Original knitted buttons with your own hands. How to crochet a button? Crochet buttons with a description

As a rule, knitted things with button fasteners bring the problem of their selection. It is very difficult to find the perfect option, suitable specifically for this product. Therefore, it is better to go the easy way and create buttons with your own hands from the remnants of yarn. There are many different ways to make such buttons - crocheting them is very easy and fast, and the thing will look amazing!

Materials and tools

There are a huge number of methods for the formation of this fitting. These include the tight-fitting of ready-made plastic buttons or bases that have come up in size (coins, rings), and knitting with double crochet, crochet, independent flat products, and making spherical buttons with stuffing.

All buttons are suitable for tying, but the best choice would be light, transparent plastic, on legs - they are invisible inside, they are easier to decorate and subsequently sew on.

The hook must be taken smaller than the thickness of the yarn requires - knitting should be as tight as possible, without gaps in the warp.

A needle with a large eye and beads for decoration will also come in handy.

Simple crochet buttons

You can knit them as you like - round, square, in the form of flowers, leaves, etc. Let's try to make a simple crochet button from threads, in the shape of a ball without a base.

We make a loop of yarn, wrapping around the end of the index finger with one turn in a clockwise direction (the tip of the thread on the left side). We grab the thread and pull it into the resulting ring - this is the first loop. We knit another 9-10 columns without a crochet and tightly tighten the free tail (neatly, without tearing it off). Close the row with a "blind" column. One lifting loop for the second row, we knit single crochets into each loop of the previous row, we knit 2 such columns from each second loop. Further, in order to pull off our button, it is necessary to knit one from three loops of the second row. Connect with a "blind" column. Now we pull the free piece of yarn to the wrong side - it will be used as a stuffing. Using a needle, we sew the remaining space below and that's it, our button is ready!

If you need to create a larger button, you just need to add rows.

You can also crochet square buttons with small beads.

First, we string the beads onto a thread and move them away - we need it for the last row. We knit a ring of four air loops. In the first row we knit "2 columns without nak., 2 air loops". From "to" repeat 4 cycles. It turned out a square motif. Next - 1 air. loop and tie the perimeter of the post. without nak. We add rows depending on the size of our buttons. We crochet the last row, add beads after a certain distance and monitor their location on the front side. You can give additional rigidity by knitting another motif without beads and sewing it with the first one. We make a “leg” with a needle and thread - we sew 2 loops on the underside of the button with tight-fitting loops.

It is advisable to knit such buttons from cotton yarn - in this case, you do not need to make an additional base.

Button in two colors of yarn

And now let's knit a more difficult button. For her, you can take a plastic ring that is suitable in size, but you can do without it, replacing it with repeated winding of threads on your finger.

So, we make 8-10 turns of yarn on the index finger. We tie the resulting ring with single crochets, placing them very tightly to each other, trying to form a very rigid ring. We knit the next row with yarn of a different color, close with a half-column.

Now take a needle and thread and make jumpers inside the ring, stretching even stitches. We wrap them, tightly pulling the working thread. The button is ready - because of the interesting decorative look, it can be used as an independent decoration. Based on this detail, it is possible to make buttons - flowers or geometric figures.

Tied buttons

Original accessories can become a bright accent in any knitted item. Now we will get acquainted with how to crochet a button.

Let's start this lesson with a small ring of air. loops, and preferably from a free ring - this will make it possible to tightly tighten the middle of the circle. We tie with single crochet or double crochet - crochet of the smallest size, leaving no space between the loops. The work goes in a circle, with the constant addition of loops in each subsequent row to obtain a flat workpiece. We put a button or some prepared base inside and knit, reducing the number of loops. We cut the thread and hide its end inside the case. We take a needle and use it to tighten the last row.

You can decorate such homemade buttons with anything - beads, sequins, rhinestones, embroidery - to your taste and imagination.

You can tie any buttons, but round inexpensive plastic buttons "on a leg" are most suitable for this, they are more convenient to sew on.

Hook for tying buttons choose a size smaller. You need to knit very tightly so that the plastic button does not shine through the fabric. Choose for tying buttons made of transparent plastic or buttons that are close in color to the color of the threads.

Most buttons are knitted with a single crochet, while you can use both the right side and the wrong side of knitting. When tying large buttons, you can start with double crochets, and then move on to single crochets.

1 way

Start with a small chain stitch ring (or yarn ring) with a single crochet. Next, knit in a circle, making additions of loops to increase the diameter of the knitted circle.

