"The first day is the hardest." Adaptation of children to the conditions of kindergarten. Adaptation of a child in kindergarten: advice from a psychologist Three stages of getting used to kindergarten

Why is it difficult for children to get used to kindergarten and how can parents help them?

The question of kindergarten - to give or not to give, when is it better to give, how to help in adaptation - at some point arises in every family. Usually parents in such matters rely on personal experience, or examples of relatives and friends. Undoubtedly, attending a kindergarten has its pros and cons, but due to the busyness of parents and the inability to devote all the time to the child, most families still tend to the option of “giving to kindergarten”. Perhaps mom needs to go to work, but there is no one to sit with the baby. Or just parents want to socialize their baby as early as possible, teach him to communicate with other adults and children, in addition to the family. Be that as it may, the reasons may be different, but as a result, the baby is still brought to kindergarten.

And here the most interesting begins. Yours, so obedient and good earlier, the baby suddenly starts to throw tantrums, act up, refuses to fall asleep on his own. Or, on the contrary, it withdraws into itself, cries quietly, ceases to be interested in previously beloved toys and fairy tales. What is happening with your child? Will all this pass, or is it still necessary to take him out of the garden? When will the baby get used to the kindergarten? And, most importantly, how to help him?

We will try to find answers to all these questions in our article.

Adaptation is habituation, adaptation of the body to external changing conditions, that is, to a new environment. Such changes do not go unnoticed both for the psyche and for an adult, what can we say about a small child. After all, no one will argue that for the crumbs a kindergarten is a completely new, unfamiliar space in which new people and new relationships await him.

Let's try to understand the process of adaptation in more detail. Firstly, it requires a considerable expenditure of psychic energy, therefore it often provokes tension and even overstrain of the physical and mental forces of the body. Secondly, new conditions “burst” into the previously stable and measured life of the child:

  • the absence of close relatives - mothers, fathers, grandparents;
  • the need to follow a clear daily routine;
  • constant contact with a large number of peers who were previously unfamiliar to the baby;
  • a sudden decrease in the amount of personal attention to the baby - now he is no longer the “center of the universe”, as he used to be for his mother, and even the most humane and loving teacher is hardly able to pay a lot of attention to each child;
  • the need for submission and obedience to a previously unfamiliar adult - a teacher.

Already these few factors are enough to argue that the life of a child is changing dramatically. And, in addition to external changes in living conditions, the process of adaptation entails a large number of predominantly negative changes in the body of the crumbs. These changes occur at all levels and in all systems. We usually notice only the tip of the iceberg - violations of the behavior of the baby. But in fact, radical changes take place in the soul and body of the crumbs during this period - the baby is constantly in strong nervous tension, he feels severe stress or on the verge of stress. In addition, the following violations are often observed:

  1. Sleep disorders. The baby may refuse to fall asleep alone, or wake up at night.
  2. Decrease or loss of appetite.
  3. Speech regression - sometimes a baby, already perfectly able to speak complex sentences, suddenly plunges back into infancy, begins to use light words and monosyllabic sentences.
  4. Loss of self-care skills. Just as suddenly, it turns out that the baby "does not know how" to dress, undress, wash, eat, use a handkerchief on its own. And despite the fact that he had previously dealt with all this easily.
  5. Change in motor activity. A previously cheerful and active baby can suddenly become "inhibited", slow, insecure. Or, on the contrary, the child becomes uncontrollable, hyperactive, which was not observed before.
  6. Loss of interest in new things. You can observe that your previously curious "why" ceases to be interested in new toys, does not want to get acquainted with other children. He seems to fall into hibernation, and his cognitive activity fades away.
  7. Decreased social activity. The kid may refuse to make contact with peers and the caregiver. Even optimistic and sociable children become withdrawn, tense, non-contact, restless.
  8. Change of emotional background. In the first days of visiting the kindergarten, the child usually has more pronounced negative emotions: whimpering, crying - both “for company” and paroxysmal, fear (going to kindergarten, fear of the teacher, worries that the mother will not come for him), anger, aggression. It may seem that the child has no emotions at all. But you will hardly have to wait for a positive from the crumbs: a smile can only appear in response to a new bright stimulus (a non-standard toy, a fun game).
  9. Decreased immunity. During the adaptation period, the body's resistance to infections decreases, as a result of which the baby can get sick in the first weeks and even days of visiting the kindergarten.

