How to start crochet in the round. How to crochet in a circle? What do beginners need to know? Crochet for summer

I believe that the ability to create neat tight circles can be safely attributed to the list of basic crochet techniques. This part is used to make hats, berets, interior crafts, amigurumi toys and many motifs.

Crocheting in a circle is not as simple as it might seem at first glance, but there are some rules, patterns and even tricks that make life easier for craftswomen. In this article I will tell you how to crochet a circle without blooming.

Key principles

May consist of individual or spiral rows (P). The first option is more complicated, but only it makes it possible to form a striped fabric.

Knitting in a spiral is easier, but in this case, the boundaries of the rows are smeared. I offer a description of how to crochet a circle individual R, because I myself usually use this method. At the end of the article, clarifications are given that will help you create a circle with spiral P.

Before proceeding with the description of the work, I should dwell on a few important points:

  1. Getting started is essential! If the ring from the VP for the 1st R is too large, then the middle in the finished circle will bulge and bulge. If the middle turns out to be tight, then the further canvas will turn into a ruffle (that is, it will be too wide and go in a wave).

How to be saved? Use the 1/2 principle:

  • If 6 stbn should be knitted in the first row, then the ring should consist of 3 VPs (6/3 = 3).
  • When the first row requires 12 sts, the ring must include no more than 6 VPs (12/2=6).

Also, a good way to avoid such a problem, I can call replacing the ring from the VP with a loop of thread (yarn is wound around the index and middle fingers, then the ST of the first row is knitted into this loop and then the loop is tightened to the desired diameter).

  1. At the beginning of each P of the circular canvas there should be an air loop (VP) of lifting. If single crochets (STbN) are used, then 1 VP is enough. When double crochets (STsN) are used, 2 or 3 VPs are needed. Traditionally, the schemes suggest 3VP, but sometimes this leads to the formation of holes in the seam, so I often do 2VP.

IMPORTANT: The lifting loops replace the first ST.

  1. Each circular P ends with a connecting column (PS). This element does not replace any ST, it serves to smooth the top edge of the row.
  2. A flat circle will turn out only if the additions are made in each P in the proper amount. However, if you add new CTs on top of each other, you can form a polygon rather than a circle. Even shifting the increase points by one ST (as suggested in many diagrams) does not always help. I combat this effect by adding new elements in a checkerboard pattern. This principle is shown in
  3. The danger that awaits the craftswomen who have chosen the hook: knitting with UNINTENDED addition or reduction of elements. It is not uncommon for knitters to skip the first stitches in P or not finish the last stitches. Also quite often the first or last column is knitted twice. As a result, the proportions of the circle are violated and the resulting canvas is far from perfect. I tried to get rid of this problem for a long time, and the recipe is simple: carefully monitor the work and count the bars.

A detailed description of the work is offered in the video below.

For those who find it easier to knit and focus on the photo, I offer a verbal description.

Crochet a circle: a step-by-step master class (photo, diagrams, description)

In this diagram, two options for making a circle are proposed:

  1. STbN.
  2. STSN.

Crochet circle pattern

With the help of photographs, I will show how to create a canvas in the first way. I think there should be no problems with the second method, since the procedure is similar.

To begin with, I interlace the thread and make the initial loop.
Next, I form a chain of 3 VPs.
I close the chain into a ring.

  1. I make a VP and knit 6 stbn, threading the hook into the ring and grabbing the tail of the thread.

    2. Pay attention to where the hook should be threaded at the beginning of the 2nd R! If you insert a tool under the VP (as in the manufacture of a straight blade), then extra columns are formed.

At the end, a connecting column is required. Each element is doubled.

  1. Every second element is doubled.

  2. Here you already need to carefully monitor the correct implementation of the increases (I skip 2, double the 3rd).

  3. From each 4th loop of the base I knit 2 stbn.

    And at this stage, it's time to introduce markers. Ordinary plastic parts seem inappropriately bulky to me, so I use metal connecting rings (they are used to make jewelry and are sold in hardware stores). I mark all 6 points of increase.

  4. When knitting the 6th P, I focus on markers and make increments between two adjacent rings. If you do not take into account the shift that has occurred, it turns out that every 5th ST doubles.

  5. Here you need to double the STbN, which are directly above the markers.

By the way, I quite often start knitting a circle immediately from the 2nd P: in a ring of 5-6 VPs, I perform 12 stbn and then according to the pattern.

Spiral knitting

To crochet a circle without bothering with the beginning and end of rows, you can use spiral knitting.

At the end of the 1st R, you do not need to make connecting columns, instead, you should immediately knit the first loop of the 2nd R. It is better to immediately mark the transition point.