When the diameter of the knitted circle is slightly smaller than the diameter of the button, knit several rows without adding. Insert a plastic button inside the knitted cover, then knit, making even decreases, knitting one from two columns. Cut the thread, leaving the end about 40 cm long.

Gather the loops of the last circular row onto the thread with a needle and pull it tightly without cutting the end of the thread, with its help you can later sew on a button.

2nd way

Tie a ring of several turns of thread or air loops several times with single crochets, each time inserting a hook into the center of the hole and thus increasing the size of the column in each row. For finishing, you can tie a finished buttonstep by step.

To make a crochet button you will need:

1 . This model looks dazzling if it is made from a ready-made melange thread. However, you can crochet buttons in two or more colors. For weaving, we fix the threads with a knot and wrap the ring richly in two layers. Following this, we stretch the threads to the other side of the ring, making four or five turns in a similar way.

2. In the same way, but perpendicular to the previous ones, we stretch four or five new turns. We have intersecting stripes. Now we tighten our turns, in the middle with threads, pulling them out with a crochet hook. We turn this operation in four places, as in the photo. In order for us to fasten our thread, on the buttons with a hook, we introduce the hook from the underside ... ... and fix our thread with a knot. We hide the end of the thread with a hook between the rest of the threads.

This is such a stylish button! We do as much as we need to.

A lot of buttons that we accumulate when we cut them from old things are ordinary and ugly. We can use them for tying to create crochet jewelry buttons.

1. We knit the cutest and most openwork round motif.

2 . We put it on a regular button and knit another row, reducing the number of our loops along the way. With a needle we tighten our knitting to the middle.

Crochet buttons: photo lesson

Original knitted buttons can be the highlight of your outfit.

In this tutorial, you will learn how to crochet buttons with different patterns.

In fact, making your own buttons with a hook and yarn is very easy, and you can always freshen up your favorite outfit with these DIY button fasteners.

Difficulty level: for beginners.

Necessary materials - cotton yarn, hook, scissors, embroidery needle.

Production time - 10 minutes.

Before you - a guide to making knitted crochet buttons. After studying it, you can easily make cute and comfortable buttons for your things.

The following terms are used in the manual: chain loop (CH), double crochet loop (2N) and magic ring.

To crochet buttons, you will need:
- yarn of two colors - main and contrast;
- a crochet hook that matches the number of your yarn (in this master class, hook number 4 is used);
- an embroidery needle to connect the ends;
- scissors.

We knit decorative crochet buttons: a step-by-step description

After you have prepared all the necessary materials, you can start making crochet buttons. The photos below the description of each stage will help you better navigate the master class.

Step 1 - Making the magic ring. Using the main color thread, make a magic ring and secure the thread.

Step 2 - Knit a button. Chain 2 and then work 11 double crochets around the magic ring. Knit tightly, forming a circle. You now have 12 stitches. Actually, your button is already half done.

Step 3 - Connect the ends with a needle. Cut the thread and pull it into a loop on the hook. Pass this thread through the needle.

Finish the circle by passing the tip of the needle through the top of your first double crochet (that is, not the first, but the second column), and then thread the needle back into the last column.

This will create an extra decorative stitch and your button will look neater.

Step 4 - Decorate the button. Now you can use contrasting thread to embellish your piece. To create a contrasting "border", take a yarn of a different color, insert your hook between the button posts and pull a loop between them.

Insert your hook between two adjacent double crochet stitches, pull up a new loop and chain through. Continue knitting counterclockwise until you reach the last stitch.

Cut the thread, tighten it in the last loop and pass the end of the thread through the needle. Pass the needle under both threads of the first loop, and then - inside the last loop. Tighten the thread and cut it.

Your button is ready!
To decorate your button with divergent rays, take a small piece of contrasting yarn (about 30 cm long). Thread the needle. First, thread the needle between the two double crochets, then into the center of the button.

Do a few of these manipulations until you get a "star" pattern.

Step 5 - Turn over your buttons and sew them on - that's it! You just have to sew your products to clothes.

Use your imagination. Now that you know how to crochet a button, you can create a great addition to your outfit.

Use different combinations of yarn colors - and your outfits will always be original.

Make a basic knitted button. Each of these embellished buttons starts with the basic buttons described above. Since the stitches are more visible on the magic ring version, this option is more acceptable, but you can experiment with any option.