Parents should understand that all these changes are not a whim of a child, but completely objective reactions to a changing environment that do not depend on the will of the crumbs. And, as soon as the adaptation is over, all these negative changes will go away. Many mothers expect this to happen in the first days of kindergarten and may become frustrated or even angry with the baby when this does not happen. But, according to experts, the average duration of adaptation to kindergarten is at least 3-4 weeks, and sometimes it can stretch for 2-4 months. Remember that your child is individual, and do not rush things!

Now we know what happens to the baby when we send him to kindergarten. But, nevertheless, there are children who get used to new conditions relatively quickly, there are those who need more time, and, finally, those who are actually unable to do this. Such differences indicate different types of adaptation. So, psychologists distinguish:

1. Easy adaptation- is 3-4 weeks. This type of adaptation is experienced by almost half of the children. Kids visit the garden without much loss, and there is even a desire to go there. All the changes we have described before are usually short-lived, pass quickly and do not cause disease.

Such a child:

  • enters the group calmly, carefully looks around;
  • looks into the eyes of the teacher when he addresses him;
  • can ask for help if necessary;
  • he is able to make contacts;
  • can occupy himself, uses substitute items in the game, that is, plays "pretend";
  • is in a stable calm or cheerful mood;
  • moderately emotional, his emotions are easy to recognize;
  • adopts established rules of conduct;
  • responds normally to approval or remark, and then independently changes his behavior;
  • knows how to be kind to other children, to play next to them.

2. Adaptation of moderate severity. Children in this group often begin to get sick, but it does not come to nervous disorders. Such a reaction of the baby's body is quite understandable: in the kindergarten, children begin to actively "exchange" various infections, which for some can be completely harmless, but for others - dangerous. Therefore, many children in the period of adaptation to the kindergarten begin different acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections. In this case, a doctor can help the baby - timely measures taken will reduce the risk of the crumbs falling ill, and his adaptation will approach favorable.

Toddler experiencing moderate adjustment:

  • agrees to communicate when he likes the actions of the educator;
  • after the first minutes of tension, gradually ready to make contact with other children, can expand the game;
  • adequately responds to encouragement and comments addressed to him;
  • can conduct a kind of experiment, violating the norms and rules of behavior.

Adaptation of this type takes an average of a month and a half, sometimes in the process of getting used to the child gets sick. But, as a rule, the disease does not give any complications.

3. Heavy adaptation. In such cases, the baby tends to react to a change of scenery not only with colds, but also with a nervous breakdown. This option, of course, is the most unfavorable.

With this type of adaptation, the baby:

  • does not make contact, or agrees to communicate only with the help of parents;
  • anxious, closed;
  • does not detain attention on toys, passes from one to another;
  • can't deploy the game;
  • gets frightened in response to the remark or encouragement of the educator, seeks support from the mother, or does not react at all.

A pediatrician and a child psychologist, in some cases a neuropathologist, can help a crumb who is experiencing a difficult adaptation. And, of course, do not forget about the important role of parents in this difficult process of addiction.

Of course, all these types of adaptation are very conditional. After all, each kid in his own way gets used to a new life in the garden. Someone needs only a week to adapt, someone needs a month, and someone, maybe six months. The length of the adjustment period depends on many factors, including:

  • baby's temperament. Usually choleric and melancholic people adapt to new conditions worse and longer than sanguine people;
  • the state of health of the crumbs;
  • family environment;
  • the level of readiness of parents (yes, yes, that's right!) For such an important event in the life of the crumbs.

To help your child successfully adapt to kindergarten, listen to the simple recommendations of experts:

1. Before visiting the kindergarten, carefully prepare by teaching the crumbs the skills of independence. The child must be able to:

  • eat independently, using a spoon, fork, mug;
  • wash;
  • dress and undress;
  • use a pot;
  • use a handkerchief.

When the baby masters all these tricks, his adaptation process will be much easier.

To make it easier for the baby to undress and dress himself, buy him comfortable and practical things without extra fasteners and zippers. It is better if they fasten with buttons than with buttons. Then the child will be able to easily cope with changing clothes himself, without involving the educator once again.

The same comfort requirements apply to shoes. It should hold well on the leg, not press, not fly off, and be fixed with Velcro. Then the baby will be able to change shoes alone. Before taking the clothes to the kindergarten, practice dressing and shoes with the crumbs at home. If the baby is already used to such an outfit, it will be easier and faster for him to change clothes in the garden.

