How to feed a baby for the first time. The first days of feeding a newborn. Why apply to the chest in the delivery room

September 24th, 2013 01:38 am

So the moment has come when you hear the first cry of your baby, when you can take it and attach it to your chest. These are unforgettable moments...

Many mothers carry out the first application of the child to the breast, while still in the delivery room. A newborn is usually already ready for this, because the sucking reflex in a healthy child is fully formed already in the first twenty minutes after birth. And early attachment to the breast will create close contact between mother and baby.

Both mother and baby will take some time to establish breastfeeding. The sooner you put your newborn baby to the breast after delivery and start feeding, the sooner you will adjust to each other.

The first breastfeeding provides the baby with colostrum, which contains antibodies that help fight infections. You can read more about the benefits of "initial" milk in this story. In addition, breastfeeding releases oxytocin, a hormone that helps the uterus contract and return to its normal "prenatal" size (read more about the benefits of breastfeeding for moms here).

In the first days of a baby's life, the duration of breastfeeding can be about ten minutes. Remember, every baby and mom is different, so over time, you and your baby will develop a unique style and pattern of breastfeeding that's comfortable just for the two of you.

First breastfeeding and proper attachment of the baby to the breast:

Get comfortable. And, if possible, prepare plenty of pillows - they will be needed to support the back and arms, both in a sitting and lying position. (More often, after giving birth, the mother feeds lying down).

Position your baby correctly. Hold the baby close to you so that his entire body is in front of you and his head rests on his forearm. Bring the baby to the chest without leaning towards him.

Try to keep your child's mouth wide open. While holding the breast with your free hand, try to tickle the baby's bottom lip or chin with the nipple. As soon as his mouth opens wide, offer him breasts.

Make sure your baby is latching on properly. His mouth should cover almost the entire areola of the chest, while the nipple is on the tongue of the baby. See if anything is preventing the baby from breathing freely through the spout.

Listen to him suck. Newborns can fall asleep after a short suckling. Check that the baby's jaws make sucking movements, and he makes the sounds characteristic of swallowing.

End of feeding. When you finish feeding, try to pull out the nipple by gently placing your finger in the corner of the baby's mouth. Then slowly and carefully move the baby away from you.

Am I feeding my baby enough?

During the breastfeeding period, feed the baby when he himself makes it clear that he wants to eat.

If the baby woke up and immediately began to smack his lips, it's time to start feeding. If the mother did not notice these signals in time, the baby may begin to cry, which also means "I'm hungry!"

In the early stages, some mothers are very worried that the baby does not have enough breast milk. However, it is produced in direct proportion to the needs of the child: the more you feed, the more milk appears.

In the first weeks of life, a newborn can eat every 1.5-3 hours. Over time, the breaks between feedings will increase to 4-5 hours. For the proper development and growth of the baby in the first weeks after birth, feeding can be arranged on average 8-12 times a day.

By visiting your pediatrician regularly, you will know if your baby is growing and developing well. You can also keep track of used diapers. During the first month of life, a newborn wets diapers on average 6-8 times a day, and he has stools at least 2 times a day.

All this raises many questions regarding health, lifestyle, emotions, relationships that a young mother will have to solve for the first time.

In the maternity ward

Childbirth ends after the third stage of labor, that is, after the birth of the placenta. Following this, the uterus immediately significantly decreases in size, becomes spherical, its cavity is filled with blood clots; the bottom of the uterus at this moment is located approximately in the middle between the womb and the navel. For some time, periodic cramping contractions of the muscles of the uterus persist, mainly in the bottom area. Immediately after childbirth, the doctor examines the birth canal, if necessary, stitches the gaps.

During the first two hours after natural childbirth, a woman must be in the maternity ward under the supervision of medical personnel. This period is called the early postpartum period and requires special attention to the patient, since it is during these two hours that the likelihood of various complications (for example, bleeding, increased blood pressure or body temperature, etc.) is high. Getting up is not allowed. Immediately after childbirth, a heating pad with ice is placed on the lower abdomen to improve uterine contraction. Every woman feels different after giving birth. Some experience excitement, euphoria associated with the release of hormones of joy - endorphins, a desire to call all loved ones, communicate, while others, on the contrary, feel tired, drowsy, which is associated with a large physical and psycho-emotional stress during childbirth.

Immediately, even in the delivery room, usually for the first time a newborn is applied to the chest.
During the early postpartum period, the doctor and midwife periodically assess the patient's condition, measure blood pressure and pulse, ask about general well-being, complaints, check the nature and amount of discharge from the genital tract, and also massage the uterus through the anterior abdominal wall.

2 hours after the birth, the doctor once again checks the condition of the puerperal, evaluates the degree of uterine contraction and the amount of discharge from the genital tract, and if the woman's condition is satisfactory, the patient is taken on a gurney to the postpartum department.