  • Make sharp edges with multi-colored threads. Use your crochet hook and embroidery needle to weave multi-colored threads around the edge of the double loops in the magic ring of the base button.

    • Insert your hook into the top of the double loop. Grab a multi-colored thread and pull it through the loop to the front side.
    • Without removing the loop from the hook, insert it between the double loop and pull up a new second loop.
    • Pull the second loop through the first.
    • Continue in the same way, working counterclockwise around the button and pulling up new stitches between double stitches.
    • Pulling the thread through the last loop, cut off the end and thread it through the embroidery needle. Insert the needle under both loops of your first colored stitch and back through the back loop of the last. Tighten the thread at the back of the button.
    • Sew the ends into the back of the button with an embroidery needle.
  • Make a star in the center or a snowflake. You can make a simple six-pointed star or a 30cm cross-weave snowflake with colored thread by pulling the needle through the double loops of the magic ring.

    • Cut a piece of colored thread 30 cm long.
    • Insert the end of the thread into the eye of the needle.
    • Insert the needle under two stitches of one double loop. Working from the top of the button, insert the needle into the center of the button and pull it out at the back.
    • Starting at the back, insert the needle again through the next two stitches of the next double buttonhole. Starting from the front side, thread the needle through the center again.
    • Continuing in this way, you will have six lines extending from the center to the edges.
    • Weave the ends through the stitches on the back of the button to hold everything together.
  • Flower decoration. Floral embellishments are a bit more complex and will require thread of one color for the center and another for the five petals.

    • For the center of the flower:
      • Thread the embroidery needle.
      • Pull the needle through the center of the button. Weave it under one inner loop and return to the other side. Secure it with a loop at the tip of the needle.
      • Pull the entire yarn through the two loops you just made.
      • Repeat similar stitches through each loop in the center of the button. Tie on the back of the buttons.
    • For petals:
      • Thread the needle.
      • Pull the thread through the buttons, from under the center of your flower. Do not pull through the center of the flower.
      • Re-insert the needle into the center. Do not tighten the loop, but on the contrary, leave it to lie freely around the perimeter of the button.
      • Starting at the back, insert the needle through the two loops on the edge of the button, pulling it towards the center and through the loop you made when you started from the center.
      • Pull the loop. The first petal is ready.
      • Weave the needle along the outer edge of the petal and back to the back of the button.
      • Starting from the back, repeat the same steps, creating four more petals. Pin the edges to the back at the end.
  • Let's consider how you can make knitted buttons yourself with crochet and knitting needles or make them from threads. After all, sometimes it is so difficult to find buttons of the required shape, texture and color for a particular suit. This small, but rather important detail, with the right choice, will give clothes a special expressiveness and originality. After all, initially buttons were used precisely as decorations. They were made from shells, stones, bones of rare animals and, of course, precious metals. Buttons were also used as amulets designed to protect a person from hostile forces. We should not forget about the main purpose of buttons - a detachable connection of parts of clothing, therefore, their size and shape are important for convenient use.

    Knitted buttons: appearance

    So, for independent production of buttons, we will need: plastic rings of different sizes, flat buttons with a dimmeter of 3-5 cm, a thin hook, a needle with a wide eye, thin knitting needles (1-1.5 mm), the remains of any yarn.

    How to crochet a button

    Method number 1

    Two versions of the button are presented in this way, which differ from each other only in the color of the yarn used for knitting.

    Button No. 1 (two-color), crocheted

    Knit a chain of four air loops. Close it in a circle with a connecting post. Then knit in a circle. To go to each circle, you must first perform one air loop. Over each loop of the previous row, knit two columns with one crochet to expand the fabric. When the knitted circle is equal to the diameter of the button, knit one column over each loop of the previous row. Next, knit columns over the columns of the previous row through one column.

    Button No. 2 (one color), crocheted

    A knitted cap for a button should be slightly larger than the button itself. At the end of knitting, fasten the thread, leave a piece of thread 15-20 cm long. Insert a button into a knitted hat. Thread a needle with a wide eye, pass the needle through all the columns of the last row. Pull the thread and fasten. You can then sew on a button with the same thread.

    Method number 2

    Crochet Button #3

    Run a chain of air loops. Close the chain in a circle with a connecting column. The length of the chain is slightly longer than the diameter of the button to be tied. Over each loop of the chain, you need to knit a single crochet. In the next row, knit single crochets through one loop, gradually reducing the diameter of the circle. Fasten the thread, leaving the end of the thread 20-25 cm long. Crochet the loops from the last chain. Thread the needle and collect the cast-on loops on the thread. Pull the thread and fasten. Insert button. With a thread, collect all the loops of the outer edge and pull them together. Fasten the thread.