2. Tune your baby in a major way. Tell him how great it is that he has already become so big and has grown to a kindergarten. Explain to the baby where he has to go, what he will do there, read fairy tales about visiting the kindergarten, play “kindergarten” with toys, walk in the garden. If there is such an opportunity, introduce the baby to the teacher in advance - then when she enters the kindergarten, she will no longer be a “stranger aunt” for him.

3. Try to observe a clear daily routine, as close as possible to the "sadovsky". It is advisable to start such preparation at least a month before visiting the garden. That is, roughly your daily routine should be like this:

  • 7-30 - get up, wash, brush your teeth, get dressed;
  • 8-30 - the time of arrival in the kindergarten;
  • 8-40 - breakfast reception;
  • 10-30 -12-00 - walk;
  • 12-15 - 12-45 - lunch;
  • 13-00 - 15-00 - daytime sleep,
  • 15-30 - afternoon snack.

Of course, this schedule is approximate, and it is better to clarify exactly “your” mode in the garden.

In order to get up easily in the morning, it is best to lie down in the evening no later than half past nine or nine. So you can prepare the baby for the regimen, and when he enters the garden, this will no longer be stressful for him. By the way, and then, when the baby will already go to the garden, do not change his regimen on weekends. Of course, you can let him sleep a little longer, but you should not significantly shift the daily routine.

4. In the evening after kindergarten, share with the baby the impressions of the day. Ask him how his day went, what he did in kindergarten, who he played with, what he liked best. Tell him about your day, what made you happy. And be sure to carefully consider the complaints of the baby. If the child complains about the teacher and because of her does not want to go to the garden, carefully ask the baby what exactly he does not like. It is possible that the baby fantasizes a little, this is quite characteristic of the child's psyche at an early age. Try to talk to the teacher - discuss with her the upbringing and behavior of your crumbs. In most cases, you can fix the situation together. In addition, no one forbids you to look at the teacher, for example, taking the baby a little earlier than usual. Pay attention to how she communicates with children. If something worries you, you can always transfer the baby to another group in the garden.

If your child seems tormented and nervous, do not panic ahead of time. Such a reaction is quite natural for the first days of adaptation. After all, the baby is not yet ready for so much new information and emotions. Give him time to adjust without scolding him for bad behavior, not knowing the rules, or not wanting to follow them. Not all at once. Give the baby the opportunity to "discharge" at home - play pranks, make a little noise and run.

5. In the presence of the child, always speak positively about the teachers and the garden. Even if you don't like something, don't say it out loud in front of your child. Your assessment is very important for the baby, and it will be much easier for him to go to kindergarten, respecting the teachers. You can tell your friends what a good kindergarten you have chosen for your crumbs and what wonderful people work there.

6. Tell your baby when you take him home, and be sure to keep your promises. If the baby knows that his mother will come after dinner, or after a walk, he will be calmer and more confident. But do not deceive the trust of your child - do not be late, do not come later than promised.

7. Do not overload the nervous system of the crumbs during the adaptation period. Do not wean him at this time from "bad" habits, for example, from the pacifier. He has a lot of changes now, and there is no need to add more tension. It is also worth temporarily stopping visits, to the theater, to the circus, to transfer vaccinations, to reduce TV viewing.

8. Create a conflict-free and calm atmosphere for your baby at home. Do not forget about the constant manifestations of love: hug the baby more often, say gentle words, stroke the head. Be sure to celebrate his successes, praise. After all, the baby now most of all needs your support and warm participation!

9. When leaving, part with the baby quickly and easily. Long goodbyes will cause more tears, and your worried face will give the baby the alarm that something might happen to him in the kindergarten.

10. Come up with your farewell ritual - kiss, say "bye-bye", wave your hand. Such constancy will help the baby quickly get used to the new conditions.

11. If it is very difficult for the baby to part with his mother, make sure that the first few weeks the baby is taken to the kindergarten by dad or grandparents.

12. Bring your baby to kindergarten a little earlier or a little later than other parents. Thus, unnecessary tears "for the company" can be avoided.

13. Give the baby to the kindergarten his favorite toy. Holding something soft to him that reminds him of home, the baby will become much calmer.

14. Get ready for kindergarten in the evening. Say what toy the baby will take with him, what he will wear, put everything in a bag and put it in the corridor.