Postpartum department

Recovery after childbirth. AT postpartum ward It is recommended to lie on your stomach for 1-2 hours. This technique improves uterine contraction and promotes the release of blood clots from it. After that, you are usually allowed to get up. The active mode (that is, getting up early, moving around the ward, performing hygiene procedures on your own, and when staying with the baby, caring for him) also contributes to a more intense uterine contraction, improved blood circulation in the legs, normalization of the intestines and bladder and overall recovery puerperas. You need to get out of bed smoothly, gently, without sudden movements. If a suture is placed on the perineum, then you can’t sit down, you need to gently roll onto one thigh and get up from this position. Sleeping on your stomach is also recommended.

Cohabitation. If cohabitation is practiced in the maternity hospital, the baby can be brought to the ward immediately after the pediatric nurse completes all the documents. Naturally, this is done only when the condition of the mother and baby is satisfactory. In some maternity hospitals, babies are first placed in the children's ward and brought to the mother's ward a few hours later or only the next day, giving the woman time to recover from childbirth.

If the child was transferred to the mother's ward, during the first day the children's sister comes to them several times. She tells how to properly care for a child, apply to the chest, swaddle. In addition to the nurse, a neonatologist comes - this is a doctor who monitors newborns. He looks at how the child feels, checks his reflexes, temperature, skin condition and umbilical wound, talks about the baby’s health, asks about the mother’s consent to vaccinations, and answers questions about caring for the child. With the consent of the mother, on the first day, the baby is vaccinated against hepatitis B. At first, a newborn baby can sleep almost all the time, waking up only to eat. If the baby is restless, constantly crying, falls asleep only for a few minutes, you need to tell the doctor about this so that he assesses the child’s condition, checks if something hurts him.

Hygiene after childbirth. In the first hours after transfer to the ward, you can take a shower. If a woman feels severe weakness, it is better if a nurse is nearby at this time. The genitals should be gently washed with water without the use of soap. During the first day, it is advisable to wash yourself after each trip to the toilet. Abundant bleeding from the vagina after childbirth is a good breeding ground for pathogenic bacteria, it can be dangerous in the postpartum period, especially if there are stitches on the perineum.

You need to wash from front to back, so as not to bring the infection from the anus into the vagina. Do not be afraid to wash the seam area. If the puerperal has sutures in the perineum, the midwife will treat them several times during the day with a concentrated solution of potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate) or a 1?% solution of brilliant green (brilliant green).

As already mentioned, the discharge on the first day is very plentiful, they may contain clots, so you need to be careful about the hygiene products used. Currently, special postpartum pads and mesh disposable panties are on sale. The pads are different in that they are larger than usual in size and have good absorbency, do not have a rubber layer, therefore, they do not interfere with air exchange, and the surface layers are soft, which is important if there are seams on the crotch. In some maternity hospitals, the use of pads is not allowed, diapers are given to patients, since it is easier for the doctor to determine the amount of discharge from them. In any case, it is necessary to change the diaper or pad every time after visiting the toilet and washing.

Urination on the first day can be rapid, so the body gets rid of excess fluid. The main thing is not to restrain the urge, as a full bladder disrupts the processes of uterine contraction. Even if there is no urge, you need to empty your bladder at least every three hours.

On the first day, increased sweating may be noted, this is also associated with the removal of fluid from the body and changes in the hormonal background of the puerperal.

Mom's nutrition. Immediately, the diet of the puerperal should be changed, because not everything that the mother likes is good for the baby. There are some dietary restrictions. Firstly, all allergens should be excluded, most often it is honey, chocolate, nuts, citrus fruits, brightly colored berries (strawberries, strawberries, raspberries), tropical fruits. Secondly, foods that increase gas formation are excluded, since their use can cause gas formation and abdominal pain in the baby. These are cabbage, legumes, black bread, grapes. You should also not drink strong tea and coffee, as they can have an exciting effect on the child. Naturally, you can not drink alcohol.

Usually the chair happens for 2-3 days. In the presence of stitches on the perineum, it is very important to prevent constipation. To do this, sour-milk products, boiled beets, prunes, dried apricots, dried fruit compote should be present in the diet, fresh vegetables and fruits, wholemeal bread are excluded.

Menu after childbirth

  • Breakfast: oatmeal on the water, yogurt 2.5?% fat without additives, dried fruit compote.
  • Second breakfast: cottage cheese with dried apricots and prunes.
  • Lunch: boiled beetroot salad with vegetable oil, vegetable soup, mashed potatoes, boiled meat, dried fruit compote.
  • Afternoon snack: dry biscuits, kefir.
  • Dinner: lean beef stew, buckwheat, weak tea.
  • Late dinner: baked apple, herbal tea


It is very good if the attachment of the newborn to the chest happened immediately. The first drops of colostrum contain the nutrients, vitamins, and antibodies necessary for the baby. In addition, early application has a beneficial effect on establishing emotional contact between mother and baby and on the further development of lactation. On the first day, a small amount of colostrum is released. It is a thick yellowish liquid, high in calories and rich in protective antibodies, proteins, and vitamins. Therefore, you must immediately begin to apply the baby to the breast and do it on demand. It is not necessary to wash the breasts with soap before each feeding, as this dries out the skin and can lead to cracking. It is very important that both mother and baby are in comfortable positions during feeding. If a woman can sit, it is more convenient to feed the baby while sitting or lying on her side. It is important from the very first day to ensure that the newborn properly latch on to the breast when feeding. The baby should latch on to the nipple and areola, or most of it if the areola is large. In this case, the mouth should be wide open, and the lower lip should be completely turned inside out.