    Knitted button of two rings

    For the manufacture of these buttons were used: yarn "DIVA" (microfiber-acrylic) with a transition of colors and sewing thread No. 10. The buttons in the photo are made of two rings with a diameter of 24 mm and 16 mm. The outer diameter of the second ring must be smaller than the inner diameter of the first ring.

    Button number 4, crocheted on two rings

    Button No. 5 (two rings), crocheted

    Crochet the first ring with single crochets. The loops must be laid close to each other. The number of loops will depend on the diameter of the ring and the thickness of the yarn. Having finished tying, connect the last column with the first half-column, fasten and cut the thread. Twist the loops of the ring so that the edge in the form of a chain is inside the ring.

    Similarly, you need to tie the other ring. For the second ring, it is better to use a thread slightly thinner than for the first. After tying the second ring, do not break the thread. Insert the rings one into the other and carefully secure with a needle and the rest of the thread. From the yarn that was used to tie the first ring, crochet a chain of air loops. The size of the chain is 3-4 cm. Put this chain inside the second ring and fasten it.

    Crochet lace button

    Button No. 6 (lace), crocheted

    Run a chain of three air loops. Close the chain in a circle with a connecting column.

    • 1st row - tie the resulting circle with single crochets, at the end of the row, make a connecting column.
    • 2nd row - to go to the circle, perform an air loop, * single crochet two air loops *, repeat the steps between the symbols * * six more times, at the end of the row, perform a connecting column.
    • 3rd row - single crochet.
    • 4th row - to go to the circle, perform an air loop, * single crochet, four air loops *, repeat the steps described between the symbols * * six more times, knit a connecting column at the end of the row.

    Then knit circles with single crochets. The number of circles will depend on the size of the button. When the knitted circle is equal to the diameter of the button, knit one column over each loop of the previous row. Next, knit columns over the columns of the previous row through one column. At the end of knitting, fasten the thread, leaving a piece of thread 15-20 cm long.

    Insert a button into a knitted hat. Thread a needle with a wide eye, pass the needle through all the columns of the last row. Pull the thread and fasten.

    How to tie a button with knitting needles

    Three options for knitting buttons are presented - the difference is only in the type of yarn used and the size. The first two are made from DIVA yarn (microfiber-acrylic), the third from synthetic yarn

    Knitted button (No. 7), diameter 24 mm

    Knitted button No. 8, diameter 30 mm

    Knitted button No. 9, synthetic, diameter 21 mm

    To make such buttons, you need to dial 12 loops on the knitting needles, knit with a double elastic band 3 cm. Divide the loops into two knitting needles. Insert a button into the resulting pocket. Break the thread, leaving a part of the thread 15-20 cm long. Thread the thread into the needle. Gradually, pulling out the knitting needles, collect the released loops on the thread. Pull the thread tightly, pass the thread through the hole in the button to the underside of the button. Pull the loose ends of the pocket with thread. Fasten the thread securely. The rest of the thread can be used to sew on a button.

    How to make a button out of thread

    There are two options for buttons made of threads, which differ in the color of the yarn used ("DIVA", composition: microfiber-acrylic).

    Button number 10 (brown) made from thread

    Button number 11 (green), made of thread

    The buttons are in the shape of a cylinder. For their manufacture, you will need a tube and thread, preferably melange. The diameter of the tube is 0.5 cm, the length is 2.5 cm. Using an ordinary sewing needle, wrap the tube with threads. Threads should be laid close to each other. The number of turns of thread depends on the diameter of the tube used and on the thickness of the yarn used. After completing the last turn, it is necessary to change the winding direction and make several horizontal turns in the center of the tube. Fasten the thread.

    The next button is also made of thread, but has the shape of a circle. For its manufacture, we need a ring with a diameter of 24 mm.

    Button number 12, thread ring

    Take the ring and fasten the thread on it, wrap it evenly until it is full. The coils of yarn must be laid evenly and close to each other. Then, to create the inner cross of the button, wind several turns of thread around the diameter of the ring. Lay a few more turns perpendicular to these turns. In the center, intercept the turns with threads, pulling them out with a crochet hook. Fasten the thread with a hook on the back of the button. The button is ready.