15. Be patient with your baby's whims. Remember, they appear from an overload of the nervous system. It is better to hug the child, calm him down, play together.

16. Both in the kindergarten and at home, talk to the baby confidently and calmly. Be friendly and persistent when changing clothes, waking up in the kindergarten. Voice all your actions. Such simple recommendations will help the baby to believe that everything is fine, and nothing will happen to him in the kindergarten.

17. Dress your child appropriately according to the temperature in the group. Excessive wrapping is not conducive to health.
18. If you notice strong deviations from the usual behavior of the crumbs, seek help from a doctor or child psychologist.

19. Teach your child to kindergarten gradually. At first, it is enough to leave it in the garden for 1-2 hours. After a week or two, the time spent in the group can be increased. After another two or three weeks, you can leave the crumbs in the kindergarten until bedtime. And only after all this try to leave it in the garden for the whole day.

20. If you notice the first signs of infection in the crumbs - sneezing, runny nose, coughing - immediately take him home and call a doctor. This way you can avoid possible complications.

21. Talk to your doctor about what measures can be taken to prevent ARI. Perhaps it will be sprays based on sea water, or other preparations.

22. If possible, strengthen the immune system of the crumbs with the help of stabbing and walking. Ventilate the rooms regularly, leave the window open at night.

23. Remember: the cause of constant colds most often lies in the psyche. Experts call this phenomenon "flight into disease." This does not mean that the baby is deliberately catching a cold. No, the baby does not realize this to himself, but the body begins to weaken, easily amenable to negative influence. Therefore, it is important not only to carry out physical measures to improve the health of the baby, but also to help him restore spiritual harmony.

Taboo list for parents

  1. You can’t punish, scold, shame a child for crying and not wanting to go to kindergarten.
  2. You can not compare the behavior of the crumbs with the behavior of other children. Better show him how much you love him!
  3. You can not scare the baby kindergarten. After all, a place that frightens is unlikely to ever become safe, much less loved.
  4. You can’t coax a baby with promises of gifts if he agrees to go to kindergarten.
  5. You can not speak negatively about the kindergarten and educators with the child. So you will only increase his anxiety, and he will start to think that the kindergarten is a bad place with bad people.
  6. You can not deceive the baby, promising him that you will come very soon, and leaving him for the whole day in the kindergarten. Let him know better that he will have to wait a long time for his mother than he will lose confidence in you forever.
  7. You can not take a sick child to kindergarten.

And most importantly, remember: until the moment when going to kindergarten becomes a joyful and familiar thing for the crumbs, a lot of time can pass. Undoubtedly, the period of adaptation to kindergarten is not easy not only for the baby, but also for the mother, because it is not very easy to immediately entrust the upbringing of your child to strangers. Don't expect addiction to go away very quickly. It is quite possible that in order to get used to the absence of a mother nearby and the need to contact a large number of peers, the baby will need its own, certain amount of time. Give him that time!

Anna Kutyavina

According to Russian legislation, the age of children at which it is already possible to stop being completely dependent on their mother and become pupils of a kindergarten is 1.5 years. It is up to this point that parents receive benefits for caring for their baby. Many psychologists of the old school also argue that this is the most optimal time for children to get used to kindergarten, citing the lack of awareness in a child of this age where he is better, so that the first days in kindergarten are less painful. But often the baby can hardly adapt to a new environment.

Why difficulties arise during the period of getting used to the kindergarten

However, it often happens that for the first time a child comes to kindergarten at 4 years old, or even at 5 years old. A long queue for a place in a municipal children's institution, the ability of a mother to be on parental leave until the baby is 3 years old, helper grandmothers - all this plays a role. And by this time, the baby is already forming the foundations, he asks questions: “Why am I being taken there? Why should I leave my mother? Why should I obey someone else's aunt?" This complicates his adaptation to life. However, you can always find a way to prepare the ground as carefully as possible so that children get used to a new life painlessly. When the decision to send the baby to kindergarten has already been made, at first it is not he who worries, but the parents. After all, they perfectly understand: if before the child spent all his time with his mother, in a mode that was convenient for both of them, now he will have to get used to a completely new environment, new food, new requirements, which makes huge changes in his life. No matter how parents prepare for this moment, accustoming the baby to a regime close to the kindergarten, changing the menu and conducting training sessions, it is impossible to recreate the conditions of a preschool institution in your home. What to do so that these changes do not become the strongest stress for the baby? After all, the hatred that arose in the first days in kindergarten will determine the child's attitude to staying in institutions for children for months, if not for years to come.