Complications after childbirth

During the first day, the obstetrician-gynecologist enters the puerperal room several times, controlling her condition. At night, the department always has a doctor on duty who conducts rounds, and in case of problems, you need to contact him.

Pain in the lower abdomen. On the first day, the puerperal woman may experience pulling or cramping pains in the lower abdomen. They are associated with postpartum uterine contractions and increase during breastfeeding. If the pain causes significant anxiety, it is better to consult a doctor, he will prescribe an antispasmodic.

Pain in the perineum. In the perineal region, a woman may also be disturbed by discomfort, pain, numbness, even if there were no tears or incisions. This is due to the fact that the tissues of the perineum during childbirth were subjected to strong stretching and pressure. If there are no tears, the pain will go away after a couple of days, if stitches were applied to the perineum, soreness can persist for about a week. The doctor may suggest an ice pack. It should be applied to the perineum for 10 minutes 3-4 times a day. Cold relieves swelling of tissues, and accordingly, reduces pain. If there are sutures on the perineum, it must be remembered that you cannot sit for an average of 10 days after childbirth and you need to carefully process the sutures. To relieve pressure on the seams, it is recommended to lie more.

Problems with urination. In the first hours and even days, the puerperal may have urination disorders. This is due to a decrease in the tone of the muscles of the bladder and swelling of its wall due to compression of the head of the child during childbirth. Urination disorders are more often of two types. In some cases, the puerperal feels the urge, but cannot empty the bladder on her own, in others she does not even feel the urge to urinate. If during the first 6 hours after childbirth it is not possible to urinate on your own, you should consult a doctor with this problem. In this case, the midwife will place a urinary catheter.

With soreness and tingling in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe seams during urination, it is recommended to water the perineum with warm water. Urine has an irritating effect on the wound surface, therefore, when urinating in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe seams, burning and discomfort occur. By flushing the urine with water, the woman relieves these symptoms.

Cracks in the nipples. Sometimes there are problems with the nipples. On the first day, they can rub and hurt. In severe cases, cracks appear on them. For nipples, you can use BEPANTEN, TRAUMEL S ointments, and feed through silicone pads. If there is a breastfeeding specialist in the hospital, it is better to contact him for help in order to learn how to properly attach the baby to the breast.

Rash on the face. After childbirth, a woman may notice the appearance of a small-dotted red rash on her face or hemorrhages in the sclera of the eyes. These are capillaries that burst during childbirth with attempts. Usually they do not cause any discomfort and pass on their own within 10-14 days.

Hemorrhoids. Sufficiently expressed concern can deliver hemorrhoids, which sometimes appear during childbirth. An ascending cool shower, applying cold to the perineal area helps to reduce pain. In case of severe anxiety, you should also consult a doctor, he will prescribe antihemorrhoidal rectal suppositories with anesthetic components.

Discharge from the genital tract. Be sure to contact the attending or on-duty obstetrician-gynecologist if a woman notes too abundant discharge from the genital tract (normally, on the first day, the gasket is completely filled within about 1-2 hours), as well as in case of a large number of clots, an increase in body temperature or severe abdominal pain.

After caesarean section

After caesarean section the first day of a woman proceeds differently. Immediately after the operation, the patient is transferred to the intensive care unit for more careful monitoring of her condition. On the lower abdomen, as well as women who have given birth naturally, they must put an ice pack for two hours to improve uterine contraction. On the first day, the puerperal must be injected with painkillers and antibiotics. If necessary (this is determined by the amount of blood loss during the operation and the general condition of the woman), intravenous saline solutions are administered to restore blood volume, in some cases blood components are transfused.

Get up after operation allowed after 6-8 hours, while at first you can only sit a little, and then stand near the bed, and after 10-12 hours you are usually allowed to walk. While walking, to reduce pain and improve uterine contraction, it is recommended to wear a special postoperative bandage.

On the first days after operation it is allowed to drink only water without gas, you can add lemon juice to it, since acidified water quenches thirst better; it is not allowed to eat, since the full intestine prevents the normal healing of the postoperative suture, in addition, during the first day, the absence of stool is necessary to prevent the divergence of the sutures. Transfer to the postpartum department is possible 12-24 hours after the operation. The child at this time is usually in the children's department. After the transfer of the mother to the ward, it is possible to stay together with the baby and breastfeed. However, in the early days, the mother usually needs help in caring for the newborn.

For the first six months of a newborn baby's life, mother's milk is the most complete food. In order for this period to be comfortable for the mother, and for the baby to bring only benefits, every inexperienced mother should know the basic and most important rules of breastfeeding.