    A talented master is always visible, his works are better and will say more about him without words. He is ready to create everything with his own hands, and even small details for his work, his knitted blouses. How to make beautiful little things, original buttons, later in the article.

    To make a button, the master should stock up on yarn, hooks, decor elements, the first of which will be beads. You can additionally use beads and different rhinestones.

    Some models are made based on a regular button, which was simply tied and beautifully decorated. But denser iris crochet can be done without a reinforcement part, and it will look just as good. Also, the work requires needles and ordinary threads.

    The work is very small and the master needs to be especially careful, as l Any incorrectly executed loop will immediately become noticeable and will catch the eye. The following are three models of knitted trifles at once, which are not just beautiful, but unique.

    Set of first crochet stitches

    How to crochet original buttons?

    How many patterns the hook is ready to make, manufacturers also offer different colors of yarn to craftsmen. But you can come up with no less knitted trifles, namely buttons. This and lacy and skillfully embellished with rhinestones and beading.

    It is very important to have hooks of different sizes, since the product is small, large and thick, the lace will look extremely unfortunate here. And the thinnest and most elegant ones are only for masters, you can additionally decorate all this.

    Knitting a button from a knot

    A button can be made entirely of thread of medium thickness, and it will look beautiful on the product and perform its fastening functions. It won’t take much time for such a tiny product, but it turns out to be pretty. And yes, it's not that hard to do. You can easily use any leftover yarn for such models, and in this case, the master will always have funny models in stock for future beautiful little things.

    To work use:

    • yarn of medium thickness;
    • hook according to the thickness of the selected yarn;
    • needle for thick thread.


    Very interesting technique. The middle looks just amazing, no initial knot and such an unpleasant pattern. This and amigurumi loop and something very new and improved. First, the thread is wrapped around the finger twice, and then not single crochets are woven into the center, as with the amigurumi loop, but single crochets. And so many of them are immediately performed to make a magnificent circle. Next, the thread is tightened and the base is ready.


    This voluminous product is complemented by a beautiful and very light border. In fact, these are common connecting posts. You just need to do them very carefully and in one line. For this, the master can use a needle. This the technique is clearly shown in the figure along with the finished model.

    This is how you can quickly and easily knit a lot of neat buttons from the remnants of yarn.

    Unusual button from a ring and yarn

    beautiful button in the form of a tree from a simple ringlet, it can also be done independently from a conventional wire.

    Important! To make a wire ring and get a smooth part, you only need to make turns of the rings around the round rod.

    For work you will need:

    • yarn;
    • ring;
    • hook;
    • threads and needles.


    Make small blanks from multi-colored yarn. These are future leaves for the tree. Linking them is very easy. Each leaf consists of 5 air loops. Then just twist this segment into a spiral and the petal is ready.


    Tie the ring tighter with the main thread. To do this, use single crochets. Knit and pull each tighter to the first.


    For the crown of the tree, it is necessary to create a small mesh, on top of which the master also performs single crochets, as well as for tying the ring.


    For decoration, you just need to sew the finished blanks to the crown of the tree. It will turn out a very bright and remarkable button.

    The product is ready and waiting for its use.

    Knitted button decorated with beads

    Very beautiful model with impeccable embroidery. This fine strand of beads goes so well with every yarn color. The execution itself will not bring difficulties to the master, since the basis is only simple schemes that the master has probably already mastered.

    To work use:

    • yarn of several colors;
    • hook;
    • rhinestones;
    • beads;
    • needle;
    • threads.

    A circle

    Start with a ring of air loops. This ring should be around the strazik and should be close in size to it. First use very tight connecting posts. Working with them does not require a dense base. Knit as many rows with connecting posts as the diameter of the product requires. Then work the last row with single crochets.


    Border for such a model make from a contrasting thread. These are simple air loops, and single crochets along them.


    Decorate the finished knitting with a strazik in the center, slightly deepening it in the center. Next, pick up the beads on the thread and make a neat ring around the strazik. Sew in several places.

    So the third model with beads is ready. These beautiful buttons deserve a place on a knitted product and not only.

    Very unusual products are made precisely by his accessories, that is, remarkable jewelry. These are not only unique and attractive products, it is always easy to distinguish the author's work. More to all the masters of beautiful work and time to complete a new product. The work done from the heart is immediately visible.

    Let it be just one blouse for a long time, but with such unique decorations, it will outshine the thousands of works that other authors have done in haste. You need to love and appreciate your passion, this is what distinguishes a true master.