Psychological attitudes for the child

As evidenced by reviews of kindergartens from parents, a lot depends on the teacher who will replace them for the whole day five days a week. Therefore, if possible, it is better to get acquainted in advance with the teachers of the group in which the baby was enrolled. You should not leave the child in the kindergarten, like a thing, in a hurry to leave as soon as possible - this will cause him a shock and further protest, which will be difficult to overcome. It is important for the kid to feel safe and be sure that he was not abandoned there. It is necessary to mentally prepare him with stories about where he will go, what awaits him there. Usually children tend to communicate with their peers, so such a conversation can be an incentive for the desire to get there.

In the first days in kindergarten, it is better to leave the child only until lunch: he will be able to communicate with other children, play with new toys for him, but will not have time to miss mom and dad. In some kindergartens, it is allowed for parents to sit in the field of view of the baby for several days. So he will perceive such a trip to the kindergarten as an ordinary walk with his mother - this is also an alternative option for a more successful adaptation of the crumbs.

In kindergarten, the child is still captured by new opportunities, new friends, and if the parents correctly and calmly help him get comfortable, then every morning will not start with a spoiled mood for both him and adults.

Is your child going to kindergarten this fall? If so, you probably want your child to accept the changes in his life as calmly as possible, get along with caregivers and other children, and go to kindergarten every morning with joy and without whims.
But often parents do not behave quite correctly and unwittingly prevent the baby from adapting to kindergarten. Ekaterina Kes, a child and family psychologist, tells how this happens and how to avoid the most common mistakes.

For many years of my psychological practice, every autumn I am approached by parents whose children are having a hard time. In this article, I want to tell you about the most common mistakes that parents make when sending their child to kindergarten. Because of these mistakes, the baby, as a rule, develops a negative attitude towards the kindergarten, fears and anxieties, and adaptation is delayed for many months. It is important to know about these mistakes so that you do not make them and do not harm your baby.

Mistake #1 - "Mom Disappears"

When a mother comes to kindergarten for the first time with her child, the baby is often relaxed and interested in what she sees. The fact is that he has not yet had the experience of being in the garden without his mother. That is why children often stay in the kindergarten quite cheerfully on the first day, and on the second and third days they already go with resistance. As we know, it is easy to attract the attention of a small child with something new and interesting. Therefore, the baby boldly moves away from his mother and is fond of new toys and children in the group. Most likely, he has already heard from his mother more than once that his mother will leave him in the group, but in his mind, while his mother is waiting for him in the corridor. Or maybe he forgot that mom was going to leave.

And here is what happens next. Mom is very happy that the child is interested in the game, and quietly, so as not to “scare” him, runs away without saying goodbye to the child and not informing him that he is leaving. Now imagine how a small child feels, whose mother suddenly disappeared for no one knows where, without saying goodbye, and it is not known when she will come and whether she will come at all. For a child, this is like getting lost in a huge supermarket. And even if the 10 kindest people calm the baby and offer him sweets and toys, he will be terribly scared, seized with fear and anxiety. Even if you have told your child many times that he will be alone in kindergarten, without his mother, never leave unnoticed.

The child has a feeling that now the mother can suddenly disappear at any moment of his life, without warning and without saying goodbye to him, that is, he can simply lose his mother. And he literally “sticks” to her both psychologically and physically for many months, afraid to lose sight of her. In many cases, the kindergarten simply has to be postponed for at least six months, because the child falls into hysterics at the slightest mention of the kindergarten, not to mention the fact that he goes there.

Mistake #2 - "Long stay"

Some parents believe that it is better to leave the child immediately for half a day or the whole day, so that he quickly gets used to the children and the teacher. This is a mistake. A visit to the kindergarten should begin gradually. There are different visiting schemes that psychologists recommend to follow. The general idea is this: first come and walk on the same playground where the group walks, then bring the child to the group for 30 minutes - 1 hour during free play activities and wait for the child in the corridor and then pick it up. Gradually, the child gets used to the children, and to the teacher, and to the environment. Then you can leave it alone for 1-2 hours, then from morning until lunch, then with lunch, then pick it up after the walk. After a while, leave for lunch and pick up, then leave for daytime sleep and pick up. Then leave for the whole day. There are no clear guidelines for how long each stage should last. You need to look at the well-being of the child and at your maternal intuition.