Moms take note!

Hello girls) I didn’t think that the problem of stretch marks would affect me, but I’ll write about it))) But I have nowhere to go, so I’m writing here: How did I get rid of stretch marks after childbirth? I will be very glad if my method helps you too ...

Attaching the baby to the breast. Important points:

Features of modern breastfeeding

  1. One of the principles is free and unlimited feeding at the first request of the baby. Unlike the old methods, this method has a positive effect on the psycho-emotional state of the child and. It is advisable to breastfeed in any restless condition of the baby, without waiting for him to cry. If a baby requires 10-16 feedings in the first months, this is normal!
  2. Up to six months, the baby needs night feedings, as they bring the greatest benefit to the child, and the mother develops stable lactation.
  3. The duration of sucking depends only on the child. The last milk in the breast is the fattest and healthiest, so it is recommended to let the baby suck out one mammary gland to the very end. The second should be offered only at the next feeding. An exception can be only in case of a lack of mother's milk in one breast for complete saturation.
  4. An infant up to six months can only get by with breast milk without the introduction of additional nutrition. ()
  5. The best option for the full development of the child, strengthening the immune system and protecting against viruses is breastfeeding up to one and a half to two years.

When breastfeeding, do not:

  1. Frequent washing of the mammary glands, as frequent washing removes the protective fatty layer from the nipples. The lack of a protective film leads to painful cracks in the nipples and areola. It is enough to take a shower once or twice a day.
  2. Giving your baby water – Excess water can reduce appetite and increase flatulence in the baby's digestive system. A teaspoon of water per day can be given only if the child has constipation from mother's full-fat milk.
  3. Up to six months, use pacifiers and drink from a bottle. If the baby does not have enough mother's milk, then supplementary feeding should be given with a spoon or pipette. A baby can confuse suckling with a nipple (sucking milk from a breast is more difficult than from a bottle), and improper sucking can lead to cracked nipples. In addition, the child may completely refuse breast milk.
  4. After each feeding, resort to decanting the remaining milk. The exception is congestion in the chest, engorgement or forced separation of the mother from the baby.
  5. Weigh the child frequently. It is enough to control the weight once every one to two weeks. Frequent weighing can unnerve the mother and encourage unnecessary supplementation.
  6. Give the baby sweet tea. Sweet can harm future teeth, and tea can contribute to iron deficiency anemia.

Video #1

Video #2

Breastfeeding is an individual natural process. All children, like mothers, are different. Only with the help of her own experience, any mother herself will be able to establish the rules for feeding a baby, based on the characteristics of her baby and following the recommendations of specialists and mothers who have fed more than one child.

The most important day is over - the baby was born! Such a long-awaited, beloved, dear. But the tests for the woman are not over yet - the body will have a difficult process of returning to the usual, "non-pregnant" state. And this is against the background of the need to take care of the child - to breastfeed him, to care for him.

No matter. whether the birth was independent, problem-free, difficult, with complications, or a caesarean section was performed - recovery is almost the same for everyone.

What happens to the body in the first days after childbirth, what sensations are normal, and which ones indicate pathology, what you can and should eat in order for milk to arrive - we will tell you in detail later.

What physical manifestations are expected in the first week after childbirth

We will list all the sensations that can be observed immediately after childbirth and within 5-7 days. But this does not mean that everyone has them all - every young mother has everything individually.

  • Almost everyone has lochia (even after a cesarean section) - these are spotting, which after 5-6 days become pink, then watery and stop after 10-14 days. They are associated with bleeding of the inner walls of the uterus after separation of the placenta.
  • Spasmodic pains in the abdomen depend on the contractions of the uterus, which returns to its original size. Pass within 5-15 days - it is individual.
  • Weakness and exhaustion - childbirth is a very big tension and stress.
  • Painful sensations in the perineum, especially after natural childbirth and suturing. Aggravated by coughing, lifting weights. Last up to a week. This also includes difficulty walking and sitting.
  • General muscle pain - as a result of strong attempts.
  • Hemorrhages in the whites of the eyes, blue circles under the eyes, hematomas in different places - it was during the attempts that small vessels burst.
  • Excessive sweating - usually lasts 2-3 days and is associated with hormonal changes in the body.
  • Difficulties with urination and defecation are normal and may occur 24-48 hours after delivery. But you can’t start this situation, as infectious inflammation can begin.
  • Severe soreness of the breast nipples, their cracking, even abscesses and spotting.

The chest in the first days after childbirth requires a very responsible attitude in order to prevent the development of mastitis - while it will not be possible to feed the baby.

With emotional and psychological side A young mother may be accompanied by such sensations:

  • Constant mood swings - from joy to depression and even despair.
  • Feeling of insecurity in their maternal qualities, fear of breastfeeding.
  • Irritation from own weakness, desire to return home as soon as possible.
  • Complete lack of interest in her husband, rejection of even simple affectionate touches.