Then continue building up the web in a spiral (no VP and attaching a column!), Following the described algorithm for adding new elements.

  • Instructions for knitting in a circle
  • Beautiful napkins, fashionable hats, luxurious tablecloths... All these products can be knitted using simple tools: needlework hook and thread. Creating original and, at first glance, incredibly difficult work is actually not difficult at all. The secret of mastery lies in mastering the technique of knitting several figures, familiar to most from geometry lessons. The circle is one of the most common among them. You can learn how to crochet in a circle for a beginner thanks to this small master class. It is enough to follow the simple rules described below.

    How to start crocheting a circle

    There are two main ways to crochet a base circle:

  • Knit a circle, starting with one loop.
  • Knit a circle, starting with a chain consisting of several loops.
  • Thread ring with knitting needles

    The first option is better suited if you need to create a rounded product without a hole in the center. For example, when knitting napkins. To achieve the desired result, you must follow the instructions below step by step.

  • We make a loop from the working thread, while leaving the tip about twenty millimeters long.
  • We put the hook into this loop, grab the main thread, pulling it through the loop (but not tightening it).
  • Again we put the tool into the loop and thread the main thread through it and through the loop that was tied in the previous step to get a connecting post as a result. Do not forget to squeeze the junction of the threads of the first loop, otherwise your creation can easily bloom.
  • We make a few more crochet stitches, pulling the thread through the circle folded at the beginning, in the same way.
  • Having finished the first row, carefully pull the tip of the thread that was originally left so that the hole that remains in the middle becomes invisible.
  • The second version of crocheting a circle is also quite simple in execution and is suitable for products where a hole in the center is an indispensable element in the composition. For greater clarity, step-by-step instructions are supplemented with diagrams for beginners (see photo below):

  • We make a chain of the required number of loops, for example, of four.
  • We put the hook into the initial loop of the chain and pass the working thread through it.
  • We stretch the resulting loop through the last loop from the chain made. The result should be a ring, the future basis for all work.
  • We knit the required number of columns (without throwing) for the resulting ring (by the way, they can be done in two ways of knitting patterns: in the ring itself and in its loops).
  • Knitting a ring from a chain

    Instructions for knitting in a circle

    Although when crocheting in a circle, you can use different types of columns and semi-columns (both double crochet and single crochet), that is, the scope for imagination is unlimited, we must not forget to follow the most important rules that will help you make a great knitted product with your own hands:

    • It is necessary to start and finish needlework around the circumference in the same way, namely: at the beginning of work, you will definitely have to throw on several lifting loops so that at the end you can knit half-columns from the last column into the first column to connect the beginning and end of work.
    • Remember the usefulness of auxiliary materials: use pins or threads of various colors to mark the first loops of each row (this will help you quickly and accurately find them).
    • Be careful when distributing the posts around the perimeter: they should be evenly spaced.
    • Follow the diagrams in the process of your creation.
    • If single crochets are used in the product, it is imperative to start knitting with three columns, and in the new chain their sum doubles (six loops should be obtained in the end). In the future, the canvas must be divided into six parts. In subsequent rows, the number of loops will increase by one for each of the shares, as a result, six loops are added to each line of the entire product (see diagram below).

    Diagram of a circle of 6 loops

    If the product should have double crochets, knitting in a circle with knitting needles begins with six single crochets or six loops. In the new row, the amount of loops is doubled, that is, the output is already twelve. Accordingly, further knitting must be divided into twelve parts. In the following lines, the number of loops will also increase by one for each of the parts, so twelve loops are gradually added in the rows of the product.

    Knitting pattern for a circle of 12 loops

    A detailed plan and pattern for knitting in a circle with a crochet is shown below:

    • If a large number of cast-on stitches are required, as when knitting a shawl, then four more stitches should be added in each new row than in the previous one. For example, if there are two crochets in the initial column, then in each next row their number is added by sixteen loops, three - by twenty, and then by analogy.
    • If you need to knit a round-shaped product with half-columns (also with a throw), then eight loops are added to the next row. For example, if the first circle contains four loops, then the second will consist of eight. Next, the circle is divided into eight shares, and at the beginning of each of these parts you need to knit one half-column with a crochet.

    That's all the basic knitting tips for beginners who want to know how to crochet in a circle. For greater clarity, it is recommended to view thematic videos and photographs.

    Crocheting is a very entertaining activity. In addition, this is a great way to acquire exclusive things and get pleasure from work at the same time. And if the process itself is just crocheting in a circle, then it is also incredibly simple.

    Where does knitting begin?