Mistake #3 - "Wrong daily routine"

Many parents do not think about how the daily routine of the child today corresponds to the daily routine that will need to be followed when kindergarten begins. It will be extremely difficult for a child who is used to going to bed after 22.00 to wake up at 7 in the morning. And in the kindergarten, as a rule, you need to get up very early. Remember how your baby feels when he does not get enough sleep? He rubs his eyes, is capricious, does not understand what he wants, becomes whiny. Children whose parents did not transfer to the kindergarten mode of the day in advance are immediately visible in the group in the mornings in the first days. They rub their sleepy eyes, they are whiny and irritable, painfully perceive everything that happens around.

The way a child feels in the first days in kindergarten leaves an imprint on all his subsequent attitude towards this place. Remember the saying: You never get a second chance to make a first impression. This fully applies to kindergarten. In order for the child's first experience in kindergarten to be colored with positive colors, do not be too lazy to transfer your baby to the correct mode in advance. Then he can wake up easily and go to the group in a good mood!

Mistake #4 - "Fast fees"

This error partly echoes the previous one. Since it is a pity for parents to wake up the baby and they want him to sleep as long as possible, they wake him up almost “back to back” by the time when he already needs to go to the kindergarten. As a result, the preparations turn out to be nervous, hasty, the mother does not have time to give the baby the attention and tenderness that he needs, especially when he is still basking in bed. The child only hears: “Come on soon”, “Come on faster”, “We are late for kindergarten”, “Let's talk later”, etc. Often the baby in the morning still cannot think well and the mother gets annoyed, raises her voice and the whole morning turns out to be chaotic and conflicting. The mood is spoiled for everyone, and the child goes to the kindergarten in upset feelings, like the mother, who no longer has the moral strength to say some kind parting words.

Therefore, wake up yourself and wake up the baby in advance so that you have enough time for unhurried preparations so that you can pay attention to the baby while he is in bed - give a massage, stroke the legs and head, sing a song, tickle, kiss and other gentle words and actions. All this is so important for a good mood for both of you! Go to the kindergarten in advance, too, with plenty of time, so that you are not nervous on the way yourself and can set your child in a positive way.

What is a Farewell Ritual?

Well, we have sorted out with you 4 common mistakes that you definitely won’t make now! I am sure that you will be able to gradually transfer your baby to a new daily routine, you will wake up in the kindergarten and leave in advance, in the group you will leave the child gradually and will always inform him that you are leaving and say goodbye correctly.

For other common parenting mistakes and how to avoid them, see my

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The arrival of a child in kindergarten is an important stage in your and his life. How many interesting and necessary things the child will discover in him, how many difficulties he will overcome, how much joy he will experience! It is important to know about the features of the first days of the adaptation period.



Advice on the topic:

"Adaptation of the child in the first days of being in kindergarten"

Admission to kindergarten is a significant event, a new period in a child's life. And it is not always possible to predict how the child will enter this new life. Preschool childhood is a unique period in a person's life, when health is strengthened, personal development is carried out. During this period, the child is completely dependent on the adults around him - parents, teachers. The first days, weeks, and sometimes even months pass in excitement and great tension for all participants in the pedagogical process. With the arrival of a child in kindergarten, a new page of his life opens. The kid enters a new world where he learns to play, make friends and build relationships with his peers. The child acquires the first experience of collective communication. Not all children accept immediately and without problems a new environment and strangers. Some of them cry, others silently worry. Some easily enter the group, but cry at home in the evening, others agree to go to kindergarten in the morning, and before entering the group they begin to act up. Pedagogical practice has shown that the older the child, the faster he is able to adapt.

There are certain reasons that affect the behavior of children during the adaptation period:

1. Anxiety associated with a change in environment and regime. A child from a familiar, calm home atmosphere, where the mother is nearby and can come to the rescue at any moment, finds herself in an unfamiliar room, where she meets friendly, but strangers. It can be difficult for him to adapt to the norms and rules of life in a preschool group. In kindergarten, they are taught a certain discipline, but at home it was not always important. In addition, the child’s personal daily routine is violated, which can provoke tantrums and unwillingness to go to kindergarten.

2. The first negative impression of visiting kindergarten.

It can be decisive for the child's future stay in preschool (someone took a toy from him, accidentally pushed him, did not take him into the game, did not share the toy, etc.).