Breast in the first days after childbirth

This question worries most of all newly-made mothers, because it is the food and health of her baby. Even during pregnancy, the breasts noticeably increased in size and the woman who kneaded her nipples did the right thing - she prepared them for the upcoming loads.

Books write that immediately after childbirth, colostrum flows from the nipples, which the baby needs so much. Ideally, this is so, but in life, most often there is no milk on the first day after childbirth. And even two or three days nothing can be squeezed out, even if the baby is applied to the chest. Moms start to get nervous that the baby is hungry. And in vain! Wise nature has foreseen everything and for the first two or three days the child has no appetite at all, does not feel hunger and also moves away from the stress that he experienced during birth.

And how much colostrum he needs - he will draw out for himself, although it seems to the mother that the breast is empty and there is nothing to feed after childbirth. The entire serving of a one-day-old baby is a teaspoon of colostrum. This amount of food goes not so much to maintain strength as to cleanse the stomach and intestines from mucus and postpartum meconium feces.

And only on the third or fourth day the baby has an appetite and a desire to eat well. And by this time, the breast swells, filling with milk. The size can increase 3-4 times, the nipples become very sensitive, painful and hard as a stone. It is very important to establish the correct feeding regimen in order to release the breast in time for the next portion, not to let the milk stagnate. How to give a nipple in the baby's mouth - a pediatric neonatologist will show. It all depends on the structure and size of the nipple. As a rule, pain during feeding gradually disappears in a week.

The main thing is to follow the rules of hygiene, wash and process the nipples, express the remaining milk until the baby sucks everything out. And if painful cracks still appear on the nipples, then it is not recommended to treat it yourself - consult a doctor and he will select remedies that are safe for the baby so as not to stop the process of breastfeeding.

Breastfeeding Rules

Renowned British doctor Arlene Eisenberg and her colleagues have written an excellent guide book for expectant mothers called Expecting a Baby. The book has been published several times in our country - and we advise all expectant mothers to find and read it. The author devoted a large section specifically to the problem of breastfeeding - after all, the longer the baby receives mother's milk, the healthier he will be. We have compiled her tips into a short list.

  1. The first time the baby should be attached to the breast, as soon as possible after childbirth. Now in maternity hospitals, a newborn is immediately placed on the mother’s chest so as not to break their connection. But, in some places, they still adhere to the old, Soviet system and the baby is taken from the mother to the children's wards, and they bring food strictly by the hour. In this case, the mother should know that they have the right to demand to bring the baby immediately.
  2. As a rule, on the first day after birth, the child sleeps almost all the time and it often turns out that they bring him to feed, but he sleeps and is not going to wake up. In these cases, the baby must be awakened and forced to suck, otherwise he will wake up between feedings and begin to demand his portion, which he will receive from the bottle. And the next feeding he will sleep again. There are two ways to wake up a baby. First you need to slow him down by slightly pinching his nose. If the newborn does not wake up, then you need to carefully seat him and, holding him, swing forward several times. At the same time, he will definitely wake up and you must immediately attach him to the chest.
  3. In some hospitals, crying children are calmed by giving them a bottle of glucose. Such manipulation does double harm - it interrupts the baby's appetite, and the ease with which liquid flows from the bottle makes him lazy at the breast. Where does the milk need to be sucked from? Therefore, it would be best to get the medical staff not to give such tea to the baby in the hospital. And also, did not give him a pacifier.
  4. No need to feed a screaming baby. He already lacks experience to capture the nipple. And in an excited state, this is almost impossible to do. First, the baby must be calmed, pumped up and then try to feed.
  5. Milk in the first days after childbirth is very nutritious, so the child is quickly saturated, especially since the volume of his ventricle is very small. And much more milk is produced. To avoid stagnation, the first few weeks, the remainder must be decanted. You can do this manually, or use special breast pumps that you can buy at a pharmacy. By the end of the first month, the baby can already completely empty one breast on its own. By the way, if there is a lot of excess milk, then it can be sold. This is a very expensive product, for which they will come at the agreed time.
  6. And the most important rule, no matter how difficult the process of feeding at first, the mother should try to remain calm. Already 10 minutes before breastfeeding, you need to say goodbye to the guests, turn off the TV, relax, and devote this time of intimacy with your baby. The amount of milk from this will also increase.
  7. It is better to feed more often and little by little. As a rule, it is the long breaks between feedings that lead to swelling and cracking of the nipples. The only way to harden them is by sucking a child. It is optimal to give the baby both breasts at each feeding and start with the less sensitive one.

Breastfeeding mother's diet

As a rule, few mothers want to eat on the first day after giving birth. But worrying about their baby, women, especially under the pressure of grandmothers, force themselves to eat and drink "for two" - so that milk comes. For truth, this is - the amount of milk directly depends on the amount of food and drink.

But, and the first day after childbirth, it is completely optional for mom to eat a lot. The body directs all its forces to recover from powerful stress, which is the birth of a baby, and it makes no sense to spend the last strength on digesting high-calorie foods. It will not benefit anyone - neither the woman nor her child. You have to eat what your body asks for.