    For beginners in this business, the whole process begins with the simplest - mastering the basic types of loops and the simplest knitting techniques. There are only three loops to remember: air, single crochet and double crochet. All crochet is based on various techniques for knitting these columns. This allows you to get complex at first glance and incredibly beautiful patterns. The simplest technique is crocheting in a circle. With it, as a rule, the development of this type of needlework begins.

    Friends since childhood

    Perhaps, each of us is familiar with beautiful colored pillows, various blankets, openwork napkins and thin delicate tablecloths that our caring grandmothers knitted on long winter evenings. As a rule, all their various crafts are made in almost the same way, that is, in the same technique. The difference is only in the thickness and composition of the thread, and also in the diameter of the hook. The skill of the knitter also matters. And all you need to understand is how to crochet in a circle. The scheme can be taken from any magazine, or it can be a momentary improvisation. The main thing is to understand the basics.

    Preparatory stage

    At the very beginning, consider how to crochet a circle. For beginners, this may seem complicated, however, once you figure out the details once, this process will no longer be difficult. In order to start knitting a circle, you usually need to simply close a certain number of air loops with a connecting column. And further work is performed from the resulting ring. There is another way to start such knitting. To do this, we form a circle of the desired size by simply wrapping the thread several times around the fingers. And then, performing further knitting, we finally tighten it and adjust the diameter of the hole. So, when we decide what we want to get at the end, we need to choose a pattern according to which we will knit. Next, we will determine the composition and thickness of the thread, the size of the hook. This completes the preparatory phase.

    Beginning of knitting

    First of all, you need to determine what shape the finished product will have. Regardless of whether it is a circle, a square or a hexagon, crocheting in a circle is the same. The difference will be that for a square or other polygon, you will need to expand only at the corners of the product. Then we determine the approximate size of the future product. The number of air loops that will form the basis of knitting depends on this.

    Just about complex

    Consider the simplest option - knitting a round element according to a simple pattern:

    1. First row. We collect 3-5 air loops and close them into a ring.
    2. Second row. Knit 3 air loops for lifting. In the future, they will serve as a double crochet. Knit 8 such columns. Together with the lifting loops, we should get 9 columns. Finish the row with a connecting loop.
    3. The third and each subsequent row. When crocheting in a circle, we start by knitting 3 air loops. Next, expand the element. Knit each double crochet of the previous row 2 times. Thus, closing the 3rd row, we get 18 columns.

    At first, when you crochet in a circle, the pattern should be in front of your eyes. In the fourth row, we expand gradually. And for this we double every third column. In the fifth row - every fourth, in the sixth - fifth, and so on. Thus, crocheting in a circle is completely uncomplicated. The main thing is to make sure that the additions in the rows are carried out evenly, otherwise the product will bulge ugly. As mentioned above, for a square, the addition of loops will be carried out only at the corners of the product.

    Crocheting a circle for beginners is a great workout. It is not for nothing that those who comprehend all the wisdom of this skill begin with knitting all kinds of napkins. After the technique itself is mastered, you can complicate the patterns and get a variety of products.

    Complex from simple

    In order to better understand the process, it is recommended to first master knitting in a circle. Crocheting is incredibly easy. You have only one loop in your work, you do not risk losing it by accident. And when knitting with knitting needles, this happens quite often. This allows you to work with a hook almost everywhere: at home in front of the TV, in transport, in line at the clinic.


    Crocheting in a circle, despite the simplicity of the process, allows you to make the most unexpected things. In addition to napkins, pillows and blankets, you can create clothes of any complexity. Moreover, it can be both small individual elements and large parts made in a similar technique.

    Beautiful napkins, fashionable hats, luxurious tablecloths... All these products can be knitted using simple tools: needlework hook and thread. Creating original and, at first glance, incredibly difficult work is actually not difficult at all. The secret of mastery lies in mastering the technique of knitting several figures, familiar to most from geometry lessons. The circle is one of the most common among them. You can learn a beginner thanks to this small master class. It is enough to follow the simple rules described below.

    How to start crocheting a circle

    There are two main ways to crochet a base circle:

    1. Knit a circle, starting with one loop.
    2. Knit a circle, starting with a chain consisting of several loops.

    Thread ring with knitting needles

    The first option is better suited if you need to create a rounded product without a hole in the center. For example, at . To achieve the desired result, you must follow the instructions below step by step.