3. Psychological unpreparedness of the child for kindergarten.

This problem is the most difficult and may be associated with individual characteristics of development. Most often this happens when the child lacks emotional communication with his mother.

4. Lack of self-care skills, which greatly complicates the child's stay in kindergarten.

5. Excess of impressions.

In kindergarten, the child experiences many new positive and negative experiences. He can overwork, be nervous, cry, be capricious.

6. Personal rejection of the educator or other employee.

This phenomenon is not necessary, but it is possible. We can give some advice to parents whose children will attend pre-school institutions in the near future, how to help their kids during the adaptation period.

To reduce anxiety and positively influence the child's adaptation to new living conditions, it is necessary to accustom him to kindergarten gradually. Create and observe a daily regimen in advance, that is, sleep, games and meals that correspond to the DOW regimen.

In order for the child to attend kindergarten with joy and interest, preschool teachers invite parents to come to the group and get acquainted with its routine, environment, and didactic material that is used in and out of the classroom.

The team of kindergarten teachers strives to show parents that the institution has created a safe, pedagogically competent and psychologically comfortable environment for the development of the child and strengthening his health.

Among other things, the task of typhlopedagogues and psychologists is to increase the psychological and pedagogical awareness of parents. To mitigate emotional stress when a child visits a kindergarten group, preschool teachers offer the mother to spend some time with the child (the time is set individually). In kindergarten, the child enters an environment that is different from home conditions. The baby significantly expands contacts with peers, with unfamiliar adults, but at the same time his mother is next to him. Namely MOTHER is the main figure for the child.

When meeting the parents of future pupils, the typhlopedagogue tries to establish trusting relationships, get to know the family better, their psychological and pedagogical culture. The purpose of the work in this period of time is to create the most favorable conditions for the adaptation of the child to kindergarten.

The arrival of a child in kindergarten is an exciting event for the whole family. Often, preparation for this important stage in the life of a baby is accompanied by a deterioration in the child's well-being, exacerbation of illnesses, and psychological problems. In the article we will consider the subtleties and details of adaptation to kindergarten.

Adaptation to the conditions of kindergarten

The child's body must adapt to new conditions. Once in a new environment, the baby experiences great mental stress, which is expressed through crying, negative emotions, and a sense of fear. The baby is afraid of an unfamiliar environment, it seems to him that his parents will not come for him at the end of the day. Therefore, they often do not leave their parents, often beat them and throw a tantrum.

Types of adaptation

The duration of the adaptation process largely depends on the personal individual qualities of children. But, in general, the adjustment period lasts from 2 to 4 weeks, depending on the age of the child. Full adaptation can be ascertained after two months. In severe cases, this period can last up to six months.

Experts subdivide several types of addiction to unfamiliar conditions in kindergarten:

  • Active adaptation. The kid experiences nervous tension from the first visit, it is difficult for him to part with his parents. This continues for two weeks, the addiction is gradual;
  • Passive addiction. The child behaves normally, there are no negative manifestations. But upon returning home, he begins to whims and anxiety. Sleep may be disturbed, constipation appears;
  • delayed adaptation. In the first days, the baby calmly attends the kindergarten, but after about 2-3 weeks, he starts tantrums and refuses to visit the kindergarten. After that, the baby goes through the usual adaptation stage;
  • Failed adaptation. The nervous system and psyche of the baby cannot cope with the adaptive load. He cannot get used to his peers, to an unusual environment. If the process lasts up to two months, it can be considered that the child is not ready to visit the kindergarten, or the conditions of this kindergarten or group are not suitable.

Age matters

It is not uncommon for parents to send their baby to daycare too early to return to work. But not always children are ready to visit the kindergarten and interact with their peers.

Important! Each kid is a bright individuality, but the optimal age for attending a kindergarten is the age of three years.

This is explained by the fact that until the three-year period, the child is psychologically closely connected with the mother, and by the age of three he goes through the crisis stage of growing up, becomes more independent and getting used to new conditions is easier.

From one to three years, a complex process takes place in the formation of relations between the child and parents, especially with the mother. Therefore, at this stage, tearing the baby away from her will be a mistake. This can provoke nervous tension in the crumbs and undermine the basic trust in the world.

A three-year-old kid already knows how to use cutlery on his own, tries to get dressed without outside help. These skills greatly facilitate the adaptation process.