But, there are a number of restrictions on what you can eat in the first days after childbirth - so that the baby does not have a tummy ache, so that diathesis and allergies do not develop, a nursing mother must abandon a number of products that she consumed during pregnancy.

The most exciting question is how to organize proper nutrition after childbirth in the first days and beyond, so that the baby has enough milk, but at the same time the mother herself does not gain weight.

General nutrition rules

So, rule number 1- Eat foods rich in vitamins and minerals. These include cereals such as oatmeal, buckwheat, rice, vegetables and fruits. For the first time, oranges, tangerines and strawberries should be abandoned - they can cause the development of diathesis.

But from the second month, the mother even needs to introduce them into the diet a little bit - when the intestinal microflora is already formed in the baby, then small portions of allergens act just the opposite - they teach the body to perceive them normally. Also, do not eat legumes - beans, peas and others. They cause bloating and colic in the baby, like fresh cabbage (this does not apply to sauerkraut and stew).

As an additional fortification, the children's doctor, as a rule, prescribes vitamin complexes for the mother. But such synthetic vitamins are poorly absorbed. It is better to spend this considerable money that they cost on fresh herbs, carrots, bananas and kiwi - there will be more benefits. And you should definitely buy fish oil in capsules at the pharmacy - this guarantees the absence of anemia to the mother, and the full physical and mental development of the baby.

The menu of the first days after childbirth should also include cereals, fresh vegetables and fruits containing a lot of fiber - apples, raisins and other dried fruits, nuts (walnuts - no more than 3 pieces per day), bread and bran buns. This is necessary for the proper functioning of the mother's digestive system. In addition, dried fruits and nuts contain a large amount of B vitamins, which are very important for the intellectual development of the child.

Rule number 2 - calories. Many moms dream after giving birth as soon as possible to return to their “pre-pregnancy” norm. And immediately after the birth of the baby, they begin to limit themselves in food in order to lose those extra pounds. But here we must first think about the baby, so nutritionists recommend increasing the number of calories in the diet by about 500 compared to the diet before pregnancy.

This amount will allow you to produce enough milk, while not gaining extra centimeters at the waist. If the mother is overweight, then this figure can be half as much - then the body will spend the fat accumulated during pregnancy on milk.

Rule number 3 - calcium. This important building element was consumed to the maximum during the growth of the fetus, and after childbirth is actively excreted with milk. Therefore, it must be replenished urgently and in sufficient quantities. This means that calcium intake in foods should be increased up to 5 times a day. It can be a glass of milk, yogurt (only home-made - sourdough is sold in the dairy departments of supermarkets and pharmacies), a portion of cottage cheese or 50-70 grams of hard cheese.

Rule number 4. The amount of protein should be reduced - a maximum of 3 times a day for 100-150 grams. These are 2 eggs, boiled chicken, rabbit, veal, turkey, sea and river fish. It is necessary to completely abandon mushrooms, even store-bought champignons - by the way, they are the most dangerous.

Rule 5- very important! Proper drinking regime. On the day, in addition to the liquid that is contained in foods and dishes, you must drink at least 8 glasses (milk, juices, broths, clean water). You need to drink even more if there is a strong sweating. But, the maximum amount of liquid is 12 glasses (2.5 liters) - since the amount of milk produced will decrease, and edema will go, since the kidneys will not be able to cope with such an amount of liquid. Strong tea and coffee should be reduced to 1 cup a day.

Recipes to increase lactation

One of the most common questions young mothers have is: what should I drink to get milk? In the first place is tea with milk - you need to take not very strong black or green tea and milk in half and sweeten it a little. Fennel or cumin tea stimulates milk production very well, besides, it is a good remedy for reducing colic in a baby. You need to brew half a teaspoon in a glass of boiling water. Diluted 5-6 times, such tea should also be given to a child - he will easily pass gases.

A complex of herbs for insufficient lactation looks like this: steam 1 teaspoon of cumin seeds, dill, fennel and dry or fresh herbs of lemon balm and nettle in a thermos in 1 liter of water. Infuse for 2 hours and drink throughout the day before and after feeding.

A very effective remedy - it is advised to drink after the last feeding before going to bed. Make radish juice - 100 ml, dilute 100 ml with boiled salted water and dilute 1 tablespoon of honey in a warm composition (not hot!)

dill milk is an old folk recipe. Crush 1 teaspoon of dill seeds (or grind in a coffee grinder), pour 1 glass of curdled milk or kefir, salt and drink on an empty stomach before breakfast.

Breastfeeding is an important stage in the life of mother and child. This ensures the health of both, as well as a close physical, psychological and emotional bond for life. And, believe me, no career, beauty and other external manifestations of the modern world are worth giving up this happiness.

Author of the publication: Marianna Pavlei

Ask questions to the medical staff and report anything that worries you so that you can return home as informed as possible.

Colostrum and mother's milk

Until the mother has real breast milk, which happens about 3 days after birth, your baby will be fed colostrum, a yellowish liquid that the mammary glands produce.

