first thing that catches your eye when you look at a box of henna cream is the promise that the composition will not harm your hair.

Does not contain ammonia and hydrogen peroxide.


From the information on the package

The calculation is correct: the more confidence the buyer has in a new, unfamiliar product, the sooner he will buy it. And everything would be fine, but both of these components are used exclusively in an oxidizing agent - to make the hair more porous and facilitate the penetration of the coloring pigment deep into the shell. The structure of the hair, of course, suffers, but the coloration is more resistant. Henna dyes the hair by itself, without any additives; in principle, it is not necessary to add ammonia and peroxide to it. Henna is only removed with an oxidizing agent if the color is not pleasant.

On the back of the package, the composition is already painted in full, mostly in English. For individual components, translation is given in brackets. The composition of the product:

  • water (Aqua);
  • Lawsonia non-thorny (Lawsonia inermis) - henna is obtained from the dried leaves of this shrub. In colorless henna, instead of Lavsonia, there will be Cassia Obovata, or Chinese cinnamon (Cassia Obovata);
  • Burdock Root Oil (Arctium Lappa Root Oil)
  • almond oil (Prunus Amygdalus Dulcis Oil);
  • ginseng extract (Panax Ginseng Root Extract);
  • wheat germ oil (Triticum Vulgare Oil);
  • glycerin (Glycerin);
  • Cocamidopropyl Betaine is a surfactant, antistatic and conditioner. Allowed for addition to natural cosmetics, but may cause allergies and irritation on sensitive skin;
  • propylene glycol (Propylene Glycol) - emulsion stabilizer, viscosity regulator. May cause allergies;
  • Hydrolyzed Keratin is a biopolymer that strengthens the hair structure;
  • dimethicone (Dimethicone) - a silicone polymer that creates a protective film on the hair, gives it shine and smoothness, but at the same time dries the scalp and clogs the pores;
  • xanthan gum (Xanthan Gum) - gelling agent, thickener;
  • panthenol (Panthenol) - moisturizer and conditioner, safe for skin and hair;
  • lactic acid (Lactic Acid) - preservative, safe for hair, but on sensitive skin may cause irritation;
  • benzoic acid (Benzoic Acid) - preservative, in rare cases can cause allergies;
  • sorbic acid (Sorbic Acid) - preservative, moisturizer, may cause allergies;
  • Dehydroacetic Acid - preservative, safe for hair and skin;
  • benzyl alcohol (Benzyl Alcohol) - preservative, may cause allergies;
  • HC Blue 2 - hair dye, carcinogen, hazardous to health;
  • HC Yellow N * 2 - hair dye, potential carcinogen, allergen.

After studying the composition, the following conclusions can be drawn:

  • The manufacturer diversified the color palette by adding synthetic dyes to the Lavsonia powder. Almost all of them dry the skin and hair and often cause allergies;
  • at the same time, henna cream contains moisturizing additives, which are designed to make the hair smooth, like after lamination, and soft;
  • preservatives are added to the composition - there are many of them, and they all work to ensure that the henna cream is stored longer. The shelf life of the product is 2 years.

As you can see from the composition, henna cream is not a completely natural remedy. It has not a creamy, as one might expect, but a liquid consistency, contains small pieces of lawsonia leaves and has a rather pungent odor (women describe it as the smell of ash or a mixture of herbs and gasoline). The color of the mixture itself, as a rule, is dark, it is completely incomprehensible from it what the result of staining will be - this is alarming for many women.

Mocha shade henna cream both in the cup and on the hair looks black

What effect to expect from using the product

The manufacturer promises that the henna cream will give a long-lasting and rich color. Given that the composition is with artificial colors, this would be expected. But practice shows that after staining, the henna cream effect is approximately the same as from a tint balm. Hair becomes darker by 1–2 tones, gray hair under henna is really not visible, and if your hair has not been overdried, then a healthy shine also appears - like after any dyeing. It looks generally good - but until the first wash of your hair, when 50% of the paint is gone along with the shampoo. The rest leaves in the next two weeks. So the result of staining as a whole does not correspond to the manufacturer's promises:

  • the shade is quickly washed out or does not coincide with expectations so much that women themselves seek to wash it off;
  • no one noticed an improvement in the condition of the hair, judging by the reviews;
  • after dyeing, side effects are very often observed: dryness and irritation of the scalp, matted, damaged and split ends along the entire length of the hair.