Three stages of getting used to kindergarten

Adaptation to new conditions in the garden in different kids occurs in different ways. But there are three main stages of addiction:

  • Easy degree of adaptation. Most children easily adapt to unfamiliar conditions: they immediately begin to communicate with their peers, respond to the comments of the teacher. A daily visit to the kindergarten is not accompanied by whims and crying. On the contrary, the kid himself asks to be taken to kindergarten. Easy adaptation is accompanied by a favorable state of health of the child and can last up to a month;
  • Average degree. In such cases, the baby experiences some anxiety, but soon enters into communication with others and the tension disappears. Such children can sometimes break discipline in order to attract attention to themselves. In babies, respiratory diseases are observed, which is associated with a general stressful state. Average adaptation can last up to one and a half months;
  • Severe degree. In difficult adaptation situations, babies can experience severe colds and nervous breakdowns. The behavior of such children is characterized by fearfulness and anxiety. Children do not respond to offers of communication, do not look at toys, do not want to talk with the teacher. Parting with mom is accompanied by prolonged tantrums. With a long course of such a situation, parents should contact specialists to determine the psychological readiness of the child.

First day in the children's team

How the first visit will turn out largely depends on how the child will adapt to the new conditions. Therefore, it is very important to organize this day correctly.

The nature of the baby, of course, plays an important role in the process of getting used to the kindergarten. It is easier for sociable children to get used to a new team. And a closed child, when parting with his mother, can experience stress. It is important to remember that the child has the nature of a researcher, and once in new conditions, he will be interested in making new discoveries for himself. The task of parents is to help him in this.

On the first day, you can come with the baby. While the baby is having breakfast, mom can get acquainted with the menu. After being in a group for about an hour or two, you can return home with the baby. On the way, it is better to ask the baby about his impressions, to join his positive feedback.

First five days in kindergarten

  • First day went well;
  • On the second day stay can be extended up to a quarter of a full day. Let the child calmly play with the children, and you be near, in plain sight. So the baby will begin to study independently, but at the same time there will be confidence in him that he is not alone. Now you can agree with him that you leave for an hour and will return soon. When you return, you can take the baby home. You should not leave the kindergarten without warning the child, as you can undermine his confidence in you;
  • On the third day stay with the baby for about two hours. Then, explain to him that you have to leave for work, but at the end of the day you will definitely return for him;
  • On the fourth day you can also stay for two hours, and when you understand that the child is confident and calm, you need to explain to him the reason for your departure and make a promise to return by the end of the day;
  • On the fifth day you can bring the baby to the group and, after making sure that he is comfortable among his peers, hug and promise that you will pick him up at the end of the day. So the baby will remain in the group for the whole day.

This gradual habituation pattern often produces positive results.

What mistakes should be avoided

At the first visits to the kindergarten, experts recommend following some rules:

  • Morning preparations for kindergarten should not be rushed. To do this, it is better to get up early in order to have time to get ready, without putting pressure on the baby, whose mood may deteriorate due to haste;
  • Let the child take their favorite toy with them to kindergarten. Agree with the teacher if this is not allowed in this kindergarten. The toy can help the baby in a tense situation;
  • If the baby has found an exciting activity, you should not leave him and run away until he notices you. In the following days, the baby will not let you go and will throw tantrums when parting;
  • It often happens that in the first days the baby is interested in the group, and after a few days he starts crying, not wanting to stay in the kindergarten. The explanation lies in the fact that the research activity of the crumbs has ended. Parents should pick up the child early on such days;
  • When parting at the morning reception, after kissing the child, leave immediately. There's no need to drag out goodbye. Children tend to be distracted by interesting objects or events. In this, educators will help parents and children, captivating the baby with a cognitive game;
  • Parents must keep their promises. If you are unable to pick up your child on time, let them know ahead of time. Call the kindergarten, ask to pass the phone to the child, explain that you are late at work;
  • Often, mothers themselves cannot restrain their feelings during the morning parting. In such cases, the child, looking at the tear-stained face of the mother, thinks that the kindergarten is not a good place to stay. Know how to restrain feelings;
  • The appearance of the crumbs at the end of the day will tell you how the day went. If your eyes are teary, you will have to talk with the teacher, find out how you can fix the situation. If the hands are in paint or plasticine, then everything is fine, the baby was busy with useful cognitive activity, there is no reason for concern.