Useful properties of colostrum. This is a milk concentrate that fully meets the first needs of your child. With a strong laxative effect, it speeds up the removal of meconium (original feces) from the baby's body, reducing the risk of infantile jaundice. Thanks to its rich content of fats, sugar, salt and proteins, it eliminates the risk of hypoglycemia and dehydration.

Colostrum is very valuable for your baby's health, because it is his first defense against germs and viruses. In fact, it contains a high concentration of secretory immunoglobulin A, which creates the first anti-infective barrier and also stimulates the development of the immune system. Thus, your child will not only be protected from infections, but his own immune defenses will also turn on faster.

Benefits of mother's milk. Mother's milk is easily absorbed by the baby's body. It perfectly adapts to the needs of the baby, born at term or prematurely, day after day, week after week, throughout the entire feeding period.

At the beginning of feeding, milk is light, watery, rich in lactose; during this period it contains especially a lot of water. Then the milk thickens and becomes "fat", more nutritious (the amount of fat increases four times). Therefore, it is recommended to give the child alternately the left and right breasts.

The composition of milk in all women is different and changes every day and even during the day; thus, the concentration of milk fats rises from 6 to 10 am and is higher during the day than at night. Breast milk is always at the right temperature, sterile, and has a variety of flavors depending on what the mother eats.

Start feeding

A young mother has to listen to different conflicting opinions that only confuse her! Our helpful tips will help you determine if your baby is breastfeeding correctly and getting enough milk.
You two study together. Always keep in mind that not only you are involved in breastfeeding, but also your baby. Some women carefully prepare in advance for breastfeeding, but from the very beginning, everything does not go as they expected. The baby also has a share of the responsibility! He may find it difficult to take the breast, he may be nervous, etc.

First two hours. Ideally, the newborn is breastfed for the first time within two hours of delivery. The mother at this moment is very receptive, all the feelings of the baby are awakened, and his reflexes are especially strong. But the first feeding is not always easy, patience and calmness are required. Let your baby take the breast on his own so that he learns to suck by instinct. Attempts to help most often only frighten the baby, even lead to the fact that he refuses to breastfeed.

Indeed, if a child is forcefully applied to the breast, he can scream, and then his tongue is pressed against the palate, and does not curl up around the nipple. Then he physiologically cannot suck.

If your baby doesn't latch on properly right away, don't worry. Give him time to get to know you. Soon you will have many opportunities to teach him to suck productively! Remember that for this first breastfeeding, the “result” is not as important as the physical contact, the closeness; the moment when you and your child study each other is very important.

In the first hours after childbirth. In the first day after birth, your baby will be tired, he will sleep a lot ... just like you! He must rest, because the birth was a real test for him, for which he spent a lot of energy. However, the breasts need to be stimulated to produce milk. Indeed, the production of milk throughout breastfeeding depends on how often the baby is applied to the breast and how effectively it is stimulated in the early days. To make your baby want to breastfeed, use the following tips.

Hold him in your arms: your smell, contact with your body can make him want to suck.

Watch him and you will notice the first signs that he is ready to feed. Rapid eye movements indicate that he is dozing (feeding in deep sleep is doomed to failure!); moving lips and tongue, bringing hands to mouth, smacking and restless body movements will tell you that your baby is ready to feed. And only in extreme cases, when he is really hungry, he will scream! In this case, you will have to first calm him down so that he can latch on properly.

At each feeding, let the baby alternate between the left and right breasts, then put it on the shoulder in an upright position so that it burps if necessary, stroke its legs, face, check if it is hot, change the diaper.

The pros of breastfeeding

  • Breastfeeding is very beneficial for both the baby and the mother.
  • Breast milk gives the child antibodies to many infections and in a short time significantly reduces the risk of gastrointestinal (diarrhea) and respiratory (asthma) diseases, as well as otitis media and nasopharyngitis.
  • Breastfeeding can prevent postpartum hemorrhage in the mother: contractions (the so-called postpartum cramps) that cause the hormone oxytocin, which is also involved in lactation, contribute to the reduction of the uterus.
  • Breastfeeding also has a long-term beneficial effect: it reduces the risk of allergies, obesity and diabetes in a child.

Attachment to the chest

It is important to be able to properly attach the baby to the breast, as nipple cracks and other unpleasant consequences occur due to incorrect posture when feeding. You should make yourself comfortable (see p. 351) and relax. Place pillows under your elbow and under the baby so that he lies under your chest, and also under your back so that you do not have to bend over to him. Hold the baby close to you. His ear, shoulder, and hip should be in line, meaning he shouldn't bend to reach your chest. His nose and chin are touching your chest, his belly is touching yours (if both of you were naked, your navels would be touching).

To help your baby, you can give him the breast by taking it in your hand and bending it into a “C” shape, that is, placing your thumb on the chest and the other four fingers under it, away from the areola. Your baby should now open their mouth wide, as if they are yawning. Tell him: "Open your mouth!" (and very soon you will notice that he understands you), stroking his lower lip with a nipple or gently lowering his chin with your fingers. At this point, quickly bring the baby to your chest with the same hand that you hold him with. He should capture the nipple and the largest possible part of the areola with his mouth; your nipple should touch the depths of his palate.