    1. We make a loop from the working thread, while leaving the tip about twenty millimeters long.
    2. We put the hook into this loop, grab the main thread, pulling it through the loop (but not tightening it).
    3. Again we put the tool into the loop and thread the main thread through it and through the loop that was tied in the previous step to get a connecting post as a result. Do not forget to squeeze the junction of the threads of the first loop, otherwise your creation can easily bloom.
    4. We make a few more, pulling the thread through the circle folded at the beginning, in the same way.
    5. Having finished the first row, carefully pull the tip of the thread that was originally left so that the hole that remains in the middle becomes invisible.

    The second version of crocheting a circle is also quite simple in execution and is suitable for products where a hole in the center is an indispensable element in the composition. For greater clarity, step-by-step instructions are supplemented with diagrams for beginners (see photo below):

    1. We make a chain of the required number of loops, for example, of four.
    2. We put the hook into the initial loop of the chain and pass the working thread through it.
    3. We stretch the resulting loop through the last loop from the chain made. The result should be a ring, the future basis for all work.
    4. We knit the required number of columns (without throwing) for the resulting ring (by the way, they can be done in two ways: in the ring itself and in its loops).

    Knitting a ring from a chain

    Instructions for knitting in a circle

    Although when crocheting in a circle, you can use different types of columns and semi-columns (both double crochet and single crochet), that is, the scope for imagination is unlimited, we must not forget to follow the most important rules that will help you make a great knitted product with your own hands:

    • It is necessary to start and finish needlework around the circumference in the same way, namely: at the beginning of work, you will definitely have to throw on several lifting loops so that at the end you can knit half-columns from the last column into the first column to connect the beginning and end of work.
    • Remember the usefulness of auxiliary materials: use pins or threads of various colors to mark the first loops of each row (this will help you quickly and accurately find them).
    • Be careful when distributing the posts around the perimeter: they should be evenly spaced.
    • Follow the diagrams in the process of your creation.
    • If single crochets are used in the product, it is imperative to start knitting with three columns, and in the new chain their sum doubles (six loops should be obtained in the end). In the future, the canvas must be divided into six parts. In subsequent rows, the number of loops will increase by one for each of the shares, as a result, six loops are added to each line of the entire product (see diagram below).

    Diagram of a circle of 6 loops

    If the product should have double crochets, knitting in a circle with knitting needles begins with six single crochets or six loops. In the new row, the amount of loops is doubled, that is, the output is already twelve. Accordingly, further knitting must be divided into twelve parts. In the following lines, the number of loops will also increase by one for each of the parts, so twelve loops are gradually added in the rows of the product.

    Knitting pattern for a circle of 12 loops

    A detailed plan and pattern for knitting in a circle with a crochet is shown below:

    • If a large number of stitches with a cast are required, as with, then four loops more should be added in each new row than in the previous one. For example, if there are two crochets in the initial column, then in each next row their number is added by sixteen loops, three - by twenty, and then by analogy.
    • If you need to knit a round-shaped product with half-columns (also with a throw), then eight loops are added to the next row. For example, if the first circle contains four loops, then the second will consist of eight. Next, the circle is divided into eight shares, and at the beginning of each of these parts you need to knit one half-column with a crochet.

    That's all the basic knitting tips for beginners who want to know how to crochet in a circle. For greater clarity, it is recommended to view thematic videos and photographs.

    In this lesson, we will continue to study, consider the circle rule, patterns and techniques for knitting circles with various types of columns.

    circular knitting starts with a central ring, which can be done in two ways, I talked about this in the last lesson,. Each circular row has a clear beginning and end. It starts with lifting loops that correspond to the height of the columns being performed, is knitted with the implementation of uniform increases and ends with a connecting column.

    In order for the circle to turn out flat and even, you need to follow the "circle rule".

    Circle rule for double crochets.

    If you knit with double crochets, then you should start with a chain of 6 ch, knit the first circular row of 12 double crochets, divide the circle into 12 wedges and evenly add 12 tbsp in each row. s / n on a circular row.
    Let's consider in more detail. This is how the knitting pattern for a double crochet circle looks like

    We collect a chain of 6 vp,

    we close it in a ring with the help of a conn. Art.

    1 row: we knit 3 chp,

    we close the row with the help of the connection. Art. (the hook is inserted into the upper lifting loop of this row)

    2 row: in this row we need to evenly add 12 tbsp. s / n, so in each loop we will knit 2 tbsp. s / n, we knit 3 vp,

    in the same loop of the base of the chain we knit another 1 tbsp. s / n,

    in each next loop we knit 2 tbsp. s / n to the end of the row.