Henna cream staining results - photo gallery

The girl in the photo said that after the first wash of her hair, half of the paint washed off, and the healthy shine disappeared. instead of dark hair got spotted

Shades of henna cream Phytocosmetic: how to choose the right one

In Phytocosmetic they offer, in addition to colorless henna cream, 12 shades:

  • black;
  • dark chestnut;
  • chestnut;
  • light brown;
  • caramel;
  • bitter chocolate;
  • chocolate;
  • mocha;
  • coppery;
  • copper red;
  • burgundy.

Phytocosmetics produce 12 shades of colored henna and one colorless for hair care

The manufacturer advises to take a shade of henna cream 1-2 tones darker than your hair color. It will not be possible to repaint from dark to light henna cream, it is written about this honestly. Of the design shortcomings, there is a lack of a scheme, which is usually found on packages with cream paint: where photos are given before and after staining. It would be easier and easier to understand from it:

  • is it possible to paint over your hair with this tone;
  • what will be the result of staining.

When choosing a henna cream, you will have to be guided only by your own dyeing experience. But even here a problem may arise, more precisely, several problems (they are all gleaned from numerous reviews):

  • hair color after dyeing may differ greatly from the hair color of the model in the photo. It was not possible to identify any regularities, how and why this happens. For example, the same shade of Mocha on red hair lay unevenly, with stains. The hair became black-brown in length, at the roots - dirty yellow, some kind of piebald, as if the paint had oxidized. On light-brown hair with gray hair, the paint acquired a straw color. But for another girl with a redhead, the paint lay flat and gave a pleasant dark brown tint;
  • henna cream, even in natural shades, of which the absolute majority in the lineup, sometimes gives an unnatural tint: green or crimson red. This is usually noticeable from the first minutes of dyeing, so it is better to control what happens to the hair until you completely wash off the product;
  • henna cream lays down on hair that was dyed before, on your natural hair or on overgrown roots - no. A girl with light blond hair took a black henna cream, kept it on her hair for about 20 minutes, then washed it off and remained the same as it was. The entire composition was washed off along with the water. Another girl wondered how it could have happened that along the length of her hair, light brown, slightly reddish, became a reddish hue, and at the roots, where they were purely light brown, the color did not change at all.

If you go to the site of the company Fito cosmetics, you can find the following information about this dye - henna cream is a natural hair dye (consists of 100% natural ingredients and enriched with oils). And the convenience of the product lies in its ease of use - the buyer receives a bag with a ready-made dye mixture, which does not need to be diluted with water, such as ordinary henna powder. However, the buyer should be aware that the henna cream from Phytocosmetics is not at all the product that we buy in ordinary packs with natural henna. To understand this, just look at the composition of the henna cream indicated on the package:

In the first place are water and henna (lavsonia), then vegetable oils, ginseng extract, glycerin, keratin, panthenol, preservatives and synthetic dyes.

The difference between this composition, from the one you make yourself from ordinary henna powder (henna + water + oil), is the presence of moisturizing additives (panthenol, keratin, glycerin), preservatives and dyes. Moisturizing additives can help make hair softer and smoother, synthetic dyes help to diversify shades, and preservatives help preserve this whole mixture for a certain period of time. It is possible that such a dye is not suitable for people with sensitive scalp, as synthetic pigments can cause irritation. It is also likely to increase the porosity of the hair, which will make it drier and more brittle.

Cream henna Phytocosmetic has the properties of a tint agent. Unlike regular henna, hair color is washed off after a couple of weeks. So the only advantage of this product over ordinary henna powder is the variety of shades, in all other respects this product loses.

If you decide to try one of the shades of this dye on yourself, the palette will come in handy. Unfortunately, the manufacturer does not give an exact description of the color, and the buyer can only guess about the color nuances of each of them.

Henna cream Phytocosmetic - palette