Increased sensitivity. In the early days of breastfeeding, you may be concerned about the increased sensitivity of the breast. The strength of the sucking movements of the baby is great; don't be surprised if it hurts at first.

Bottles, nipples, breast pumps. Avoid the use of bottles and nipples, which interfere with proper latch on; also avoid silicone breast cups (or breast pumps), which can cause clogging of the milk ducts, leading to pain in the chest and nipples; they also accustom the child to an incorrect position at the breast, and this is then difficult to correct.

I have very small breasts. Will I still have enough milk to feed my baby?

Feeding and breast size

In no case should you rely on the appearance of the breast, making predictions about the mother's ability to breastfeed. The size of the female breast depends on the amount of adipose tissue contained in it, which does not affect the production of breast milk and does not determine its quality.

Breast enlargement during pregnancy is a sign of good breast function. Contrary to popular belief, almost all women are capable of breastfeeding if they are sufficiently educated.
Milk production depends more on hormones and on the correct attachment of the baby to the breast than on its volume!

Proper breastfeeding

To determine if your baby is suckling properly, check to see if his lips are pulled out towards the outside of his chest. His tongue should stick out and curl up under your breasts (covering his bottom gum). His temple moves in rhythm with the sucking movements, and when he swallows, you can notice the movement from below the ear (about two sucking movements, there is one swallowing). At the same time, he should neither make clicking sounds nor retract his cheeks. You should not feel pain, except for the first days when the sensitivity of the breast is increased. During feeding, your baby is calm, and at the end looks full.

If you or your child feel uncomfortable, start over and try as many times as necessary. Attention: do not tear the baby from the breast, do not pull him back: he sucks with such force that he can hurt you! It is better to put your little finger in the corner of his mouth; then he will instinctively open it, and you can try again.

The appearance of milk

On the second or third day after birth, the mother produces milk, under the influence of the hormone prolactin. By this time, milk production becomes necessary to meet the growing needs of the child: the volume of his stomach, which at birth contained from 5 to 7 ml, after 3 days increases 5 times!

The mother's breasts can be very tense, swollen and therefore often sore. However, do not put nursing cups in your bra: they can only aggravate the situation by stimulating milk production. Painful sensations will soon stop: feeding will regulate the production of milk. To prevent stains on your clothes due to its "leakage", you can put special feeding inserts (made of cotton, not plastic, to avoid debate). If you have too much milk, ask the staff at the maternity hospital if it is possible to donate it to a breast milk donor station located in your city or department.

The rhythm of feeding

Breastfeeding is a special moment that you do not have to share with others! You need to be relaxed, and the presence of other people can make you uncomfortable. Your baby will need rest too, especially at the beginning.

Require privacy. At the maternity hospital, ask to be left alone with the baby when you need to feed him. Ask the child's father to speak to your visitors and politely let them know that you need peace. In the future, everything will work out naturally, depending on your characters, as well as how the feeding will go. It is important that you are relaxed when feeding and feel that your baby is calm.

duration of feeding. To understand your child and his needs, forget about the clock and watch him. There is no "hourly rate" for breastfeeding. One feeding can last from 10 minutes (two times 5 minutes) to 40 minutes (two times 20 minutes) and even more. It all depends on how much milk the baby swallows when sucking, as well as on the flow of milk from the mother. You should notice when he sucks productively: the first movements will be quick, then more measured.

At the end of feeding, the intervals between sucking movements should become longer and longer. At the same time, you may begin to feel sleepy or you will feel thirsty. Therefore, prepare a large glass of water for each feeding.

Feeding frequency. The rhythm of feedings is established over time: at first, the child may fall asleep without being completely satiated, and then after a short break, he will ask for food again. Gradually, the situation stabilizes, and, as a rule, after some time after returning home, there are from 8 to 12 feedings per day. Remember to feed both the left and right breasts at every feed, even if your baby seems to be a little tired and dozing off. The more your baby suckles at the breast, the more milk it will produce.

If you are discouraged

It happens that a mother, knowing about the benefits of breastfeeding, prepares a few weeks before childbirth and proceeds to it quite confidently; but even then it is not without moments of despondency. All this is in the order of things: the circumstances under which you begin to feed your baby are not simple. Fatigue after childbirth, residual pain after episiotomy, baby's refusal to breastfeed, postpartum depression, confusion. As a result, because of all these unpleasant factors, your determination to feed can be shaken.

Be sure to share your doubts with someone: with someone from the clinic staff, with the father of the child, with a friend - it doesn’t matter. The most important thing is not to be ashamed if something doesn't work out for you. Don't feel guilty if you can only talk about it through tears! Let the nurse check if you are in the correct position when feeding; ask her any questions you have. Things will gradually get better if you talk about your problems and ask for help.