    In total, in this row we should get 24 tbsp. s / n, do not forget that the lifting air loops are counted as 1 tbsp. s / n. We close the row with the help of the connection. Art. in the upper lifting loop of this row

    3 row: again we need to evenly add 12 tbsp in this row. s / n. We knit 3 v.p.p.

    knit 1 tbsp. s / n in the same base loop,

    in the next loop we knit 1 tbsp. s / n,

    then we make an increase, i.e. knit 2 tbsp. s / n in the next. loop

    So we alternate to the end of the row, in the next. we knit a loop 1 tbsp. s / n, in the next 2 tbsp. s / n, etc., we close the row with the help of the connection. Art. In this row, we should get 36 tbsp. s / n.

    4th row: we knit 3 chp, and 1 tbsp. s / n in the same loop of the base,

    in the next two loops we knit 1 tbsp. s/n

    in the next loop we make an increase and knit 2 tbsp. s/n

    Subsequent rows are knitted in the same way. This is how my flat circle of 8 rows looks like.

    I think now the principle of knitting in a circle is clear to you. Don't forget to look at the diagram. When knitting in a circle, the pattern is read counterclockwise.

    The circle rule for half double crochets.

    If you knit with half double crochets, then you should start with ch 4, knit the first circular row of 8 half double crochets, divide the circle into 8 wedges and add 8 half double crochets evenly in each row.

    On the diagram it looks like this

    Let's take a closer look

    We knit a chain of 4 ch. and close it in a ring with the help of Comm. Art.

    1 row: we knit 2 chp,

    We close the row with the help of the connection. Art. inserting the hook into the upper lifting loop of this row

    2 row: in the second row we need to evenly add 8 half-st. s / n, so in each loop we will knit 2 half stitches. s / n, we knit 2 v.p.p. and 1 half. s / n in the same loop of the base,

    We close the row with the help of the connection. Art. in the upper lifting loop for this row

    In this row, we should have 16 semist. s / n. (2 v.p.p. count as 1 half-st. s / n)

    3 row: again we need to evenly add 8 half-st. s / n. We knit 2 v.p.p. and 1 half. s / n in the same base loop

    in the next loop we knit 1 half. s / n,

    alternate to the end of the row, close the row with the help of the connection. Art.

    In this row, we should get 24 semist. s / n.

    3 row: we knit 2 ch.p.p. and 1 half. s / n in the same base loop

    in the next 2 loops we knit 1 half. s / n,

    and after. loop knit 2 half. s/n

    alternate 2 half. s / n and an increase to the end of the row, we close the row with the help of the connection. Art. In a row, you should get 32 ​​semist. s/n

    This is how a flat circle of 8 rows looks like for me, connected by a semist. s/n

    Subsequent rows are knitted in the same way.

    The circle rule for single crochets.

    If you knit circular rows with single crochets, then you should start with ch 3, knit the first circular row of 6 single crochets, divide the circle into 6 wedges and add 6 single crochets evenly in each row.

    This is what the diagram looks like

    Let's take a closer look

    Instead of 3 v.p. I decided to make the initial row from the loop. We knit 6 single crochets into it.

    Tighten the thread and close the row with the help of the connection. Art.

    2 row: in the second row we need to evenly add 6 single crochets, in each loop we will knit 2 tbsp. b/n. We knit 1 ch, then not in the same loop of the base, but in the next. we knit a loop 2 tbsp. b / n, (in the case of short rows of vpp, it is not considered a column - see), then we knit 2 tbsp in each loop. b / n to the end of the row

    we close the row with the help of the connection. Art., but in this case we introduce the hook not in the vpp, but in the first art. b / n of this row. In this row, you should get 12 tbsp. b/n

    3 row: in this row we again evenly add 6 tbsp. b/n. We knit 1 v.p.p. and 2 tbsp. b / n next. loop,

    in a trace. we knit a loop 1 tbsp. b/n,

    we close a series of connections. Art. in the first st. b / n of this row. In this row we have 18 tbsp. b/n.

    3rd row: knit 1 ch.p.p. and 2 tbsp. b / n next. loop,

    in the next 2 loops we will knit 1 tbsp. b/n,

    in the next we will make an increase and knit 2 tbsp. b / n in one loop

    so you need to alternate to the end of the row, in which you should get 24 tbsp. b/n. We close the row with the help of the connection. st., which we knit in the first st. b / n of this row

    Similarly, increases are made in subsequent rows. It looks like a circle of 8 rows, connected with single crochets

    With an increase in the number of yarns in the columns, plus 4 loops per circle are added, i.e.

    if we knit with double crochets - we add 12 loops per circle,

    if we knit with double crochets - we add 16 loops per circle,

    if we knit with columns with three crochets - we add 20 loops per circle, etc.

    Well, here we are with you and studied a simple knitting in a circle main types of columns.

    See you in the next lessons!

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